The Daily constitutionalist and republic. (Augusta, Ga.) 1851-185?, July 02, 1853, Image 1

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£l)e 40nilp (frrnstitutiimaltst attir ilfimMir. BY JAMES GARDNER. JR. " DAM CONSTITfFIONALiST k RkPOBLIC. JULY 2. Thb Montreal Riot.— Mayor' Wilson, of Montreal, it is said, has left the city—public opinion running strong agiinst him, as the one. who gave the troops the order to fire. Alder j roan Atwater, a native of Vermont, has been ! elected Mayor pro tern by the Common Coun i oil. J Lightning —Mr E. Meriam, of New-York, a distinguished scientific writer and practical philosopher. sa3«s that persons struck by liglft ning. should not be given up as dead, for at least three hours. During the first two hours, they ishould be drenched freely wilh cold water, and this fails ’o produce restoration, then add salt, and continue the drenching for another hour. \t a meeting of the stockholders of the Chat tanooga. Har'ison. Georgetown, and Charleston paiVoad Company, held in Chattanooga, on the SSth inst. V, K. Stevenson, E*q., was elected (President and Ker Boyce, James Williams. Robert M Hooke, Wm. Williams, Robert Cra vens and James A Whiteside were elected Di rectors of the Company. A Washington letter says the Washington I Monument is now 132 feet high ; the workmen hav< been delayed on account of raising addi tional derricks. Three blocks have been re ceived this month—one from California, one from the highest peak of Mount Otter, Va., and one from the Chisoj hie Society of Princeton, N. J. Dividend. —The Board w of Directors of the Savannah Gas Light Company, on the 24th inst. declared a dividend of seven per cent, out of the profits of the company for the last six months. Ship building is in a promising condition at Frankfort, Maine. There are on the stocks two large ships, one of 1300 tons, and the other of 1600 tons burthen ; also two brigs of 200 tons leach. It is said that; Mr. Dorn of South Carolina has bpen offered $2,000,000 for his gold in that State. The Charleston Standard in noticing the divi dend recently declared by the Central Railroad Company of Savannah, remarks: “It is a source of satisfaction to know that a [ldUi* part of this, as in fact of much other stock bn Georgia, is owned by citizens of South Caro fj/na.,7 i Dr. Wheeler, whose drug destroyed by a mob in New York, last week, has sent in a bill of $3,000 to the Councils, I Singular Cause of Death.—Nathan Holmes, Jr.,aged 22 years, died in Plymouth, Mass.,a Uv. -'ays ago, from bleeding at the gums, in con sequence of the extraction of a tooth two years since. Girls Beware. —Jean Paul thus cautions young girts. The young men fail upon their knees before you ; but remember, it is but as the infantrv, that they may conquer and kill; or as the hunter, who only on bended knees takes aim at his victim. [From the N. O. Crescent , June 24 th.\ From Mexico. Bv the arrival of the steamship Texas, on Saturday evening, we have received files of pa pers from Wra Cruz to the 22d, and dates from the City to the ISth. The news i 3 unim poUant: To» difficulties between the States of Chiapas and otiara are not yet settled. The<>!d law and duty of Alcabala has been as it existed in 1846. During the month of May. the mint at Gua coined in silver 5452 000 in dollars, $26 000 halves, $28,000 in quarters, and sy,ooo iu eighths The Supreme Government has confirmed Don Fernando Nicholas Maldona as Governor of Chiapas Santa Anna’s birthd >y, the 10 f h of June was celebrated with great pomp ; salutes were fired, th° troops paraded, and the President received the diplomatic corps. The newly appointed judges of the Supreme Court and Senor Aguilar, the ne w Secretary of I Government, took the oath of office on the 15th j inst. It is s f a*ed that the Indians are committing great ravages in Coatiuila. Three bands of them traverse the Sta*e in