Griffin tri-weekly star. (Griffin, Ga.) 1865-1868, September 23, 1868, Image 1

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TheWfin Tri-Weekly Star. Tot or *mrr»!M Bums**! Cuw.-1 square .*9 months iisao—« months 1 jw .85; * bqaam* 3 usentbs **S-# Months »!»-t row f U). iwfiK *i S&ts> tr? *) **' tL tm lV 'We wmMrtetto *idW to u’e»t be h»rfst»h^S ! e ?o’So^S| ? *.yßT««o£to publication. Oftoe'oa fin** side of B<lt and nor, Broad stairs, la M»J Hoot • building &T iot r*t*r xoexMuted neatly aad with die patch. at TmtfiTsa Ovwca, PROFESSIONAL CARDS. r ]DR. M. J. DANIEL, Offloo at Harris’ Drug Store, ■ ILL STREtT. GRIFFIN GE<SR<|IA. april 30, 1867 - J. MCAMPB E L L~ Attorney at Law, GRIFFIN .... L ..., .... .GEORGIA WILL ATTEND PROMPTLY to nil bnsinesq commute.l to bin cars. Strtot attention will be given to COLLECTIONS, end cniee in ItA»MC- RpgTOr. April 11, 1867-It John H. Hart, ATTORNEY at IseA-W, McDonough. Georgia, ITTILL practice few in all it* branches, ill tie W oeßnty of Henry, and adjoining ooontlea. BAMKRI&’TCY. Special attention given to BiNKBCPVt'Y CASES, and ootbotin* In the Fed. oral and Slate Courts. COMPROMISES effected at naeonable rates, where partlee deeire. jan. 7. 19*b-iy , Bankruptcy. THE undersigned *re prepared to at tend to BANKRUPTCY CASES in the Federal Courts, at reasonable rates Call and consult. DOYAL A NUNN ALLY, march 21, 1867-ts Dr. L. 6. Brantley, piORMERLY of Henry county, Ua., A. tenders nig Professional Services to the oitizetm of Griffin aod surrounding coumry. and ADVICE narOffioo ami residence the late Medioal Oollege of Dr. E. F. Knott, near the Railroad Freight House, where he may bo found at all times, when not professionally engaged. * dec. 5, 1867. DENTISTRY. A. CLEVELAND St SON, Reside at Dentists, A. CLXVBLAVD. J. R. OLttVZLANU dee. .8, lgt», ‘ * * • VERSUS SIT SiPIESTI! CW. c. WRIGHT and CHARLIE * WRIGHT, respectfully inform th« citizens of Griffin and adjacent country, that they are now prepared to repair WATCHES, Clocks & Jewelry, at much lower rates than any shop in the oity. Our experience is net only of a few year's standing, bat we have been educated to the business from our youth —having enjoyed all the facilities ever produced by the trade. ■ Engagement Rings manufactur ed to order, and ENGRAVED, at short notice. Give us a call, and you shall be satisfied with our work. #3fc»office uh stairsoverJUfford’s Har ness Store, Hill Street,.Griffin, Ga. n«y. 26. 1867. ' xtmt&'x ibash£B» -DEALER IN— Boots, Shoes, Leather & Shoe FINDINGS, •> OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. A "I" O A Manufacturer of BOOTS and A LSU, SHOES, Whitehall and Pesch troo Street*, Atlanta, Georgia HnTtor had over FORTY YE ARS experience In the Shoe Business in Georgia, with very superior advantage. In buying, fa* my good a an- purchased for OBBh exclusively] I do assure yon that you can obtain aa good bargains from mo as from any other house in tho city. My stock of Boots and Shoes wilt at all time* bo full and complete, embracing ev ery quality and sty!* (sold by the ca»e or down) at NEW YORK PRICES, freight added. Special at tention will ho given to tho leak and Shoe Finding branch of the boiineea. 500 aides of WHITE OAK amt HEMLOCK Sol© Leather arriving weekly, French Calf Skins and Shoe Flnd nga of all descriptions, always at the LOWEST FIGURES, of which my stock Is large and varied. Merchants and Manulbcturers will save money by buying their good* from m» in Atlanta, Instead of New York, aa lam certainly offering extra in ducements to cash buyers strict attention given Henry Banks, No. B Peachtree, and No. 8 Empire Block, White hall Btreet. lane «. lS(B-8m POSTERS, Handbills, Cards, and bt » ery variety of printing, neatly exe cuted at the "Star" Office. GRIFFIN TRI-WEEKLY STAR. YOL. U. ffle Cti -UJcchlp Star. WEDNESDAY. SEPT. 23. 1868. DEMOCRATIC PLATFORM UPON WHICH EVERY HONggT WHIT* HAN IN TUB LANS CAN STAND. ir, \'T V For President: HORATIO SEYMOUR, Of'New Turk. For Yiu President: GEN. FRANCIS P. BLAIR, Os Missouri. DEMOCRATIC ELECTORS. i »*•' jj£' v -‘ • «■<*• - .-Jf ' For the State at Large.— Gen. John B. Gordon, of Fulton, John T. Clark, of Randolph; Alternates —Wm. TANARUS, Wof ford, of Bartow, and Thomas M. Nor wood, of Chatham. lsf Congressional District Col. J. C. Niohols, of Pierce, for elector, and J. H. Hunter, of Brock*, alternate. 