The banner of the South. (Augusta, Ga.) 1868-1870, December 05, 1868, Page 2, Image 2

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2 |in \ iiliWhimnirn y* cnt* 2L ih j y, igjS|sr Word* Soita with tlte Kintf * wishes in MimniarilV ttOBI* witn, i v “!« Witn ■■ vOnUBvUiM I (i iiHii • tH£-' BKsr;;™, Mg, and, without moling it, FMs nauufto the pan<t, and HMtif Stair returned lo Ins omi ;j<jL then, the nu'st iutVnuil Iflrg: fxmcoctcuuiat evcr’dlsgr.u-eil JEjf i ' BBFrrinin I to butcher the whole . *„ -oft face,’* said the Master of-Stair: f iMHi your help, Brerulalbatio, to |B?us oft Site right, ami yours Ar- Mfßlflfem in on the left. we will PpH: ffkc a fox in his holt?, and * last Olir of them. lan. glad it fibfthis is the time to maul the Brought,** answered Breadab Rjfey eanabt sock refuge in the wmlm) and those who are not killed tfhfirfn soon perish from cold ” better not entrust the cxccn f Ibis design to the Commander of mi #il!iafii,” said Argyle: “for, if you ftlbe a failure ; Hill has the heart rner Hill,”replied Sir John; H leeond in command, Lieut. Col. lb, Iril! do the job. I will just anriftl that lie has now an opportu i. himself in the favor of bhigh in authority, and the work is And thcie is Captain CampheP, or call him, said H read ah balm: “hii lieiep is married to Alexan tlje Second son of Mac lan: they will receive him without suspicion, if you m Mfetosecure them by stratagem.” ‘fust what Ido wish, r answered Sir ‘‘better not meddle with them at all, than meddle to n<> purp" mm of this second wn, ! oh -1 Argvle; “is* not the elder one J?d to • sister of the Ear! of Suthcr- SfO ■M''“ with my own Laud:” Dalryuiplc,; “and, as f ( >ryou, I meddle not with hui Lieutenant, a man named flHfov.’* ’ /!,, ‘Twill take the liia moll,” said A principal vassals of ‘Many iliadfe*! 1 * naiiiered Alexander ( !'*6 lontytortmd and 1.1 hdsay will aecom* piby bou*e. Toil, Invcrriir gftnA* uMrbe tnradd to a venerable High ian&Lwtio stood nebr, “will see that the cared for. Adjfe now. father is a oj§M tvfflm if you arc (rifpd4*or cncdHH I Hal *lau ira.< attimH|. wxikyHH them, though he t riefl llQp|lJd4lMSrtil tW*4rom liis faithful ol(M|4p kiM daughters. -Margaret «ld A|ay, who stblK beside hfrn, lobkinV wondcringlv into hf? ' 11 i worl’ keeps ■ tliac lads sne lung l" rxciamied Mac length, unable to subdue his impatience bnymigoT: - —~ “They tfTe coming SOW. father," re* two men ore with them. The soldiers are going dilVe rcot wayss there is Anohin - triatcr taking some oi thdm wtfli oHu They evidently do not eoine as enemies, father/’ < “Now Heaven be praised my !*s«, for to toll true r l We had my fears a* these men.” “That is my l’Dele (Henlyow, walking with Alexamk-r," said Margaret, Alex andci’s wile ; “üb, iin .<s>> glad! ' . ‘Youre \. note, last < more than ye gkiket nc’ev-do-wcel. an soc at ye hac hot parritcli, an its.piohae to wat his mon’l" « The old gentb'iuan whs excited, and was speaking broad Beoteli, us he always did when roused from his usual quiet. .» ♦ (to UK COMTINI7KI>.| “Give me Three Grains of Corn. ®°tker.” I lUe above vronb Wfre tho Una reque.*! <n a i*u to hi* mother, as he was dying Axon surv«ti.>u. She found three grains iu th« comer of a pocket iu bis ragged jacket, aud gave th<*m to him. It was alt she had; the tfhoteftuttily aw pertshing frosft ftmiloe. BY MB*. A, M. ti'Mi'N. <»i vp me three grains of com, iu other, Only three graiua us c<* u; It irin keep the tittle life I hsve * - Till the col.ring of the mom. lam dying of h auger and euid, ißothor Dyiag of hunger ami cold. : ;i ! I T - And half the sgouy of such a deaths ' „ : My Ups iiave never told, It Its* gnaw *tl titte a w olf at tny heart, motln-r. , A wv*U that is tfite fbr blood; All the live-long daySHud tin Night be****, i Ouawiug tor lack of food, _, m I ilroazucil of Broad its uiy yleep. uioUier, And the alght was Heaven to see: I awoke with an'tagir. frtui.-diiut' Hp, ttnt you had no bread for bm>. • How could 1 look to you, mother— How could I look to you, For bread to give your afctrvlug l» ■;, When ymi are surriog totA» “ For I rrad tlac lamiue in your check. ' ’ *'* " And iu your eye so wild: Au 4 1/tsU it iu your hetty baud. •.