The Bainbridge argus. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1856-1871, December 04, 1869, Image 1
WILLIS M. RUSSELL, kpitok A N p pRopkietor. w.vilAaASvery Saturday'Morning. dOunter to -till treating all private diseases, ner- .. lability, humors, and Wood poison*, affec- » 0B * , <he^brottt and bones, disorders of the with nflparallel.d .access, Unites not only the admiration and astomsh- £wt oVlsadin* eitixens, but of the medical ^ItLnU-msls and female, married or single l*”- from imprudence, inbdnslderatenessor ***”_ .1-.. r e*t assured of the satee seal, **- seereey and attention being paid to mmi which heretofore has so successfully 21,!£ShedV A in his peeulUr department practise. Those suffering from old Trouplicsted diseases or the sad effects of i. si^relions in youth, whose cases have been S or mismanaged by the wilful deprav- j, . huneline ignorance of medical pretenders, *L„ nn eited to call. Medicated vapor, elec ts .ad other baths administered whtti neces- U \ Contdential consultations, in person or tree. Medicines sent anywhere. No or ssaieous drugs >sed. Cures war- Qgce So. 183 Third st., bet Green and WsinuL near the' postoffice, Louisville, Ky. Offi boor. 9 a- a. to 7 r. Sundays, 10*.s. mlis July 10,1860-40-ly 3. BERElSir OLIVES. t'ettea Factor and General Commission Merchant, •re 99 Bay Street, Savannah, 0s. Liberal advances made on consignments of cotton, Wool, hides, ajnup. &c. Prompt personal attention to all order a plantera supplied with bagging, rope and ties, at Invest market rotes. Jamea H. Colbert, Agent at Bainbridge, Ga. WpW8-tf FLABTAT10N BITTERS This wonderful Vege table restorative is the slicet-anchor of the feeble and debilitated. As a tonic and. cordial for the aged and languid it has no equal among stomach ics* As a remedy for the nervous weakness to which women arc espec ially subject, it is superseding every other stimulant. In all climates, tropical, tem perate or frigid, it acts as a specific in every species of disorder which undermines the bodily strength and breaks down the animal spirits* Wherever it is intro duced it becomes a standard article—a me dicinal staple. It is to-day the best and purest tonic, hud the most popular medicine in the civilized World—be sure and get me genuine. Sold by all Druggists, Grocers and Country Stores. octlly Qroovtf, Stnbbs & Co. POTTOJT FACTOBo , AND Commission Merchants, &AY STREET, SAVANNAH, GQJBGli. vorn *"ri™uu!to out 0 A ** 1 «B<i Liverpool- GnxwiCTi, ****imnk, •&* A * T * Macintyre, Dry-Goods and Gtoeerie*. A A. ALLEN A CO*. Dealers in Orygoods and Groceries, at Vaughn A Gibson’s old stand, Corner Broad and Broughton Streets. T B. HUNNEWELL k CO., whtffesale and retail A. dealers iu drygoods and groceries, broad street. Baud retail dealers in dry- « at Baggs’-eoimny broad st. •pATtABBQN *ifo*Alk,< A groceries, west side court E H, HatlTlf If 00.. drygoods and grocery mer chants, aouth-broad street. 1 J. TOKLLV80A-, dealer in staple and fancy dry- - ahsen, hardware, fine liquors, lie., house square, brougbtdn street. M LA. BUTHEHiFORD, wholesale ani and commission merchant, east gtobef DAVIS A CO., wholesale and retail dealers in . dry-goods, groceries, etc., east water street. a ELCHER8 A TERRELL, dealers In dry-goods, 1 groceries, stoves, tinware, etc., east water street. J ;B. HELMS, grocer and commission merchant, corner clay and natltefe street*. " 8. HOPSON, dealerin dry good* and'- groce ries, south-broad street. Byot Makers. E^e '. HIATT, boot and shoe maker. Repairing neatly executed. West street. W T. SMITH, boot and shoe maker. Repairing promptly and skilfully executed. East water st. Drugs, Medicines, &c. T R. WAR DELL, druggist and apothecary, east side court house square, broad street. D R. J. D. HOYL & BRO., dealers in drugs, medi cines, toilet articles, perfumery, etc., south- broad street. Saddles and Harness. ' BORjY, dealer in saddles, harness, bridles and leather* west street. N 1 OEL GAlNfcY & CO , dealers in saddles, bridles, harness, &<5., east Water street. Painters. 