The banner of the South. (Augusta, Ga.) 1868-1870, December 26, 1868, Page 5, Image 5

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~ General Early is a valuable ,hf to un * rilten hist,,r >' of t but unsuccessful struggle for '!'■ "Lfenal I***- A ’ such ' "• rou&u* 1 * 1 iinnJ ,. D d it to our readers v,,r the Bauner of the South.; - ,ET US HAVE PEACE." * ‘-If the passions of tbe day : ~l tillUC to bear swr.y; if prejudice ! i tbe hour: H a conflict of races • ! " ! if ambition shall turn tbe “r- the sword shall be thrown in the "V’,',.' .‘ (l inst patriotism; if the embers : : ,t ' ; .fp C war shall he kept agiowing ; , v : t h ,ew fuel they flame up again, r T. re>e iit gloom is but the shadow, ‘ , u/übi a, of that deeper and darker .‘'.' which is to totally obscure this I? uobere and blight, forever, the aux 'Unectatinns and anticipations of i kind. — Stephen*. IU The above words will be found in the ( ~( . ]u s; o ]) of the address of tbe Hon. ’\[ - 1 c liens before the General Assem f/'; r.r the State of Georgia, Feb. 22d, jlt would seem, it we looked at ,j it , r , r ,is and at the state of affairs now, i |j ia t has been enacted since that might almost think that Mr. Stephens looked into the future with ~r , etic eye, and drew the picture Acii has come, and is coming, so truly ~. If we take but a moment to c . ij-idor, it must appear to a practical that the things which he spoke of 1 arc daily coming to pass, and can we do ■ uvihiug else than fear that we are toex j erieiice what he predicted, that the then j resent shadow was but the penumbra of the eclipse which was to totally obscure us from the eyes of the nations of the earth forever. Let ns consider the propositions which L 3 mentions: First, “If the passions of the day shall continue to bear sway.” Do we n-.t see it exemplified every day in political circles. Instead of brotherly love and unity, and harmony, reigning in legislative halls, while endeavoring to re store peace and quiet to our distracted country, theie is every demonstration of lanco: uus leding. Scarcely can we glance at our political papers but we find some g eat dispute between two contending parties on some question or another. In stead ui that quiet and deliberate man ner in which such questions should be tre&tod, we have violent demonstrations i ot the party spirit which is so paramount in the breasts of all our public men. And even it* our public prints do we see the : same. \-p. rit manifested—scathing and abu % ai 'g ,la £e> one from another, because, 1 pori'hiiuce, the respective editors differ hi th ,i :i opinions. None of the essence 0i brotherly, love is there to be found, o. i< i any circumstance, and what more tan we do than fear the awful conse i lices which the illustrious Mr. Ste phens has predicted. But, to continue: Secondly, “If prejudice shall rule the i . Ah! how muoh of this same in* i stigatoi of mischief do we find in our : ver ." wu]k ol' life, and more particularly hvw eu the inhabitants of these two great sections. And how very strong, ;I! ‘id, and.injudicious, it is in us to give i ' l it instead ot standing up like : ; 11 ’11, debating the great question of the l . t;e\ id of any prejudiced feeling, one ‘ " " ,,r - ls tn *e, as a people, we ; ! v<! ( oi eto be prejudiced in a greater j ' “ u - tee; we have known wrongs, ' l }P h Kis I1(, f becoming in us, as a ' 1 people, to stand up with a hearing, but rather leave all i . i: m the hands of an overruling 1 .^vu -nee. Who has said “Vengeance is 1 ‘“ ,,le -J!»Hwill repay.” Thirdly: “If I K * ‘ ot races shall arise.” One ' V| > D ’ < r an sa y» has not come to pass I bW : !‘ y - in . a * ma]l . degree; and what a that ;,V tb t 0 di&tracted country p, n’eat evil has not been added to ! P- ] which is already bitter, indeed, fel ,Ut she dnmk to the i. a l >eroißm and fortitude which cuuse ? of le,u S applied to a better ehoulil dV" 1 . 0 ’ ‘V. ls ?lia " leful she man ;• jV' 1 "J,! 10 ' B «t,whereabrave tain.,' Pi,, ""a O'crcome, he does r,o hi. -”i v " submit quietly to whatever fc'thc li. f;!' J °? er - for *• Discretion kUt I’? 