The Bainbridge argus. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1856-1871, November 27, 1869, Image 2

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    Jhcjfruubridflc Atgus
\% II,I,IS M. Rl'SKELI.,
- - Editor.
Ain't Editor.
The Legislature of Tennesseebas re-] If you go into a store and find the
jccted tlie 15th Amendment, , proprietor lying on the counter asleep,
Bishop Kavanangh preached in Coi- - VOT “"7 bet . vour boots ^ont adrer-
umbus on Monday and Tuesday last. 118e <
Visit to Savannah and Bruns
A few days ago we got aboard of
the Atlantic and Gulf Railroad cars
and made a trip to Savannah, think
ing that we might extend our visit to
the Macon State Fair, but were de
terred from so doing by the gloomy
reports aud fatigued appearances of
thosjc who had been there. Conse
quently we made our head quarters
nt that renowned hotel, the Marshall
House, which is second to none in
Savannah, or the South. All persons
connected with this hotel strive to
make its guests comfortable in every
particn'ar. Col. A. B. Luce is the
proprietor, aDtl’in order to test his
ability as the priuce of landlords,
call and see him when you go to
We were astonished at the great
improvements which have taken
place in Savannah during the past
few years. We passed through it iu
the Spring of 18G5. Then noihiug
could be seen but the blue-coated
Federals and the; tattered Confeder
ate paroled prisoners; now we see
thriving merchants, mechanics, and
nil kinds of business men, with smil
ing faces; and instead of the nnub
ling of Yankee artillery, we see less
war-like vehicles groaning under
the immense quantities of the fleecy
staple which is brought there iroxn
every quarter. Her wharves are
thronged with shipping from every
nation, testifying with unerring pre
cision her greatness ns a commercial
We cannot close this notice of
Savanuah without returning thanks
to the press for the courtesy they
extended ua during our stay in the
city; and we also thank Mr. Metcalf
of the Metropolitan fire company, for
l»is kindness in showing us through
the company’s hall and engine room.
Having a groat desire to see the
city of Brunswick, we accepted the
kind invitation of our friend W. G.
Davenport, Esq., to accompany him
t here.-
Arriving at Brunswick, we visited
several of our dear old friends who
for a time, during the “late unhappi
ness, - ’ were refugees among ns. We
also visited the office of that vigilant
little paper, the Appeal, over which
T. F. Smith, Esq., preside. 0 .
After meeting our friends, our host
rigged up a fine team and to< k us all
over Brunswick, and we can say
without the slightest doubt that it is
the loveliest village—or city—that
we ever beheld. The streets are beau-
tifully’shaded with grand old oaks.
The dwellings are not fine, but neat,
tastefully erected and substantial.
Brunswick has a bay sufficient to float
the navies of the world, and when
her railroad facilities are completed,
she bids fair to become a cifj'of greal
magnitude. We like Brunswick, but
d m’t think there is any danger of its
rivalling Savannah, though it may
become important. B. E. R.
Ex-Gov. Fitzpatrick, of
died on the 21st iost.
Death of Coi» Wm. O. Girardeau.
We learn from, the Savannah News that
Col. Girardean, of Monticello, Fla., died
at his resilience on the night of the 20th
The Superior Court is now iu ses
siou at Brunswick, J udge Sessions j ms t„ G f pneumonia,
presiding. |
It was believed a few days ago in Ma
con that a through train would pass over
the 514 B Railroad to-day.
Even - column of a newspaper con
tains from ten thousand to twelve thou
sand distinct pieces of metal the dis
placing of a single ootrof which makes
an erior.
Mayor Russell, we regret to see by
.he Augusta papers, declines to be a Mr Fra body’s Last G.rr.-The last,
candidate for re-elec.ion as Mayor of. tioMtion of j lr . p^body was made
* C1 fy ‘ | few day* previous to his death, and coo-
Brunswtck and Albany Railroad.— ; s’sted of an additiou of $150,000 to the
We learn from the Appeal that the in
junction served upon the B and A R R
by the Central Railroad company, bas
been dissolved by Judge Sessions.
At the nnnuul meeting of stockholders
of the South Georgia nnd Florida Rai£
road, held in Thomasrille, on the 12th
inst., fifteen Directors were elected, and
Hon R H Hardaway, re-elected Presi
dent, aud P S Bower, Treasurer.
A correspondent of the N. J. Herald
says the cholera, yellow-fever and small
pox are raging at Santiago de Cuba,
already munificent fund for the educa
tion of Southern children.
Heirs to three hundred acres of the
busint'ss centre of Louisville, Ky., have
suddenly sprung into existence. They
are about instituting suit against the
city to recover the property, which is
now valued at lliiity million dollars.
There is much excitement it conse
John D. Perdus.—John D. Perdue,
; an estimable young map, a printer by
j profession, esteemed for his noble tiaits
three hundred deaths having occurred i
from cholera aloue within the period of .
C q ^ j of character and generous impulses,
The Cubans in the interior are confi- \ 0,1 Monday night, after a protract
cleut of success.
Bottoms’ Hone Power.