all directions without the slightest opposition. The delivery of arms by the citizens had been suspended in the State of Durango, in order that they rr.'ght be able to defend themselves against t!ae Indians. ,A riot occurred on the 9th in IMarfil, State of Quadalajara caused by drunkenness, but was of short duration, and its only results the death of a few of the rioters. The Didrio Oficial announces that advices have been received fiom the Governor of Sina loa, and also from the Governor of Guadalajara, stating that the expedition of Count Boulbon against Sonora, had been dissolved in Califor nia , Active treasures were being taken to strength en the Government of Yucatan against the In dians there The artillery had been ordered up from Tabasco, and the collector of Vera Cruz was order-d to remit to the Commissary in I uca f an ’ne sum of 510.000 in cash. Importation of arms has been prohibited. The official paperiri Vera Cruz announces that persons oi good rej u*e. and whom the Govern ment believes will make good use of their arms, can apply tor the mtnrn of those which have been taken from Ih-m. Pol. Giegorio Melendez died a few day since Oajaea. Ihe communication informing the Governor of the fact’states that there are very tr.’-sieriouscircumstances attending the demise, which require a thorough investigation. Ihe policemen and soldiery in the capital Acre constantly coming in collision, and, in one trance Santa Anna has been obliged to pun an officer and some troops for assaulting a W?nvaG “Ouse. It seems that the party' injured S’ not dare to complain, but the police officers t'c s !q- e com P^ ain - t° the Government against .■'- f, Per written from Parral. on the Nortb . ! '. on ’ ier i complains bitterly of the continual "cities a nd depredations committed in that u; ° n °/ ,he Republic by the Camanche In tac 8 1 eighty of these Indians had at u^ ors distance from Parral. the family fi ( o r ’aVeo Dioz, mortally wounding that gen- a < n ' ® n< J killing and wounding several oth er' J J, * S ro y ,n £ a nd carrying off a large amount c f'pertv, and taking the women and chil - or'clnH ° . C .^' v ’ f Y The writer of the letter “Conformably with the honorable th-IVr Guadalupe, it is the duty of our te tT ~ tates to P rev ent the incursion into xtient 8 h °n 01 theSP sava Ses, and our Govern lor the mu exact payment or indemnification commit:> nes i * r — depredations -which they It ha ThC Weathcrand the Crops. av ehad - P ° i weeks since we “ mothp r season of rain; in fact the tw »iriontn net been throughly wet for morcthj ?; and t’ ue consequence is, that not A good J j* 1 ? cro P com will be raised w °°'d do '. oWev 'er, at the present time Gran*, I}J n lmrn,i n6e amount of good.— La * “'Porter. June 30. LYO N ’ S For the Growth and Embellishment of th* Hair to Prevent its Falling Off and Turning Grey. AWARDED the highest premiums by the States of New York, Maryland and Michigan, at their Annual Fairs of 1851. The lvathairon neutralizes the effect of disease, climate, and old age, in preserving and restoring the human Hair even after a baldness of twenty years; cleanses the scalp from Scurf and I andraff; will cure the Nervous Headache, Scald Head, Erysipelas, Diseases of the Skin, Ac., and is the most desirable TOILET ARTICLE For Ladies or Gentlemen’s use in the world. Its perfume equals Lubin’s Choicest Extracts, and being free from all offensive oil, or coloring proper ies it gives the hair that clean, bright, soft, lively Appearance, secured by no other preparation. The use of the Kathaironis adopted by the first physicians in Europe and America, and has a pat-, ronag • and sale unprecedented in the history of the materia medica. But words are superfluous, a trial only can attest its real virtues, as millions certify To be had throughout North and South America. Europe and the Islands of the Ocean, in large bottles, for 