The banner of the South. (Augusta, Ga.) 1868-1870, December 26, 1868, Page 6, Image 6

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6 ble for a anything id live while passing ov«r the topon••-plain of about a inile in wid^fe'between and the road, How ever ready th«y wote to *>be jt* the orders', of Jtheir-.General to J 'fcdYanc6, :i there was not a wwtrof alb the force' hindered forward,,; whether in the front or 1 In support,' that did*not breathe freer when the counter 5 - 1 mandating.' }; ‘f r:r:H ;ti '' r< ' !,! 51 Much has been said iti tlnofficini quar ters about General Jackson's supposed 5 proposition to drive the enemy into 'the* riven,' hut it wilbbe Sfcetf frohV thefore-- goi ng/statement'that he did tlot make the attempt,i :and was compelled 5 to abandon it. ' I did not bear of any other proposi tion'to attack the enemy on that occasion. A iitfcle after dark Oh that day, I re ceived an (Order from GeherUl' Vfa&feoti to to take my Brigaded to thorear, to enable them to get rations (and (rest, preparatory to their taking! positions Off’'the front line foisifchei next v day, which I : was' riot able; to do, because no troops caine to my relief. (About midnight,;' another : brder campjifor Jacksonfomiokl Division, then f under. Brigadier a General Taliaferro, ahd since-, to relieve At P.'(Hill'S ; Division off the front line, atir moomrisc, wMeh* wa# thenjaftor the middle: of the^fiighVas’the mooioiwas iaifcs last; quarter. * Taliaferro' did move upnmy Brigades-' ’ being febrehdy in front, and rour formefftpositiOn On the’ second line wawtaken by D. H. Hill/U-hil'e A. B,jM*U retired toi.the renryto'tcsfc and recr^U*his fnetu There! to m/iho the;mem stripjto the Waist for ah attaOk.oribftcany! attach/ but ofrr OrdetM were. tora wait; t limrc new a l <of attack nest •■day.nrThe first- DhaWbv'eF heard <;‘f the proposal your correspondent. inentHsijs, is his statement of'it. >-1 think'’ that if tWe/had; been any'Order for : ’the men tou afripvmßwould wrtaiffty havto heard.-Q&f&«*. mThqre .iwasr atoittyWbty’ 1 ipnblisfofnl nf»(the papers,"that,- at' a council of' Wair hehbfcbat mghfc;<nGeiteval .Jackson fclbintoja;doze, and wheruwakOd up andihsked svhaj; ihia vopowum nWas, hto !replied dnisfe*dewnin: the civhiyb drive'- 1 I’em ipt the r-ivcr/AJmti.iio quoiwhh knew jt lie Geif#j?t}l ’si Oxeraplaryi piety, and'very jtempefgto; itr hsuto be proffumtrd,-* jgave of crodence >to that f heard M l fto council ©Lay air afi’affi'-eithCr hen or afterwards,except lrom the foolish fepbrt l al],udud: to;/.” -iie', c, «n | It its the'Stated irnent of <}\ pur;^orrespoiidentiicairt be cor*' beet, tbii’ tbpto reftoposj* Burnside sAtitty bonsisted of three Grttl^cjlAlviflion», !, €!tudl IJ an Army of r itse}fr under SiiumerpF rank--* ■ Jin, and rankling