The following from the Macon Tele
graph Messenger, of the 19th inst., is
evidence that onr friends, Dr. Hnnioon
and Gipt. Bottoms, are in the tide of
prosperity with their great invention:
Bottoms’ Horse Tower was tested yes
terday before the Committee on Machin
ery. As no mule was handy, six men
were substituted for one mule, although
eight is the rule. The six propelled a
iorty saw gin with great speed. Three
were then taken off, and the remainder
found no difficulty in driving it with n
full roll, so that three negroes can drive
nuy man’s giu fast enough with that
horse power. We understand the Com
mittee expressed themselves highly
pleased with the performance.
Thomas J. Bottoms, of Thomasville,
is the inventor of this horse power, nnd
. with Dr. J. W. Huutoou, of Albany,
holds the proprietary right. It has just
taken the first premium aud honorable
mention at Rome and Eatonton, and will
do the same here.
Vote ox Annexation of West
Florida to Alabama.—The vote, as
tar as received, gives 1075 for and
620 against the measure, there having
been no election held in Jackson, the
most important county in West
Florida, which contains more than
doable the population of any other
county, and, wo suppose, was next to
unanimous in favor of annexation.
The &uez Caual is said to be a success.
Its length is about 100 miles; its width
varies from 190 to 400 feet; its depth is
26 to 32 feet. Through this canal and
by the Pacific Railroad the trade aud
commerce of Asia with Europe and
America will be transacted. This canal
is classed among the greatest achieve
ments of this wonderful age,'
Our Washington dispatch says the
roll of the Ho.ise of Representatives
is made up, and that it excludes the
Representatives from Virginia, Geor
gia, Alabama, Mississippi, Texas and
Louisiana, except the Radical Shel
don, from ihe latter State. So far as
Georgia is concerned, we have no
cause to complain, as no representa
tives have been elected to the Forty-
first Congress.
ed illness.—At. Const.
A very singular statement is that
telegraphed from Washington by
“Van” concerning the tariff and
Grant's message. He says that “Grant
holds that in a subject which is no!
a party question, and upon which
excellent Republicans differ, he is not
called upon to make recommenda
tions.” In other words, Grant does
not dare put forth an idea of his own
unless the Radical fuglers endorse it.
Peabody vs. Vanderbilt.—Vander
bilt has had his statue built aud dedica
ted with appropriate ceremonies. Of
course he paid for it. The cost was $800,
000. Mr. Peabody completed his about
the same time. It consists of benefac
tions to various clmritable purposes to
the amount of $6,596,000. .- The one lias
fame—the kind of fame that will live so
long as there are hearts to bless and
tongues to praise him. The other only
cheap notoriety that will not last as
long as the appropriate metal of which
his statue is built.
We read the sail news of a Very de
structive fire in the progressive town of
Greenville, Ala. Her citizens lost
about $500,000, and only recovered
$15),000 by insurance. This is indued a
severe blow to her citizens, especially
wli A it may scr.iouslv relared her efforts,
in her great railroad enterprises. How
ever, we hope not.
London, November 23.—Communi
cation from Dr. Livingston dated
j Ljeje, May J3tli, 1869. state* that be
j is ib good health,.and is "being treat
ed well everywhere. #
Madrid, November 23.-^Tlre Bish
op of Havana was brought hefe to
day -under guard. ;
Liverpool, November 23.^-Sfftflt
failures of Liverpool grain dealers
are reported, including several firms ter
with extensive American connections.
. The ship Spendthrift, from Shan
ghai, with ten, was wrecked only
forty miles from the home poi^
Paris, November 23.—-Ministers
Bum beau and Lerotix are re-elected
to the Legislaiiff Corps.
Rome, November 23.—One hun
dred and fifty Bishops hare arrived.
There are many from America.
CorretUn Weekly by
j9l. T, RSID.
Bacon—Cleat sides lb 43 <2 43.’;
.Jlibbed sides. ft 23 ft
-Jtohouldera......,,..,,...... ...tb 20 60
• Canvassed Ham#,,,.,......... Hi 28 6h
Flocb—Superfine,, .bid 8 00 <3 1000
Extra-Family,,,...-... bkl il 00 fit 1400
Meal ,,bti 1 26 6}
Bice.,.., ,,,,,, .,,,,,....,,,,.lh- I'fljKj
CoiTES—Hlo lb 25 (3
Parched lb 13 ©
Java lb 40 (4
Suoab—Light Brown .Hs 16 @
Clarified............ 18 @
Crushed lb £5 6}
Stbttp Ral *5 IS
Salt.,. sack 3 00 ft 3 29
Tobacco—Average. ...... Hr 73 (3 1 00
Wheat Bhan ft 2 <3 2,‘j
Skkd Oats bn 1 33 ©
fonts bn 1 00 @
gnu gutortismtnts.
Ml E.
rrtHAT splendid Brick Store,-known ns r.Vggs’
I Corner, and at present occupied tty A T.
Reid. Esq., is hereby offered for sale, oft reason
able let me. Any one desirous of making a safe and
rateable investment, or of purchasing one of the
best business stands in Bainbridge, have an op
portunity afforded them in the offer of this store
for tale. Apply soon, nr yon i»»» be too late,
T. M. ALLEN, Agent.
gto gtdvtfrfemcnK
Pictorial Family Bible,
MOsf Fopclak & profitable
Confirms ir'krpr flian IA 6 IWs* slid »nn,L M
t rations; 50.0« ltcfe, cues Lire™,,,"
Not JT-K-tfV
ALA. BtiRfprouD.
