The Savannah daily advertiser. (Savannah [Ga.]) 186?-1873, May 10, 1872, Image 1
two Cents’ pee. copy. • J&mmnah BY BEARD & KIMBALL. BY TELEGRAPH TO THE DAILY ADVERTISER NOON DISPATCHES. FOKJLIOA' .V£ irs, TBECARLIST INSURRECTION INSPAIR A T AN END. Madrid, May 9. GeneralMcrlones, who de feated the foroea under Don Carl , at Oroqui eta. her been g.zetted lieutenant general, Ihe insurrection in Navarre is now believed' | to Do over. Thirty five hundred insurgents in that province have come in and surrendered to the loyal forces. Toe news from all other points where tli re are bands of Oarliats is fa | V Tai ls for a spee y restoration oi the author -1 ity of the governmeet. uksucksiiu aeirERS, MR. HENDRICKS AND THE CINCIN NA TI CON VENT ION. Indianap >i.iß May 9—lt is authoritatively announced tnat Mr. Hendricks is not commit ted to thW Cincinnati convention. He will be governed by the Baltimore convention. New Yoh C May 9.—10 the Kxeeutive Com mittee a motion to indefinitely portpono the National Democratic Convention was lost. B- timore was ic o.tsd as the place of meet ing by a vote of thres to one. Cincinnati, St Louis and Louisville were the contesting cities. FJtOBI NkW TURK. DESTRUCTION Os A PAPER MILL CASE OF SUNSTROKE-COTTON WAREHOUSE BURN IN 0. New York, clay 9.—Bingham’s paper mill tvas burned. One case of sunstroke occurred here yester day. . The warehouse of Sami. D. Tompkins, No, 92 West street, filled with cotton, caught fire at six o’clock this morning, and iastill burning- The loss will be heavy. Cause unknown. MSCmTINU OF THE UfcMOURATIC I'KESS OF ILLIgUIS. Chicauo. May 9—At a meeting of the Democratic editors, representing eighteen journals, it was resolved te await the action of the Democratic Convention, when, if the Cin cinnati nominations are endorsed, th-y will re ceive the hearty support of the Democratic proas of Illinois. TgLKOEt&PHIC BUHHAKT. < The court house an l clerk’s ofioe at Palis Kentucky, were burned. The records were Ijatcd. Why Uelmbuld Filial, An erroneous impression prevails largely that Helmbold's failure was due to excessive, or at least injudicious, adver tising. . Tnis, as a few facts will clearly 'demobairute, was by no meaus the case. His liabilities, almost all of which were for advertising, amounted to $180,000; aud just prior to his departure for Kurope he realized from the sale of sdhte •£ his real‘estate and the returns of his Bbcbn about SIOO,OOO. With this safe in his pocket he deuarted. The property so so;d was worth neariy $200,000, or $2C,000 more than all his immediate and impending indebtedness. His trade-mark is at present vfclned ai SIOO,OOO. This be retains; and his brother continues to manufacture under it in Philadelphia. ' s\J It will be noticed that we do sol in clude bia other property of vicious de ecripiione; it is sufficient to show by these few items that be was worth at the time he failed $300,000 in immediately available assets from these alone, »»* that he cleared out with SIOO,OOO io cash in his pocket, leaving behiud him a trade : fc rii worm SIOO,OOO more, aud a busi , ness now carried on by his brother, worth probably from $25,000 to $-50,000 per ann'ifm—but uuattacaable. Mi H. T. Helmbold was a curious ccuibinaiion of kuave aud fool, with a decided preponderance of the latter. The palatal drug on Broadway has been s.ld out;** at the instiiucs of Messrs. Griffin & Hodman, of the Balti more Advertising Agency. It brought little or nothing, as the man’s personal vanity had induced him to impress his individuality in sneb a manner on every th:ng in it that me articles were of little or no use to persons whose initials were not H. T. H. it is quite to the credit of Messrs. Griffin & Hoffman that, notwithstanding heavy losses iu tbis case and several piheis, they have always been prompt to a nicety iu discharging tbeir obligations to ibe army ol publishers throughout the country, with whom they enjoy intimate and extensive relations.