The telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1873, August 30, 1873, Image 4

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orj’Y affairs. HAfOr.m'V MOKNI.NO. AUGUST 30, 1873, Vnr Corra* Campbell * Jons* will rteeiT* r ght bales of now oollon from ots planter t d*y. I 1 tblppod tnm Mat a « Gocsr --Hit Honor found an empty d;«.V t • ysstorday morning Tb»t *“ fte flfU M» W O Bom, of Fir* Oompmry Ho R, re el feed yeatorday from * “«“*>« °* 0e<,r P 4 F re Company of Augusta, a pictorial rrprt- ■t atari on oi tb. ooMo« which took pUoa b*. t w ten Dtflanoa nod O.iello In AngntU laat >1/ y. Tb* piotnro represents two eery young ch lira, eridtntly j tut oa?of the obeli, engaged In I ootabat, which promise* tho «pe«dy dem- ollti on of the one or the other. Oas chick ■ a— *— - - . v ,, aho* ’* t ome algn of throwing np the sjong* ^ocarrtnoe cf tb. kind dnringtb. weak. ^ ^ ^ ..G.x-llc 217 ft. 2 In." ;og to be monotonous. Pu Loot.—A combination pin—Maaonic, O Id Fallow and Knlghta of Pythlaa— •»« lo,t n, in tha atreeta yesterday. The Under will be rewarded by '.caring It st this offloe. T«» Coctcrr OooaT—/alga Weems d.d not have to ait on a eingle caao yeaterday. lie ia- anad two warrant* against men for wife beat ing. and one agalnat a man and wife for riotona oondncL The Jodge aeama to be pacing the way for new* itema in the fntnre. Dmatb or a Viscubli Ladt.—Mrs. Bon ner, a cenerable lady, 82 yeara of ape, died in Morgan eoonty one day laat week. She was a utter of Mrs. Smith,(klrs. Dr. Collins’ mother,) of thlaeily. Mrs. Smith It now over eighty jeara of age. Her mother died at the adraneed age of nlnety.fiva. a. M. I. Cadct*.—The convention of ex- Oadeta of the Georgia Military Initilate will aaaemble in Atlanta next Monday. Those who lice in Meooa and who encourage this move ment. are requested to meet at tha offloe of MiloS. Freeman, this afternoon, at three o’clock, over Brown's bookatoro. Wioall attention to the advertisement In oar oolnmns of the University of Virginia, one of the Universities of highest rank in America. It Is founded on the elective ayatem, in its broad- Mt aenae, and la equally well adapted for those who desire to make apecial and professional at tainment aa for those seeking broad general enltnre. Thus Nrw Sroaa.—Meaara. Coleman ,tHow- som'a floe new store In Blake’s block la abont ready for occupation, and those gentlemen will remove their stock at an early day. Their new quarters will eflord them fine facilities for the trsnaaotion of business. They will have plenty of room, plenty of light and one of the finest elevator* In Maoon. Pmuo Schools.—We learn that at a oalled meeting of the Bibb County Board of Educa tion yeaterday, it was voted to establish a High Hobool, and Mr. J. H. Boberta was elected Principal. The Board also aooepted the propo sltlon of Mr. Dink to open his establiabment as a Pnbllo ttohool under Its supervision. The Pnbllo Schools of the elty will all open on the 1st day of Ootober next. Paxraudio to Ekxovk.—The Western Union Telegraph Company, preparatory to removing their office to Mulberry street, have been erect, log a new set of poles and ohanging the ditto tion of their lines through the oity. They now go down Matberry to Fifth and along Fifth to tb* railroads. They have pnt np a splendid set of new poles, stout enough to stand any amount of wind and weather. The Western Union offioo Is to be removed to the building now oocupied us an o'Hoe by the Central Kailroad and Banking Oompany. The latter will shortly remove to Blake's new block on Poplar street. PxnsoNiM.—Mr. Fleming D. Tinsley, of Bsymour, Tlnaley A. Co., has retnrned to the elty after fonr weeks' recreation. He spent two weeks at the While Bnlplutr In Virginia, ono week in New York, and one week in Sara toga, and had a good time all aronnd. Mr. 8. B. Jiquns, of Jiqnts & Johnson, bos gone on a business trip to the principal oitlea of the West and North. We had a oall yesterday from Mr. M. T. Christopher, of the Fort Valley Business Mirror. Wa had a pleasant oall yeaterday from Mr. William Btnkin, bookkeeper for the Bevannah Morning News, who lias been visiting and rns Hearing In North Georgia. Mr. O. H. Green, of Truman A Green, has retnrned after an absence of a oenple of weeks in North Georgia. Condition of the Wonuded Men. Yeaterday Mr. Braawcl! was in a much more hopeful oonditlou than he had been before ainoe his seoident. When aroused be was entirely oousolons end knew every one abont him. For the first time alnee his iojury, he was oonaolons yesterday morning of having loot his eye. Hia physicians now think be may recover. Mr. Hweeny's oonditlon yesterday was de cidedly hopeful. In faot there soems to bo lit tle donbt that he will recover. It would be al moat mlraoulous It both should get well, after so frightful a fall. , Police for the Fair. For the month, inoluding the two weeks that the* State Fair trill be in progress, the police force will have to be largely increased. The elty will want to £et the best men possible for this aarvloe, and it is possible that some who go on for thia special aorvioe will be retained during tha winter months. It is desirable to asoeriain, aa early as convenient, who want places npon (his speoial force, and In order to do so, those who want to serve are requested to send their applications to the Chief of Police at once. The applications must be handed in In writing, and all of them will be filed, and when the time oomec for au increase of the force the beat will be eelooted from among the applicants. All application! will receive due attention. Ksln and Katnbow. Aboat 6 o’clock yesterday morning a heavy cloud rolled np from the west, binrgeoned with thunder end ellve with eleotrloity. The prom- lee of e heavy shower at one time seemed to blaoken the whole wee tern sky, bnt the elond passed over with only a light ahower. When the oloud first billowed up, the sun was dUstng brightly In the east, and threw a mag- olfiesat rainbow aoroaa the hreaat of the elould, fairly Illuminating Ita darkness with the radi- •ooe of the prism,tio oolors. It was a finer display of this kind than one nsnallv sees in the morning, and those who were desirous of hsv- ing rain were reminded of A rainbow In tbs morning I* the shepherd’s warning. A Crash la Dry Goods. Quite a serious aooident happened in the dry gaods utore<*' Messrs. NassbinmA Danr.snbnrg about one o'clock yesterday. One of the yocng men was endeavoring to get a box of hats from a top shelf, when all the shelving on that aide of the store, folly one hundred feet of it. came down with a crash that created no little