Grand. DiybffPP llpd gtjfcgckedvour jright, t ind Sumner’s our ilefttpii.whila'Hooker’s remained,-qpippa.Ffe4i ve ly haaciivewt After <3 um no, rppu)sQy*the iw Ijolei of Hooker’ll < rrand cressed,>ov#r to the support: and thppgfog small ofiinmadcAnother Mapye’s.Hill,- greater! part ?efrYeritho jDatornis : i tiooyfitbft«ti;ofc)pSjfcka<^^d - beewengaged. Krankljftfltiit c»nf*pnting‘.iOirr light, and,’,ip gucfe#U;oi)g foim- and poei tjion t^ippelled^ep.}»dacl^oo tb desist jfrqp)J>|s attempted attack from that tla?S«u f .ThetSocond Gorpsiwouldihav«s ijad to fiiaP. liyecmiiesto .get tj) Frcde4cl*sbm'g» by .anMr.roUte openlO!; it, the fu»Bti preparation made for. uuy h tmareimsi; 9!®' Oar©>®aOKfld tpat Geen th£pipa,pdopmportjto ttmeme&iy'ofarll tpat pai' Gwythingu oh the aftackp&fdfothatkiailedp the lefqyva^-qptenabl o - with; the oncinsyoin nbssessfojn pf sdifficulhics of ad vailing qppp tl*eften<jjpy iamFrodeiv: idksburg from tj*€^,bills id-,the-rebr were even of ft!c. t: the' gfound vnr «WJb‘*ivid«ueci3o4’: the qf Abe ouqmy asifthat* identiopftd, for minus wgip l( repulfcjpd withtgreatrtdaMghtety they jip4j!P lc torfali) back ojj. flirippjngitD: tire waisy,\yopld hy.yp btfen a vmw'HhaUdwt one, a.Mhp, ;foght t ywqfc. vey-y;dtt<*k fore pa^rt r , and n <„qP ctbe ilttrttei\u;r>$*ait; when tt^, s7; inooU; d’dW*: W-: ki»v.ym£&gp ovjerkung-jihCj riy#jr Hip MW artnweadi white distance, it.won -^lay^vbeen n impossible: to jteli a >( uiap;Wijtly/UtnmisckHfc •fttomnon©' w ilth a jaty^etj.,jlf tfos hadrfwvnisdacd'the means -so phe, j. men vantage wpuld, have been! foibwith it ho* enemy, vypowould *foaye taeik in . compact; lb if ni,i"Wbi:le ou ' r ilD6ia would had tq sepecatft>iufeQ: innume-i rable parties to gc.t aluough the-, streets. In an attapb °l> dijs *p#t, would, have, of our yvouldbawe gotten; into iii ..qp^ftieion.'j-.ilAu- large’ portion of.qur than xithied,)' had no their allies jhnd beou picked up on.-prewi otjff battlfodiclcU without bayonets, t Our . mop always dyouded jfiigkt attacks,;lrom thelfcav of encountering each 1 other, and roup' knew this better than General J adkpi. T do hdt r believe that General Jackson madfe the pfoposAT, iin<3 I bbi'perfectly.' satisfied that the attack, If attempdeTi would hAVe 1 resulted in ; n terrible disaster, ■tolls, grerftbf, pefrhaps. .thati’Wbttld hayq' 1 attended ati'attack frßin oufTigU'/ Gen. Jackson’s staff, at thifr frfnc, With the ex cepCffititof'his twd* aides, wits afterwards ' teybwn 'staff for T considerable! period, and M -I‘‘bettor heArd ah ihtiilnitfon from anyMne&ibCr erf it that the proposal had mm: TIWIMWh nr ■Jiich ii uyMitia#,, thali.J3a.lJir pr<4-qssta Renewalwf4lie attack toretft day, atfd“ was only induced to desist from it by the 'earnest protest .of bis office rs-r-uot because 'Of the