Newspaper Page Text
Saftamudi ImtcaaL
tery, &c,—-It Will be <*£■ from the adver
tisement in another eolnmtv that Professor
Anderson, the celebratt id wizzard and illu- <
si must, wUI commence a brief Season at the
Theatre on Friday evening, ISJh instant.
The Professor has recently returned from
tures in magical mysteries that will astound
and bewilder, and which have baffled the
keenest perception of thousands. Profes
sor Anderson will bo assisted by Misses
Leona and Columbia Anderson, Professor
Shubert, and Young America, alf skillful
and accomplished performers, who have
won (littering encomiums throughout the
world. The “JErial Suspension,” by Miss
Leona, is said to be a wonderful perform
ance, aid will be introduced by Professor
Anderson in an entirely different manner
from that of other magicians who have vis
ited this section.
The well known liberality of the distin
guished illusionist will he nightly enjoyed
by Savannah amusement -seekers m the
distribution of one hundred costly gifts,
comprising articles of utility as well as or
nament. There will be a change of pro
gramme every evening, thereby making the
entire series of entertainments doubly at
tractive and enjoyable.
There will be h matmeo on Saturday, on]
which interesting occasion every child in]
Savannah is expected to be present, when]
every child will receive a gift.
Merited Distinction.— ln the re
port of Premiums of the Thotnasvillc Fair,
we notice the following deserved and com-,
idirnentaity reference to the'superior artist
D. J. Ryan, of this city:
l>. J. Ryan, Savannah, best plain photo
graphs, Diploma. Best colored photograph,
Diploma. Best photograph plain porcelain,
Diploma. Best photograph colored, Di
ploma. Best display photographs, Di
ploma. There being no premiums otTored
for “mezzotint photographs,” the com
mittee would respectfully recommend a
Diploma to D. J. Ryan, for specimens on
exhibition, as the best.
John E Bakeji,
The Democratic press are very indig
nant at tlifc arrest of the managers of the]
election in this city, denouncing it in the
most unmeasured terms. But they had
nothing to say when Republican voters
were marched from the polls to jail under
ehartres and taken, through our streets
mnmiclcd, like men charged with murder.
Of course nothing more was to be expec
ted, for these men are poor and hare no
rich rela'iotis and worse than all are Repub
lican*. It is a terrible crime to arrest
Democrats, but its all right when poor men
are arrested and put in jail simply be
cause they are Republicans.
Old Joiis.—As the time approaches for
the advent of John Robinson’s “World’s
Fair*’ and unequaled equestrian combina
tion, the excitement rises to fever heat, and
the multitude awaits the arrival of the
veteran showman with more than ordinary,
interest. Coming as he docs during the
Fair, our citizens and visitors will be in
debted to him not a little for their amuse
ment, for nothing can better'eontrihute to
the enjoyment of the occasion than tlio;
well appointed establishment of which old
John Robinson is the efficient head and-di
T. P. Re.mid.—We call especial atten
tion to the card, in another column, announ
cing that this gentleman has entered into
the Grocery business in Augusta. We can,
from personal knowledge, give him our
most hearty endorsement as an honest, J
steady-going business man. May he have
complete success.
Death of 11. G. Hazan.—We are
pained to announce the death of 11. G #
1 [, which occurred on Thursday morn
ing at eight o’clock. Mr. Hazen at one
time was a ship builder in New Jersey, and
also in Maryland. He served with ability
in the LegisfirfiiPes of 5 bcNm mate. |
To 1 he-Savannah Journal:
The election at the Cameron precinct,
Screen eoiffiUsMr ftctgifioan
reeei veJ
Cap.ta.iu Williams of the schooner AN lute
Wing, was severly injured Wednesday af
ternoon by tiic hoisting apparatus on his
veuse! giving way.
The (leant and Wilson glorification
ntwlintr Wednesday evening, was a suc
cess. Everybody was in a good humor.
Several applicants for the position of
teaclu-r in the colored 'Public School
wore examined Wednesday
mm r • --
Democracy to disprove tlie assertion that nudit
be— but Sis n’t been— made, tbgt
usiuess Me|i. of Savannah to ftfrßa fron| jpakmg
I known {trough. tlie medium bt‘ a
the space egfeupied by tbis be
leading, fiffe class, mercantile firjjj, : ware oc
■ertising their business tor the ntfgfc tljrea months.
f VC
To be drawn In Public, Dec. 30th, 1872.'
Tickets fit. Each or Six jor #'s.
Tickets sent by .Express C. Q. D., if desired.
1 Grand Cash Frize $75,000
1 Grand Cash Prize...... 35,000
t Grand Cash Prize 15,000
1 Grand Cash Prize JO,OOO
1 Ca5bPrize............... 6,000
1 Cash Prize 4,000
3 Cash Prizes, $3,000 each,£7..l ' #,OOO
4Cash Prizes, $2,000 each • ..f. ‘ 8,000
2Cash Prizes, SI,OOO each,.— ~ 2,000,
For balance of Prizes send for Circular.
This Legal Enterprise is endorsed by the highest
authority of the State and best business men.
The limited number of Tickets on lifiud will be
flimished those who apply first.
All Prizes will be paid in full. Agents Wanted.
For full particulars address
J. M. PATTEE, Gen. Manager, Omaha, Kcb.
oct SOtd. ,
“Silver Tongue”
143.145 k 147 WST 23d STREET, NEW YORK.
Responsible parties applying for agencies In sec
tions stillmisapplied, will receive jftoroStAtHtttion
and liberal Inducements. Parties' rending *t a
distance from our authorized agents may order
from our factory. Send for,illustrated price list.
oct24 3m
Laws of the United States
[General Nature— No. IM.]
