The Bainbridge argus. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1856-1871, August 07, 1869, Image 4
/ Jkt-&Lu>. •'Alitfli nonsense, now art! then, It relished by tho wisest men.” pSttUanmis |Umti«mtntsT Hotels. 131 Broughton St., Savannah, Ga., Wholesale and Retail Dealers A ;otmjr)«dt€Vopinkti of the borinct of ^■Ob^Miw boBDCt of my gtrlliood—the kind I wore to the school! 1 re*tfy;6)otjgbt (b«fi pretty. I must have been « fool. And yet 1 nsed to rffVself bn hats a jaunty miss. Per-' t v haps-1 was, a fashion went; but what ^ i tq.thia t Ob, tlie lovely little psneake—the charming little mat ! It •Ofho»T»|»y liead so level, and so very, /yfltjfat* ' ' An editor JIM attacked by a man, , tor petsonal greivance. The editor says: “To^avoid tnjuritjgljini, and prevent his hijDTitif at, he got oht of the way/ We like to-edit a newspaper because »t so easy-. Jo please everybody—WU tuition, K. Co Star. A (iswydr watt once pleading a case that brought tears into the jurors’ eyes. . and every obegave up.the case as gone __ u for the plaintiff. But the opposing coun- j and conseqncntlj at prices much LOWER 771 A.V REGULAR RATES and the - Bel arose and said : ‘*AIay it please the n ® , ?-? r l l ‘ cir hnuse requiring Iho permanent residence »f one nrihi.;. -N- r n c . uei Court, I do tiffl propose in this case to bore for water, but—* IIe r e the tears KEEP AT ALL SEASONS A HEAVY STOCK OF fee as REPRE Savannah, 6 were suddenly, dried, laughter ensured, , nU lhus aroiding bad deb the ridiculousness of the case was ex * ^ttssedj and'the : defendant got clear. t-ioo.A W ,n| l :j n , *bput a wonderful *■ parrot hanging in, the cage-from a win. dow of a. house which hs had often passed, said : *$t cries Slop Thief so aaturaiiy,’that cevery time I hero it / always .stop.' • A cTsk or Patience.—A young ex- qnisite, innocent, of hair upon bis face wont into Pbalon’s last week, and seat ing himself in one of the chairs told the other ch^inMr«|ah to read the Bairt- bridge Argus. ^ilo, fellow,’ says the dandy, ‘‘what --:*** W*JX&mfr*f ' T,y- .^iharodemw all I can, Sir,’ replied the ‘T am «** waiting for yc U r beard _ . i* U.l^statc^Utat an Irishman called an a at Fancy and Staple Goods, And at present arc offering a large assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER STYLES “ THEY BCY EXCLUSIVELY FOR CASH SSSssmW TREY SELL EXCLUSIVELY FOR CASH PAVILION HOTEL, D. C. NOE, Proprietor, 'ORNER BULL AND SOUTH BBOAD STREETS, SATAH.VAH, H AVING taken the nbovc Ilotel. which has recently been refitted and refnr- ! nisUcd throughout. tficl’roprietor can assure I the public that he isas well prepared to enter ‘ to their wants as any Hotel in the State, i His table will always be supplied with the fbest the market affords. And no pains will be | spared to give entire satisfaction. Transient Board £3,00 per d?y Permanent Board f 15,00 per week A share of public patronage is solicited. Sept 26-tf Professional Cards. --•-—a BICHABn sms » WM. h. CBAWTOKD. SIMS & CRAWFORD, ATTORNEYS AT\LAW, B.UXBRIDGE, GA. Office in the curt House. UV-2-ly . Fleming. joiin c. Ri Tni\ro*r>. FLEMING *fc RUTHERFORD^ ATTORNEYS Af LA^ 1 Bainbridoe, GEmtdiA. U <t can afford to pell for ? in all profit. They adhere strictly to tho ONE PRICE SYSTEM ! JOHN SB ARON Pro’tor, BA IN BRIDGE, GEORGIA. fpUE traveling public are hereby notified I that this House lias been thoroughly re paired and refitted, as well as refurnished