The Bainbridge argus. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1856-1871, May 08, 1869, Image 3
1 t Wc invito the attention of delin quents to the admirable article, on our first page, from our fair contributor “I—” tind$r the head of “The Dish of Beef Steak.” Miscellaneous. Bainbridge Advertisements. nth. lsev. .Morn SltMl' PlC NlC OF THU Stonewall Firs Co. —As this is the seasen for Pic Nics, the Stonewalls have determined to set apart next Friday, as the day for their Hay festivities. With the co operation of their many lady friends a most agreeable time is anticipated.. The following firemen compose the committee of arrangements : B. E Russell, E. J. Raney, Jesse F. King and E. C. Bower. ASSETTS .O VEBI $5,000,000 Savannah, * - - Manager, CHIhLHlI’N, IjOVAXj - i t. ,1, Wort at tl OX DELIVER* SAVANNAS, fel>20 2fl 6m GEORGIA W OULD infuim their frienjj and customers, that they have recei their, stock of Drugs, .Medicines, Perfumery, Toilet Articles, 4c. thorn with everything in their line at .greatly reduced prices. They I Perfumery from Lukin, CoudritysiJtitnoioe and others, to which they 3 who are in the habit of using fiqe articles of.the kind. ARE WRITTEN AND LOSSES PAID. TUOS. H. AJPSTIS. CUAIU.ES ELLIS CUARLES P. Al'StlK. AUSTIN & ELLIS, General Coiinnislion Merchants, SAVANNAH, GA. W ILL make advances on consignments of Cotton or other produce for sale hereof for shipment to our Northern und European Correspondents. Reftt in Bainbridge to Messrs. Babbit d- Wabxikld. i nov7 5 ly The May No. of the Southern Cultiva tor has been received. This old South ern journal, (now in its 27th year) may not have as many pictures as some of the Northern monthlies, but it is : a strictly Southern enterprise, is printed on paper made within a few miles of its office, and owned and edited by gentle men who, born and reared in the South, and long engaged in planting there, must be, to a great extent, familiar with the peculiarities and wants of Southern farming. It will be found, moreover, by any one who will take the trouble to examine a copy of the Cultivator, (and all are invited to call at this office and do so,) that the larger part of its contents is madeup of communications from expe rienced farmers living all over tbe Gulf States. This we i egard as an extremely valuable feature—giving, as it does, a peculiarly practical cast to this maga zine. Specimen copy sent, on applica tion. Published at Athens, Ga., by i Wm. and W. L. Jones, at $2.00 a year. The wonderful properties of the Py- rafugc is showing itself daily in. the blooming cheeks of our former emacia ted citizens, all of whom declare that until they tried this great chill and fever expeller, they knew not what it was to be clear, even for.a.few days, of the scourge of the Southern country ; but. thanks to science and our enter prising townsman, we need no longer fear this great scourge, and we can now go on our way rejoicing that at last a- conqueror is at our hands which will instantly expel front our system chills and fever, dumb ague, and those dis eases incidental tc malarious climates. Keep a bottle of tbe Pyrafuge in the in tho house, and as soon as the chill or fever is felt, commence taking it, and at once you are really making alasting anil permanent cute.—Suv. Rep. if. -’This is a First-Class Company Ac lUntnal Distinctive Features. duly authorized to the Bitinb ridge Ar- DIVIDENDS ANNUAL FROM DATE OF POLICY. re have had fine showers of it week, greatly benefiting crops. 