The banner of the South. (Augusta, Ga.) 1868-1870, December 26, 1868, Page 3, Image 3

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nofcbinji! ibkdtf HU* fa Ta&ifTA# i j J(ir ; gq .walk ]e‘ive nib alone a little wbi|iegs Hit le ' That if a strauff® request Ajr jw [t fi ,i,akf.” «•«! Artl.Hr; “tMt, neve^hoWs, t von wist. ‘ “" jr - " '■(' „j e walked fpfitlyiyiwardp Kit# was far away .&m .# anfleifrafc “owjm when.-qJuw Miityny;. inched her ear? . o ,|j She - ! A sitigle ray of moo.n ]ip|,tvfoJJ through the leaves df themreEsk aof] lighted up tfc?- long/ Girling black locks' of* a figure that lay npoo theegrasif The whole of the figure wyiyja shadow;,. , nl- the Bossy hair shone in!the moon* fv I .* ° r ~ • jfioi lo n<"v ;»ff ] |ht ' ■ The murmured- words fell on; "her ear “Oh! this iwhik marriage?'.’) io‘ -)i Eugenia her*elf up fefppghtfly,. sv “Fatal inpeedr§he oxclait*gd f *>4)m*d, I Tito Ihnilv covered its face with ita 1 , h \- i- cnmiTc o iT'tr ok lands; ‘ { “I did not know you i were’ he j vhisptietk liw ,bn« ; iJ ■ \nd, helkve, M, fc vsjould ml bairn one teti nadjl known U.ati'ou, >ii;, re^e h- I .'. 1 aid n .'i Know* that you i.d chftte fhtespfißo deplore y6m* feiE Uniage. Would to heaVcn the tie Tiuld be brokenif < J Hgnoir.) i‘Vuu wish it tfiepd j ■ ' lliw oviJsa jkigeiVia gasped but answered ’ C ms you ask r ‘ No, iheed nofM'islr/ nkf 1 Weed T tell 1 ' oa how. bitterlyl r&gte t/oh W Jhkrr i aged* * j VoiyrogretJjt! y^n«d?.) : ittiuMuTb uifi ; nij i ff-.jriol it .also: but I would I, bad ‘"T ijrfLv ’Ju otit 6Yli t.M yw' sd before. . The. very panic (f sln> did TO-fel wait’te hear (. $ «»r i«* |ii ";ia..2 PhmMW*. »v 4 f Loire Imcn itself from the ground. -But ; LifnJHleglnald; if/Was Mannadukef ‘lt isntfcfeVfe# then?’ he ! mV)^nedy v Hsh6‘ h ivs my.. v&ryr name is' hateful itbifceru J .nil \ybalgaii ( l 1 Mni i « 1 .VO hates mo! How proudly she .spoke, s VoXf 'adgr r y. * Ji M£i\h • li ■* (lung ‘‘-odddhß' ! li jljng tmlfebd(rd : ii|4ii uhifi h'iv. r ~ff. l< doiw ’ii••){]] ’lo noil Ai:d Aiuyv, :^V%r yva^in^.^olrjipplpg, I i;«| Miii'ifiadukb might seek her side, un- c II it \v^todTtfte¥6 i n6|j^iofi^er , , '?!i6 ‘^lo 1 v l rjt iirttt the itefcfitfdv/ •- ! nr.v:!>>.rin mil o.tni )!-it, ( j author baa I said life Jsliiiilllofi '■ )ap.T walls,” but so.strong \ya.s ~ thi„s r ' jif-er wall” that, liif.d, Wen d ’^Ji^.up ; t”een (he two if m'ght as /-.well: h lvc been of iron. ,’Jk/ C hi n ;1; ,i. r ( ofi v;mv now 4oi | -n Ut;:./OHiiPfEii.Txyjoo*Al imonoiu/ An.Lsofbodpng: ,jdays ofnSdnir nor passed; but they brought no warmth, t< tlie hearts growing cold in the shelter o the old Hall.' " * * Ifmily and 39' P 1 ‘fid