H. H. Spear.
197 Bay Slrcel,
As’Aceftfs fot tfier vmions Manufacturers
of Virginia, we are prepared to fill ailorJers
for every grade and style, atSIaiHiCactiirers’
prices. rg~We pay the highest price* for
Hides, Beeswax, Ac. novStO 8 if .
JSpMinl gotiffs.
New York, November 23.—Dis
patches &om Cespedes to the New York
Junta state that the Cubans captured a
fort at I’aireville on the 8th. He savs
that twelve thousand men b»ve enlisted
in the Cuban anny since the fifth of
•Ju'y, and that greater confidence is now
felt iu the success of the cans*. The
policy ot destroying the cane fields will
be continued. One hundred and twenty-
two native Cuba s were shot near the
Cienaga, by order of Vahncsaaa.
Fatal Accident.—A German en
gaged in the saw mill of T. L. -Kinsey,
on the North side of the river, w hose
name we failed to learn, was acci
dently caught in a belt, at about six
’clock on Saiurdaj’ evening last,
thrown upon a circular saw, and his
body so terribly lacerated that he
died of Lis wounds at ten o’clock
yesterday morning.— Sav. Republican,
23d instant.
Sewing Machines.
If you want a good Sewing Machine for 40 dollar*,
call on G. W. Lewi*, at the Clothing Store, and get
one of Wilson’s Shuttle .Vachines—stitches alike on
both aides. For simplicity, durability and beauty,
they are withont a rival. G. W. Lewis, .4gent for l
Southern Georgia. oct23 4 bin
Bainbridge, Georgia,
BE now in the market with a SPLENDID
GOODS, consisting in part of—
- 'Cjtc*® els,
• CAT S.
rnvJ.T60 7 lv etG.A’C
Fever and Ague
Always Stop* the Chilli.
This Medicine has been before the Publio
fifteen years, and is Still ahead of all Other
known remedies. It does not purge, does
not sicken the stomach, is perfectly safe in
any dose and under all circumetanoes, and
is the only Medicine that will
and permanently every form of Fever and
Ague, because it is a perfect Antidito to
Bold by nil Druggists.
nov20 8 lv
able Trading or tlie ScripturtH,
Gclioaltyicul Tublvs. Tables i.f 'Mi aeiir.. ,'7
Coins. a bountiful li fcfiy limit,1
Album. «■*>•. n b, j.fmSKET,d b
Mbf * s " } "'. lu .’ r t ” ,,n .ytln-r oclidonj,,,-
aud t
e ‘ lfcarv, '' - - - bw
. 61#
Tws Jlontih ~
Most Pftpular Juvenile Paper ii#
All new subscriber* for Tne Little Corpora/
for the mir year, whose nafttes anti money
sent in before the last of November) will receive
the November nnd December Nos. of ]$69 fra
The Little Corpora! bss a larger circnl.-
lion than any other Juvenile Mngazi ne j„ ft,
world, nnd is better worth the price than > nr
other magazine polished. Because of it s foV
mcose circulation, we are enabled to fnrnisl, u
at the low price of ONE DOLLAR ayear-sin.u
number 12 cents; or fi«i to any one who will
try to raisen club. Beautiful prcminmsforclnh.
Subscribe NOW. Back numbers can alwsv" hi
sent. Address ALFRED L. SEWELL A (U
Publishers, Chicago, Illinois.
§e«r gulvfvtbcmcutjs.
Tlte ffer, F. TELLEII BABBIT ft. D.,
poses to at)th rl school for both hj.\©i». in the city
of Bninbridge f on Monda.v th©6th of Doo**uib«M\
in the second bonso west of the residfnee of B
0. 8eotf, E.«r{. The charges for tuition will cor
fcsponil frith tlio?c pfctffjling in this plsice.
Xorembe” 2f>«l*V 1800' 2t
511 PRIZES: 311,320
Ligut fkom a new Quatek. — One Ze-
puiak Platt, who is by the grace of what
is called “reconstruction’’ a circuit judge
in South Carolina, has dreamed a dream
and it has made him prophetic. When
men of his ilk talk thus, be sure the
light is breaking, In a recent charge to
the Grand Jury of Barnwell District he
said that “he thought, that, ntno distant
day, in lee 1 he lo >k -d forward with
pleasure with the belief that in another
year all the offices in the State would be
filled by intelligent native white Carolina
Arpr.oPF.iATE Delicacy.-Mark Twain’s
last was a very palpable hit, considered
where it was delivered. The place was
the “Huh," and he was lecturing on the
Sandwich Islands. Speaking of the
canibals, he said: “at this point I usu
ally illustrate cannibalism before the an-
jdience; but I ntn a stranger here, and
diffidentabont askiug favors. However,”
Georgia Press Association.
Macon, November 17, 1869.
Tlie Association mot at. 7 o’clock, at
the City Hall, and was called to order by
the President, Joseph Clihby, Esq.
On motion, S. A. Atkinson was re
quested to act as Assistant Secretary.