11 ol va lor:" and “why Ifanihh I th n pricls Fourthly: have ,n' j" 1! ‘i 1 t,u '. n . th '| scale.” Wo ciicleg ,:;;r ambll,uu ,n our political V si, ,v. le , illl ' b ‘tion which Should more 0 „l. .f to raise us once the I'aioo K.'j! h 0l!r - aister States in hitioti a useless am eaeho’ue ■',) ! !i '-endeavors to climb th ° fickle whether if i world, not caring Dfetio,, Jt f y hc good Os the main So far fro,, i“ 1 ," e wouid not have to taace toan exam ple; for in home- : .. i : . lre Uleu who leave their ! e; c“hundreds of miles, to pan ■hi: '. ll( -'hnations and intentions of o'.vi. f P° w ’-*r, merely fur their nieu k aR d to gain for them selves notoriety among the persecutors of his once flourishing State and country. This is what we call a useless and selfish ambition. But, on the other hand, let there be a noble ambition, one that dees not look to petty causes and pecuniarv considerations, but that struggles to free the country, the whole country, from the thraldom in which it is entangled. That is an ambition worthy of emulation. Fifthly. “If the sword shall be thrown in thp balance against patriotism.” We think we can safely say that this is one if in Mr. Stephens’ catalogue which has not come to pass, and may we not all join in fervent prayer to Heaven that this great evil may be averted—that every thing may be amicably ai ranged by peaceful legislation rather than by an appeal to the sword t \\ e have seen such a thing tried to our sorrow, and better would it have been for both parties had it been settled by the very means we are now advocating. Mr. Stephens, whose remarks we have taken the liberty to quote, says : “Wars, and civil wars especially, always menace liberty—they seldom advance it, while they usually end in its entire overthrow and destruction. We have taken into consideration the few' points of that mem orable address* we have endeavored to look at them in a proper light, and if we have said anything which is wrong or im pi oper, we crave the indulgence of those whose eyes may light on these columns, from the fact that we did it unwittingly. We would close by hoping that the Great Disposer of events may speedily restore peace and quiet to our distracted country. H. W. J H. Herndon , Ga., 1868. For the Banner ot the South. WOMAN’S INFLUENCE, CAPACITIES, AND ADVANTAGES. BY LILIA. Someone has written, that Influence is a talent of tuidefinable but universal extent. Others have argued that Wo man s Influence was weak and worthless. This is the argument of a weak mind. In this great Universe, there is no such thing as a neutral being. We all do good or harm. Every atom of matter is of some importance—from the blade of grass to the towering oak ; from the sparkling gem upon the brow* of beauty to the grain of' dust beneath her feet; from the smallest animalculse that purify the ocean’s waters to the bee that makes our honey; from the swine up to the king of beasts—all have a use, all exert an influence. Can it, then, be denied to anv human being? An ebulition of spleen against the female sex lias been common in all ages. The old Greek bards indulged in it freely; but, among those same old Greeks, every man who excelled in noble qualities was thought to have been taught by his mother. Many of the wisest men of our own day attribute their success to careful mothers. Webster was an advocate for the culture of female intellect, and he has shown her powerful influence on the morals of man. llow unfortunate, that so few acknow ledge, or realize, the extent of her influ ence for the good of humanity. More common than the denial of her influence is the denial of her capacities; which last, is quite as absurd as the first. Can anv one deny her those abilities which the pages of History reveal to all who read ? There is scarcely any station in life which has not, at some time, been filled by Woman. The sacred writers, in the Old and New Testament, have given nu merous instances of her capacity to fill high places. Even there, we read of her as a Queen, a Judge, a Prophetess. If, through Woman came the first sin, and the first punishment, through her, also, came the Redeemer. An Assyrian Queen built great Baby lon. Catharine of Russia, Elizabeth of England, Maria Theresa of Austria, are illustrious examples of Woman’s capacity to govern, and to fill high places. Joan of Are, and the Heroine of Switzerland, arc not the only ones who have fought in defense ot Liberty. Y\ Oman’s eloquence once saved Rome. Has Woman no capacities for the Arts and Sciences ? Can she not soar aloft to the home of Genius, and revel amid the glories of Literature ? From the time of the Lesbian Poetess down to the present century, a bright and glowing record of her achievements might be given? Madame De Stael, Hannah More, and Mary Summerville are known to all; but there are a host of others, too numerous to mention, that are bright stars in our literary horizon. Do you need proofs of her desire for knowledge ? Ever since the thirst for knowledge tempted Sheba s Queen to travel from far off Arabia to learn of Israel’s King \\ ornan has shown an eager desire for learning. Morally and intellectually