silence. - They fet\4 ’ 1 '. cl °aA that yestqd OU. jETfia brow pf I l but ypfeiat could they & f Dixy Irmui# tried f<9 * 'try him ” abohf \t}‘ hit hewnupiiedhiaiseMiHf Sn Itnpetieffa h e n-yivo„ and ivyoulfimy * . l '; mi y’4P H laughed; l! her lata;, . scouted, the idea fbat there wisj anyrhing _Wrong blfween 'her' ana h igiiudd, fiMEflrnily ait r / ;i * and Ormaud eouldonly! tok-otip II |( l !i pe thgt something nnglit'iy^t,re !ll v ? i ue elnudifhat yyqpshpdqwed l|( -q'cPpy koine. .yji.ut though jliey savy L s ' ” coofifiesi betwei’n Jicgie an cl’ diftle did I'^ey Li drearh' I '(feat ‘fhA' : ot h\ -O’.-ee, were exchangedl-fj'-rj; afesolMfit; J"nca as soo,u. as.,tjig,ryokmiqt pi c>eu' e was removed. . , * yof! bhehieeksibn Reginald < rv, 1:"ft igohe. ' Oiiiiig- ftji : $& I( i. vadj a Jetti’T irrhis;hand Wetsaldedf lo : Q f 5 sm :n obflq ~ ! k/yj'-A k Gtio].“Jh^nk ;j y-*u,/k . ; ” ,' v, t. , A fin.-h manpea ner ‘‘ I'. ® Ta-c-yviliit tlie'seal was'ferehcn. ‘ ; J oil I'iive opened mydeftei, sir!” 10 V ~ ?' 1,1 are mistaken !; ( V : -'J- your Etvaq- to luokpit. flie.gddi;eks r ‘ 1 the Lountess of Sutfeerffinm ; 1 , 11 - Emrly alone Taysyeln'ini so thflt ti'- .. s, • epenrd it. F-iie* -lid n and r»adiP j,T” r f°r it comm- nccs: “Gear Lad go ’ T 1(1 ‘ -H & ffistaptly handed ibtt>, • Re turned away, as he tin is bed ‘J’ k: ! c- an d Tlcnie read the letter. She I’.' an (Igo P thought after reading it, R'mly, who wasejtpiyiiij* "k,/ how she came toopemthe ls : k“ 18 no matter, you ■ might have, '■[ j ll r a] l ] oaie,”, replied .’Cenie; { | I*. ? < ni Rord Vernon, the Kajh/f til- ■!' V ’ -! 10 acce P ts a long given l'nviin * "ill be wi*h us in 'a Tew- ave never met him, but any friend <l'! > Wlll he. welcome,”said*Emily; Lc a young man ?” s j ]tl S; r °f niore than thirty, I should lih he is immensely wealthy, ha. A,'. .*' l n have never met him, as he i;,, r l / " ” le ,*? s f fvn years on tlie. eu.nti uiM*. I piu§f go.” ® v . . !, W^WMrllS (KmdymimieiT witK‘°a brighit>etiiii®Q hfowira o,u gohottud h:o j 1 ? ■ Jlrjdrmi furiyouy ktT&fU'.o ,k dv'iyil'd v«u>' -iwil .nodi bu& '■ u f 'Vh! what is it ?” asked Bpsicii.stlas.iv*, m do of J yotir ?nenas wilt '.fee 1 her; 1 in a' ’ ' Bugeniadlushed p .inftdly, iH’ : bnmu "Kv friend!”, repeated* lingio; “yuA make an odd mistake, Emily; Ido not noufit the karl of Hastings among my But did yoti sav fee was coming here;?” ' * 1 ° ”) os,’V-answered’.Emily, Amazed at‘ Regie’s .manner. did iJot {| that jod wereaq-v, .qua in ted with, him,' ’Emily.” * biit—” Emily paused ; , VBlit I ah^/ v •«aid s e*ni^, En<Hg!ftily■' (• B^gipaid, pale afe dbatli; arose fmm hm .and. bp.wing flightiy, left J; tlw*!W>t.