Georgia weekly constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 184?-185?, May 16, 1849, Image 1
OFFICE A MoINTOStt-STREET, Third door froV the North* West corner of Erq^atfeet Balea «f LAND by Administrators, Executors or Gua oians, are required, by law, to be held on the first Tuos day ia the month, between the hours of ten in the fitrl-. noon and three in the afternoon, at the Court House In which the property is situate. Notice of these sales "“ust be given In a public Gazette SIXTY DAYS pre vious to the day of sale. Sales of NEGROES must be at Public Auction, on the first Tuesday ofthe month, between the usual hours of sale at the place of public sales in the county where the Letters Testamentary, or Administration or Guardian ship, may have been granted, first giving SIXTY' DAYS’ notice thereof, in one of the public Gazettes of this State, mid at the door of the Court House where such sale are to be held. Notice for the sales of Personal Property must be given in like manner FORTY DAYS previous to day of sale Notice to the Debtors and Creditors of an Estate must be published for FORTY DAYS. Notice that application will be made to the Court of Or dinary for leave to sell LAND, must be published for FOUR MONTHS. Notice for leave to sell NEGROES, must be published FOUR MONTHS, before any order absolute can be given by the Court. TO CLUBS. tor six copies Weekly Constitutionalist $lO. — Any person sending us five names, accompanied by Ten dollars, will receive a copy for one year, gratis. Will our friends aid ns 7 5 Clerks of the Courts ®f Ordinary. We call the attention of those Clerks dis posed to advertise with us, to the fact, that we allow to them a discount of 25 per cent, on the gross amount of the advertisements they ’ »c*d us. We have a large circulation in many counties from which we receive no advertis ing of the description referred to. return our grateful-Smfwkd gments to our friends in this and other counties foftheir navertising patronage. To our democratic ■gjSfrfesnds K?neral|y in this State, who have thd utrators they have the right to" select - the paper rffor their advertisenents to appear in, and we will be thankful for their favors. m ’ / s2a Year in Advance. - We find it necessary to remind our subscri bers that our weekly paper is $2 a year only to those who pay in advance. Those who wish it at that price must pay up all arreara ges and one year in advance. After their year expires, if they neglect to pay for the ensuing year in advance $2, they will be charged $2,50 paid during the year, or $3 at the expiration of the year. Our rule is uniform and strictly adhered to. This notice is rendered necessary by numer ous applications to us to deviate from it as a special favor to each applicant. In this mat ter we can show no partiality. SATURDAY MORNING MAY 12 ' Advice to the Augusta Republic. This paper with a zeal very commendable, if it should not result like one of Shakes peare’s Comedies in being “ Love's Labor Lost,” has been demonstrating to his bewil dered readers in sundry ingenious essays, that the Hon. A. H. Stephens believes the Wilmot Proviso unconstitutional, and that his pos’tion in favor of the power of Congress to legislate on the subject of slavery in the new territo ries, is not inconsistent with such belief. We remember reading a statement that some scho lar learned in classical lore, and especially in Roman antiquities, expended two years of profound investigation and labor in preparing a treatise to prove that the ancient Romans used glass lights in their windows. Alas! for the learned antiquarian. This work was e.ll written and ready for the press, when buried Herculaneum, w : th its stately mansions and showy villas, was exhumed from the ashes of soventcen centuries, and the interesting pro •blem was solved. Though glass in many shapes and varieties for use and ornament stood revealed to the gaze of the curious, there were no glass lights in any of the windows of its edifices. With this example of misspent toil present ed to the acute logician of the Republic by way ol warning, we commend to his attention the following advice of a cotemporary. It is the conclusion of an editorial of the Columbus Times, written to show that Mr. Stephens's position on the slavery question, necessarily concedes the onnstitnt.inniilitv of the- ffi'mnt r -frn*-,<n , / f There is one thing, however, which we woui'd first advise the Republic to do, and that is be fore it proves conclusively that Mr. Stephens believes the Wilmot Proviso unconstitutional, to ascertain from Mr. Stephens what he does believe. We have never heard that Mr. Ste phens had said that he believed it unconstitu tional and it would be rather an awkward state ot things for the Republic to prove by the power of logic, that Mr. Stephens believes one thing while ho might be asserting that he believes another. It might then turn out in deed that the Republic had been manifesting a zeal not according to knowledge. Better attend to this Mr. Republic. It would be' a cruel shattering of the argu ment, glittering but brittle, which the editor of the Republic has constructed, if Mr. Ste phens should reply that the argument of his speech was designed to prove the constitution ality of the Wilmot Proviso. The following will show what was thought by a northern coadjutor of Messrs. Stephens and Pendleton, in the defeat of the Compro mise Bill, of the argument of the former. It is extracted from the speech in Congress of Mr. Palfrey of Massachusetts, an abolitionist of the first water. Merited Compliment. —Mr. Palfrey of Mas- , sachusetts, in his speech on the bill to organ ize a territorial government , for California, in the House, on the 26th of February, 1849, pavs a compliment to Mr. Stephens of Geor gia, which will doubtless exalt that gentleman still higher in the opinions of his admiring constituency. Here is an extract from Mr. Palfrey’s speech : “ The great question on the minds of men, in and out of this Capitol, since the Congress came together, has been the question whether the free soil thus secured shall be kept free, or handed over to the uses of slavery. “A strong feeling on this subject has man ifested itself in the free States, and in some parts of them a stubborn determination to pre vent the meditated wrong. On the other part, the most skillful tactics have been here putin operation, and the most novel and extraordi nary doctrines advanced. Throughout the last session, I think the principal stress was laid on an argument, which—owing, very likely to my ignorance of previous Congress- j ional proceedings —struck me with surprise j when I first heard it announced here; the ar- ; gument, namely, that slaves are regarded by the Constitution of the United States as on | the same footing with any other property ; that that Constitution, operating on the Ter ritories, would protect the proprietor in his possession of them as much as in the possess ion of his money guttle ; and that, ac “'"corqnTjrt',^no powerUPor under this Government to exclude slavery from the Ter ritories. If my memory serves me, this doc trine was first introduced here by two gentle men from Alabama, [Mr. Gayle and Mr. Hil liard.] Why. sir, to me it was enough that in the ordinance 1787, ratified under the Federa Constitution in 1789, that question had been settled by our fathers, the framers of that Con stitution! while as yet the domain of our inge nious young sister in the southwest was part ly a province of the King of Spain, and partly an Indian hunting-ground. If precedents can ever establish any thing, the true doctrine on this subject has been established, past any danger of disturbance, by a long series of pre cedents beginning sixty years ago, dating from the very birth of the Republic. The paradox, however, has been thought worthy of refuta tion. It has received its death-blow at much stronger hands than mine. After the able manner in which it has been treated, in par ticular by an eminent Senator , [Mr. I3iX|j by two of my distinguished colleagues, [Mr. Hud son and Mr. Mann,] and at the close of the last session by the eloquent gentleman from j Georgia, [Mr. Stephens,] it would be assump tion in me to pretend to renew that contro versy.” , . . . The above extract is found in the Appen dix to the Congressional Globe, page 314, and needs only to be read to show the estimation in which Mr. Stephens is held by a very noted portion of his Northern friends. A correspondent of the Federal Union, sign ing himself “protocol,” has furnished the above to the public, to show what construc tion abolitionists placed on that famous speech