The Daily constitutionalist and republic. (Augusta, Ga.) 1851-185?, July 01, 1853, Image 1

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4 wn wr I # g J 'JL 1 1 'j"J. ' f ~ -' - ' Y JAMES GARDNER. JR. ftnstifutiniuiliat V. JR qmlilir. ! ’ ; -’[<JK •> Xo INTOSH.-STREKT, THIRD DOO.t FTIJ4 THIS SORtli-WSST CORSRR OF I.KOAI) -STREET. Business Larisa. To Professional end Business Men. PttOF-KSfeIONAL AND BUSINESS CARDS, notes, f <odi:isr -''X linns, will be inserted under this head at the r *te <>f iID per iiiiium. o.rr is exceeding six lines, will bo charged j/ro rata per line. SHEWMA.KE& MONTGOMERY, \ TTOKaEVS AT LAiy, Waynesboro, 6a., V. will practice Law io Copartnership, in Burko county. John T. Shewjtare. j W. W. Montgomery J. c. & gT a. snead, A TTORN'Eis* AT LAW, (Law Range,) Au ai gusta, Gs Practice in the Courts of the Mid dle District, and Common Pleas of the city. _ John C. Snead also practices in the Courts of Edgefied and Barnwell Districts, S C. John C. Snead. Garland A. Snead. nug 6 ly LOUIS DE DAIGLE, A TTORNEY AT LAW, Augusta, Ga.—W 1 XL practice in the Middle Circuit of Georgia. Office on Mclntosh street, third door North of the office of the Constitnticnalis & Republic. CCt 19 ]y ’AMES GARDNER, JR., ATTOItS; V AT LAW, Augusta, Georgia— Office «n Mclntosh-s t. mar 17 MILL-EDGE &. ROGERS, - ~ ATTOL AT LAW Augusta, Georgia.— Office on Jackson street. John Millldge. A. M. Rogers. aug 7 . ly JOHN D. REILLY. ATTOR VEV AT LAW . Augusta Ga., will prac tice in the Conns of the middle District and Common Pleas o; Augusta. Office up stairs in Metcalfs Yew Building, third dour North of the Constitutionalist x, Ropulfli office. aug4 ly T. W. Co3b7 ~ ATTORNEY AT LAW, Eatonton. Geo., will practice in the several Counties of Putnam., Jasper, Morgan, Jones, and Baldwin. B 2?” All business entrusted to his care will be promptly attended to sept 15 D A VxD S. JOHNSTON, A TTURATA' AT AW. Commiss'oner for N -tTI Car. lina, and Notar Public. LiC?" OiUce over the --tore oi Messrs. B. IT. War ren <fc Co., Granite How, Jackson street, Augusta, a ' n JOKES & STURG-ES. 1 AT LAW, Waynesboro", Gcoi John J. Joses. J. TL. Sturges an 21 SEWKETT & BEERS] YY7 HOLES,U E DRUGGISTS, No. 125 Main v V street, Richmond, Virginia. Okas Bennett, ! VVm. S. Beers. may 29 G. A. SUE AD, for taking the acknowledge meat of Deeds, administering Oaths, Ac., for the States of Alabama, Florida, and Texas, j an 28 ly JOHrX T. SHEWIVIAKE, ATTORNEY at LAW. will practice in Burke, jTsl Jefferson, Washington, at a other counties of the Middie Di trict. Office, first fi or over J. C. Carmichael's Store. Warren Block, Augusta, Ga. lv feb 6 ~~ R. J. &~w7 _ T.~MILLICAN t ATTORNEY’S AT LAW, Jefferson, Jackson county. Ga , will practice in the Western Cir cuit of Georgia, and also, in the counties of Madi son and Elbert, of the Northern Circuit. JlOliE'lt J. JIIL.LICAN, WM. T. MILLICAN a n 2c, ] y ~~ - s. T. STRICKLAND \ TTORXEY at LAW, Franklin, Heard ccun --5a :y, Ga., will attend promptly to Professional Business entrusted to him in all the counties of the Coweta Circuit. References.— W. T. Gould, Augusta, Ga.; D. L.. Grimes, Corinth, Ga.; W. W. Gunter, Frank lin, Ga. ly ap 9 m.IT r7 m7 joeustou, Attorneys at law. sparta, ga. The undersigned will practice Law in Hancock and too adjoining counties and ‘he Supreme Court. Mark Johnston. | LI. M. Johnston. feb 11 ly WILLIAMNA. RBlD^ 4 TTOn YKV AT LAW. Eatcnton, Geo. Re fers t > lion. F. 11. Cone, Greensboro.’ sor-t. 8 ts EDWARD 11. HARDEN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ringgold,Walkciteoun ty. Geo.,will attend promptly to th" collec tions of claims in Walker, Murray and Whtficld counties, Georgia, and Hamilton county, Tennes ee. Refferenres. —Graddy fc Burfford, Whitman i Young. F. W.Ta niton, J. J. Johnson, Ringgoll, W. il Stark k Co., P. A Scranton, 001. -Tno. IW'Uedgo, Augusta. ly ott 2ft _----- w D E Rs> ATTOR-PSEY AT LAW, Greensboro, Georgia, jan 5 fly t7~allan7 " K TTORAEV AT LAW, Lawrenceville, Gwir, JT>, net* county, fta. ty may 6 JAMES C. LOHGSTS.EET, r ATTORNEY at LAW, Calhoun, Gordon coun ty, Ga., will practice in the several Courts of the Cherokee Circuit. Refers to Hon J. P King, Robert F. Poe, Augus ta, Ga.: Richard J. P.ters. Esq., Atlanta, Ga.; W. Aiken. Ea;, Cassville, Ga. ts july 23 JOHN C. CARMICHAEL. CO M 311SSIO r» I3J ERC HAA T , Augusta, Geo. Will attend to the sale of Produce of all kinds, consigned to him. c sept 29 STURG-ES & H MPT ON, General < o?»imis,si«x merchants for Timber and Produce, Ro. 76 Bay st., Savan nah. G o Wm H. Sturgks. Preslky Hampton. June 9 ly ' BERRIEN~% rONEs7 ATTORNEYS AT LAW—Office, Waynesboro’, Burke county—Will practice in the Middle Circuit of Georgia. ly jan 10 Tens. M Berrien, 1 b. Jones ANDREW JACKSON, ATTORNEY at LAW, Warrentcn, Ga. mar ii 6m B. E. UANIEUI.. j T L. COOPER. D INXELL & COOPER, ATTORNEYS at la va, Atlanta, Georgia, will a;ton 1 to the collection of debts and otki r Prof*snonal business in the surrounding cou ghs. to Mv.-.-':-r«. J. R.&W.M. Dow, .*> ad Buford, Beall & Co , Augusta. % ap*- : 9 ly NOTICE THE puhlic are hereby notified that the firm of Robfrtso:* A Crocker is This Day dissolved by mutual consent. A i the accounts and not< s are leltin the hands ofK. D Robertson tor collection, who is duly authorized to receipt f< r the firm in liquidation- E D KO BERT SON, JHO. R. CROCKER. Augurtc. Jnn-'*. 