25 cents E Thomas Lyon, 161 Broadway, New York. Sold by D. B. PLUMB A CO., jan 19 d&coc6m Augusta, Gd. Lettiw Afflicted rejoice an a the De-pair ng dope THE REMEDY IS FOUND AT LAST. TUTT'S PECTORAL ELIXIR is one of the most certain and most pleasant Remedies ever offered to the Public. Its soothing, healing and strengthening virtues diffuse themselves so gen erally throughout the human Lungs, that it is im possible for Pneumonia, Croup. Bronchitis, Pleu risy, Asthma, AYhooping Cough, Hoarseness, Diffi cult Breathing, Pain ir the Side, or Consumption, to withstand its power. Its effects upon the Depu ratory Organs are so prompt that Nature is enabled to throw off all unhealthy or impure agencies that tend to disease the delicate substance of the Lungs From the hundreds of cures that are almost dai ly reported, it would be impossible for the most incredulous to doubt for a moment. Many who have suffered for years with diseases of the Re spiratory Organs have been cured by it, and are sounding its praises abroad. The PECTORAL ELIXIR is prepared from vegetable substances alone, and its uso for years would tend to strengthen the system, and not like most other Medicines, weaken it. It is now being used by r some ol tho most eminent Physicians in the country, and by many is considered an infalli ble remedy in CROUP. Paronts who have young children, should keep a bottle at all times, as a single dose will remove any case of this distressing disease, if given at the on set. Prepared in Augusta, Ga., and for sale by W. H. AJ. TURPIN, > . , . W. H. TUTT ) u g u&ta - WM ROOT, Marietta. THOS. S. DENNEY, Atlanta. B. F. TUTT, Agent for Tennessee, oct 5 dAcly LYON S EXTRACT OF PURE JAMAICA GINGER. NOTHING need be said to command the atten tion of th<* public to this articlo, when con vinced that it is PURE and unadulterated. Med ical men, or those seeking a harmless beverage to destroy the unwholesortfe effect- of brackish turbid water, can rely upon its genuine character, and it is also extensively used for culinary pur poses, in flavoring cakes, preserves, Ac. To the afflicted with Dyspepsia, Summer Complaints, Cholera, Nervous Debility, Fever and Ague, Dizzi ness, general Prostration, Ac., nothing has ever been prescribed with equal effect. Manufactured by E. Thomas Lyon, Chemist, 161 Broadway, New York. Inquire for LYON’S PURE GINGER. Sold by reputable Druggists throughout the world. Sold at Manufacturer’s prices, by D. B. PLUMB A CO., jan 19 d<fceoc6m . • Augusta, Gall LADIES DRESS GOODS AT COST! GRAY BROTHERS \ RE selling all their colored Muslins, Baroges, Tissues and, Summer Silks, Ac., ard all such goods as are liable to change styles be tween now and next season, at New York cos(, those goods having been purchased closely' for cash. Great bargains may be anticipated on the same erms. , df fcw june 21 FOR SALE to ARRIVE — IS bhds. prime N 0. Bacon Sides; 10 do. do. do. Shoulders, (cut beautiful;) 10 tcs. sugar cured Hams bv june 24 C. B-. GIRARDEY. A f A I’LE STG\R. —Ono barrel Vermont Maple IVJL Sugar, for sale by june 22 THAYER & BUTT. CLOTHING ESTABLISHMENT. READYMADE | HATS CL BTHING. w. o. PRICE & CO., neweststyle, at Wholesale Drapers and Tailors, CAPS, and Retail, are w<ill.supplied with thetof Plush. Cloth of all lescrip- bestof English & French!& other, kinds, tions. of there-'; CLOTHS. UMBRELLAS, ry best make. |of black and blue, and all ofSilkand wwp R « TB, i the !:f '"'est colors. Ginghams. SCARPS ’ I CASSIMERES, Shoul c d e er Bra ' CRAVATS, ?/i len ?7 est and raost all kinds of BRUSHES, HOSIERY. .ESTINtS, j for Clothes. GLOVES. o f every description. Hair. Nails.&c of every de- lile public will find us Porte Monies, scription, and P re pired to make to Pocket Books, all articles use- , ORRRR . .and all useful ful and neces- uu articles of Dressin the ar t; c i es of sary lor Dress best and most approved. Dref)f! for Gen . and comfort STYLE. tlemen’suse. ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY EXECUTED. G~ EORGIA .BUR g E COUNT YW bereasT” Mre. LA VIN A KNIGHT, applies for Letters of Administra tion on the Estate if Jesse Knight, dc eased : These are. therefore, to cite and admonish, all and sin gular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at the Oour of Ordinary, to be held in snd for said county, on the first Monday in July next, and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. 1853 Ven UndCr my ,laiid at offl ce, this 26th day of May, may ~7 EDWARD GARLTCK, Ordinary b. c. GEORGIA. BURKK COUNT reas7LlZA~!?ol> OUON applies for Letters of Administration on* the Estate of Isaiah Bush, deceased : These are. therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred ar.d creditors of said deceased, to be and appear hefore the Court of Ordinary, to be held in an 1 for said county, on the first Monday in July next, and show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my baud at office in Waynesboro’ this 31st day of May, 1853. EDWARD GARLTCK, une ~ Ordinary B. C. Georgia., burke county.—whereas, jenon CROSa. Administrator on the estate of ELIZA BETH Ci.OSS, deceased, applies for Letters of Dis mission : These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, and all other persons interested, to be and appear before the Court of Ordirary, on the first Monday in Ju ly next, and show cause, (if any they have) why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office in Waynesboro’, this Ist dav of January. 1853. jan i El WARD GARLTCK. Ordinary B. C. TWO MONTHS after date app ication will be made to the Ordinary of 'Varren county, for leave to sell all the Land and Negroes belonging to the estate of Thomas Mynn, late of said coun ty deceased. * WILLIAM GIBSON, HENRY WYNN, mayl Administrators. ADhIINI S T RATO R’SS A u E~ Will be sold,or the Ist Tuesday in JULY next, before the Court House door, in the town of Monroe. "Walton county, One NEGRO MAN, named Daniel, about 60 years old : sold for the benefit of the heirs of Mat thew Gallaway, deceased. Sold under an order of. the Court of Ordinary of said county. THOS GALLOWAY, may 5 Admin’tor with the will annexed. Mexican mustang liniment—ln 25 cent bottles. Just received and for sale at the Drug Store under the Augusta Hotel. july 1 liiltinwrf H&Drrtiscmcittfi. GWYN & REID, (LATE GWYN, REID & TAYLOR,) IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF DRY GOODS, No. 7 Hanover street, Baltimore, Md. aug ly BALTIMORE SILK HOUSE. YEAKLE, COBB & CO., 255 BALTIMORE STREET, BALTIMORE. SILK GOODS, adapted to the wants of the Sou thern States. A stock competing with any found in the Northern cities, to which tho atten tion of Southern Merchants is raspectfully invited, on terms liberal as elsewhere. Baltimore, August 1, 1852. df&cly aug 1 Pfiilutidpfiia jßipcrtiscmeiitfl. WOOD’S STEAM ORNAMENTAL IRON WORKS, PHILADELPHIA. CAST and Wrought Iron RATLINGS, Window GUARDS, CHAIRS, SETTEES, and every article in the above line alwayson handatthelow estpricos. The undersigned having the agency of tho above establishment, and a book of the different designs, will be pleased to show them to all in want, and re ceive orders. GLENDINNING <fc CO. mar 30 ly DISSOLUTION. THE COPARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between tho undersigned, under tho firm oi Z. McCORD & CO , was dissolved on the 16th inst., by mutual consent. The books of the late firm will be kept at the store of Messrs. McCord, Hart & Co. The name of the firm will be used by either of us in settling up the old business. DANIEL HAND, Z. McCORD. Augusta, June 21, 1853. dfrclm june 22 - COPARTNERSHIP. THE UNDERSIGNED have This Day formed a Copartnership under the firm, name and style of McCord. Hart & Co., for the transaction oi a general GROCERY BU INESS in this city, and have taken the