— Sunday Bulle tin. Ilie Chamber of Commerce Report on Coinage. New York, May 6.— At a special meet ing ot the Chamber of Commerce to-day Samuel B. Buggies presented a report on coinage. He offered e resolution request ing Congress to make the gold dollar the unit of value ; that the silver dollar be a legal tender only for amounts not ex ceeding five dollars, thus potting an end to a “double standard” for legal mooey, and that the silver dollar be made to weigh 412 J grains, instead of 385 4 6 grams, in order to correspond with cer tain French, Belgian, Swiss, Grecian, Spanish and Austrian coins. A Drove of Hogs Burned to Death. The cattle pens in rear of the ‘‘Bear grass distillery” in Louisville, Kentucky, were destroyed by fire on Friday last. The pen was filled with three hundred bogs, of which only about fifty escaped, and the cries of those which perished were to hear as the flames pro cessed. The properly destroyed was valued at $6 000. besides the hogs, and there was no insurance opou any of it. The question “where do all the pins go to? ’ which has been a long mooted one bids fair to find a solution. There is a woman in the city of Biddeford who has been married twenty-eight years, and \ (luring that time has not parchased a sin gle pin. A gentleman in New York telegraphed (lo Hong Kong, China, on a recent 'Wednesday, and got a reply at 9 a. M. of tue following Friday dated that day— thirty-nine hours rouail the world, oeotGiA HISTORICAL soc:nY ■OniOßlj or A RDIUIIN IMP, TERRIBLE ~BOLOCA VST ON COOLIES. to »n editerial in the txmdon Tele', ftrftph, of April 22, occurs this statement. A catastrophe, almost unparalleled iu horror—disclosing the gross cruelties of the Macao emigrant trade by one last and most terrible demonstration—hap pened in the China seas last May. and is recorded in a Parliamentary report jnst published. A vessel, called the Don Jnan set sail on the 4th of that month from Macao; bound to Peru, #itb sii han dled and forty- live cooUed on ooard, who had been kidnapped and shipped ander the flag and with the authority of the Portuguese government. Ooce on board; this large multitude was placed literally in prison—penned on the main deck and fastened down by three iron gratings, which closed the hatches; ten ftoolieo at a time only being allowed to come on deck. The ship sailed in fair weather from Macao. On the second day of the voyage, as declared by Herker, an Austrian seamau, the captain selected twenty coolies aud put therein irons, with mnch as autgxample to the others. w Ou the third day a difficulty arose about the food passed down to the emi grants. The interpreter got angry and struck thoee who .complained with his cane, wherenpon the wretched coolies made a rash upon their European jailors, The iron hatches were immediately slammed back upon themyand, when the poor creatures beat upon the beams aud planks IkJiget air, muskets were fired down into tlgi crowd. It tfceu appears that, in desperation, some of the coolies set fire to a storeroom forward, hoping no doubt to force the creafto tbotw their prison open. The sailers tiied 'to pump water down upon the seat of the confla gration, bat the frenzied men below passed the hose ont of the