Griffin tri-weekly star. (Griffin, Ga.) 1865-1868, November 09, 1867, Image 1

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Tte m Tfi-Weekly Slat, Published Iwi tiߣ~thii£«rtff£t T—. ~S.J3S£S%& Sana* ; 18.0 tor tlx ir.ombi; It W J>er mouth • in Advance. Tiuu warn Tustita AoviwiaUMjas. Pei anat7* of not inn (or Urn) for each insertion for sU time than two Weeks. $ 1.06 fur each Insertion; one square 8 weeks *6.00; one square 3 weeks »’ U 0; one square I month 88.00. for terms for rejulsr business cards and leral notices, see t.-nna PROFESSIONAL CARPS. «. o,'a. si roan. J. u. ossrtku. ALFORD &, CAMPBELL, Attorneys at Law, GRIFFIN GEORGIA TTTILL PKACTICK In the Courts of the Hint VV Circuit, and in tho Countsss of Merriwethcr, Fayette and CUyum Sue -i" toe District Court of the United States iu the Nor..'-«rn District of Prompt attenUon^m^lnß^if R. D. RENDER, ATTORNET at LAW, GREENVILLE, Merriwether Ciunty, Ga. TIT ILL PiiAUTICK ir. the CouuUes Composing W tho Coweta s'- Slim Circuits. Sep 2-Sm DH. T. A. WARREN^ BCLEBTIC PHYSICIAN, rrtRICDKRS HIS FROKIiSSIONAL SKHVICKS' JL to the Citizens of (i tiffin sad si rroumHng country. Office i djoimng Star Office, cor ner of Broad and Hill Street*. •,♦ KE-HDKNCEInt door Ksst ManhallCollege. June 8, loti;. 6m ■KJLswAgy Dft. J. T. BANKS has removed hi* Office to his res -1 dunce, en Taylor Btreet—place known as the “Campbeil Piute,” two squares west of the Bap tist Church, where he cun he consulted st alihuum •euOtUce S*ricwy Private.- I ®* Notioe stun over door. _ msy 9,1861-ts Dll. M J. DANIEL, Office at Harris’ Drug Store, HILL STREET, GRIFFIN GEORGIA. april 3ft, 1*67 O. PIKPLES J. D. STEWART. Peeples Sc Stewart, attorneys at Law, GRIFFIN GEORGIA, WILL practice in the counties of Spalding, Pike, Butts, Clayton, Henry, NdWton, Fayette and Merri wether, and give attention to case* in BANKRUPTCY and U. S. Courts.— IQuC. PEEPLES will continue to prao tioe in the oouuties of Upson. Monroe and Jasper. auril 93. 1867-6 m M. M. TLDWEI.L. 8. 8. PEAKS, TIDWELL & FEARS, +HTTO R.YE VS at EJM , X*ril.L PRACTICK In the STATE COURT?*, VV snd in the UNITED STATICS DISTRICT COURT for the No them District of Oeoreia Pur ticular attention slven to CASKS IN BANKRUPT CY, Office iu MARKHAM'S UMPIRE BLOCK, WHITEHALL ST ATLANTA, (1A April 16. 1861 ts Boynton F Dismuke mil! if ut GKRIIEVFUST, 0*130., WILL practice >n the <\»nrts of the Flint Cir cuit, and H<y<»inlnp Courts • f the Coweta Clronlt. Kpechil attention i/lven 10 the prosecution and defence of cases in the U. S District and Cir cuit Courts. C**es In BANKIIUFfCY attended to on reasonable rates, cither lor applicants or creditors. CDLLROTIONB from a distance promptly ottrnded to. at reasonable rates. March IT-Jy Bankruptcy. THE undersigned tre prepared to at tend to BANKRUPTCY CASES in the Federal Courts, at reasonable rates. Gall and consult. DOYAL A NUNNALLY. march SI, I'BG7—tf n. a. McDonald, DENTISTRY. A. CLEVELAND & SON, Resident Dentists, A.. CLEVELAND. * K. CLEVELAND .. Monumental Work. THIS I. to inform ererybody, that buying ar runged with the heat Establishment! In Phlla- EelehJu and Charleston, and with a good variety of dlteniM oh hand, I am now prepared to furnish MONUMENTS, Bur-Tombs, Head Slones and Iron w.m.p. alt of the neatest and most becoming .tylse—* an much