•;.< f..i [ j As you laid it oa your child. \ m • the Korth his lauds and gold, mother. # , The North bus lands and gold. While you are forced to yotrr empty brsot A skeleton bsbo to bold— » < ;T *s?£ f A bube that is dying of warn, mother. / * As tsm doing now, .. m t With a ghastly look in its auulcu eye, Audbtniue ujxm tts hrmv. i % . j‘ /’ ':> , • ? ■ ; What bn. we poor ones Uoiu, mother. !ft Wb*t it:tre wrv poor one* one; ** { , ,<■ * That the world looks on ami secs us starve—, ; Perish one by one ? Do Christian meu <wre not, mother— The great men and the high— For the euffeiriig soa« of Uw Sroitheni laud, r., l^! f Whether 4toe y liv* or die ?, i-•. -; ••< v v - *& * | There is many a bravo heart here, muthqr, Dying of want smt cold, White ouly tterosa a few poor States |NI t-'J*® Wmy that rriß in gold * 5 } % There are rich and great tout there, mother, With wondrous wealth to view, P » And the bread they fttag to their dogs to-night, Would give me life and you. • t ■ : l L ,k ■ V< •• 1 come nearer to my aide, mother, A : *• Conte nearer to my Mdc, * ' * - *?“»• 11 « And hold we fondly aa yes held My aUtor when died. , ,;* { Quick! foi l cannot aecyou, mother. . My broatb in almost gone ! » A Mother, dear mother, ere I die u * Uire me three grains of com t ®* | fi TWO EVENINBsIwO YEAR6~APAfot. “Christine, will you go out oo the lake this evening ? It’s a splendid night Sor a v Tito young lady thna interrogated, hit by one of the front windows of a large and handsome country residence. Her feet rested on an ottoman, and she was surveying the rosettes which mounted a pair of dMitlly embroidered hlippew, with a languid air, and an absent, half dissat isfied expression. rs At her Wether’* question, she turned and looked out of the window, and the Summer evening revealed its l*duty and its glory to the eyes oF Christine Jarvys The house was situated on an eminence, mhloh commanded a view of the os—fry for miles around. Tbe moenhad just come over the distant bilks, and from her SAB MSB SOCTaTBd • 1 ,at (n ■ light, whos*' wattt.ovcrflowfd the lidpenpe, and lent a grl®* :md beauty to objApSS^r^Bßed. 'A bou i ond Tbwwwfiadowit lay thi lake, Us silver stream flashing between the green shores, and losing itself in a bend of tiie valley. The wind shook out sweet pcvfwmcs from the garden beneath; and the stars overhead worn bright. Such i ii^ on the water this evening, Alfred,” W* replied, and the listless ton ,*s suited the ahadowa in her fape. “ VYho is tom oesioew yon ? ** Nobody, except Frank Reynolds and •fkmi flume an im iw* plied. “You and better go with us, instead licru, auJ moping Of, ewefong* albne/* die wdng mmy afidtHi, as he threw bis slight graceful Umbo iuU) the chair, yppositc his ”.I thin* 1 shall be able tip afuud iu, somehow,” said the young' lidy.witA.i resigned expiation of tone in,l face, which plainly indicated that she regvirdcd martyrdom as her ]»ecTiliar ami intendtsl tp meet her fife with bty.mung foriitude. Alfred Jaiyys b ailed forward, yetted one hand ou h*s Hatyr’s knee, aVpt looked in her face “What’s g. ne wrong now | Christie, that you’iedvwn in the dumps like this"?” Mid he. “Come, don’t act »o, but brigbtcu up, and tell a fellow wkal’athe matter." Thus adjured, the young lady N>ndc* scendod to explain die causes which had {>roduccd ter j»n*scnt gloomy views of mmau nature, and of tlicr world !a general. “ The truth i>, Alfred.” said she, “youYp a man, and won’t understand anything about it; hut my bonnet came home this afternoon, and it's a perfect fright—a great, bunch of poppies on the outside, aid purp’t*m’gnomtt gscattered through ttic inside trimming—w hen pur ple is so unbecoming; it always made mo look so hideous! ” Alfred Jarvys was a generous, good naturcd young man; moroover, loved his pretty dearly; so he put on a deeply sympathetic voice and fiice, much such a one us a father would over a de capitated plaster of Paris dog, winch bis child might