The Bainbridge argus. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1856-1871, November 20, 1869, Image 3
• lir vi,mi'j»-i:l.1c^ r S u5 »iTU. WJ- Gr O if E litor, lb iu Savannah for fufwlaj weuwK at i..,usi«W«hle «ale of i, <1 >»» hiuhs of tree*, nl.irm ..f tin- "• . jrivnon Monday , k Tli«* fir.- e-mi- at. th**ir posts. !*si »• - ,l acre iirnMi'l B ' re ,l tliut the alarm jt gw, discovert false- uf. Et»- r .,| in "'if f ,„v*-U It'*** : 1'ii.s lllfl , m is very „n „ inity at i h" i-resent guppies of a bll- tareat you on every \l«'s ,_U ui i fail ro call at , (1 . (.vfrvti'i.'ff y ,, > w,,nt 1,,H ' ", . J fr -i- from the- p<mt- 1 ,.,.-1 can «-w devote '.oh, i-i — 1 ...Awtlinf Mrs. Brad well liu-Aiy ev.-iiin's the , i, ,,, ck S 1 "- was the , ,„ ir f.- l .w -eiMZ'-o- B , ' fii off-r our sViupa- ili.l h« n i , Inn,- swollen the riv- sleiiiner Bandy •eiit rains r MliM.II-rahly- The . u has hern tied up on iie- ,,f ,|,e lew water is npain on the We think there will he nodiffi- ri ] to the Conference .•nut in at ell: mil c.f l"W water. The tYn.Lixuii.iM I giitiliz'-'.h W>* f, r mir t'liiiitinp friends to the W.ll- F.rtiliz-r-ndveitisement. of s«r- Phillips it If vers, of .Savnriniili, !...«■ a-ren's in this eitv are tirepared fill all nrl-nilt short notiee. find on • r . riHsonnlileterms. D ■ not.forget t<* i this Herod llusspiey little t is antchai'iiipa larper press of •ms in order to in life v i -iii for : ts eas-na hllsi - ss. If l-fi go. ul s off)-dn will j"st s-t cl; sqtVire . Ih-att and the IT rail well veil liter won't r -pref it. TheV iut River t-ve <•" ‘.h. s a spies, 1,1 S- ek of Dry 1! ,..t-, Sli ,es. Cl. thine. H i's. K SI,all's. Shirts. Fatiev Gi rd li t (!,.mis lieiup sold there ot Imv- :an-sthoiuavwli.-re in tin* commit* a hirp - share of n'thlie patronage is ■i.’.V Sn:ixiynns Jk, Eckstein , i}. ■ini W- take p’eftsnr* •f r.'l 1-rs to the l-HIll of I hi .-iPod ‘ liinh of tip- ill to-dav's issue. ’ d C •. R.e'iuril v--r of this eitv, sid-red is “a ellip .S K-eess to vtia. •El. ti.\ "f 'III- |)| i ofCiolh lie uttcll splendid The Pun Journal for No vi in >er cou'ain* the sketches of g*-u- ci " 'mcn-H ; 11 11 Asa Pucker, Gen. M Rl)TBKBr .„ n John A Riwlius, H i luiui P. tv seen- ,'e , (>"ii. Washing'<iu s Head; L feV M.sson a d He ward; Mother Ann Jj. e. die shaker; Tne Caitiedial of Mil n; Aietne Women to Biame’? A IS - ; ll’ i Til I Pace, how il is Maned; In st css or Iiistiuci Without Brain; Chi nes* Ptoverbs ami Wise Saws; Salem i Witcherafi; Persocal Responsibility; j Cranial Defects in Criminal Classes; On the expression of the Eve; Spec- j train Analysis, etc, with Engraved Portraits and other Illustrations. ' Price only 30 els., or $3 a year. A n w Volume beg us wi»ii die January number. Address. S. R. Wells, Puli- 1 . her. 389 Bioid way^ N, Y. j The lit- NTuuKtY Pklze Scheme:.