Griffin tri-weekly star. (Griffin, Ga.) 1865-1868, November 12, 1867, Image 1

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The Griffin Tri-Weekly Star, Published Ewrj T*c«U). ThursMT ut Sat <i . urfiaj Mornlnss. .. Txaas of SvascaipruHi—**.<>o p«\ annum ; »3.0 for six months ;SlO"*«r month inauvanM. Trui nut Tnairawsv A»v»r.t»«juun% —Pm aqnvr of res u># (or let-) for eueb lawrtV.n for ale* lira* Utan taro week*. 11.09Pur eaeh insertion; one square 2 week* VXi<r. one square 3 week* »7 00; on* square 1 month $ 5.50. For terms for regular buatoras oanls and letful a*‘tiers;are terms. -U-L-1 1 ~1 - IJ-' PROFESSIONAL CARDS, j » a.' arrow. <• «• esureeu. ALFORD & CAMPBELL, Attorneys at Law, GRIFFIN....- GEORGIA. ■rvriLL PKACTfCF. Hi »* Uoufts of the Flint V> Circuit, snd in the Counties of M.rrtwrther, Fayette and Clayton Also—in too District Court of the United State* In tb* Northern District ut Qeorgto. Ibouipt attenUoS given loesses In Bank ruptcy. Septembers*. 18|».4f « R. D. RENDER, ATTORNEY at XjA."W, GRRENVH.LJS, Merriwether Couiity, Ga. WILL PRACTICE In the Counties Composing the Coweta and I'llut Circuits. flop SfrOm DR. T. A. WARSENj irwstiwL'lire" '•nwwrptWiwxr. •ntwvle** I to the Cit Dene of Grifliu and Surroundfng buuotryt ■ . _ fair Office uejoiniug Star Office, cor ner of Breed aud llill Streets. ““Osa KKril DKXCE Ist door East .Marshall College. June 3, IcOT. . *» l>«. J. T. WAX AS has removed his Offiah 4o liisies -1 deuce oh Taylnr Street—place known as the “Campbell Plate," two squares west of the Bap tist Chttrcb, where be oan be consulted at ait hours. B@uofficc S»rictly Private.-isa* Notlc<\«ian floor. may 9, IS 67-if Dll. M. J. DANIEL, Offioo at Harris’ Drug Store, HILL STREET, GRIFFIN; GEORGIA. april SO, 1807 0. PKfiJPLKS . .J. D. SXEH'AHT. Peeples Sc Stewart, Juiorncys at JLaic, GRTFFIN GEORGIA, WILL practice in the counties of Spalding, Pike, Butts, Clayton, Ilenry, Newton, Fayette and Merri wether. and give attention to oases in BANKRUPTCY and U. S. Courts— B©,C. PEOPLES will continue to prac tice in the counties of Upeon, Monroe and Jasper. april l>&. 1867-6 m M. M. TIDWELL. 8. 8. LEAKS, TIDWELL & FEARS, ATTOR.VE VS at EJttl , \int.L PRACTICE in the STATE COURTS, >Y and in the UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT for the No. them District of Georgia. Par ticular attentionslven to OASES IN BANKRUPT CY, Office In M AKKRA'S’B EMPIRE BLOCK, WHITEHALL ST ATLANTA, <!A. April IS- ise? t ts Boynton EDismuke ATTJKStYS AT LAI QHIFFIISr, O-180., WILL practice in the < 'onrta of the Flint Cir cuit, ami adjoining Courts of the Coweta Circuit. Special attention given lothepr secu lon and defeoee of cuaos iu the U, 8 District and » Ir *ult Courts. Case# in BANKRUPTCY attentled t<* on reasonable rates, olthur lor applicants or creditors. *** COLLECTIONS from a distan- e promptly ©ltended to. atroßMonnble rates. March 17-ly Bankruptcy. fTMIE undersigned sre prepared to at -I- tend to BAN KRUPTCY CASES in the Federal Courts, at reasonable rates. Coil and consult. foOYAL & NUNNAILY. march H. Dl. McDOCTiLIiD, DENTIST, DENTISTRY. A. CLEVELAND & SON, Resident Dentists, A. CLEVELAND. R. CLEVELAND dee, 18, 1868. Monumental Work. Tills !* to Inform everybody, that having ar ranged with the best Establishment* In Phila delphia and Charleston, and with a good variety of diagrnms on hand, t am now prepared to fumiah MONUMENTS, Box-Tomb#, Head Slones nnd Iron HaiUaga, all of the neatest and most becoming stvlM—tas ranch experience has taught)—and on um b f term., September 17 ISCT-dm Griffin, Ga. globe hotel, , AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. W. C. HEWITT, Proprietor. (Lara on as trim- uocaa, va.) nPHE Globe HOTEL, under the present Proprle- Jl tor, ban been thotoughly renovated, repainted anti refurnished, nnd Is sepond tv no Hotel in th© Somb, Attached to the House I* tm