1&53! com vtissioij business. fiOiifcKTSO]* & STOVALL. Augusta Geo. TH*. CBIPERSIGveo respectfully announces to the ptib'ic, that they have formed a Co partnership under the fiimof Robert'on & Sto vall, for trarssot'ng the WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION BU'T'ESS at the Fire-Proof Warehouse oceupi d by Robertson &, Crocker, commer cins the first of September next. B th in the business will give »hc : r undivided attention to tho sale ot Cotton. Flour, G a'n, B oon, to., cons'gncd to their care. Cash advance i on all consignments made them, when desired. And a'l orders for ''agrring. Rope, Family Supplies, Ac , fi led at the lowest market prices, and forwarded to order. , E. T> Robe tso r takes this occasion to return his thanks for the liberal patronage extend d to the old firm, and r**sp ctfutly solicits a continuance o the same to the new firm ROBERTSON & STOVALL. E D Roberts n Thos P. Stovall. Augusta, June 20th, 1853. acts june2i JRctocal. LYON’S For the Growth and Embellishment of th• Hair to Prevent its Falling Off and Turning Grey. A WARDED the highest premiums” by the -lV States of New York, Maryland and Michigan, at their Ancua! Fairs of 1851. The Ivathairon neutralizes the effect of disease, climate, and old age, in preserving and restoring the human Hair even after a baldness of twenty years; cleanses the scalp from Scurf and I andruff; will cure the Nervous Headache, Scald Head, Erysipelas, Diseases of the Skin, &e., and is the most desirable TOILET ARTICLE For Ladies or Gentlemen's use in the world. Its perfume equals Lu bin's Choicest Extracts, and being free from all offensive oil, or coloring proper ties it gives the hair that cleaD, bright, soft, lively appear,: nee, secured by no ether preparation. The use of the Kathairon is adopted by the first physicians in Europe and America, and has a pat ronag- and sale unprecedented in tho history of the materia medica. But words aro superfluous, a trial only can attest its real virtues, as millions certify To be had throughout North and South America. Europe and the Islands of the Ocean, in large bottles, for 25 cents E Thomas Lyon, lfil Broadway, New York. Sold by D. B. PLUMB & CO., jan 19 d&ooc6m Augusta, Ga. Let the Afflicted rejoice and tin Despas ring hope ■nn. i.h.dt is nwtn .t last. TUTT’S PECTORAL ELIXIR is one of the most corta n and most pleasant Remedies ever offered to the Public. Its soothing, healing and strengthening virtues diffuse themselves so gen erally c roughout the human Lungs, that it is im possible for Pneumonia, Croup. Bronchitis, Pleu risy, Asthma. Whooping Cough, Hoarseness, Diffi cult Breathing, Pain ir the Side, or Consumption, to withstand its power Its effects upon the Depu ratory Organs are so prompt that Nature is enabled to throw off all unhealthy or impure agencies that tend to disease the delicate substance of the Lungs From the hundreds of cures that are almost dai ly reported, it would be impossible for the most incredulous to doubt for a moment. Many who have suffered for years with diseases of the Re spiratory Organs have been cured by it, and aro sounding its praises abroad. The PECTORAL ELIXIR is prepared from vegetable substances alone, and its use for years would tend to strengthen the system, and not like most other Medicines, weaken it. It is now being used by some of the most eminent Physicians in the country, and by many is considered an infalli ble remedy in CROUP. Parents who have young children, should keep a bottle at ali times, as a single dose will remove any case of this distressing disease, if given at the on set. Prepared in Augusta, Ga.. and for sale by W. 11. & J. TURPIN, ) , yr TUTT Augusta. WM ROOT, Marietta. THOS. S. DENNEY, Atlanta. B. F. TUTT, Agent fer Tennessee, oet 5 d&cly LYON’S EXTRACT OF PURE JAMAICA GINGER. NOTHING need be said to command the atten tion of th® public to this article, when con vinced that it is PURE and unadulterated. Med ical men, or those-seeking a harmless beverage to destroy the unwholesome effect- of brackish and turbid water, can rely upon its genuine character, and it is also extensively used for culinary pur poses, in flavoring cakes, preserves, <fcc. To the afflicted with Dyspepsia, Summer Complaints, Cholera, Nervous Debility, Fever and Ague*, Dizzi ness, general Prostration, &c., nothing has ever been prescribed with equal effect. Manufactured by E. Thomas Lyon, Chemist, 161 Broadwav, New York, Inquire for LYON’S PURE GIN GER. Sold by reputable Druggists throughout the world. Sold at Manufacturer’s nrices, by D. B. PLUMB & CO., jan 18 d&oocfim Augusta, Gail Mexican mustang liniment” TO Tm; HALT. THE LAMS. THE SORE. AND THE STIFF JOINTED, ‘"WE BRING YOC GLAD TIDINGS OF GREAT JOY ! VOLCANIC OIL FROM M \l€o, HAS long been known to possess within itself, won derful soothing, healing and curative powers,and lias been extensively used by the Aztecs for Rheuma tism, stiffness of Joints or Limbs, and for all kinds of fores. Ulcers. Burns, Wounds, Hard Lumps or Tumors, and for all kinds of Pains or Inflamation in Man or Beast. The happy combination of this wonderful pro duction of nature, with other powerful remedies in the Mexican Mustang Liniment, renders it one of the most perfect remedies ever offered to the afflicted. Its action upon the organization is truly wonderful.’ Its volatile, penetrating, soothing and healing prop rties diffuse themselves to the very bone. It enters into the circulation of the blood, gives a nc-w impulse to the whole nervous system, to the very extremities of the fingers and toes, stimulates the absorbents and se cretions, and thus assists nature to throw off and rid herself of rheumatism or pains in any part of the body, from a diseased action of any of the strictural portions of the system. RHEUMATISM OF THIRTY YEARS STANDING, Ila sbeen cured wuh it-iu four weeks. The most loath some Ulcers that have been running for years are healed and perfectly cured ; n an incredibly short time. Fredi Outs. Wounds, or Bruises, yield to it like a charm I Any kind of Swelling, stiffness of Joints, Hard Tumors, or Cancers, are cured as by magic. BURNS- SCALDS.AND SCALD HEADS, Are healed and perfectl r cured by the Liniment alone. It has ivroved it-elf the most extraordinary preparation ever offered to the afflicted. It has proved an infallible remedy in CHRONIC AND INFLAMMATORY RHEUMATISM. It has j erfectly cured a lady who was seventy years of age, of '.onfirined and long standing NUMB PALSY, OR PARALYSIS. A boy fifteen years of age had been under the treat ment of several eminent physicians for years without any benefit, was restored and perfectly cured by this Liniment of that awful malady, WHITE SW ELLING OR niP DISEASE. We offer this Liniment as a remedy in tho various diseases and complaints for w hich it is recommended, with full confidence of its success ii curing them. The following is a list of the numerous and extra ordinary cases i t has cured during the last few months : 6.750 cases of Rheumatism in all its forms ; 4.200 Sprains and Bruises; 5.400 ‘5 Burns and Scalds; 3.450 “ Fresh Cuts and Wounds; 40 lt Canoe s; 7,740 “ Scrofulous Sores and Ulcers, that had re sisted all other treatment; 4,240 -■ Inflamed and Swelled Joints; 7,500 Piles; .400 “ Lumbago, Sciatica, Gout, and hard bony Tumors: 6.250 t; Chapped Hands; 2,000 “ Caked Breasts; * 4.60 U “ Tooth Ache ; 10.000 l! Various Phrenic Diseases. This must apDear almost iucr dibly, but tho numerous cer’ifieates and 'etters from d stinuuished physicians, citizens, agents, and others who have used the medicine enable u- to substantiate the above facts. MILLIONS of bottles of it are yearly consumed, and it h is always given satisfaction, because is has performed just what we said it would. TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. Every Store should be supplied with this valuable Liniment, as it pays a good profit and sells rapidly. PRICES OF THE LINIMENT. It is put up in bottles of three sizes, and retails at twenty-five cents, fifty cents, and one dollar per bottle. The fifty cent and one dollar bottles contain fifty and one hundred per cent more Liniment in proportion to their cost, so that money is saved by buying the larger sizes. A. G. BRAGG & CO , Sole proprietors. Office 304 Roadway, N. Y, and St. Louis, Missouri. For sale by naviland, Risley & Co.. Barrett & Car ter, D. B. Plumb k Co., Dr. W. H. Tutt, and all other Druggists in Georgia. jan2l dislyJceoc LADIES DRESS GOODS AT COST! GRAY BROTHERS ARE selling all their colored Muslins, Bareges, Tissues and Granedines, Summer Silks, <te., ard all such goods as are liable to change styles be tween now and next season, at New York cVis', those goods haying been purchased closely for cash. Great bargains may bo anticipated on the same ertns. df&w june 21 For SALK TO ARRIVE—IS hhds prime N O. Bacon Sides; 10 do. do. do. Shoulders, (cut beautiful ;) 10 tcs. sugar-cured Hams by june 24 c. E. GIRARDEY.' Baltimore Atmcrtlsements. ’ GWYN &. REID, (LATE GWYN, REID & TAYLOR,) IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF DRY GOODS, No. 7 Hanover street, Baltimore, Md. aug 20 ly • BALTIMORE SILK HOUSE. YEAKLE. COBS & CO., 255 BALTIMORE STREET, BALTIMORE. SILK GOODS, adapted to the wants of the Sou thern States. A stock competing with any found in the Northern cities, to which the atten tion of Southern Merchants is raspectfully invited, on terms liberal as elsewhere. Baltimore, August 1, 1852. df&cly aug 1 pUukijiliifl JUwrtisraifnts. WOOD’S STEAM ORNAMENTAL IRON WORKS, PHILADELPHIA. CAST and Wrought Iron RATLINGS, Window GUARDS, CHAIRS, SETTEES, and every article in the above line always on hand at the low"- estprices. The undersigned having the agency of the above establishment, and a book of the different designs, will be pleased to show them to all in want, and re ceive orders. GLENDINNING & CO. mar 30 ly DISSOLUTION. f IMIE COPARTNEHSHIP heretofore existing I. between the undersigned, under the firm of Z. McCORD & CO , was dissolved on the 16th inst., by mutual consent. The books of the date firm will be kept at the store of Messrs. McCord, Hart & Co. The name of the firm will be used by either of us in settling up the old business. DANIEL HAND. Z. McCORD. Augusta, June 21, 1853. dJdm june 22 COPARTNERSHIP. THE UNDERSIGNED have This Day formed a Copartnership under the firm, name and styde ofMcCoFD. Hart A Co., for the tr insactior ol a general GROCERY BU INESS in this city, and have taken the store formerly occupied by Messrs. Adams & Fargo, and more recently by Messrs. Seymour, Anslcy & Co. Z. McCORD, J. B. HART, J. W. HORTON. Augusta, June 16, 1853. june 22 dlmo&c2raos DISSOLUTION. THE COPARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between the undersigned, under the firm, name, and style of SEYMOUR, ANSLEY & CO, has been this day unsolved by mutual consent. The name of the firm will he usod by either part ner in settling up the old business. 