Man’s equal, if not superior, why is it she occupies, at the present time, an inferior position ? Is it because of physical insuperiority, or waut of proper culture ! Why is it, that having these elements of greatness, she so often neglects them ? Many of the opposite sex are ready now to question : why, if Woman is so influential, so richly endowed with capacities for doing good, why is it she so often tramples everything like noble efforts beneath her feet ? These are questions 1 desire to an wer; not trying to prove her wholly guiltless, for, alas ! I must acknowledge that, like some great pyramid, she casts a long shadow on one side, but she catches as much sunlight on the other Dear friends of my own sex, fain would I shield you; but candor compels me to admit that Woman neglects many oppor tunities of improvement, because her gieatest, happiness is an absorbing desire for admiration Irom the opposite sex. \\ lien Woman becomes Mans com petitor in the field of Science, he may admire ; but his affections are given not to those who emulate and surpass him, but to those who can look up and adore. W oman should be educated, however, even though she should be called to fili no higher place than the housewife. The comfort and happiness of thousands de pend upon a well ordered household. 1 his is the province of Woman. To con duct it well, she should be, morally and intellectually, capable. Must she, then, be allowed to emulate the animal that never raises its head above the ground where it feeds ? Should not Man lay aside Envy and Jealousy, and elevate Woman, by giving her superior advan tages to those now within her reach ? I have already given one reason why she dare not become Man’s competitor in the Sciences. There is another. She so seldom has the necessary advantages to develope her capaicties, there is no field open where her unemployed energies may be exercised. Like Ruth, she would willingly glean; but she has no Boaz, like lluth, to give her encouragement. We live in an age where Mind is not, the “statue, of the Man,” far less the Woman. Worth is now measured by many things before the Mind is put in the balance. Among us , this is Woman’s mission— TO GET married. From the cradle, the importance of marrying well is taught to her. “Get a husband,” “get a husband.” She hears this song in some form or other from the time she can speak. Ah ! yes, a young lady must marry! 0! if she don’t! Dear girls, is it necessary to enumerate the long catalogue of consequences, if she don't? We°all know it by heart. We must marry, to be respected. Married ladies are of so much importance in society. Old maids are always a subject of ridicule; they are always in somebody's way ; they are always ugly, sour, cross; young men laugh at them, Ac., Ac. Our careful friends make us familiar with all these horrors of a maiden life, and they are so often hurled at us, that girls naturally think all the horrors of pandemonium lie in the terrible thing—a life of celibacy. 0, yes 1 a woman must marry—that’s the end and aim of life, particularly of South ern women. A Northern woman may work her way through the world single, and sometimes gain a little respect ~if she don’t, she can go into business; she can teach; she can lecture; she can write* but, unfortunately, the majority of South ern girls have never been taught that life had any higher aims than matrimony. The girl of twelve begins to paint, curl, flirt, and what not, until she lias caught a husband. A terrible thiug it is for a Southern girl, particularly those in the so-called higher circles, to remain single. A life of idle misery waits her. Reared up to believe work degrading* she scarcely dare do more than her own embroidery, lest somebody say she is a poor girl. Augustus Caesar boasted that bis imperial robes were made by bis wife, sister and daughter. Alexander the Great wore garments woven by bis sister. Women do not boast of such work in these days. It she happen to improve her mind enough to turn her attention to literature, she is at once spurned as a blue stocking. Matrimony is the only dose of escape. She must fly from the ills she lias to those she knows not of. Again, woman will risk much for love. She is so constituted by nature as to desire it above all things. Truthfully, has the poet said : “01 man's life, Love is a thing, apart— 'Tis woman’s whole existence.” Since Lesbian Sappho took the fatal le ap from the Leucadiau rock, in the vain hope of finding a cure for the pangs of unrequited love for Phaon, since Cleopatra died for Antony, Woman has been sacrificing her time, her talents, her life for