hroughout. and rendered one of the most desira ble and agreeable hot- Is in the State, worthy the liberal patronage it pas heretofore received from passengers on the rivers and railroad. Nopains or expenses will bespared to make the SHARON H'lU-E all that any one could desire. Call and test its merits. Transient Board $3.00 per dny. sepi20-49-ly t- . — & - _ - Co. Are fully prepared to take charge of all cases arising under the Bankrupt Law. je 29, 85-1 f HUGH M. KING, ATTORNEY AT LAW, COLI.IIEIS, GA. je 29-67-1 y JR . S'. BARNES, BAINBRIDGE, GA. H AVING Looted in _thjwcity. j take . pleesiire iiTnotifying flii Public gen. ' erhlly that I ana now prepared to rep air Clocks, 'Watches, J e w- elrjt, Ac., with neatness and durability. Call and se - me, in __ the Drug Store Hoyt'S .^uth-Biond StrpelV* Just ^Blanjj lOol] r ED , OR THE MoWpaID WRL bTrEtYrXED l" , May loth, 1S69 32-ly DR.J.D.H0YL6BRQ., AT It i* Upon ‘a disciple of Esculapins, a net in formed bim fliat his wife was sick and •required me^wi aid. The M. D. was willing to gim Lis attention to the case but desired Rtemkn to pay when his BervtVts wototfb longer needed. “And Jou‘1 kill or udrefer twenty dollarsP Raid Pat. “Y.fctf ||u was satisfied, and left the M. D. tQ^perform the contract. The woman ‘diera, %nd in due iime he pres onted his biH,jPat looked at it for a mo meut, and then asked :—‘An* did yez oure hcrT ffe,* answered the physician. w An* tfrd yez kill her This was a pos- ar, and the physican discovred that Pat Bad ennght-him. The bill, at last ac count, lind njt been settled. A darkey fufiering from a severo at tack ofchijjswras observe^ in one of the streets His teeth were chatterrfjniko a reaper nndei’Tiill head- way. 1% wafe'eating a watermelon on and some one toid him ; it jrould give him the chills. I u^ with his mouth half full, in eaklgr hnA'j, and shivered de t«ay I luc| do chills, CITY DRUG STORE — ON « sm Cfl WE: Medicmt ° Yer’r’v maJe ' Br »' c them Willi everything in their lino at greatly reduced°"i f 1 '^ Tt * C '.’ aD<1 aro - ,,ref,urc<i 10 furiiiel) Perfumery from Lubin, Coudrays. Rinmiee and nH- 1 , • '- ,aV . e on l, “" J a lot of who arc in the habit of u S °nglncarI“f?he°kTnT’ t0 WhiCh ^ iUVite tUc al, f n ! io " * inch 0-61) ly. Hjuok: J What ITutel do you stop at for Comfort ? THE A LB NY HOPSE! KEPT BY Mr BARNES. If you wafit a clean biBtf-and nice room, GO TO THE ALBANY HOUSE I If you want to find POLITE, ATTENTIVE SERVANTS, GO TO THE ALBANY HOUSE. In short, if you want to find everything to make you comfortable apd happy, be SURE to call at the ALBANY HOUSE. jfaj Backs always ready to c nrey passengers to and fmm tho Depot. b he/erenec : Any person that lias ever stopped at the House. M. BAR.NES. Prop'r. 1110h 13 23 ly Albany, Ga. O. CAMPBELL, ......... .O. O. GURLEY. CAMPBELL & GURLEY, HUoritfjrs anti fcunsfllors at fate, And Solicitors in Equity, BAINBKIDGE, DECATUR CO., GEORGIA. I1TILL practice in Decatur, Saker, MUln .. Mitchell 0 f 1 Early, Calhoun and counties on Hue of Atlanta k Gulf Railroad. Will give prompt attention to but* ness entrusted to their care. may 2, 18G8-ly .£S s *q' w?Hi Swtifia j J YYriLLscli ’ * m ®fe pronia T.B.IIminc^Il&Co I. E BOWER, D. arc onib, BOWER, McGILL ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAV. O FFICE IN BOWER’S BLOCK, ON South-Broad Street Bain bridge, April 24. 