«ly VoMhrmadpke rose and followed hinp * 111 .‘Keglniipailikos Lor'S H'er.ion. l3es hq. mtity v> V™i ; u ‘and ; c “I believe ' he replied ’Grenie, 5 (‘Pome Arthur;ydu padmisodl to finish, that book for me ” r -r stop a moment 'Genie,’’ qs,„ .nlainied'Emify, as her sister was afeouk do h d: s i v oohtertif ’ y6W ! bd fricnjllgp wUduai our ’ °- v.tilt ' N i ■ (|Ufidi llOng lecture, i.miist beg vpu to wait U ! diriC a fj?Hßif fthM. 1, ‘ : "iMity bu p; .k-obuol anog ‘ !d; quid . -.p^noandg tin »'foofi ; in?] m tfSft|yw6.4« lUrf thought, for EnyiK- was all lie said: Itiidhadd; 'rs ee \ ?hoW;-fte^lti a ; fd lK”£r : „ /‘ifkisblldiJurdtJs'Aiy itd J den i|3 Jictiftg • CJ& no means,” answered knnly \yitk ■ v n*iU'ii )f sta) r long: we\*lr§3i?kV the first fcf»e dtober now, and hs?~Will. cei tainly >M toh< >^iMiW«^^SSss«to^ I '.odt •.•ijftfloo B'jwl Pat ,hj'i<xl t nuoa % e ]isitb m will :to ibJ city, also, by (hat timed” j’.iUjit ift.{v:erydike}yydbutril:jdt4l txy^^^gUp i lcnoifj:Ki ,ykjc*kd ur, “EAuly yon dei/imt ( Pvt iptjiu sli .nrCsoJi r tec..!*?-, as well .16 I do; Iconfess it,Tam.niarmed? '.suaded .thatfaibawll uwo liodf io ‘ But. yvu rjyft,b^ ( *altitucErigenfeptEmk O *-i pp V vldiiO'.mqq v/inLiidv/ of /r •. T It would, do more harm thant good, Oj-mafedf’ ni f iMn onofnM «MM \ 'Bd you l bcutdoi e, iliegiphhi H'leafilatuiedi OrSonof,-’ “liolye Imu(• Os she laves.,him do yoii s6q ‘how sue sufiers '! But of [Qpjirsel voirdh hot/Eow corf 'you? '' Eu genia lovesiEnif, huelshedt4']«' bnow hpt what’tidea' me hdtsan her Hidadp feut I <li A * moln claim j kaljmpffrt a* To oiq. j -nov'ftTmWi' u : ,H)8I 'viot-y: ! mont r W:!!Y!^ h -iofk okt ! JAMES MOUNTAINS > rn <: JmH hoi J*- ,f pouiq to /oij 1/ay* after day Ireland is- i.osiu'" . sumo '6f her ap4 nicsV jmfripp. '•'fedngJ Tiie> ckVPr^d ; 'tlie gyavc of h'ohomnf v&felartdka^ttf&t&'Wmil the.; narrow *>ejfi 5 4s;plikg;lor afafiitilianodJKie’i ™<Q!V j 1 !«§rfiV^F^lfelV^cjlii%;«uf fifring- 1 nation? mourns over those who iSttt&O Blie'^aid ! ( ii)H(?n bli ' ypo ear. ':kVnd tortlayDlr«uapd haPPi-dTerSfE p ittrllic .deatfe oi v tMdAri^tidrio,/ sag kairsFi ttrme grave artist the lanierUatmns at' «WWc pruJe. tuißobeiuity nitV dft tI&fWASoW iirdiiat who.vknow 'few into uip i - )copies ranks Avkcn O’Cminell. f riWHfftd J tfie ;d ffergl h l i 1 3 fr<pti u\ 1 first whuls;nV ’th(h you>Vg MbbddidvarVding truth ’ Riuhsdducation of Tliomad iffic 1 [Wzigt fbc, Cyivfederp | tmirn disciple pi Cork wyg.. .Ami >iiuu l > .t riocipnj eve-in irrryr t when other were dgpd after this I sa i&t¥e -m the ‘ fai Ia ft* f W Wfi idh J fitri nhd dkei-M-adtp of prepstrafckm hud refi^-OrecT' qtiAp prin ;pf ijJnjlaud-kJatir^ Moiiutainp was still suugpine of a brighter day. More than once he Was the inmate |df & dungeon, but Still lid bad the same 1 spirit uabi oken bv defeat —and those who Jniew him in Cork, well knew his in | dpmUable perseveranye r ip f \relaud’s ea itso. ( lie in veu icaiit?d at ajl by apg, Jip lf wpy Wsurcs'fcr fidaiii \mb ammd.k T ANARUS, hM,"aud fiHiV in 'lfCSittKglK a? a jh&k wifh'U great in'-ftner.bPitfnPiig^t Hrlf 1 •around him—l>6 ialways Imld thrrmgh g‘>od andtilf true Ito tlafeiv/teaching l [of Bavis Mitdmli, Q’Uvmi damli Meagher. Little use the Parliamentary eiectnm agent had in engaging any sym pathy from “honest James.” ' Little tear i that Jay ur cleiicul dietaUm* ooukf iHako nun depart from what was right. What - - ■■ ■ 1 J'-»- ' -- Jl bqibdliemp bum v JlßJiaucpdiarilua.thou ( *iu;tod ’ tiur.>y??Bf fc Jfi % hmito fms> ar.d penalties. Real worth is manamu ;s scejiheal. What Janies WopnEa^lsJErfnhi tv r vfb mby ri guess' 4e but hrs ieyffi tfefeNetfiP bright \ f pr bis; i ucCjlpore tpveraba'bawefl. T-hpstel j wM^urfymwbm . ()jtn?iops were the most widely, senp.rated ‘ ana®!ifYn,,iff,i s ! ?; t fespcs'fed'hiin as a eitiVni and admired i him as a man. at iur.'l '.halqoba k, t uorftVhety I,lm English J^ilioeucsauinjtfA er. in ;186^jj-amj|^K ? eyfJfjijn .its ifobvvdbbed hole, docked in ta.wdrv and iribok giltfief -to haye a at the “showiC amt WcHveTs' under tlie jiforeigTier’s fed—Jamas; Mornitalne-' did yhot tuink it fit fpy t :Pppk jtp be deseemted 'j ; by such So, ; jn coiijunctiou i with flo * Nationalists of tne city, fee gave j; ratherfimdfele kxpfessmh to the national, f felding;' partieuhirly offensive iff i luniinatiftm devils:Weaie destroyed by the jpvople ni l'^rtt ko. wasi M- f by tlie Jloydjrith, but w:as, s) ae- y [ <junfed, getting an ovation from his i townsmen, and being only more loved as j lie wps moio persecuted. ! f - u .u f.u «ag£ ! retrogade for avmcwiKmt.ii'f o yhi' | iV . Time passed pii in IjoJand ?ftei; : 13,4d, ' and; anew feeling Wanjo arise ip. the : country. agitptibh,' after ' ;f tfeti- Ke^lt; •gXTOP iiTO,' 4 lopkod orioWitH>a4or( , ‘'Ur»¥t i ”Tii'’(Tre 'srth--' i Pio*t> m f^r^y^ ; uu«h of::Libili • uursi pawl tjic ~pVtWig,vv ^!d.ihft( ! S p?'f e( “ iioli ,-,y oi theyibscptQo*land ■l Vuf lj Tririfids.Bt^he’w^dii 1 Andvjohn rn «jijcbduldßipi^arii 4h# c i rqJandi tfhoi : l^lupdrap.’t entered, f pity. inU) maw,.: orghuiwiUioim • Meli, who believed .ip u re\ioiptioii in ’4h, , bari|ly. dksJ.Hdieve.diih; i it in loS, particularly when their exiled' j conntrynien were, bandefi together J- br'emtroTfed'give every aid and 1 assistance! »‘uba JKI z inn ,« j‘ 4efge of it 1 j j.tfie ; aiiothjer sood u.hd thgm iiyrhans,., 1 itSt'fodS’fifa again f: "J tirTejsV.