experience has tanght)-and on Ujebwt terms, septembwr 17, 1861-6 m Griffin, Ga (JLOBB HOTEL, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. w. C. HEWITT, Proprietor. (LAT* or nirwrrr nooa*. ta.) npiftt Glebe HOTEL, under the present Proprle- JL tor, ban been thoroughly renovated, repainted and refurnished, and is second to no Hotel in the Bonih. Attached to the House is >m elegant BAR SocSiL BARBERSHOP and BATH HOUSE, for Laddes and Gentlemen. Alto, a No. 1 LIVERY STABLE, where Hacks and Horses can bo procur ed for pleasure or fir tripe to the country. iRIFFIN trlweekly star. VOL. O. GHRIFFIN CARDS- Stove, Tin Ware ' _A.isrr> HOUSE FURXISUISG GOJJftS Henry C, Burr, Solomon street BEAR fJT IS»* JOSSEY BOLDING, WOULD dttioußM to ht» friends will tho publla goiu'l»» that >»* h«» on hand and la eon •tan ly receiving a hwgk stock ot CooMngfe Parlor, BOX STOVWS, Os tho latest and wfcW* he mill soil as low JMHBBflßtvt *’< the tsr, ‘- He manufacture* MiSW'dKSwifla Ahh nuil keep. ohvuvs on hand .1 Ar/CffNET}, rLAMNULD and STifoPKD WAEKS, ad* HOl»K PtfRNIBHINO HOODS generally, which he offer*at wholesale or retail, a* low as eny houseln thaState. AJaluds of JOB WORK, Roofing, Guttering Sheet Iron end Copper Work done with neatness and dispatch, and on the moet reasonable terms. From his long experience in the business, he flat ters himself that he can make it to the intcreat of purchaser to buy from him Hi* motto is “small profits and quick *a ©s.” Give him a call. September 24, I$6T-8m S. R. GOODRICH 1. A, BERKS Fertilizers! FERTILIZERS! TUE subscribers believing that there is need of a permanent house in this business in Griffin, have entered into a partnership for the purpose of supplying the Planters with Guano, Phosphates and Superphos- . phateof Lime, Land Plasters, Lime, &c. We shall look closoly to the interest of Planters, and take pleasure to furnish all needful information, and try and be prepared to make it mutually the Plane ter’s and our interest to buy or order through us, and we pledge ourselves to furnish tlittn as LOW as they can be bought and delivered in any market in the United States. 59^“Wo will furnish any particular Fertilizer that may be wanted, and so licit orders. Those who may wish Fer tilisers for wheat tins fall, will send in their orders at no early day, as the de mand will doubtless be large, and our shipments will be governed iu some measure by the orders we receive. BQuStore Rooms at the Warehouse formerly occupied by Scandrett A Ellis. BUTOffiae at Stillwell A Becks’ store. K#~'ferms CASH on delivery. GOODRICH & REEKS, august 20, 1867-3 m FURNITURE. ¥ HAVE now on hand, and which I -*■ will sell at reduced prices, a well se lected stock sf Buvenuix, Waslx Stands, Worß.Tables Bedsteads, Tepoy and Quartette Tables WardrOtoes, OOrner Stands, Sofas, Parlor, Dining and Cot tage Cliairs, Towel Daclts, tfcc., übo. Having bought for cash, I am able to sell a* low as any house in the city. I am also agent for the sole of MAR BLE MONUMENTS, TABLETS, SLABS, and TOMBS of all kinds. De signs can be seen at my rooms, and I will sell them as low as can be procured anywhere in the United States. _ REPAIRING neatly and promptly done. OgL.Rooms over Brawners’ Book Store. July 9, 1867. G. 11. MOONEY. Griffin Bookstore! H, I, BRAWNER & SON, Having