Love. If, then, \Y Oman’s influence is weakened n her capacities are improved— it niu>t be that she has not the necessary advantages for improvement, and that she has no stimulus to exert it to action. Elev ate the standard of intellect and morality among the young men of the present day, and Woman will soon begin to emulate the example, by using all the means within her reach for improvement; not with the desire to outstrip man in the race for fame or wealth; but with the de sire to be a loved and appreciated equal. ffost [i rider this bead, we propose to pub* li>h, weekly, Sketches, Anecdotes and Reminiscences of the struggle for South ern Independence; and earnestly solicit contributions containing such Sketches, Reminiscences and Anecdotes.] STONEWALL JACKSON AT FREDER ICKSBURG, LETTER FROM MAJOR GENERAL JUBAL A. EARLY. Drummondville, Ontario, Canada, ) December 10th, 1868. j Editors Morning News: The communication to your paper over the signature of “ A Virginian,” in refer ence to Pollard’s statement that Gen. Jackson “once recommended a night attack, to be made by assailants stripped naked, and armed with Bowie knives,” with your comments, I have met with in another journal, and I trust it will not be considered obtrusive on my part to make a statement of facts coming within my knowledge, and going to show that there was no foundation either for Pollard’s statement, or that of your correspondent. Os what little is left us, there is noth ing which we should guard with more care than the sacred memory of our fallen heroes, and in the case of General Jack son, it is more necessary to protect his reputation against the commentaries of injudicious friends, than even the assaults of open enemies. I served under Gen. Jackson from the beginning of the battle of Malvern Hill to his death, and I was personally* present as a Brigade, or Division commander in every battle in which he participated, during that period, from the beginning to the close of the engagements, except the battle of Chancellorsville, proper, at which time, I had a separate duty assigned me at Fredericksburg. I served with him longer than any other General officer of Lis command, and I was a Division com mander in his corps longer thuu any who survived the war. It will therefore be seen that it is not inappropriate that I should say something, when statements are ostentatiously put forth, which, how ever intended, are calculated to bring discredit on the great, and pure soldier, and Christian who gave his life to his country’s defence. I have not seen Mr. Pollard’s article in 1 utnam s Monthly, and all I know of it, is what I see in the communication to your paper, and your own comments. I can undertake to assert, with the most perfect confidence, that Gen. Jackson could not have made such a proposition as that mentioned by Pollard, because it was a moral impossibility for him to have done it. Gladiators, in ancient times, or the members of the prize-ring in modern times, might strip for their brutal con tests, but there is a sentiment among all civilized, Christian people, which would prevent a decent man from being as brave when stripped naked, as when his nakedness is concealed by his usual cov ering. A naked sword is more terrible than a sheathed one, but there is no reason why a naked man should be more terrible than a well-clad one; and certain ly at the battle of Fredericksburg, in the middle of December, a body of naked assailants would soon have become so paralyzed by the cold, that the enemy would have had no trouble in dealing with them. Geu. Jackson not only could not have made so foolish, so absurd a a proposition at Fredericksburg, or any where else, for these reasons, but he could not have done it for the simple and con clusive reason, that at no time were the Bowie knives to be had. In the very beginning of the war, some men carried with them into the service Bowie knives, but they were never very plenty, and the only Military use I ever knew to be made of them was in aiding to throw up a slight entrenchment the day after the light at Blackburn’s Ford, on Bull Run. After that time there were generally abandoned, or, if used at all, used only for chopping beef. I don’t think that in General Jackson s entire corps euough could have been found to arm one Com pany, and there were certainly none in the Ordnance Department. Your correspondent states, as corrobo rative of Pollard’s statement, that at Fredericksburg, on the night of the 13th of December, 1862, after the enemy’s repulse, a council of war was held by the Confederate Chiefs, at which, General Jackson “suggested that the