11. C SEYMOUR, J. A. ANSLEY, .10IIN G McHENRY. COPARTNERSHIP^ THE SUBSCRIBERS have this day formed a Copartnership for the transaction of a whole sale GROCERY BUSINESS in this citv, under the firm and name of SCRANTON, SEYMOUR & CO., and have removed to the store No. 2, Warren Block. Thankful for the patronage so liberally extended to our late firms, P. A. SCRANTON and BEY MOUR, ANSLEY & GO., we hope to merit a con tinuance of the same to the new firm. P. A SCRANTON, H. C. SEYMOUR, JOHN G McHENRY. N. B.—We shall receive and sell PRODUCE on Commission as formerly. The books an ’ papers of our old firms will bo found at the cfliee of the sub scribers. S. 8. & Co. Augusta, Ga., June 13, 1853. detf june 18 NOTICE.' The arm heretofore existing under the name and style of BUFORD, BEALL A CO., is this day dissolved by Limitation Either of the firm are authorized to sign iu liquidation. W. 11. BUFORD, W. M. BEALL, J. W L. STOVALL. Augusta, June 5, 1853. iuno 7 THE Subscribers have formed a Copartnership under the name and firm of BEALL <fc STO VALL. and will continue the Warehouse and Gro cery business, where the Books of the late firm will be kept. W. M BEALL, . J.W.L. STOVALL. Augusta, June 6, 1853. june 7 A CARD. — In consequence of ill health, I have been compelled to withdraw from business, and in retiring, would take this opportunity of return ing my sincere thank. 3 to my friends and the public generally for their nage so liberally extended to me during my business connections, and would most cordially recommend my s and late partners. W. H. BUFORD, june 7 dlinc2m DI S SO L U T 5 O N—The firm of BAKE R& HART is th’g day dissolved by mutual con sent The business of the late firm will be liqui dated by Alfred Baker. ALFRED BARER, june 17 ' JAMES B. HART. pOP ART iYEflsn IP7--TLF lTE”D~B AKER has v/ associated with him in business? T. D CAS W ELL. for the transaction of a general G ROCERY BUSINESS, under the name and style of BAKER ft CASWELL, and will occupy the store of the late firm of Baker & Hart. ALFRED BAKER, june 17 dl2c3 T. D CASWELL. DISSOLUTION. THE COPARTNERSHIP of MILLEDGE & RODGERS, in the practice of Law, is this day dissolved by mutual consent, and the unfinished business of be lato firm will bo in the hands of John Milledge. JNO. MILLEDGE, A M. RODGERS. Persons having business with the un ersigned, will find him at the office of the Home Gazette, june 21 d 3 AM. RODGERS. notice" WHEREAS many side walks, especially on the cross streets are in bad order, notice is hereby given to lot holders, that they are required . o put the same in good order forthwith: also, that all per sons will bo required to pave the drains crossing the sidewalks fronting their lots and covering the same from the sidewalks to the ditch, as required by the 28th section of the general ordinance Bv order the Committee on Streets and Drains. L.L, ANTONY, june 1G Clerk Council. NOTICE. ALL Persons indebted to the Estate of Thomas II Mi’chell, lato of Walton county, deceased, are requested to make immediate payment, and those having demands against said deceased, will please render them in terms of the law. JETT T. MITCHELL, 1 JOSHUA M. MITCHELL, J Executors, june 10 NOTICE." ~~ A t L PERSONS indebted to tho Estate of Mar tin Frederick deceased, are hereby requested to m-iko immediate payment; and those having claims against said Estate, to present them, duly attested, and within the time prescribed by law. EDWARD GIRARDEY, . . , . may 21 WM J DOUGHERTY. ( Adm rs ‘ LAW NOTICE. I HAVE taken into Copartnership, my Nephew, FREDERICK C FULLER, Esq., and our busi ness will be transacted under tho namo of Cone & Fuller. Mr. Fuller will pay particular attention tc> tho collection and security of claims and debts. FRANCIS H CONE, FREDERICK C. FULLER. Greensboro',-Jane 24, 1853. dfifccl juno 2G REMOVAL. THE subscriber has removed his GUN ESTABLISHMENT to 205 Broad street, a few doors above tho Augusta Hotel, at the store lately occupied as a Grocery Store hy John A Millen. Tnankfu! for past favors, I solicit a edn tinuance of the same. june 4 E H. ROGERS. spring trade: " WE have commenced receiving CLOTHS, CAS RI ME RES and VESTINGS, of tho newest stylo and best fabric, for SPRING WEAR, which wo are prepared to make up to moasure,’ in the latest stylo and best manner. Our stock will be replenished, EVERY WEEK, with tho cheapest and best to be found in the.No r thern market * feb 27 WM. 0. PRICE & CO. 1 ( Packages Cognac Brandy, just received XV/ and in store, for sale by june l ? ts C.E. GIRARDEY. AUGUSTA. GA., FRIDAY M MINING JULY 11 <53 (general JUWfrtismeats. MOURNING GOODS. SNOWDEN & SHEAR have received firm New York a large supply of MOURNING GOODS among which are— Superior Black BOMB AZINS, some for Summer wear, and best quality; Plain and Satin Striped Black GHALLYS: Superior plain Black BAREGES of the best quality; Satin plaid MARQUISE, abeautiful article; Plain Biack GRENADINES of superior quality ; Mourning MUSLINS and GINGHAMS of the best quality ; English Crape and plain black Lisse VEILS; Lades’ Mourning MANLTLLAS of new and beautiful patterns; Ladies' plain black and white pointed Crape COLLARS; With almost every other article required for La dies Mourning apparel. may 17-dtwJkw NORTH^CAROLINaT MUTUAL LIFITIN SUKANCE COMPANY. Incorporated January. 