demoralization of the put, bechufee of the strength of our position. | To hItVC abandoned that position ‘ w'cViifd | have been to yield oUr advantage 1 : ,n ' 1 Thpro is another reason, which 1 toimen 'is a most potent operand that is M because-, I kiiow that the boldest man in his stra getic fnqvenreuts, qiid; bisjacticpyon j field of battle, in all the- A^my"of North ern Virginia, StonCAvafr -.fackson not ex- i igepted, was Generaf JTobei t K.- ; I*ee. i 'JVes, under th'at calm, and dignified ex- - tenor, there beat one of the boldest hearts, i and dwelt one of the most daring mjnds | that ev<fr ; Aspired C orrimapder of an ; Army. He'required no councils,of war j to urge him to deeds of bol^ l es^ l! apd, M b| never heal’d 5 ! of' a council of .war dgyipg | the whole 1 histdfy tfl' that Army luuder fiis Command, ft'is true lllat he (With hS^Obrj^s'cormnan^ers^,..aqyi Sony,-. fimeS !i Wrtlf stiljordliiates en(piistec(, witjy hm .^b; i®spiTanOn' from their .tostiTint 1 d i thciii a portion during., •spirit ■dunce 'in h n^i^-eminent, t (.l^gre^,, 'im rea^y; 1 - j atacrity, :il: the ptjinsGifibQ CJ rGfencrafJ^M‘no o'neV felji ( ihe ijoss | tuvaliidble* 1 lieutenant, Wm’C, tliaii Gmj, Lee «e#{i?d. JJ „ i: u m: di-TofWdtfsfy'any one r<>. ignrd it ,^^s§pry fffiti hfttt fb Vxafnine Xly" yf.V i/ VUfc'V|^t^u :J bfetofy , r unpai-aUelq^j^n^pj, ifrpm tn‘ci' !; Bapi(laii to me Jamy^ tl; q| ( ,t! 1 y ;i: -operations 011 the,line of R ichifionaiid !^eicrsl n i rg, ,y ut ot { ,t , treat sod than a huhpxod jmi lop ( to, 'Appomhftbit (Wurt'Xk will jjot, K tor the! ‘ i ayatlpr ; wi Ig, lm untold 1 f tut as thc sqyjegiyly , great*tnttfd;' Which so .rejpgtan.tly.sur :i,euderb i d VffeJbfit’all, renman|..j|f kgs,. ;Piire VirgifiiaWith iheif ; lMp.^.;' ul Geiffihd enough tp.esiaU;, dialv h i# fopUtatm dir an Bhe : ‘bf ‘tiim .heroes-, pafriotK/ 1 abci c pWi pto agp.,' , J( Letjjd-s , fanac, fhet'efOTd, 11 lesi'"oil‘‘liisj. dccqf ti .sijd •andj r lefe tidt l his’-’ p'tifb* Aahkyby coniycted., with Wild I*and 1 *and ■schema, 1 either'for the ofjding... •to'fkis glory, oy obsctu-iiig that of ppy.of, o s b^ye,, knovyn u hift tfiolights a'nd puip;>SjC { s? v toif?ie v hAfl : ftY/VM&Mi &A\ it fw|g hiji-bxlbtfffie lb tern nee, fuat t o%p, Mt.hts-'kfiniCdiatb 1 v subof<l:nates jp.Jguo-,, i ra non <& ' hiy >J! pu^pbses' 1 *tihtil' 'tf 1 ey r .,werp called Upoti 1 tb- ’detr Jj\% pe^nally shouid ju|qw more of Mb vie l t’Hhn ’fhosp '^io_ iip ni( ,diatoly* (! sd^unded'' 1 " Idm %■ ftißli' A'Hs l ftanVc. .is spjpe u-tinaevs hiTyGylcylatcd d&magti l 't<i l %ft^ ; J chUiVttH'ef as a ’ s d'Xier i*,«, souKi of ; tfib v |*e* .garil tm {H l'eii^oftsJ'vfbymfe'ink (opiijaaoirs 1 h atbd'tfi do to * the ear p- f meat, tititldul' I 'ahd‘'Vi'otlesVh;iUire of his i£]lucistiatt 1 ' J Jf XV. f{(l v- m a -»n VpLQ&lsi a Wk G exe PwAfei itouWJJ Jffi aL A t vt! m 1 -As t■ * 1 ' .is itti \ 1 oi-'General IdobeVt li/. (i | hwL ;\Uts*ught uM <W*| a s.e;we <f nablrwi tiut)cu^ptof. M s. i .Yolck', c ftj , cuiHJi''i'iis otkvrs vvofikd Wjtj*',!thp poss.