portholes, so that pumping became useless. Then the fire spread beyond all control, and vol umes of thick smoke rolled iDto the main deok, choking the mass of coolies at either end, who had taken no part in the previous proceedings. Red tongues of flame and suffocating clouds filled the ship below hatches, while the miserable prisoners beat at the iron gratings, tore at the fastenings of the deck, and even endeavored to get np to the -ir through the ventilatore. The portholes, however, were fastened, the desid lights were 100 email to allow of a man’s body passing, and the ventilators were barred so that there was no esoape. In two hours’ time the fire was “estab lished on the main deck,” which means that scores of the Chinese had already been roasted or smothered; yet the crew never took a single step toward saving the lives of the imprisoued wretches. They merely lowered three boats on their own account and pushed off from the burning vessel leaviug all that mass of human creatures pent up in a floating hell oi tear aud agony. The sea calm, the hatches might sorely have been opened at the laal moment; yet the Don Joan’s captain and hands pnt off while the ship blazed, and while the coolies periehed inside with frightful cries and ■creams. The scoundrel master and crew saved their villanons lives; a junk picked them np, and the same witness who teils this says lhat when the twenty Chioese in irons who were apon tbe forecastle broke away tbeir fetters and swam towards the jack, they were ruthlessly pushed off into the sea to drown. Meantime, in their awful terror, the •nrvivora of tbQ six hundred aud fifty five below found some means of bursting the fore batch. Scores were by this time killed by tbojflames or tho smoke : scores had been'trampled down in the traazied rush for M>* »o the upper deck. About a hundred at last emerged from that QWgotba of\*uguiah, and leaped at once I into the sea. A few managed togai\ held of spars sad floating gear, and hanfAton these till some !i*h,ng boats picked them np next morning. The majority were al ready mor Ally injured when they escaped, or were drowned or crashed by tbe tall «t chaias and spars oi the ship. Bat at least five hundred were-first scorched to death, or choked and trampled dead, be f«re the infernal prison gala was forced by tbe breaking open of tbe hatches, which the captain and crew had so shamefully left fast.” FALL OaEFaiei FUHIOU WHITE COATS AND WBITE BATS TO BE WORB-TROWSER LEGS TO BE TUCKED IN TBE BOOTS. [From the Cincinnati Commercial J The humorous point* in Mr. Greeley’s individuality, so strenuously urged as ob jections to his candidacy, may not at last all prove to be against him. A good in - vestment just now would be a large sup ply of white hate and white coats. It would not surprise us if those articles should in u few weeks become as fashion able among voting citizens as Dolly Var dan a are with the ladies; and if, also, the style of wearing the trowserg tucked in the boots, that appears in Nasi’* carica ture of Farmer Greeley, were presently found u distinguishing mark of u Liberal, "specially on parade. We think we can discern, not far in the future, gigantic processions arrayed in the whit* bats and coats of peace and good will, eigoifyiog Greeley; and arrays of agricultural imple ments, the whole somewhat grotepjue, perhaps—aa the coou skins u/i I log cab in* of ’4O were, or the torches and capes of the Wide Awakes in ’t;o—but a sign of tbe timae, portentous of political revolu- > The Bagltak Cotton Trade. Mr. Hugh Mason, president of the Manchester Chamber of