commotion in and abont the establishment. The shelves ware laden with dry goods, hits notions, oto., haooa, so far as the dry goods are concerned, only e small amount of lamege was done. Several flue show eases were badly wrecked, and the shelving was a total ruin. The letter, however, does not occasion ranch loss, aa the shelving was old and shackling. One of tbs clerks had one of his arms slightly * injured. Fortunately no one was r.t work on that aids of (he store, else seme one might have been vary serionaly hart. The wreckwli cleared away without delay, new thelving ordered in plaoe of the old, and business went on as canal. Ian Care far heafam. Our friend Tompkins, (wa eall him so simply tooaose that Is not his name) who has been a benedict only a year or two, has been troubled smartly of late by freqnent complaints by hia wifa of growing deafness in one ear. Yester day he o an eluded to try an experiment In order to Ascertain how dost his wife really was in that ■eer; so, telling her to slop her sonDd ear tight, iae arid, in a very low tone of voice, ‘‘Mies Mollis Bimpkins kissed me this morning." Tee effect was electrical. His first impression was that Stooeman had just arrived on the other aide of the river and had sent e shell over. Hia next impression was that hia personal safety consisted in his getting out of that bouse as •arty as practicable. He got out. He did not stand upoa the order of his getting, but be “got op and got* about two and a half inohei in ad- vanes of the bard end of the broom. People who imw him careering up the street say au egg coaid have rested upon his cost tail without the atightsat danger of falling. He is perfectly aau lilnd in regard to his wife's deafness. It oast Mss that new bonnet to gain admission to the ftow* la tli* wrsning. The other look* to be es plucky end frisky aa it con’d be In Ita first feathers, and appe*ra to be ebout to i sake a ahuffli that is to and the mor tal career of Us antagonist. This on. bears th legend “D aflanes ‘-’If < l i ln " l ' a ‘ , * r ,h whole ere tbe words, ‘‘Taken by special art!*! on tbs field. ” There can be no doubt of tht*. any one with only half au eye esn see th. exact likonea v represented by tbe two blrJs. Tbe boys o * DefWnoe No. 6 will hang tbe pie taro In tbeir e agios bonse, and will treasure II among tbe tro» hies won and to be woniofulnre contests. If arr r of the Girdles ever come over here they will 1 uve the pleasure of eeelng It, hanging side by »ide with other record, of gallantry, of whU * older companies might bo pTOQtS. Rnnorsxn O. E. Bosore has a Urge lot of fcrnltnre, matlre»e •*, ®to., to aell to day. It Mao s Ioe Comps >ny TickeU can be had at G. Yolgsr'a, Bcardmi n’s old oorner. angSOSt Micow. G.a, 28th Angus!, 1873 Messrs. J. H. Zsoxt A Co.—3oms years ago I was seriously affected with chronic ner vous dyspepsia to such an extent that my health was mnch impaired. Bo rapid was the advanoe of lb's insidious complaint that I soon felt that my constitution was broken- After suffering for several years I was advised to try Sim mens' Liver Begnlator, bat declined, because I bad oonoeived it to be “only patent medicine." At length, believing it could do no Jiarm, I yielded. In a few months I beoame not only relieved, lui all'jiutely cured, and for two years past I have been thoroughly restored to health aDd tbe enjoyments of life. I look upon the “Begnlator” ss a most rx- oellent mediolne, and will always have it by me to resist any insidious approaches of my old enemy. I write this in gratitude for the benefit which I have reoeived from the use of the BeguUtor. Beapeotfully, etc., ' W. B. Hall, Principal of Hall's Select School. ang203Awlw Maoon, Ga. Dr. A. II. Voorblcs In Macon. Maoon, Ga, August 27, 1673. Mr. Local: I enclose you a letter whleh I have reoeived fronDr. A. H. Voorhies, of Mem phis, who will visit this city on the 1st prox., at my requeit. Will you do me the favor to pub lish the same, thst those who may wish the servioes of an experienced osoallst may have an opportunity of consulting him. Very respectfnily, Bobt J. Hill, Americas, Gi. Gbutzx, Ga., August 24, 1873. Mr. IL J. Ilill. Macon: Deab Sib—Your letter, of yesterday’s date, soliciting my assistance in the_ relief of your eyes was reoeived to-day, and in reply, I will stale that I will be in Macon on Monday, the 1st of Seotember. I am, sir, yonrs truly. Alfskd H. Vooanixs, ang23 31 Memphis, Tenn, Two ncSDBXD boxes tin pistes Just arrived^- bought for cash. Inducements offered to cash purchasers. Ouvra, Doconasa A Go. ang23Ct. Ajg Ounce or raEVESTrvE Woain Ten FocndR or Cure —A course of Bimmons* Liver Regulator, commenced now, will purify and regulate the whole •vtteni—pricing it ill an altitude of complete do fence, with every vulnerable paint fori I led and guarded, and aa nearly invulnerable to unwhole some mUematlo inflaonooj as is passible for the human structure (o be. A PnKAaE Win a Taociaan grwrravs.— uy*. pepaia U the most perplexing of all burner , »n- manta lte symptoms are almost infinite in their variety. And the forlorn and despondent vie imm of the disease often fsoey themselves the J n ▼, in torn, of every knows malady. This is das. in pert, to the close sympathy which exists briv sen tbe stomeeh end tbe b sin. sad in part, sis to the feet that any disturbance of the d'geetiv , fnoc ion necfeeari'y disorder* the liver, the bow da tnd tbe nervous system, and streets, to some - extent, the quality of the blood. A medicine thi t, like Hos- tettei's Bitters, not on'y tones the str mseh bnt at tbs same time oontro's tbe Hver, prod* ess a regular habit of fc«ly. brier* tha nerves, purifies the fluids and ‘‘min-steratoa mind diseased.”!* there fore the true and on'y specAo for chronic indiges tion Fnrh is the operations of this famous vert- (*!>!# rest revive. It not only cure#dyspepsia, but al.n all con.-omltan'e till consequences. More over. It Is Invaluable as a preventive of indigee- II ,n No one alio chooses to take half a wine- glamfsl of this sgreesbia appeiizer and stomachic haMtuaTy three times a day will ever be troubled .lilt oppi ee.ion after eating, nausea, bout eructa tions, or any other indieatljna of a want of vigor la the d gretive and assimilating organ. Tbe de bility and languor superinduced by hot weather ir immediately and permanently relievod by tha r ten, and persons who are oooatitntionally lr c ] lne j to look rpon life “aa through a glass, darV] y * ^ be apt to take’s brighter and more h'jp*},!] Tiew of the situation noder the genial L- flaenee of this wholesome medicinal stimulant. MIKCIAL ASD COMMERCIAL | Latest Market Kepoi ts bj Tdegntph FINANC.IAL. Niw Yoke—Noon—Gold ‘if*. F xo hx D)fa long I BOARDING. ^™!'; dn S !.