removed their stock to the Koom Formerly Occupied by BRAWNER & PUTNAM, Will keep CONSTANTLY ON HAND a COM PLETE ASSORTMENT OF sum & comm text books. Miscellaneous Books, Bibles and Testaments, Hymn, Books, Prayer Books, Sunday School Books, Juve nile and Toy BOOKS, Blanks, Memorandums, Diaries. SHEET MUSIC and MUSIC BOOKS, Envelopes—all styles and sizes. Cap, Letter and Note Paper, Ink, Slates, Mucilage, Photograph Als bums and Photographs, Fancy Goods, Gold Pens, and a varied assortment of School and Cfountingbouse Stationery. 19* Special Terms to Country Mei** chants aUd Teachers. Jan. 3,1867 y GRIFFIN, GA., NOVEMBER 9, 1807. . T ATLANTA CARDS. ‘ ;p, V. J, ECHOLS, WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANIA, GEORGIA, . J ■ iif \ Iy.ALERS In alhkind* of Agrioultur al Implements and Machinery, and Agent fur Horace L. Emery k Son’s ‘iIFEBSAL’ COTTON EIN —AND— .CONDENSER, EAILWaV And LEV|R UCRSR POWERS, snd for Ingersull’S HAND COTTON PRESS The attention ol PI an tent needing Machinery for ginning Cotton, la called to the above. The *UNI VKUSaL’ Cotton Gtn and, CONDKNSKK I can re commend na superior to all others, vpllile ihe power for running the Gin. and the Press for packing the Colton, is ail that can bo desired. JJ7* Descr ptive and priee Circulars tarnished on application in per son or by letter. P.W.J. Echols, Dealer in /gjicnltural Implements and Machinery* aug 24, lSi'.7-3«n Whitehall St, Atlanta, Ga McBRIDE & CO., IMPORTERS iND JOBBERS —OF— CROCKERY, CHINA, Glass Ware, Table Cutlery, L -A. iivl IP S , —AND— mm mw. Guarantees as good rates to Mer chants as can be had in the oountry. $15,000 worth of PLATED WARE, manufactured expressly for this House. OROOKERT —AND— HBUB smsn at regular importer’s prices. ZSL. Avoid freights, insurance, delay and breakage, by buying at the GREAT SOUTHERN CROKERY EMPORIUM of MoBRIDE & CO. august 13, 1867. R. M. Rose & Cos., WUOLEBALB DEALERS IN Brandies, Wines, Whiskies, tfco., ctoo., Broad. Street, (GRANITE BLOCK) Atlanta Georgia. t&- COUNTRY ORDERS Solicited, and satisfaction guaranteed in every in stance. vet 5. 1867-3 m GUANO —FOR— Turnips and Wheat WILCOX, GIBBS & CO., IMPORTSRB OP AND DIALERS IN G 17 A N O, No. 241 Broad st., AUGUSTA GEORGIA l/'EEP constantly on hand, in Savan **- nah and Augusta, a full supply of Fiioenix Q-uano, of direct and recent Importation, at $55 per ton of 2,000 pounds in Savannah, and S6O in Augusta. *©rWILOX, GIBBS & CO.’S Manip ulated Guano, at $75 per ton in Au gusta, and PURE PERUVIAN GUANO at lowest market price in Savannah and Augusta, 00-Orders solicited and promptly filled tor Send for Circular. A ddreas all com munications to ns at Augusta. JO-GOODRICH A BEEKS are our Agents at Griffin, Ga. sep. 7,1867-3 m OOSTERS, Handbills, Cards, and ev *■ ery variety of printing, nevtly exe cuted at the “Star” Office. 1 miscellaneous. FRANKLIN Typo Foundry, ) XXranch of the Johnion Type Foundry) S. ALLISON, Superintendent, ? IBS Vine Street, .oiTsrcxisrTsrATi, 0., THK SAME AS IN PHILADELPHIA. J Electrntyping, Stereotyping and J June 8-6 m oco. R, CoH & Cos I, j <*UU»I«IOX*IIDWIrtMLWAL*naiLWB 1H rTofeaoco, femfis, C I Q- A R S 880 Baltimore St, Sd Door Woet of Reeud, * BALTIMORE, Sep. 28, 1867. * 3 m F. B. Loney Sc Oo„ IMPORTERS Os HARDWARE, Cutlery, Guns, &c, 240 BALTIMORE ST., Baltimore, Md. Francis B. Looney, I Robert S. Finley, Joseph P. Elliot, | John B. Roberts. September 28, 1867. 