hold up to him. ’V: ;, “W’cll,” the bonnet, Christie, that’s a fact ” “But that isn’t nil, Alfred,” she coit tinued “Mr dnssinaker hasju*t .sent J» W^^ at tfcWuo trim- Biogd fur my uuvr-colorcd silk, «nd so I sUan t have it ready to wear at Dainlia* U a •: “ The victim of a milliner, and mantua m»kur! ’„said her brother. “On tbc whole, Chi i ,*ic, you arc an amiaUe tfirl; but I don't suppose that the moat eicm plats oi J«? r «ei eould ataudauch acorn r j,nnctk» of ttW»i audf suffering*,, ruined bonnet, and an uolmtshcd dress! It’s too much. I atand appalled before such miseries! ” A loud, hearty laugh concluded, as was most fitting, the modsm-mpathy rfAlfred Jarvys’ speaoh; though, to tell the tgrtfi, he ootumcuccd it with a benevolent ia Ca cWiae' l Jwvys draw, back, with an “I sec bow it u, .vfrred,” said she; “ you’re making fun of my troubles, after aU;X don't want any more ot your pie tcudud sympathy. . . t . -» “W A now, It is rcalW t« ML* «U ho. “ I'm just an sorry lor the lif He girl tions won not yet Riled to tho brim, bracelet, Wiuhatoly moun|ed fith carved ivory, snapped under the young man h baud. Cbmtino gave a.Mdabriok, as the beautiful, fragile toy foil to the floor, scattering ou the carpet ita fragments of dainty workman*^ This was toowurib Jarv ? a fell back iu her cbsfr, iwibOTliDtgtearei. Her brother saw-Ato Umo/for joking; and,with real eoaoern oo fesfliee. be put his arm round his sister. •'l’m no sorry,: Christie,' uaid be, “l really wouldn’rbsve do« fi fcf *l} tb» world. Come now; bb9 ma,M «t*lti It up, and you shall have another handsomer than thu.* -i bn* Kw .« •• “ I don’t want »<*M the netted girl, " UncU Robert gave me that “n my last birthday. »ud 1 wouldn’t have bad it broken for know what yatw aympathy « good fcr, and that you are iaufhiug at me all the time.” ? .* • iiflok up, and -v*’ it 1 am,” said « li»* ’I• n idi ;»b6w ydnr Ir l have .. Sail and nwomr witli »C; it’' high time we were mt “ \ can’t go with jW; qdfejK. A y<fj|| waild’or me,” she lifi «ry^her grief |9 “ Well* tlieu, M*l bye; wlton 1 cow# baelq two hours nonce. T hopt* I * lei II find a. better deposed little sistsiv” hs|A the yoiiii|? rose up* a lidv annoyed to Mptaso ths ed her her «dieeka were hidden in her bm.L. und |i vymtjFZi i 1 i in the nraP* lighta uud liateimd fur licr brother’.-. .>iepa. Site ’hen rd 'dietir pi as siliy doswi 4be isuy gravel walk, and pau>c at the front gate, ■whHi" isi l edbwt'with* liiß'gsvdwisvi took her hand* from her eye*, and looked 1 out, and the Alienee and beauty of the filghf i%jlroved ner. The better part of her uaterc rose upland showed her that she had been unjust and irritable. De spite alf "the faults of her cducuti«*n, she bad iii.e instinct, and a generoux, exu berant nature. She sprung up, and ran down sfiirn, and out into the garden. Her brother had gone some distyuce the road, but lier voice leached him, and brought him buck. “ Alfred” baid sire, putting her arm about his neck, “ I’m m ry x>ny f was so crwbs to you just now, hut I whs so fretted, you know. ’TUui’t any matter about the bracelet; and I’ve conic out to kiss you good bye for two hour.'..’’ “ tYhat. arc you not going with us?” lie Bujd» Run ’ back, and get your bonnet." “T can’t, dear Alfivd,” she replied. “ Mrs. Mclvyn ncnt me a tnossage that she would pass an hour with me this cvcmug. and I promised to be ut home. But I hope you’ll have a nice fitiT.” She pui up her rosy lip'i, and her brother khssed thew “Good-ljye, Christie,” said he. “Re and I shall be back, in a couple ofhour.s.” * . t} .' And so they purled aohe and the last chapter of Alfred and Cutis .tine Jarvys* Kfe toget her ias closed with out xigu or Earning! Ils had been made up with the pleasant, years of their childhood and youth, aud all the lines had been written in light and gladness. But, in after years, those last that iast kiss were to the heart, of Chris gbjarvys like 9 »ldcn blooms cover iug the teudrila of memory, which took tkeir a«CB rget in tll»U*rt liourrf t«-r ' and Ci J ’ was n wcslthy hanke •, nod, as l»e had no chUdtea i.f Uia uwa, he and his wife had lavished their affection U»miM <!tUw joung otjilian hoy .ml mrl; Their uncle aud aunt made earth them, and they mw up with no id)* of, the Borrow, and trial, and discipline, which arc the heritage of the awa and dHUwhtera of men. The bov with lits oauguters oi men. -j 4 adc ooy, wim uts “rite, t/chri? .oil*.