“^e m ’^f'ut, t t,0CiS I S “ .*£i t0 ° ma - Urge DeW ’ «“ h* had TICE. ■\ riLO 8. FltEEMiN will represent me dnrinir XU. my abeenoo. Maooc. Augnst 23. 1873. Q. B. BOBiSBTB. aogl9 2t» 1873. FALL TRADE. 1873. w. A-uAi.Js quiet I y - botue oonrement to boaiueM, on Pop I , A, at 4<s5 sterling wtmk ®°? m * faruiabai and nnfurtil«hod. D, tnlV Go^LmnU Befer to J. IT. hurke. dall. bt«te bonds qtxiet Mj^ighl-Oorernments. 81e 18^: «9* ISM Ms •*: 65e 18>f: new 17: 67s 18V- «<u 17to- ■ s* lift 10-4tis I6X. ' 684 17 -N' new 84 Trsmsre.. tfa BM> new Vinrinis gs «: t 6 Ji : e- d ^' erreJ Lomeisns U -Tf-^ h 8* 63: Atabsoag. 70; "i"**80, North Oarolmae 27J<: new l^pn'^dV^- C4rol ““ New ORLeAMs—r * ober 23 premium. Oou 15 *® r feS!!l!~5 y .n —CoDflol* *l%tG92X- Fires 91K iF-nin^—11m r*t« for money on uov- joritiee &t tne Stock Excmuge u 2 per apply through angQH fit CITY P O BOX 57. MU, TTAT.T.’a Select School for Eoys aofl Girls, Walnut Street, Baton, Georsln. S ESSION bigint September l. Number limited. Oeotral location and reparete y&nle. Mppll* erling24>^. New York aigbt % I cebooe receItoJ at hie home. * W. B. HALL. ernment •e' cent. Pari# Pam* Fr —Noon—Rentes 57*93. d—Eveainz—Seated 57/95'? jl>k7ost—Evening— Bond* 9~}{. COTTON. FOR RENT. T HE whole or pirt of tbe family mansion row oc.npied by Mre Peter Htnbb*. on Bell’s Hil]. Also, a seven-room dwelling adjoining. All neceeeary outboildirgj, etc Also, the office and lot now need by B D. Lumeden. Eeq.. in bneineea of repacking cotton. AloO, sever*! oiho*- deatrmble I ieeidencee. Apply to B. W. 81UBB8, *ng283t Admini#tr*tor. 'ruE following telegram was reoeived at the Whcelejr & Wilson SavAcnah office, Tuesday, August IS lb, ftt ; p. m. * World’s, ) Aogast 19.b, 1873. > Wboeler & Wilson Mannfactnring Company, C25 Broadway, New Tork, are awarded tbe Grand Medal of Progress— Grcind Medal of Merit, and tbe only Sewing Machine Com- pany reoomi&ended by the International Jnry for the Graod Diploma of Donor. J. O. Woops. 2o TP. B. Cleves, Savannah, Ga. ang22- lw. XlruT, IUnxik A Tsawah.—Thia well known and reliable firm have received a largo lot of Dr. Hood’s Ecrek* Liver Medicine. It hu tbe praise cf bo have tried it. In bottles st 50 cents and tl.00 That terrible and destmetivc diae&se. Yellow Fever, sboald be stayed by the nae of Simmons’ Liver Begnlator. It will prevent yon taking the fever. This medicine operates npon the liver, re moves the tile, cleanses the stomach and purifies tbe blood. Eagle Choice, Eagle Extra, and Eagle Family are the brands of flour turned out by the Eagle mills, and they are each rapidly winning their way to the front rank of popular favor. The CncirssT axd Best.—Hood’s Enreka Liv er Medicine gives universal satisfsotion in tho treatment of Livq? Disoase, Dyspepsia, Blok Hosdsooe, Oottivenoes, snd mil thst class of dis eases arising itcm a disordered state of tbe stom ach and liver. uovSOIy The verdict of the bakers ia that Eagle Choice Flour has few equals and no superiors, either for bread, cake, or pastry, manufactured at the Eagle mills, by V. J. Lawton & Co. Au. the brands of Hour manufactured by the Georgia Mills are fully up to the standard, and are especially recom mended to the trade everywhere. Burr & Flanders. All the bread and pastry made of Wiley’s XXjXX Flour carried off premi ums at the late Bibb County Fair. If you want a good wholesome flour at a small price, ask your grocer fojr Eagle Family. Risixo.—Every day wins hundreds of new converts to the opinion that Wi- ley’j XXXX Flour is the best in tbe market. Jot to the Would! Wox»jc a Fete!—Among the many modem discoveries looking to the happi- nee* and amelioration of the human race, cone entitled to higher oonei leistion than tbe renowned emedy —Dr. J. Bradfleld’s Female Begnlator, Woman's Beet Friend. By it woman Is emanci pated from numberless ills peculiar to her sex. Before its magic power all irregularities of the womb vanish. It core* whites. It cores supereasion of the men see. It removes uterine obstructions. It cure* oonatipstion and strengthens .ha system. It braces the nerve, and purifies the blood. It never fails, aa thousands of women will testify. This valuable medicine is prepared and sold ty L. H. liradSeM, Drugiriat. Atlanta, Qa. Prioe {1.60 per bottle. All respectable drag men keep it. Tcsxvoxx, Acs.. 1868. Mb. Xj. IT. Bbidtxxld—Sir: Please forward us, Immediately, another snpplv of BmaDrrrxD's Fr- KALE Beoulxtob. We find it to be all that is Iaimed for it, and we have witnessed the moat de cided and happy effects produced by it. Very respectfully. Hunter & Alexander. We, tbe nnderrigned Druggists, take pleasure in commending to the trade Dr. J. Bead field's Fe male Riqclator—believing it to be a good snd re liable remedy for the diseases for which ha recom mends 1L W. A. Lansdill, Atlanta, Ga. Pemberton, Wilson, Tailor A Co., Atlanta, Gs. Redwini A Fox, Atlanta, Ga. W. O. Iiawshe. Atlanta, Ga. 7?. Soot A Box Marietta, Gs. STATE OF GEOBGXA—Troup OountT • This is to certify that I have examined the recipe of Dr. J. BaADntLD, of this county, and aaamed'- cal man pronounce it to be a combination of medi cines of great merit in tbs treatment of all the dis eases of females for which he recommends it. This December 21, 18>W. Wx. P. Beaslev, H. D. Hunt, Bauido A Lamar, Wholesale Agents, mavlO d2awAwly Maoon, Ga- OBSTACLE* TO HARHIAGE. HAPPY BELIEF FOB YOUNG MEN from the effects of Errors and Abuses in early life. Man hood restored. Impediment* to Mayriage remov ed. New method of trestmeot. New and remark able remedies. Books and circulars sent free, in sealed envelope?. Address HOWARD ASSOCIA TION, No. 2 South Ninth st., Philadelphia, Pa„— au institution having a high reputation for honor able oonduot and prof estionai skill. j alySd3m NEW ADVERTISEMENTS WANTED. A GOOD COOK. Apply to sng30 St J. M. EOARDMAN. Reopening of the Public 8chooIs T HE City PnbHc Schools will bo reopened WED* NF.SD1Y, October 1 ( 1873, u follows : In EMt Maoon, at the Central BaQroati Build np, and oae rcotn at the Oatholio Chorea—Mr W G Smith. Principal. In North Macon, at Mr E H Link's school boose, and at one or two other room* in that etetion, to be provided—Mr E H Link, Principal. In Bonth M«con, at St. Panl'd Parish echool honee—Mr H T Conner, Principal; A Central High Bchoo', in some convenient loca tion (room yet to be provided)—Mr J H Boberta, Principal. In the High School, a eo;«ll charge will be made to defray the expense? of renting a aoitabie room AU appl catione for admieeiun must be made to