*MMm'tfirfHi' ,/v l)eKob^' * Ybdy L -wßykGd' &a}tfti»are&lkatfdn l WRIkOfT , ]y a.ud ---with the.halo .of ■a. lmu’fyy : .ryund his brow,: and Brian DUIon, still in a. j clou's ■ his intimafe frituids.' And so : TrHli 'P&ple Was’ ,ajad(the inlprmcustrvod.forth'. James JUtiunltainy.aiypiu, paced the harrow tadl ' 'Mif wjalkei|, forth tot stand in,, the to toads !,l a®c?y | r ‘; “ “ iTi Thqr6‘ h(i sVdod; ds cfiflii'Aiiu resniufepV.s .-hisjdq wOutd dbadfils fd*exfTeM". L, daim-t ed Av lieri at he informed sfboT wit in 1 s W <sH zfei? 1 luuiusoine iho,e an 4 .speaking 1 >fJiihWeji Y fiT^cpnlem p( fqr thy power tfuit iiJiieddiifh'. a triemlff liefrf^tltrbbbbd' jfor, ,Jak'cg:M t'bi jWrv ridfthil' ; t. to-Jhf/if’lvqrtlieipoileßtaincr Icufk U\\c a H*E;si jt^JVI , When .the verdict us his msmUUil u fftyen,] flic clieers ox Jnenus arid [jo n litticai Wttk' jash JisT 1 iVhYfiik v eff J ff/jk* fey’’ hG 1 ’ ovrh iSmpe then lie inmeti ffiivclied ; Lom ius. 3 r4w ly>. faitfiv-uulikon psii many «i*p ‘irijbsmk 'trig stihjih.iiess. aha patriot in (-very >’dosemitrol3dtfti 1 krtlf j l?fek I 'in?i : c!i ’'Li» suiter —■ l-liior^',particular!v in Ireland—but OdfeL "again in ’O7, under the I ', liklMS Corpus Act, but, after nyfltirt neriqd ewe* fbloaasduob Ijiiaowoq iziii Jo aqru.aKi : ,h Lift Wgbls*' ksJiw*e' j iO‘Mle^W(‘s«!‘ * w.ouia CeantsjstysaiSh'.' t if-e ftrii' 1 ; dkslEhn jjv p idn yy It 1m T> th 1 Nt jil!; dkr* c J ky- 1 ‘ eprredc j Gnui KlfU 1 ftifii W <: prm mohi.ytMdkhb* A^jtbvrii l cp- >: his stesj-'ri'dKld'pi Todhn s«d Bnonovs > hcieuis a :]e&.sott'sih > ’ Jh mr^ { Mt)jttii; h’rhp’s ' ■ llffiithnt idnmtd:mWv I ni pcx)pk‘ vdijhg meumf tlie' ctmutyy” ffiaV'Bh*' tai 1 suft tjle»|^aViVif*•§, nibhibifi: ! aivi the pat riot’s ifiods live ;: ati; *k Irf fhk Arid'vTarwes Was uVw^er 1 .more tullyashown than when the thmj ;s|mJs line]t abovehis f gqwe iii hhe tery of Cork, on Sunday JasL and utt cmyl Wlf h k ne Accord the* prayer, spi\ pest.,Bis soniAird • 1 77‘jVk.u >n ;v 'tftVvi'j *it ,‘.iQiJiJlit&fli *xmnJ. rI rRimAND.. . , , c ooihmi I'n- .-ruoivtjßaalEj Main f»iii no ba ,sii bVedevie’k sqrvuLiig,. ferotlaapj,, qf Gickens,! died a few weeks ago jyb BaylingjtoigEum ?a ha.' ife o' Was , a gen ml, good; jju in ore<| gelrflonian, ' with a ready fund of ariec-i dote, and was a general favorite in society. A portrait of Marie do Medici, at the ,A#u oi twenty-eigiiv and date 1002, has just been discovered in Paris 9S(i f w °i'dth-S(rf,tTcftf •alkJif B smAiainl Hemembersti ih r, 3Brifi? tHn nil j lAatt'.l ' cut ,bcrA .1 •sd ; a /hi ' g ;18 , -W ii4nte a sound, a meaning . . . , m • wi2« J s « :i mi Jk ? 