2d District —Col. Cha*. T. Goode, of Sumter, elector, and Wm. O. Fleming, of Decatur, alternate. 3d District —R. J. Moees/of Musco gee, elector, and W. D. Tuggle, of Troup, alternate. A District —A. 0. Baeon, of Bibb, elector, md Dr. Henry S, Wimberley, of Twiggs, alternate. sf7t District —Major J. B. Cummins, ot Richmond, elector, and Gen. D. M. Dubose, of Wilkes, alternate. 6//i District— H. P. Bell, of Forsyth, eleotor, and Garrett McMillan, of Hab ersham, alternate. 7lh District —Col. Jas. D. Waddell, of Fulton, elector, and Gol. Y. A. Gaskill, of Fulton, alternate. The following is the platform adopted by the National Democratic Convention at New York: The National Democratic party, in National Convention assembled, repos* ing iyt trust in the intelligence, patriots ism and discriminating justice of the, people, standing upon the Constitution as the foundation and limitation of the ' powers of the Government and tho guar antee of the liberties of the oitizen, and recognising the question of slavery und secession as buviog'fcesn settled foe all time to come by the war or the vol untary action of the Southern States in Constitutions! Conventions assembled, und never to be renewed or reagitated, do, with the return of peace, demand— let. The immediate restoration of ail the States to their rights in the Union under the Constitution, and of civil gov ernment to the American people. 2d. Amnesty for all pnst political of fences, and the regulation of the elec tive franchise in the States by the citi zens, and the paymantof the publiedebt of the United States as rapidly .as prac ticable. 3d. All money drawn from tho peo ple by taxation, oxcopt so inuoh as is requisite for the necessities of the Gov ernment economically administered, to be honestly applied to such payment, and, where the obligations of tho Gov ernment do not expressly state upon their face, or the law under which they were issued does not provide that they shall be paid in coin, they ought in right and justice to be pail it\ the law ful money of the United States. (Thun der* of appluiise.) 4th. Equal taxation of every species of property, according to its real value, inoluding Government bonds and other public securities. [Renewed cheering, and cries of ‘‘Read it again.”] sth. One currency for the govern ment and the people, the laborer and the officeholder, the penaioner and the soldier, the producer and the bondhol der. [Great cheering, and cries of ‘‘Read it Bgain.” The fifth resolution was again read and again cheered. 6th. Economy in the administration of the government; the reduction of the standing army and navy; tho abolish ment of the Freedmen’s Bureau, [great cheers] and all political instrumentali ties designed to secure negro suprema cy ; the si mplifieation of the system and discontinuance of the inquisitorial boards of assessing and collecting in ternal revenue, the burden of taxation may be equalized and lessened, the credit of the Government and the the currency made good, the repeal of all enactments for enrolling the States militia into national forces in time of peace, and a tariff for revenue upon for eign imports, and such equal taxation under the internal revenue laws as will afford incidental protection to domestic manufactures, and as will, without im pairing the revenue, impose the least bardon upon and best promote and en courage the great industrial interests of the country. 7th. The reform of abuse in the ad ministration, the expulsion of corrupt men from office, the abrogation of use less offices, the restoration of rightful authority to and the independence of the Executive and Judicial Departments of tho Government, the subordination of the military to civil power, to tho end that the usurpations of Congress and the despotism of the sword may cease. Bth. Equal right# and protection for naturalized and native-born citizens at home and abroad. The assertion of American nationality, which shall com* GRIFFIN, GA., SEPTEMBER 2a, 1868. mand the respect of foreign powers, furnish an example and encouragement to peoplestruglingfor national integrity, constitutional liberty and individual rights, and the maintenance of the rights ot naturalised citizens against the abso lute doctrines of immutable allegiance, and the claim of foreign powers to pun ish them for alledged crime committed beyond their jurisdiction. [Applause.] In demanding these measurea-and re forms we arraign the Radical party for