-iibsfcEHaefh?<:t t»ja/Pho!--e*| liients am cer!aiiijyi..4:ury»egtoa'k ! The" JJgVe altd’ jiatpralow Tbcc be id- is abroad and dhe tjspression *of 'the fade- combined an utto dc|ipable«.enggoatron ots latent power. tooy.kmd to be an excel featWo-! The house on which the great 'Soutbcrip^ddier.^^Giffid^ CK l' tuni \ :: Tap >bw \ otekm ‘placing 1 tbijs work qu exUdrition is to difs}tose Ot it ■ ' L)'y’riffle, putting,.the number of tickets • at one; hnndrcd fitty ami the ptice at - ! <IvG! uullajik-U ti«fceti; The opywifiriity Is g, teuiptiiyg theipiize valuable, apart fi-oiu the associations caunected' with ’it*, * and the cost to those who dosim- to join the venture quite small. Quite a num ber of chances have already been taken. Minre ies mom ■ an-4 it is imped tbat the S’cmainuer wot be sqld before Ohristmasur MivoVolok is»' a Laltund rt ? artist, * and; has;ccßuffered heavily by his devotion 4o a ciAiU^e 1 whic! 1 'has ruined so many-otbeva and hast left 'behind it,a Gro , wd;of-B|Kwirnful-i«emorie». The colossal .statue of Sitonewall -facicsoti; which be was .iOfiiuimissioncd to under* takq, remained on his hands at his studio in Munich, in the' experienced by tho-Southern peo pie. 'ybc hue - equestrian: i statuette of 1 cent production* U-ffd we sliouldnbe- -glad to leaa-n that it had become the property t of one of our citizen^^t— BaUiGazette.''-''* 11 • i I,rj j j ; ;;j fV*! T ‘s 0 ll’ffOl* - The Deauiatc:Houl¥** : I wood O.emeiaiiy, lljCH.tioxu.-rt-Tlio cere* Moony, of laying the ewneitstone < of the grapite pile r whjck is to be the 1 |adies offtlie Hollywood Asso ciation, to the i iiie,u^ < >vy of the tGonfederate ' dead,,,\yas.performed on, tb«oßduinst, *«by ‘ Lodge, N T p .jQ, of;,Frec and Acw cepte^,jVlasjC» ! n*>;;• Jt . ; j c u.mro :*rv y'" 1 Tbqfqlloyying articies /were- deposited in the eot;ner : -stqncv v-iz-: Holy. Bible, V ir* ginia, Masonic, text; ; *Gon<«dearate ! flag, (first tnade in.-lbiyhiiiQnd,) Confcder* j ate, a,pd cartridges aud.Federal; I muskc ( yb?ilG,. foundiWithtovtwt) miles of j itiehmond y Hi spat oh ,i I and tyqte Jaur^al;, ,K i^rntm<l l -Exam fr y tTffi^rst;, issued, afteu H th©oevuduation.a and 5 Cpnfedfivaifi' button®pa» ’Ti;agujp,nt, ,qf coaF^ru* ;! by Lieutenant? Genqrcii time he re-o 'ceivudMy tfie cqM, qf (xpueral.T. J,]Jaqkson precord of the Hollywood,,Mw i P l ‘'iaViAssooiation ;• ' pi) o i Qgrp of. the. ,Me rpqrial piio ; iGonfbd evatCj nicpc};,, qpfl stffWjpf' ;.