AN ACT making appropriations for the repair,
preservation, and completion of certain public
works on rivers and harbors, and for other
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep
resentatives of the United States of America in
That the following sums of money be, and are
expended under the direction of the. Secretary of
t -fo#h| WBMoVCUieat of Du r,nth.barW |[i |fe t as
sota, fifty thousand dollars: Vrovided, That no
part of vaid sum shall be expended tp lajsre
For the’ improvement of Superior Pity harbor,
Wisconsin, fifty thousand dollars,
For the improvement a#Marquette harbor. Sick
-IKFo’rThe Improvement ofMenoßKwaeo harbor Mich
!gn and Wisconsin, twenty-five thousand dollars.
"■ajßpWTni provem eat of Ahnaffeo'harbor, Wi
owlTi, twenty-five thousand dollars.
For ffie improvement of Two Rivers harbor,
Wisconsin, twenty-five thonsand dollars.
For the improvement of Sheboygan harbor, Wis
consin. eighteen'thonsand dollars.
For the improvement of Port Washington har
bor, Wisconsin, fifteen thonsand dollars.
For- the improvement of Kenosha harbor, Wis
consin, ten thonsand dollars.
For the improvement of Chicago harbor, Illinois,
ninety thonsand dollars.
For the improvement of Calumet harbor, Illinois,
forty thousand dollars.
For the improvement of Michigan city harbor,
Indiana, fifty thonsand dollars.
For the improvement of New Buffalo harbor,
Michigan, five thousand dollars.
For payment to the Green Bay and Mississippi
Canal Company, for so much of all ant singular its
property and right* of property hi and to the Una
of_water ctmmgmeation between the Wlsaoiuin
river and the mouth of the Fox river, includifcg its
locks* dams, canals, *nd franchises, as were under|oX Congress fj>r the improvement •f-Wator
communication betveue* the Missiisippi river and
Lake Michigan by the Wisconsin andFox riTers,.
approved July seventh, eighteen hundred and sev
enty, reported by the Secretary of War to he need
ed, iii his communication to the House of Repre
sentative*. dytyd March fighth, eighteen hundred
and seventy-two, one hundred and forty-five thou
sand dollars.
bprAke improvement of Frankfort harbor, Mich
ig/lii, tdi thutisfliili dfllftn s. .. ■
For the improvement of Manistee harbor, Michi
gan, ten thousand dollars.
For the improvement of Pere Marquette harbor,
Michigan, ten thousand dollars.
For the improvement of Peutwatcr harbor, Mich
igan, thirty thousand dollars.
For the improvement of White River harbor,
Michigan, ten thousand dollars.
For the improvement of Muskegon TtatbOr, Mich
igan, ten thonsand dollars.
For tho improvement, of Grand Haven harbor,
Michigan, fifteen thousand dollars.
Fer the improvement of Black Lai'a harbor,
Michigan, ten thousand dollars.
For the improvement of Saugatuck harbor, Mich
igan, fifteen thonsand dollars.
For the improvement of South Haven harbor,
Michigan, twelve thonsand dollars.
For the improvement Of Saint Joseph harbor,
Michigan, three thousand dollars.
For the improvment of. Saint Mary’s river and
Saint Mary’s Falls canal, Michigan, three hundred
thousand dollars, of which sum fifteen thousand
dollars may he applied to secure the right of way.
For the improvement of Sheboygan harbor,
M Forfheimprovement a o/ An Sabi a liver, Miclii
gan, ten thousand dollars.
For the improvement of Harbor of Rrfnge, on
Lake Huron, one hundred thousand dollars,.
For-tho Improvement of the mouth-of Black
river, in Saint Glair river, Michigan, fifteen thous-
TFor'thdimprovement of Saint Clair flats, Michi
gan, four thousand dollars.
oFolthe improvement of Toledo" harbor, Ohio,
nfleolpTOOnsand dollars.
For the improvement of Sandusky river, Ohio,
ten thousand dollars.
For the improvement of Sandusky City harbor,
Ohto, thirteen thousand dollars.
For the improvement of’Ashtabnla-harbor, Ohio,
fifteen thousand dollars.
For the improvement of Vermilion harbor, Ohio,
five thonsand dollars.
For the improvement of Eric harbor, Penn
sylvania, fifteen thousand dollars.
Forthe improvement of Dunkirk harbor, New
York, twenty-five thousand dollars,
t For the improvement of Port Clinton harbor,
light thousand dollars.
Ror the improvement of stocky - Itivcr harbor,
Ohio, ten thousand dollars.
For the improvement of Maumee river above
Toledo, Ohio, seven thousand dollars.
For the improvement of Monroe harbor, Michi
gan, ten thonsand dollars.
For tho improvement of Buffalo harbor. New
York, seventy-five thousand dollars ; and the un
expended balance heretofore appropriated for
tftuMlng sea-wall at Buffalo. .
For the improvement or Orcotst harbor, New
York, ten thonsaud dollars.
. jorthe improvement of Onk-Orchard harbor,
Now York, two thousand ftvoriitfndred dollar*
. For the improvement .of ikiltn'eyviUc harbor,
New York, ten thonsand dollars;
For the improvement of Little Sod us harik>{", ]
New York, fifteen thousand dollars.
For tho improvement of Big Sodus harbor, New
York, fifteen thonsand dollars,
twor the ifnprorenfefft of Oswego harbor, New
York, one lnindredffhoitsnnd dollars.
For the improvement of OgsdenshurgU harbor.
New York, ten thonsand dollars.
For tho improvement of Plattsburgh harbor,
Netj York, ten thonsand dollars.
For the improvement of Burlington harbor, Ver
mont, thirty thousand dollars.
For the improvement of Otter creek, Vermont,
■ from Vergenries to Its outlet bn Lake Champlain,
ten thousand dollars.