the Sopermtendert, who yill be at hi? o&ce on Gfcerrv street, every day (Saturday and Sunday ex cepted) from V to 12 o’olopfc, for the purpoee of ieenieg carde of admieeion. eogiO lw Notice in Bankruptcy, T HIS Is to give notice that on the 27th day of Augnat, A. D., 1873, a wairant in hank- rap toy waa leaned against the estate cf Ewell Webbs of near Knoxville, county of Crawford and 8»ate of Georgia, who has been adjudged a Bank- rapt on hie own £>9tttioc, and that the payment of aoy debts, and delivery of any pro^oitv belonging to ml bankrupt, to him. or for hie nee and the transfer of any property by him, are iorbiddm by law; that a meeting of tjie creditor? of the paid bankrupt, to prove their debts, and tp choose one or'more aes*'gneee of his estate, will be held at a Court of Banarnptcy. to be holden at Macon. Ga>, gt the offloe of Bobeit A. Niaber. before Alexander G Murray, Eeq . Register, on the 24th day of Sep- tembar, A. D. # X878, at JO o’clock a w. W. U- RM7TH, United States Marahal, as MeeBonger. anaSO 1 Nrw Yobjc — Noo* 1 —Cotton quiet: upland? 2fK; Orleans 50>»; sale? 398 Future* opened m follows: August 29)^ : Sep tember 18 7-15; October 1?K; December 175-16 Evening-Cotton quiet: ta’ee 930; np’auda 21%: Orleans 2->K: not rf ceipts 150; gross 425 SUes of fntnree 19 £00: market closed a? follow?: August 20 3-16; September 18^ : Octob-r 17 11-16 ; November 17$£@18 7-16: December 17 5*16. Cowakative Cotton Btatenint — Receipts of 1 1 -i 11 ; 611 on Tce^dsy, tbe 2d dsy of Beptemker the week at all ports 8 138. against « 662 last voar. S ext ’ betwMn the u.nal hours of sale, before the Total for year 3,622,(95; a> ainst 2,713 058 last yesr. I door, in the city of Maroa, to the Exports 12.451 agsin»t 4.977 same time last ’ ear; I highest bidder, for call. Eight Sbates of South- total lor year 2.519.053 against 1 927 620 eame'time we* 1 * 111 It«l«)"d Stock, in low of fo ir (4) shares last year. Stock at all U. S. ports HO 063 aeaiDst “ d the Iractional part of ore share (ill 80) 62,394 last year. Stock at Interior towns' 12,577, the same which dl.t stands on the stock against 4.747 last year; at Litetpool 757.0CO. S°° i8 B “ d ?°“P*hy in the name of E. T. agaiDBt 891.000 last year. American cotton ,float I Jo ”?5- 1 ™*«« ?/„ Mra - h->aey V. Carthage, as per for Great Britain 46.0C0, against 8.000 last year. I ce rti6eite No. 166. L BIPLEY, Biltinobe—Cotton, net receipts 428: gross 449; 5»5 tawtds Qjmmteaioner. exports to Great Britain —: coastwise 60; sales I Msittnn tit I'nuivintnno 4lO:^Btock 1252; middling? 19*^: market firm. I HOIlvtC 10 vOAlir^CIOl S* Net receipts of the week 440; gross 1C64; ex- , ports oosstwiae 5C4; sales 1095. I \A/ILL be let, betore the Court-honee door, in Nxw Oxlxsns—Cotton, net receipts 237; gross 'V the city of Macon, oa BaTOltD AY NEXT, 237: exports to Great Britain —; coastwise —; I 018 Mt h instant, at 11 o'docs a. at, the building of to the continent —: sales 350: last evening 550; I th8 bridge across Becky Creek, at Bailey’s Mill, in stock 11,943; middlings 18>f low middlings —; I *he event the terms or the letting on Saturday last good ordinary —; ordinary—; market steady. I (231 Instant) are not folly complied with by that Weekly net receipts 1325: exports to Great Brit- lime - ain —: oosstwiae 5623: continent 1635: sales 23 0 I Flan an3 specifications to be seen at tha office of WtuctsoTON—Cotton, net receipts 21: exports I *he County Commissioners, at the Court house, oosstwiae 2; sales 10: stock 66 J ; middlings 18; I By ordirof the Board. -COJUUii&IUNER’S SALE —ON— SOUTHWESTERN RAILROAD stoo a. B Y virtu© of an order of the Honorab’e tbe Judge of the Superior Court of Bibb county. market firm. Receipt* of the week 72: coastwise 61: pales 40. AuaueTi—Cotton, receipts 65; sale? 298: Block 1652; middlings 175<; market steady. Weekly net receipts 534: sh'pmenta 235. Bavaitoah — Cotton, net receipts 187: export? oowtwise 221; ewlee 15; etock 721: middlings 17K» market dall. Weekly receipt? 71®; fxports to Great Britain —; oo&stwise 829; sties 113. ooaatwfcie —; ?alee 300: stock 4051; middlieg? 17^; low middling? 17; good ordinary 16; market quiet. Weekly net receipt? 1271: export? to continent . ..lx. ftffl * sug29 2t A. B. B03B, Clerk. BARGAINS IH MILLINERY! H AYING deteiminel to dose up my business, I am offering from this date and until the en- Charlxston—Cotton, net receipts ST4- exports ±T,„, ■ J’ n,inn § , tn! ? , laatwise—: sales 100: stock 4051: middlincs X7U: | tiro lot ia diepoasd of, my stock of Millinery and Fancy Goods —; sales 975. Mobilx—Cotton, net receipts 88; exports coast- At prices thst cannot fail to please all. My stock wise 240: sales 10O; stock 6141; middlings 17J£@'8; 00I1 “ let8 m P»« 01 tow middling, 16«; good ordinary 14*; market Hlta 4=a BonDeta _ nowerBi mbbonS| “ k * Laco Good?, H&ir Goods, Collars, ■HI CafCj, Zephyr Worsted, “T'J* n 0o . t l°°.' , net ro *iP' 8 - 5 And in ftot everything nsnallv kept in my line. SSSif et0Ck 0 K,0i “y 8° cd! “ d bn/ them at your own price. ang28 2w MBS. L. F. HENDBIX. tnidilirgs 20)^: market strong. Weekly net receipts 42; gross 2875. exports to Great Britsiu 76; coastwise—; coutinet—; sales 1750. Norvolk—Cotton, net receipts 39): exports oosstwiee 18; market . Net receipt? of the week 3998; gross —; I 86 ???? immediat jSinr t two , . * exports coastwise 2355; axles 810. A Ur ' rocm and bt two- Mzstrsts—Cotton, net receipts 115; shipments r0 ° m HOUaEB. _ ^ ^ ^ _ TORRENT. 280rsiiea'l50; ^stock 1255: SownidSSnl QT0Bf-H0D8E recently occupied ly Johnson it dull. 10 4 Smith, ra the Planters Warehuuse. Pus- 662: stock 4452; middlings 18; market unchanged. Weekly net receipts 1319; gross —; sales —; shipments 2225. PnrLXDELT.UA—Cotton, middlings 20; market quiet, H. T. JOHNSON. Ecleotic Institute, Weok’y net receipts 1C7, gross 1324; exports I Tj'OB YOUNG LADIES, Baltimore, MaryTanh to Groat Hntxln 950. J- Number of Pupils limited to tony. Foroir- 70; exports oolare apply to the Principal. • — ' 1 MBS. LETITIA TYLEB BE5IPLE. angl dim . Of Virginia, Galveston — Cotton, net roceipt to Great Britain —; coastwise —; sales 50; stock C214: middlings —; good ordinary 15@15,¥: mar ket steady. Weekly net receipts 477; exporls coastwise 728; n lvr! S p/im relies ,> . I ’ 1‘HE BTOBE cn Cotton Avenue, now oocupied 20 11 * 0IST —^ o oa ' net rec£ 'P ,B r.t tbe u < ck | | r-ie/l v Ur. nmin. r AVENUE STOKE TO KENT. Providence—Cotton, receipts for the week —; sales 1500; stock 10,000. A pied bv Mrs. Hendri;. Also, the FLINT HQUBE. containing twenty-five rooms, with garden end outbuildings. One of the ° NistmtiE-Cotton, net receipts of the week I ^ - * h e city.. 478; shipments 1179; stock 3630; last year 881; low ( xnsfitt G. B. ROBERTS. WANTED AT ONCE, middlings 16; market firm. Belsii—Cotton, not recolpta of the week 19; shipments t3; stock 245; last year 190. Colunlus—Cotton, weekly reocipts 22; ship ments 110: sales 186; stock. 