117ESCOTT H. COLEMAN, plain and ornamental ” house and sign painter, coraor broad an brongh- ton streets. . JA CKSONT house, sig&v diid Carriage painter, over T. B-. HimneweH ■& oo’g, broad street Milliners and Dressmakers. ah*. M. J. REYNOLDS, fashionable miliner and dressmaker, corner water and crawford streets. KS. C. A. PARSONS* ftSWoftkbfe milliner and dressmaker, cOiner of brodghtota and clay sts. Attorneys at Law. ILLEN Ac HINES, attorneys at law, office over the store of J. P. Dickinson & Co >t south-broad fttreetr. F LEMING a RUfBeBFORD, attorneys at law. Of fice over 3. A. Utts A co’s drng store. 0 AMPBELL k GURLEY, attorneys at law and ebt- icitors ih equity. Office in court houses *IJ/£ k CRAW^OUD* atturtoefrs at law. Office in j court house* W HITELFY & DONALSON, Attorneys at Law. Office in Sunborn’s Block, Brough ton street* Miscellaneous. I DMEEV JOHNSON, dealer in sWVeS, tinware,' 13 house-furnishing goods, Ac., SOnth-UrOcd street. BR! E. J. jfORGAN, ofiers his professional services ” to the citizens of the city and vicinity. Office in Bower’s block* up stairs,' south-broad street IYRS. FARRAR & JONES, offer their professional ” services to the'eitizens of Cambridge and vicinity. Office over E. H. Smith’s store* D iB. M. L. BATTLE, surgeon dentist. Office over Rockwell A West’s store, south-broad street W C. SUBERS, dealerin watchea clocks, musical instruments, etc., west street jewelry, and family groceries, south-broad street. EWIS ROBB, barber and hair dresser, broad st., j under. Exchange saloon. f AS WATT, practical gunsmith and dealerin guns, — pistols, ammunition, etc., west street IBSIKMU At’TS, BAIKBRISOE, GA. THEY WiLL BUY OR SELL ANY LAND IN SOUTHWESTERN Oft SOUTH ERN GEORGIA. THEY WILL SELL, BUY OR RENT ANY PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF BAINBRIDGE. THEY WILL INSURE ANYIIPROPERTY A G AIN T LOSS BY FIRE. THEY WILL INSURE THE LIVES Or EVERYBODY - IN GEORGIA. CALL AND SEE THEM office: BROUGHTON STREET, OPPOSITE COUBT HOUSE. JylVtf INCORPORATED 1056. ODS! Columbus Factory Columbus Factory u Checks. limbus Factory Jeans fpr Trowscrs. Vj&*3tFiELD. Land and Town Lots FOR SALE ! GREATEST BARGAIN EVER OF FERED IN DECATUR! ! I OFFER my-FLINT RIVER FARM for sale, at a great sacrifice. It cost me five thousand dollars before the war; contains 160 acres land, more or less, and seyen or eight town lots on the south west boundary. Said land extends from the city limits to Tonge's Factory, on the Flint river, a distance of one mile. About one hundred acres open land oh the place—no improve ments. Also, five hundred dollars’ worth of seasoned lumbor, Consisting of Weather (loading,Periling, Flooring, Ac. Apply to novl 8 3m M. N. SCOTT. £ D. SMYTHE & CO IMPORTERS OF CROCKERY; Wiiw ami <£hma, AND DEALERS IN 142 Congress i£ 141 St. Julian Sts., SAVANNAH, - - - GEORGIA. eeptlS—till 1st Jan. , J. RL WUAftA, PHOTOGRAPHER. COPIES OF ALL KINDS OF CAPITAL, - - -$350,000! J. F. BOBBMAN, President, 1>. F. WILLCOX, Secretary, _ or damage by fire da all kinda of insurable prop erty at adequate rates, . -tgents can be found at every prominent point in the Southern States, to Whom applications for insur ance may be made, dpply to JOHN M. POTTER, Agent, oct23-4-2m Balnbridge* Gv. E J* flEND&RSOiYA CO., fhrtiitnfb dealers, cal?me£ lttakefs, fipbolstefers and undertakers* Fisk’s burial cases always on hand-M»r. West and Water stft. WKW CASH STORE! Cor. BROUGHTON t WEST STS. Quick Sales! Small Profits! I Uilnbridlmluui * n *°tmcjBg to the rltizens of *yeneda nrSL^.. adjoimug country that I have ““unodation. wh!«’«l bl !. 