Upson pilot. (Thomaston, Ga.) 1858-1864, January 11, 1862, Image 3

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Gipson ™°i|nston, Ga., Jan , 11 1*6:2 ,,l S matter on every Paye. BY TELEGRAPH. KlCAMOM>\r t h._H. C. Wayne the present Adjutant General of Georgia has heeu appointed Brigadier Geueral in the 1/ODieaeriite service. Vigorous skirmishing took place week be tore \V incheeter and towards the Potomac, bevei ai bederal prisoners wer taken. A few were killed and wounded on our side. The \ irginia an Arkansas regiments wereprin cipally enaaged. Congress was engaged this morning in attending funeral of Judge Hemphill. The diteinoon session was unimportant. It is icported by a passenger from Wil- TI^ ton Eiat Burnside's expedition was oft Hatteras. Intelligeace from Camp Alleghanev on t lie 1 ankees cutting oft supplies, and re puts are ecu rent that the Federals are at 1 lunteisvillc and Montery, where arelarg quantities of Confederate stores. Further intelligence is anxiously awaited. Ihe editor of the Wilmington Journal says that far as he can learn, there is no truth in the report that the Burnsides ex pedition had been seen off Hatteras. Boston, Mass., Ist. —Messrs. Mason and Slidell left day fyr Providence town, there to take passage on the steamer Rinaldo for Europe. Nashville, TVenn., sth, via Mobile, 6th The Legislative Council of Kentuky, yes terday. elected H. 0. Rurnett and W. T. - Sim ms Confederate Senators. It was reported at Bowling Green yes terday. that 5,000 Federal s were at Brown sville, and that their cavalry scouts abot 800 storig had daiven in some thirty Con federate pickets. Camp. Eaton deserted from th*-* Lincoln army at Calhoun, and reached Hopkins vdle on the night of the 31st of Decem ber. - —• ♦ T:il Blockade. —The Nov Orleans c u-respondent of the Charleston Courier writes as follows : Th * G iveni'iwnt at Richmond has partially suspended some of the naval op erations at this place in the’ confidence tin’ the blockade will he raised in a few weeks. We have already suffered much bv reposing on the hope of forcing inler votition, and one lesson of that sort should b 1 su’Hcierit. We all agree in the opinion at Riohmon I, so far as that the blockade will n >t b ‘ resisted a gteat while longer, while voiding fiirh to Providential ititerp i.siti m, we should hear in mind the a l u uiti ei of “Old X ,11/’ and keep on* p >w Icr dry. Lk 1 ¥oi*iifc*<*r t:inpaisics Tiu C m federate (Lmernmen has autho rized the undersigned to raise a regiment of [ n fan try, to serve for three years or du rnirr the war —which it agiee to fully jiiui a'lnf equip. Cmi panics numbering sixty tour m m and upwards, will be accepted an ! ordered into camps immediately No -I,[y Inis Georgia responded to the call made upon her. Georgians are found in every camping pround from the Rio Grande to the Pop mire. But patriots and soldiers of Georgia again the call comes toi merit, more'men 7 The enemy is swarming on our coast, to wrest from us all that we hold dear, our liberty, our honor, the hon or our families and property. F nends of the South remember, to be conquered is death and disgrace, and blots out sunshine from everv home and fireside in the South. 1 was oue of the first to strike tor Sou th ern Independence, both at the ballot box and in the field, and with Divine assistance and the help of my countrymen, will fight until we drive the last enemy troni our soil. A ’ LETDEN - Atlanta, Nov., 18. 18bl. WANTED buy a young Negro Woman, *ith JL or without Children. Au experienced cook, wash er and irener. Addres £ RANClS C . COLEMAN. Pleasant Hi!!. Tn’bot.Oo.. On. Jan IT. IS<V> petjal Advertisements. (jiEORGI I—l pson Comity : WHERE AS. Landrum M. Jones, applies for Letters of Administration on the Estate of Geo. W. Jones, who died in the army of the Confederate State of America, at Lynchburg, Virginia. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish the kin dred and creditors of said deceased, to show cause, if any they have, on or before the 2d Monday in Janua ry next’ why said letters should not he granted. Given under my hand, this Till day of December, 1801. 8(M Wm. A. COBB. Ord’y. GEORGIA-Upson County : ‘IIjTfIEREAS, Janies H. Lawrence,applies for Letters it of Administration on the Estate ol Zackuriah Law rence. late of said county, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish the kin tired and creditors of said deceased, to show cause, if any they have, on or before the 2d Monday in January next, why said letters should not be granted- Given under my hand, this 7th day of December. 1801. 00.i Wm. A. COBB. Ord’y. GEORGIA—A'pnoh County : ‘ll/” HERE AS, Samuel T. Burns, applies for Letters o VV Administration on the Estate of Martha. Mauldin, late of said county, deceased. These are, therefore, t.* cite and admonish the kin dred and creditors of said deceased, to show cause, it any they have, on or before the 2d Monday in January next, why said letters should not he granted. Given under my hand, this 7th day of December. 1801. 8(Vl Win. A. COBB. Ord’y. Administrators Sale. BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER from the Honorable Court of Ordinary of Upson county, wiil be sold before the Court House door at Thomaston, Upson co., on the first Tuesday in .January next, the land and no groes belonging to the estate of David V. Hutchinson, deceased. Terms made known on the dav of Sale. .1 It HUTCHINSON. Adm’r. Nov. IG, 1801. 40d. Administrators Sale Unix BE SOLD before the Court House door in Thomaston, on the first Tuesday in January next, between the legal hours of sale: George, a man about 8d years of age ; and Dumas 24 years of age; said negroes belonging to the estate of I>. C. Steele deceas ed, and s.ld for the benefit of the legatees and credi tors of said estate: Terms made known on the day of Sale. D. KENDALL Adm’r. de boni.< non. Nov. 10. 186 U 40d. Administrators Sale. VITIM, BE SOLD on Wednesday the loth January ▼ \ next, at the late residence of Mrs. Martha Maui din, of Upson county, deceased, all of the household and kitchen fu nifure. also the perishable property. Dec.. 14, 1801. 8t S. T. BURNES, Adm’r. Postponed Administrators Sale* A GREK YBLE TO AN ORDER of the court of ordin- Aary of Upson county, will be sold, on the first ‘flics day in January next , the negroes belonging to the es tate of Gi’ly Sanders, late of Upson county, deceased : Julian, a woman, thirty-eight years old ; Mary, a woman, twenty years old. and her two hoy children, one four years old the other one year old. Sold for the benefit of the Heirs and Creditors of said deceased Terms made known on the dav of Sale. DUKE WILL!AMS. Adm’r. With the ivill Nov. 16. 1861. 40d Nolire to Debtors and Creditors. A 1.1/ PERSONS indebted to the Estate of John A Doit ugh. hue of (’rawford count.v deceased, are equired in make immediate'payment,: and all those havi ig demands against said Estate, are requested to present them according to Law. Jan.. 4, 1862. 40d Win. G. PRATOR. Ex’r. N OTJ CE. Lost or Mislaid. A 1.1. PERSONS ARE NOTIFIED not to node far a Ch. Note on Abru n Jouttg. for eighty dollars (SBI.D made pas able to David Abbet-t and due'tlie 25tli dav f Deceitibe'*. 1861. DAVID ABBETT. * Dec.. 7. 1861. ‘ ts XOTI t : K Lost or Mislaid. 4 Lb PERSONS ARE NOTIFIED not to trade f>r Ail note on John Thompson for 8216. date l some time in May. 1861--due one day after date, and made payable to I’. M. Thomas. Also, one on Thompson & McCroty, for £7O, dated some time (1 think) in Ju n e, 1850, with a credit of 850—due one day after date, and made payable to P. M. Thomas. The notes are now traded to John A. Cochran. Deo., 21, 1861. 