For dredge and snag boat boats on the Upper
Mississippi river, forty-two thousand dollars.
For the improvement of the Minnesota river,
Minnesota, ten thousand dollars.
Fer the improvement of the Des Moines rapids,
Mississippi river, four hundred thousand dollars.
For the improvement of the Rock ielanafapids,
Mississippi river, fifty thousand dollars.
For the preservation of the Falls of Saint An
thony, Minnesota, and tho navigation of the Mis
sissippi river above the same, fifty thousand dol"
For improvement of the Mississippi,.Missouri,
and Arkansas rivers, ninety thousand debars ; for
improvement Of the Little Missouri river, ten
tiumsand dollars; for the improvement of the Oua
cfilth river, in Arkansas, sixty thousand dollar*:
and further Improvement of the Ouachita river, in
Louisiana, forty thousand dollars. ;
For the improvement of the Monongahela river
between Morgantown and New Geneva, in accord
ance with ihc plan submitted by General A. A.
Htfmphroys in hi* report to the House of Represen
tatives Ft loiirteegl^^^^to^^B*
fFor the continuing the work on the canal at tho
or so*ner, itJWUpablcLjte condition of said ca
nal, and to relievo the
same from mCibmaco;n£h a view to such legis
lation Qf* W 1 firffn oct inn rnm oirce to commerce at
deffca ftflfi reitfflf thereof, which shall not, after tho
passage of this act, exceed five centsper tun.
For' the improvement of tho Mitiijitwppi river
between the month of the Illinois river and the
mouth of the Missouri river, twouty-flvo thonsand
For the improvement of the Mississippi river
between the month of the Missouri river and-tlie
month of the Merrima*; riror, oue hundred, thou
sand dollars. „„ . .. . .
For the Iqrprovemeift of the Wabash river, In
diana, commencing at iu mouth, fifty thousand
For the continuation of tlie work now In pro
gress on the Tennessee river, below Chattanooga,
between Knoxville and Chattanooga, tweuty-fivo
For the ftnprbvcmcht of Cnmbort&fisl 'rlvor, In
Teanoeiwoi twenty thousand doltars. ■ j.
For the Improvement of the mouth of the Missis
-080 ,l^ y T T 0
For the Improvement of Tones bayou, Louisiana,
tv entj thousand dollars. ... ,
For the improvement of Calcasieu pass, In the
Btaie of Louisiana, fifteen tUousoud dollars.
For tho improvement of the bar in Galveston
bay ten thousand dollars, and for improvement of
the harbor of Galveston, Texas, thlrty-ono thou
sand dollars.
For tho improvement of Cypress bayou, near
Jefferson, Texas, ten thousand dollars.
For the improvement of the Tangipahoa river,
Louisiana, thonsand five hundred dollars.
For removing the raft in .Red- river, Louisiana,
one hundred and fifty thousand, dollars.
For removing the wreck of the gunboat “Ore
gon.” in the Chlfuncts river, Louisians, six thou-
Ba For d tlredging the bar at the month ol tho har
bor of Cedar Keys, Florida, aevea thousand five
ho For rC dredgfne the bar at tho mouth of Saint
...JL, seventy-five thonsand dollars.
A F<wths improvement of the ship canal in Char
lerien harbor. South Carolina, thirty-eight thou
seven hundred dollars. ...
“por removing obstructions In Ashoppo river,
raroUnafone thousand three hundred dol-
th “amount of the appropriation made
by act of Congress, approved July eleventh eigh
th hundred and seventy, for removing .b.truc;
,\t 08 whfrhTeVm. k V n .pd^r%^
• ln^r on the rl lmprovcme.t of Savannah hirbor and
ri For i?l*proTe*enT(rf the edtranee to ihehar
bor°rf'Bi@& TSSKSiffIiS" clw “‘
gtnia, fifty thousand dollar*. . . of Aeeottnk creek, Tlr-
am imprevemont of th* Roanoke riv below
Carolina, One hundred tkou-
* a ?or the lmprovemeut of Queenstown harbor,
M F r Jr*he'tmpro h r°emtof Yortou harbor, Mary
h“rbor’ *
rivor, Mary
¥,co * ,lc * riWl
rivor*from Its wreath to ths Chestnut-
Fowusylvtola, forty
used for removing the rock between Locust street
“por * Wilmington harbor,
®§KrewUof“ SffiWkaAor at New
c£tfo Ddkware?ana fur building anew pier at
said harto wenty-oevou h ver Tketween
For the improvement of 'jen th^n°
Trenton and Bordentown, WW Jersey, ten thou-
Sa For'the a improvement of tks Hudson rivet. New
New tork, including- Holl Gate, hundred and
** ->•
Island, ten thousand dollars. . .
For tie improvement of tba Fatwnic nver, no
tween Newark and Passale, Jersey, twenty
fl and removal of rock, in
Port CTmstor'!i arbor, New York, twalve Ihousamd
improvement or Roundout harbor. New
ten thousand dollars. ....
For the improvement of.the hreakwaier at B.eck
Island, Rhode Island,
For the improvement oTPawcatnck nver, Rnoae
Island and Connecticut, ten thousand dollar*.
For the improvement of the Thamca river, Con
necticut. ten thousand dollars.
For the improvement of the Connecticut river
below Hartford, Connecticut, including Sayhrook
bar at the mouth of the river, forty thousand dol-
th* improvement of the Connecticut river
on or above Enfield falls *ul below Holyoke, twon
ty-flve thousand dollars. „ harbor
For tho improvement of Now Haven harbor,
Connecticut, twenty thoasanddollars
For the iMprovomemt of the Ho*atonic river,
Connecticut, fifteen tkonaaddollars.