8lu “ ent for *b* public ac- on - where tbs buyer will be furnished at bow RATES FOR CASH. d ey GOODS 1 groceries, fruits and confections, la quantities to suit PURCHASERS. 1 h * T * h “ d - “ d constantly receiving a most excellent assortment of flour, bacon, lard. oan*^’ ‘V'P'®*’ Oranges, Candies, Raisons, and P j er things too numerous to mention. 80 ma before purchasing elsewhere, oat 23 4 3m W. U. MARTIN. J C. GLOVER k CO., Butchers sad Dealers in country produce, next door to Exchange Saloon, Water street. ’ , — iftiiJTRO.Vl}, carpenter Slid cooper, sollc- ■ „ oi,oT, n~ ctarke Street, lJ patronage.- Shop o„ . — J L. ADAM5, capeuter, broad street. Solicits pat ronage. Contracts promptly executed. W S. ROBERSON & CO., dealers in fresh meats of descriptions, such as beef, veal, mutton, pork, kid, etc. Every day. Coiner broad and broughton sts. - COOPER, dealer in country producei fresh # W«it., Ac., west Btrect w. j BBENNEE. dealer in fine wines, liquors, •agars. Act, A. .contef brosd and water streets. w A B. CBA.WFOBD. Wecksmitii^- . Patronage aofietted. f l«q)oneastwelar«treefc N OEL GAINEY * CO., Wholesslo nod re tail dealers in ready-made clothing, coast- meres, Ac*. As., East Water street. R T. WEATHERS, Proprietor of Boarding House, Corner Clay A Planter^ streets. N ELSON A HONE, Eating house, Brough ton street. w E RUTHERFORD A CO., Keepers Livery and Sale Stables, Broad street, rear of Sharon House L OSCAR JACKSON, Warehouse and Com mission Merchant, Bruton’s Wharf, footof Water street. Wm. H. Tisos. Wm. W. Gordon. TISON & GORDON, COTTON FACTORS, AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. 96, Bay Strkbt, Savannah, Ga. Bagging, Rope or Iron Ties advanced on Crops. Liberal cash advances made on consignments of Cotton. Grateful for liberal patronage in thepa* 1 , a oootm- uance of tiie same is respectfully solicited. DESII4ABLE Plantations to Rent /”\N Tuesday, j)ecember 7tb, 1869, we will of- \J fer for rent, fot the ensuing year, at pub lic outcry, before the Court House door in Bain- bridge, the following lands, vis: Afne»t Plantation containing 830 acres open land Reynolds « " 800 « «* " Sims* “ " SOD « « " Kolb “ “ 40® " " Johnson “ “ 7^0 “ " “ Also, two settlements on Monroe place, one of 250 acres ; the other of 70 acres—these set tlements rented separately. TERMS—Fencing to be kept In good repair; Votes payable 1st November 1870, with good secure and lien on all crops grown, WM. G. D. TONGE, F. L. BABBIT, . Adm’rt Estate. 8. Dairia Tonge. Bainbrldge, Ga., Oct. T5, j86jL f5-tdr) BAINBRIDGE, CtTHBEBT AND COLUMBUS R. »• CALL FOR lO PER CENT OF THE *ND 3RD INSTALLMENTS. Office B., C. <£ C. Railroad Co., ) Bainbbidge, Oct. 25tii, 1869. J A CALL for the Second and Third Install ments of TEN per cent eachnpon the sub scription to the Capital Stock of the Bainbridge, Cuthbert and Columbus Railroad Company, is hereby made upon each and every subscriber to tbesmne to be paid December 1st, 1968, and January 1st, 1878- . . ... Payments may be made in Columbus, to Mr. John King, Banker, in Lumpkin, to Dr. J. K. Barnum; in Cuthbert, to Captain W. M. TumHn, Secretaiy and Treasurer, and in Bainbridge, to to the undersigneds BENJAMIN F. BRUTON, Ocl. SO, 1869—tf President WAGON FOB SALE. A n excellent four-horse wag- on for sale, at very low figures. —-"’S M. Fv Apply to WILLIS July 31, 186» tf RUSSELL. ANY STYLE AND SIZE- ALL KIKDS OF • * FfiSAHES & PICTURES ALWAYS ON hA?D AND MADE TO ORDER. eepllft Sin * GEH’L SUPEKlNTENtfENTS OFFICE, ] Atlaktic and Gulf Railroad, j Savanhau, Nov. 6th, 1869. ) O N and after SUNDAY, *lie 7th instant, Passenger Trains on this Rond will ran as follows^ commencing with the’ 4.20 P. M. Train ; NIGHT EXPRESS TRAINS. Leaic Satankah (Sotfffdays except ed) at ijfrpsi Arrive at Bainbridge (Sundays ex cepted) at.. 6.15 a'm Arrive' at Live Oak (Sundays ex- .-i• -cepted) nt.