1319. . Central Oefice, Raleigh, N. C. HAVING established an Agency in this city, are prepared to take LIFE RISKS on the most favorable terms The table of Rates are those made by Joshua Millar, and known as “The Carlisle Table,” uni versally conceded to be the most correct in use. The advantages offered bv this Company, are such as merit the attention, of tuo public, and will be pointed out and explained at any time by the Agent. Insurances are taken on single lives, for ons year, seven years, or for life. On joint lives, for life. On slaves at 2-3 value, one or five years. The undersigned can, at all times, be found at the Law office of G. J. & W. Schley, Esus. Letters, post-paid, directed to the Agent here, will bo promptly attended to * apr 11 S. H. OLIVER, Ag’t., Augusta, Ga _ P“ ORTRAIT3 ; CHARLES B E RUFF.—ARTIST, From the Academy of Munich , Bavaria. GR ATEFULfortheencouragementgiv- en him the past season, informs the .; ladies and gentlemen of Augusta and nicy, that he has removed to the rooms over Mis Catonnet’s School, (two doors above Clark, F.acke & Co.’s corner) and is prepared to furnish BOR TRAITS of the finest execution, at tho shores! no tice. The Public are respectfully invited to give him a call. QGF* A few moro Pupils in DRAWING can be accommodated. On MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY AFTERNOONS he will be engaged, giving instruc tions on the Sand Hills. References. —Col. Turner Canton, Messrs. Tho. Richards, J. Gardner, Jr. sept. 14 rHE AUGUST A BILLIARD ROOMS, In the Rear of Haywood's Shaving SalOon, Under the Augusta Hotel. JM. HAY WOOD, respectfully informs his • friends and the citizens of Augusta, generally, that ho has opened a now and elegant BILLIARD ROOM, furnished with very superior Tables, from the Manufactory of Strong & Moore, New York, and hopes, by having it conducted with propriety and decorum, to bo favored with the patronage of tjtogentlemen of Augusta. jan 19 P. BRENNER, PIANO MANUFACTURER, Quality Range, Broad Street, Augusta, Get-., IS ready to execute all orders for PI- .... - ANOS of all descriptions, which heft. -1 warrants to bo equal in tone, quality ff T~Ty ‘ and durability to any that are brought from the North. Tho following is one of various testimonials, which bavo been kindly given to P. B. by gentle men in this city. Having bought a Piano of Mr. P. Brenner last year, which was of his own make, I take great pleasure in testifying my perfect approbation of it in every respect. It is very rich in tone, easy oi touch, elegantly made and keeps in tune most' ad mirably. From what I have seen of Mr. Bren ner’s Pianos, I have no hesitation in recommend ing them for their superior quality, to all who may be in want of a fine and durable instrument. J. R. Hart. Augusta, September 15, 1852. Further references : Rev. Mr. Ford, Mr. J Sotze, Mr. H. B. Frazier, B. Bignon, Mr. Wm. R Schir mer and others. Pianos, Organs and other musical instruments tuned and skillfully repaired, at the shortest no tice. P. BRENNER, sept 17 l}' Broad-st., above MeKinne-st. HATS, CAPS AND BONNETS, AT CHARLESTON PRICES. COUNTRY Merchants visiting Augusta will find at our House tho largest and teigfcJ best selected stock of HATS, CAPS AND BONNETS, in the Southern country, and we pledge ourselves to sell as cheap as any Charleston House Those who wish to save their freight between hero and Charleston, can do so by calling at J. T \YLOR A CO:’S, march 6 Opposite Wright, Nichols A Co. Rheumatism cured. —Read the Evi dknce. —I have been afflicted for the last three years with Rheumatism- in both legs, arid have tried many medicines without success, until I was advised to use Dr. lloxie’3 Remedy for Rheumatism, Ac., and after using tbre- and a half bottles, I am entirely >veM, and have been well ever since, and this is nearly four months a."o SAMUEL T. MADDOX This Medicine is for sab? at the Drug Score under tho Augusta Hotel. Price 50 cents per bottle, mar 25 JUST LAN»EJ>.—2,OOO BiCarb Soda; 2,000 lbs. Epsom Salts: 10 doz San I’s S ir.-apariila; 360 ounces Sulpb, Quinine; 1 case Wed .re wood Mortars; 100 g-oss Matches ; 5 hb’s. Cold Pressed Castor Oil, which are offered at low prices by WM. H. TUTT. june 15 dAw Wholesale and Retail D. uggist UMMER CASSIMEKRS and LINENS, for Pantaloons, of new styles of fabric, suited for a warm cHrnat,. june 4 WM 0 PRICE & CO. SUPER IOR KERSEYS.-- -GRAY~BROTH ERS O have just received 25,000 yds of very superior Kerseys, m irmficturc l expressly of he best mate rial for our own trade, wh ch we off w to Planters wishing to make up their winter su plies in sum mer, at decided inducements d|Aw june 18 NEW . sprxnQ GOODS. LD. L \ ULEi»S TEiir has opened at his old • Stand, corner (4 obo Hotel a new and complete assortment of SPRING GOODS, the styles and prices of which, he warrants to please, to which he invites attention. march 17 BIRD CAufis —A general asrortm nt of Bird Cages, Water Coolers of diffet n.t patterns, in cluding Burnett’s pa'ent, which. with two pounds of Ice to the gallon of water, will keep it eight de groes from the freezin : point for 21 Lk urs ; a boau tif il ornaraont for Hoteis, Parlors, and Steamboats. For sale by B F. CHEW, may 11 NO DEVIATION FROM MARKED PRICES'. AUGUSTA FASHIONABLE CLOTHING EMPORIUM. WM. 0. PRICE & CO., Tailors. 