of Mr. Stephens. Among them, it was con sidered an argument against the South, and hailed as such. Mr. l’alfrey is one of the ablest and most accomplished logicians in the coun try, He considered that the doctrine of the unconstitutionality of the Wilmot Proviso, as applied to the territories, had received a death blow at the hands of Mr. Stephens. We understand there will be an exten dale of Building Lots in the neighborhood — BY JAMES GARDNER, Jr of the Factory, in the course of the present month. Plans are now being prepared, and as soon as ready, full particulars will be given. Northern Comments on Southern Im provements- The amount of ill-nature rankling in the bosom of the writer of the following, which we copy from the New York Evening Post, must constitute a burthen very uncomfortable to carry. It is in character with much that emanates from the same source, in reference to everything Southern. But it is because it displays the festering ill-will of a large class— not the atro-bilious temperament of a single individual, that it becomes of sufficient con sequence to notice. We have heard of nothing for weeks past through the southern states but non-inter course and resistance to northern aggression. We have often wondered and occasionally asked how the resistants would get on with out intercourse with us, where they would get hats to cover their heads, shoes to protect their feet, cloth to conceal their nakedness, imple ments to till their plantations with, steam boats and stages to travel with, instruction for their children, new spapers for theirjrohticians, •Vfrteiii of not papular,..when it came to Ire tried, and certainly far frotn comfortable. The ConSi :ru tionalist, of Georgia, has considered these diffi culties, and*like Caesar, conquered them as soon as they came in sight. This journal announces “ with all the hon ors,” and upon editorial- responsibility, that an iron foundry in Augusta had turned out “ a steam engine of twenty horse power, which for strength and beauty of finish is not to be excelled.” The editor added that it would be put together in the course of the day, and would then well reward the curiosity of such of the people of Augusta as would pay the phenomenon a visit. An engine of twenty horse power, and all put together ! Think of that ! But the end is not yet. The editor had his particular attention called to the po lished brass plate, with the name of tho ma kers marked upon it, which was “ done in a style that will vie with the skill of northern engravers.” Some idea of the vastness and power of this engine may be formed by those who have an imperfect appreciation ofthe capacity of twenty horses, when we add, that the monster is in tended to drive a saw and two run of stone in in a saw and oiust mill. But with a deter mination to astonish the civilized world, that is quite indifferent to consequences, the edi tor takes one’s breath away with the follow ing facts, if possible more startling than the , statements which preceded it: “In addition to the steam engine, Messrs. ; Taliaferro & Torbet, have cast all the gearing and shafting for this extensive mill, and it is done in a style which will donbtlcss prove sa tisfactory. The heavy gearing and shafting for the two extensive merchant mills of Messrs. J. 1,. Coleman and John Cunningham, have also been cast at this foundry, which demonstrates that it is not necessary far citizens of Georgia to j send beyond our own state for such machinery.” j When Xerxes saw some Spartan soldiers breakfasting on black broth, he is said to have admitted the folly of attempting to subjugate such a race to the Persian yoke. When we hear of engines of twenty horse power being constructed in Georgia, gearing and all, and the name of its architect engraven upon it in i a style that will vie with the skill of northern I engravers, we give up all .hope of being able any longer to say any thing, to make any ( thing, or to do any thing, which can render - further intercourse with the northern states ; an object to a state which produces such mo- I chanics and such saw mills. Northern men are welcome to sneer at the ; incipient and as yet feeble struggles of the South to emancipate herself from tire thraldom of dependence on Northern workshops. It will do us good, and hasten the day of deliver ance. We will take pleasure iuam.blLdumx_> 11 [ ble stimulus’to Southern pride and | enterprise. There is an abundance of both j among our people to drive the products of | Northern manufacturing labor out of our mar- I kets by fair competition—the only elFectual and rational system of non-intercourse. We will not take time to enumerate the tri umphs the South has already achieved in man ufacturing ana mechanical enterprize. Her j progress is marked and striking, The evi dences are around us, and new indications are j springing to view every day. In the course j of a few years of attention to the manufactur ing of coarse cotton goods, she has driven the products of Northern looms almost entirely out of her markets, and has competed success- ; fully with them in the Northern cities. In a few years more, our steam and water mills will be greatly increased, and the effect of i their products upon the great interests of trade in this country will call for something more than sneers and ridicule. Even our home made steam engines, of twenty horse power, will be numerous enough to become a theme of some importance to intelligent minds throughout the country. Sensible men can sometimes see, in the beginning of a move ment, however small, results worthy of grave i attention. But, the writer of the above arti- 1 cle, like many of his anti-slavery brethren, is “ a man of one idea.” Hatred to slavery and j slaveholders is the beginning and ending of his political creed. Let our people pursue their destiny, steadi ly and coolly. It will be their turn, in time, to retort the sneers and sarcasms of the arro gant opponents of her institutions, who now look upon the South as a helpless tributary to the North, and as doomed to perpetual vas salage. Small Pox. The Montgomery Flag of May Bth has the following : “ Small Pox. —lt is rumored that the Small ] Pox has reached Augusta, Georgia.” We repeat our contradiction of this rumor. There has been no case of Small Pox among us. We are happy to state that the disease has almost entirely disappeared from the State, j There has been no new cases at Atlanta for twenty-two days. At the Iron Works and Cartersville the last report of the Board of Health for the places, shows but one new case. We dare say it is the last one we will hear of. Corn. This article has gone up in our market in the last few days. It is now commanding 65 cents per bushel. We hope this fact will in duce a free supply from those who have the article to spare. Being of universal consumption, the rise in price is sensibly felt, and by none more than our poorest citi zens. Meal is now worth seventy-five cents a bushel. We hope to hear of increased quantities coming down our Railroad. The supply from that quarter has slackened materially of late. Tho Wheat Crop- We find the following remarks in the South ern Recorder, in reference to the Wheat crop, which probably presents nearly the true state of the case. A half crop is rather an under, than an over estimate. The damage of the late frosts has been chiefly upon very forward wheat. We understand that in Middle Geor gia and below Dalton, in the Cherokee coun try, the injury is greatest. Above Dalton, and in Tennessee, where the climate is more severe and the growth of wheat kept back, the injury is comparatively slight. The Cnors. —We have very general infor mation of the state of the crops, from the Flo rida line to the Cherokee country, and have no reason to change the expression of our opinions in relation to the cotton and corn crops, from that given to our readers some week or two since. The wheat crop will pro bably be better than we then supposed. It may not be too much, from all we can learn, to hope for something like a half crop of wheat. The peculiarities to be observed of the late blights, are chiefly that on ridges and on the red clay soils, the damage has been compara tively trivial, and the crops are good, while in the bottoms and on the grey soil 3, the injury has been all that has been spoken of it. With genial seasons, agricultural Georgia will, with out doubt, do well, so far as the crop of 1849 is concerned ; for despondency or gloom there is no sufficient or justifiable reason. The Fruits of Duplicity. It was the maxim of the First Washington, “ Honesty is the best policy.” We dare say the