The following papers were represented:
Chronicle and Sentinel. A. It. Wright;
Constitution, I. W.’Avery; Columbus
Siid, Thomas Dewolf; Cnthbert Appeal,
H. H. Jones—J. P. Saw tell; LaGrange
Reporter, C. H. Willingham; Dawson
Journal, S. R. Weston; Americas Cour
ier nnd Monteznma Sentinel, E. Chris
tian; Georgia Farm Journal, .J. F. She-
ent; Atlanta New Era, I. W. Avery,
(proxy;) Telegraph and Messenger, Jos.
Clisbv; Savannah Republican, Joseph
Clisby, (proxy;) 'Southern Banner aud
Farmer & Artisan, S. A. Atkinson;
Griffin Star, S. A. Atkinson, (proxy;)
Central Georgian, J. M. J. Medlock;
Bainbridge Argus, H. H. Jones, (proxy;)
Albany News, C. W. Styles.
The Committee cn Legal Advertise
ments Olid advertising generally, made
a import, eml/raciiig schedule* of rates,
which was laid ever)
1 7101* sii’e a few Lundred bu<!iol.*, grow
jec+l received last Spring irum
Popularly known as the '‘nErt'fJEfl&Ofli, KY. LAND
BA1/E/' granted a special charier by the Kentucky
Legislature, ai d endorsed by the Governor, the
’United Shite* Senators and 500 of the most prominent
Citizens of Kentucky.
Capital Prize 6150.000,
• Simatii st i'rize $&0.0O
camprfiini; fiie rieHest Ohio Fivcr-lintl-im TuIkkto
Lands aud most \skiablc eitj* l«»tF iu Henderson Co.,
Ky. None of this'prtfprfTy in #01 fh tess than #2U»
per acre each in gold^aud tnosf of if Js Worth from
$1,000 to H,0Mriper aero. /fesitleB the above prizes
there is one prize of 85,000 in currency, two of
*1,200 each, and four of 8600 i i. •h RO to tin*
winners of tin* first Helen iinzen rtsi>eetivelj-. Final I
ilniwiiiK will take plaec LKCKMlil R 28th,‘lw:». at
^laronje Temple, Loninville. Kv. In n>d«r to avoid
he rtf -h of !he M.-f fe«- tfsjs and fro. e vonr ti.-lists
property TcRfsfen d. b(i>- ai ouee of vonr nearest club
agent, or it-mit by Express (pre paid). Draft, post t).
money order, or registered letter, to either of the fol-
low-rug finaneiai agents, who will furuisb fuli d, scrii-
tive circulars.
r,. II. Lyne, Casb’r Farmers Bank. Henderson. Kv..
R. 1). .ib xtttlder, O mmenHel Kauk. Isiulsvilie, Ky..
•lobnC. Isitbr-ift, Ftesiiunt Bank, Hopkii “
Z*3~ -®3S.
prepared to furnish all classes with constant
employment at borne, the whole of the time or
for tbespare moments. Business new, light and
profitable. Persons of either sex easily earn
from 60c. lo $6 per erening, and a proportional
sura by derating their whole time te the busi
ness. Boys and girls earn nearly as much as men.
That all who see this notice may send tbeir names
and test the business, wo make this unparalleled
offer; To such as arc not satisfied, we will send
SI to pay for tbe trouble of writing. Full par
ticulars, a valuable sample, which will do to
commence work on, and a copy of The People’s
Literary Companion—one of the largest and best
fninily newspapers pub'lshcd—all sent free by
moil. Reader, if you want permanent, profitable-
work, address E C. .ALLEN & CO. Augusta,Me
Ask your DtfctrJr or Ttraggfgt for SWEET
ftl'lNIXE—it equal* (bitter] quinine. Is made
only by F. 8TEARNS, Chemist, Detroit.
The Forest, Best and Cheapest
Holiday Journal for 1870.
Containing a Fairy Story for Christmas, P| sv ,
Puzzles and Wonders. 16 large pages, illostrat-
ed. Sent FREE on receipt *( 9 cent stump f„ r
postage. ADibMS A UO , U BrWACeld SiTeeL
Boston, Massachusetts.
(TTl JiTEll-S «L fnE. _Tbe WS7-
JO. 22...00 sold. Tell, bow to bunt, train
ALL animals from mink to bear. $10 tanning me
C4 pages, well bound; every boy needs it. RKilim
Money refunded if not satisfted.- fiftly 45c, imutiw,
address MPXTEK k CO.. Publisters, HinsdablxH
TT TOMEN of New York,
I I / the Under World fire of Ore*’
1 Ilf C,f F- Yhc sins of every class of society er-
lllf posed. Avoid the Railroadto thtih, Mem lent
9 V danger are np. More fnr.ney in H f„ r Uv ,
1 I -gents than afty oil-r book.- 'take,
presses all the time to print fast cnrtbii tm
agent took 178 orders in IO days. 740 pages, fiS'nv
trations. Price $3 60. Agents wanted; an*-,'y.
Y. RtX)K CO.. 145 .Yassan street, .T. y,
Star Jor Ertnjb\dy: siltiS
THE WEST, 1870, A n H-;r:igr X' Hi Yrrsajivt f-
weekly, giving cinrent seenlsr hew*. Edited 63 Act.