For the improvement of Bridgeport harbor, Con
necticut, forty thouaand dollars. . „
For tho improvemeat of Norwalk harbor, con
necticnt, between the etoae bnda* and the rail
road drawbridge, ten thousand dollars.
For the improvement of Fort Jefferson harbor,
Tone Island New York, fifteen thousand dollars.
" For the improvement of the Peconle river, Long
inland New York, ten thousand dollars.
For 'the improvement of Huntingdon harbor,
Long island, Kef York, twenty-thousand five hun-
d For d thcTmprovoment of the Narragaugns river,
Maine, ten thousand dollar*.
For the improvement of Sullivan river and Sulli
van falls, Maine, twenty-five thousand dol^rs
For the improvement of tho lenoD*c*t river,
Maine, forty thonsand dollara
For the improvement of the Kennebec river,
M ?^ e tSL g tfe U veme d n d t°of r ßoy.l. river, Maine,
"improvement of Portland harbor and
Back bay, Maine, forty-five thonsand dollars.
For the improvement of Saco river, Maino, flf-
of Richmond's island,
Jl^rS^e r harbor, Massa
chusetts, ten thousand dollars. , „
For the improvement of Boston harbor, Massa
chusetts. seventy-five thousand dollar*.
For the improvemAt of Taunton river, Massa
chusetts, ton thousand dollars.
For the improvement of Plymouth harbor, Mas
sachusetts, two thousand
For the improvement of Bdgartoh harbor, Mas-
Rflrhuitt9 twenty thousand aolraff.
For Hie improvement of Prorincetow* harbor,
flV por removalmf Vock* at m,tnee of Wellflcct
harbor, Massachusetts, five thousand dollar*.
For tho improvement of th* Merrimac river
above Haverhill, Massachusetts twenty-five thoa
eSFordheaimproTeraent of Daxbnry harbor, Mas- ■
sachuscttt, ten thonsand dol^r*.
For the improvement of Warehatt harbor, Mas-.
sachnaett*. ten thousand dollar*.
Forthe improvemeat of th* Imyer Willamette
rl For ?hc g lmproroaent Columbia
11 Fw thefemoval*ofßinroa roVh* th* harbor of
San Francisco, California, fifty thousand dollars.
For the improvement of the breakwater at Wll-,
mington, California, sevonty-fivo thonsand dollars.
For the improvement of tho Tombighe* river,
ten thousand dollars. . .
For removal of rock* at Now Haven harbor,
Connecticut, fifteen thonsand dollar*.
For improvement.of Coeheeo river within the
town of Dover, Now Hampshire, ten thousand
d< For*the improvement of Black River harbor,
Ohio, twenty thouaand dollars.
For surveys and examination*, wltb a view
to the improvement of river* and harjors, one
hundred and fifty thonsand dollar*.
Sac. 2. That th* Secrotary of TVar is hereby di
rected to cause examination* or aarvors, or both,
to be made at tho following points, namoly: A
Keyport harbor. New Jorsoy; chatiaol between
Staten island and Ne* Joroey; at Cohansey week,
New Jersey: at Bear *ro#k, Uk Ontario, New
York : at Waddihgton harbor, Now York; for a
breakwater at Itouse’a point, on Lake Champlain.
New York; at Port Austin and Port Crescsnt,
Michigan; at the month of Potieankie river, Wis
consin; at Waukegan harbor. Illinoia; the Machtaa
river, jdatne; at Wickford harbor and Newport
harbor, Rhode Island; th* e*a aide of Providence
river, between Field’* point andFox point, Rhode
Island; at Port Orford, Ortgon ; at Bestero bay,
San Louis Obispo county, Cslifornla; the mouths
of Nomoni creek ahd Occoquan river, A ;
the bay or sound from Delaware line throngh Wor
cester county to CWncotoaga* Inlet Virginia, with
a view to an inlet at or near a place called the
Hoinmacks; for a ship canal between the waters
of Galveston hay and Saline lake, Texas; Chester
river at Kent laland narrows, Maryland; bnint
Franci* river, from Greenville down, Missouri;
Tombigbce river, between Fulton and Columbus,
Mississippi: harbor of Cedar Keys and channel to
Gannycllcnt • ihe
bars at the outlet of Sabine passTTexas - the Mis
siesippi river, between the mouth ol the Missouri
river aad the mouth of the Ohio river; west end of
thepass at and near Bio Back point, Texas; the
bar at the mouth of Sabine river, In Sabine lak*.
and to extend up the main channel of said river to
,he tawn nf Bolaera ; af the month pf the
river in Sabine Lake, and to extend np the main
channel of said river to the town of BooDviile, at.
the point where tho Angelica river falls into the
Nnches river, and to extend up the main channel
of said rlTer to the town Of Psttonla, Texas; at
tho mouth ofthe Trinity river, in Galreston hay,
and tolextenfl up the main chwimM’of raid rivor to
the town of Magnolia, Texas: Washington harbor,
North Carolina; Edonton harbor. North Carolina;
mouth of Muckay’s creek, North Carolina; Chippe
wa rjyer, np to Chippewa falls, Wisconsin; harbor
at Swanton, Vermont; harbor at Galveston, Tex
as ; at Apalachicola river, from Chattahoochee,
Florida, to Apalachicola; at Chattahoochoe river,
from Columbus, Georgia, to Chattahoochee, Flori
da • at Flint river, from Albany, Georgia, to Chat
tahoochee, Florida : for savvey of breakwater at
Milford, Connecticut; month of Pine river, Michi
gan • the harbor of San Diogo, California; mouth
of Grand Calumet, river, Indiana; Great Kanawha
river, from the Great fall* to the month, West Vir
ginia ; to complete the survey of the James river
and Kanawha canal; for anrvey of Camden harbor.