'm^berV the Phreno- nal has been received. N O extra charge for captains ot boats or railroad employees. Losses paid promptly One-third of Premiums may remain on Cr., if desired. The Agent of this Company being established in Bainbridge, persons insuring in this Company will have tbe advantage of bis expcrichco in the future, in event of loss or in payment of prem ium. T. M. ALLEN, Agent. J UPSON A. BUTTS, ;M. D., Ex. Physician. inch 13 23 3m “CHURCH OF THE jSTRANGERS,” 1 FEW TOOK. Y IIITGRS to the city or New York are in formed that they Will find Divine Service every Sunday, in the Large Chapel of the UdL versity, Washington Square, at 16J A. M, and at 71 P. M. The evening service in summer is at 8 o’clock. WaVerly Place, immediately north c.f tbe New York Hotel, cut of Broadway, runs west to Washington Square, on tbe east side of which is the University. The entrance to the church is the main door cf the University. Uni versity Place cars run front the door of Fifth Avenue Hotel, to the door of the Church. From the St. Nicholas and Metropolitan, take the cars corner of Broadway and Broome, leave at Wa- verley Place, and, go WAst one block. At the Aster House take University Place cars, leave at Waver'ey Place,.and west one hlock. Strangers will fiud cordial welcome and polite attention. The. Pastor is Rev. Dr. DEEMS, who devotes himself to tbe spiritual interests of strangers, iti any be sick, let them address him a note by mail as “Paster of the Church of tbe Strangers N. Y.. M nnri if anil nutph Mm • TPa lacn Mux.-A youug men s Meeting bus been begun in ■thoilist Church of this city, lie most encouraging auspices. refer our readers to the pros- i u another column, of the Sa- i Daily Advertiser, which, it e seen, is offered to snbscrib- ■> . A year The Advertiser is au sling, ably conducted journal. resTios.—Our city is well up the times as will be seen by 140 CONGRESS. A 67 S± JULIAN STS., .VANNAH. GEORGIA. BEING the only house ip Savannah in out line that import our Wart -, direct from the English a Potteries, we can offer • ' • superior inducements to dealers. fieb 20 20 3m , ^ • S. S, MILLER, Dealer in ffiaboga&y, [ C/iAXiiE of Schedule.— I lie btiper- nemhmt of ihe A.& G. Railroad. . S. Haines, E-tj., advertises in our himns a change in the schedule of gor‘trains on said road, which ace last Monday the 3rd inst. Editor and Proprietor Tallahassee Sen tinel,) aSSCIlJ COTTON FACTOR f)ur Traveling Agent, \V. T. Worn, Ssq., is sojourning in Savannah, bid we hope our friends there ill take go; d care of him, and as- st 11iin to become acquainted with lose merchants who desire the trade f this section of Georgia. 1 AND »m’sion Merchant, 97 BAY STEET, (OVER WICOX, GIBBS IMS k CRAWFORD, attorneys at law. Office in ► courthouse. IIITELFY & DONALSON, Attorneys at Law. Office in Sanborn** Block, Brough- MATTRESSES Consignments of Cotton. Corn, Syrup, Wool, Hides, Tobacco, Rice, etc., solicited. Personal attention given to the sale of all Produce. Ja9n, 1869 14-ly tun street. I In compliance with notice given h our list issue—we inform the luldic. that Quinine can be had of I A. B atts it Oo„ f >r §2.GO per bot- l". Ihe season for this medicine is It hand and we urge all who need ^ inline lo go at once and lav in their Scraps from Prentice.