store formerly occupied by Messrs. Adams & Fargo, and more recently by Messrs. Seymour, Ansley & Co. Z. McCORD, J. B. IIA ICC. J. W. HORTON. Augusta, Juno 16, 1853. june 22 dlmo&c2mog DISSOLUTION. ~~ THE COPARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between the undersigned, under tho firm, name, and style of SEYMOUR, ANSLEY & CO., has been this day d’ssolved by mutual consent. The name of tho firm will be used by r either part ner in settling up the old business. H. C. SEYMOUR, J. A. ANSLEY, JOHN G Me HENRY. COPARTNERSHIP. THE SUBSCRIBERS have this day formed-a Copartnership for the transaction of a whole salo GROCERY BUSINESS in this city, under the firm and name of SCRANTON, SEYMOUR & CO., and have removed to the store No. 2, Warren Block. Thankful for tho patronage so liberally extended to our late firms, P. A. SCRANTON and SEY MOUR, ANSLEY & CO., we hope to merit a con tinuance of the same to the now firm. P. A SCRANTON, H. C. SEYMOUR, JOHN G McHENRY. N. B.—Wo shall receive and sell PRODUCE on Commission as formerly. The books an 1 papers of our old firms will be found at tho office of the sub scribers. S. S. & Co. Augusta, Ga., June 13, 1853. detf june 18 NOTICE. ' THE firm heretofore. existing under the name and style of BUFORD, BEALL & CO. is this day dissolved by limitation Either of the firm are authorized to sign in liquidation. W. H. BUFORD, W. M. BEALL, J. W L. STOVALL. Augusta, June 5, 1853. iuna 7 THE Subscribers have formed a Copartnership under the name and firm of BEaLL A STO VALL. and will continue the Warehouse and Gro cery business, whore the Books of the late firm wili bo kept. W. M BEALL. J.W.L. STOVALL. Augusta, June 6, 1853. june 7 A CARD.—In consequence of ill health, I have been compelled to withdraw from business, and in rotiring, would take this opportunity of return ing my sincere thanks to my friends and tho public generally for their patr- nago so liberally extended to rae during ray business connections, and would most cordially recommond my successo s and late partners. W.H. BUFORD, june 7 dlmc2m DISSOLUTIO N.--The firm of BAKER & HART is this day dissolved by mutual con sent The business of the late firm will bo liqui dated by Alfred Baker. ALFRED BAKER, june 17 JAMES B. HART. COPARTNERSHIP.— ALFRED BAKER has associated with him in businesss T. D CAS W ELL. for the transaction of a goneral GROCERY BUSINESS, under the name and style of BAKER A C ASWELL, and will occupy the store of the late firm of Baker A Hart. ALFRED BAKER, june 17 dl2c3 T. D CASWELL. DISSOLUTION. The copartnership of MILLEDGE A RODGERS, in the practice of Law, is this day dissolved by mutual consent, and the unfinished business of I he late firm will bo in the hands of John Milledge. JNO. MILLEDGE, A. M. RODGERS. Persons having business with the un ersigned, will find him at. the office of the Homo Ga zette, juno 24 d 3 AM. RODGERS. Korici WHEREAS many side walks, especially on the cross streets are in bad order, notice is hereby given to lot holders, that they are roqui-cd to put the same in good order forthwith; also, that all per sons will be required to pave tho drains crossing the sidewalks fronting their lots and covering the same from tho sidewalks to the ditch, as required by the 28th section of the general ordinance. By order the Committee on Streets and Drains. L.L. ANTONY, june 16 Clerk Council. NOTICE, ALL Persons indebted to the Estate of Thomas II MPcholl, late of Walton county, deceased, are roquestod to mako immediate payment, and those having demands against said deceased, will please render them in terms of the law. JETT T. MITCHELL. ) „ JOSHUA M. MITCHELL, ] june 10 NOTICE. Atx PERSONSindebtod to tho Estate of Mar tin Frederick, deceased, are hereby requested to make immediate payment; and thoso having claims against said Estate, to present them, duly attested, and within the time prescribed by