4t* P. M. THOMAS. |lw Atlmlbnnfute. School KTotice. Thomaston Female Academy. rpilE PROPRIETOR of this Academy would return JL unto the citizens of Thomoston, and vicinity, his warmest thanks for the literal patronage which they afforded Mrs. J. M. Greene, who conducted the school during his absence in the Army. lie would announce to the public that Mrs. Greene \\ ill conduct the school the ensuing year, and would he pleased to meet with the same favor and patronage which she has heretofore received. The exercises of the Academy will h* resumed on the 3rd Manday in January next. J. M. GREENE. Dec,, T 4, 1861. ts NOTICE. DURING MV ABSENCE, in service on the Coast, Lewis Hamburger will take charge ot ruy Books, and is authorized to make collection? -’’nd give n'ceipts Ver . n 1864, 6tn A S. BROOKS. SCHOOL NOTICE. •’ ?\l* • ► I**.■ ’ 4 k EDUCATIONAL X % J MISS M. VALERIA WHITE \\"hile returning her most sincere and heart* ▼ felt thanks to the citizens of Thomaston and vicinity, for the favors and patronage which they have so liberally bestowed, the past year, would respectful- , ly announce to the public, that her school exercises will be resumed on next Monday the oth inst., in the dwelling house adjoining the residence of 0. C. Shar man, formerly occupied by Dr. John Goode, where she will be pleased to meet with alike favors and patron age which she has heretofore received. Miss White is a graduate of Monroe Female Univer sity. Bhe was an acceptable Assistant Teacher for twelve months in the same Institution. She is also competent to teach music on the Piano, and give instructions in several branches of •Fancy and Ornamental work. Thomaston, Ga.. Jan., 4. 1862. *** SCHOOL NOTICE. MISS EFFIE L. CARAWAY \\7lL L open a New School in Thomaston, m on Monday next, the 6th inst., in the dwelling house, one door below Dr. T. 0. Heard's office, where she will be pleased to be favored, being well known by all the citizens of Thomaston and vicinity, with a lib eral patronage. Miss Caraway is a graduate of the Covington Female College, and needs no commendation, for she is well known to be an amiable and worthy young lady, lull} competent to teach all branches of the English lan guage. Thomaston, Ga., Jan.. 4, 1862. *** OLA HK FULLEI !’S AMBROSIAL OIL. CLARK, GREGORY & CO, Sole Proprietors. CURES Headache, Earache, Toothache, in three, minutes Rheumatism, Coughs, Neuralgia. Colds, Erysipelas. Bronchitis, Dyspepsia. Colic, Cramps, Inflamed Eyes. Chronic Sore Eyes, Sore Throat, Cuts, Burns. Bruises. Sprains. Chapped Hands, Piles, Ulcers, Diarrhoea, Bun ions, Corns, Frosted Feet, Deafneos. Old Sores. Son- Breast. Sore Nipples, Scald-Head, Ringworm. Tetfei Snake Bites, Spider Bites. Dog Bites. Rat Bites. The world, it challenged for its equal for Sca'ds and Burns. It cures Scratches on horses. Sore Eyes on horses. Sprains, Swinny, 801 l Evil. Fistula, saddle and harness Galls, fresh Wounds or Swellings, and is the best known remedy to appiy to ten tier-footed horses from founder, take up the feet and bathe well about the frog of the foot. Cures all cutaneous diseases on man or beast. No one medicine can cure in all cases, but we can show more real proof of the virtue of Ambrosial Oil, In its healing properties, from responsible men, who are above being bought, that can be produced for any other medicine. We do not a cure for every malady to which :he human family are subject but what we proclaim we can substantiate by living witnesses. The -A.iiibro.sml Oil Isa NASHVILLE preparation, and sold throughout the South and Southwest by all good druggists and general dealers. The South may be justly proud that IJr. Clark, a native Tennessean after much labor and research, has produced a really worthy medicine, which is bound to drive out much of the worthless imported trash with which the country is flooded. Please call at our office, where we will take pleasure iu showing letters and testimonials too numerous to set forth in the form of an advertisement, some of which come from Physicians in high standing, who are using it in their practice, as they state, with marvelous el ects. We challenge the world to produce a remedy so speedy and effectual in