258 Broad st„ have on hand, and are constantly manufac turing the most superb GE TLEMEN’S OVERCOATS, Os every description; Walking Coats, Business Coats, Dress and French Coats, of all the choice mode oolors. PANTALOONS, Os Black and Fancy Doeskin, and Cassimorea, oi the latest styles. VESTS, Os rich Cashmeres, Cassimeres and Velvets, Em broidored Goods, Ac. Ac ROBES DE CIIAMBRE, Os variousstvlos and qualities. GENTLEMEN’S UNDER GARMENTS, Os every description. Tho wholo embracing the best assortment of well made Clothing to bo found in Augusta. Purchasers will be pleased to call and examine our assortment WM. 0. PRICE A CO., dec 5 258 Broad street, Augusta. THE AUGUSTA BRASS AND COTILLION BAND. JOHN A. KOHLER, Leader, RESPECTFULLY informs the public, that they are prepared to furnish MUSIC for all occa sions required, on reasonable terms. Communica tions addressed to JOHN A., orW. 0. BOIILER, Augusta, Ga., will receive prompt attention. july 13 ly* PR ESTO.N AND ME it R ILL’S Yeast Powders, for sale by PHILIP A. MOIRE, juu® 24 . Druggist. (S.wat iDmrtisrinrnis. I - ... - UNITED STATES HOTEL I 1 AUGUSTA, GA. THE above HOTEL is now open for the reception ot Permanent ana Tran- i]"!i? sien'T BOARDERS This long established and well-known House has undergone a thorough alteration throughout, and furnished with NEW and FASHIONABLE FUR NITURE! The table will always be supplied with the b-est the market affords; an i the PtopriA .-r rust--, by a systematic course, both with s .rvarts and the regulations of the house »e i yailv. he w 11 be er a bled to give ent»re sudisinction to those that may favor him t ei rnatronage. JNO. W. SPEAR. ~'~r~ Chronicle & Sentinel piease copy, jan 4 CABINET MAKING & UNDERTAKING ii. FAFFIN' AT HIS STAND, second door below thegv Eagle & Phoenix Hotel, respectfully in forms his friends and the public, that he still continues the above business in all its branches. lie keeps on hand a large assortment of Maho gany and other Coffins, o all kinds and sizes. Also Shrouds and Sheets—which he offers on the tnes reasonable terms. Also, Wire Safes, an of Fine Cages, and a Chair for Invalids. All orders will meet with prompt attention. ts may 19 GLENDINNING &. CO.’S JIARBLE WORKS, BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, we have on hand, and wilicontinuc V » to keep a « ell selected stock of Italian*and American MARBLE, for Monuments. Tombs. Ac., which wo will finish up to order in a manner not to be surpassed by any similar establishment and as |ow as they can be laid down from New York or any other place. Call and examine for yourselves, mar 30 ly FASHIONABLE ~FALL AND WINTER GOODS. rostN BRIDGES, Merchant Tailor, Clothier, •«» and Gentleman’s Furnishing Store, 250 Broad street, next door below the United States Hotel, is now in receipt of a full and complete stock of all that appertains to a Gentleman’s Wardrobe, con sisting of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES. VESTINGS, and Trimmings to make up to order, both civic and military. Also a largo and fashionable assort ment of READY MADE CLOTHING, and a full supply of Furnishing 4rtieies, viz: SHIRTS, UN DER SHIRTS. LADIES UNDER VESTS, DRAWERS, Nett and Made; Collars, Cravats, Scats ! , Stocks, G’oves, Ac.&c MAKING and TRIMMING in the best man nor. oot 8 AT j-,. U3TA 2ARBER SHOP.” T >l. Si V.Y WOOD, respectfully announces ts • * • tho citizens of Augusta, thath will open Tn- Morrow, (Wednesday) November 17th, his NEW and COMFORTABLE BARBER SHOP in the Augusta Hotel, Broad street. Sparing no expense or pains in making his Sa loon one of the most Fashi- nable ir the United Statos ho assures his follow-citizen? and friend? that every endeavor shall bo made to make his patrons comfortable. He respcotfully solicits their support. My prices will bo as reasonable as in any similar establishment in New York : Hair Cutting in a fashionable and splendid style 25c. Single Shave 100 Skumpooi g. 25c. Shaving every day, by the month $2 00 Do. five times per week 150 Do. three and four times per week.... 100 Tickets for Children Hair Cutting, 6 for... 1 00 Parents are respectfully informed that every pains will bo taken with their children, when sent to the Saloon to bo waited upon. J. M. 11. will keep for sale, a variety of FANCY GOODS, such as Gentlemen’s Cravats, Stocks, all kinds of Gloves, Dress Shirts, Pocket Handkerchiefs, Merino and Cotton Under-Shirts. Drawers, Socks, Collars, and other articles ofGen tlomon’s wear; Hair, Tooth, Nail, Hat, Cloth and Shoo Brushes; Soaps, Colonges, Oils, and a great variety of other articles. BALM OF SAVANNAH.—This beautiful Pre paration is manufactured by himself, for cleansing and darkening the Hair, used by thousands throughout the State of Georgia. He respectfully recommends it to tho Ladies and Gentlemen of Augusta. (nov Iff) J. M. HAYWOOD. BOOTS, SHOES AND BROGANS. rp.HE SUBSCRIBER, thankful for past g,- 1 favors, would inform his friends customers, that he is now receiving his usual sup ply of BOOTS. SHOES and BROGANS, compri sing every article and quality, which he will sell cheap. Call and see for yourselves. 