Maine ; for a sea-wall .or breakwater at Trinidad
harbor, California; of the channel and bank at the
entrance of Salem harbor; on Merrimack river,
Massachusetts, from Haverhill to Newbutyport,
including Dock Hole and Currlor Shoals: the New
river, from the mouth of Greanbrier. in West Vir
ginia, to the lead-mines, in Wythe county Virginia;
at St. Helena bar, in the Columbia river, Oregon ;
for survey for tho removal of wreck* of gun-boats,
Btcamers, and other obstructions placed In Yazoo
river during tho war. and for the rcsnrrey of Sa
vannah harbor; the Delaware river botwoon Trcn
ton and Easton; for. the survey of tho river Bt.’
Marys, in Ohio and Indiana; for the survey of th*
Minnesota river hhovc the month of the Yellow
Medicine, Minnesota.
She. 8. That In the examinations or surveys of
aUpotnts mentlonod in the forogplng section, the
(Secretary of War be directed t,o ascertain, ns far as
practicable, the nmount. of tonnage of rommerital
Imsluess during thd previous yeas *1 each point,
together with each etliiW facts as b*r upon the
question of the contemplated Improvement, and
tlmt ho communloal# tho same, together with his
report of the examination or survey of such point,
to Congress: ProvUlti , That so much of the
amountherewith appropriated for the snrvey of
rivers and harbors as Is requisite for contingen
cies, may ba used for said purpose.
Approved, Jnne 10,1813,
Washington, D. C.. Nov. 1,1872. j
of Augusta, Ga., Administrator of Zachariah
Atkinson, deceased.praylng for the extension of a
patent granted to the said Zachariah Atkinson on
the Ist day of February, ISS3, for an improvement
in Cotton Presses: It is ordered that the testimony
in the case be closed on the 31st day of December
next, that the time for filing arguments and the
Examiner's report bo limited to the 10th day of
January next, and that said petition be heard on
the 15th day of January next.
- Any person may oppose this extension.
nov7-3 Commissioner.
Savannah, Ga., Nov. 1, 1872. (
bo received at this office until 12 o’clock M..
December 12, 1872, for furnishing tho Fresh Beef
required by the Subsistence Department, U. S. A.,
at this Station, during six months, commencing
January 1,1873. ,
I Information as to conditions, quality of beef,
payment, Ac., can be Ist Lieut. 3d Artillery, A. C. G.
Prospectus for 1873 —6th Year.
An I lustrated Monthly Jonrnal, universally admit
ted to be the handsomest Periodical in thu
' World. A Representative and Cham
: pion or American Taste.
Not for Sate In Book or News Stores.
THE ALDINE, while issued with all the regu
larity, has none of tho temporary m timely interest
characteristic of ordinary periodicals. It is an el
egant miscellany of pure, light, and graceful ltter
aturo; and a collection of pictures, the rarest spec
imen. of artistic skill, in black and white. Al
though each aueceeding number affords a fresh
pleasure to itslfriends, tho real value and beauty of
THE ALDINE will bo most appreciated after it
has been bound up at tho closo of tho year. While
• other publications may claim superior cheapness,
ii com pa rod with rival* of a eimirar wrlasa, THE
ALDINE is a unique and original conception
alone and unapproached—absolutely without com
petition in price or character. The possessor of a
complete volume cannot duplicate the qnantity of
lino paper and engravings in any other shape or
numoor of volumes for ten limes its cost ,* and then
there cure the chromoe besides/
Notwithstanding tho increase in the price of sub
scription last. Fall, when THE A!. I)IN E assnmed
flu present noble proportions and representative
character, the edition was than doubled du
ring the past year; proving that the American pub
lic appreciate, and wifi support, a sincere effort in
the cause of Art. The publishers, anxious to justi
fy the ready confidence thus demonstrated, have
exerted themselves to the utmost to develop and
Improve the work; and the plans for the coming
year, as unfolded by the monthly issues, will aston
ish and delight even the most sanguine friends of
In addition, THE ALDINE will reproduce ex
amples of the best foreign masters, selected with
a view to the highest artistic puccet*B, and great
est general interest: avoiding such as has become
familiar, through photographs, or copies of any
The quarterly tinted plates, for 1878, will repro
duce four pf John S. Davis' inimitable child-sketch
es, appropriate to the four seasons. These plates
appearing in the issues for Januarj-, April, July,
and October, Would be alone worth the price of a
year’s subscriptien.
The popular feature of a copiously illustrated
“Christmas” number, will be continued,
To possess such a valuable epitome of the art
world at a cost so trifling, wifi command the sub
scriptions of thousands in '.every section of the
country -but, as the usefulness and attractions or
THE ALDINE can be enhanced, in proportion to
the numerical increase of its supporters, the pub.-
lishera propose to make “assurance double sure,"
by tho following unparalleled offer of
Every subscriber to TnK ALDINE, who pays in
advanco for the year 1873, will receive, without ad
ditional charge, a pair of beantiful il chromos,
after J. J. Hid, the eminent English painter. The
pictures, entitled “The Village Belle,” and “Cross
ing the Moor,” am 14xiW inches—are printed from
25 different plate*, requiring 25 impressions and
tints to perfect each picture. Tlie same chromos
are sold for S3O per pair, in tlie art stores. As it is
the determination of its conductors to keep THE
ALDINE out of the reach of competition in every
department!, the chromos will bo found corres
pondingly ahead of any that can be offered by other
periodicals. Every subscriber will receive a certif
icate, over the signature of the publishers, guaran
teeing that the chromos delivered shall he equal to
the samples furnished the agent., or the money will
be refunded. The distribution of pictures of this
grade, free to the subscribers to u five dollar pe
riodical, will mark an epoch in the history of Art;
and, considering the unprecedented cheapness of
tho price for THE ALDINE itself, the marvel falls
little short of a miracle, even to those best ac
quainted with the achievements of inventive genius
and improved mechanical appliances. (For illus
trations of these chromos, see November issue of
will continue under the carcxif Mr. Richard Hen
ry Stoddard, assisted by tlio best, wrilers and
poets of the day, who will strive to have the liter
ature of THE ALDINE always in keeping with its
artistic attractions.