the disregard oi right, and the uoparat-* leled oppression and tyranny whioh have marked its career. After the most solemn and unanimous pledge of both Houses of Con*rose to prosecute the war exclusively lor tha maintenance of the Government and the preservation of tho Union under the Constitution, it has repeatedly violated that most sacred pledge under whioh was rallied that noble volunteer army which carried our flag to victory. Instead of restoring the Union, it has, so far as was in its power, dissolved it, and subjected ten States in a time of profound peace to military despotism and negro supremacy. It has nullified the right of trial by has abolished the writ of habeas corpus—that most sacred writ of liber ty. It has overthrown the freedom of speech and of the press. It has substituted arbitrary seizures and arrests and military trials and se cret starchamber inquisitions for con stitutional tribunals. It has disregarded in time of peaoe the right of the people to he free from search and seizure. It has entered the post and telegraph offices, and even the private rooms of individuals, and seized their private pa pers and letters, without any specifica tion or notice or affidavits, as required by the organic law, ’lt has converted the American capi tal into a hastile. . It has established a system of spies and offioial espionage to which no con stitutional monarchy of Europe would now dare to resort. It has abolished the right of appeal in important constitutional questions to the supreme judicial tribunal, and threat ens to .curtail or destroy its original ju risdiction, which is irrevocably vested by the Constitution, while the iearned Chief Justice has been subjected to great and atrocious calumnies merely because he would not prostitute his high office to the support of the false and partisan charges preferred against the President. Its corruption and extravagance have exceeded anything known in his tory, and by its frauds and monopolies ft Ms ueiiHy JoLlifKl" tfce Sttrtwmr-’of debt created during the war. It has stripped the President of his constitu tional power of appointment even of his own cabinet. Under its repeated assaults, tho pil lars of the Government are rooking on their base, and should it succeed in No vember next, and inaugurate its Presi* dent, we will meet as a subjeot and con quered people amid the ruins of liberty and the scatierd fragments of tbs Con stitution ; and we do declare and resolve, that, ever since the people of the United States threw off all subjection to tho British Crown, tho privilege and trust of suffrage have belonged to the several States, and have berni granted, regain ted, and controlled exclusively by the political power of eaeff,State, and any attempt by Congress, on any pretext whatever, to deprive any'State of this right, or interfere with this exercise, is a flagrant usurpation of power which can find no warrant in the Constitution, and if sanctioned by the people, will subvert our form of Government, and can only end in a single, centralized, consolidated Government, in which tho separate existence of the States will be entirely absorbed and an unqualified despotism be established in place of a Federal Union of eqnal States. That we regard the reconstruction acts of Congress, so-called, as usurpations, unconstitutional, revolutionary and void. That our soldiers and sailors, who carried the flag of our country to victory against a most gallant and determined foe, must ever be gratefully remember ed, and all the gurantees given in their favor must be faithfully carried into ex ecution. That the public lands should be dis tributed as widely among the people ns possible, and should be disposed of eu ther under the preemption or the home stead law, and sold in reasonable quan tities, and to none but actual occupants, and at minimum prices as established by the Government,when grants ofpublio lands may be deemed necessary for the encouragement of important public im provements, the proceeds of the sales of such lands,and not the lands themselves, should be applied. That the President of the United States, Andrew Johnson, in exercising the power of his high office in resisting the aggressions of Congress on the con stitutional rights of the States and the people, is entitled to the gratitude oi the whole American people, and on be half of the Demoeratie party we tender him oor thanks for his patriotic efforts in that regard. [Great Applause.] Upon this platform the Democratic party appeal to every patirot, inclu ding all the conservative element and all who desire to support the Constitu tion and restore the Union, forgetting all past difference of opinion, to nnite with us in the present great struggle for the liberties of the people, and'that to all such, to whatever party theytanay have heretofore belonged, we ex tana the right band of fellowship, and hail all such co-operating with us as friends and brothers. t&t CrifWwkfo Star. WEDNESD tY.'sEPT. 23,1868? For Conors j.