-,photograplis of 1 ffag^, photographs of Goofed-, j (,‘iale GoncraGb photographs of [Jefferson * t of !: the.4nst ,‘ ! Jus Byrreni ffjppe jump thp, defifjhj of,G qneraJ-G’t-iW» jfTjindQlply; qi; by, j.. } Barsqn I*epq at the ‘t(|n, N/‘C,,, ofi Atiuie' j^ rto^ e d*» 'tv Atmi. me o yn:mi. " rn i-rinuamt v- .tt u vrv.V .ran A ifc.derate pi and; eij L n amedi C iaiyto? i W;ho lives in Pearson comity, N. C.y wscs t;:]eased,fyoi11,,pri^p,^ ( at' The sclose ofrvthm w.igi, a,n,d lapfjjjil. in,:Pljiladelphift; ragged, ‘and without ayeiit of HHWiey; .; Hoanetrup l \yhh an pid ‘gputleunm, ,:wh'o, qiiicy tp a bi : an old mijiden sister.. Jiyiqggu -the , t^. employgdyby ,her.-pp -tJ^uTajnutryllet worked al). that year Tpr the old.lady t and -‘btm horaoy Tl(e othpv ,’day GlayJuu iyedenotijco-of f ,dip! old! lady’s.,death,#ud4hat she:haddett Sip the \vho|c, of Jp^jesJato.i;; {fTheoesfcate captains, abpnf.idO aorqgti»fngooil.lanajH*- jlps 4G i .'muc I s ! f ro hJ Philadclpidawis well sacked, all the convetwiencesrof iv fjir.pi..ym- fpwhangQ. -use. ' ~i:i r ,'xifpioa'to- iicirußKlißw’» f rih'\'fJw-.Ji(idie» ; t)f)\Th&tioiMh‘l iil; 1 1 ! 5 ‘ ,( . M 5..... *..-m j;i! . 'A if l , Soon ’tift'cT the tofminatHm of Ui^ t: laf(3 w ett, thff ! M!iffHßMh r Buillpiyi) atioh whs with yhe col ltidtlngpdmd r‘Ctnffirriii^' l the rqjptips q( ( th^ f heroic delld, py;er th.e fields of aiM j>u.ll jlJifp. dvbrk been forfnation, arid" the geople “<^: t } Btri'ck(‘ii' Section’ 1 hkyo '.cn>tne. faj rVrtr' aiddbuF behave f at ‘facing in'/So shiall jhp, Utitfr liedbssdfy foi' i:^|etio?t l Whtk, aml' 'btiiksistery'of the Soutli, fbij )u f,;rM T!ie dead bn 5 these fielus are not guy,. •dead alone; but the dead 'Sooth; fo'-ttii k’hibof of Hove Witten kSf the widbhpSouth', ( ‘*jns.l we, %1 ! thal [ bur sis®' will if. k tth'd'‘-Godßr I ‘a rev : stfrely’ we l ; be | cbutentitV alVovf il Hhp ’feones .yf our ..slain to bleaeli, QjtftosoilT 5 ;'; t ; J ’ ’ ‘‘j’ r: , iX , j. G/r'Af oufTJqiffist, ‘Mr/Hyopn ,\V. FjCyye]), h Yi nd (frtaTc etY't o : vYstfi *'t Fp, tu te s. s{ t the ■ SHfifh, contributions Jyr i,he ohjecid We Vfecm it ’uunecessafy.j jfbdte.-q.enk for him a kindlv receptipu; v hei, VrSW'ihuktf l hrhwolf wclcoirjeV rppeseiS to dblivrtr a :r Meuioria'!'' in- s ,tlie i viMbrJ,"'ab(i—if if if,’’ got asking. to'6 minch--ive would' the Ministry of the South, to extend -to him the use ot their (. iiuvcrn fox that Dnrpbse. 1 ' , , w:r j. !(l . ? |S !jt ;l We hope witli your assistauee, soon to, . biPUbte to f ' establish a Cerrietary up the, iubbve battle- fieido, —and desire to mark thd newly made graves — as faV dg tHci n mhins are known. Forsons will con* i .fi»r-■ A- favor 5 oh the* Aksoß?diton, by fur- ! * pishing* Mr. F. with the i/ffinGs of fVjeud.j wcr6 killed in ihesq -battles, -to, Ann*A : Frckdm { l; Mary E. Grsrfixbv R'ford ing Sec% 1i: Addie S. Wheeler, Treasurer , Os the Association. 