1C-83. I (Breastor), to whom the highest wages will Micon—Cotton, weekly receipts SO; efcipmonts be paid, by the dsy or piece. jsly11 tf P. O.SAWYEB Georgia Musical Festival. T HE undersigned Committee Uke pleasure In anuonDciDg to the citizen? of Georgia that preparations are being made for ft Grand Musical Festival, to be held in Macon during the State Fair, tbe proceed)* of which are intended for the building of ft new Orphan Hone*. Tbe programme will be a? follows: October 29th. Prir.c'pul Bebearsal. October30th. Haydo's Grand Oratorio, “The Creadon. October 31st. Grand Sacred Concert. Musicians and able amateur? wishing to partici pate in tbe performances, will please apply to the Secretary, to whom all communication* or inquiries have to be adlreesed. E F BtOHEL, Mneio Director and Hecretary. Covritttk —Bt Rev Dishop Gross, T O Demp sey. Alderman. C Burke. Alderman, F Fitzgerald, es-Aldermin, D Da)y, ex-Alderman, J T Wilkin son, T E Uetob&n. The following papers viii please copy one? and seed in bill: Colnmbns Ban. Angnsta Chronicle, Atlanta Herald, Bavazmih News, Athena Watch- J , . L , u ., UXJ M ^ _ . man. augSO H sales uplands, basis good ordinary, August and I 4110 & en * v aced £o!d chronometer Watcb. marked September delivery, 8%. ' | **G. 1^., 20.” A liberal reward will be paid for the New Goods, Hew Styles. PRICES LOWER THAN EYER! & CO. Eeturn thanfa to their numerous Merchant customers for the very liberal pat ronage and confidence extended to them in the past. They also announce that their Fall and Winter stock of BOOTS! SHOES! Hilt Bin UIBHiS Bit For 1873, complete in every respect, has been received, to which especial attention is invited. Increased facilities, with more extended storage room, and a determination not to be undersold, enable them to guarantee prices as low, at all times, as obtain in New York City. ORDERS SOLICITED AND PROMPTLY FILLED. Address SIIST GKLETOISr, BE XT1ST T & CO WHOLESALE DEALERS, 49 SECOND STREET AND 28 COTTON AVENUE, MACOX, & A. FOR SALE HAND FIRE ENGINE and apparatus. To those desiring to purchase s good «*wt ble Fire Kr-gine, will find lt to theS. amine this one. It ia a theh intere* SECOND-CLASS SMITH INGIHJ ^For farther p&rticulsrs, apply to 8qct* Ocmulgee Fire Co. Wo. 2. or c mmittee eUry O MAOfcUiLD Pnr»m H. P. WESroOTT a0, F.A A SHUNKMXN, ang 81m JK ° , WATIO^ AL HOTEL. (FORMERLY SPOTS WOOD), nearly opposite passenger depot. THIS HOUSE HAS BEEN THOROUGHLY RENOVATED FROM BA8EMHNT TO A1TI0. BOARD S3 OO PER DAY. ... P* WHELAN, Proprietor* THE D, PRATT GIN! MifiKET GARDEN FORTlT r HE Finest Market Garden iu tl. Micon, adjoining Judge Knott * fered for sale or rent Itbaeannr-. t* one acres, in high cultivation, building containing five rooms, and i e ' riffle essary oathousea and a fine well of « " 'flow, terms, etc., apply to F.DWAUi.'i I can be found at tbe market rrnr if*® nine in the morning .nd on the **51 mainder of the dav. ‘ '"'h* fa »kS5 lm* BARNusrs hotel ~~ Gamer Broadwxy and Twentieth atre.t, No J y 0 k On Both Americas anil Eueopi.,, p ,^ C OMPLETE with all molern imp-nv,. n ,„, roome en suite and ainglesprivate pirlo™ „ Ta ! elevators, etc. Location unsnrpawej very centre or fanhioa and brilliant vSl In proximity to chnrehes and pW 0 f .m ' ment, and Lord <fc Taylor's, Arnold i Pi' 1 !*' and J. A O. Johnston’s drv good, -.°* 4 * Ub V hotel ia under the man&g.meut of A rY iimiiE? wmm: L OCATED at Ashland, the home of Hann- m and Old Tranoylvauia. Six coheri?™ 7 ation, with SO profee.orB and 600 28 St .tea Entire fees for college SJ ft)’'T oeptin the Law, Medicil and Oomm,tciifo-,il leges. Boarding from «3 to *5 per w,ek vi- in^n g Kv Sd 1689 J - B - n0,rKA ^ lit! togtqn. fiy. »ugi9d:awim WESLEYAN FEHALE COLL EG ^ MACON, GA. 'J'HE THIRTr-BETH ANNUAL 8ES3I0N wffl begin October 6, 1373. For catalogues, containing full informstion, id- dress BEV. E. fit. MYERS. D. D., O. W. Smith, Secrotary. ^n*$2m ffttllfiJUVl 10.M.V O^BreretlT-to^homXwghret 0 ™^ ^ Cff6r t0 Pl “ te ” ^ WeU - ,!n0Wa Gins ' wMch ar03old cotton is planted. '6: etock '721369. '73 1510. Livxbtool—Noon — Cotton quiet and Btetdy; uplands 8J£: Orleans 9X; talcs 12,000; epecula- tion and export 3CC0. POR SAXE CHEAP. T.f.* TTnt.r-d. „„ tl. — | between Oak snd Arch. Ia within a few minute i ° f walk of the butinete part of the city, depot and deliverable August. 813 16. ■ Bales of the week 93 000; export 9,COO; epecnla-1 tiou 8,000. Stock 7’C.COO; American 701,000. Be- ,applyl0 ceipte 40,000; American 7,000. Actual export 5000. Stock afloat 440.0C0; American 46.0C-O. • K 00011 Eveniog—Sales include 6,300 bales American. Sales uplands, basis low middlinge, August de livery, 8>i- Later—Cotton quiet hut firm. workshops, and has proven to be a healthy place, STOLEN. O N the night of the 31st Jape, from the resi dence of Mrs. Gqo. M. Logan, in Ymeville, PRODUCE. I return of the watch to the undersigned. JOHN S, LOGAN, aug27 3t With Gamble, Beck & Co. New Yobk—Noon—Flour quiet and firm* Wheat depidedly firmer; No. 2 Milwaukee 1 £5*9 1 56. Corn firmer; steam western mixed E6$68. Pork quiet; new moss 17 75. Lard heavy: old __ _ „ _ steam 8 7 16. Turpentine quiet. Rosin steady at | have planted them for a number of years and re gard them as certain a crop as com. Price $1 50 RUST PROOF OATS. I A A A BESHE 1 * 8 p-00f oats for sale. These I tUU are the genuine yellow rust proof cats. “ UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA O FEkS October 1; continues through nine month,. It is organized in sohoole on the elective tysiem, with fail oomees in elastics. Lit erature. Science (with practice in Chemical and Physical Laboratories), in Law, Medicine, Engi neering, Teaching and Agriculture. Apply Dr Catalogue, to JAMES F. H ABBI80N, Chairman, P. O- University of Virginia, Albemarle oounty, Va. ang30 lm Eagle Extra Flour trill be found the best flour for the price in thia or any other market. It is commended to fami lies and dealers everywhere. Only the best new white wheat ia used in the manufacture of Eagle Choice Flour. Tax Timb to Change.