Commerce, at its quarterly meeting on the 22d, made the following reference to the condition of the cotton trade: There had been, of couise, vefy considerable prosperity in the cotton trade during the past year, but that prosperity was on the wane, as very many in the trade were prepared to say. The raw material was 70 per cent, higher than it was exactly 12 months ago, and the cotton trade was never profitable for a long time when the raw material was at an un usually high price. They knew the factories had been partially stopped in many districts, especially in East Lancashire, and that profits had en tirely disappeared. He thought he was justified in -looking toward, un less a change occurred which he did not foresee, to very considerable dis tress, to bankruptcies and composi tions in connection with the great cotton industry, [hear, hear.] Commission Merchants. IBWAKII C, AADKJLMtt, Jr„ NO. U REYNOLDS SQUARE. rOREgBLTZPLAHTERI’ BARK,! SAVANNAH, . GA. GOTTONIFAOTOR “■-AND COMMISSION MERCHANT. Liberal Advances, Made Upoa Cotton. a?r .CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. Ootober22-ly M. Karonua. A. u. mabtuims KETCHUM ft HARTRIDGE, NORTHEAST ROOM. Ekehangre Building', Bankers & Commission Merchants DXALIBS IR Domestic and Foreign Exchange, Sold, Silver, ft Onftumt Money, OUT AND SELL STOCKS, BONDB. Ac. D RECEIVE DEPOSITS, allowing four pet oent.intorest perannum on weekly balance, o! COLLECTIONS MADE In this city and all theprinoipal town, of Georgia and Florida. Will make ADVANCES ON CONSIGN MENTS OF COTTON. RICE, Ao.. to ourselves or to onr Northern and European oorreepon dsnts. \ d«ol» g. X. SILVA, A. SCHLISIHOBB. (Late of Washburn A Silva.) SILVA & SCHLESINGER SAVANNAH, GA., ' r Financial, Mercantile and Beal Estate Brokers, Auctioneers, Commission and Provision Merchants. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. CORHK3- PONHENCE invited. Stock, and Bond, and Beal Eat >te made a apeoialty. may3 lm JAMBS MeGRATH. I JAMES MAHER, JAMES MeGRATH & CO., VHOLESALB LIQUOR DEALERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 17a Hay Street, Savannah, Oa. AGENTS. FOR Gray’s Celebrated Star Ale. Have now on band a large and oarafully selected assortment of FIRST CLASS LIQUORS, consisting of Irtah. Bootoh and otber Whiskies, Wince, Brandies, 'Ao., which they are prepared to ttU at reasonable prices. July3o-ly J. A. MEUCIER, Commission Merchant, And dealer in hay. coal and COUNTRY PRODUCE. Orden and con-ignments solicited and satis faction guaranteed. apll-tf 157 BAY 8T„ SAVANNAH. GA. WKUFVTXsL* ft GHANT,'* COMMISSION bBALKRS in rbal estate, STOCKS ADD BONDS. ADVANCES MADE on Cotton and Country Prodoea in hand. Offioe No. 98 Bay street, Savannah, Ba. Dee IS-ts T. Wins*, (MHgars, &c., SAVANNAH MACHINE SHOP -AND- . I BOILER WORKS, IBON AND BRASS FOUNDRY. [Corner Bay and Randolph Streets, SAVANNAH, HA. MONAHAN, PARRY &C 0„ ENGINEERS, MACHINISTS. BOILER MAKERS, Iron and Brass Founders. ■ im ftßoh Having recently improved tneir works, desire to inform tbeir K trolls sod the public generally, that they ve facilities second to none iu tbe oity, ana tre prepared to BIILDBOILEHB, ENGINES and THRKSHBRtJ. and aU kinds of Machinery made and repaired fit pries* as LOW as any establishment of tho kind in the eity. Also keep on hand a well assorted stock of WROUGHT IKON PIPE and PIPE FIT TIN t*S, IRON and BRASS GOODS. Having as good Workmen as there are in the oity. are prepared to contract for all kinds of Boiler and general Machine work. steam Gauges, Steam Whistles, OU gad Tal low Oops kept constantly on band. Iron and Bran Castings made to order. apyg-ly HARDWARE ! 