$3 per annum, in advance, with Oil Chromos Free
TUB ALDINE will, hereafter, be obtainable only
by subscription. There will be no reduced or
club rate; cash for subscriptions must he sent to
thepublishers direct, or handed to the local agent,
without responsibility to the publishers, except in
cases where the certificate is given bearing the
fic-stmils signature of Jambs Sutton <& Cos.
Any person, wishing to net permanently ns a
local agent., will receive full and prompt informa
tion by applying to
JAfiES SUTTON & Cos., Fubl’rs,
Scribner’s Monthly.
r —“T l ' ~ * "~
A Serial Story by DR. HOLLAND.
Hew Story by SAXE HOLM.
4 Tjong Story from DUET HAUTE.
Brilliant array of Contributor.
CLARENCE COOK on Furniture
And Decoration.
R. H. STODDARD on Authors.
Bilraordinary Indnccmcnts to New Subscribers;
500 Pages for SI.OO, Ac., &c.
The Publishers of Schibnhr's Monthly, in
their Prospectus just issued, promise for the ensu
ing year a more brilliant array of contributors, and
an increase in the variety and beauty of its il
lustrations, already conceded by the critics to be
“ liner than any which have hitherto appeared in
any Aderican magazine.
Dr. Holland, the Editor, will write, the serial
story ofthe year, which will be autobiographical
in form, and will he illustrated by Miss ItaUock.
It is entitled Annum Hoxicastlk, and will deal
with some of the most difficult problems of Ameri
can Life. It will he commenced in the November
There will be anew story by Saxe Holm, THE
Brut Uaiith, the beet writer of short stones now
living, will contribute a characteristic story enti
R. U. Stoddard will write a scries of entertain
ing papers about Authors, their personal charac
teristics, Home Life, Families, Friends, Whims
and Ways. A scries of Portraits of Living Ameri
can Writer?, is also promised.
Clakbncß Cook will write about. Furniture, and
th* Decoration of American Homes. These pa
per* will be eminently practical as well as artistic,
and wili.lic illustrated with designs and sketches
by nnmerons art.i*ts in addition to those which
the writer himself will furnish.
£ Among those who will conlrilgite are;
Hans Ahdersen, Bryant, Bnshnall, Eggleston,
Froude, Higrineon, Bishop .Huntingdon, Bret
Harie, John Hay, 11. 11. Macdonald, Mitchell, Miss
Phelps, Stedrann, Stockton, Stoddard, Celia Thux
ter, Warner, Wilkinson, Mrs. Whitney, besides a
host of othera.
The Editorial control and direction of the Maga
zine will remain In the hands of Dr. Holland,
who will continue to write the “TOPICS OF THE
TIME,’’ which the N. Y. Independent says "art
more widely quoted than, any similar papers 'bn any
American magazine.
Watson Oildrh will write “THE OLD CABI-
NET ;” as hitherto. Prof. John C. Drai-kr con
(lucts the Department of “NATURE and
SCIENCE.” Tho Departments of “HOME and
will engage the contributions of more than n score
of pens on both sides of the Atlantic. The Watch
man and Reflector pays: “Scribner’s Monthly for
September is better than usual, which indicates a
needless waste of editorial brains mid Publisher's
mpney, for the Magazine was good enough he
fiffe !” And vet the Publishers promise to make
it stilj better for the comingyeur 11
The Subscription price is @4.00 a year, with
special rates to Clergymen, Teachers, and l’elt
masters. j
The following
Extraordinary Inducements
nro offered to nlw subscribers:
For |S.WI the Publisher* .will semi, or, mix Hook
seller of Newsdealer Will sitpply the Magu/Jne for
one yeir, and the twelve numbers of Vole. 111. Mid
IV.,'couponing the beginning of Mrs. Oliphant's
Serial, “’At Ills Uutes;" for IXuO, i the Mngjyjjic
for one yvnr, and the 51 back numbers front rite
bcifbrning: for #10.60, the Magazine for oue year,
pages of the choicest road lug, pltu tho fluestilltis
tradons fpf #10.50, PS nearly 500 pages for a dollar!,
and will enable every subscriber to obtain the se
ries from the first.
Special Ttmttw to Dealers, Clergymen andTeachers,
octsM-tr 054 Broadway N. Y,
Sale of Condemned Quartermas
ter's StoreSj Camp and Garrison
Equipage, Ac.
Savannah, Ga., Sept, 2,1872. (
the sales room of Messrs. Bell, Sturtevant
& Cos., Auctioneers. Savannah. Ga., oil the SEV
ENTH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1873. a variety of
condemned Quartermaster's Stores and Camp and
Garrison Equipage, consisting of 250 fret of Rub
ber Hose, 1 Grindstone, 1 Cart, 4 Head Halters, 1
Riding Saddle, Blanket and Bridle, 2 Axes, 4 Gar
rison and 3 Storm Flags, 19 Leather Stocks, &c.
it By authority of the Commanding General Depart
ment of thd South. WILLIAM ARTHUR
octlO-td Ist Lieut 3d Artillery, A. A. Q. M.
STATES, for the Southern District of Georgia—
In Bankruptcy.