elegant BAR ROOM, BARBER SHOP and BATH HOUSE, for Ladle* and Gentlemen. Alao, a No. 1 LIVERY STABLE, where Hacks and Hones can be ptbWr ed for plea,tub or for trip* to th» country. GRIFFIN TRI-WEEKLY STAR. YOL. U. GRIFFIN CARDS- Stove, Tin Ware '-A.asrr> UOBSE FCESISHING GOODS Henry C, Burr, . SOlomon Street REAR OT THE'JOBSBV BUILDING, YXTOULD announce to his Mends and tbt puMlg Y\ general y. that he hs, on hand and a, cen itan ly receiving a lxrgk stock of Cooking, —AND —; BOX 3TO'V3EIS, Os the latest anil rqoit approve*; pattenig. which alyvavs on hand JAPAN S ED, Pl.a M-II K!> and 8T» MPEI) WARES, tmd HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS generally, which ha oß'etaat wholvaala or retail, a* low as any liouseln the State. Allkindsof JOB WORK, Roofing Guttering, Sheet Iron and Popper Work done With neatness am) dispatch, and on the most rea enable terms. - . , ... From hi* loo* cxpertencMn the ouainea*. neliat t«m himself that ho can m .ke It to the inU*re»i «f j»tirch*aei'- to buy iroia him Hii* tnoW© is “small profit:* and quick -a •*.’* Give hitu a oail. Bent ember i4. E. R. GOODRICH . . .J. A. BERKS Fertilizers! FERTILIZERS! THE subscribers believing that there is need of a permanent bouse in this business in Griffin, have entered into a partnership for the purpose of supplying the Planters with Guano, Phosphates and Superphos p h a t e of Lime, Land Plasters, Lime, &c. We shall look closoly to the interest of Planters, and take pleasure'to furnish all Deedful information, and try and be prepared tc make it mutually the Plan* ter’s and oar interest to buy or order through us, and we fledge our&elves to furnish them as LOW as they can be bought and delivered in any market in the United States. jjgr-We will furnish any particular Fertilizer that may be wanted, and so licit orders. Those who may wish Fer tilizers for wheat this fall, will scud in their orders at an early day, as the de mand will doubtless bo large, and our shipments will be governed in some measure by the orders we receive. B@»Store Rooms at the Warehouse formerly occupied by Scandrett A Ellis. goT'Otfice at Stillwell & Beeks’ store. JiaTTerms CASH on delivery. tiOODIMMI & SEEKS, august 20, 18d7-3m FURNITURE. I HAVE now on hand, and which I will sell at reduced prices, a well se lected stohk sf Bureaux, Wasla stands, WorK Tables Bedsteads, Tepoy and Quartette Tables WardrOboa, COrnor Stands, Sofas, Parlor, Dining and Cot tage cnalrs, Towel Ilacli.s, ctoo., dbo. Having bought for cash, I am ablo to sell ns low as any house in the city. I am also agent for the sale of MAR BLE MONUMENTS, TABLETS, SLABS, and TOMBS of all kinds. De signs can be seen at my fooms, and I will sell them as low as can be procured anywhere in the United States. REPAIRING neatly and promptly done. tt*&»Rooms over jßrawners’ Book Store. juiyV, 1867. G. 11. MOONEY. EriUin Bookstore! H. T. BRAWHER & SON, Having rbmoved their stock to the ,Hoorn Formerly Occupied by BRAWNEK & PUTNAM, Will keep CONSTANTLY ON HAND a COM PLETE ASSORTMENT OR SIX i COLLEGE Till I®, Miscellaneous Books, Bibles and Testaments, Hymn Books, Prayer Books, Sunday School Books, Juve nile and Toy BOOKS, Blanks, Memorandums, Diaries. SHEET MUSIC and MUSIC BOOKS, Envelopes—all styles and sizee. Cap, Letter and Note Paper, Ink, Slates, Mucilage, Photograph AU bums and Photographs, Fancy Goods, GoliJ Pens, and a varied assortment of School and Countingfaouse Stationery. |QT Special Terms to Qountry Mer chants tmd Teachers. Jan. 3,1867 y GRIFFIN, GA., NOVEMBER 12, 1867. ATLANTA CARDS. P, V. J. ECHOLS, WHITEHALL STREET, A TLANI A, GEORGIA, . . - TtEALERS in all kinds of Agrioultur al Implements and Machinery, and Agent for Horace L. Emery A Son’s HHHUfir (CTTON GIN . i‘ i t COISTDELNSBR, RAILWaT And LEVER lICdRSE POWERS, and sos ingersqll’t iIAND COtfrOV PRESS The Httentkm of Plant ere ne»'dlnß MfccHner# ft»r fffoning Uotiun, is ealK-d to th<* hove. The *UKI - *'ott«»n 01st i ONJ)b,NSI£K I enn re commend h* superior to nil others, while ibe power for running the Win, ami the Irm for unefting the Colton, l* ad that oau be desired. (I7*l«wr ptive and price CirciWart lurnished on application in per son or by letter. P.W.J. Echols, Dealer In Agjlcultural Implements and Machinery aug 24, Whitehall SU, .