—Senator Sprague, when he speaks, keeps his hands in his pockets. Moot of the Rad ical Senators, when they talk, are trying to get their hands into the pockets of other people. “Have not the propip,” asks a Radical organ of Rhode Island, “the right of ] self-government ?” Oh yes, if they livu i in the North. It is stated that General Grant lias | d soldiers col-I I>; had Ik-1 ter ; They couldn’t I run away with tire money. The Washington Chronicle says that j the whole of the Radical majority in the Senate condjnm the course of Mr. Sprague. Tliis is no doubt true, but if at any time Spragno wishes to buy that majority he has the money to do it with. General Burnside, having been charg ed with cowardice by- Senator Sprague, was lately invited to a public dinner l>y citizens of Rhode Island. The General, Miscellaneous ? MERY JOHNSON, dealer in stoves, tinware, - house-f urnishi ug goods, &cv, south-broad street. LOOK OUT 157 BROUGHTON STREET. SAVANNAH, GEORGIA feb20 20 ! y ' . ..g (. F\R- E. J. MORGAN, oilers his professional services u to the citizens of the city und vicinity. Office in Bower’s block, up stairs, south-broad street. l. FARRAR & JONES. Oiler their professional •rvices t<> the citizens of #uinbritlgc and vicinity, i over K. II. Smith’s store. 23L 3E3 H., COR. BROUGHTON & CLAY STS. ’LE, surgeon dentist, csi’s store, s6ulli-brt'u EXCLUSIVELY C. SFBKI1S. dealer i:i musical instnnucmK, < jewelry •ec one- Is dow opening a large and well selected as sortment of Spring and Summer goods, such as Ladies’ Hats, Bonnet*, Trimmings, Ac., of the latest and most approv'd Parisian and New York stylos. ~ ~ T. Df^KHTSON & CO. and family groceries, Icalers in confcctioncri*. Ltli-bror.d street. ms early. e notice j !>;■'-cRstm-sr, Paul H. •a regular coUlributor department., the ‘'Lit- ■ boinor chiefly .pre- i Published :it Aiittntftj I ik Crow, at $1 per EWIS ROBB, barber and liai: r uiiiliT Kxnhangu saloon. Also elegantly triuiuied Patterns of the latest anil most reliable styles of Ladies anil Chi dreu’s Dresses. Her arrangements for receiving the latest PARISIAN DESIGNS, arc such as will affoitl the choicest seiecti-ns from the most elegant styles. Ladies may rely upon the accuracy of her skill in cutti; i!lesser, broad st IN BANKRUPTCY. In the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of Georgia. Iu llie mnltcr of Christopher T dcGraffenricd, Bankrupt. H EREBY ii is ordered by ihe lion. Frank S. Ilcsslctine, Hegis«ter in * Bank- '. practical gunsmith and dealer iu inimunitiou. etc., west 6-trcet. E* J. IIENDKRSO.V A* CO., furniture dealers, cabinet mulicrs, upholsterers and undertakers. Fink’s burial cased always on hand—cor. west and water sts. „ dresses according to the most approved models of fashion and elegance. Also Madam Demorest’a very superior Eng lish Needles imported expressly for her trade, put up like pine, 25 in a paper; seperate and as sorted numbers put up in ornamental Cases con taining 50 assorted sizes; al3o La Grand Vfctotre Hoop Skirts. These novel and elegant skirts .arc iins rpassed for gracefulness, comfort and da- rabflity* and can be worn with^^tber gored t>r punier dresses. Ladies will do to examine OUIS ARMSTRO.VG, carjicnter and coojx-r, colic- .J patronage. Shop on clarkcstreet. Chemicals, I 11 Augusta v:hroniu!f & Sou lino] ■vocatos tho impoachmcnt of Bill- |h, ;iiul we presume there is little |nbt that such disposal will be ■d<: of him at the next session of ft Legislature *, uud that Ins im- ft°biuent, i| attempted, will be by B unanimous vote of the Court. W. H. Alien, Principal ol ■n Institute, deserves to be paid F 1 " ^^ >or > anybody does ; don’t rn think