— The Democratic Con vention of the I’hjrd Congressional Dis trict held,at 1 (Grange, on Wednesday last, unanimoi tly nominated the Hon. Hugh Buohar m, of Newnan, and we beg leave to < ;pre#« the opinion that they oould no have made a better se lection. . „ [ci mspioniriD.] A BRITISH Mb’S OPINION OF "PASTORAL SUPPORT.” About three weeks ago it was an nounced in the. columns of this paper that a seroiot on the above subject would be preached at the request of one of our churohes, hv it# pa-tor. The writer was most arnica* tq hear how the subject would be treated—what new strength would bs presented—in what new dress , the oH, (and as some think, worn-out) ideas ooDosrning this thing, would be elsthed—in short, we were curions to know what could and what would be done, with "‘Pastoral support” for a theme. „ v • Doubtless every heart present was stirred with deep emotion, That ser mon will live long in our remembrance. It was impossible for ony, even those who have been heretofore . careless and thoughtless, not to fp«l Jeep and lively sympathy awakeued, for those who re ceive the ‘‘awful charge” to “ Watch for for which fl, e Lorj Did heavenly hlln forego,— J For souls, whirl, mint forever live, Ie rapture or la *oa I Tla net e etinse of smell import The Fetter's earo demands, But what might all an'gngermheard .-- And Ailed a Savicna's hands,'’ If the oase was so with the careless what must have been the response from the earnest oh-istiari’s heart t From those who regard their Pastors with affection, his co-vofleerft in the great cause which engage his heart, soul, mind and strength. A few dart after hearing this sermon it ohanoed that the following episode in the life Cjglish minister met our ej«. it sdvcm that iv v. L-snrttM obtained a living in a mining district. It was a poor parish, and Lord Bernard (by whnsd inluenoe Mr. Leslie obtained the living) placed his two sons under/ the P.i-t' r’s ears, and paid him hand/ somely for ednoatiug them. Some tiipe after tfaerip were some riots among she miners, which are not nnusual among the populqco in those mining districts. Mr. Leslie was a good man, and therefore bad the confidence of the peo ple—and that influence whieh a great and good misd always exerts ever infe rior natures. With great courage and fearlessness, he went out. in the rabble, quelled the riots and dispersed the mnd mob. Not long after thia, the Lord’s sops, being prepared for the University, left the Pastor, whose family in the mean time had increased. Ijte consulted with his friend, Lord Bernard, as to the pro priety of taking other pupils. “My wife ” said he “is very kind in present ing roe with so many little daughters; and they are such dooile sweet little things that 1 cannot find it in my heart to say that any number of them would be weloome, but, Work for them I must* or they will starve.” Lord B. agreed that the Pastor, under the circumstances, would be justified in taking pupils, but, the parish was large and the population increasing. There were many to visit— ministerial work must be done. Lord Bernard decided that a young minister must be employed as curate or assis tant in order that the Pastor oould save time for the pupils. But the Pastor must not be burdened with the curate’s salary, or the school would not aid him much. At once, taking the amount from his pocket-book,—Lord Bernard asked tha Pastor to aocept it as a pres ent and send for the curate—thcyuaoriN especially he urgod, as in any ott«-*ro fession Mr. Leslie would have recetvM some reward of honor or money for hie conduct during the riots. Mr. Leslie was sensible and not qnixotio. He ac cepted the gift. “For it was trouble and pain straggling on to keep free from debt: this was a feeling from whioh hp considered a clergyman ought to be qxemp'. If h«% was straitened