Dr. YY1 lliaMsi>n & J. S. OxNTWki.1. • 5?- per rear tit
advance. Premiums to new subscribers. Send lev
specimeft. Address WtLL tXWSOTV & CANTRELL/
Cincinnati, Ohio,
n frOn.
Da vn>
•fames L. Dallam, Ct.-mibercial IL-tnk. Pad..i-tb,’Ky.’ 11®® MA**IO COMB w:
li. G. Tltotuns, 1 :sshier, Le*»n-»<m, Kv, ! hair or beard to a permanent
.' Ji. Tyl-r.'itcV ?>cpoiit tiittit, (Mritei-iro, Ky. t Comb sent by mail for #1. Fo
DirKHt»s. of Oxford, Ua.
the advantages op tui- t»vi-::iTiiE
I-t, It will yield from fifty to one hundred pet |
cent more per acre 2nd, fi 1- f,,.,,, three to ,-ig j OOMltTI'i
weeks earlier iu maturing, did. Ti>e 1>->||. being i IO"'•DV.
near t-g-tber am! the li t slightly attached, it
if more easily, picked. This year I finished
planting the Sill day of .May. made a good crop
and had nn-y a few scatte ed bolts to piek nftei
the -titli ol October, pi ice, Hacked and delivered
at uiy gin house nr a the Depot* . Thomasville
$2 per bushel—US pounds. - Oiders by mail to
i bntnaseillc, or lelt.with K. Remington A Sun.
will he promptly filled. For common seed de
livered at tuV gin I will fxrlan-r une fiirsi
noviO 9 tf It. 11. LUCREY.
•\ "KD—AtifNTS—c
n-berc, to sc!] Co
II Italic ♦<-. ^i-out doon,or «lWeiJingo, Ui.Iy toil | _ '
work v -• 01 tW&U\Ae* A<1- , |*f Af\
lrt.ts Go no i, l.. MsiKri'ArTffRY, KaaI | OAlzV
ill change any colored
/Hack or />ro>vn. One
r sak* hy fm* reliant* and
rlmggist* generally. Address Magfc t’oinb Company,
rp Door j -Springfield, Ala**. -
How I made it in six monHis. Secret and
Hswnpie mailed free. A. J. Ftulaiu, X. Y
WANTED—AGEKTR, *268 per month to sell tlir
only Gi-.NtHNE IMPftOTKDtf*t>SfM >X S*»8E F
ILY SEWING MACHINE. Price only *f<*.. ur t*t
iiidnceniCDts to agsnts, TIiIm is the rnest poi sbf
.Vcwing Maeliiyc of the day—makes the lametis
oElastic Lock Stiteli rt a_#fifd»-any kind,of Work tint
cau be done on any machine—Kill.OOO sold a ml the
demand constantly increa.-ing. .Vwisthe tine tt‘
take an Agency—si-iid for cbcnlars- rrj- f,rearin'
mf. ingert, -** Addrvr.,bkXIuMFS A CO.,
ilassschfisicffs. Piffstwirfif Pa.. St. I,o»ris. Jft,
3 waves, letter than ever: /.'ieli, rare, rary; l.ehre
Fze; 40 columns. Urgant $3 etce) plate •'•i.vuat. v
ine ,r gratis t > every subscrib e. ( ,bJ y 7.V. fr.rswls t-
Fear—-Steel plate FllKE—specimens ticcnjs—«(b!n-s
BANNEft, Hinsdale. N. H. -
. — inlt' WHITTIER, 9 Wylie street, Piffcbtirg,
Al! Ft 1! EVERT I JJ po., 01 O', treafeaS F.omrral
Ui.'versUists Lcrc.'
1S27—STAR IN Til E WTii. "* - ^tO.
seminal Ser.iiirtts, jnqsicncv, ter
the resuit of self-abuse, trend -i sSainjis for 'scaled
panlpMct, 50 pages. No matter who fafled,. sfalc the
Commission Merchants,
O FFER to th» Planters and Afeichants of
Southwest Georgia, Florida aqd Alabama, ,
superior advantages for the sale of Cotton,
Syrup, Oranges, and other produce. Cash ad
vances made on shipments when desired.
They also invite attention to tbe largest
stuck of
Tobaccn, Liquors and General
Groceries .-
evor brought to Columbus. They have secured
the services of Col. Robert Myers, formerly of
Apalachicola, and Mr. R*.ry McNeil who will
be glad in see their old friends. nov27 3m
An *igliI page- .Family J.»-rnal. o' ” *°
U'-ivei-s.ilisnt. arui eot.lnitjitig List nry, , i
ti itUtiral ami Seientilie : nteHigettcc ctti-i-cnr..
Religious mid Seetilnf news. Edited by J]cv.
Dr. Wtt.t.t'Ms i; and J. S. Cantv kii- $2 60
pet- year in udvat r<] |ircnifnm to cv. t v t.ew
subscriber: send for s-ecitteti. Tl:*"
u-|i,i snbserilveNOW ret the paper iliy I>.-■ I
•nice <>f Hie renr F'RKK. Addrc s WILLIAM
SON <t UANTWKI.f.. Cincinnati. Pllio.