18£9-29-tf A. A. ALLEN.. G. W. 1UNES- M.Llf €% ATTORNEYS AT LAW —A If D-s- BROIViY’S HOTEL, Opposite Passenger Depot, Jlacon, & 3 . T HE influence of this Hotel upon the for tunes of Macon has been such that the cutef business of the city and the main improve ment- going on afe concentrating near it. " he Hotel, when first established, twelve years ago was on the snborbs oTtlfe city ; it is now in the very ventre of biunnc*9 ! T „ , E. E. BROWN A SON, Jan 9,1SE9-1-1-Iy Proprietors. J^UHritow in Buiubridge, Ga„ W ILL pive prompt trusted to fhfeir ci . trusted to t Counties: Decatur, Miller, Early, Baker, Thomas, Mitchell, They will also practice in the Supreme Court of Ga. and in the U. S. District Court, for the Southern Dist. of Georgia. april 10 27 tf RE constantly reaving additional to their stock - — from New York, new Orleans, hpd other mar* forCASH 5 * 1910 a t the lowest market price SHEETINGS AND SHIRTINGS. nr-— n- ^ kqwke* , A constant supply of all the standard brands of & pi/-v TTTTp-p wiith. shirtings and sheetings. All hlCJWXaii, widths for saie W br . T. B. HI! WEWFT.T Z m r ' * ’ ” rniKTc. A very elegant assortment of all the best make of aH the best make of Prints and shirting Prints, tbr sale loW by T. B. HUNNEWET.T. & CO. BLACK LACE SHAWLS. A few black Laec Shawls ; also white crape.barege or morct, for making shawls, just received and foi 8 »* n by T. B. HtTNA’EWEEL A CO. RIBBONS AND TRIMMINGS. A smaR assortment of the best colors in JWbbons, Trimmings, Embroidered Collars, Crape arege for Veils, fto, for sale bv T. B. HUVXEWELL & CO. GROCERIES. 10.000 lbs. Bacon—sides and shoulders—jnet re ceivcdand for sale by T. B. HDXXEWEEL & CO. FLOUR. 50 bbls. Flonr—assorted biands—just received and for sale by T. B. HCXXEWEEL & CO. CORN. 200 bushels white com—in sacks—suitable for family use, tor sale by T. B. HUXNRNELL Jt CO. SUGAR. 15 bbls. crushed, ground, loaf sugar granulated and extra coffee sugar, for sale by T. B. HU.YNEWEIX * CO. Kig, f 4c. Seiidfbrde WOOD&JUs nt Feb 20-20-6m to'all business cn- thc following counties: Co. Towns: Bainbridge, Colquitt, Blakely, Newton, Thomasville, Camilla. Collars, Barege i It. H. WH1TELEY. a., aa. a, auinwil. JOHN E. DONALSON. WHITE LEY & DONALSON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Bninbridge, - - - Georgia, W ILL practice in tho Southwestern and Patai’.ia Circuits. ^£t~Office up stairs, in Sanfeornls now bnild- ip 8- april 17 69-28 tf ESTABLISHED 1840. ,ll ■ ~ EXCLUSIVELY X? Miscellaneous. Sontliern & Western HOUSE. JOHN C. VAUGHN, Late of East Tennessee, IS cunr.ectcd with the following firm, and L will promnlly attend to a !l bn iness eu- } elsewhere. 9 *** iji! — aH tIoot ' KR Rarkis. D. Rankix _J HOOPER HARRIS & CO-. (Late Harris, Gaines <L Co.,) DR.' W. J. IIARKELL, H A\ ING established himself in Bainbridge for tbe purpose of practicing his profes sion, respectfully solicits a share of the public patronage. Office ever the store of Anderson, Zeigler ^ ' • -april 17 fi#-28 Om ChriHicak outing’ desc«l*sr i 3'g0t‘tfe'‘c!iil!s ina now, boss, and I like watermelons BetteFn I Juz dcobills kase dar ara’i no danger ob niakm’ me shake wus’n 1 duz. III eat dfstfii if I dies Tore I git toderiBes. 4 - : il !•'. A Philadelphia deacon, wkO:attended ^ the I caco-Jubilcc^ bas begn , tinublc to sleep'sincSTiSVdturn nntii Ins wife ex ecu ted the Aavil Chords liy bis bedside, by tapping the wash basin with the j potato masher. j A Rib Lot of Pigs.