its healing properties. % 0 Read the evidence of the virtue ot Clarßc.fb Fuller’s AMBROSIAL OIL, Evidence so authentic, and from persons whose word and standing arc irreproachable. Read and be con vinced. . CLARK, GREGORY & CO., Sole proprietors, Nashville, Tcnn. For Sale by F. M. FERRYMAN & BRO. Thomaston, Ga. November 24, 1860. - - ly. NEATLY EXECUTED WITH .DISPATCH AT THIS CVFFtV AC NOTICE \ Dt RING MY ABSENCE from Themasfon in service^ I have procured for the benefit of my friends the services of Dr. Goode, who 1 cheerioßv rre< aiinerd. t 0. HEARD. HAVING I permanently located in Thomaston, l ntfer mV professional services to the citizens of Thoinus ton ami vicinity, 1 can he found during the day at the office formerly occupied by Dr. Heard, and at my res idence at night. JOHN GOODE. Oet., 19, 1861. ts AJbawiA 4. T Ini masl oii Hotel. la 1 *®l T Bought A. SNELL. lI7HERE you will always lind Good Fare, Good ? ▼ Rooms, Prompt Attention, and Model ate Charg es. This well known large and extensive HOTEL, has recently undergone thorough repairs—newly painted, and each room well fitted up; and by prompt and po ke attention, the subscriber limes to receive a liberal hare of patronage. WESLEY A. SNELL. Thomaston. G:t. April 18. 1861. tl HARDEMAN & GRIFFIN, DEALERS IIV STAPLE DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES Os Every Description Corner of Cherry and Third Streets, MACON, GA. WE would call the attention of the Planters of Up son and adjoining counties to the above Card, be lieving we can make it to their interest to deal with us. A , *eon. Ga.. November It), 1858. nov26—tf. SC \ DRIES. 1 rpiiK undersigned have in store, find for Mile. 80 bales 1 Gunny Bagging. 800 Coils Machine Rope. 400 Sacks Salt, t 400 ]ls. Bagging Twine. 8 llbds. Tennessee Bacon. 5 “ do do Shoulders. 8 -- Sugar-cured, Canvassed Hams. 8 Molasses. 20 Bids. N. 0. Syrup. 15 IIIf. Bhls, do. 40 Bags Prime Rio Coffee. 15 *• do Laguira do. 50 Kegs Nails. 40 Boxes Adamantine Candles whole, half, and quarter boxes, together with a good stock of STAPLE DRY'-GOODS. embracing in part: Woollen Jeans. Lin seys. Flannel, &c., all of which will he sold as low or lower, than the same article can be laid down from/ a-iv market iu the State. WOODSON A REDDING. Inly 27th, ’6l# nom 85 t-f i NOTICE ALL persons are notified not to trade for a note on- William Spivey for £760, and a note on Daniel Bell j for 190, both made payable to C. T. & J. Goode Ex i editor’s of T. W. Goode deceased, and due the 25th of next December. Said notes having either been lost,- | or misplaced. JOHN GOODE. August 81st, 1861. nom4o NOTICE ! CEREAL MILL f THE Cereal Mill, Well known as the Potter Mill, is in good repair, and as one of the firm is now absent we hope our friends will patronize us liberally, as one ! will not be here in person to solicit custom. BYkON & BROOKS l’homastox, May 11, 1861. SYDENHAM ACE*. JNO. F. IVKRHOX | ACEE 8 l IVERSON, DRUGGISTS AND CHEMISTS^ SIGN OF GOLDEN EAGLE, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. DEALERS in Foreign and Domestic Drngs, Medi cines, Chemicals, Acids, Fine Soaps, Fine HairanfF | Tooth Brushes, Perfumery, Trusses and Shoulder j Braces, Surgical and Dental instruments, pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal purposes. Medicine Chests, j Glass, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Dye Stuffs, Fancy ams Toilet Articles, Fine Tobacco and Havana Segars, 6tc._ j &c. ,jan6—tf. A. c. parmeLee, J&pt jp • ‘ w MANUFACTUEEE, AT THE SIGN OF THE GOLDEN BOOT. ) OPPOSITE THE Webb House, Thomaston Georgia-• All branches of the Boot and Shoe business will be j neatly executed with dispatch, and at exceedingly low j prices. He is prepared to make up the farmers leather j into plantation shoes at the shortest notice. He respectfully solicits a liberal patronage of the i public generally. Give him a call before going else where, for he guaranties to please. \Vv...*l. I*<U> Gtu*