—When you have given Wiley’s XXXX Flour a fair trial, and it does not give satisfaction, it is the proper time to change your cook. Not simply because it is manufac tured at home, but for its intrinsic quali ties, we commend Wiley’s YYYX r Flour to Georgia housewives. To Da. Helsiold s Patxxxta—Tbe celebrated Ext. Buchn, of which Dr. Heimbold was the origin ator, is still performing wonderful cores of obscure disetsee of tbe urinary ergsne, restoring shattered constitutions, snd overcoming debility and di*case? arising from imprudence and ex csss. This great diuretic never f aN. Patients should be particular to get the genuine, which bears the Doctor'« aignarujo. All druggists cell it. John F. Henry, New Lock, Bole Agent. HiruLvDisirroiinTD.—Editor Journal of Agri culture. Bt. Lcnis, says: i4 A box cf l>r. Price’s Cream Baking PcwJer was sent to us a few weeks ago. It has been thoroughly tested, and contrary to our preconceived opinions, it has proved entirely satisfactory- It is the only Baking Powder that we would bay The grooers in this city h*ve it. Bteele A Price, Manufacturers, Chicago and Bt. Louis. __ ON THE BREAKFAST, LUNCHEON, DINNER AND BUPPEB TABLE, LEA * PSBKIM9’ Wuressiershtrs Raaea IS INDISPENSABLE. JOHI DUHCASH MOI8* Hew Yerlc. Agents for the United States. , $100 REWARD. S TOLEN from my premises in Lee county, five or six bead of oattls of the following descrip tion : Oaie deep cream oolored, one desp rei ani cne bnndle oow—all young oowa, and marked with a swallow fark in the right and a crop and awaliovr fork in iho left ear. Also a smvli wtiie and black steer, marked with an nnderbit and swallow fork iu the left and au under and over hit and a wall fork in the right ear. One or two other yxran~ cat- tie, marks not reaolleoted Tbe shave reward will bs paid for proof to convict the thief. B. G. TERRY. F“ I hereby prohibit all pereoos from hunting or in any way trespassing upon my premises at any time. R. G. r “ aug23d3twlt Mr NAME 18 JOH3ST yALElVTINO I am at my same wld staod. 68 CHERRY STREET. I keep as good LIQUORS And furnish aa GOOD MEALS As anybody, and at REDUCED RATES. Give me a ca>l and I will give yo« s»atisfec**:on. anglfiif ^’fLiUABLE CII-^OPERTY POR SALE T t) c .t .enicned offers for sals his property in ’ * western range of city lots of Macon, oc jing in all two acres, fronting on College and Orange streets, at the tino nns of Walnut street, which he will divide into lot* to »nit por- chassrs. embracing the residence where he now lives. On the plsoe is a beautiful Bower yard, a choice variety of fruit trees, snd as goed, if not the beet well"of water ia the city. Term* easy to any one wishing to purchase. For other ieformation, •ppl*’ to ih* subscriber, ang 1ft 2w L “ ~ 310 for strained. Freights steady. Evening—Flour a shade firmer : common to I per bushel, fair extra 6 60(fc7 90; good to choice extra 7 95@ I aug23 tf* 10 75. Whiaky firm at 11C@112. Wheat active; 2©4 higher; new Michigan 1 65^. Corn iu light in light supply and fair export demand; white west- em G63C8. Kioe firm at Pork quiet and easier; new mess 17 75. Laid steady ; spot 8 7-16. , . Turpentine steady. Rosin firm at 3 IQ. IaUqw | quiet- Freights firm. IiOUiaViLLx—Flour firm and iu fair demand: family extra 5 75. Cora firm aDd steady; sacked 55. Provisions steady. Pork 16 50. Bacon, shoulders 9V<39%; clear rib sides 10%(<|10%; clear aides tierce vanoed to 1 00T J. R. PRIOE. TO RENT. A GOOD STORE, 100 feet deep; dry cellv; good business location on Third street. Ap OLIVER., DOVQLAS8 & CO. TO RENT. O NE CotUgo House on Bond street, entirely new. also, one Dwelling opposite Colonel sides lOto. packed. Lard, choice leaf in pHiaaki Holt’s. Apply to 8K@9tf?keg 9JI; steam 8. Whisky ad. ang26tf GEO. 8. OBEAR. oiacrsxATx-Flow in fair demand Bnd *&• Housekeepers’ Situation Wanted, vanced to 6 65. Cora In fair demand at 5L253, 1 r A WIDOW LADY, aged about thirty, with one small child, deeu-es a situation as house* Provisions quiet bnt firm. Pork held at 16 12}£. Lard quiet; stoam 7% bid, 8 asked; city kettle 8^. f ■$■■! . .. _ _ m Bacon iu fair demand and steady; shoulders 9j^; I keeper iu a family, a hotel or publio institution. Is clear rib sides lOjfi clear sides ll>>£. Whisky I willing to make hereeif useful, and will bring un- irrpgreUr st 1 no, I doubted testimonials of good character. Apply to 8t. Lgcis—Flour "quiet; superfine winter 3 C0@ | the Senior Editor of tl«o Telegraph aug26 tf ^ 25. Qom* higher; closed at 45<jH6W. Whisky scarce. Pork quiet at 16 75. j3scondull: vhonl* ders dear nb sides 93*'; clear sides 10>£@IG?£. Lard, summer 7%. WrLiiixwrGK—bi Rosin fiim at 2 60 for strained, Nxw Ouiaxs—Floor quiet and dull; treble extra 6 25<p6 75; family 8 50<§>10 00. Oora quiet; white mixed 63; white 68; yellow 70. Oats dull at 45. BraadcU. Hay quiet; prime 25; choice 28. Pork dull; old 16 7ft; nOw 17 75. Dry salted meat?, shoul ders 9ty. Baoon dull; shoulders clear rib sides HVt elesr UK : hams 14@15. Lafd quiet; tierce 8ft&9; keg lOK^UK- * Sugar and molaasM, nothing doirg. Whiaky higher; Louisiana 102; Cincinnati 1C6. Coffee steady at 213f <$22j*£. * Liverpool—Evening—Turpentine 34s. FOR RENT CHEAP. T HE tiro oommadious STORES on Cherry street, at proaeut occupied by Coleman & nii'.ia.ioM—oi.;n;5 impejitme stesuy a, %j. i Newsom, are for rent from Hrst day of October next. juneSti i|ply to J. VALENTINO. C3 Chorry etroeL WANTED. O NE FINE SHOE AND BOOT MAKER, and one good Peg Workman. Address, W. H. TILLERY, Dublin, inly29 dim Laurens County, Ga. EOR RENT. Ipspoa—Noon—Weather wet and unfavorable I 'T'WO DWELLING HOUSES, eligibly located. to eropa. MARINE NEWS, JL Apply to jnly!71? B. F. LAWTON, At Exchange Bank, or to DB A. P. COLLINS. At Collins A Heath’s. DWELLING TO RENT. New Yobk—Arrived, America, Austria, Gaelic, St. Laurent, Pennsylvania, Tybee Chabltston—Arrived, Angus. Sailed, Equator. | A COMFORTABLE dwelling In Vineville con- taining eight rooms, With goad garden, well of water, etc. Terms very moderate. Apply to aug23tf L. W. BASDAL. EOR RENT. F ROM the 1st of October next the following] property, belonging to th? estate of Mrs. Jane Dried Peaches! Dried Peaches E. FBICE A 8051 Iliccn, Ga. “TC^SlSli house on Oglethorpe street I W E ^ ,h9 h! S ho!t C “ h Pl!ca to! where Mrs. Rogers formerly lived. 1 T One five-room dv:ailing house on Oglethorpe new occupied by Dr. T. W. Haeon. One storehouse on comer of Oglethorpe and Third streets, opposite Findlay iron works. Two five-room dwelling houses on Third street, opposite Findlay’s iron works. One storehouse on the corner of Arch and Third streets, now occupied by H. M. Behr. Also a number of other small houses. For terms of rent, etc., inquire cf PETER HARRIS, *aug2i dlw antu3w Executor. SELECT PRIVATE SCHOOL 33. XX. 2jI3\TB: WILL BXOPKX r IS SCHOOL FOR BOYS AHD Monday, Septenbcr 1st. T HE usual Ancient ard Modern Languages au tbe higher branchsa of Mathemstica taught without extra charge. Srudenta prepared te enter any college class desired, and those not desiring to take a college course can nere receive a good bueinws edneation. Tha dietinguiehiDg fea ture cf my msthod cf instruction is. that I teach and strive to develop the reasoning faculties of my scholars, rather than simply to hear recita tions. Tuition per scholastic month $5 payable monthly.