Second Washington begins to realize the truth cf this maxim in its application to poli tics, as in all other matters between man and man. The rebuke which the people of Vir- I ginia have already administered, shows how deeply the public mind has been shocked and disgusted with the fraudulent devices by which General Taylor has been elevated to power, and the unscrupulous manner in which his electioneering pledges and professions have been violated. Wherever elections have taken place for members of Congress, the Tay lor cause has seemed to wane in strength, and the new dynasty to have lost the confidence of the people. ; The conflict among the Whig presses and among the original Taylor men, as to these anti-proscriptiou pledges, giust be anything earlier Presidents,” and to make honest pacity and fidelity to the Constitution his only tests to be applied to public officers. The ■ Democratic Taylor men of Philadel phia held a meeting on the 28th ult, and adop ted unanimously the following preamble and resolutions : “ Whereas, the election of Zachary Taylor to the office of President of the United States was accomplished by the suffrages of the masses of the people, acting without regard to party, and with no other political platform than that prescribed by Gen. Taylor himself, in his letter of July 24, 1848 —“I am not a party candidate, and if elected, will not be I the President of a party, but of the whole | people;” and whereas repeated attempts have ' been made to turn the election of President Taylor to improper purposes, and bind the he ro of P.uena Vista to the wheels of party; therefore resolved by the Democratic support ers of Taylor— 1. That our confidence in President Taylor, and in his ability to fulfil his pledges, is nei ther shaken by the attacks of open enemies nor the insinuations of his pretended friends. 2. That the Democratic supporters of T ty lor in Pennsylvania, wielded all,their energies to achieve his election, and took no unimport ant part in that great change which occurred last fall in this State, when party spirit and party names were prostrated by a majority of fifteen thousand. 3. That, in our opinion, a cabinet appoint ment should have been conferred upon one of the Democratic supporters of Taylor, in order to enable the President to fulfil his pledges and effectually neutralize all the efforts and intrigues of mere partizans. 4. That the method in which the patronage of the administration is distributed will show how the Democratic supporters of Taylor are appreciated, and how far the pledges of Pres ident Taylor are to be fulfilled.” There is a romantic constancy displayed i here by these credulous converts to the delu- ' sivo theory of a political millenium and a ( no-party President. The Taylor Democrats j of Virginia seem to have quite recovered from I their transient hallucination. The Philadel- 1 phia Taylor Democrats will find their faith so rudely shaken by the proscriptive course of > the administration, that we will doubtless hear 1 soon of another meeting to repudiate their 1 too hastily expressed resolutions of confi- 1 dence. The administration is subjected to a cross : fire in every direction from its professed friends and supporters. The above resolu- .. -rrrra —ym. ~—r~ r ' V ~ sincerely expressed. But by the side of events - actually transpiring, in the active working of j the political guillotine, they look like bitter j irony. c The National Whig, a professed official Tay- ' lor whig paper and organ at Washington, in- | sists that General Taylor has not violated his pledges on the subject of removals from office, i and asserts that no removals, for opinion’s r sake, have been or will be made by Gen. Tay- * lor. The Mobile Advertiser, a leading whig £ paper, thus protests against holding Gen. Tay- i lor to these pledges, and rebukes the Whig for 1 stating what is untrue . “If we know any thing of the character of t Gen. Taylor and the men by whom he is sur- ( rounded, they must view with decided disap- a probation, if not disgust, the course it (the r National Whig') is pursuing. We hesitate not j to say, for our own part—(and we hope the c whole whig press of the country will speak ( out on this subject)—that the position assum- j ed by the National Whig in relation to removals t and appointments, meets our decided con- N demnation. It is calculated, we think, to j bring disgrace on the administration, and the j. sooner it is repudiated the better. We agree a with the Register entirely, in its estimate of t the “ excuses” put forth by the National Whig c for removals from office ; but the Register has c no right to make the administration responsi ble for those excuses. When the Whig grave- v ly asserts that “ not a single removal of an in cumbent, not a single refusal to re-appoint a democrat, has been dictated by the fact that the incumbent or applicant was a democrat,” and that the “ administration proceeds in all t its consultations and decisions in respect to appointments to office, upon the sole ground £ of capacity, fidelity to the Constitution, and honesty," we know that it is simply not true. £ We know, and so does every man, that political < considerations have influenced the administra- , tiou in many removals, and it is right and pro- , ■ per that they should. It is utterly absurd, , ridiculous and disreputable to pretend to the , contrary.” ] On another occasion, it makes the follow ing frank admissions of the frauds practised upon the people : i “We are well aware that the no-party pa- 1 pers indulged in a good deal of flummery about j independence of party—that General Taylor ’ would make no distinction between whigs and 1 Democrats in appointments to office, &c. &c.; 1 but we and the whig party generally knew it i was all mere electioneering cant, entirely dcsti , tute of truth and disreputable to those who in- ' dulged in it. We certainly never either prac- 1 tised or countenanced it; and, had we believed 1 it true, would never have supported General Taylor. Whatever others may have done, 1 this paper never made any such ridiculous pledges for General Tayldr. We supported him as a Whig, believing his would be a Whig administration, and in the fullest confidence, often expressed, that the loco-foco office-holders woald be turned out and their places filled by Whigs. It was on these grounds that we sup ported General Taylor before his election, and it is because he is coming up fully to our highest expectations in these respects that we are now supporting his administration. He moves to our liking, and while he thus moves we are prepared to stand by him.” In one particular, the Advertiser mis-states the facts. This '•flummerg about independence \ of parly,” and “mere electioneering cant," was ! used not by no-party papers alone, but by the hottest partizan papers in the whig ranks. In deed, they surpassed all others in the country in a course so “ disreputable to those who in dulged in it,” —disreputable to all concerned, even the candidate himself, whose written pledges formed the pretext and the justifica tion for it. Some no-party men be lieved -gullible souls ! —that these pledges would be carried out, faithfully. The disgrace is not with them. They become participants only when, after detecting the fraud, they con tinue to support an administration thus fraud , ulently foisted into power. The New York Riot- We are sorry to chronicle so disgraceful an affair as this New York riot. That a mob , so large, so furious and ungovernable should r have assembled to avenge the wrongs, real or i imaginary, received by Mr. Forrest at the hands 3 of Mr. Macready, may seem at first view to be evidence of the overshadowing popularity of , the former, and of an intense sympathy with • him for his own individual sake. But the 5 cause lies deeper. It springs from the strong j American pride and selflove which have been t mortified by the supercilious manner in which AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, MAY IG, 184!) Forrest, our most distinguished «• tor, was received in England. It is a national feeling, and ha* ” double intensity from the old leave* oQ| 1 - 1 to England—a hatred suppressed andeonce.,.