so, reader? He lias wait- I pxtienfly for his tuition, hoping P Unions would certainly call and ltie after Ja while ; but iliey have Appointed him—that Ls, quite a tuber of iliem hayc-subjcciing [ n thereby to inconveniences and ttbarrassments, f or whirl, puld bi rujiivy. That the fceoml meeting of the Creditors of said Bankrupt be held at the CuiirT House in Bainbridge, Geo., on the 2Slh day ol May 1869, at 8 o’clock a. m. JOHN B. TWTTTY, Assignee. P P. S. I will also apply, at the same time, for a final discharge from all liabilities as assignee, in the above stated case. J. B. T. May 1. 1869-30-2t I.. ADAM.v, capenter, broad street. Solicits j>at- ronage. Contracts promptly executed. PERFUMERY, SOAP, IV’ S. ROBERSON 4 CO., dealers iu fresh meats oi *• descriptions, such as beef, veal, nmttoii, pork, kid, etc. Every day. Corner broad and broughton sts. TOILET ARTICLES, • PAINTS:OILS, . •• VARNISIIES, ‘BRUSHES, Ac* &<u The subscribers are prepared to ofl’ -i- inducements io purchasers of Goods,in. their line J9L m .A_• Wholesale Druggists, ORNER CONGRESS AND WHITAKER STREETS,;- SAVANNAH, GEORGIA £3jjp“ Retail Store at the Old Stand. Market Squnre. . sept26 1863-40-1 ftp., ■ f J. COOPER, dealer in country produce, fresh * meats, &c., west street. Bravo!—Little Lucy. Stamps, of Mississippi, granil-dangliterof Governor Humphreys, and grand-niece of Jeffer- S r eatly distinguished herself dt the Louisiana State Fair by winning n gold medal for the best composition. Ihe Picayune says the award was made without the slightest knowledge on the part of the committee of the authorship •>f the piece, and was a tribute to the intellectual ability, which, when found ’ J. BRENNER, dealer in fine wines, liquors, segars, Ac., Ac., comer broad and water streets. C EORGIA, MILLER COUNTY.-Scaled proposals or bids to repair the Court House and public Well, will be received at my office, until the 31st May (inst.) at 11 o’clock A. M. “Plans and specifications may be had by ap plying to me, at my office. W. B. DANIELL, Ordinary. ; May 1, lS69-30-3t . A B. CRAWFORD, blacksmiths, solicited. Shop on cast water street. 'VTOEL GAINEY A CO., Wholesale a : d re- ll tail dealers in ready-made clothing, cassi- meres, Ac., Ac, East Water street. C. GLOVER A CO., Biitchors jmd Dealers in country produce. T. WEATHERS, Proprietor of Boarding House, Corner Clay A Planter’s streets. A LL persons, firms, companies and corpora tions engaged in, dr carrying-on any busi ness, or profession in the city, of Baiubridge re hereby notified to come forward and take out license for the ensuing,year, commencing May 1st. B. C. SCOTT, Ik.A Treasurer. ET.SON A I10NE, Eating house, Brough ton street, i ■ 1RANSFER OF THE P. eft G. • RAILROAD. The purchasers of the Pensacola and Georgia and of the Tallahassee Railroads met the agents of tbe Trustees of the Internal Improvement Fund in New York hist week, paid over the balance of the purchase money and received a deed of the two roads. Yesterday the Trustees at Tallahassee turned over the road with all its “depots, workshops, equippments, franchise and other prop erty to “F. Dibbles and associates,” represented for. that purpose, by Mr. Cheuey of this city. Mr. F. Dibble, who will be President of the read, is still in New York, but on his return the new company will organ ize and prepare for business.