at home, pinched in every way, how oonld he preach with that freedom and power that only a soil unburdened by Earthly care oould ooraffiand ?” Oh l for more of th# liberality, this justice in rendering f'nnto God the things that a** G d’s,” by supporting His Ambassadors 1 Little need then NO. 107- ■ .. <T7^~ for churches to ask their Pastors to preach on this subject! Oh 1 for more Lord Bernards in Europe and A meric*, for more who wonld feel that “only a soul unburthened by earthly care can preach with freedom and power QUIET OBSERVER. OMINOUS AND CURIOUS COMPU TATION. The Nashville Union and Dispatch says: An old citizen of this city, for the last forty years, has been in the habit of taking the letters of the alphabet, com posing the names of the candidates for President and Vice Pre-ident, and cam bering them from A*to Z—l to 26—and giving to each, electoral votes corres ponding with the number of tha letters the of alphabet which spell their names. He asserts that this has been an uner ring test of the strength of tho contest ants. In the present election he has figured out on this basis, the following ominous result: S 19 G 7 E 5 R 18 Y 25 A 1 M 13 4 14 O 15 t 20 ,U 21 jC 1 R 18 N 14 A ID 4 N 14 C 3 D 4 0 15 B 2 L 12 L 12 F 6 A1 A 1 .1 OX 24 IT'-'n. 18 \ Total 140 Total \ 177 The raos remarkable fact in this cal culation, 4pd one which has never oc curred heffire. is that the votes of both thus taken and computed, amount to 317, the/exaet number compusing the total electoral vote for the present year, embracing all the Stntes of the Union. If the Greeks and Romans of old con sidered the gravest public acts under omen* less reliable, the curious of this age may cypher out acmething from this, not less interesting, reliable or hopeful. Donnxlly ys. Washburn.— The following is an extract from a speech of Hon. Ignatius Donnelly, of Minnesota, made recently In that State : It is haid that the great Indian chief, Thunderbird, was once assaulting the position of some of our troops in th« mountains. The Indians were pressing [orWavd to almost certain victory, when, . in/thft haste and confusion, some one off a swivel gun that was fas tened on the tack of a jackass. The .rebound sent the animal heels over head, rolling down the moantain side among the Indians, upon whioh they heat a hasty and disordered retreat. Afterwards, in treating for peace, the chief was asked why he retreated on that ooeasion, and replied: “Me stand white man’s knife ana pistol, hut Indian no stand when whole jackasses are shot at him.” I can stand gallant General Hubbard, or 0. C. Andrews, or any of my other opponents, but I oan’t stand to have a whole jackass fired at me in the shape of one of the Washburn family. A Bad “Look.”—A French gentle man highly amused us a few days sinoe by the relation of one of his ‘contre temps’ in the early period nf his resi dence in this oountry, when his knowl edge of English was glimmering and nnoertain. 110 chanced to break the key of his room door, and goin'g to bis landlady attempted to explain the acoi dent by declaring that her ‘look was had 1’ The Udy in question only had one eye, and lacksd other element* of beauty. She colored, her eye flashed, and her lip trembled. It was an infam ous insult, and her rage could soaroely be controlled. “What do you mean, sir TANARUS” said she. “Your looks bad;” reiterated the Frenchman, a little staggered et the evident commotion bis remarks bad caused. The lady started up, her arms Rkimbo. ‘You insulted me, sir. What do you mean by this language V ‘I know not vat I say, but I know vat I mean,’ replied the Frenchman, begin ning to suspect that he had been guilty of some atrooious blunder. I mean your look bad—see (rushing to the door, and then pointing to the lock,) your look, roadame, is bad I’ ‘Look, look, sir,’ exola ; med the lady, -her indignation suddenly vanishing, and beginning to smile, the Frenchman, scrupulously pnlite and gallant, saw bis blunder, and was overwhelmed with confusion. ‘Oh, madame, pardon Ise lookl stupid. Pardon, madame!" ' 'MSL. “Buy a trunk, Pat ?” said a iealer. Jfdnd what for should I buy a trfH ?” rejoined Pat. “To put your clothes in,” was the reply. “And go naked ! The devil a bit iv it.” Two Irishmen were put in prison—one for stealing a cow, and the other for stealing a watch. “Mike,” said the oow stealer, -one day, “what o’clock is it r “Och, Pat, I havn’t