—We ilesne to direct the attention of oi.r friends to this enterprise, the ndver- | lisemeut of which occupies a prom ' im nt position in c urco ninns to day, T is is undoub edly the most attrac j tive Scheme of the kind t bar hits ever been off -red Ul this country. It is en tirely free from all object ouable fea» m e and worthy of t i e confidence and patronage of every one, however scriipulniis in morals. Com ug lr«»nj a S’ate whose Banks and financial institutions are at par all over the wo Id. an*l having a regular lepa charter, together the endorse ment of nearly eveiy leading, offica ami pr iiiinent business mm m Kv . it is as sound us any Bank in the state, and we hope mav meet with the favor which it merits iu this com munity. Cabinet Dkoan-. - i\ie in ist exten sive makers of this class of instruments in the world are the Ma <>n and Hamlin Or pin 0>>.. who annually produce nml tied demand for several limes as many as any oilier man iiiwtnrers. Their work stands highest not ■ lily in t iis country, al-o in Enro|>e. Mr. Hum u, of this Company, was the discoverer of the art of voicing reedx, and lets brought it to greater perfection than has yet been attained by others. From this, luain'y, comes the fine quali ty of tone peculiar to th«* Mason all 1 Hamlin Organs. But the great siicce-s of rlns Company iN doubtless owing, al so. in good measure, to their rigid adhe rence to eei tain prii.ciples. They make first-class insmimeiits only, and wi 1 not turn out. infer or work at. any price, or suffer a poor instrument to leavs their factory; and they sell always at least iv- munerative profit, pruping their lowest prices, which are invariable. Ml sf’ELL \ X RitpS RirilKRFORB & SPBIR II. PrsAh 5 wholrsakk & hi tail U < > c j-: it AM) I*KAi EUS in lluw V\ tin. call pu* to heir s 'md (’ .simeis. also, ii it mil ‘ioods, and i'je chenpcst 'kef Bails and Mines, <addiery 1 Harness they have ever had the asnre of offering to tile puli', P'lhev they are on Water ifiticet. \v-.EP Si vri.lKP. - rue Medical pr.s 0,1 l,as Heeded some ilislllftvr,- "«e"f. wliicli is mid he used under rirciifiis.-aiic.-s. mi.! nt less ,-,„f ,T "I K v, V ••vpensive Fund) r : II- III- i’rnpliv/nc- l"« "*- t fl'is Hisdiw,,. 1 "‘N f' an our ohserviiti.