Artillery ol tae h lrst and Second Corps, his and Longstreet’s should be collected upon the nils directly front of the town, and a he.ny lire opened upm, it, and that the men o. i~ corps be stripped to the waist, to distinguish them from the enemy, and under cover of the Artillery tire, force their way into the town, and bayonet all who were not similarly attired.” This suggestion, your correspondent says, was adopted, but not carried out, and, he further says, “it was afterwards told by men of the Second Corps, that they had received orders to strip to their waist.” Your comments on Pollard’s statement •tie \eiy just, though you seem to concede the correctness of that ot your correspon dent. Not doubting the sincerity correspondent’s belief in what lie states, yet, it he has no better authority for it than the uncontradicted statement of some Army correspondent, or a. camp rumor, I will say that he has very bad authority. There were numerous erro neous statements which found their way into the newspapers, and went uncontra dicted, as there were many false reports in camp which obtained credence son times even from officers. General Lee never thought it consistent with his po sition to contradict any of the many erioneous statements put afloat during tbe war, and he discouraged everything of the kind on the part of his officers. I knew his views on that subject, because on one occasion, when I had corrected a misstatement of a correspondent in regard to some ot my own operations, lie gave me, privately, a gentle rebuke, which dis closed his own views, and effectually pre vented me from repeating the indiscre tion. Ihe reasons which govern Mili tary men, especially such Military men us Generals Lee and Jackson, are very different trom those which govern politi cians in dealing with newspaper state ments. Nothing, therefore is to be inferred in favor ot the truth an anony mous statement in regard to the Military operations in the Army of Northern \ irginia, because it has gone uncontra dicted. Ihe statement of your correspondent, if true, shows either that Gen. Jackson proposed to commit a very great blun der, or that General Lee was guilty of an unpardonable negligence. 1 think there is as little truth in that statement as there is in the one made by Pollard, and I will state the following facts to show why I think so: At the battle of Fredericksburg, I commanded a Division in Gen. Jackson’s Corps, (tbe 2nd,) and my Division met a part ol the enemy, who had broken through our lines on tbe right, and drove him back inm the plains beyond, a fact which will be well recollected by some of your readers, as a Georgia Brigade, (Lawton’s, afterwards Gordon’s,) led in the attack, and greatly distinguished it self. Two of my Brigades which had met the enemy, and aided in his repulse, then occupied portions of the front line, lor the rest of the day, and it was very apparent to us that while the enemy’s attack had been repulsed, he had a very large force that had not been engaged, which still threatened another attack on our right. Late in the afternoon, Gen. Jackson did determine to attack the enemy after the repulse of the attacks on our left, and I was ordered to lead in the proposed attack with my Infantry pre ceded by Artillery, while General D. 11. Hill followed me with his Division in support. Everything was got ready for the attack, and the movement was begun, but the enemy opened such a terrific fire from his Artillery, which swept all the wide plain in our front, that General Jackson, who was out with the advance, countermanded his orders, because, as It says in his report: “The first gun had hardly moved forward from the wood a hundred yards, when the enemy’s Artil lery re-opened, and so completely swept our front, as to satisfy me that the pro posed movement should be abandoned.” It was getting dark when this movement was abandoned, and it was well that it was given up, for the enemy had an im mense force of Infantry, that had not been engaged, massed in the road which ran through the middle of the river bot toms, behind the high, thick, and solid embankment of earth, which served as an enclosure for the adjacent fields, and furnished a breastwork co-extensive with our whole front ou this part of* the line, and much stronger than the famous stone-wall at the base ofMarye’s Hill. There was a similar embankment on the other side of the road, forming a second Hue, and the front one had been pierced in numerous places lor Artillery, so that irom behind it a storm of cannister and rifle balls would have belched forth, that would have rendered it utterly impossi 5