3 m GBIFFIN, BROTHER & CO, GROCERS AND Contmissiaa iltcrcljauts 105 LOMBARD ST., Baltimore, . ♦♦♦Liberal advanoea made on COTTON Sep. 28, 1867. 3 m SEIMOIIR, JfIISOJI & CD, WHOLESALE GROCERS, Macon, . . , Gta. ITEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND, aid offer at the Lowest Prices, a full and complete stock'of GROCERIES.— We are receiving— -75 hhds. Bacon ; Sides Clear and «; Clear Rib, and Shoulders ; 50 sacks Rio Coffee ; 25 do Java ; 100 bbls. A, B and C and Brown Sugar; 100 halos and 150 rolls Gunny Bagging; 100 rolls Ky. Bagging, and 50 bales Twine ; 200 boxes Candles—Star, Adamantine , and Sperm; 100 bbls. Prime Leaf Lard; 50 boxes Cheese ; 100 bbls. Whiskey—of all grades ; 100 boxes Tobacco ; 100 jars Snuff; 25 bales Sheeting, Osuaburgs and Yarns ; 1000 sacks Liverpool Salt; 500 sacks Virginia Salt; Bbls., }-bbls. and kitts of No. 1, 2 and 3 Mackerel ; Sardines, Pickles, Raisins and Candy ; Potash, Starch and Soap. |®“ We solicit your ORDERS. -®e Maoon, Ga., Sept. 21, 1867. 3m BAKERS & JARVIS ISLAND, Pr.OM THE PACIFIC. BEMNANT of 4 to 600 Tons of the above ap proved FERTILIZER, in fine order, a large portion IN THE CRUST, the RICHEST PART, pare as imported, at SSO per ton—excellent for WHEAT aud all other kind of Grain, ae well as for Cotton and Corn. Also—a large quantity that has been exposed, at S3O per ton of SOOO Iba. W. J. ANDERSON, Esq., Agent for Fort Valley. la R. Brewer. Agent for Griffin. As to It. reputation,reference lg made to GEO. H. SLAPPEY, Eeq , who hne used it cvntiuuou*ly tor eight yean, and to many other Planten In Macon and Taylor Counties; and from OBK.TiriC-A.TBS IN THE HANDS OF L. R. BREWER, AGENT, GRIFFIN, GA. Orderefrom tho Agente, or With the each, wll bn filled promptly. The drayage to tho Eai road depot to be added, at whatever rate ie paid.— If aent in bage, the bags to be returned. Addrea, in my absence, G. S. LAMAR, Jo., Savannah, Ga. [Signed] G. B. T aIUK, Sr. September 21, 1687. 0w CHASE’S IMPROVED Dollar Microscope, iAND DESCRIPTIVE Rational Bank Note De tector. Dr. N. B. Drevrry is Agent for For terms, address M. P. 1, Newnan, Ga., Agent for the State. IQ»Agants wanted Every where. Exclusive Territory given. November 2, 1867. 3m SUPERIOR Paper, Card*, and print" , v- 5 ing material on hand to supply cue mere, at the Star Office. NO. 0- savannah carts, a. O. Mcßae, COMMSSIOK MEllffliNT, 8a BAY ST., BW«r!~S£i-S£: mST uou ° n r °' «>• «*wp ” . c „“ " Urch,ndl “* Premptly forwarde.) whJn ■ c * re - September 28. lUdl-Sm u. a wiuttaao*. A t. VgaowT WILKINSON & WILSON, Cotton Factors 11 KKp& MEHCSABTS. -saifsrsyst gg^sriaa SIfIIxTGROVER & CO., Cotton Factors, AND Commissifln No. 4, Stoddard's Lower Range, Bay Street, Savannali, o a . Liberal odvanc. s on COTTON comduned to our Correspondent. 1„ New York end Livtfpo” a. u. SLOAN. 0. T anrnn, o. E. ORovra. . Home, Ga. Macon. Ga Hroeki Co*Gai A. t. RAOiMTVKa, Thomagyiiie, Ga auii’iMm a. nuTKNHontn, Ga jno. r. w. hill, Fit. A.Duteiihofer&Go., Cotton Factors AND CENERAL C OMSSI® IHIRdiOIT, v-a ASATxr st., Svamijali, a-00. ce^ni g be ,, |nu?A ,0ll T d ' ° n Wh, ° h Übot * l4dt “- HOP^“d 4KON TIES, always on ' august 2»-«in wm. n . BTAkK. a . 