-n t.. "I the i',sj asitenf u perfect pn- t " a'id that too Ut the most ; cost. JpENTtsi|.v — Alt. p.,1, *' i»« il. L. Bat hopes m re iti-i serve ins ug nero.ts patrons •lr wdi n,, ,1,; aU iv;a ■ uform • tl*- n.ts returned • l!1 t few days, to uiar Heed ins scr h'gh . lip r.ik, ,s 11 ' ei uni mg n;s those of h spatrou" tge ‘ ltjeraJ lu 'heir Pleasure Who pai- ll o*tc.r«-r*s Hitlers can* Dy % l { e|»'ia. THE WHOLE. BToltY IS A Xt'TSHELL. The office of tile slomacll isloc-'li ver 'll*’ food into a eivain-like setni- il.iul. called Thyme;. Tins s eff- cted par iy i.y ,ne loll ul a solveip. Call- • d the gas me juice, which exudes trom the coating of die stomach, ami paidy by a nieclian cal iiioveinent of hat organ, which chorus as it, «e. lie liissolv i g a linelit Tile •’hvml pisses f.oin ilie siotii.icb lino He dilodenmii, or entrance to the bowels w li re it is s bjecied to the actn u of lie bile, and (tie ninf-nous poriun of t coil ver cd i.ii'ii a ffu-d eallt-cj Ckg'e, which eventually blood. Now, ii is evident that if the great • o ve.;t, the gastric juice, is not. pro- Iticed in stillicit-ui q i.iim y. or if tin inechaipcal ac ion of the stum idi is not sufficii ntly brisk, tln-first prorexx if ihgrxtion will be im- imp* tfect.y peilormed It is a'so clear tliai . lie liver, which p ays such a' iuipor tnnt pa t in changing the- nourishii g ni'tii.n of the chyme into the inai*-- roil of the blood, is congi-steti, or in any unnatural condition, the second prncexx will .no; be tl'ofi Uglily accmu I'iished. The result, of tile two fail or ex is dyspepsia, complicated with hi liollxnesx. Fne mode ; n which HOSTET TEH'S BITTERS operafe in such rises is this; 'hey invigorate tin cellular membrane of the stomach, which evolves the gastric juice, there hv insuring an ample sufficiency ot ii*- fill'd to comp! tely di-solve ill* h"ul. Tiny also act upon ti e nerves "f die, causing an acce era- 11 "l the mechanical movement id Pessary to reduce the food to a ho luogejicoiis mass. They also ad specific iliy upon tile 1 ver, St.reilgtll- ii. min so etiub itig it to pro 'hicH an amjilt, a jiJ regular supply <>f I'd*-, for ’tie purpose "f c* in ver i eg tl.e mi'ritioiis particles of the (’hyme tato ('hide, and promote the passage 'l'uiii-li the bowels of the useless de- hris. In 'his way HOSTETTEIt^ BIT- 1 EliS cure dvsjiepsia and liver coiii- t'ltiii'. The explanation is pla n, simple, philosophical, and trot. liiiExjnATics, Listi n’ and Learn.— Biot lv iy on, ihe popn ir and c* le br.-.ted mmufaclnivi of Kajton’s 0 1 *'* L fe. the liesi and surest, liniment lor rheumatism kuoun. has now d s continued his travels ihf**ngir*+at ill* States losee 'be lame and the cripple, sad those otherwise afflicted by rlieii. nt tisin, or neuralgia, or pains iu the s He, &c . for he argues, find W* II Iih>. Mia' tlie people cau cure iheiusebes BROUOHTOX STREET, BaiiibridgA, Georgia, A RE now in the market with a SPLEMltD S i OC R of GROCERIES AND DRY GOOD-, eonaialing In fait ..j— FLOUR. It A CON. CHEESE. LARD, RICE TOBACCO. WHISKY SUO AR. COFFEE. BUTTER. baouiao rope; 7IES Salt SHEET I VO 8 SHiRTIXCS KERSEYS. HA