- ed from every-day view, but which fcdUGCoa sionally break out and show that it* fi r es si burn with a fervor which thirty-five yeejl*-ej peace have not tempered or diminished. T6* depreciating criticisms of the London daily press, whether just or unjust, mortified out citizens generally, exasperated the or the play-going people of our cities, particu larly the admirers of Mr. Forrest, and made the b’hoys of New York keen for retaliation and revenge. It is not difficult to get up a row in New York, or in any of our large Northern cities, if a chord of national feeling can be adroitly played upon. -Mr. Forrest s letter, charging his ill success in England to Macready’s jealousy and vindictiveness, and alleging that the latter suborned a leading London theatric#! critic to write him down, applied tfie match to the explosive materials. Macready was marked to bear the brunt of American ill-will against England and the English-the scape-goat to surfer for the sins of VSPFRliie'tliac MYlMacreadv has Seen wrongfully accused in thiv He utterly disclaims the '*d him, and denies the charges alleged, alleged as we think, on slender and inconclusive grounds, by Mr. Forrest. But a mob never reasons. Mr. Macready stood no chance for justice when a national prejudice was aroused. A Bloody Affair- A letter received by us yesterday, from La Grange, details the following bloody occur rence in that vicinity, The overseer of a Mr. Poythress, of Troup county, undertook to whip one of his negro men. The negro re sisted, struck the overseer with a hoe, knock ed him down and broke his arm in two pla ces, and then ran off. Mr. P. procured some track dogs, and in company with some neigh bors went in pursuit. They brought the ne-‘ gro to bay, but he would not allow himself to be taken. He was finally shot down dead by a young man by the name of James Towns. Iron Stores in New York. —The New York Tribune describes some large and supe rior iron-buit stores lately erected in that city. It says : At the corner of Murray and Washington streets, these buildings, which have attracted considerable attention during their erection, are the only ones, with the exception of one going up in Centre street, made of this new material. They.were commenced about the 25th of February, and are now complete, the whole fiva stories, each 20 by 56 feet, having been built in a little more than two months, with scarcely any ot the bustle and inconve nience attending the erection of brick or stone houses. The effect is exceedingly light and elegant. Each story is supported by rows of fluted pilasters, the courses between which are completely bolted, and the seams of panels entirely covered and concealed from view by an ornamental cornice. Thus the walls are in fact one solid iron block, capable of support ing an immense weight. There are about 150 tons of iron in the buildings. The entire cost is about !§!20,000. The LaGrange Reporter of the 10th instant, gives the following particulars of the occur rence noticed by us yesterday. It is rather more full than our statement, derived from a private letter. Distressing Occurrence. —A few days ago, at the plantation of Joseph I’ovthress, Esq., the overseer, Mr. Moorelield, having attempt ed to correct one of the negro men of the fatm misdemeanor, o’ 1 Moe*Tfield with his hoe, a JfcSrealso struck * the arm, fracturing the was j 1 him on the thigh and vs ’ he wc ’ pro knocked down by the master, who ceedmg to further f was present, fired a pisto^negro 1 him and disengaging r then ran off. A few hours afterwards a party of gentle men started in pursuit. Coming up with the negro, he declared his intention of either kil ling some cf them, or being killed himself; and, after some words of parley, rushed upon one of the party with the evident intent of killing him : whereupon, he was shot in the breast, and died in a lew moments. Important Disclosure. —During the inves tigation yesterday by the Commissioners of Cross Roads, of the young men who had been arrested under suspicious circumstances, con nected with the recent fires on the Neck, very important disclosures were elicited from one of the company His testimony, taken down by G. VV. Egleston, Esq., implicates several of his companions in wickedness, in sitting fire to the premises of Houston, on King-street, which caused the fire of the morning of the Id inst. Two of them we understand have been turned over to the Attorney General; and means have been adopted by the Board to secure others who are at large, and with out the limits of the city, and we have no doubt, from the energy displayed by the Com missioners, that their efforts will be crowned with success.— Ch. Courier , 10 th inst. Phoenix Fire Engine Company— This spirited and energetic Company, 42 strong, left our city yesterday morning, on a visit of courtesy to their brother Firemen of our sister city, Sa vannah. We observe by the papers of that city, that a Complimentary Ball was to have been given last night in honor of their visit; and we are sure that the hospitable citizens of Savannah will give them such a reception as will be gratifying, and make them almost un willing to leave that pleasant city. The Phoenix must not stay away too long, however, their services are too valuable to be spared for any length of time.— lb. The Case of Pons —The trial of Pons, for murder, occupied the Court of Sessions yes terday. The evidence and argument closed and the Jury'went out at half past 8 o’clock last night, and at the time of the adjournment of the Court—half past 10 o'clock—had not agreed on a verdict. — lb. The Weather. —For two or three days '■ past, we have had summer weather, the ther mometer marking as high as 84 to 85 degrees, ' the wind South West, and no evidence of rain, i Yesterday afternoon, however, the wind sud denly chopped round to the Eastward, becom- i ing quite cool, and shortly after sun down, we * were blessed with a heavy shower, followed i by several others less copious, but sufficiently < plentiful to cause all cultivators of the soil and ' owners of cisterns to feel grateful for the much desired and long looked for blessing. Never before did we see evinced more thankfulness among our citizens for this Heaven-like boon, for without it real distress for the want of mois ture would have been upon us in an alarming shape. Appearances indicate that the clouds will yield forth a still further distillation of the grateful element of which they have been so unusually chary of late.— lb. [Telegraphedfor the Baltimore Sun.] Pittsburg, May 7, 1849. The Allegheny river rose very suddenly last night, and the waters overflowing the embank ments, carried off a large amount of property. The damage has been very heavy, and worse results are apprehended. The water is still rising. Cincinnati, May 7, 1849 1 Mrs. Howard, who was tried here for the murder of her husband's paramour, has been acquitted by the jury. The defence was in sanity. Going Back. —The ship Anglo American sailed from Boston on Saturday, sth inst., with 50 steerage passengers for Liverpool, and a enrgo of bread stuffs and naval stores valued at Sj>3o,oo(b Tiie Frost, &c. —From all portions of the country we hear that the recent frosts and cold, dry weather has been in almost every instance destructive to the growing crops of corn, wheat, &c. In the lower part of this State and in Alabama, and in fact many of the Southern States, the accounts are truly dis tressing. The cotton crop is cut short, and [ the opinion is, that planters will not have seed enough to replant. The wheat in this section of the country is entirely destroyed, from all accounts; and the corn, which had barely come out of the ground, is nipped ’ smooth off. From present indications, we 1 may be thankful if we are blessed with half i crops this year.— Ringgold Repub., 6th inst -1 HE Correspondence of the Baltimore Sun. ■j-.. Washington, May 7, 1819. A?The Republic — The Organs, &c. i j^Kf earn that the “Republic” will be actual | at the time proposed—l3th June— that its publication will be continued in proposed in its prospectus, at [ until the large capital embarked in it . pHP be exhausted. I mention this inasmuch has been a prevalent rumor that the e-nißer would not be commenced, and had been Ifcjjifci °sed only with a view to influence upon •MW Administration. The paper will doubtless • Sb®BKlited with ability, and, if its principles are j nfit sufficiently known through its prospectus, jy may be from the fact, which has been as • stmid by many, that its senior editor, Mr. Bul lift.