IN the matter of John Schleeipger and Adolph
Schlcsinger, Bankrupts, Southern District of
Georgia, SS.—A warrant in Bankruptcy has been
issued by said Conrt, against tho estate of John
Schlcsinger and Adolph Schlesinger, of the county
of Chatham, and the State of Georgia, in said Dis
trict, who have been duly adjudged Bankrupts on
petition of their creditors, and tho payment of any
debts and the delivery of any property belonging
to them or for their use, and tho transfer of any
property by them are forbidden by law. A meeting
of the creditors of tho said Bankrupts, to prove
their debts and to choose one or more assignees of
their estates, will be held at a Conrt of Bankruptcy,
to bo holden at Savannah. Ga., in said District, on
the 23d day of NOVEMBER. A. D., 1872, at 10 o’-
clock A. My at the office of Isaac Beckett, Esq., at
comer pf Brvan and Drayton streets, one of the
Registers in Bankruptcy for said District.
Wm. U. Garrard, Solicitor for Creditors.
nov7-2 U. S. M. for said District.
William C. Stalet, I John A. Stalet,
i Attorney at Law. | Notary Public.
Brokers and Auctioneers,
Wild Lands and Personal Property.
Strict attention will be given to all business en
trusted to us.
Office—No. 140>£ Bay street, City Hotel Bulld
ng, Savannah. _ l_ sept 3-1 y
Extra Engine Oils
P.W. MEAD,I24 Maiden liane,N.¥.
Adapted for All Kinds of Machinery I
Warranted to be Pure P nmbago and Oi,
Contains five times the nbrienting cfnaity and
wi last three' times as oiig as cbm- "
mod Yeow Rosin Grease.
85&'"Ruiroads and Manufacturer* that have once
used it wi take no other.
Give it atria.
For AC HAIM of 1873. U
Ellwnngrr <fc Barry offer to Planters and
Dealers the largest and most complete slock in the
country Of
Standnrdantl Bwavf Frnlt Pees.
Grape Vises, Small Fruits,
Ornamentfil Trees, Shrnl), Evergreen
Mew and Rare Fruit and Ornamental
New and ltare Green and Hot House
Bullions Flowering Hoots.
Small parcel's forwarded by mail when desired.
Prompt attention to all inquiries.
Descriptive and Illustrated Priced Catalogue
sent prepaid on receipt of stamps, as follows :
No. I—Fruits, lOe. Nq. 3—Ornamental Trees,
10c. No. 3—Greenhouse, 10c. ' No. 4—Whole
sale, (Just, Published,) free. No. s—Bulbs,
Free: Address,
Establ’d 1810. Mount Hope Nsrserios,
Anew $5 Hicturc of surpassing Grace and
Beauty GIVEN AWAY to each Subscri
ber to
A Magazine for oullured homes. A Magazine al
ways up to the advancing thought, social progress
and spirit of the times. A Magazine in which the
lighter literature of the period Is made the vehicle
oj pure and noble sentiment.
THE b’aith 1
GRACES.” charity,
"And now ahldeth Faith, nope, and Charity; these
three, but the greatest of these is Charity .”
$7.50 IN VALUE, FOR $3.50.
It is a long time since anything has appeared in
Christian art so lovely and so exquisite In design
and execution as this large and elegant line and
stipple stpel engraving, "Tjie Christian Grachs,”
size 21 by 27 inches. The grouping of the figures
is graceful beyond conception, and the faces or such
rare and heavenly beauty, that it seems as if the
artist must have seen them in a vision. Every sub
scriber to “Arthur's Illustrated Home Magazine”
for 1873 will receive a copy of this splendid sspic
ture FREE. Price of Home Magazine, $2.50 a
year. Specimen copy of Magazine 15 cents.
LOCAL AGENTS WANTED everywhere to get
subscribers lor our beautiful Magaziuc, so well
known for the last twenty years, and so great a fa
vorite with the people.’ Intelligent Hfcn and wo
men can make large commissions. Send for agonf.
confidential circular. You can hardly show “The
Christian Graces” to any person of taste and fine
relfgions feelings, without getting a subscriber.
No disappointment about prompt delivery of pic
tures, as we have made ample arrangements for
their rapid production.
80!1 and 811 Chestnut St,.
octl7 Philadelphia, Pa.
Directly from Now York, and constantly kept on
WHICH will ex sold at
Lowest Cash Prices!
At the Store of
North-east Cor. Jefferson St. and York
St. Lane, Savannah.
TIIE following Tables and Illustrations prove, that a smalt sum set aside weekly, and
■ invested in Life Insurance, forms the best provision for the future wants of a family
To Insure your Life for SI,OOO, requires the saving of only
$ .24 cents a week, at the age of 20 I $ .28 cents a week, at the age of 2j
.32 “ “ “ “ 30 [ .37 “ “ “ “ 35
.44 “ “ “ “ 40 | .54 “ “ “ “ 45
•70 “ “ “ 5O I .90 “ “ •' “ 55
1.12 “ “ “ 60 1.46 “ “ “ “ 65
Perr-ms may be Insured for any given number of years or for life, and on the En
dowrr.ent Plan, may receive the amount of the Policy at the end of 10, 15, 20, 25, 30,
or 35 years.