Fever ahd Ague, or Cliiils,
Cot-did fi'* fro
Agents warded cvirywlictei. sell tnc Amo iraA
K-nluintg filnrltine, tlie only prs<ti,-;ii 1'anii.r
Knitting Machine svtr invented, pi t . $•«; Will
knit 40.0:0 stifrtie.s per minute.- .tft'tve- s sristts r
Ksrrriyti 31 \rntvr. 1 "n. H.-sft.n. 3*S*s. ttr Kf. fAilnji'ff
\’*ntev , ,T‘ '
i mi
*Fc are loiuiing !|
^ j
T ilt G*ent Gv1s;ir.n\ticiUar Watlc of DRY
and NC' GOODS, and Trill yffUcnl fo anj* per- f
sou s'-ndiug a ^‘ub, a Wak!’/ iww, I'ieee of ‘
Free of Cost.
Th* iVtatk Fair.—There appears to be
pretty general dissatisfaction among
the attendants at the late State Fair with
its management; bat, we presume the
Executive Committee did the best they
. 00aid under the circnmstances. Had
two blunders been avoided, the Fair
would doubtless have proven a success—
the effort to get tip too big a thing, for
the first, and th$ location of the Fair at
Jfacon. The Fair Grounds should be
permanently located at or near the city
of Savannah.
ization reported the following -ffieers of
the Association:
For President. Joseph Clisby; 1st Vice
President, A. R. Wright; 2nd Vtoe
President, Cary W. Styles; Recording
Secretary, S. A. Atkinson; Correspond
ing Secretary, Ck H- C. Wiilipgham,
Executive Committee: I. W. Avery, J.
he continued, “if there is any one pres- j H. Christy, T. De Wolf, S. R. Weston,
ent who is willing to contribute a baby i M- Dwinnell.
for the purpose of the lecture, I should ' ^ r - Medlock moved that a committee
be glad to know it now.’ lam aware, i three be appointed to draw np a bill,
though, that children have beftime ! ’ , - > he presented to the next sessiou of
scarce and high of late, having been t,le Legislature, regnlating the legal ad-
thinned ont by neglect and ill treatment, vertising in the various counties of this
since the woman movement began.” i t^tate. The motion prevailed and the
»—■ — 1 - — | Clttiir appointed Messrs. T. DeW-df. A.
Piatt has been ini- n. Wright aud J. M. G. Medlock, as the
The Committee on Permanent Organ- 'T UIE I >RESI1) E>‘ T *r* fec f ri«jMtrc !. a u-
O JL jouncing to 111* tricui!s_anj |-atrons in
proving the shining hour, recently, Committee.
Mr. C. W. -Styles, from the committee
For Fur* Water, u*.
this celebrated Pump,
entirely tasteless,
dnraMs nad reNa-
Ms; equal to the
good old-fashioned
wooden Pump, and
eoet less than half the
money. Easily arranged
so os fo be non-freezing,
and in construction so simple
that sny one can put it up and
keep It in repair.
- the ftifKSi tX-pogitros Mrjj.if,
‘ who have va tarrt: nwardi-d
Af&ututtriftl l.nlri^ffiwtr* fn iitV- —"iintr-; -s ttrr!
tiisir work- is tlitrarKnowlr<lc< 4slafiilnid i f
I nertenn ia ift> denaHment; «tS>H4«ttty eaneeerr
8ond for Cataloj-ue of Goode and stuttple/—deliver- : that, Witji entoialod^utHl iitiolith. and
cd to any address free. j tw? eaolu.rive ilse „r rcCeiit fffipt prtventi, that liey
J K nifirrs < n-e proilucillg ,ja 6rrr>p'erfe* Oygav,L,a„rar Warn
. ». UAHLh Si CO.) j OTgrc:,t.verie{yMtostjlc s+~Jeiie,- sdiph-rt .tdiii*
138 & JJ30 Pedcrnl St., Bust on, Mae*., 1 P"™? _***
P.O. JJoxC.
^ Z?.—Samples given on application fir catalogne.
: SDfl pliv.qfe trktF, for R(*r*nf», Lihti'
VilbeRt 8t
/Yns diploma at office will show. In* be,,.. I
longer eningvi the b calmer,t of VeaCowi'i
Sexual and Private Di.-ease, than any other
physician i n !?(. Louis
Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Gleet, etriclnre, Oiehiti- 1
Hernia, and Rupture; ail Urinary Diseases and i
Syphilitic or Mercurial afflictions* of thc’ISroat. •
Skin or Bones, art treated with anparaile,] !
success. j
Spermatorrhea. Sexual Debility and Impo '
teney as therorixlt of seif-abose in youth, rentn 1 I
exee.-s in mature year-, or other cau c, »r.,l !
which prodtrse some of tbe 6.1‘owing effwt*, ,, i
nocmrnalemissions,bl tciics, debility, dizziness
dimness ofroght contusion of ideas, evil forbod-
mgs, aversion to tbe society of females, loss of
memory and sexual power, and rendering mar-
rtage improper, are permanently cured.
Dy, Whittier publish** a JUdicul J’owphl-t
relating to venereal diseases and the disas-ro.,-
and varied e. nsiiytfences of self abuse, that w 1
be sent to any address in a s-ii ed envelope for
two stamp-. Many physicians introduce nation 1.