1 Crawford Cushing. Exutive (Join. x * n ”F* * ft Tv M; j., .!H j*ra»i •;•*! a 1 - ~~ *rrt-‘-te- n'-M- f- AC-ii-o 1 X,. T BLO# H & CO . , ~ J -py lU.ISHEKB AMU PIIOPRIL’ToHS. :j- 7,.; • r - (ittir. —yml. _• Ua./»®CEM BEU 26, 1 §6B .... «nt ;.r ' n- lfi !’?»( " l! • *‘ l * r j - >|r;, r ” T 4®“ AirComrminicatioiiß, intendt'd for publication must be direcGd to the Editor, Rev. A. J. Htan ; and all Biisiuees Cothrnuuieatiohs to the Bublighere, L. X .Bloate <fc Cos., Angiista, Pa. 4Eg=- A few Advertisements will be received,’ and' in-; serted on liberal ~:: : —• T,* : ' >'ii :#L- If*. 'ri3RAlss.,: 6ne copy, one year, invariably in ad>;ance w .,MM*o ■•■• \>y‘ !*«.*(( atx months ! ‘ “*■ ...... 150 Single Copjies, v lOcte To Clubs.—To any person pending us a Oluh of J. 5 'one copy, one year, will begiyem _ Toplub? ot’.2fl ? 9r ; more TrrE'BAStsMR will' be 'furnished at the rate of $2 50 per ahimhv ; , A r;! *" 1 ■ ,;jß®=- In all cases the'taafrute 1 must be fitrnishe'd at the same time, aml gie raußt aecoanpitar dbih brder. DejOers v.iU,bo,6X|ppli,ed on liberal terme- 1 ' ■ f- To t: Offit DELmQUEXt - PATRQ r \S.-^A„ . M> i T 1 •/f pi f- ’ J/ ii A V .J - V L ' few of bur patrons liavy . delayed up tlycgr liidebtedgess jjjiith uthiskoffice 1 . ,Aye Wpe Jhaf thcy-willido! sObno lofiger, (but send us'the' amount due us at the earliest possible moment as our business is strictly cash ttli;i . t» imitiui mi •<>•” r>J 'GA^j^c!xfilj[, lstfr* Vi tiL . T. Blome Aifr/illtth, (4a'.: iit. I wish to ask you, oflrTtChalf of myself (and some dozen others,-a-(jiibstion, if I may do so without indiscretion. We are intenselyi ih'tlie" Earlkof' Sufh etlaudj and. vn\n% Mo'hidcVbti’if the wfltbr hf/it isia Scotch ladV'? iJ We ; toy she‘ ♦must bey as -she could rt(h (fits 'Hdbteh Mlialecfe ©tlaerwiscf 'M% ttbhfd ilto like tb | i«k, it: Blairtax is hefi'reffl bathe 7 'Hnd, if snot, if you.are liberty^b'givbit 1 Heafee* answer ttemgh'.yoUY eel uni ns, amdoblig^, , idi YcuiwpirbspeietftHJy; — K J.'H. ‘ ■ No’Be. licar ttiat dur, ;. -• *■ *r u T vfti m-: in l til im ‘correspOnclcnt .J. 11., aud .some t .dozen* UtiUJ -en 'Oil i i-qt-f-t . ••- V’ ; others,, gyp lt .ggtoresstcd m the - 1 fSflnds interested td-tffe sathe <Ment: IMlt,' • teally/tt-e Canhot'disclose the name'.fif,the jyifted and talented authofpss t( : mueh \\;p caii £ say, hqw.ejvefj that iffßutb d Georgia Itidy; ! '‘’ 1 t *«»u y :> : T|uinn ; !—'\tV., l Quihp only ailMhc. )gtq, - , pdcftocial papursmof the Jay v; bid a supply offr bbok^, music,'etc.; stoitable 1 ' frfr !i the ( Christinas. dhd ; New Vbar holidays.'' . then and. I** 11 i *o* CHJYUH is mw ' • ••'• get;sonit'thingpretty;app «■ SW-]so^oN f ' : Pittfe--#e ! mvijaVpe,. blHl attention to j.juriialiifq f tbli * Bannerol The ,■ Piipl of fcher,miosbiYdtoHbl^ I: an'd it i terest iivg ‘ ©A^lhoi id df i d : ' Fa’n i ity pape r‘s' iu ( tffe obitnffy; And shoiird have a wide j circulation. cpipmemL Jft tot our jrv hi 'wm. T it Mr. l)d.nahoe 7 ; the pifbli.sheE* liars. Also, ia very oxtChs'fve'bodk ptffd ! rshiij i g‘ Hiousy TnT'dniibtffion'with his papeE. „ /k . j '/T' m. r ' :i SkAVSFUi. Clik : i?TMA>i ! Frk^eNT-.'