my vratoh handy, but I think its about milk in’ time.” i %% The Griffin Tri-Weekly Star. By Logan. Fltch&Ce.. Muon and Prorrieian. r,, " s “ •"MrsatJE"****** T*um nr Srwcsimov—eS.tW per *tm*m ; M • for *ix month*; $1 Ouprr meetA- lnodvanoa. Tmm ro« Tsak*ismt ARvaavunEsrs. f*«i •quart* nf r»- urn* (nr taiO for nan* hwarthm tor a lea* tlmn than tw« vwka. St.oo tor aaeh InntrUne; one tqnare t week* SMA: one aqnan S wnaka *7 M, no® square ! month VA.SU. Fur term* for rtßulat binliMM card* and le*»l notice**, tor term*. MISCELLANEOUS. The E. Carver tiis. manufactured bt tub E, Carver Company, EAST BRIDGEPORT, HASS. TUB nadcralgnwl take* (mat pi mere In Intro- Ouclnit this GIN lor tbo patr..uag» or Utr plan ter* of Georaia. It hu a repatatloa or THIRTY YEARS’ * tan fling in tile We* torn Cotion Stattt, and Is * ,-r*n> ml favorite in that aretlon. It cannot b« excelled by any GIN |n tbe world—ls auporior to many—surpomed by none ; and I* GUARAN TEED TO DO FIRST-CLASS WORK. PRICE.—Four D«Ur» {** 00) p»rSAW-OABH orlt**e ulvalent The*. CARVER OIN for Horse Fomrhaanw cf been* dln thw Stale before. • Qmm. Bo*s?*!* Gins Repaired. NOTICE la hereby ytvwi that I wlllrapalr 9INS at reasonable rates through tbs summer.- lirtns the Gins to my house, three mllee north of Grlfltn. = 3. H. MITCHELL, une SO IBCe-tf Farm For Sale! WE h»re In charge tor sale, an ezoelleat Plan teuton otßso acres, situated in .Hf siding Coun ts. sbodt eleven milec from Orllho—loo seres beet Creek Bottom. Will be sold ai a groat bargain.— For particulars tutoress or call on LOGAN A FITCH, April Uth, 1863. Beal Estate Agents. The Qriffln WAREHOUSE. To the Planters of Spalding and adjacent Conntlea. THE undersigned beg leave to nail your atten tion to the foot that they will be ready to re ceive COTTON on slur**- at their new Vint lionse by the opening es the Cotton Seaton, la tending to do strictly a Ware House Business, by prompt personal attention, they hope to amka It to your Interest tv favor them with a share of your pstronsge. The bpstnese wilt be under tha supertnteudenoeor WTf. H. a MICKI.KBKRRY, r*q, whose business charoeter and reputation,and strict Integrity are too well known to require tha proprietors' recommendation. It will be known aa The “GRIFFIN W AREHOUSE,” Is located on Hill Street, south of the Methodist Church, and convenient to the business portion of the oity. STEWART, BOYD « 00. Origin, Ga., Jnly M, 188S-8m 1 A BTMNBR, j Marita, Oa.; a j Boumrr, Marietta, 8 a. W M MOHAKMOH, Loutwllld, Kjf GEORGIA Marble Works. Marble Works and we are now prepared to fill orders for MARBLE in any quantity. Our* is, in quality and susceptibility of finish, equal to the best American Marble ; ana our fortu ities for quarrying arc such that we ean supply ail demands, at a leu* price than hi paid tor the pro duction of any Northern quarry. Dealer* can bo supplied with blocks of any Si mansions, and would find it to their Interest to pro cure their supplies from u*. Having engaged theservloe* of some of the moot experienced workmen, we are prepared to fill with ST^ I TSMBB, r I fl " tallCd WUrMU ° h “ MUN isrorderj solh'ited from every oity, town and neighborhood. Address all communications to GEORGIA MARBLE WORKS,*- nop* 0, 1868-fim <1 taper, “tokens county [Cm W. O. OOURTNKY, ROBERT MURDOCH, JAMB* S. MURDOCH. W, TANARUS, COURTNEY £ CO., FACTORS —and— (OMISSION MERCHANTS, *Ab, 9 Boyce Wharf, CHARLESTON, S. C. September lfl, 1868-ts Notice. MAYOR’S OFFICE, f Garvrm, Ga, Sept, IS, IMB. f TtHE Fifty thousand dollars, City of Griifia, A state of Georgia, Seven pm* cent Bonds, ad vertised to be cold on 88rd September, Instant, ak Exchange Salearoem, No. ll.Broadwav.New York, having been obtained by fraud, and no ooosldera tlon received theretor. payment of the came i» hortby roitmed and wUI he of aeptlF-fit Mayor. Chicago Ale Depot ME. BLENNY has ooMtantly oa * hand a full supply ot th« oelfi brated Oliioaso Ale, and i* prepared to supply dealers in any quantity. He is also dealer in BRAN DIES, WINES, WHISKIES and SE GA RS. Hg)rSample room* No. 14 Al abama Street, under the United States Hotel, Atlaata, Georgia, jnareh 14, 1868. 0 Dennison Condition Powders —FOR— Horses and Cattle 1 For sale by CHARLIE LOGAN. At tbe Express Office. march 14, 186&-3m WANTED I A HOUSE with fonr or fire rooms, sear the he*. InesepartQf town. WIU pay hdrroot,mmsth llmSTi ippij until Ist Octtißoer teHtfcw