• acgl7eod3w ORANGE STREET SCHOOL, F OB GIRLS AND BOYS. The Fall Session of thia bchoo 1 will oommence on Monday, Sep tember 1st. It will ba conducted by the under signed, assisted by Miss Antoinette Wingfield, and the nnmber of pupils will be limited to 40. Tui tion per month, $10 00. au*26 6i* HBCHT. M. POLHILL TO RENT. T WO TENEMENT HOUSES or one eight-room House for rent Apply to Joiy23tf , OLIVER, DOUGLASS A CO. James hadison jone<». Homes for the People! T HREE of the jgsat ELIGIBLE LOTS for pri vate residences, for ?a e at low down figures. Neighborhood tbe best in tbe sxxy. Terms as rea sonable and aoocmmol*iine as can Vs expected. Apply to JOHND McKEcLsAB. No i2Set nd f. xt J. W. Baika A Oo ’a. angl.if E nglish. Day be _ Girls. M C*; sodral Baltimore, Md Chaff”' and sm Hameeeley, Pnncipiala, assisted by ab ? Professors. N*-at beacon opens Septem ber 18t'.. Course of studies exunuro, oomprising all brsi.^hes of a piiite education. French is tbe langrtL ' of tbs Retool. Glass honors swarded st tbs c vt e of ♦: * r. Ciroolara on application, ang «•> la FAIR GROUND PRIVILEGES! O N WEDNESDAY, OOTOBER L J673, at 3 p. at, will be rentes, at tbe Central City Park, tne follow:: g privi.egee during U*e ooaung GEORGIA STATE FAIR BAB-X00H, 8EGAB STAND, FBUIT. ETC. TERMS—Noteo of equal amounts, falling Jue each dsy durieg the Fair, with tecurdy aoceptatl? to tbe committee. No paper taken but such aa cm be used in any bank in the aty. Notes to be given on the day of renting. L. W. BA&DAL, F. A 8HONEMAN, , a BURKE. augzStd New Boarding House. O N THE FIRST OF AUGUST I will open the Houle ou Mulberry street, opposite the La cier Hou**e, (Granite Hall) formerly kept by N. Binawanger. Board $25 per month, and the table supplied with the best the market affords. Booms can be had either with or without furniture. »Pg6 lm E. M. BROWN, Agent. S. MI. F. COLLEGE, T BE FALL TERM of this institution opens 27th iuat. Tuition 460 per annum. Board 9200. Every department filled by experienced Uacceru. Send for catalogue.. J. S. BRADSHAW, aog2eodlm Freeideut SCHOOL WANTED. A Ga^ADUATE of Mercer UaivertiJy, who has some experience ia teaching, wants a echool iu some ?ood neighborhood. He is competent to prepare befor col ere or for bn-ine*8. Refer ence to the Faculty of MVcer Cnive r eitv. Address at once. POST OFflGE BOX 425 aogiS Stawtf. M*c6d. Ga. FOR SALS. A DESIRABLE PL ICE IN WEST MAOON, twenty-fire minutee’ walk to tbe bnsiness part of the city, bonse containing fire rooms, from four to five acres of ground attached, good well of water, with fruit trees on tbe place. Apply to GEO. F. OHEBttY, ang? 2awlm bheriff Bibb Ocuoty. JL B. POTTER, M. D. Homoaopattust. O FFICE Weed’s Block, Seated street, third door below Johnston’s jewelry establishment. Residence Lanier Bones. July 15 tf BUSINESS ESTABLISHED IN 1833 OVER SEVENTEEN THOUSAND mmnSSgmm h?JS5^„'! 0 " I ? p8 f tioa lo bn Y '<> “nte and exam'no them, especially the IBlrROvED GIN, having a lrnter attairod. It will pay them for so doing. Thev are warrai-tAd give satisfaction, and time given to test them before piymont is required. K 7 warranted Julyl0d2tawtf JOHNSON & DUNLAP, No. 72 THIRD STREET CALL OK W. A. JDHAN & GO. . -fob- 50 pieces colored Alpacas at 25 cents. 4-4 Bl’ch. Homespun at 10 anc. 121-2 cents. 10-4 Bed Spreads at $1.50. And quite a variety cf other goods which they are selling AT BAR GATNS to make room for their FALL STOCK ! Now on the way D0ME3TI0S, HOUSE FUBNISHING GOODS, HOSIERY, GL0YE3 an^ WHITE GOODS to suit the tastes and pursy of all, AT S. T. COLEMAN’S OLD STAND, aug271f TRIANGULAR BLOCK. PLANTERS’ HOTEL, Opposite Huff’s New Building, Cherry Street, Ijstween Third and YcnYth, ■SOOxi OCOBalA. T HIS well-known house being now suitably fitted np. tbe undersigned is prepared to ac commodate Boarders—Permanent, Transient and Day. Guests will receive best attention, and the Table supplied with the finest the market affords. ]nly30 tf J. H. BREMER. Sate of Homo and Lot in Yinerille, TX7TLL be fold, on the first Tuesday in Septem* Y Y her next, before the Court House door in tho o*ty of Macon, during the legal hours cf sale, tho Hou-o and Lot on which O. E Holmes now lives, in VinevilJo. on the road leading by and near the Macon and Western Railroad; the lands of Geo W. Scattergood on. the south, and W. M. Mo- Gee on the north. ^ The lot contains two acres, more or leas, fronting on the road and running back to th« railroad. Sold for distribution to joint owners. Terms of rale cash, on delivery of prop' ert y- , * E. Y. HOLMES. au?27 lw» ja.8. B. TUTOR. SALS OF UNCLAIMED FREIGHT. Central Bailboad and Banking Company 7 Maoon, Ga., August 12,1873. j T HE following artioles of unclaimed freight *U1 be sold at the depot of this companv, TUES DAY, 16th Beptembor, at 10 o’clock A. M‘.. Pendleton Guauo Company—1 sack guano. J* H-Dougherty—l box hardware. W. E. Haygood—7 bundles agricultural imple ments. B. H. Kingman—1 box merchandise. Macon and Brunswick BaMroad—13 Uriels oiL Gresfeom <fc Co—1 case merchandise. Mary Minis—l Bedstead (three packages'). Mary Mims—1 bundle bedding. p ^ ; . o* W * F * 8HELLMAN, augld 2tawtds Agent Central Bailroad. PLANTATION EOR SALE. OFFEB for sale a Plantation situated in the fork of Towaliga Biver. Monroe county. Ga., miles from Forsyth and 10 miles from Indian Spring. Said plantation contains 350 acres; 350 cleared and in good state of cultivation; 500 acres of woodland, well timbered, while ihe lard is very productive It is remarkable for healthfulness and for the salubrity of the atmosphere, the place having been settled 40 years, and there never hav ing been a case of fever thereon. The place is in a good neighborhood, convenient to schools and churches. For farther particulars, apply to the undersigned. JOHN T. OROWDEB, Forsyth, Ga. ang20 2w FOR HALE. A Portable Steam Sav Mill, M ADE by Owen. Lane A Dyer, Hamilton, Ohio It is a So. 1 mill and in good order: hu gov ernors to the engine; also wood and lath e.wa. Termo—half cash; balance 12 months, with good security. Also one of Fay’s Planing Machines. Faces 22 inches, match 12 Inches, with irioulding bits attched for all the late styles of mouldings. Will be sold With the mill, or