TS. CAPS. BOOTS. SHOES. novl3.fi9.TJv ~^&C AC WOOD & JOHNSOXr" Wbollsalk Dealrb* In BtOTS, SHIES AND BROGANS, 109 BROUGHTON ST., SAVANNAH, - GEOIKiJA. Sautmah §dmtismrnts. LATHROP & CO., SAVANNAH, GA. f WOULD INVITE TEE ATTENTION OF PURCHASERS TO THEIR FALL & WINTER STOCK ! —THE— LARGJftf AMD HOST COMPLETE Ever. OFFERED IN GEORGIA-VIZ: ffflisrcUancous. Of Rloliznond, V*. ASSETS ......... iLSoe-ooOf POLICIES ISSUED IN A LITTLE OVER TWO YEAR* 8000- POLICY HOLDERS PARTICIPATE IN THE PROFITS: E. F. Wen. Formerly :»f E.F W»w.*i <f- <’n neiYHfiiii <? 0 JoHlS"!*. F-rmerly i.f 0. John- ,„n A It.. RHEUMATISM. NOTIONS, AC., fUR A Swift Sl Sure cure K\YTON’3« ( 00TS, v GREATEST I.IXI ME XT OF THE AGE! IT W3RKMIK' A CHA M! I T ha> been apn1ie<l to the mawe* in *he srr«‘ets «•» Sava im tIi. Mac*>n. Aii^UH'a. - uituia. Moin^ottierv, an«i nil lendi'i>c c*iie> mil towns to ihe AIiff'|»j»i ri% r or rr**m his* fatuous ca riaj;e, fm uia"> >earg. w»tb Wonderful Success. THF. M )ST SEVERE GAMES RHEUMaTIsM. NEURALt.IA, PAINS IN THE BACK. BREAST. JOINTS. A SIDES wern to the Profiwr. wh» a» quickly rulibed the |-afient th-iri.nirhly with his or OF LIFE. annrline »h*-m awav in evrrv in-*a”<v mtirv’y n-lirrsi, thus c.urine imp h»»r*ic ..f T.i"inient to .are hundreds of dollars in doctors’ Jiilts. •'"ppiv iheiuKelves wnh fieliciu „ i'»e, as well Astt>er,j,> v the of our • .Ale Loco and r t iurJ„ H |, a) j of • " k gr.-atly IiuprovcfiU lu-altU- •n ti-liern-s ,.t ^,.»i' sii- date. -Mt^ ' IVG t - PIE rioUEim-'Ki-The Fior- x u-s ure now being vis.ted I*;uiy „1 our Citizens, there i '? lho ! ,t h,lu bv u ? in « his 0,1 " fL f e5 ,lv.i,„ n ”|tlie virtues of which nre ttuiversal y a*-k owle-lged. Some pe*iple w* te f->i>lish enough to tli nit fit mi tie Kw.f; and sjieetly cures made on tin spot, before their eves on their fr-etid* Hint the Pr-'fessors hands were bewitched, bill VVC llsslir*- all 'bat thestr'iiig virtue lies only n. the Oil of L'fe and -o *<1 rnbbii -. lor rlienmaiiMiu, neur.dgia. pains in the back. j-> u s or sides or wherever a l.n in -lit c iri b • 1 tiiat K ion's O 1 of L fe is aeku<*« !cdgcd .*s gn a; and wish >n an iq-n', giving the pa tient almos’ m^t u.t.iiieoiis re'iel by , mie robti-ng For sj) anis.ii bimses. J it. lias slut' hr. tt nfieii witu marked j sm-ess. Kiyton's Djk) ept'c Pills, purely Veer, t,J»le, a e an ext-rlb-lll cat'i- rt <•- J M*-K* ksou & Eubli ms, wl.iilesaie j agents. Jacob, Proorietor. j , W holesale 1 'rug House, Savannah. [ KAYTON’S OIL OF LIFE In now conwidpr#*d by aU who have witnpw*ed its ap plication to Im-the true and reliable rew«d> for rheu inati-m, neuraij ia. and for allpaias and aches where a iii imeiit can be used- Kay ton’s Oil of life, The never-filling Germin t» nneq;i» - !e*l f«^ it* Ktt-rling virtue, in t'ie liL*t"rv of MeU -i.'ec— m kinira evill »nd enre i-ure. invini* r-ll-f in • vi-ry c»-« ilmoet try t'ie first rubbing, lb-ad the te-tim-- uials uid heur the opinion of the people. For sale by all leading Drug Stores. McKES?IX & H0BB1N'. WHO! F.