2000 Pair No 1 PLANTATION BROGANS, cheap. (oct 7) HENRY DALEY. GRANITE MILLS. rnilE undersigned having purchased the GRAN .I IIF FLOUR MILLS, located upon the Au rusta Caual,gives notice that the FLOUR AND GRAIN business will hereafter bo conducted and carried on by George W. Lewis. B 11. WARREN. And will keep for sale superfine FLOUR, fresh ground CORN MEAL, Wheat. Bran, Seconds, Ac. GEORGE W LEW IS, feb 9 No 1 Warren Block. B \RGAINS ! BARGAINS !! THE UNDERSIGNED. de=irou9 of closing up their business, are selling off th ir stock of CLOTHING and DRY GOODS, at cost All those who are indebted to tho under-igned. either by note or account, are reque ted to make immediate payment, or their notes and accounts will Re put in a train for collection. MAYER, BROTHER A CO., jan 13 ts 3 doors above ha ~ guns, pis roLs,luc! DOUBLE BARREL shot GUNS. Shot and Powder Flasks, Gun Caps, of best makers; Patent, Wadding, feet ; Allen’s ana Colt's Revolving Pistols, and others; English Belt and Pocket Pis tols. — also — A fine Self-Cocking and Revolving Pistol, with five chambered cylinder, patent rifiod, firing wad ded ball with groat execution, sp endidiv made, by Deane, Adam? A Deane. London Bridge—a beau tiful article for any ore wishing a fine instrument in case, with caps balls, wadding, -wrench, driver, cleani g rod, oil cup. extra cones, Ac., complete For sale low, by CL ARK A CO., Dealers in fine Wa'ches. Silver Wares, oct 23 Jewelry. Guns. Ac PIANO FORTES. THE SUBSCRIBERS would res i pect,fully call the attention of their friends and the pub'ic. to their J J Ir 7 ” assortment of Rosewood and Mahogany PIANO FORTES, from the well kiowri and justly celebrat ed Manufactories of Haro A Raven, A. H. Gale A Co., and Dubois £ Seaf> ry. New York, which are warranted in every res cct. to he at least fully equal to any instruments manufactured in thiscoun try or Europe The subscribers would also state that the instru ments new on hand are of the latest pa-sras and fashion, and fresh from the manufacturers. For sale at very low prices for cash or city acceptance at GEO. A. OATES A CO.’S Piano. Book A. Music Depot Broad-st. GUITAR LESSONS. MR. F. KIRciiNER. Teacher of the ten Guitar, bogs leave to inform the die* and Gentlo non of Augusta and tho cinity, that he has located hirns If in this city, and will he happy to give instruction on thli beautiful Instrument- Ho promises full satieta-tien to all who may place themselves under his tuition. App'icntims made at the Store of Goo. A. Oates A Co., or C. Gatlin A Co., or a t tho residence of Mr. Kirehner, nearly opposite tho Catholio Church, as to forms and references, will meet attention, Mr. K. will, with pleasure, wait on families whe may desire to confer with him on the subject, nov 24 ts ALLEN’S COMPOUND IS THE remedy for Dyspepsia. Liver Complaint, Nervous Dehpitv. Ac. S r ld at SI 00 a bottle by HAVILANP, RISLEY A CO., may 3 3m Agents. Augusta. jt UST RECEIVED, a fine lot of Travelling and ' Packing TRUNKS, Ladies’ HAT C ASES. Ac., to be sold cheap, at HENRY DALY’S, Opposite tho U. R Hotel. Also, 500 pair of Ladies' Silk Lasting Top GA I TERS, at SI.OO and $1 25. apr 22 BENNETT’S MIXTURE FOR BOWEL COMPLAINT, HAS been in u e in Charleston for many years, and is regarded as a specific in the early stages of Bowel Complaint Sold at 25 and 50 c"nts a bottle by HAVILAND, RTSI.EY A CO.. may 3 3m Agents Augusta. VOL. 32—-NEW SERIES —VOL. 8.-NO. 155 Jllrrtljastliifif. 250,000 POUNDS BACON. The suiiscit • BEK bason consignment two hundred and fifty thousand pounds of the finest Tennessee BACON ever offered as a whole in this mar?et Persons in want, are invited to ex amine it before buying. It will be sold low for cash, or city acceptance. A1 o, 150 doz. BROOMS made in Greenville, S. O. T. W. FLEMING. may 29 lmo CLi-A AbW ORLEANS MOLASSES.—- 50 hhls. Cuba MOLASSES. bis. N Orleans do. 33 do. Sugar House do. 16 i bbls. do do. For sale bv may :9 WM. H. STARK ACO. aco.n, flour AN D lard—4o,ooo pound clear SIDES from Tennessee. lO.Ot'O choice HAMS, cured extra ; SHOULD ERS, 50 packages of LARD. For sale by may 29 WM H. -TARK & CO. S< OT« li WfiDKY AND JAMAICA RUM.— 1 nuneh‘‘On Scotch Whisky, J. Ramsay; 1 do. Jamaica Rum For sale by June 2 C. A. WILLIAMS. SUG’iR AND CO?-FEE.—150 bags prime Rio Coffe ; 40 hhd3 Muscovado and N O Sugar. For sale by C A. WILLIAMS. jun- 2 fpOB Cco.— 'OO boxes various brands ard qual- A ities f'rs’lo low to close up a consignment, and to pay advances. For sale by juno 2 C. A WILLIAMS. millvKY. FLOUR —SO bbT?~N. O Whisky; VV 4 1 ' bbls. Flour, to clo o consignments For sale by C. A. WILLIAMS, june 2 YEAST powders, SARDINES. — IOO dozen Yeast Baking Powders ; 10 eases Sar 'ines.— For sale by 0. A. WILLIAMS. SUGARS, COFFEE, &CL j O BHIfS P Rico Sugars. 15 do N. Orleans granul - ted do' 150 bags prime Rio Coffee. 50 do Java, Laguira and Mocha do. 30 boxes choice Gre< n and Black Teas. 50 boxes Tallow Star and Sporm Candles. 50 boxes Steam Refined Candv 75 boxes Tobacco, carious qualities. 50,000 American and Spanish Fegars. For sale by J.R.&W.M.DOW jan 23 GROCERIES 1 GROCERIES fj THE SUBSCRIBERS are mnstantiy supplied •with a largo assortment of heavy and frncy GROCERIES, to which they respectfully invite the attention of Merchants Planters and Families We continue the Old Practice of delivering Goods to our City Customers, free of expense. Orders from the country will receive prompt attention and will bo filled at tho lowest Maket prices. J. R. & W. M. DOW. jan 23 SUGARS. —Wo have just received a lot of the following favorite brands SEGAIIS of our own importation, direct from Havana: Rio Hondo. Trcs Coronas, (three Crowns.) Victoria. La Higueru. \ Legaldnd do Lopez. Consolation. Benjamin Franklin. dec 8 ‘ LAMBACK & COOPER. QA BBLS. Stuart’s A Sugar; 20 do~doTYel- OU low C. do.; 15 casks Campbell’s Ale; 25 boxes Soda Biscuit; 20 half bbls Butter Crackers ; 50 bbls Extra Country Flour. Just received by DAWSON & SKINNER. v june 14 CH ATTANOOGA WHISKY—2O bbls, choice, just received and for sale from tho Chattanoo ga Di>tillery by june 14 S C. GRENVILLE & CO, POTATOES. —A few bbls of choice Northern POT ATOES, just received and for sale hv june 14 S. C. GRENVILLE & CO. WHITE WINE AND CIDER JFlN^Alt>> 75 bbls. just rece vcd and for sale by june 14 S. C. GRENVILLE & CO. J OT » RAGS WA NT ED.