CHSC r, - m> T)RRFECT MANHOOD—Essays for vonng
“BlATCHIAr X Men, on the evils of SELF-ENNERVA-
i’lOX, with certain help for the erring and nn-
fortnnato. Sent in sealed letter envelopes, free
"f charge. Address Howard Association, box
P., Philadelphia, Pa.
Tlie Celebrated
Stewart Cook Stove!
OYER 100,000 IN USE.
Will do more work with tlie same amount of fuel
than any other Stove ever made.
Exclusive MsDnf a-tnrers
Descriptive pamphlet* sent free.
by some coinplimeLtary nllusions to
Senntor Chaudler, of Michigan, who
has just been heard from nt Rome,
“where he is sitting for his bust.
‘Can s'oried urn, or animated bust,
revive the drooping glories of depart
ed sprees ? says D. P. How natural
it is for the famous statesman to have
an animated bnst in Rome. Has he
not had a hundred in Washington?
He could have filled Ccrcoran’s new
gallery with them. The artist ought
not to work in mar ble, but give ns a
head of brass, with a pedestal of pan
copper taken from the protected
mines of Michigan, for the profit of
which this great statesman makes ns
pay tribute. And then it will be like
the molten calf worshipped of old.”
on Constitution and By-laws, reported
a constitution and moved that the mem
bers present sign and endorse the saute,
and that it be sent by the Secretary to
the various publishers ol the State, and
when signed by a majority ol them shall
be considered effective as the Constitu
tion of the present Association ol Geor
gia. Which was agreed to.
The report of the committee on Or
ganization was taken np and adopted:
On motion, the Secretary was request
ed to forward a copy of the constitution
to each of the publishers of this State,
and request them to signify their en
dorsement or rejectment of the same,
On motion, the Association adjourned ,
subject to the call of the President.
S. A. Atxinson, Secretary. I
Jirtspcfla of this wolf fcmtwn- Institution were
sever rnuio pitoouragir.g tint a *t present, aud
that, ir thcii want io b«*tow a thorough educa
tion on tbeir daughters, he offers them et La
Ycr; superior inducements and advantages.
Every department will be under the charge of
co at potent teachers, of abiilly aad experience-
Rev, Victor E. Manget, formerly Piofessor in
the Miliiarjr Academy vf Manet:*, being one of
tbe number.
Tbe course of studies is tfcorougb;and practi
cal, atld is fully up to tbaiuf aay female college
at the dumb.
Tbe rules to he observed at ib« College are
such as irili secure- gut-d. conduct, perfect rect-
tations arts! complete Order.
The rtguiar cnarges. f.-r the Spring Term,
which.opens on tbe 14):h day of January, 1S70
and cuntiuucs twenty-"
Tuition in College itfcs.-es
Tuition iu Academic class*
Extra charges, for extra branches. Tuition iu I „ _ ’ “ o>. uauir, XI — ! »»"n. r ourtn—Wo time is waited in takinS'll,.
Music 30 00 " 0Or, > 9 a - m »«* T P- "*• Sundays 12 tv 2 p. m. ! ••'xe out of tbe cut. Fifth-WUh the sLme f ^ !
Board may be bad on application totb. Pres- j
nlent at 815 per monih. Total expense per year, I«<* $35. The only rc-habte low price' sbutti^mj: ! *** P*mt«i red. H-fw hardwire stove Am
for board and tuition, in regular course, S200.00. j 2i” i ^f7 e ”5? de - the under feed and uses the | not keep onr goods, vTwill^l^dl? ■
SPECIAL REGULATIONS. (i^fddaZ ihr an ^ sample of new I iniries or fill your orderT'or five on'the 6r ' D_
"" E- B^vrut & | of the nearest dealer wbo’keeps our Axes
^ 1 - ---nr T— I - s lipmncoti * WnIll,
fi SOgSSdOCerJwfflS i ft* •— «'s^i'StriSai
paid weekly to agent, everywhere filing our - - -
Patent Everlasting White Wire Clothes Lines.
Wr,,e f ' ,r P^f'cnlar, to. the Girard
Wim \fil.a ( /Al Yn.tL Tl: a rs. w, .... _
riujH-\hi^ic KooifaH, Ha!K Muf,*,-
Sraen0/*c.? f.Thwi nnA tlr^riht
tharjifc euOblvii l?y iiicir vucanalkj ArtMtie* for
iiiitn*fki-tnECLt(^mHra| oi fofdh4r jSft.