—Jackson ville Union. mayl-2t CORNER CONGRESS AND WHITAKER STS., SAVANHAH. *e ashamed. See bis card, ft ' ( ’ nce will pay him—if no i ■ von owe him, pay at least a part lit. Dun t your cheek burn ? Blm-C ‘‘ T |7 M ! SS r- V!lUsbu & Gib - » h e So ,d out .he ,r entire stock ■ p , oods > 0 Messrs Allen & Hines Ink of 1 ' * at - Le fomer Witlemen | >k of return,^ to East Tennessee, J® " hence came.~Southcn Our T.IMImincwclIAUo JOHN M. COOPER & CO. Corner Whitaker A St Julian Sts., SAVANNAH, ga, WhoIttaU and Retail Dealert in C 't RATEFUL fur the very liberal patronage Tl heretof re extended to them, respectfully inform tbe citixens of Decatur and adjoining counties that they have now in store a very general assortment of staple Dry Goods, Groce ries, Hardware, YVoeden-ware, Crockery and BAINBRIDGE, GA.; AND AGENTS FOR COLQUITT & BAGGS, Cotton Factors & Commission chants, SAVANNAH, GA- Liberal advances on Cousig ments, whet Mav 1-1 in OF AIiTi KINDS, Copying and Seal Presses, Pen Knives, News and Book Printing Paper . AND INK, 'Gold Pens, Pen and Pencil Cases, | Ledger, Writing and Colored papers Of all kind, and sites for Blank and Job Work, PLAYING, VISITING AND PRIN TER’S CARDS, Am- Books Qrder.ed or Imported at New lork Bates neighbor is in error as ‘litmus of Messrs Vaughn . The ? have not the re Pa 01 lcav ^g Bainbridge ; 1 C contr »ry, consider tbec Uuanently settled in onr 1 mi ^ e Btis correction at t «tof Mr. T . F. Gibson, the ’ SBbcr of the firm. P 1 ' ATrn Scfkbior Court. _ R<! i ourn eil on last Saturday second Monday in June. 1 ca?es were tried, and only "1 cases of any importance, ell Barfield, charged with intent to kill, and that I „ ,le S ro Amos, charged with r " ’ Barfield was convicted, ' ns granted a new trial, the ne- Was a mis-trial, and , Cl i’’ en % be laid over until «f Uie court, raU..P res 'ded, and gave 1 Ktiibfuction to all ' BIIOWX’S HOTEL, Opposite Passenger Depot, Macon, Ga. T HE influence of this Hotel upon tho for- tof-es of Macon has been such that the chief bu.-;oess of the city and tbe main improve ment- going on are concentrating near it. "be Hotel, when first established, twelve years ago, was on the suburbs of the city ; it is now in the very centre of business ! E. E. BROWN A SON, Jau9,1869-14-ly Proprietors. DRESS GOODS. 8wiss and Naasook Muslins, plain, striped and checked for ladies’ sacks and dresses. LADIES’ COLLARS. Monraiog Cellars, Ac. BOOTS AND .SHOES- A full stock for gentlemen and ladies’wear- CLOTHING, HA’S, CAPS, AU. junior Adjust received a large invoice .of firstdass Goods, imported direct from the tnena- factnrers, expressly for this establishment, consisting of. cSnclioa anb tiraimission MERCHANT BAINBRIDGE, GEO., W ILL sell all kinds of propeerty atd male prompt returns. S9 ly. XIA VINO nnlimited'orders lor* YV OOL, we are prepared to pay FULL MARKET PRICE IN Duncan & Johnston CGTTON FACTORS, RIBBONS. Tbe ladies will find a fall assortmen t of all tbe bl the f- So civil c“ 0 criminal 4t °f Terre a «lt with i SOLD Is SILVER WATCHES, Without further particularizing, we keep a general assortment of all the various lines of goods usually kept i« stsee, and we is vi te special attention ho ootst*:lt which has been buughtfor CASH, "which’ etialiles us to sell so low as to make it an object for cash buyers to trad* with us. Fair dealing and low prices are onr motto. Call and see T. B. UGSSS1YBLL4 CO. -delivered in for any quantity of this artieli FANANSAH. Liberal advancea- made on Coastgn- 1 ments. L. J. GUILMARTIN A CO. ; Factors and Commission Merchants, 148 Bay ; Street, Savannah, Ga. May 1-30-1 m mum::, dVfcks. pbrfn