®®. '. bat u tM #wr?o3te!'tldr*anmi.i visit* to w.tcring fhaM I—MM irksome, and ibattt Mnbuod a kaudaeme country houae -Id. j - the lake * dlntri et and J *Ci ikn as>U 11 fJI auMkJW Mltiaf HaMM ms aha •u®t •” iiiv duQ miMrefls dUb* turo and poem U> thelic*d «ud heart th»! could roeeiwit. *M ‘M Y ,j : iF Mr. and )lr. t*en audden \ housein'tn u^i^f°drLi^?lhSmu Wacofet, She flpffbereff • few ud M»t fluwmsi flanked h|l front walk—and H>«n, *in/pi’Hw: on the in true aiid luvtiig rcvWrODti* 4n went into f, - ) a I l>er i by the WJvxpeeted arrival of her and [ hM« to fulfill her eugage- i x r ? W 'the yotfng b«:ir‘->5 searched th> Speaker's fuot* A as h- dv»r; L«J m. --sage. It «u a fine „uo, 9pbafrim ofHitlinc, */£!% wt | ld|a tka* flash and ebaqge fifllfeed’s; and the Hps had n msile not frequent noi ioirthfhb ‘bwt fljlVof grave swatnes>, . wlttah mSHI tine, us the gentleman concluded Ida errfintii ••UTirnwMrr inn ~m» iiit tmf»wi t “ Thank you. 1 fear I 4»all you," said the man, taking his B®* 8 ®* hat, evidently supposing* tfc* Invitation merely conventional. “ Oh. no,” she said, “I am quite alone, m my brother hot gone out on tlx; lake f* »r an hour or two.” The gentleman hoiked in the girl's (at.T for a moment. It was a steady, searching gaze, yet by no means intru sive. He was satisfied that her invitation was M sincere one, aod resumed his seat. “ You are a friend of Mrs. Mcl vyn’s,' l conclude?’' said Christine. « | “ My okler brother, who ia dead, \rau a frh nd of her husband's,” be replied. “ I am, for the next six months, a tutor o* her two sons.” Somehow, the better instincts of tbo flattered heires« recognized the true man liness of her gnest, in hia brief, candid answer. There Was no question that the tutor was a gentleman, in the true*! meaning of the word; a meauing that comprehends certain indiginous qualities of the heart and soul, which no social grilling can confer. “Well, I am t woman, you know,” said Christiue* smiling the bright, frank smile, which filled her face with light and sweetness, “ and have my legacy of curiosity; bat I will not exercise roc pre rogative of my sex farther fliim to ask you one question more: What is your ! name?” ‘* Charlea WintUrop,’’ he replied. “It is known neither in oamj*#, aor councils, nor in the world of letters; it is femous jiowhere ; and ia the wide world, it* test merit is, I believe, that it (s precious to •.very few hearts.” “You awy atrange man ” thought Christtm? Jarvys. Hem guest smiled quietly to bimaelf. ♦* Did he guess what I was thinking ? ” After tbU, she c<mls not tel! how they glided off into an animated conversation, ; on various matters. Christine was glad enough to find a man who led her out of self of an opportunity to turn a pretty her own thoughts, who was M of sug gariion, aid 'appi«:iation uu-n, books, and ibe general. At last, iu a pawn of the conversation, they beard a audden grasp and rush of the wind outside. tutor of the youog Melvyns’. “That depends upon the eyes with st|jfeh 11-Jtiiff j|j» up id the young' man, with hia grave, sweet smile; and it This thought came into Christine’s j was ddibthi^dfcwh atruek I all the color from her cheeks. if th°|hi J hat iiaah JdTv t k [ dmd of iatmiit* • 41 " “Not iu a storm,” Ben Grant, who has olarge of the boat, h;. an old still 1 can’t lielp feel in L r fl thiahihure is nu cause for alarm. I said he; “and then, there is no thought Ito calm our fears like the blessed uuc I fl,u\ M MUTtiT lid ill wU ,f 1 \3m iJKC | Ajt * |.Y t I fjjfc this was unlike any «he IgLW 0 th» atoan a wild cry. I oranenea iockw -anu ww™*” foundations gs the great kina’s heart flllad with fear for her brother. q. rnr ”“ »****» W»V*A *>■> «V* a *ne ,, . M tke;.vrind uom it fell. Ibe black