2,000 Kegs Nails and Spikes. 200 Dozen Hoes. 10 Tons Hollow Ware. 500 Bags Shot. 100 Dozen Axes. 2,000 Lbs. Bar Lead- ON HAND AND FOR BALE AT HARD WARE HOUSE OF CRAWFORD & LOVELL. apr39-tf PAPER, STATiONBRYTITC. npHE UNDERSIGNED HAS IN STORE A one of the largest stocks in the South offt Paper*—Book and Mews; Envelopes; com, two**,, Wrapping Twines; Cards and Card Boards; Inks, Pens, Pencils, Etc. With unusual facilities, all orders can be promptly filled. it. A. WfiiXAca, 91 Bay street. Mayfifi-tf Over Thompson a Walter’s 335 BALKS PRIME NORTHERN BAY. Landing and for sale by JAMES F. BROWN. W3Q H SU SUM*. „ - FRIDAY MORNING. MAY* 10. 1872.' For Sale or "Rent. -■■■—rr;. --y f y ■•‘’v/.si I —a; ‘,s-..aysr» TO BE>T. A a „DFSIRABtE TWO-STORY HOUSE, oontaioini bevMi Roofna, next to the oorner of New Houston and Lincoln streets, at moderate rent Apply 58 W est Broad, oorner H ull. apr2B-tf TO BENT. 'TWO FINE OFFICES OVER THE BANK ING HOUSE of EDWARD 0. IANDERSON, Jr;, newly painted and put in thorough order. PoMSfaiOD given Immediately; DecSO-tl TO RENT. QNE-HALF STORE NO. 158 ST. JULIAN and 155 Bryan streets, occupied by J. P. White, Apply te m WHYTE A HARRAL, Sole Acts Wheeler A Wilson Sewing Machines, Febl3-tf 146 Broughton .treat, TO BENT, QEVERAL LAFG'J, AIRY ROOMS, WITH O DBe of Bath Kouui and Kitoheo, if neces sary. Apply ct No. 72 South Broad street. TO BENT. Rift A COMFORTABLE HOUSE NOVA gft small family in Charlton street, aekt to re»W«st Broad street, south ride, mayd-tf TO BENT. MTHB WHOLE BUILDING, KNOWN as tbe CITY HOTEL, ou Bay street, be tween Bull and Wbitaker. Is in good or er. containing twenty seven rooms, well adapted for a Hotel or Boarding House. Also, two fine STORES, same buildiog. Ap ply to F. KKENSON, or A. D. KRENbON, may 1-ts Cor, Broughton and Barnard sta- TO BENT. rpHREE OR FOUR ROOMS, FURNISHED or unfurnished. Inquire at NO. 13 BROUGHTON STREET, may 7 lw FOB SALE. y ALUABLE BUILDING LOTS BETWEEN the extension of Aberoorn and Linooln streets. For terms, do., apply to J. N. MAUPAB. may7-lnri White Bluff Road. FOB SALE. A WHITEHALL BOAT, FOU OARED and in good condition. Also, a bIX OAKKD CEDAR SHELL, valuable an a practice boat. Information onnoerniag either of the above Boats cun he lnd at this office. arr!3-tt FOB SALE. K BUILDING LOTS, ON BARNARD v street, near Anderson : 4 Building Lota be tween tbe extension of hull and itrayion sta.. at $260 eaoh; 10 rtuilding Lots between the ex tension of Drayton and beroorn eta., at $225 eaoh; 100 Building Lots on th* southeast Bor der of the city, at S2OO each; 100 Building Lota near the southeast border of tbe oity. at SIOO eaoh. Payments will be received ou the last two olasaea of iota at $5 a month, or more, aa may be desired. For terms. &c . apply to Da. L A FaLLIGKOT, march 26 3m Oorner Bull and * ndarson lie. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE FOK SALE CHEAT- '> .‘1 4 FAMILY GIVING UP HOUBI-KBBP-, wishes to dispese of their Goods, consisting in a Parlor Set, Extension Table, Chairs, Elegant Sideboard, Hat Rack, p owi fMwiOl Stcva, Crockery and' Kitchen Utensils, &e., Ao, all in perfect order, and just as good aa when bought. Hive bton need only for a oouple of months. AddNre to this oSce, nr ny mixer te p. P. BOX 9ft. anrM-tf KKK lomes lerQs&BA Kills * THOUSANDS YEARLY, W. M. BIRD & CO.’S BRILLIANT PETROLEUM MAKES THOUSANDS OF HOMES HAPPY, BECAUSE IT 18 Safe, Brilliant and Odorless Wffl. HL BIRD & CQ„ SOUE^ROnUETOBS, Oil Depot No. 8 Whitaker Street, JanM •M. Y. 