-.:....vtr....8.8©mat Arrive at Jacksonville, Sundays ex cepted,at 7.02 a m Arrive at TaHahassee at 7.07 am Airive at Quincy at..... 9.15 a m Leave Quincy, Saturdays excepted, at .‘...1.6.25 a m Leave Tallahassee, Saturdays ex cepted,at 8.26 p m Leave Jacksonville, Saturdays ex cepted, St....... .....-.•...•.•.8.80 pm Leave Live Oak, Saturdays eicept- ejl, at...,. 1.28 am Leave BainbridgS, Saturdays except ed, at 9.30 p m Arrive at Savannah .Sunday a except ed, at 10.50 a m DAY TRAIN. Leave Savannah,Sundays excepted, at 7.16 am Arrive at. Live Oak, Sundays ex cepted, at ,7.00 p m Leave Live Oak, Sundays excepted; at 6.00 a m Arrive at Savannah, Sundays ex cepted, at 5 35 pm Passengers fur Stations west of Lawton, on Main Line, lake Express Train leaving Savanuati at 4Mtf ft. iff. BRUNSWICK TRAIN. Leave Savannah, Tuesday, Thuis day and Satuaday. at 12.60 pm Arrive at No. 6 (Junction) at.... 4.30 p A Arrive at Brunswick at 6.42 p m Leave Brunswick, Monday, Wed nesday and Friday, at 12.50 p m Leave No G at....; 3.00pm Arrive at Savannah at 6.9.9 p m H. S. HAINES, novi2 lm General Superintendent. CSEAP! CHEAP!! ^ Kegs Nails—4 to 40(1. g Kegs Finishing Nails 4 to 40d. 400 Pounds White Lead in Oil. A Supply of Boiled and Raw Lineecd Oil to arrive. For sale ’by BABBIT & WARFIELD. Let others toll of brooks and Bolds, The beauties of the Spring, “ The glories whirl) the Autumn yields; " Ol die Ocean sing. I lore thee, Oeean, from my uul ; v I love thy tempOste wild, And when I watch thy billows roff, I seem again a child. Let others lo+e and cling (o shore; 3fy home U on the ten ; Whose billows dash, and breaker! roar,* The oqean wJid'and'frM; “I change” is written tbrongb the land, On ovary thing we see; Bat thon dost challenge Tima's rule hand, There is no change in thee. Thus would I live Upon tfaS Wave > Mias Jennie Worrell, the youtig'eflt'df* the Worrell sisters of thfcfttridl fume, was married to Mr. James H. Barrie, itt 1 New York city, not long ago. Mr. B. iS a broker on Wall street,- aiidisa gentle* man bf wealth Diid' respectability. ■>»«* . Ripe Sthawbebbies.—Mr. Nelson, the ’ successful fruit grows* near} this city,' presented ns yesterday with A basket of rich, nice ripe strWWbemes of the son’s Albany variety. If our Northern' friends who are freed ng at the North ’ will dome down fpr. a few. Yiihoisti, Ga. A Recipe for Sore Eyes. AmebicusN’Bv., 24th, 1869. Editors Ary us:—In your issue of the. 2dth ult., you stated that sore eyes were prevalent in your city. Allow me to sug gest a remedy which is almost infallible:- Put 4 grains of Lunar Caustic into an ounce vial, fill it with clear water—rain water is best After it is dissolved put two or three drops into each eye three times a day. To drop it from the vial is the better plan, but it can be poured into a spoon and then-poured into the eye. If the spoon is used, just enough for ono eye should be poured out at a time. At night fold and wet a soft cloth and place over the eyes. For very yonng children, weaken it a little. If the in- flamatioh is deep seated use ten grains to the ounce. Any one whose eyes are dis posed to inflamation, will find great benefit by an occasional use of the rem edy. For the above recipe, I am in debted to “Fort’s Medical Practice,” a book which every family in &>tlth West Georgia and Florida should possess. His remarks upon, and treatment of Bilious Fever is invaluable in miasmatic sections. We have frequently used this remedy in our family, and always with abscess. - Sympathy. H. C. McKEE, D. M. BENNETT. JWcKEE & BENNETT, beauskb tv Carriages, Buggies, Harness, Ac., Ac., Ae> Corner West Broad Snd Bay Streets, BAVANNAii, « A. At this Extensive ftejjosttofy and Manufactory Will Always he found it Urge variety of all the most fashionable Carriage, ftockaway and Buggie iFow In use. All Wofk sold and Wartsnted st this Establishment Will be protected. BEPAIRING EXECUTED IN BEST MAN NER, AT REASONABLE RATES. Jan9, 1869 14,T ALFKJUJD HAYWOOD, WHOLESALE DEADEfi IN OYSTERS and FISH . OF AIXKttfDSs Orders Promptly Executed I terms positively cash. s AVAinCAH, GA. • ^ 7” ESTABLISHED 1844- Wm. M. 1549 Buy Street, SaWAnlkatlk, G4©°’ •pjtrfrrt.siaiT.u akd Retail De i* i;EB Ik Foreign md Domestic Wines Alio LIQOIRS O F the FINEST QUALITIES; also sole Agent, for the Star :eof Georgia end Flori da, for the sale of Massey, Hnston A Co. s Cele brated Philadelphia Ale. Orders solicited- Oct. 3, 1869. 