6 the Ikfkipriouaisland' :>c.« quo ( . r f * nyer throb at mv humble name ? t . JrtJ c VCD wot 1 f iißfi^d mod ,?ho I weak cbnie whe, Erin? ' 1 £ °h f j 4nd:soaro\c cßriie.i ,n‘ . tl p nil til Wii. nJ followed mi little cUrbugs l . uao r J To me place T cknnoij ilanie: M'ttofhWt stormuir sunshine \vait« n;e, 1 * *l M i n U IJo'{ In tlie days that none ran see, ,' I consecrate, dear Erin. r WtmiMniFto-m, s" 0 ' x : .uiot s Oil'} 'io fioiiibuoa Uytmu ■ ill c let and r.m ii .oi •' ra “> sons thine eye hath seen: lokl j Mduyipb^votfeW^ob^gpO' .o jq rum * } .. ; t Tl . ; Wntle firtHtwaß gre><?Bt- j.f and ’j Lben liow f can I dare to cherish , hbidthat!onel:fee me ’ ■ I; and dllWihsfHirollqd Ji'ci-oiUtpr y’JOW o'h’A lii JoiT [in 1 ' 5 I dh that palm-colored company ? ' .hud fiir, rfjp)i»in, rSurft iLm-. bu ■h ui orh Ttn'l ,i cannot choose but watch it '* » f ! THlhik e>4.s have light/ ;:u b k: oil hernybles^,:; ;/ •>;'! •] Nor among heranartyra blest. . 1 fihdrl mtire tnieV<i‘fcrin?‘ {> ! ‘'“h- 1 'duint hi tiuidw foreig/Lnews. 9d) t,; liit IO -gnmcf yu bko») (Y ,Jip t>JoiJ j 1 1 ’ ro l u i tifVft f’frk I liVFi b ? and p likiOtf ; *;:ovp '-j too . y lifi: Alderman ihaniel } <rmmh w tifj§ 1 witsf p?opb/eil ; iJipud^iiiMu Rwj . Tho r utmost enthusiasm 1 WilA ' ' rtiefelfers \fcrV ! .rbtprneditio) yesfordayL'viz.. 5 t,wy, tethe new.(U¥i4t)ti of ,J and .^nfdlt|omeiw^ijv,ep (jonsqrvatlve gam of ... total num :,bw*r Ls members now elected is GoG ; 384: ki7‘2i OoiS^kßP^es!' l ) Qrlt jlfeiPft)!ft(pjfsß itafwaibito, bfi.,takoif Jor.A)ijvUpq:, l a r ud JGrd v '#»<s together rotuni°three flW Ati analysis in the Daily Aew\s .fpiows cubhtife; hfeoilObgVin have returned; jftt erj^tU’ : : fear. of Lj beraist, .and vatlvo'Sy a rid Xanyaslure J 1 Lifieraks apd.dft ; vatives. , '• b ‘ ‘ ' J ‘; ‘ ’ " £him» i , v > r »O . ill bi:*» . Jue stanaard say ait is r now palpable, H)ciOl tfbtl tin.* ConserVa-? fives; 1 ikve su.«tf.a,iiK‘t|if J s»Xv<srb Pa HiarhSrfi 1 fa?‘y..:d(iiyptvTjbjdt Bwr, cliaraaten"oofctlro de-' ; fcafg H'ffji a? ~t»»Uty« it»- iri? u - % Jiibvs. ' ars'twytvrtrg ro Certain mnuenceawbicyean ftaftßy: hmal. ; ‘ £? : i A'petj/iew by sSirclL?. «M ’<lMnfoeE“h^fr rj ilia; netHcu of ll;q rimes says the Lnghsh Cotter VP;. Acmiferrs are'to” fep‘ left' in |iiwj< likb-Wlte' £ 6f H fbJLf it .yMoiidrJHWl’l tlkCrey uuaf.fiapd X i;iEkaSa asserted inat the Catholic;.portion' ,gs the. p°Jj>ufJfeh O Wm% perfoyfly: indifferent to 1 tra'4 : 1 tmUbriql, and rigltffiuo'tis-ktrtfrd l ’ J that J they’Ji'lf kijofelioai: Jsocai)y y;'aaffd; u ,P9pasi(/n. Tlie j-ejsuft of the o oleetiuns,. honor’‘ana sylb .ofUbti fbwM- hs^n{bd> by. I*2 ? additiu^^,l^.; new voie^'tot 1 flie i3Berals—t2 votes 1' >st to the | Conservatives. These 12 new sdiits power of .f.f.»W rm^cpj’AseiitotJ. nasqoiup out jiM&iP yyifh Hh ine’iVf' n ere lit ;'arnL zh tsr. i« i Uaijs^nisiott-bietd J i n iJ ' Eriglfim}, 3 :Rf ;ii‘CijoHi na^ o t jtwu Ktiid).TOsult of the recent elections, Ire glarfd-)l\i'ou!tl have, bqeti open to juyt re ipwarh; % ;yGkii -tvap:hbrowVl <yto<lu)d] 'xvotCd h \ Vd 2 ‘k-eHd fiputto eUiafieutid the -niapy* Rd» made 4 ;y tlie English rrmn in the itairimeiit” (if her etuis q. Thus’“ Tor in ystance, Mr: Qlhdstoife -ahticikt 6inirEe'd -aoTOaip defeat by his daring candidature for a in rti m id LaucashirC whichb i \yull know Be- the ' Nai If - rav ’rab!o TO ills ’views.. Amongst the otMr of the ■Liberal party who we nr" PHcrificed to vtlw Ohurq(y^)oliby>wei^ ! fhtfJfrfßitirs’of Jfiij tiugton , and Milner iCibson, both late , Cabinet, a Bernal Osborne w t as made a victim to hostili ty to the Irish Cnuxcn* and one of the chief califs of thet loss of John Stuart' 1 Mill to tlie House of Commons, was his devotion to the principle of religious equality, Then? Mr.Horsman, who lias been always emphatic in his denuncia tion of the Established Church of Ire ■n —-—*—"- v.- —* Ttnd, was ]rf%l WG^V ;^ a t*‘. T&es^ar^4)n nm able of the Martyrs to pfineipmy^yHyile.n list might be giveriToi Libels of ?Ordinary merit who were sacrificed to JlfM? * ;**SW2SJf5sa*?J; #}?&sss 0 a Mach op., the ttonri I W! : she peioplA frOkMit the foul; cfeargte of to thes, ~ of national,wrong..; Those who. venture to upsert lieiiyeftjrvvarfidhuf Irish CathoJies are v tp T tfie ofthe Lstablysligd Church.—iniOther w.ordsytp a '^dg.a^f.eppqu.est.and . feranU of reli gious ip fi^fqri^TTT-can, Bq easily-feplied to by: a siniple,;reference toitlie rosrdt of.the General Elections of J .stibk r *. Petition;, w- Yesterday afternoon tw petition 'uvast re- v herved in Master Burke’ fropi Bir Lebpold M’Clintock, against the return of Mr. Benjamin Whitwortbp-M “B .} for Bvog-hcda U the. 21 st °f November. candidates were Mr. Whitworth, Mr. Bfodigfi\i,h*mi Sis liOopoidnM’Cliniock.s The pet»tt<sn ftgfrip .‘tl; fefia- r<^tucorlof Mr: > \X hitfwfoctlf 4s 1 founded -oij, jaiiegoil> -was indfipedTiy addresses from 1 tho.'Wltq aaad'-hB fifkmls' toothe f peppl% ;atyd whie|r, ip isimoilteiidiffy r SiargLenpoliii >Lt(>Hntock( afreb M:Fii pTherr* is also !«.;change agapnst ;4?eyemkipi?mbcrs ©f j dGhavipg improperly spiritnaiinfiuonpe.'i S-fiis is the pfi. ; fition filed Md r ihe RepresentationW *thnipQuple'Aiiftva^Vffß/rian. -lit ml .Uai ;*t ’ ‘-•JiipEksek' ftfi’- jjiinationldbT ;tiaPWy Mdbtiorr;l'runiofs ? ffeflSp feernf trlfe touehTng v mr fpfcticl^d 'hdhejtMibt That they yyem AtidatiSiif : l arn iD^mpd l ETiaif‘ a°pl?titiTfi : }i‘ tfeeirfg A l ?d,e’tb& 0 Tag, iGJ^k J ’ : kgFf;nst'4lm' li retur l si l B'o ; f Ms. # us on 4ltS> G fit ? 