'jaUNDEBSON, • Cotton F aotor 45D General CotiNission Merchant, TONES’UPPER BLOCK, 170 BAY STREET V (north aid.X Ra-aonah, Ga., dealer in HUES, FOOL, 8188 SKINS AND BEESWAX. The HIGHEST CASH PKICES paid at all times tor any of the above articles. «- Refers to BENRY BRIGHAM Esq., President Merchants’ National Bank. myß-3m DK. B. BiTfcV National Tonic Beer! ASA VERY HEALTHY AND DELICIOUS A b©vor»go. it h&8 no equa in the world. It is made from hop*, roota and barks* sweet ened with the best white sugar, and is highly carbonated. It is put up only in quart champagne bot tles, with our patent wire and fastener# Onr patented trade mark is a red ring around tbe bottle. Three hnndrsd thousand bottlee of thia Bees'* were sold in Baltimore lastyear, being drt by all classes of people, and by the most d/iiio ate females and ohildreo, Dr. BATES’ TOntc BEEttwill be found for sa’e by the glrTs or bottle, attthe Soda Water Gardens, Drug H Saloons. Confectionery and Grocery Stores, at the stand at the Post Office entrance Manufactory and office at 55 Jefferson street, near Bomh Broad, where all ordeta will/be promptly filled. Excursions and Pic-.ics earned. Mayl-6m I Ale, Porter, Sco. 30 CASKS JEFFRAY’S ALE. y 20 do do Porter f 10 do Coopers do. 10 do _ Bars’Ale, landing and for sale by CLAGHORN * CUNNINGH.AM. , »Ptl7-tI Miscellaneous. I. J. SOLOMONS, WHOLESALE DRUGGIST, NO. [8 9 BAY STBS E T MY STOOK OF * DRUGS. TOMS, ’ Hi®!-jiilU; fHBFHMEBT, Paints, Oils," Dye-Stuffs, Glass Ware, , Druggists’ Sundries, % Window Glass and Patent Medicines, Is oomplota in all the requirements cf Drug gists, Physioians and the trade generally, and I would oall attention of ALL NEEDING GOOOSIN MY LINE I AM AGENT FOR LONG’S Pirns Soia Fountain, Ingres J tuTHB CHEAPEST, MOST ECONOMIC u 5 -■ ■ Ap.l Rosiest Managed apparatus ever invented ust what is needed by small Drug Stores, Con footioiiers. small Country Stores mid Bar Rooms. 1 |i«P •,«<**.#** V. v «4T furnished o J application. / * - We < * -THE DOLLAR REWARDSOAP For which I am also stout, ii tho only soap ever invented that Willßemove Pitch, Tar and Paint, - m Will wash Flannel without shrinking: oaub* used in HOT, COLD. HARD. SOFT or SALT WATER. ONE POUND will wash from T - N TO FIP TEEN DOZEN OF ORDINARY FAMILY WASHING. I ALSO OFFER THE FOLLOWING VALUABLE FAMILY MEDICINES! Which have STOOD THE TEST OF YEARS Solomons’ COUGH MIXTURE, Solomons’ DIARRHCEA MIXTURE, Solomons’ ( WORM BON BONS, Solomons’ BITTERS, Dr, Melvin’s LIVER PILLS, Solomons’ PAIN CURER, Allen’s PAIN DOCTOR, %7Pt>*n STOCK FOOD, Miscellaneous. CHOICE GROCER l£S ! FOR THE SEASON, SIONSIBTING OF ALL GOODS ÜBUALLY / f«nnd in a first-olasa store, at LOWEST ARKoiT PRIC.Wfi. Delivered anywhere in the oity free of charge (of Grays'#. aiVK US A TRIAL. 0. J. BEATTY A CO. 31 Whitaker street, between Broughton and State nroota. doo2o-tf MACHINE SHOPS, P. J. BULGER, Proprietor, V 11 Bay street. Savannah. Having a large number of first olass Machinists and Boiler Makers in my establishment, I am prepared to REPAIR AND REFIT MACHINERY with neatnets and dispatch. I keep constantly on hand a full supply of Wrought Iron Pipe and T'ipe Fittings from K to 4 inches. I have altso tbe agenoy for PATENT GOVERNOR and NIA'HRA bTEAM PUMP. _ Tho following are a few of numerons certifi cates in regard to the excellencies of this cele brated Pump. Savann.h, March 8,1872. We are pleased to say that the Niagara Steam Pump, bought from ut entiie satisfac tion; it lifts water twenty feet, and ksepsonr boiler well supplied, working at ltas than one balf speed. It bas been running five months, and has never been ont of order. Yours, truly. DIXON, JUHNSON A CO. . Hkkndos, Gi„ March 27,1872. ‘ I cannot say too much in Us favor; it is no trouble, and ruos with one-tenth part of steam it took to other Pomp. * * * * * Yours, very respectfully, apr7-tf GKO. GARBUTT. 