-AI.E AGENTS, NEW YORK- PfeOPRtETOR, JACOB 1,1 mi AX, WHOLESALE DRUG HOUSE. vAVIA.MH, - - GEORIilA. BKI’ A HTJII.3VT.—We ask the attention of pnrehurers to tin* STOCK *>f GOODS, which is the h.-st and must desirable assortment uuv open*-* in the Sontheru States, cdugrisiug every variety of guml. VELVET & TAPESiRY CARPEim INGRAIN & 3 PLY CARPETING, RUGS, MATS and OHC Icths Windipv Shades,Lace Curtains, ADVANTAGES CF THOTIOT&. ARLINGTON : It ie purely a PCf'TllFRN ll-.'T-ITl Tlt-N', auecefeful beyond fill pm* eat with widely irereaeinif n and |><>|>uia:ily. SR DM)—lie Folieiea ate MlTL’ALAyD M»S Ft-HEEfTABLE TIliRI)—GOIJi I’oLIi'lE' wih he ireueii i« th*«e preferri* g. aud paying Etfcl :m4 in li-d-l or i'» equivalent in Cniieney. Ri UkTM—I* A HoAlE INsl ITL’TioS-; ALL MONl Y !*aID IS PRE'H7Wf X GE' UGlA Wil l. I.fc INVL.'1L1» IN (.tt/K'-ld, inner dueclioti of a LUUlk toARlMH-!>IKK«1< Rs FiKi ll—it has pi,hi all Losms FKoMPTLf and WITHOUT LITIGATION. ~ TOTTNO MAN 'NSURE; PROVIDE FOR TOUR iL* t SF—Tffty KAYMEST3 ARC SMALL; DO NOT DiFEU JT. MIDDLR-AOYD MA.N- NSURE f K--w ye>u are ip die full e .larsl-ment «J vnnr faenpiea ampia tha pritM wf Life ; iliia aum laid by may prove your BEST 1SVE -YM&NT. OLD M \N— VSUPE 1 Tou know vonr family esnn.-t ninrli longer l»av« «l»e benefit af yoar labor— Piac-e them,'beyond a doubt, abova want. RICH MAN S’ t’ltF! Mi-foHone mav overtake v*m ; <eeiire with a email portion oC- youp maaaa some;king CERTAIN’ for y >ur loved ones. Saw, especially, POOR MAN t F >r die f "-tunesof your wife an 1 little ones eonsisrs in TOUR LIFE. OTlio tmm ^DJC. Allc spiv IS rowiiim Dt^'vss fi.U. 50-2.1 BOLSHAW & SILVA IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN 1 < ROCKERY, ( III VA A\D GLASS WARE. Kerosene Lamps & Oil, Cutlery. Rritania & Plated Ware, llcit'e Furnishing Goads Gcnerallv ! ST JlTLVtN* SKYAN STS., (Between Whitaker st. t the Market,) M>18 SAVANNAH. - - - GEORGIA. General Agent, Baggs’ Corner, Bainbridge. Ga* 1* A. BETTS, G«-h. Agency Eedlcttl Lxaniiuer. REFER TO— Don. C. J. MUN’SFRLYN*- IT. O. CR\WF0RIi, Mes’r*. T. B.' HtVN& WEI L At <).. Ve-rn* • II. r-MlTH A Cu.. Jit Igv II V| ItEAtM, tlapt: A T. RKi;». Me-w* BKI.« HER-a liRRi Id.. Ft EulSG A i.UTULRFOKH Att*a-- neva. 1(1 W IK Mc'ill.:. A lit.W. R, At [ >*•! IH 8 4m. .'Lfns Savax- t‘" !*l".t.dl ti. gieet K Uu\ I>« IN 1 '• Hi- w.r. s -'n,*iH-ii.ii'j S.UiAy hi<t. ,„ lr V "is laiirfiyne, If. J. . 