-'tl.iuta, C* McBRIDii&Cd, IMFORTGBSIND JOBBERS —OF— CROCKERY, oeeixa, Glass Ware, Table Cutlery, LAMPS, —AND— m>.m wake. Guarantees as good rates to Mer chants as can be had in the oountry. $15,000 worth of PLATED WARE, manufactured expressly fur this House. OROOK.EB.Y —AND— % TiSUR.GOTLSBT at regular importer’s prices. B@uAvoid freights, insurance, delay and breakage, by buying at the GREAT SOUTHERN CROKERY EMPORIUM of MoBRJDF. & CO. august 1J?, 1867. RTTIL Rose & Co^T WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Biandies, Wines, Whiskies, cbo„ C*3C,, Broad Street, (GRANITE BLOCK) Atlanta Georgia. COUNTRY ORDERS Solicited, and satisfaction guaranteed in every in stance. not. 5, 18G7-3m GUANO —tttt — Turnips and Wheat WILCOX, (IBS & CO., * lMl’mm.43 or A.VB UEAI.kl* IS a U A ET o, Ko. 241 Broad ht., r AUGUSTA GEORGIA 17‘EEP constantly on hand, in Savah nab and Augusta, a fall supply of Flioanix Gruano, of direct and recent Importation, at $55 per ton of 2.000 pounds in Savannah, and SCO in Augusta. I@-YVILOX,.GIBBS & CO.'S Manip ulated Guano, at $75 per ton in Au gusta, and PURE PERUVIAN GUANO at lowest market price in Savannah and Anguota. SgyOrders solicited and promptly filled tor CASIf.tSB Send for Circular. Address all com munications to us at Augusta. |®-QOODRICH & BEEKS are our Agents at Griffin, Ga. sep. 7,1867-3 m * DOSTERS, Handbills, Cards, and ev *• ery variety of printing neatly exe cuted at the “Stax” Office. MISCELLANEOUS. m franklin Type Foundry, (Branch of Ut* Johaaon Tjpe Foundry) R. AILISON, Superintendent, o., PBICIB TUB SAME A8 IN PHILADKLPHIA. t4s7.Llectrotyping, Stereotyping and WoodJmgraviug. June 8-Cm Geo. R, CofFroth fi Cos., cSae wxo* *ro wnuutsiLi nsatap* in Tiaiacco, Snuffs, AND c I Gb A . "3PJ, 3 330 Baltimore St, 2d Do, r Wert of Ifo.vid, *' BALTIMORE, Sep, 28, b 67. 3m F. E. Loney Sc Cos,, IMPORTRRft OF HARDWARE, Cutlery, Guns, &c, 240 BALTIMORE ST., Baltimore, Md. Francis B. Looney, I Robert S. Floley, Josaph P. Elliot, I John B. Roberts. * September 2S, 1547, 3 n , CHIITIX, BIIOTIIIiR 410. GROCERS AND Cumutisaian JlTrrrijauta 105 l OMRARD ST., Baltimore. Md. ***Llberal advances made un COTTON Sep. 28. 1867. Sm smioiiii, no, WHOLESALE GROCERS, ft# aoon, . . , On. Ia EEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND, **■ and offer at the Lowest Prices, a full and complete stock of GROCERIES.— We receiving— -4 5 aide. t Sides Hew ami' Cltar Rth, and Shoulders ; 50 sstks Rio Coffee ; 25 do Java ; 100 hUs. A, Band Oai)d Brown Sugar; 100 bales and 150 rolls Gunny Bagging; 100 rods Ky. Bagging, and 50 bales Twine ; 200 foxes Candles—Stair, Adamantine and Sperm; 100 ibis. Prime Leaf Lard; 50 foxes Cheese ; 100 |bls. Whiskey—of all grades ; 100 Ijotes Tobacco ; 100 jars Snuff; 25 bales Sheeting, Osnaburgs and Yarns ; 1000 socks Liverpool Salt; 500 sacks Virginia-Salt; Bbls., 3-bbls. and kitts of No. 1, 2 and 3 Mackerel; Sardines, Pickles, Raisins and Candy ; Potasb, Starch and Soap. M&T We solicit your ORDERS. Macon, Ga., Sept. 2f, 1867. Sip BAKES & JARVISTsIM, FROM TUB PACIFIC. RXMNANT of 4 to 000 Tons of the abeve ap proved HiKTILIZER, In fine order, a large portion IN Tint CBUST, the EIOHI«T PART, pnreaa Imported, at per ton—excellent for WHEAT and all Other kind of Grain, as well as for Cotton and Com. Also—a large quantity that has been exposed, a ISO per ton of 200) lbs. W. J. ANPKUSON, Esq., Agent for Fort VaUey. L. R. Brewer> Agent for Griffin. • As to Its repatatlon.referonce Is muds to GEO. n BLAPPEY, Esq , who hits used It oontlunourly for eight yeiuw, end to many other Planters In Macon and Taylor Counties; and from OERTIFIOA-TES IN TDK HANDS OF 1 L. it. BREWER, AGENT, GRIFFIN, GA. . Orders from the Agents, or with the cash, wll be filltd promptly. The drayage to tha llal road depot to be added, at whatever rate la paid.