—; v Mf. A. Ifroritaut has, 'ned. fiymi; !Europe, ‘And l|as now qpe Hftfiathtininatfd-i Ripest stocks uffi Jewelry, W^fee*»,i { find -Silver ware, on this side of VKe'Wirfef!' ■ Bis?' 1 -ussi/fthie ut*• einErHliea e ( HffluaHy kepk mTlijS .and, 'am'warryijyd! pf ■ t ks- yei-'y uibeeti qualityp ivvhlk his, prices,ar^.as mfcookWe be'CXpee..txaid : C‘r.^huiffe ’AYßt'Tes. !IL It Is lerfbtigli to lrihko' wgi^x;, and cTes glisVdii id look at the briirhkii(9iri>v ,of gold, gud s|l,ver f , anj, pteciaus i&oncM, 1 wutauik sbuw-(iHses, ahd'bii Ins'J lielv^es; utwd. for some-! ' »«' r fy/H ■ ' Gr)‘j Thing; really beautiful and yuluablu wgtb whicli to make Christmas, - .Present*?,, his estabiishmaiit.Js-jusk the; plaoe. r iton't forget to give him a callybr-scmhhim- ail . < nnJ '"lJij: order. * . a ,Horace,GßEUßiiEH::purpC)sO^ , 'tb' ii wl*ito, during the -Veal’ I’B6‘ff; atV'efcme'itory' , - T u b 'p J wovk on rolitical economy, wherein the policy of Frptcytlpn to H.opje Industry wilfiie explained and vindicated, -This wilkiinii lie givcti through sTrcctssivc isstlßs ! ‘6f the" The New York Tribune, and will appear in all editions—Daily. $10: Semi-Weekly: $4; Weekly, $2 per annum, THE' BANNER OF THE SOOTH AND FATHER RYAN, 4?**j*- • Our RevereuJßditor has just returned from Jacksonville, Flotida,'where -leha*. been preaching,to large audiences, >n. { ] lecturing for the bepefit of the (Jhuich in course of erection in th»t>tlmving an( j ( fast ! growing city. He was accompanied to Florida T>y Father llamfltonj p OVi . Rectos (if the Cathedral of .Suvam- h who for many years, Pastor of Jaek sonville. Father Ryan is loud in Id* praises of Jacksonville, the? zealous Priests, Fathers Laudry and Gaboarv •and ‘ the generous people. They ai(} erecting a fine and commodious Church to meet the increasing demands of the' .rapidly growing Catholic populHiiun tTliou'gh tiredgvith Ids travels and F- Ryan gives his usual v l '- torialv- this- itat-k. The day after Christ. mas he will leave fir Charleston, to leo ,ture <»ti fodr successive nights for thq ur .' ’JJhanl; t .| : [,IIe r^tu r op on the Gist of De cember, to dc*liyer:an address -in Aiken fqr thoi-benefit of the Church, which 'i , u ,Bi shop'PCmco is about building in that pleasant ‘little town. ‘Sometime, diric - • ■ ■ ; . 