8. W. GLEA-ON. | JAMES MANNING _WOGD & K4ANW \ IKON FOUNDRY —ASD— MACHINE BHO*. ST. JULIAN ISTR«E-#' At..trj FOR eWOOD Vk w»t>JlAa«Tl celebrated aROKTABLE aud STA now ARY bTEAM ENGINES. BTKaM PUMPS, SAW MILLS. "QUEEN OF THE SOUTH'’ CORN MILLS, and all kinds of GENERAL MACHINERY, at manufacturers’ prices, with freight added, bUGAI. MILLS. SUGAR FANS. &0. „ * - Particular attention to Repairs of Machinery of ail kind*. Seud for ciroulars and prices _ Marebl4~y “ Bricks, ' TJ AVING PURCHASED FROM MESSRS. S~r.-.-,Ti 'j. '.a. »■»» Teni -known is "MoAlpin’e,” we are now engaged in the meoulaotaro of Briok aud solicit patronage. Orders received at office, 98 Bay street, or at ■tore of fi. S. Millar, and delivered from }%rd,' or from, wharf of MoLeod A Bro., on the CanaL S. » MILLER. mayi-lm W B. BOYu. NEW BOOKS gERMONS. BY-REV. T. DkWITT TAL ° MAGE. % A 6hadew of Dante. Laicus: Experiences of a L*youm in a Coun try Parish. The Pastor of.tho Desert. God—Man— Search and Manifestation. Grip. By B. L. Faijeon. JOHN K. COOPEE ft CO. mar 7 IDWAKI) c. AIDIKSOUp Jr., HO. 11 REYNOLDS SQUARE. FORUniLT PLANTERS’: :MHK SAVANNAH, GA., BANK BFI GOLD, STOCKS, BONDS -AND- • FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC EXCHANGE •ODOHT AMIS »BLD.' Pil /COLLECTIONS Maps AND PROMPTLY. 4-2 remitted for.aurremt rates, ilusme* solisitad. •Ictc6er22-ly SOMBTHIHG ENTIRELY NEWI THE PIQUE ZEPHYB HAT! PERFECT IN FORM 1 AS LIGHT A8 A ZEPHYR I Just tile Thing for Comfort! PRICES LOW. Call and examime them At 137 Congress Street. CHAKL.E3 b. ash. me, 8 JOHN M. BUBKERT, LOCKSMITH AND BKLL-HANGEK, Umbrellas and Parasols Repaired. ST. JULIAN STREET, skcokd doob tier nr whits kes,; Scissors and Razors Sharpened. Jaa2-Um PAPER STOCK WANTED JOHN KELLY WILL PAY THE HIGHEST cash prices for. PAPER STOCK, old Books. Rags, .Rope, Iron, Brass, Copper. Lead, and all kinds of .old Junk. Address P. 0. Box 564, or apply at No. 18'East Boundary street. Jani-ly MOLASSES". too BARBELS LANDING. For sale by aprlT eAMBSF. BROWN. four Collars pteß annum. SavannahsSM4jtWayft Seaboard R.K. «=* ummer soHedule- On and aftT MAY 16th. the following Schedule will be run: , «, OUTWARD. \ j IxkABD SAV'H. j ISLE OF HOPS. MONTGOMERY. IBLE OF HOPE. SAV’H. IVAVB. j 4RIIVB. LBSVK. XUITA UU.V* AEBIVK. LEAVB. ABSII I. J ““ ■ r** 4fo A.,4~ ~TV~A M. 520 A.M 5.50 A.M 6.10 A.M. 8.40 AM. 6.4.1 d,M. 7.10 A.M. 735 A.M. 802 A.M. BCSA.M 8.35 A.M 10.10 A.M 1040 A.M. 10 45 A.M. ll 15 A M 12 00 M. U3O P.M. 12.35 P.M 105 P.M 3.25 P.M. 3.55 P.M. 4.00 PM. 430 PM 6.15 P.M. a.5.45 P.M. 5.50 P.M 6.20 P.M 710 P.M, 7.40 P.M. 7.45 P.M 8.15 PM. I 0k Busdats—The first train leaves Montgomery at 8.1; A. M. •• •- •• •• “ •• Savannah at 1010 A. M. On Satuiidat Nibhts—The laritrain leaves Savannah it 7.55 P. M. Last connecting street Car leave* th* Bay 25 mlnutre iefor* departnra of trains. Frkight must be piainlv marked and pre-paid. Claisification and rate of freight seme as c. R. r. to station No. . wy > HcRAE ft CO., Lessees. yB-tilflayl6 . 