1 arid that ' : KB -duly-feroft.l'h^ ibf Jri^K 0 :’ c "' o “ } nr 4 KEHTI3 ! Vodt OVlill ? IDo MO ,h vg OHUfI T l a7vfl v 1 rtoiliixiliV' 'mf e :. r beoc ‘ ’ -pnp v a s: td shh : liciltii.,^f v ,tiyo 7 Eniperor Napbleour) Teem tq-be jmbi&L s ol |9 M‘ RRV: (fenttf “did boa not .moiifit on. hors bayk ti dud follow tiih ; grand_ hpiS the Other day i \it?(A)m£eipq f bnfcgPp»|Wx.ta his: usiial phipticej c .ii^ t ucGep)ted ; ;jas4istUiK:e while/ getting intq, qpd aiigfiting: : from hrsktc-air ; At the shootip^/party,one .catnidd' bp grifeit difficulty anf| tvliiißi Hvyie spread wiilp apart, aftefc.EiW-J a? it pna ynt fi pjs artus h ehi cat jto v nis.iuQjiypfiqnts. q eveDing' e of the 1 lf>lt built oh. the Ibalcopy/ot tjhc on; which, heaohtihqied^se^qd,until -.the qouelision> .of/tim affair,, afihi >ugti ■ tjif Jvmpi.'osg t audit Ri iftftehs o| W; j»erq fetph, i standirig.l; ;qH-tyf i^F afeAb l ' itheatre,.too, -ao night or two afterwuEtbi, )Jife Ci with his' head l-'iiit fnewarfi «a iii? ehusk jUie wbdle; c jWrfpjgrlyJji^temiEp; to' efecytiiin^^a r yy^gqing W i ;r mio jou : buHao-oa .ueiicanel i oaodi j &M**W-*U mart ivo on r jii) paEt??sfcbbos c Kingdom have the 4iraw*.M *sswi&"" Seaf alter leaf Ms I».rn jfe, ’ BcrtJisliij-e? n *i'f piyvfiqL-q BBvJhmcti W)tihn<jd jone cons. Teveu inipieTmdde by y<rskttris$ t featff^tTcn 11 Iv/ii nj : fjo” jnost-pic t tali - di i rtftrV e tfn wm» k v 11 - fwktw iyuo iucum>iuuEii' ot gho r aud?ggai)ikt, ; tiin. uony'ndoas;- remlorial firt’Oii.T' -on Wie mii-i. < t tiie greaf l^tna owners. , jjicre wa< never suyh a. JreniO'Cit^ile^'b^rliiAHv / f: bef iK* dTi^ .trust.of Mr,'lT .eefrA.ieJ by? bku*chKjen.v ''“r- 11 j ' * F/iokm i «R bull y sso od) -i , Thp ‘Epaw’sh- Eqnkqoi al J 'Dncli /is. prd- - paring tu.cieh'br.Pe a graml.rtghgioup get fey a geueral nouneil.' arToledoro deliberate on flip iie‘w situa tion- i.f> wliieh ihe'Chut'dli iV placed by (fib revdiution and by the propped■ *prfeclaina tion of t uo^prfepc^flea.of cql * 1 iberty. It,jh s proposed that ,-eaclL Bishop shoufkl afterwardsc<immunicate to their clergy, iwu s-.rt ofpfoviTicml synod, th ■ flecmidu wbicli may fee arrived tit. ■ i General Espartei olm nddressed a let ter to. tlte- cjvil Governor of Salamanca, in which he says he has never entertained any personal ambition. He insists upon the necessity of supporting the Govern .ffieut iu order to. I'a.eUiUUi the . speedy meeting of the Cortes to enact the new fundamental laws. 3