1 ■ *' a January* W\ understand, Father ff V au 5 1s k goyngtoto lecture for f !lf )V!W Church, JWhiclGFatltor O’RcfflVi's goirG' to cdirihl’ence. ' Thence our' Reverend ii >,<*>•“ * ■ 1 1. H i EditoF goes to the Synod in Savauiml:; 'after v?e ; hcbnvo, it? js his; mtonti;-u to m ake ; q< sour of preaching aiVd l«*ctTtrinu through FlorMa; to retuni in the February!' "But, though thus in'the.Ayoa’k ojhjlie holy Week to address;eas Editor, sh^ 1 * mafiy canstaiitly' increasing reader's o's Ter BANNEk 1 Tfid'SorTii. lie has. sigu;* :fiad to gs his.'Jiffentj,un of. diacussme; the stilus which are now agltatingnthe mtrids pf eur people ; and •he.plsd'-intohd's;' iiira few week’s; tu cevnie >a coluhHiiHti’ fwo' of T:ie to th apd, of t hr.lndie 'Dbctriiwe. tl The'd»A,\jsKr..';thns, will ir •:m . . . ! pyen iuorc unterosting Tiian cVYr; and -woacall' irpdir all Svho' are friendly to too. Fr-incipTek which we maintain, to give us their syjnpfithy and- -substantial assis tance. JVse ace 11bout to begihMl e New Year with ? bright piPspccfs' ailJ with greater 1 -zeal 'tlian ' ever; and ijuaiks to iOU4t gene'rdus patrops, the BANNEh or th« 'FoWxh, which is alrcadyian institution < f f —ft ) 1 * ** ■ * ■ J the.HciUtli and of the Church, will ex lorin ' ... Meutl the field of ils fis6fuhncks—andpiorc t : > ■' Vi MuUl i l bravely tliaiV ‘‘ever will ’ speak .for the Truth and the Hight. Daily- foe,- ciiil dren of the Chuinb and the children of tpp A*nd manymoMu hearts (’i iiN-corth, send ; iis ! proofing and words of.*:.- sOu rage men t’f tana wcjhpow, that ,>vc .'hall not want kelp ,tii.e greatocaii-e *• 'which of tiik V 1 jsßs - ' * ,yoted. f. We#halt noVei*’ fail our host- of friend —said 1 tfhev, %ii ktiow; wrli never foibus. 5 ' ’ J f , 1L C’lifltl U» ’ *»»■ - -• THE •PIJONOaRAPfItC MAGA^NF.^-Pil .nQgpppiiycis mie of ;the- itM'm' :ir.' ! the age. ft ; .. oliand- rcdudbdto'H'sciyucc, and has h •rfo Hhicli iiiipp.ovpdfoi the pHfsfc few year.-, ’tjiat'any unq,,witli ; -<jrdinury enn acquire knowledge ol M ;.a 3lussrs:>:Mhi#lP^'&'NrxWu,‘of 'fow ' deUtlfo have T'Ccdiiflv commenced the r : hcat|bn of .a.l?!iu.qngraphic Magazine in t r b.ut„fcity, ,>vliipb we cotmnend to nil w gfinjstindying; that'art or-\Vhq inter. ! ■•■ •• 80."'. It is'a Sbitfherij publiciitiiifo, in. Worthy orrc v , ai/cf‘ought to be a -no smSfa'ined. -/The fern is arenas i\ Hows : For f p»e hpsjt (i vo mjinbere «Sl <! d’or. the year'lßoo,' (weekly).. : •' 1 Six months'.. .:.. •dinghy numbers’. • G ii nu .; ... t ' To the getter up .ui a Club of bv (?v r ,c.opy free. Terms invariably in ad vane'* ' Address “Phonographic ■:Ca«ip StntH/Xcw Orleans, La. |)V! , —Messrs. I'* * ki«s-& Pclyt take some heantifol pictures, just tht: thing for Christmas Pn .'tir Tilby have, aFo, several fancy ari’ for the same purpose. Messrs. Tutt & Land have a lar;.e ' sortment oi fancy goods suitabi- :i,i t■ Christmas and New T car s Prescut;-. immmmfiJHwapttfc f '■