7 Wm. 11. Stark & Cos, WHOLESALE GROCERS, HI Mins US „ forwarding agents. Corner of Lincoln and Bay Streets, Savannah, Ga. t. w. sun, Lata of SavAnnah Republican. J. f. whbatoh, Lata of Wilder, Wheaton & Cos F. W. Sims & Cos., SAVANNAH,GA. COTTON FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, IQu. Consignments are respectfully So licited, and Will receive prompt atten tion: aug29-3m Clark, Jones & Cos., Cotton Factors —AND— G-en’l Commission MERCHANTS, NO. 1 STODDARD’S Lower Range, BAY STREET,' SAYANNAH. ...... GEORGIA. Liberal advance, made on eonalgnmenta. Cot ton shipped to any point directed. au29-6m *• ooiiaAKxn,. it. w. deuxwond John ruimi. L, J, GUILMARTIN & CO,, Cotton Factors, AND GKB3S TB3RA.X. Commissiott JHtrdjants SAVANNAH, GA. 19* Liberal ADVANCES made on CONSIGNMENTS. USF ORDERS promptly filled, at LOWEST MARKET RATES. Aug. 15,1857. 3m W. T TRJIMJIIELL, (of grorgla) with H. K. THURBER & 60., IMPORTERS AMD JOBUVR9 IN GROCERIES and LIQUORS, 173 and 175 Cbatnbers Street, 224, 296 and 298 Greenwich Street, TERMS CASH . .NEW YORK. aep. 28, IS«I- em The Grin Tri-Weekly Star,- Tease 6» Auveariaixulloeiaan—l isuara uombi llbuo—« moniha 828(10—1 year lid- t Euaree 8 month. *26—»i mouthi **&—l year |SO; column 1 month *ls—.i raontha *M-6 meniha >0 ; )t column 1 month *2s— l months *SO—U months *75; 1 column 1 mouth *4O-.1 months *75 —8 moniha *125. We will strictly adhere to time terms. Advertisements, to insure attention, must be handed in beiore * o'clock the day pre* ,ona to pabEeatiou. Office on Hast side of Hill street, and . cor. Broadway*—up stairs. In MsJ Moo: a building. S3T" Jot fat rise exoouted neatly and with dh patch, al Tna St.a Orrica. C|f Cri-liffhlp Star. GrlHtß, Ga.. Xovr». Kef' Col. Styles, of the Albeny News, has fixed bis rates of advertising as low as the times will justify. HA says the high price of material, labor, provisions and whisky, render it impossible to lun a first class newspaper on thfi free eye-' tern. *9- The Atlanta New Era has reduc ed its subsonptiou price to five dollars a year. Thin looks as if it was trying to eouiniit suicide by starvation. We hope it will succeed.— Savannah Adi. Cotton at Maoon and Batannah. Macon, iho past week, received 4,569 bales of cotton, totalveceipte (includinE stock Sept. 1, 912 bates) 18,302 ; stock Nov. 2d, 7,716 h&les. Savunnah, the past week, received 14,945 bale* ; total Receipts (including s’oijk Sept. 1, 511 bales) 60,904 ; stock N >v. Ist, 17,677. Only 80 bales of Sea lslund cotton wore received ; stock 128. Destructive Fire at fort Valley— We regret to learn, say* the Madou’ Telegraph, that a fire broke out in the' town of Fwrt Valley on Thursday night, and before it was arrosted consumed nearly the entire business portion of the town. All the buildings, from Ander* fion’s store to the Railroad Depot, on the north side of the street, were destroyed. We are uninformed us to the origin’ of the fire. The following are the principle suf ferers : Sloan A Houser, Simmons dr Bazemore, I>. O. Fountain, 8. R. Smith, Kinehen, Taylor, Griffin A Everett, J. J. O’Quinn, G. W. Sturges, W. J. An derson, and Mrs. Barnes. Anderson, we learn, was insured S2OOO, and Grif fin A Everett fully insured. With these two exceptions, the property is a total' loss to the owners. The “FaT CoNTEiBUTOit" on FaW Life.