—The highest ca U prices paid for clean Cotton Linen, Silk ■ Woollen RAGS. june 14 W H. PRITCH A RDM M acker e1,—50 bbls No. 3 MACKERELS 40 half bbls. No. I and 2 do. 30 kits Mess do. 30 “ Large No. 1 do. 15 “ No. 1 Salmon. 3 half drums Codfish. y june 14 _ D \ SKINNER, 1 Bacon, lard, cowpeas, and corn.- 10.050 lbs Tennessee Bacon, hog round ; 25 bbls. and half bbls Lard" 250 sacks of Tennessee Corn ; 51 “ Ortfpoas. Just received and for sale. may 91 d&w 1m A. STEVEN^~g Agricultural impleunfst.—a gen^ eral assortment Agricultural ImplemeTfls, • just received and for sate at manufacturor’sprioos, with expenses added ; vtz ; Straw Cutters, of different patterns Corn Shelters, Southern patterns Corn Mil's. 1 Emery k. Co.’s Patent Reap and Mowing Ma chines Hoes. Plough?. Trucks. Well Wheels. Shovels Spades. Manure Forks, Horse Shoes. Am . kc. For sale by F. F. CHEW, may 11 LAR ET. CLARE C’.—3o casos Claret Wine; a fine articlo now landim> d for «ale by june 9 THAYER & BUTT. WRAPPING PAPER—3SO reams Single! Crown ■ 75 do. Double do.: 150 do Medium, a superior article, jus received and for sale lower than it can be bought fi>r elsewhere. June 7 , 8. C. GRENVTLLE ACO. FRESH M\Y BUTTER? A FEW kegs received yesterday of fresh May BUTTER, W. H. PRITCIFAhD. june 5 1/ \ CASKS prime Savannah Rice just received V/ and for sale by C. E GIHARDEY B AGON, CORrr, SUG AR A(\ nnn BBI.S. BACON; 75 bbds. MOLASSES; 100 hbds N. O SUGAR ; 75 bbls. Extra WHT KY ; 200 hhG. prime HAY ; 3000 bushels CORN; 500 bbls Fxtr-i and Superfine Flour from tb° Granite MB's For sale by GEOROE W LEWIS, june 21 No. 1, Woffort R eek. AION, LARJD, AN J CO. « N.—4o 00(1 lhp~f prime Tennessee Bacon. Heg Round ; 50 hh?s. an>l ba’f bbls of Loaf Lard ; 250 sacks of prime Bread Corn. Just received and for sa'e Lv jure 10 dtfewlm A. STEVENS. Butter and cheesf --a fresh S uppiy"of new Gnsben Butter, and English Dairy r ‘heege. Received by THAYER & BUTT, juno 9 B vm\ a ' D candles—2ohhdaTprlme BA. CON SIDES 50 box?s Adamantine Candles. Just received and for sale by juno2l CAMILLE E GIRARDEY. RU>I and r.iv—“2s bbls New York Rose Grn 25d0 NE. Rum; 2 hhds do do By iane 3 C.A. WILLIAMS. GENT’S FINE BOOTS. JUST RECEIVED—Roger’s. Reukort’s, Miles, and Brook’s fine DRESS BOOTS. A ’ SO- Sttebed bottom and other fine Water Prooi BOOTS. v A I.SO- 1 Patent Loather DRESS BOOTS, of the lat«§ sU’e. (jan 29) ALDRICH * ROYAL.^ Brushes BRUSHES—Whitewash. Scrub bitig, and Scouring Brushes. Abo. Ducting, Sweeping, Hat and Shoe Brushes. 0 f all s’zes, for sale cheap by WM. HAINES, june 11 Druggist, Augusta. CLEVELAND’S DENTRIFICE FOR cleansing, Beautifying, and Preserving the Teeth an 1 Gums, is of the h st TOOTH POWDERS in use. and too well known to require puffing—for sale ; n Augusta hv HAVILAND, RISLEY & CO., may 3 3m Agents, Augusta. ilrai BoobJl MH ■I nr Fireside Talk : r v M e Voung Lady's tErUNW comb. The Old and tin? New or Chaises i:. Iho F > t : by William >•• isl )gra£&sSgjra B A ' 7 -*••'■» S ; A *;•'••'• 1.i.-'.u *^’£‘f** Tio- iii lb.- j.. 4KsjjflN| tion o tho I>evi : s Dwelling calmW^ t“ 1 1 k-■ V\ ■ ; »n• 1!- V ImBBH oi \» oat ht> >itid Lm<l, i*.-. •.a v Cyriila; a Ta'e: l.v the am uos^^^^RKHHß If ritual Vampirism : WO. W. V ild Jack. or tho ;JA - v '.■ : sSj mpap i .■•■ y ■ 2jt^L TjßHu; 0!mo;,\ ~r ; i MB a :n l-l. v' au' -t; ■■ !•;•■ Tpaß .afgySsllisP^ No. 15, of Dickens “ Bleak 'B JSk Th>- Dancing Feathei, or PiJTto ScK^| j /.“^j'' % J H Tngmhain, Esq. The \\ hitc Wolf, or tho Secret Paul Teval. Paul Clifford, or Hurrah for the Road. 1 Minnie Samson, or tho Outlaw s Lesmee bvl Cba? Red Swan, Esq. " Larry Ashton, or and the Way : by tho author ot Minme Grey,- “ Gus ilowaidLor How to Win a wife,” &c , &c. A Just received and for sale by co Jos. A. CAR j une 9 Booksellers a M ■«>•<». M.\\ is ok*.--Har-v ■ WBBfc SS™BB t ’or t i -hip, am] What C me of tbor of- Frank Fairlegh," etc , etc L.'.dv Leighton, or the Belle of. tho Mrs. Gore. 'v #•* w U he Soldiers Wife, or Scenes in on ilie >5 otie Field: by G. W. M. S., I- ia Scmbiiry, or Yankees in Japa*HbH| maotie Adventure? a Sailor ■To, r. , Ivc-1 and f-.r ?.-d- bv i yp^ NUM: - ■ . 888 Giilf : y ,J. 11. Ingraham, aHBHBBBB| Kyd. ac HHB A m;in h; search id a Wife, or t h a B rin 'i.■ a V.i! JHMflB| ' his Dr id e. *Jj u •-■■•a-. nß| tn'i ot .iawHeßßßßa| 1 "‘ -a v-r G.;\:..-..-i® b; himself. h:o ■hBI J® * ‘ 4 ’**£&• i nu IB Civ k / hk3uiL 21 '. * if Life. u " Fay re ■ i-f - ..r i .jus> * con received a; GEO. AjAJ i.v 27 Book A ffl ||SBj|||l|§l| « of stand!^| JB ’ -Wl '-’ \ ; ■ j B K] a i o v= >A ;X ' ~. G *, • mm - - . - . ■ ;I^^HBB ' W - ' V, '***'/' * »’7 LV'-L'p-* ’ S A %'a ;.4 /! XM ?l m T'-m - ' " S \\* ']* *•».. I ; . 11 s s' s 1 ,;i; -di. ?, V r i ig-Wi-Sfr '•' 2~ United Stafllfll -'■%'s& - s'n T.f, ’■’ iBiK ' '.-;: 'i ; -' s^-sgBBBBMB&B elementary W'oi^B JB SH •.:: y|B| fi*^;.4 " Jb c e ag • --V- s'i *, , Nl • - JB ,: ■ -rn s'i :^j' -,-sW- ‘ .ti 'f JA j§ *.. ’ ' aHbffies£ Patis- - ’ *\ M ; MySyH :: i' r ''--y ::: ''mSSSrnmmm the Battle]*. jm .2i y yvy \;.'2VA r .'4ii^^|BßßHSgßSi 3iyy; ; ; y j •, ‘ s»^^|BoH^9B BjBW ano y^Mj