Age 25 on SIO,OOO Annual Life Premium $142.50 I 10 year Annual Premium $292.00
30 “ “ “ “ 165.00 j “ “ “ 326.00
35 “ “ “ 192.50 “ “ “ 371.00
40 “ “ “ *• 230.00 j “ “ 430.00
The Premiums charged by other companies on their most favorable profit jdans are :
Age 25 on SIO,OOO Annual Life Premium $198.90 10 year Annual Premium $425.60
30 “ “ “ 227.00 “ “ “ 469.70
35 “ “ “ “ 263.80 “ “ “ 524.00
40 “ “ “ 313.00 “ “ 59t).90
A short calculation will show that—
At 25 Annual Life Premium on SIO,OOO (198.90) pays in the American for $13,941.10
“30 “ “ “ 11 227.00 “ “ “ “ 13,757.50
“85 “ “ “ 263.80 “ “ “ “ v 13,694.30
“40 “ “ “ 313.00 “ “ “ “ 13,608.60
“25 Ten Year “ “ 425.60 “ “ “ “ 14,575.30
“30 “ “ “ “ 469.70 “ “ “ “ 14,407.90
.“ 35 “ “ “ 524.00 “ “ “ 14,123.90
“40 “ “ “ 590.90 “ “ “ “ 13,741.80
Hero is an IMMEDIATE and POSITIVE difference 19 favor of the American
Tables of about FORTY PER CENTUM addition to the policy. How long will it
take the Dividends of the profit plans to reach these figures V Will they ever ckk
tainly be reached ?
SL. M. tSUiSkJF’ESH.,,
Gvonoi*al Agent,
Good, Reliable Agents Wanted.
In the first place, it is not a NEW company, having its position to make, and its
success to attain, under the pressure of the sharp competition of tins present enterpri
sing age.
It is not doing business as an experiment; it is not dependent upon any future
success to meet its already existing Rabidities. •
It has long since passed the period that might be considered an experiment in the
establishment of a company, and for years has stood upon the solid basis of assured
There can be no failure. All policies issued by this Company must and shall be
paid at maturity.
The American Life Insurance Company, of Philadelphia, was originally con
structed upon the soundest principles of the Life Insurance system, and has never de
viated from its strict requirements. It has always been under the management of
men of probity, business experience, and crpacity. It has maintained a steady and
healthful growth, year after year, and is now regarded as one of the most substantial
and popular institutibns of the kind in the country.
64 Peachtree Street,
Powell’s Block,: : Atlanta, Ga.
Have for sale,
Letter Paper,
School Cap Papjp,
Note Paper,
Initial Paper,
Legal Cap Paper,
Straw Laid Envelopes,
Corn Wove Envelopes,
Canary Laid Envelopes,
Amber Laid Envelopes,
Orange Laid Envelopes,
White Wove Envelopes,
Inks, Pens, Pen Staffs,
Inkstands, Lead Pencils,
Visiting Cards, Eulers,
Pocket Books, Pen Knives,
Paper Cutters, Gold Pens,
Mucilage, Pen Hacks,
Slate Pencils, Slates,
Crayons, (different colors,)
Paper Weights, Chromos,
Albums, Bible Pictures,
Mottoes, Bird Pictures, etc.
A flue Engmvlng. 34x30 inches, given to every
yearly subscriber Vrbr. Till* is none of your com
mon wood cuts, but a
Worth more than what Is asked for both paper and
engraving. Semi iu your names, and get a picture
suitable to grace any parlor or room. Only
One Hollar per year. Agbnts Wanted. Highest
Cash Commission Paid. Address
oetJ ISS Smithficid st.. Pittsburgh. Pa.
tit A Y T qv>l l\ Wo will give energetic
VY X Jli 17 ■ men and women
Business that will Pay.
from $4 to $8 per day, can he pursued in your own
neighborhood, and Is strictly honorable. Particu
lars free, orsamplee that will enable you to go to
work at. once, will bo sent on receipt of two three
cent stamp*. Aililre**
SlwtP 7.11 Washington St., Boston Mtt*s.
WILL PRACTICE tu the different. Court* In tlio
Eastern Circuit. Will give special attention
to tho Collection of Government Claims, Pensions
and all other Professional Business.
Omen opposite tho Post Office, cornet of Bull
and Bay-st. Lane, Savannah, Ga.
E. & 11. T. ANTHONY A CO.
591 Broadway, New York,
Invite the attention of the trade to their extensive
assortment of the above goods, of publica
tion, manufacture ancl importation.
E. &. H. T. ANTHONY & CO.,
591 Broadway, New York.
(Opposite Metropolitan Hotel,}
Mrs. S. White,
Clothing and Dry Goods.
Hats, Caps, Shirts,
IKI CONGRESS ST., between Jefferson
,<J * and Barnard Bts., SAVANNAH.
Corner of Price and pouth Broad Streets.
- Office Hours, from 7a. ji. to ti r. m.
FlorencsSewing Machine
as it is on the simplest and most positive scientific
principles, dispensing with cogs, cams, ac.. and
proved by the severest tests for twelve years, en
ables us to guarantee the purchaser that it wil
WEAR TWICE AS LONG as any other shut
tle Machine in tho market, without requiring a du
plication of parts.
These Machines are sold at prices
with ether first-class machines, and are cheaper
than any other, because more complete.
Office .’Hi Union Sqv.un:,
New York City.
Delindcre's White Electric sohj>.
Having formerly been sole agents for Dobbins's
Soap, wo know what we say and make no excep
Is the only kind cheap enough for T.uundrv use
and good enough for the Toilet. Makes l-'ino
Smts in cold or hot water. Bleaches White Clothes.
Brightens Colors.
It Saves Labor, Time, Clothes, Money; and it
Suits Women.
Depot 55 Dev St.,New York.
CSnliserilii' to Peters' Musi- tur 1
fill Monthly gel all tho latest JLYjL
Hand best Music at l and 3 cents a
piece. Every number contains from U
ESS t to $5 worth of new music ; and
ll can be had for 30 Cents.
A July and August, numbers con- YT
tain thirty pieces of music i72 page* JL
P sheet-music size,land will he mailed A"Vt
for SO cents. Address— U*
'-J. L. PETERS, 599 Broadway, Now York