law. EDWARD GIRARDEY, , . , , may 21 WM. J.DOUGHERTY. ( Adm Ts ‘ LAW NOTICE. I HAVE taken into Copartnership, my Nephew, FREDERICK C FULLER, Esq., and our busi ness will be transacted under tho name of Cone A Fuller. Mr. Fuller will pay particular attention to the collection and security of claims and debts. FRANCIS H CONE, FREDERICK C. FULLER. Greensboro', June 24, 1853. dfAcl june 26 REMOVAL. ' " THE.SUBSCRIBER has removed his GUN ESTABLISHMENT to 205 Broad street, a few doors above tho Augusta Hotel, at tho storo lately occrfpied as a Grocery Storo by John A. Millen. Tnankful for past favors, I solicit a con tinuance of the same. juuo 4 E. H. ROGERS. spSing trade] WE have commenced receiving CLOTHS, CAS SIMEREB and VESTINGS, of tho newest style and best fabric, for SPRING WEAR, which wo are prepared to mako up to measure, in tho latest stylo and host manner. Our stock will be replenished, EVE RY ■W E EK, with the cheapest and best to bo found in the No r thern market, feb 27 WM. 0. PRICE A CO. 1 P aekfi g° s Cognac Brandy, just recoived I'/ and in store, for sale by june Vi ts C.E. GIRARDEY. AUGUSTA. GA- SATURDAY VI > !\ VG JULY 2, ' ®fitrral JUiomisemcuts. MOURNING GOODS. SNOWDEN fit SttEaß have received fro® New York a large supply of MOURNING! GOODS, among which are— Superior Black BOMB AZINS, some for Summer wear, and best quality; Plain and Satin Striped Black CHALLYS: Superior plain Black BAREGES of the best quality : Satin plaid MARQUISE, a beautiful article; Plain Black GREN ADINES of superior quality ; Mourning MUSLINS and GINGHAMS of the best quality ; English Crapo and plain black Lisse VEILS ; Lad es’ Mourning MANTILLAS of new and beautiful patterns; Ladies’ plain black and white pointed Crape COLLARS; With almo«t every other article required for La dies Mourning apparel. may 17-dtwAw NORTH CAROLINA ~MUT UAL LIFE INN SURANCE COMPANY. Incorporated January , 1849. Central Oefice, Raleigh, N. C. HAVING established an Agency in this city, are prepared to take LIFE RISKS on the most favorable terms. The table of Rates are those made by Joshua Millar, and known as “ The Carlislo Table,” uni versally conceded to be the most correct in use. The advantages offered by this Company, are such as merit the attention of the public, and will bo pointed out and explained at any time by the Agent. Insurances aro taken on single lives, for ons year, seven years, or for life. On joint lives, for life. On slaves at 2-3 value, one or five years. The undersigned can, at all times, bo found at the Law office of G. J. A W. Schley, Esqs. Letters, post-paid, directed to the Agent hero, will bo promptly attended to apr 11 S. H. OLIVER, Ag’t., Augusta, Ga. “portraits; ' CHARLES SCRUFF, —ARTIST, From the Academy of Munich , Bavaria. GRATEFUL for the encouragcmon t giv en him the past season, informs the V ladies and gentlemen of Augusta and viei- 1 nity, that he has removed to the rooms over Mis Catonnet’s School, (two doors above Clark, Raeke A Co.’s corner) and is prepared to furnish POR TRAITS of the finest execution, at the shore3t. no tice. The Public are respectfully invited to give him a call. A few more Pupils in DRAWING can be accommodated. On MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY AFTERNOONS fee will be engaged, giving instruc tions on the Sand Hills. References.