—Mr Sayre Lexington, Kjl, Ifepa a little, and good story ts told of shim, the better for it its truth. Some years since an PERFUMERY, SOAP. ■ : r ’■ ^ TOILET ARTICLES, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES. BRUSHES, Ac., Ac. The subscribers are prepared to offer inducements to purchasers of Goods in their line A-* SoIoh&oias CC' Wholesale Druggist*, CORNER CONGRESS AND WHITAKER STREETS ET Hetnil Store nt the OM Stand, Market Square. tfom’sion JiRrvthants, IN Southern and Western Produce, I’OBEIGN AND DOMESTIC LlQUOBS, NO. 36s BKOADWAY, NEW YORK Dec 5, 18C8-9-ly WOT1CE. D R. G. W. FARR AR has this day associated with him in the prac tice of medicine, Dr. Hilton S. Jones; and they tender their professional services to tho citizens of Bainbridge and vicinity. s Offioo up Btaire, nver E. H. Smith & Co.’s store. Dr. Jones can bo found .,t night at the office when not professionally engaged Dr. Farrar can be found at his residence at m«-ht inch 13 23 tf .1. ' idsreuBAdsrcic .Etna Fire Insurance To. Hartford. Connecticut. Nett Assets *4,083,123 7* Southern MutuaJ Insurance Co. Athens, Georgia, Nett Assets $294 (535 12 All holders of Twelve Mouths* Policies share in the Profits. [ mi MEDICAL. CARD. D R. W B. GILBERT would inform thepnb- lic that he has removed to the Colonel Richard Sim., place, six miles westof Bainbridge where lie may be found at any time, when not p ofesswnally engaged. feb 610 Sin Ga. Masonic Mutual Life Ins. Co. Macon, Georgia N. L. CLOUD, an"24-43-tf Agent for Bainbridge, Georgia MRS. MARY J. REYNOLDS, R ESPECTFULLY informs the ladies of nainbridec and vicinity, that she hasjnst received a beautiful amt carefully selected stock of Onoda. equal. Il nol styIeiM>f’ tf> n “ y CVer br ° ,u ' Ilt *“ u “ a a*y- Her new SAVANNAH, GEORGIA septof, 1 888-4H-l-2m SAMUEL P. HAMILTON DEALER IN WATCHES. JEWELRY ARC SILVERWARE. , over. sccr of one of his firms told him he needed some hogs. Says Mr. Sayre: “Very well, go and buy four or five thows and pighths right away, and pul them on the f«rn).‘ , .The man, ticcqsloned to obey, and that without auestioning, asked : “Shall I take the money with me to purchase yrjjth 1‘ “Na tbirl:liter all know me. Theod them here;ti‘ii pay for them, or give you monevW pay when yon get them. 4 Tbe Overier went his way, and in two weeks returned, when the /(Slowing n. * conversation!, took place: “Well,’ Mj. Sayre, I can’t get that many pigs. I-bave ridden alt over the country all about, and can buy but be tween eight and nine hundred. 1 “Eight or Bine hundred obat “Eight or nine hundred pigs.‘ “Eight orpine hundred pigths! Who told you to bj)j that tuaBy pight.f Are yon a fool V ■ , •^Foa'UW roe Sj’*t>uy them two weeks si nee. I have tried to do it.* “Eight Or ntpc hundred pigths? I never CORNER CONGRESS AND WHITAKER STS., SAVANHAH. f araamth pomittj) COL. W. T. THOMPSON, Editor. ! PRICE OF SUBSCRIPTION : DAILY MORNING NEWS-(pnblisbed eve- ry morning except Sundays) One Year, $ 10; Six Months, $o ; Three Months, $2.50 j One Month, TRI-WEEKLY NEWS—(published orerv w y ' )I . e . 8da £ and Frid »y) One Year, $6; MLth°Toc{s , : Mon,h8 ’ 0ne Months,$K Y KE ^~ 0ne Year ’ *?; Six Particular at'ention is called to the fact that pires apera are 8t ° pped 83 1,10 ,imo paid for cx- AU letters must be ad< ro--«od • J. H. ESTILL, Proprietor, 111 Bay Street, Savannah, Ga. Jonel9-tf DRJUDSON BUTTS, Office East Side Court House Square, BAINBRIDGE, GA. 4-tf Duncan & Johnston «^vrrxv»Bi i’ACTORS, 0SH¥aSVR¥. DR.OT. l. battue, Late Resident Dontist of Quitman, Ga. H AS removed his office to Bainbridge, Ga., where 'Ino Permanently located, -v^j, . the t I!!’ Che i S ° f lu8 . P ro ^ession executed i„ , ebest and most durable style. Beautiful Artificial Teeth mounted. Teeth filled with- "Utpnm.jn a neat and durable manner. All work warranted. R.-^ a he P" tr ”" a Pe of the citizens of Ban.bridge, and Southwestern Ga., is re speetfully solicited. Office on ^outh Broad Street nn m Rockwell k West’s new store P July II. 1868 DR. E. PEACOCK, SPRING AND SUMMER HATS, AND RICH AND TASTY DRESS PATTERNS. TRIHOSS, aces, ilililwns, Collars, k, ic. j ARE AIL ANY ONE COULD DESIRE Bambndgc, April 25.180S. 07 tf ^stotice:' OFFICE FLEMING & RUTHERFORD, ) Bainbridge. Gst., Dee. 18, 1867. f SYnl t0 j l,estock of the Atlantic ° and Oulf Railroad Company are hereby notified that the subscription lists have been placed in our hands for collection. Subscri- bers will please take notice that tbe first in stallment of 20 per cent fell due on the 20th 20 n«. Vem ^ er • f 1 ’ a " <1 t,,at inst »>lmentsof M i. WI ’ J 1 °" t,Dn< to fa " d «« on thf 20th of each month until the subscription is exhausted. Subscribers will please come forward without delay and pay the install ments now due and as they n8tfl " deeoj-tf 1 EM Art G & Rt/ TIIERF0'RD. ° " Attorneys for A. A O. R. Co. For Sal« at t] le WEBSTER’S SPEivtv, McGUFFIE’S Read. DAVIES’ and SMITH’S » CORNELL and SMITH'S BULLION’S- and SMITH'S DAVIES’ Algebra 4 FARMER’S ALSiAjUpf , COPY BOOKS. WEKtfS MEMORANDUM BOOKS s PENCILS, CAPanUKORp AJfiA . ‘ PRISON LIFE of JEFFFW BILL ARP. ' Ui Nov. 1866 ROSADa] r;rxnirri JL Hli\LTH U jriliss the bloodisf^,, jSkin Dif-caseijji^ . ['•axes "f H’ vll. l.\ffecti»ns«f ibt^J JjKidBe/s, iifc-mmuA {j.Medical VacuHe »- J , 9 Ol OUT \>< ^ : md the IjeidOB And juifientj lijLj [jftAtadalis * fciiiJ for (a. t lOnide to Health IW-i IlDj^Os year, which, , :igi«Uituns diatribmi, slyoTiMr* valuable in pleasure ii • as r iffemtive. I have | Will, hik|. r?N I of secni'daif p] f '’^rneliprlic palient j, r ('Fa • f cured afier lui hoftfes "fj-iir innli I . ; cr w a cn-e of See.... standing, which i? rnpiS I un ^' r itr are. anil t I are that the i^cever! T have careftli . isT the ftinmila by rR^ii, is made, ami b e*cc!lent c«iui]'uuii(i olji •"ingretiients. Dr Sparta ofXieWw; lie lian U5etl It ■•aini ! es of Scrofula amlStt nt | will) sati'lyciorj r ,A. ulcnncr of the BUJI hi [ Reiter rj[ ajedy. j! ^wuiki G. MeFa'Ho,t hofOj Tent), >113*1*: -f have used Kcven 1 1: Dnpadali*, and am cnl !'of Hbenma(i*m; send 1 utles, .*15 I wish it for 11 !■ who La* £croftiJuu.« 8*»r r j | Benjamin CeclitoT| of L I writes. I have suffered h | j|years with an inveterate a j over my whole body: a ilw j|s nc» I purchased a bottle (1 jisadalis and it effected) ijcurc. )(■ Laboratory, 61 Esetapl I] Baltimore. j-Org. Clements, RlTf*tfij July Iff, till Sc'pt. 5th Allen’s Pain fJtm BMBS M U2R3KWS, ' SAVANNaH, GEO- nONTTNUE business at their old stand Y nnd offer their services to the mer chants and planters of Decatur county for the sale of Cotton and other Produce • will supply Bagging Snd Rope, and will be pre- psre.j to advance oh Cotton in hands. October Sd. 1868—50—iv FTA^t reeved a large invoice offirst class Goods, imported direet from the mam facturers, expressly for this establishment, consisting of GOLD & SILVER WATCHES, JOHN M. COOPER & CO. Corner Whitaicr 3t St