-yvas the prompter and actual writer of the secosd Allison letter. As to the degree of official countenance which it may receive, it is a tester of conjecture and inference from the Sj -fonder relations of Mr. Bullitt to Gen, Taylor, l>utis a matter of inconsiderable consequence in gard to the success ol the paper. The Ex ecu ive cannot give any very valuable patron age. o a paper. There is some little advertis ia* » be scuffled for between the new paper i ioC 4ha “ Whig,” but, as to any important fng job, it must come from Congress, whi e all the the administration— ' anu the organ of the free-soilers —and the or gan Sf the old democratic regime—will have scope for intrigue and bargain and ma nasinnent. | “National Era,” the ably-conducted j mLT. of the free-soilers, already comes for •jpOto put in its claims, and exhibits much j ■ ’‘ARsy at the favor bestowed by members of Cksysss on the new organ, in causing its ' eotus t 0 b e folded at the capitol and sent thence at public expense. The next may be so divided as to give the free ! the control of the majority, and the .“ E-Jr will be able to control the disposition of '@4 printing job—or, at least, to prevent a«sG?heme for annulling the contract system white may not be founded upon a coalition bef'fcen the democrats and whigs for the sup- PVTof their own organs, at the public cost, i will soon come when the free-soilers, as al)blitieal party, will exert a potent influ eneffover Congress and even the national a 1- mirif,tration. TSe Republic has received already an en- j couAging number of subscriptions trom vari- 1 ous*i-4rts of the country. press is addressed to some particular pai'.f; or interest to which it looks for sup- i „por* The exceptions to this rule are those ! indAiendent papers which, established rn a ' broid basis, command a general support, pro- i portioned to their general value. For a paper of tfe latter character, Washington does not , present a proper theatre ; but there is no vea- J son why, in this city, every political interest ■< and every political sympathy of a wide-spread character should not have the appropriate or- j gan. Looking at this first, lam not surprised to learn that a new paper is about to b" started hern to represent the largest class of politi- j ciuns now and always existing in the country —fjjt. of those who put the administration for j the t me being in power, and then become dis- > satisfied with its conduct, -This class now j embrices the most energetic and influential and intelligent of the whole body of the whig part , ard it is natural to suppose that they will »et up a press here through which they can make complaints, if they cannot command j redri-». AT*ong those hire whose names are well- 1 kiwv'n to the country, is Gen. Solomon Van Reuf'eiacr, of Albany. He has visited this plaCc. whether as an applicant for restoration to the office to which Mr. Monroe appointed hij|tf< the Albany post-office—l do not know ; but mere ought to be no hesitation in restor ing b : m. ION. [From the Southern Literary Messenger.] Prom our Paris Correspondent- Paris, March 20th, 1849. Oi/ehight last w eek a pull at the, bell of my outet door startled me from profound slumber. \Y&sng a moment that another pull might it was no dream, the next moment ! foun-Mate en robe do. chambre hastily seized, 3 ro pi<it' > y " a y to distance of jfiWinseasonable visitor. W jKbund upon the key, but before turning j . 11 ■ ■ ae oß.re you M. M r” replied a voice from « ijiier side, without answering my question. ] “Wes.” i, ;||t is I !” replied my interlocutor, without y jßher hesitation, now that he was assured of ! eroKdentity—“ It is I, Andre, from the bar- I Fontainebleau.” Ah ! bien! come in,” and I opened the door. “They have commenced preparations at the j Rond Point," continued Andre. “ The work- i men arrived about two hours ago ! 1 have been talking with one of them. lie says it will be ; all over by six o’clock !” “ Wliat o’clock is it now ?” “ Almost three. Make haste, Monsieur, you have not much time to spare : the barriere de ' Fontainebleau is full three miles off.” “ I know it is. Here, let me conduct you j to a seat: then I’ll dress, and be with you in a j very few minutes.” I had not yet seen my visitor, having has- I tened to the door in answer to his summons i before lighting a candle : and it was impossi- i ble to discern even the outline of a human form amid the complete obscurity in which the apartment was involved. Rut I had re cognized him to be a man of the lower orders whom I had seen once before, some four or five weeks ago and whom I expected to see once again upon a certain occasion which we knew would soon occur ; but knew not exactly when. The occasion had now arrived. Taking lio'd of his blouse —a »ort of blue over-shirt almost universally worn by men of his class, I conducted him to a seat. Mv toilet was quickly made and we descen ded into the street. The night was dark. It was not raining, but low thick clouds brooded heavily over the city, so that not a star was visible. All was still. The stillness of a mighty city is more impressive perhaps than j that of the forest. Not a sound was heard but the rumbling of a heavy carriage over the Place de la Concorde upon the other side of the Seine. From the midst of the Place du Palais Bourbon, upon which we entered upon leaving my door, and dimly seen by the rare gas lights which surround the square, rose ( like a giant spectre, the colassal plaster figure ot Liberty ; and farther on gleamed the bayo net of the sentinel on duty before the gate of the Palace of the National Assembly. All was still. But did ail sleep in this vast and populous city? Care and pain and guilt abound in Paris : and to them the hours of j the night and those of the day are alike— sleepless! Did the prisoners of Vanvres sleet ! A i we crossed the Place to the hack-stand on ■ he opposite side, the large clock over the are! isd gate-way above the palace struck three. I sh ill never forget thji awe which amounted aid >st to shuddering, with which its solemn ton s fell upon my ear. Perhaps the con- j scks'isness of the nature of our errand in the deserted streets of Paris at so unusual an hour contributed to this effect. We found the hack-stand vacant. The sen tinel told us that the last coach had left an hour before. “There’s no hope for it,” said Andre ; “you must go afoot.” “En route /” said I. “Lead the way: I’ll follow youand we struck at a round pace up the rue St. Dominique to the residence of j a friend, for whom I had promised to call.— To reach the rondpoint at the barriere de Fon tainebleau, whither we were going, we had to traverse nearly the whole of the city, and thread a quarter whose reputation is as little enviable as that of any other of Paris. It abounds in narrow, dark streets; and teems , with the lowest and most turbulent of the laboring classes. It was one of the principal scats of the insurrection of June, and the last to yield, before the celebrated faubourg St. Antoine. Misery and guilt find here their impenetrable hiding places ; and crime in all its grades is of almost daily occurrence. An dre was a denizen of the quartier St. Marcel, and was the first to allude to its evil reputa tion, frankly admitting that it was quite de- ! served. Andre’s face, it now occurred to me, was not the most prepossessing that might be seen, and I will not assert that it was with un mixed satisfaction that I regarded the heavy bludgeon which he bore in his hand and which he took, he said, at his wife’s instance, upon leaving home two hours before. It was a very natural association of ideas by which I now thought of a loaded pistol I had left hang ' ingover my mantle-piece, and of a stout cane i behind the door. I had not been so provident i as Andre ; and it was not because I did not kuow the way as well as he that I told him to 1 take the lead and I would follow. I observed i that in all the obscure and narrow streets An i dre kept the middie of the street. It is from , the corners and dark recesses formed by the l gate-ways that the evil-disposed dart sudden l ly upon the passer-by and consummate their s purpose of robbery and murder. I eschewed f the side-walks with equal care—following hard upon Andre’s heels. It was not, I con [YOL. XXVIII.—NEW SERIES.