—Col. Turner Canton, Messrs. Tho. Richards, J. Gardner, Jr. sept. 14 THE AUGUSTA BILLIARD ROOMS, • In the Hear of Haywood's Shaving- Saloon , Under the Augusta Hotel. JM. HAY' WOOD, respectfully informs his • friends and tho citizens of Augusta, generally, that he has opened a new and elegant BILLIARD ROOM, furnished with very superior Tables, from the Manufactory of Strong & Moore, New York, and hopes, by having itconduercd with propriety and decorum, to be favored with tho patronage of thegentlomen of Augusta. jan 19 P. BRENNER, PIANO MANUFACTURER, Quality Range, Broad Street, Augusta, Ga., IS ready to execute all orders for PI ANOS of all descriptions, which hegpip|||pl warrants to bo equal in tone, quality FT® Tr* and durability to any that are brought from the North. The following is one of various testimonials, which have been kindly given to P. B. by gentle men in this city. Having bought a Piano of Mr. P. Brenner las' year, which was of his own make, I take great pleasure in testifying my perfect approbation of it in every respect. It is very rich in tone, easy of touch, c’ogantfy made and keeps in tune most ad mirably From what I have seen of Mr. Bren ner’s Pianos, I have no hesitation in recommend ingthera for their superior quality, to all who may be in want of a line and durable instrument. J. F. Hart. Augusta, September 15, 1852. Further references : Rev. Mr. Ford, Mr. J Setzo, Mr. H. B. Frazier, B. Bignon, Mr. Wm. R Schir mor and others. Pianos, Organs and other musical instruments tuned and skillfully repaired, at the shortest no tice. P. BRENNER, sept 17 ly Broad-st., above McKinnc-st. HATS. CAPS AND BONNETS, AT CH YR.L E»TO\ PRICES. COUNTRY Merchants visiting Augusta fpsy**. will find at our House the largest and feiw best seleoted stock of HATS, CAPS AND BONNETS, in tho Southern country, and we pledge ourselves to sell as cheap as any Charleston House Those who wish to save their Freight between here and Charleston, can do so by calling at. J. T ' YLOR A CO \S, march 6 Opposite Wright, Nichols A Co. Rheumatism cured.—Read the _ Ev7 dence. —I have been afflicted for the last three years with Rheumatism in both legs, ami havo tried many medicines without success, until I was advisod to use Dr. Hoxie's Remedy for Rheumatism, Ac., and after using thre and a halt’ bottles, T am entirely well, and have been well ever since, and this is nearlv four months at o. SAMUEL T. MADDOX. This Medicine is forsalo at the Drug Store under tho Augusta Hotel. Price 50 cents per bottle, mar 25 JUST~ L A YDED -^oWblCarb Soda; ’ 2,000 lbs. Epsom Salts: 10 doz Sand's Sarsaparilla; 350 ounces Sulph. Quinine; 1 case Wod/owood Mortars; 100 gross Matches ; 5 hbls. Cold Pressed Castor Oil, which are offorod at low prices hy WM. H. TUTT. june 15 dAw Wholosa’o and Retail Druggist UMMER CASSIMERES and~LINEN K, for Pantaloons, of new styles of fabric, suited for a warm climate. juno 4 WM 0 PRICE A CO. Superior kerseys —gray brothers O have just received 25,000 yds of very superior Kerseys, manufactured expressly of 'ho best mate rial for our own trade, wh ch we offer to Planters wishing to make up their winter su r plies in sum mer, at decided inducements dfAw june 18 NEWS PRING'gOODS LD. LALLEKSTEDT has opened at his old • Stand, corner G obe Hotel a now and complete assortment of SPRING GOODS, thestyles and prices es which, he warrants to please, to which he invites attention. march 17 BIRD CAuES.—A general asrortm-nt of Bird Cages, Water Coolers of diffoi snt patterns, in cluding Burnett’s pa’ent, which, with two pounds of Ice to tho gallon of water, will keep it eight de grees from the freezing point for 24 hours ; a heau tiful ornament for Hotels, Parlors, and Steamboats. For sale by B. F. CHEW, may 11 NO DEVIATION FROM MARKED PRICES. AUGUSTA FASHIONABLE CLOTHING EMPORIUM. WM. 0. PRICE A CO., Tailors. 258 Broad st., have on hand, and aro constantly manufac turing the most superb GE TLEMEN’S OVERCOATS, Os every descriptiou; Walking Coats, Business Coats, Dress and Fronch Coats, of all the choice mode colors. PANTALOONS, Os Black and Fancy Doeskin, and Cassimeros, oi tho latest styles. VESTS, Os rich Cashmeres, Cassimeros and Velvets, Em broidered Goods, Ac. Ac- ROBES DE CHAMBRE, Os various styles ana qualities. GENTLEMEN’S UNDER GARMENTS, Os every description. The whole embracing the best assortment of well made Clothing to be found in Augusta. Purchasers will be pleased to call and examine our assortment WM. O. PRTCE A CO., dec 5 258 Broad street, Augusta. THE AUGUSTA BRASS AND COTILLION BAND. JOHN A. BOHLER, Leader, RESPECTFULLY informs the public, that they are prepared to furnish MUSIC for all occa sions required, on reasonable terms. Communico. tions addressed to JOHN A., or W 0- BOHLER, Augusta, Ga., will receive prompt attention. july ly* ' • PRESTON AND .Uh'HKPfS Yeast P -wders, for sale by PHILIP A. MOTS E. ‘ juno 24 Pruggist. iO.