11 ^ ts. i. »/;,nd p "f the lolt.fn Ihmiki ^ M. . r>, h- frr, i«-1 F..»r dii. at Ii. i ml ►licet sstui 4 of CvUUUrv. DOORS, BLINDS, SASHES, &C, &C- Gf. H. IUvMSMART, 182 Xorth Side BAY STlvtiBT, Savannah, Ga, 184. KE.-PS COXSTANILY O' IIAM, A Sjiair^e ittucK. — OF— Poors, Sashes, Blinds, H oaldiojf, Balusters, NEWEL POSTS. dm stz .s made to order and at sui.rt mums. PA'K . ALL GOOD* CAREFULI T ALFRED HAYWOOD, wholesale DEALEH IK OYSTERS and FISH — r— ALL KINDS. Orders Promptly Executed I TERMS POSITIVELY CASfl. SAVAtTMAH, GA. non RITTERS! jtw ^tren^.thrnino and iwiooRxTrva tw OLD \S 'VEU, AS.YOITNU /IRK BRNFF'TEDi IKE INIKJOOD ifEM.Tir RE CLP FROM ITS tTsEL. E4T OK M.L TON It’S THE PUREST .4NDTIIK BFST KW M.r’iURK!) FROXI VEOKTdBLE SUB^'dNCE5- ONE DO<E oFTRN AF ORIiS RELIEF NOTHFN-T EQU AL to IT IN DYspERSfA. EW Sl’REt’UR'-' FOR WKAKVE-S \ND LfS-ITUDR jtiT B V ONE IfolTLE A Nil PROVE »Ts VIRTUES. EW INDiOE'U’tON RF.I.If VFJ) IMMEDI^TFI.Y jW TIIOU'tAVIX TESTIFY To ITS OOOD QU ALITIES. XV THE ONLY RELIABLE BITfERs IN U^E. XV KS’DE \ Vo f TO OKT A BOITf E OF IT. 0®- RF' OMMENDFD !'Y ALL WHO HAVE I/sED THEM. i®“ SOLD BY ALL’DRALKRs. ' 19- PRE ARED ONLY AT I HE LABORATORY OF A. A. SOLOMONS & r 0.« DRl OfilsTs. BAVANN.AH. <?A. AT POPULAR PRICES f J-.SsTAlfl ISHkD 1844- PYRAEUGE TUF. JUSTLT CELPBB.vTED CHILL AJtfl FETES EXPlil.I.Klt. A .-tow a Touir and Jpj»l'wr. 0vingtbepaltiM.» otxvuath and b liidlug up Ma aystetn- and kaaOUeitoau boor*the afc-ck- Mtlj Win. H. Davidson, IM IfajrStrerl, Savannali. Geo. Whiii.ruii.h and Retail Dealer Ik Forpl^n and ilcmeslie Wines tw> uqoiKS O f t'.e FIXES I QHUTIESi atoo ante Vgvn*. t-r I hr Siai o -.1 (iv-rgia ai-d Flori- •a, r-.r ibr aala ut Ma-rev. Hurl.," 4 ' o V Cele- biaied Puilxleluhta ije. Ordera auUeiied. Om. *, IM*. 1 -Bfik H. C. Mi KEB. D. M. BENNETT ScKER A BE.WETT, DEALERS IV Carriages, ISaggles, Baruoa, At., ie., Ac. Cornel Weal Broad a ad Bar Streata, SAVASSAn, GV. At tbia Extenalve Rvpooitory and Manufacturj will alwaye be fuuud a targe variety of all the ao-t faibinnable Carriage, Bockaway atd Bcggie y„ w jo om. All work rold and warranted si tbi* Eatahluhment will bo protected. REPAiaiSG EXECUTED IS BEST MAS KER. atbeasosablb ra:es. JaaS. ISO* u Ir ■I WHOLESALE ssfi *Ef lH DRY GOODS 121 BrascJitSD, Street, SAVANNAH. GEOBCIA, HAVE OPENEDTUEIB FAL.L, STOCK.!! ASD A. EOFFEBIXB «ni!AV< IS BOTH Imported tb Do . est GV : od». n WTXO «f»e oMWr firm itemaoenilT Hib?bhe<l a Kew T*»»k wk*re he h«y» l*rii*ri'.»n\ at aurti«*r.—*b«y ia«e ii ilia advaBtaire n( the L adiojr Nt'dhern H«#a» is itavuig a d run aell a» CHEAP In dniiitf with ib»ir en*<* r# ih«. atm at gaining tlapir «•»»• Silence, and ftevmanenrlj inf lh<*ir trade and temdnet h»ir rtriat ipbi of tue bi^baal iaiagritj, aad adbeia *umlf to tko 02*E FUtM itfilM ■ejlA’dW# 0