—Being invited reoently to deliver an agricultural address Before a Har vest Home Association in Central ffevT York, on the oooasion of their atlnuaA festival, the “Fat Contributor" consent* ed. We make the following eloquent extract from hie address : Although fortune (or fierhape the want of it) oast toy lot amid the strug gling multidude of a great city, where you wouldn’t see a farm to a walk of several squares, where there are no meadows with their waving potato tope, or wheat fields ripe for the woodman’s axe, yet I have felt a great interest in' the farming classes, and I flatter my- self that I know something of the noble' pursuit you follow. I will say here,' that it has been the ambition of my life to be un honest old farmer—to earn my bread by the sweat of a hired toan'e brow. How delightful life en a farm must be. I can imagine what vigor ie imparted to the frame, and what strength to the musolee, by reciisingto the (hade and watching the mowers ae they gai ly swing their threshing machines, and then what an appetite ont mast acquire for the noon-tide lunch by observing the merry reapers at work digging their potatoes, and their—theirtallapplee. How often, in imagination, have I fol liwed you, as you went forth a summer’s' morning when the dew was on toe grass' seed, neatly attired in white linen suits with patent leather boots, with your oorn-shellers swung highly over your shoulders, to cut your winter’s wood. I have aiemed to hear your merry songs sweeping up from the meadows, as you gather your watermelons and turnips into your—corn-houses, while mingled' with the busy hum of your sorghum’ evaporators, came the musical bleating of y.ur cattle, and the lowing of yodr sheep and poultry. Tlien the winter aomes, and the slid prevents you from continuing your bay.' ing, and the cold north wind sbakeß'bff vonr strawberries, I picture yon sitting by your gas stoves, mending your fab* mng mills, in preparation for Yoiit spring plowing, or amusing yourself with Beadle’s Dime Books’On Agricul ture. Winter on a farm, how* beautiful !- What a pleasure it must be to fodder the ohiokens in the dairy, and to hear the musioal ducking of the pigs as' they clamor for their oats and hay. Then when the winter evenings come, and the robin and bobolink have oeaSbd their' song and gone to roost on the well' sweep, I oau imagine no greater delight than to gather around the blazing fire place, regardless of the fasoinations of the storm without, and amuse yourself with apple pearing, knitting, base ball. Bcven up, and other athletic games. I envy not, then the p3le dyspeptic who bends from morning till night over hi* sordid ledger in the crowded marts' of trade, or the child of idleness and al fluenoe who grows prematurely old’ amid the dissipations of a life like yours whioh I believe I have in no way over drawn if they did they would trans port their cities iuto the oountry, or transform them into agricultural com munities by act of the Legislature. Tha first snow of the season com menced falling at St. Paul, Minne sota, on the morning of the 29th illt. The storm reacaed Madison, Wisconsin, about noon, and at five o'clock in the afternoon it was show ing quite fast in Chicago. 10* The pork butcher’s song, —“To Greece we give outshining blades.”