—VOL. IV—XO. 14. fess, without excitement anil a certain feeling of insecurity that I found myself afoot, east of rue St. Jacques, threading at this dead hour of the night the ill-famed Quarter of St. Mi chael. All was quiet here ns in the faubourg St. Germain which I had just left. A few j patroles, a half dozen dimly seen figures flit j ting hastily by, sonic country carts proceeding ■ to market, and two immense vehicles perform- J ing their nightly round to receive the contents i of the sewers, were the only signs of life that we met with on the way. At last we gained | the broad and gloomy boulevard of St. I Jacques. The city wails reared their dark mass on our right. Wc had proceeded be neath the deep gloom of the trees, unbroken by gas-light or lamp, for ten minutes, when Andre, who had constantly kept about five j steps in advance of us, suddenly turned and ! said— “La voila ! Messieurs, nous sommes ar- I rives.” We were now at the barrierc du Fontaine bleau. Before us on our right, and on a line with the city wails were discerned the dusky outline of two symmetrical buildings. They were connected by a strong and high iron railing, in the centre of which was one of the gates of the city. That was the barriere, culled of Fontainebleau, or of Italy , because from it commenced the road leading from Paris to those places. We had just entered upon an open circular space in front of the gate, within the walls, about one hundred yards in diameter. This was the rond point; upon which were still making the preparations, of the commencement 'of which Andre had come to notify me. In the centre of the rond point had been reared a singular structure, about which, by the light of numerous torches the forms of ten or twelve men were seen busily moving. A large body of troops were already upon the ground and were now forming in triple lines around the structure at the distance of eigh teen or twenty feet. We approached. The arrangements were nearly complete. In sis- j teen minutes more the workmen had retired, j First there was a platform ten feet square, at an elevation of live feet. From the centure of the platform rose two upright posts fifteen feet high and two feet apart. They were connected at the top by a cross-piece. Lower down within three or four feet of the platform was another con necting cross-piece formed by a piece of plank a foot in width, in the lower part of which was scooped out a semi-circle about six inches in diametar. Still lower down near the floor of the platform was another cross-piece with a similar semi-circle scoopei in the upper part of it. Ami it was seen that if these two pieces were made to approach, they would form a whole with a circular aperture six inches in diameter cut in the centre. A flight of eight or ten steps loci from the pavement to the plat form. And it was so placed that one mount ing the steps looked out of the gate ot the city upon a large white house that rose on the right a short distance beyond the gate. Upon the platform between the steps and the two upright posts, appeared a perpendicular, wide pkyik about as higli as a man's shoulders, but it seemed to move upon a pivot about two feet from the floor, so that the perpendicular plank could be made, at will, to assume a horizon tal position at right angles -to the upright posts. Steps, platform, cross-pieces, plank, all the wood-work that meet the eye, was painted a dull red. It was a gloomy looking thing seen by the light of the lamps which the workmen had left beneath and upon the platform. Be tween the two upright posts, about two feet below the top cross-piece, appeared a heavy mass that seemed to be of lead or iron. It was fixed now: but there were grooves cut in the side of thti uprights in which it was evident the heavy mass could be made to move up and down along their whole length. The lower part of this mass seemed armed with bright sharp steel inserted so as to present an oblique lower edge. It gleamed in the light, of the lamps below like the sharpened edge of a huge broad-axes. It was the Guillotine which I saw before me ! In that large white house, seen from the platform on mounting the steps, just beyond the gate, were foully murdered, on’Sunday, 27th of June, during the insurrection, Gen Brea and_his aide-de-camp, Capt. Mangin. ♦' n £- were tripd by „q-mai tiaii Three of the condemned have had their sen-* tence commuted into labot at the hulks foijj life. But two of them. Dale and Lahr, are to be executed this morning. It was supposed, j as they had been tried by a court-martial, that ! the criminals would bo shot. They themselves j earnestly desired it. But death for political i offences having been abolished by the Consti- ! tuiion. Government was unwilling to sane- j tion anything that would seem to establish a distinction between these criminals and ordina ry assassins. The army too protested agarnst the application of the more honorable military mode of execution to the murderers of Gen. Brea. 1 hey are to die therefore by the guil lotine, and upon the spot where the crime was committed. The usual secrecy as to the time of execution was observed upon this occasion: but secrecy was impossible after 12 o’clock, j when the workmen arrived and commenced ! the erection of the terrible machine. The ! news spread rapidly through the adjacent I quarters; and, from a mile around in all direc tions, the men en blouse and the women were flocking to the rond point of the bii j>ero de Fontainebleau. Arriving almost ti e the ground, we chose a stand close t> the triple line of soldiers forming the circle around the instrument of death. The day had not yet dawned, but the crowd was becoming thick around and behind us. Up came a squadron of mounted gendarmes ! “Farther back ! Messieurs, farther back ! ” And we were pushed twenty or thirty yards farther from the centre of the place. Day dawn ed. The mass of spectators was now thick upon the whole of such portions of the ro id point, as the armed force permitted them to occupy. An ordinray cart drove up. The ranks opened. It took position close along side the platform on ’ the right; the horse facing the barriere. A j small square wicker basket half filled with saw dust was placed at the foot of the two upright j posts just beneath the two cross pieces,in which j the small semi-circles were scooped out.j Another long basket, also half filled with saw 1 dust, was placed on the platform rtear the wide , plank that moved upon a pivot; so that when the plank should be made to assume a hoti- J zontal position, it and the long basket would j be side by side. In the small square basket I the head was to]fall. The headless trunk was ! to be rolled from the wide plank into the long ; basket. The cart was to carry them off to the i buryitig-gound. Two regiments of the line j now came up to take posnion upon the place; ! and the commanding officer gave orders to ; clear the square! A second batallion of the ■ mounted gendarmes trotted round, causing the j place to be entirely evacuated by all who were j not in uniform. The guillotine is now sur rounded throughout the whole extent of the j rond point by a dense mass of soldiers. The spectators driven back, blocked up the en trance of all the streets opening upon the bar riere, crowded the windows and roofs of the I adjacent houses, and pressed close and heavy against the iron railing from without. Driven back with thecroiyd, we were congratulating ourselves upon having secured a favorable ! stand next the railing, a hen more troops and a j regiment of lancers arrived by the outer boule- | yards! “Father back, Messieurs, farther back!” and with the crowd we were compelled to retreat yet twenty yards. It was now broad day-light,and we were mo inentally expecting the arrival of the sad pro cession. But the military arrangements were not yet complete. A regiment of artillery, with a battery of four pieces, matches lighted, came up from the banlieue and occupied the barriere and the head of the principal streets. ! Twenty-five thousand men were under arms upon this occasion at the rondjxtint, and in the , immediate neighborhood. Parallel to the boulevards by which we had 1 reached the barriere de Fontainebleau, and separated from it only by the city walls, is a broad road called the outer boulevard. It was | by the outer boulevard that the prisoners were expected to arrive from the fort of Cauves. All j eyes are anxiously turned in that direction. It !is a quarter past six! An ordinary one horse • coach approaches. Way is made for it: it stops | at the bartiere. A man in ordinary citizen's j dress steps out and proceeds' directly to the i guillotine. It is the chief executioner of the j Seine. He mounts the scaffold and examines carefully the machine; and then descends. In i five minutes after, a low murmur running | througth the crowd, and the clatter of horses’ feet, announce that the end is approaching. They came up at a round trot! A company of ! lancers— a squadron of cuirassiers—two close, 1 box-like, covered vehicles, containing the pris oners and their confessors—an ordinary car riage containing the assistant executioners — \ lancers —cuirassiers, composed the procession! ] The military stopped at the gate. The carriages passed slowly in, and moved on througti the opening batallions to the .steps at the foot of | the scaffold. Another minute and the exeou- I tioner is seen to mount the scaffold—Daix I quickly follows attended by his priest. H* stands