Tliri recent UEprovem^ufj l.*t thaw Wfan? fart
inp&Hed tifi ir dM-^l^Urr» that tin y
are T’U.qnt fffioiiabTy flic Jtioht atslrjMt'
oMaiimblri: fur family use, a* ^ 'fcurclio /
schoots'. ic., wui!**- the jrrite* at wtiW* *** W
afforded <$50 to $i0U0 ad?l'Uhk» tott*
aim mjinreni’entif of all claiie#*. they »w
adapted to secular and sacred liiUeic, uu. * p G an i t
furbitdre, occupy »re irt liaWe Ur •
of.order,-*nut requiring tuning once, where 2 pue-
f'^rte. fe tailed twenty timc^—nre >cry dnnw»U
more cagy to lcarn*lo play npoD than the pianofnifr-
Wff M. and H. OrK*u*{'a are now wlling-Fors**'
TAve Organs for each 7 : fiv*Wtavk j**ht&B*
stop#*, with t\yo seta of vjimiatobs,
other styles at prop'Artionate rati-«- r • ; \ - ’■} *
For tiie teatiuiony of the snperinrtty of th«r vt-
gan<«, the Mason k Hamlin Organ Co. ^
fer to the musical profession generally; a majority^
testimony mat U1« mittiuu « uuumu via***" # ,i
others. A circular con tain ingthia testimony 1Ti: .
will be sent to any one desiring it, alao »'desrripo
circular, containing full particular* re*pectii»ff•
instmmonts. with correct drawings of the differs ^
styles and lowest price®, which arc fixed and i&van*'
ble. Address •''
396 Broadway, N. T. PH4 Ti-emoiit at.
W llnoui opeciacies, uorvir vt e»'-—■ -- J-
poet-paid, otrreceipt of 10 cents. Address wr.
E. B. FOOTE, (author of Medical Co*mcn Sentr)* 1 '’
12U Lexington Ave., vor. East 28th street, N,
WAY with uncomfortable TRUSSES/-’
Effort amJ cu>* fo* He F"—^ S *"
paid on rtdeipt.of Iff oentsi
E. B. FOOTE, No. 120 Lexington .
per month paid *°
salary or OdBunitnae,
at Cboxnvs LE*®. Addre^
The danghtere of Ministers, who live by their Co., Cincinnati, Ohio]
mini .try wili be educated, in Ike re^aiar coarse,
free ef eharge.
Feeline satisfied that the people of South-
westera Georgia and Florida can finjL noydace
to convenient, ami at the same time, an healthy,
•o cuuvwwri, ai me same ume. ADtioatthy. Win* \r;p Q oci v- . \ ~ z ^
os Talbotton, forthe education of their tfanvh- i Ml "*’ 261 yorth Tb,t * S ‘-. Philodel.. Pa.
ters, we bare arranged ear vacation especially!
to suit the demands of patronage from those i
section*. Hereafter iter anneal be
in tbe Winter instead o/ Fall os heretofore; end
there will be only a short season of rest in July,
after each commencement.' For further particu
lars apply to the President'
HENRY D. MOOSE, Talbotton, Ga.
N. B.—I will (D. V.) leave Albany, Ga., for
Talbotton on Wednesday, January 5th, 1|70,
and will take charge \jT any young ladies, who
desire to enter tbe College at the opening of tho
Spring Term.
u«t2U 9 4t 11. D. M.
W i
VATBD—rverywhere—AGENTS —
8250per month, male and female" to
mtrodnee the Genuine Improved common
senw Family Sewing Machine,underfeed and
overfeed styles, price only *18. These rna-
fc ‘”£l!7 U ’ tack - bind, braid.
cOTi.gatherand embroider. The cloth can
m k i be _ p ” neJ a P* rt eTe “ after every other.
Jjrtehi* cut Every Bucbine warranted five rear*
i * W,Te *f Ia ' 7 T * «“»ntoion from
which twice the «monut can be made. Address for
GEO “ G * McEoxhbo* * Co.,
W« will tend a* hands
any book
, „ ,”aarsGidjf.
mi»m,. ch,r|!e ' Address NA-
A B F»JjrMpCw te ? —P ° r How *° n *he the
Everybody buys it 600 soldiS toSnSSS'
H^radsmasingletownrdnp. Agents caTfl^ P no
ho-areniar- Address ZEIGLER. JI?CtIHDY^'* C^
^Hriladelphla, Fk, Uneuato, Ohro.orW. LotofiAfo;
$75 to $200
«ell our Patent White Wjhje uloxiif* vor
Hudson River Wire Works, 75 WilJUu* street, *
York, Chicago, Kichmond or Jfemphi*. _——-
4 LBS. GOOD BUTTER—Made front
of milk, without drugs fieud 2i<t.aua ,, _^
and get recipe with full prfHiculars. \ery »
able. Address N. M. LINTON, Wilmingt^J
Both in quality and quantity of l>"®' .j
Agents will testify, being the Oldest H iF
the country, selling each urtiele for 0***.
shipping all Goods tbe day the order ts rere , t-
having a large stock to select from oftn
Qpods, boughlexpressly for fhR ,B . ' tj 0 r
satisfy afl that we are reliable, we P re . cem
(reference by permission), Jordan, N»rs
George S. Winslow A Ob, Boston Sil«f
Co.; Lee A Shepard. ro-y tS
P. 8.—Sand for circular; address EA pjji
A KENDALL, ii Hawley strect, Bosto«
office box B.
Executor’s Sal®-
r f persnanoe of the lost Will and Tested,
Park. latoorMetviwe«berOounly,^^r w »a
sold before the Coart House door /n
Greenville, Meriwether County, »*“
in December next all the land BelonginS
of said deceased, to wit the following
unimproved kinds : Lot No. 8 in
Colquitt ConntvR*.; Lots -Vb*.
378 and 385 in the 27th District of lw«n r -af*
containing 430sens each. Ml*°H**~
of adhriaion. «ttee
October^th, l^StM-tds,