—- .If sent in bags, the bags to ba returned. Addrtes, in my absence, G. B. LAM \ It, Ja^ Savannah, Ga. [Signed] G. B. ZoMAR, Br. September 21,156 T. Gw CHASE S IMPROVED Dollar Microscope, 4 AND DESCRIPTIVE National Bank Note De tector. Dr. N. B. Drewry is Agent for Griffin. For terms, address M. P. , Newnan, Ga., Agent top the State. wanted Every where. Exclusive Territory given. November 2, 1867. 3to SUPERIOR Paper, Cards, and print* ° ing material on hand to supply cub men, at the Star Office. NO. 7. MISCELLANEOUS. DrucKer A XXa4znmersloli.gli.’s BimiOEE CUH HOUSE. Between the Postoffice and Woodruff’s Carriage Repository, Griffin, Ga. Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats and Notions. We ask but ONE TRIAL to convince all that we and DO sell good at prices that CANNOT FAIL TO PLEASE. Having set out with the determination to make our House the Headquarters of the trading public, we will make every effort to keep our Stock fully up to requirements of the trade. Give us a trial. SIRE WE IRE, LADIES! Up’ Stairs, I3ST 23PEEKS’ COPtX-TEI^ KECFIVINO nnd 'ofcjCNING one of the most Splendid Stocks of MILLINERY AND ’ * uinnnnsiiK am Ever brought to this Cay, <v msl-tlng of almost «v .rythlng hi the Millinery line. Also— LADIES' CLOAKS and SHAWLS, CLOAK CLOTHS and TRIMMINGS, HOOP SKIRTS and CORSETS, NUBIAS and HOODS, NETS, CURLS, and other HEADGEAR, DRESS TRIMMINGS, LACE YEILS, . LACE COLLARS ’ and SETS. Laces, and Altogether too froot i variety of FANCY ARTI fCJLKH to be nientionodin one pumber G s the Staa; all of which imVe hetn at leced with the vrentest core, by the in New York and Haiti*, more. Call In and sec the Pat-la New Yqrk. Haiti more and Griffin Bylea—all of which wo will be compelled to aell at the very lowen prides. S. S. TAYLOR, Ag’t. Grlflln, Octobgr Ist, 1267, Bra The Griffin Tri-Weekly Star; Trxwa or Aowmsiso Brsimua Csum.—l sqnara men hs slloo—B months s2*oo—l year sJi; 2 8 months s2*—« months s3S—l y.»r SM); W volamn 1 month sll—3 month. $lO- t> months *SO ; eolunt'i 1 month s2*—:t months SSO-8 months s7*; 1 o.lttunt 1 month S4O-3 monthss7s —ti mon hs 1125. We wilt strlctlv sphere to terms. Adr.rtls.mwit*. to Insure atn ntinn. must b<’ banned to before 2 o'clock the dny pro* ,uus to publication, outre on Uast side of Hill street. i> and oor. Broadway—up stairs, in Alp). Moot s building. PJos Pmptisu exocutad neatly and with dis patch. at Tax Btim Orrtct. Cht gri-Ulftkli) Star. Ol ittn, Cia., Alov. 11, imuy. Florida Letter. Mosxlv Hall, Fla., Nov. 4th, ’C7 Messrs. Editors : It would afford mo great satisfaotion, worn I able to write something that would bo interesting, uni instructive to your renders, and that, in consequent!), would in some degroo en hance the valuo of yoor alrottdy valued paper. But it is truly difficult to stun up vital foroo sufficient to write for the public eye, after the daily dutios and trials of a laborious, unprofitable, and often, tbr.pbless occupation. Only they wh* have experienced 't, turn ktvwW how pqinful brain labor hepoities, when it is fitllowed amid the oftteS nnd 'anxietiei of precarious existence J when the wri ter tries in vain to ooneentrato his thovghts, which he can uot prevent trom playing truant to his purpose, and stray, ing off to the exigencies of his lot. He cannot (orget himself anti his condition, struggle as ha may, to portray interest other than those which procure subsis tence. How difficult, therefore, it is (or a ntan to b'cotne an eminent writer, when penury is his