close to the wide plank! llis head is unconvered—his shoulders are bared—he is bound to the plank! There is a moment’s pause. Duix is protesting with a linn and loud voice, that he dies innocent of the death of Gen. Brea, whom he wished to protect— that he dies for the people! The plank moves upon its pivot—his head is beneath the axo-- one cross-piece descends—the other rises to j meet ifoand his neck is inclosed in the fatal | circle. The executioner in citizen’s dress raises | his hand. Every eye is fixed upon the axe. It | moves—it falls! The head drops into the little I square basket—the trunk tumbles heavily into 1 the long basket; and the bloody axe is seen slowly moving up the grooves to be ready for another fall! Lahr has already been placed upon the scaffold. His sinking form is bound to the plank. He declares in a week voice to those around him that he dies a Christian, and with the names of Marie! and Jesus! upon his lips, bows his head to the stroke! The axe falls again—the baskets receive their doublp charge; they nre tossed into the cart; and within five minutes from the arrival of the prisoners upon the place of execution by the outer boulevard, their headless bodies were being carted along the inner boulevard to the cemetery of Mount Parnassc! The troops remained in position for half an hour, keeping back the crowd anxious to rush up and obtain a nearer view of the fatal ma chine. Assistants with sponges and buckets of water washed from the axe, and other parts, all traces of blood; and then numerous work men commenced the labour of removal. With in an hour after performing so eficctully its fatal functions, the machine itself, taken to pieces, and laden upon carts, was on the way to its usual place of deposit in th e faubourg du Temple. It was perhaps only a wise precaution oh the part of government, to surround this execution with so imposing a military display. We don’t know what attempts a! emute and insurrection may have been prevented. There is a large party in France, and it has its representatives in the assembly itself, which is in the daily habit of expressing its sympathy with the in surgents of June, and speaking of them as political victims worthy of a better fate. These men would renew those frightful scenes ol civil war, if the inattention of government should afford them the slightest hope of suc cess. Upon the present occasion, however, not the slightest symptom of disorder was to be seen. Silence and decorum as perfect as would characterize any equally numberou assemblage in the United States prevailed throughout. I'he crowds seemed composed of about the same class of persons as flock to public executions with us. The proportion of females was perhaps greater here. A rather savage curiousity seemed here, as upon simi lar occasions, all over the world, to be the leading impulse of the spectators: and nothing, save tho vast military apparatus which ao commpanied the execution, would have in duced the stranger to ascribe to it any political signiticancy. W. W. M. The Next Congrvcss. The New York Journal of Commerce thus sums up the result of the elections, so far, for the next Congress: Old Congress. Whig Don. Whig Dim. Illinois 1 0 1 C Missouri 5 ,5 Arkasas 11 lowa 2 .... .2 Vermont 3 1 3 1 Maine 2 5 1 6 Georgia -1 4 4 4 Pennslvania.. 15 9 17 7 Ohio* 10 10 11 9 Florida 11 S. Carolina... 17 7 New Y0rk....32 2 24 10 New Jersey. ...4 1 4 1 Massachusetts.. 9 9 Michigan 1 2 3 Delaware 11 Wisconsin J... .2 1 2 N. Hampshire. 2 2 2 2 Rhode Island.fl 1 Connecticut... 1 3 4 Virginia 1 14 G 9 90 75 89 75 *By tlie death of Rodolphus Dickenson l)eiij., tOne vacancy. .«iaJ 1C troiri uuti nfii-r tt». i-vi, ot March, 1 mj, until tlitf next apportionment. f YET TO HE ELECTED. \ Last Congress. Whole Number IF. I). N. Carolina 9 G 3 Alabama 7 2...... .5 Mississippi 4 I 3 Louisiana 4 1 3 Tennessee 11 5 6 Kentucky ..10 G 4 Indiana 10 4 6 Maryland 6 4 2 Texas 2 2 Vacancy in 0hi0... 11 1 Do. Massachusetts .11 Do. Rhode Island.. 11 GG 30 30 Elected as above. 165 90 75 Total 231 120 111 111 Whig maj. if remaining GG mem bers are of some politics as in last Congress 9 This however is not to he expected. The Whigs will probably lose one or more mem bers in North Carolina, and also in Indiana and Maryland. They may gain one or two in Kentucky. A Democratic gain of five mem bers would give the Democrats the House as well as the Senate, which last body they will have by a majority of 8 or 10. The Senate as now constituted stands thus: Democrats elected 33 To bo elected in Alab. and Illinois, 2-35 Whigs elected Total, with a full Senate GO ** It is however to be noted that Mr. Howard, Democrat of Maryland, holds his place by appointment of the Governor, and may be superseded by the next Legislature, which is to be chosen in October next, and convenes on the 31st of December. If a Whig Legis lature should be chosen, they would of course elect a Whig to the Senate in place of Mr. Howard. On the whole, it is plain that the Whigs will h ve no power to carry any strong party measure in the new Congress, such as an in crease of duties on imports, or a repeal of the Sub-Treasury. Even if such a measure or mea sures could be got through the House, which is not probable, they would be arrested in the Senate. The public may therefore rely on the continuance of the same general policy which has been pursued of late, with so much advantage to the country and satisfaction to the people. The day of high Tariff, National : lianks, &c. is past. Many of the Whigs, as well as the Democrats, are glad it is so. Cer tainly from Gen. Taylor’s administration, no countenance can be expected to extreme mea sures. The Value of Land in Fuee and Slave States. —In our last number we made some remarks upon Mr. Clay’s assertion that the landholder of Kentucky would be remunerat ed for the emancipation of his slaves in the increased value of his lands, in which we showed that in the neighborhood of the Ohio river, Kentucky lands are three and a half times i s valuable, as lands equally as favorably situated and well improved on the Indiana side; and also tLat-Iventucky lands are much more valuable than the lands of Ohio, the mo del State of the Emancipators. We have since conversed with a highly res pectable farmer of Jefferson county, a Penn sylvanian by birth, who informed us that a sale of a well improved tract of land, near Utica, Indiana, (tive miles above Louisville and two miles from the Ohio,) was made not long since at twenty dollars per acre. An equally well im proved and si.uated tract, cannot be purchas ed on the Kentucky side of the river, for less than from forty to seventy dollars per acre. The same gentleman has lately been spen ding somo time in Ohio, and he assures us that the value of good lands in Kentucky, is from ten to lifteen dollars above those of Ohio, location, improvements, &c. being equal. The Farmer who gave us these facts, is, as we have belore stated,a Pennsylvanian by birth, and is by no means what may be termed an extreme man on the subject of slavary. He informed us of what he knows to be facts, and leaves it to others to make their own deduc tions from them. His testimony certainly overthrows the mere speculation of Mr. Olay and the Eman cipationists, relative to what would probably be the value of land in Kentucky, if she were turned into an Abolition Paradise. —Louisville (Ay.) Chronicle. ■Si The Florida Argus says: “ The crops are looking up again since the severe frost. „ We are informed that the Corn crops, never pre sented at this season oi the year a more thriv- I ing appearance. Cotton is doing well. Cane j not so fair. Tobacco is flourishing and will 1 turn out finely. Tribute of Respect- Greene Superior Court, > April Adjourned Term, 1849. ) Tho death of James H. McHenry, Esq., a member of this liar, was announced in open court by Y. P. King, Esq., with suitable and ■ appropriate remarks, and on his motion. Judge Mera wether appointed Y. P. King, F. H. Cone and Wm. C. Dawson, Esq’rs., a committee to report such proceedings as may be appropriate to tho occasion. Whereupon tho committee made the follow ing report: it has pleased the P sposer of events to re move from life, durin; he present week, our. respected and highly e> emed brother, James H. McHenry, F- v< iber of this bar. In the prime of nia. a the midst of his usefulness, with ur es and high prom ises of future tfi°' i. .irrounded by all that renders life de». . i., has been sum moned to an early gi. •; . the relations of life he has left an exat.