1 PROLIFIC COTTON SEED. A FEW hundred bushels of PURE PRO LIFIC COTTON SEED for sale. PRICE ta PER BUSHEL, Sacked and Delivered at Depot. ReM!iiesuksi—W. B. Smith, Capt. C. E, Conyers, Attapulgus, Decatur Co., Ga. Orders containing money by Express with directions for shipment promptly attended to. J. R. LATIMER, Sparta, (la. Ayvapulgus, Ga., Sept. 25,1869. This is to certify Ibat I have planted during the yearJCotton Seed purchased of J K Latimer, K ;q. I consider the seed superior to Any ether of this section, and Will ylekl at bast Dire hun dred per cent, more than the seed (Paget) I have been planting for years. W. B. SMITH. Oct 9-2 til lat jan. THE Oldest Shoe Store Ilf SAVANNAH. W. €. BUTLER, Having just rttarfied ficrtn Philadelphia Snd Boston, is prepared to furnish FliANTEBS h THEIR FAMILIES best stock -OP- B00TS AND ix ouB cm. Directly opposite the Palaski House, and a few doors above the Screven He use, 133 Congress Street, septl8 SAVANNAH, GA. jl The Pkize Ox.—-We understand, says the Milledgeville Union, that a large fat bttlleek; from Atlanta, was on exhibition at the State Fair. He was originally frott New York, and was sent to Georgia by express when only a large calf. He is of the New Fngland, short-horned carpet-bug breed, and has already taken several large prirtes at the Fourth Na tional Bank of New York. It iff Said that this hteed of cattje is of no value only for beef, and we hope it will not be propagated in Georgia, as it costs more than the beef is worth to fatten it. This ox has been fed on greenbacks for more than a year, and it is thought by some that it has already cost more than ff frtfii- dred thousand dollars to fatten him for the exhibition. Mr. Kimball, of Atlanta Opera House celebrity, has the honor Of grooming the prize ox. It was he also that fitted up his Btable, and who keeps it in order! A Ctttr Undeb Abbest.—The way of those who are indebted to bondholders is hard. It has proved so in this State, where whole boards of supervisors have lately been arrested and brought before the court for not ordering assessments to pay off bonds; and in one or two cases Mayors and Aldermen have been either arrested or threatened with it. And Bow the fever is spreading. Onr neigh boring city of Galena just now finds her self in the grasp of some importunate creditors of this kmd, and is suffer ing the penalty. It would seem that judgment had been tendered against the city, and payment is now trying to be enforced. But the plan proposed by the City Council fot so doing was not satis factory, and the result was that a United States deprity Marshall came over from Chicago yesterday and arrested Mayor Brand and five Aldermen on suinmafy process. He took them to Chicago on lost evening’s train, fhere to appear and answer before the Federal Cgurt.—Du- bvque (Iowa) Her did, * TR*— — The Famine In IiritfA.