lotconsequently, if your corespondent is unablo to draw attention to vour columns, you must t k ■ t! 6 will for the dead. First and foremost, let mo heartily congratulate the nenpth of Middle Geor gia, on the glorious news from the North. Did I not tell you iu my last that the nefarious rump wus commenc ing its death-struggle. I can seo them foamii g at mouth like mad dogs—pore jured traitors 1 The rosy-fingered Au rora appears in tho east, proclaiming the advent of tho Sun of Constitutional Libetty. The young giant of Democ racy is rising in his might, and making bare his arm—he ia doal ng his well aimed blows from tho Atlantia to the Pacific ; at and pacific will be theend of his mission, when Radicalism is dead.— May that day soon come when peace and harmony and b rot herhood, shall exist everywhere. But the slime of the traitors may still be seen throughout the laud. In a let ter of the 30th, ult., received from a friend in Savat nah, there is this lan guage : “The city is lull of negroes— come to exercise their glorious" privi lege of votin£ftor whom and what they have not the remotest idea. One Baid, when asked for whom he was going to vute, ‘Bnulla*.’ For what office ? ‘PiciUeut,’ fie replied. New Bradley is a mulatto lawyer from Boston, who bitd come here as an apostle—sells his tickets, promising, When elected Presi dent, to give every nigger *a mule and forty acres of land.’ He will be elect ed to the Convention ; there is no op-> position, the whites staying away from the polls. What a glorious prospect for old Georgia 1 But all for the best. I want the Convention to he what it will be, a disgrace to humanity. Then will the day of deliverance come—when the rest of tho country is disgusted with Radicalism.” So motß it be. The whites here take uo interest in the coming election, nnd but few of the blacks ; but I suppose tho latter will vote. The intention is to make Florida a Radical State. The patriotio wh t:s will not go to tho polls. More anon. Most respectfully, 11. E. M. A Disappointed Wife. A few months since, a gentlemen had the mis fortune to lose his wife, a litorary lady of some reputation. After grieving for a number of weeks, a bright idea enter, cd the head of the widower. He tho’t that be could do something to lesson his sorrow, and for that purpose he called on a lady acquaintance, and requested to speak a word to heP in private.— Thinking that she was about to receive a proposal from him, the lady prepared to listen with becoming resignation. “Mary,” said he, with downcast eyes, as ho took her hand, “you knew my wife ?” "Certainly.” “It is not good for a man to he alone.” “Perhaps not.” “Did you ever reflect upon that por tion of tho marriage service which re quires couples to cleave unto each other until death do part them ?” “I have.” “1 have often reflected upon it myself. Now death has parted me from my wife, nnd I feel very lonely.” “I should think it likely.” “I think I must do something to re store me to her kind consolations, and the memory of her virtues.” lie pressed the lady’s hand am) sighs ed. She returned tho pressure, and al so suffered a sigh to escape her. “My dear,” snid he, Bfter a long • pause. I’ll oo;ae to the point at once.— 1 have a proposal to muke.” “A proposal ?” ‘Yes, I have resolved to write my who's biography. Now, I have but lit tle skill In literary matters, and if you will correct my manusoript, and write headings for the chapters, I will givo you fifiy dollars.” She sprang from his sido and her eyes flashed with angor. “You wretch—monster She left the room, not being able to express her.rage. The widower sighed, •took his hat and went home. He has not yet published his book. The Boston Post says Colfax is thcjiladiosl dancing master. Walking on livd coals, says the Cincinnati Enqui rer, as the Radicals Xre now doing, is enough to snake dancing m. tsra of aU of thorn.