arid ornamental, for.offiee and parlor use: Use latest style ' of Jewelry, (* superb assortment) Silverware, of excellent workmanship, warranted to be pare metal r i ' J Agent for Wheeler & Wilson’s Noiseless Leekstiteh aawjas jaA®aiaaina» ■■ Watches and Jewelry neatly repaired, by experienced workmen, at the shortest notice Cash paid foi 011 Silver.' janO 14 ’69 - S. P. HAMILTON. JUST RECEIVED! Blank Books, School Books, New Novels, AT POST OFFICE. SAVANNAH, GEO- - C ONTINUE business at their old standi and offer their services to tbe mcr- chnnts and planters of Decatur county for ! the sale of Colton and other Produce; will j supply Bagging and Rope, and will be pre- t pared to advance on Cotton in hands. Octeber 3d. 1868—a”—ly j FOUR-HORSE WAGON FOR SALE (if) by WILLIS M. RUSS iLL. ELEGANT SUMMER' SUITS, o all descriptions at the Clothing Store and for sale Cheap. NOEL GAINEY & CO. See the FINE SPRING CAST- ME EES at NOEL GAINEY *fc ( 0’.'. interested. CITY DIRECTORY. Dry Goods. - "I> OCKWELL k WEST, dealers in staple and fancy JLVidry-goods, l t etc., South-Broad street. Dry-Goods and.Groceries. HBNKEWELL 4 CO^ wholesale* and retail • dealers ia dry-goods and groceries, broad street T) EID k ISOX, wholesale and retail dealers in dr - - Ah. goods and groceries, at Baggs’ comer, broad tl. T)ATTEBSON k McNAIR, dealers in drygoods and grscerit*3, west side court house square, west st. F SMITH fc CO.- drygoods and grocery mer- -Iy chants,.soiiUt-bratdb'to-ect, . ■ T J. TOMLLVSO.V, dealer In staple and fancy dry. tl goods, boots, shoes, hardware, fine Hanots tc south side conrt house square, broughton Btreet ’’ AT * wholesale and retail grocer lilt and commission merchant, east water street. A BA\1S & CO., wholesale and retail dealers in rx dry-goods, groceries, etc., east water street. M dealer in dfy-goods and groceries, itA north aide court house sqnmc, water street. T)£LcHKF.S& TEREIiLL, dealers in -dryvooda, groceries, stoves, tinware, etc., east water street. T B. HELMS, gjoccr aiid commission merchant, O Corner clay and market streets. X HOPcON, dealer iu dry goed^ aDd ^*occ- fj rie?, south-broad street. Boot Makers. 1? N• HIATT, boot and shoe maker. Repairing Hd neatly executed. West street. tlf T. 8J/1TH, boot and shoe maker. Repairing ff promptly and skilfully executed. East water st. Drugs, Medicines, &c- T E. WARDELL, druggist and apothecary, east side *■ court house square, broad street. T %B. J. D. HOYL k BRO., dealers in drtigs, medi- LJ cines, toilet articles, perfumery, etc., south- broad street. Saddles and Harness. 7 BORA', dealer in saddles, harness, bridles and leather, west street. ■VT OEL GAINEY k CO , dealers in saddles, bridles, i.1 harness, kc., cast water street. Painters. \V E8COTT H. COLEMAN, plain and ornamental • * house and sign painter, coraor broad an brouch- thn streets. IT U, JACKSON, house, sign, and carriage pointer, tl over T. B. Hunnewell k co’s, broad street. Milliners and Dressmakers. VI K8. M. J. KiiJYNOLD.V, fasbionab’c miliner and IT L dressmaker, corner water and crawfoid .streets. ,\|KS. C. A. PARSONS, fashionable milliner and iU dressmaker, corner-trf broughton and clay sts. Attorneys at Law. 1LLEN .Sc HINES, attorneys at law, office over -the ** store pf J-. P. Dickinson k Co,, south-broad street. riLEMISO A- ItirJHKRFOBD, attprrtrys st law. ’ Of-, -lice overy; A. flutes & qo’s drtig «ore. • - /CAMPBELL tV GURLEY, attorneys at law and sol- VJ icitors in equity. Office iu court house.