separate. aTk. FISHES. auz!6lm* Montezuma, Macon Co., Ga. Sale of Unclaimed Freight, Macon and Brunswick Batlboad, 7 Macon, August 2uth, 1873. j T HE following articles of UNCLAIMED FREIGHT, if not called for before date of sale, will be eold to the highest bidder at the depot of the Macon and B»un»wict Railroad, on 24th DAY SEPTEMBER, 1873, tale to begin at IU o’clock a. M. 8 Waxelbaum A Bro, 1 box fans P * G, 1 box glassware 8 Moreland, 2 bales bedding Jno Fale & Co, 1 pckg, 2 boxes mdse H Corruthexs, 1 sack pot ware W J Hodges, I sack empty bag? D W Lewis, I sack cotton seed T J Davis. I box hardware Ordinary Telfair County, 2 boxes books W P Eaetman, I box, (2) cans oil J:m Saltmarsh, I box mdee F F Beed, I box mdse L M Gardner, I trank A 8 Gcodbread, I trunk H Powell, I box Ordinary Pulaski County, I box V, 1 box picklrs B. 4 boxes brandy peaches M Keaton, 1 box books D J Egerton, 88 water backets “ “ 4 bdls barrel covers Geo F Stevens, I box fireworks No mark, 7 sacks guano «* “ II emoty sacks “ “I grain cradle M “ I sack cotton “ “ I old pot “ “ I sack harness “ “ I box sundries 11 “I box circular saws “ “ I roll bagging *• “ I spinning wheel *• 41 I tin boiler “ ** J Pkg, (2) glazed sash “ I axie, yoke and bows “ “ 15 pieces bedstead “ I mill hopper “ “ I tab’e ** 11 2 sacks seed cotton “ M I wagon wheel ** ** I oarriageporo il “ I bundle scythes “ “ 4 pieces bar iron J. F. KIBBE. ang20dtawtd General Freight Agent. T HE HATilORNSrRINO has lately acflalrMs roputatum that places it at the be,a of ill the springs at {Saratoga. Aq eminent physician, recently returned from Saratoga says that it is twice as good (mo licinal- ljj as Uon resa Water, ami tint at the fcpntgs fonr glides of Hatliorn are drank fur ono of any other spring. Wo have the HATHORU ——BY THE Bottle, Bozen or Cose! KANKIJf, MASSENKURG & CO. anglitf goal orbbk~ ANTHRACITE COAL AND WOOD. W E will soil Coal daring tho month of Angnst at reduced rates. Send in your orden now and avoid La ,t winter’s trouble. Terms cxeh. d^m BUrXBABQBB. /AUKS H. BLCUNT ISAAC HA ULEMAS. JOHN L. HABDSMAN. BLOUNT, HAKDKMAX A HAKDK.VAX, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, MACON, GA. Office, Cherry street, over S. T. Walker's, auglftf LAW CARD. 5.TT.4S. H. JKMISC.T, Attorneys and Connsellors at Laf, Office 52 Second st., Macon. Georgia. TTTILL practice in the courts of Maoon andad- YY janent circuits, and in the fcnpreme and Federal Courts of Georgia. Special attention giren to matters in Bankruptcy. Having associated with me my son, Sam’l H Jem- ison, I beg leave to direct attention to the *bov> card. Additional facilities warrant me in assaheg prompt and careful attention to all bus new en trusted to ns. - •ug72 3m R. W. JEMI80S. NEWSPAPER POR SHE. A GBEAT BARGAIN. THE SOUTHERN TIMES AND PLANTER. Published at Sparta, Ga. "AYING a Rood circulation, and in a protper- . oaa condition,-Is offered for sale. TERMS REASONABLE For particu’ars, address lm LITTLE JORDAN A CO. MAMMOTH SALE! NINETY-SIX CITY LOTS 5 TERMS e a. s y BRICKS FOB SALE! ' KDEB and by virtue of a resolution passed by th* Oity Council of tbs city of Maoon, ws. undersigned, Oomooittee on Public Property, sell at pnbi c outcsfT, »* *!>• Armory Buildings, on SATURDAY, i he 6tb day pf September next, 100.000 bri«k. or more, if priees admit. Sale to commence st 10 o'cloek a m. L. W. RASDAL, F. A. BHONEJ&AN, O. BUBKE, »Dg28id* Committee, W ILL b« sold, at public sale, on TUESDAY, tbe 23 d day of September next, the fol- loving city lots, viz: Lots 3 and 6, block 68; lota 1 and 3. block —; lots 6. 7 sod 8, block 48; lots 2, 4 and 4%, block 52; lots 4. 5, 6 and 8, block 60; lot 6, block 49; lot C. block 69; lots 3, 4. 7 and 8, block 71; lota 1, 2 and 3. block 74 ; lot 6, block 75; lota 1, 4. 5 and 6. bicck 72 ; Jot 1, block 68 ; lot 2, block 30 ; lot 6, block 31: part of lot 6, square 73; lots 1, 2. 3, A 5, 6, 7 and 8, block 36 : Jot* 1, 2, A 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, block 37 ; lots 1. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1 and 8, block 38 j lots 1, A 3 4, 5, 6. 7 sod 8, block 89 ; lots ’1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 and 8, block 40 ; lots 1, 2. 3. 4, 5,’6. 7 and 8, block 41; lot* 1.2, 3, 4, 6, • and part of 7, block 42; lota 1, A 3, 4, 7, 8 and part of 6, block 43; lot 8, block 68. TERMS OF SALE.—One-fourth cash, tbe bal ance to be paid within fifteen months, monthly in- instalmenta. Notes to be given on tbe gronnda. Bond for titles given by the city. All lumber, brick and stone on tha lots known so the ' ‘Armory Property" will be re*erred for the nee of the city. Sale will oommence at lp o clock a. if., on Tat- nati kquare, and continue from day to day until all the lots are eold. L. W. BASDAL, F. A. SHOKEMAX, C. BUBKE, aug28td* OomoBittas, LAND EOR SALE. r h HE most desirable fArm, in M&con coun(f» _L owned formerly by Hiram B. Trout iud,m<* now by us, lying on the west bank of Flint rirer, Juat five miles below the beautiful and flourishing town of Reynolds, (8. W. B. B) snd conUinjrg One Tho&aand (1,000) seres, is ucir FOH SALjE The improvements sro uneqaslled, coeshtirgof s good dwelling, with 6very necesssry out improve ment®. Tb*re sre seventeen csbins for Isooreri, all with good brick chimneys. A great deal cf the cleared loud fresh. Any one deairiug such a f*nn, and on the most enticing term®. Lad best apply ** once to HENhY T. JORDAN, T. MARION BB¥AN. ang!9 2m * Reynolds, . TAX NOTICE. T HE TAX BOOK3 of Bibb county «o now *« my hand*, and I am ready for tbe peop*0 w call np and pay their taxes. My inatrncUuna me but a short time in which to collect all the taxes. My office is on Cheny street, at my oM plaoe of bnsiness. I am also required to receive, under oat “* JzL ports of farm crops raised in the county, to«etner with othor in formation relative to the fa:micg teres ts. W. T. NELSON. aug9tnov!5 Ta^Cjliector.^ DB. WEIGHT. DENTIST H A8 removed to Boardman’s Block, ever dleton A Bom’, oorner Mulberry and Beccnd Maoon. Ga. octI5iy_ ELDER HOUSE, Indian Spring, Ga- T HI8 well known house is riew open J® who visit the Spring for health or p- It ia situated nearer* the Spring than a . public boose, andiMpaeicns and ooauoa* The table is supplied with the best the affords. ., . rA»or4 Every attention is given to invalid* who to the waters of the bpring for health Ba lea el Beard. Per day...* Per week.... Per month.. $ 2 09 •• jo id 351® or month. *lt , Liberal deduction preprietor*- Harrison, Bradford i Co’ s STEEL PENS. Bpodal attsntion called to the well known Mn»b<n. *1505-73-28-201 OcZZ. Factory, ■«. Tentei •*«« » J °““ *** * *0824 8a