‘ .vortliy of all imi tation. In his profession, high minded and honorable —as a citizen, worthy and exempla ry—in his domestic relations, kind, gentle and affectionate. His early death we all lament. To his family his loss is irreparable. We ap proach not the sanctuary of their grief; none but a widow’s heart knows a widow’s sorrow. Resolved, That we, his surviving brethen and associates, tender to his bereaved wid ow and relatives, our sincere and heartfelt sympathies. Resolved, That we will wear the usual badge of mourning for thirty days, in token of our respect for his memory. Resolved, That the Chairman of this Com mittee communicate to the widow of the de ceased a copy oi the foregoing, and that tho Clerk of this Court furnish a copy for publi cation. Ordered, That the foregoing proceedings be entered upon the minutes of this court. Our River and the Lumber Trade. —Prob- ably not all the citizens of Savannah are con scious of tho serious detriment experienced by the Savannah River in times past from various sources. To hear the voice of occasional com plaints is common, but while we are complain ing, a variety of causes are operating to its pre judice, Among these is the practice of allowing rafts of timber to occupy the stream. If we mistake not, the time during which these initted to remain in the river has been diminish ed of late years —a thing we suppose which was suggested by the necessity of th“ case, and the same necessity will, in our opinion, de mand that they shall be excluded altogether. The proper depot for large rafts of timber next to the creeks and basins prepared for the pur pose is evidently in Back River, near its de parture from the Southern branch. There they might rest with impunity, and be detached in suitable sections as they are wanted. That the practice of leaving these rafts along the shores of our river in times past has bee a a most fatal one is probably pretty well known to all—that hey can do a great deal of harm in. a very short time, however, is not so well known. It lately required only a few days to deepen the river, at a point where a raft had just been removed, to a depth of several inches. This was at one of the docks near the Charles ton steamboat wharf, where a quantity of oak has been sunk by some one for seasoning. Ia a very short time a deposit of mud which had been made on this oak while a raft of timber was anchored over it, was displaced by th-.s current as soon as the raft was removed. Why and by whose authority, this oak timber wu'i sunk in the dock, we are not informed. It is, a thing deserving of inquiry, whether any authority can or ought to permit the use of ii dock for such purposes. For the present, we notice it, as one of the various causes affecting iu a greater or less degree the regimen of the river. As to the rafts, it is easy to see how fata! their influence is. In a river unobstructed, the veh city of tho current is greater at the surface, diminishing towards the bottom where it is least, on account of the friction. Anchor a raft in the stream, and the current is inter cepted at the very place of quickest velocity, which now becomes transferred by reason of friction against the raft, to a plane between the surface and the bottom of the river. Hence in such a ease the friction on the particles of water is propagated not only from below up wards but from above downwards. The wholo stream is partially arrested in consequence and a deposit under the raft is inevitable.—Savan nah Repuh'icon May G. Central Rail Road.—We understand that the Stockholders of the Central Rail Road, at their meeting yesterday, resolved to increase the Capital Stock of the Company by an issue of $450,000 of New Stock.— Sac. Rep. Qth insl. MILLF.DOEVII.LE AND GORDON RAIL RoAD,— A meeting of the Stockholders of this Com pany was held in this place on Saturday last. A report was made by the President of the Board of Directors, giving a full and accurate oecount of its connit 1 o are at present about eight miles grp' here has‘been 72.‘> 97 oo<re e '"work. There i*,neine'er, a a. HI 611 scribed for to complete the g bridging, masonry, and superstruct.,. of ' tie road. The work is going ahead, but not with that expedition we could desire. This arises from the general scarcity of money, which makes it difficult for the Stockholders to meet their instalments as called in. There is an effort making to increase the capital stock, and as it is obviously to the interest of all persons in this section to see the work speedily comple ted, is hoped they will be prompt in subserib • ing to it. It is certainly to their interest to do so.— Southern Recorder. Rain.—While we write, the heart is cheer ed and the earth refreshed by gonial and solttly falling showers, after a protracted drought which had parched the earth and the usual fruits of the season, and filled the heart of the agriculturist with increased' solicitude. llow comfortable and fresh is everything and every body after rain when so much needed, as the present has been! It brings to the mind the feeling of the biblical expression, “renewing one’s youth like the eagle”— “running without weariness and walking without faintness.” — lb. The Supreme Court commenced its semi annusal sessions yesterday—ail the Judges, as usual in attendance. We undestand there are some fifteen or sixteen cases on the dock et; some of them involving very intricate and important legal questions, the argument and detern inatiou of which will occupy the Court at least this week.— lb. Jem Wkhh and the Government Jewels. —We announced the arrest of Jem Webb, a few days ago, just previous to the conviction of Tom Hand, and bis committal to prison, on the affidavit of Mr. George Wilkes, or of Mr. Stewart', clerk of police, to whom it was alleged Webb had confessed his guilt in the robbery of the government jewels. We now learn from Washington, that Mr. Jem Webb has been liberated from custody, on the ground that the acknowledgments made by Webb, of his guilt, to Mr. Stewart, were m<kle under the protection of the government, and that such statements of Webb alone, uncorrobora ted by other testimony, could not be used against him in order to procure his conviction. —X. V. Herald. Daring Burglary.—The office of the Clerk of Council was broken opon on Sunday night by some daring villain or villains for the pur pose of robbery. The door was violently forced in by blows dealt with a heavy piece of plank, and a lurge portions of it scathed off. The only two drawers looked in the office were broken open. We are happy to say that the ruffian or ruffians, secured only a few brass coppers ,n return for their disinterested efforts. Sue. Georgian, B th inet. '■ Sporting Intelligence.—We have been favored by Mr. Oliver with the result of a match fora silver cup, which took place at his shooting gallery, at the Phoenix House, last week. There were ten chances, each firing ten shots. The cup was won by Mr. W. M. Davison, his ten shot measuring 9.j inches.— The shots measured respectively, li j, 13, 124, 12,12, 111. lOi 9s, 9J. Aggregate of the 100 shots 1144 inches.— lb. The Season.—Por tho last week we have been favored with delightful Spring weather, attended with refreshing showers of rain. It is a fine time now for farmers, if they wi.l but improve it in tho right way. Although the late frosts played “ smash” with the growing crops, yet it is not too late for planters to do much good towards making a tolerable fair crop of corn, if nothing else. The season is now tine—then, properly improve it.— lb. Another Crevasse.—We learned late last night that the river had made an irruption in to the grounds of Mr. P. Sauve, a planter, re siding in tho parish of Jefferson, about fifteen miles above the city, on the left bank of the river. The levee caved in at auout 3 o’clock, P. M., yesterday, and, before it attracted the notice of the proprietor, tho crevasse was 20 feet wide. A gentleman who left • ive’s last even ing at i o’clock, states tlx.. . voter was then running through with groa iity, and as the plantation is backed b; th#, airie bridge, the Hood, in his opinion, if the r.vasse be not immediately stopped, will be i . the city in forty-eight hours. The levee at the spot where the breach occurred is ten feet high. Mr. Sauve and his neighbors have been diligently employed since the misfortune happened in arresting the farther widening of the crevasse. The gentleman to whom we are indebted for the above information, has apprised the city authorities of tho danger with which wo aro menaced, and they havo taken due measures for our protection. Instant aid has been, or will be, forwarded to Mr. Sauve to olote up the breach.— Picayune, ith tmi. 0