50 SHEETS EXTRA HEAVY ENGLISH OIL CLOTH, CHINESE STRAW MATTING, A.LX. GRADES. WINDOW SHADES, - lIT ESTUX/HISS -VAAE-XSTir. A. W'N I N GIS, and Dweljilg Houses made to order in the most substantialitoanner, and in the latest styles. IVTosqixito Nets, and Gauze, on any style of frame desired, which we will sell at surprisingly LOW PRICES Carpets, Lace Car tains, Cornice, Picture Cords and Tassels, And every description of Upholstery Goods always in stock. Examine our goods befojfe purchasing. SCHWARZ & BRADY, BBOUGHTON STREET. apr!7 —p——————ft—■ S C H W A. E *Z & BEADY. | r jQpHflnr stock * \ H3USE-KEEPING 600D8I AT B. D. SMYTHE’S, 1 . / Congress and St. Julian Sheets. T> EFRIGERATORB. THI -VICTOR DRY AVnIR,” with Water Cooler Attachment ICE CHESTS, tho most imp rowed makes. ANT PROOF SAFES, tba best artiole of th* kind made ICE CREAM FREEZERS. 2. 3. 4. 8.1 and 10 quarts PORCELAIN LINED snd PLAIN WATER COOLERS, from VA to 10 Gallons. WIRE DISH COVERS. Round sad OvaL ICE and CLARET PITQHER9. SPONGE AND HIP BATHS. HANGING BASKETS. Rurtio and Wire CROQUET SETJ, from $4 50 urward FLY BRUSHES MOCKING BIRD AND CAHARY CAGES. PRESERVING JARS Immense Stock OF CROCKBBI, CHINA AND O-LASSWARB Purohastd before tho reoont advance la prim French CHINA DINNER SERVICE. 145 pieoes foe (42 50. Frenoh CHINA TBA SET. 44 vines, fl 00 French CHINA GOLD BAND TBA SET, *i piet>ea, $9 50. Elegant Vases and Fancy Good* Will be sold at -4 ' I'HPBEi eOISTEDLY LOIVPBI«68. EL D. S WYTHE, may 5-ts Congress and St. J alien streets, SPRINGOPENING H. O. HOUSTON, Bull Street, Under Masdtio Hall,' IS NOW OPENING HIS SPRINGSTOC’K (ft XMPOXITEKD Pattern Bonnets and lata BibbonS. Slower*,! ENGLISH CRAPES, HAIR GOODS, NECK TIES, KID GLOVES, and FANCY GOODS. iThe ladiea are invited to hia elf cant and immense stock now on exhibition. mcb3l if DRESS-MAKING. IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. ALSO. ALL kinds of BTITCHING. By experienced Sempstresses. An extensive assortment ol MIL.LIKEHY GOODS on hand All o>de‘* executed In the best of style and workmanship and at the .hottest noHoe. E MUBm Broughton at., bet. Whitaker and Barnard. M>r27-lm DeWITT & MORGAN. BARGAINS. pOPLIN ‘DRESS GOODS AT REDIKED PRICE- White Piqnee, at 25o<*ts—a»o4, i Rioh'brxanlte Dol'y Vardsn Muslins, * Rich Organdie Robes, Japanese Poplins and Silks, very cheap. , Vers rich Paris Bareges, „ Froecb Cambrics D. V. in Black and Col ored Grounds. _ , ’ T-mv-v. Linen Lawns, new styles, Ac., Ac. mays -H, ’WaWIfT * MowgaN. RMESASDBELiING PLANTS. My Mewtlllnstreted Catalogue oil lOBEB AN6 BEDDINGS IPLANTS, IK Also my OATAXiOnUE 07 SEEDS Now ready and ■riled Free to All Applicants. Address. ROBERT J. HALLIDAY, Florist mad Seedsman. Baltimore city. Md. apr9-lm SAVANNAH POVDEEI -FOR- Dwsemzum fqjl breath. -AND HEALKNG AND HABDENiNO THE GUMS, STUBS WITHOUT A SIYALI f T CONTAINS NOTHING IN.rtjftJ9<*;3, L and we aan. with plea#,re. refer you to vell-knewn Medical men Os this and other oideeT lt isms UP is elegant enamelled Mass boxes at fifty costs perlbox. Prepared and for sal* by ’ JL F. ULMER, M. D., Druggist, COR. BROUGHTON AND HOUSTON STS..’ can, OATS, BAY, ftS, fnon wßiAfiau stork. 2,000 s,ooo«^ IXBDAND 100 BALES PEIME For sale by T. HABTY, No. 73H Bftjr street CHAMPAGNE! WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE invoice of Hrug & Co.’s CELEBRATED CHAMPAGNE! Which is acknowledged by oonneiascurs to bo the BR3T brand of ChampsEoe made. W • are the only authorised agente for Geor gia. South Carolina aud Florida, aud are able S offer EIBKRAL INDUCBMBNTB to the trade. J* MoGRATH A CO.# apr6 ts No 175 »ay street. BRINTER GRfiEN, AndersonlStreet, Corner of Whitaker, WILL FURNISH ICE CREAM, SODA WATER. &»-. t» families, pioaios, par ties. *c. at the eh rtest notioo Orden handed to the street car conductors sill be promptly filled aorfO-Jw SOAP AND CANDLES. „ 200 B° xss ß F a A p MIIiY 1 AND BALT 100 wh 1 apriti 87IBay stmt. tfO H¥.ARZ & B R A. ID Y .1