Julian fits., fav.vskah, ga. WkoUtaJ' nd BHa&Otalcrt in Late of Knoxville, Ga. B EING permanently located in this city, and having h d an experience of twelve years in ene practice of the profession in its varfen* of a p D .tVe? P08t0 r f®®* ve a reasonable share on^r-h'ms^nli." *“ ‘ h# PattCr89D g*. t Ga.: Le Sneur I Co-t. CuHoden, Ga ; R F. A G. W. Newsom, Reynolds, Ga.; A. J. Simmon,. Mseon^Ga^ A. W. Peurifoy, Perry, Ga. MEDICAL CARD. D R. E. J. MORGAN, having permanently located id the tbe city of Bainbridge, ten* re/ 3 h .'r P r ” fe “ l ? n * 1 services to the pablic, and iriikJ solicits a share of patronage. Will be found at bis office in BowcFs Block dariDg the day and at hi« residence on Brough ton street at night • All calls promptly attended. jh»nbridgc. Ga. March 6, 1860 22-tf ’oreignJManufactxre. \ • ; -vg A e latest. style of JeweVy, (a be pureinclaJ Of the Most CelebratedjMakers, American and V Ciocks.jdain and ornamental, for.offiee and parlor use. The latest stvle superb assortment) Silverware, of excellent workmanship, warranted to AGENTFOR Wheeler & Wilson’s Noiseless Lockriitft Terieneed workmen, at the shortest noti s. P. HAXHLT03S. 61 Cases, Colored Wateh«s fin^l Jewelr? neatly repaired, by Cosh paid foi OHSileer, j;in9 14’69 Gold Pei Ledger, Writing PAPERS Of aU HikU and sizafar Blank and Job Work, PLAYING, VISITING AND PRIN TER’S CARDS, &c- Book* Ordered or Imported at New York Rates sobs 3t roosCT. oro. r. ocahtocw. vrrx. r nrr-r. may Ll«5!>5m * A > A live DAILY PAPER for «a . YEAR. THE SAYAMIfllDYERTISER. CHEAPEST IN THE COUNTRY. rrHE DAILY ADVERTISER, published at ■ bavancah, wiil be sent to cotmtrv tnb-cri- feeis for TWO DOLLARS FOR A YEAR. ,»d six month- for One Dolla- and Fi/'iu Gem* THE ADVERTISER eontair s4 much read ng matter as tbe averago of Weeklies, and is specially devoted to affording its readers a con densed and concise daily summary of Political Religious and Agricultural topics, at home and’ abroad, and is a faithful authority on tbe Sav annah Markets and quotations. It is a lively, comprehensive, and, above all an economies Daily Paper, that everv one’ should bare in the family. Send your sub scription for six months,-and try it. JS*' Loeal Agents wanted, lo whom a liberal percentage on subscriptions will be allowed BEARD & KIMBALL, Publishers. A PUL liEMEDY Fains in the ( Alg0|. For safe by,fir. 3, D. H0YL 41 SO cento npr Bottla. January 3-14 1y A. BRADY & CO. dealers Commission itewtumfe, Bainbridge, Ga, SSSSSSaswaasa Legal Notices. GEORGIA, BAKER COOSl months after tbu date of this nottce Brunson will Apply to the Court Baker county for letters of dismh 5101 administration of Reddir. Ricbar^;. March 1,1869. JOHN F- BKr . mch27_ 25 6m GEORGIA..DECATUB ^ On the first Monday in September ne: apply to thoi Court of Ordinary dismission from, the Administr* 11011 f tateof John W. Evans, late of deceased. KOBEUT ?• fcv Admit 11 G mmoix KetcheI. Coobtt.—Ssn™® I will apply to the court county for letters of dismission fro® 0 Eli Sapp, late of gold county, dee«**“; T r march 6-6nH ~ J. B. ADMTNISTBATOR’a Si Will bo sold on tbe first Tuesday ost 1869, before the"'court bouse uoo, * of Colquitt, Miller county, friend coa * l 8 n M to aug2S^ff-Jy. I By*»rriuo of an order SromtheOrdim ham county, town Lot No, 7, if ff'*?. town of Colquitt" a* tha property of of Miehial rihehan, deceased. .This Juno 20b, I860. u tbr.j -, ' ■ ANDREWM '4S6a£ ste,-?, -*’SS 's