—The Calcutta overland mail of October 12th states that, the retnn of deaths in the northwest provinces for the month of August is really appalling. In August List year the deaths were 25,265, bt^ in August of the present year they rose to 51,542. Cholera and fever are the pricipal causes of the increase, as from the former the deaths rose from 1,926 to 18,501, and from the latter from 13,000 to 19,000. No doubt the debility of the people caused by the scarcity of provisions has rendered them more liable to decease. The following prominent ex-offtoffr*- 1 of tho government have died withiaf two months past: Ofie ev-President, Franklin Pierce; ; two ex-SScretarieff - of the Treasury, Wm. Pitt Fegsendenr' and Robert J. Walker; one ex-Secro- tary of W&f, John Bell; one Senator; Wm. Pitt Fessenden; lour ex-United- States Senators, Pierce, Bell, Pratt and Walker; one ex Postinaster Gen*^ Amos Kendall; one ex-Speaker of the Housejof Representative* John’ Bell; one Rear Admiral, OJratTe*" Stewart; one Major General, John E. Wool. The friends of the Hon. Jefferson Da vis will be gratified to hear that his sala ry,- in his new position of President of the California Life Insurance Company, has been fixed at the handsome figure of $15,000 a year. Memphis, it is said, will be Mr. Davis’ future home. Two of the persons engaged in the great gold speculation in New Yorit have shot themselves, and it third litis cat bis throat. The rest; unfortunately, ate either less sensitive to infamy or are afraid of the deviL So Bays Prentice. A Delicious Blunder.—As one of- the most gallant Brigadier Generali of oflr late army was crossing- the 1 Fair grounds at Macon, he was sud denly confronted by a lady who*' smiling in all the glory of rosy-lfpped' beauty, took both his hands, shook them most heartily, an(t then making a rosebtid of be? month; leaned for* ward and hissed him Most vig6t- onsly. As Sddti &8 tfbff hod done this ah6- turned to her companion, nnd shW' not catching the name, asked for it. The General, lifting hie hat, announc ed his name, at which ’ the' firat lady' shrieked; and shouted;that- sbtf wtoff mistaken in the man—that sne 'tbdK: him fdf ft cdbstn of hers. Tffe r 0ri£ eral laughed, the party chatted mer* rily tat awhile, then tho gallant'sol dier strolled off sorrodfaliy, looking for some body else to mistake hhn( for a cousin. The above ia truff.—u Rome Courier, 2th. Stbange Cattle Disease.—A' dis ease in Virginia has recently append ed among the Calves on Captain John Bufford'n plantation near Libiity, iff that S’ate. Sii or sete# (Sftteff’hftVN died. Tbe Bedford 8enttnel describes the disease as follows: The ealves refuse to Oat; ffbd aid inclined to fie dowri' all 1 the time/ Their limhB Deem to be partially par alyzed. When made to get' nii.'-tlib/ tremble violently. Soon thd disease seems to settle in one leg< which seems to be almost eritheiy paralyzed. They breathe hard, and the belly is drawn np. Just before death they begin to swell, and'seefir to choke np and die. The fat after death is found to be black. Decon»J position takes place, even in thi* weather, in the course of Ode night: Upon an examination of the hides of those which bad died; the skin of the leg affected by tbe disfeasCwas foUtd in every instance to be entirely d©-‘ cayed. State AoftiCtnTcsAL Sbcrinr.—A4 69 meeting of the Society, 1 held at the Fair Grounds .on Saturday, aftef the transaction of some other busi ness,- tbe following Officers for. the enstiiflg year were elected: President, Col. B. F. Yancey; Vice Presidents—1st, Wm. Schley; Benj. Locket; 3rd, Fekon; Henry D. Capers; 5th, Joel 6th, David C. Barron; 7th, C. W- Howotd. Secretary,- David C. lewis j Treasurer, Wm. HazelhtnsL A series of resolutions was adopt' ed approving the movement of (bo mercantile interests of Savannah, hi sending the Hon. E. C. Anderson to the cotton in arts of Western Europe as a special agent to encourage direct trade with Savannah and the invest ment of foreign feapital throughout the State of Georgia, and recom mending Col. Anderson to the Co or* tesieebf the agricultural societies and the cotton supply associations of all countries that he may visit, with a suggestion that Col. Anderson be re- . quested to commtuiicate With the President of the State AfriiffllSW Society.