-m-rat Jttii.rtmfmrnis. UNITED STATES HOTEL I AUGUSTA, GA. THE above HOTEL is now open for the JeA reception O’ Pek.uakeni am Tran sieNT boarder^ I nis long established and well-known House has undergone a thorough alteration throughout, and furnished with NEW and FASHIONABLE FUR NITURE! L’be table will always be supplied with the b-est the market affords; an) the PioprL-tir rust-, by a systematic course, both with s rvantsand the regulations ot the house »e i * ai ly. he wdl be er a bled to give enure sotiptneUon to those that may favor him w.ta t ei r patronage. JNO. W. SPEAR, v— Chronicle A Sentinel please copy, jan 4 CABINET 'MAKING & UNDERTAKING H. CAFFIN, AT HIS STAND, second door below the#?S Eagle & Phoenix Hotel, respectfully in forms his friends and the public, that he still conti’ uos the above business in all its branches. He keeps on hand a large assortment of Maho gany and other Coffins, o all kinds and sizes. Also Shrc uds and Sheets—w-hieh he offers on the mos reasonable terms. Also, W ire Safes, an assortment of Fine Cages, and a Chair Tor Invalids. All orders will meet with prompt attention. ts may 19 GLENDINNING & CO.'S MARBLE WORKS, BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, WHERE we have on hand, and will continue to keep a well selected stock of Italian and American MARBLE, for Monuments, Tombs. Ac., which we will finish up to order in a manner not to be surpassed by any similar establishment, and as low as they can be laid down from New York or any other place. Call and examine for yourselves, mar 30 ly FASHIONABLE FALL AND WINTER . GOODS. JOHN BRIDGES, Merchant Tailor, Clothier, and Gentleman’s Furnishing Store, 250 Broad street, next door below the United States Hotel, is now in receipt of a full and complete stock of all that appertains to a Gontloman’s Wardrobe, con sisting of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS, and Trimmings to make up to order, both civio and military. Also a large and fashionable assort ment of READY MADE CLOTHING, and a full supply of Furnishing Articles, viz : SHIRTS, UN DER SHIRTS. LADIES UNDER VESTS, DRAWERS, Nett and Made; Collars, Cravats, ScarO, Stocks, Gloves, Ac. fee MAKING and TRIMMING in the best man tier. oct 8 AUGUSTA BARBEITsHOP. JM. HAYWOOD, respectfully announces to • the citizens of Augusta, that h will open To- Morrow, (Wednesday) November 17th, his NEW and COMFORTABLE BARBER SHOP in the Augusta Hotel, Broad street. Sparing no expense or pain 3 in making his Sa loon one of the most Fashionable in the Unitod States, he assures his fellow-citizens and friends that every endeavor shall be made to make his patrons comfortable. He respectfully solicits their support. My prices will be as reasonable as in any similar establishment in New York : Hair Cutting in a fashionable and splendid style 25c. Single Shave 10c Skampooi g 25c. Shaving every day, by the month $2 00 Do. five times per week 150 Do. three and four times per week.... 100 Tickets for Chddren Hair Cutting, 6 for... 1 00 Parents are respectfully informed that every pa : ns wdl be taken with their children, when sent to the Saloon to be waited upon. J. M. H. will keep for sale, a variety oi FANCY GOODS, such as Gentlemen’s Cravats. Stocks, ail kinds of Gloves. Dress Shirts, Pocket Handkerchiefs, Merino and Cotton Under-Shirts Drawers. Socks, Collars, and other articles ofGen tlemen’swear; Hair, Tooth. Nail. Hat, Cloth and Shoe Brushes; Soaps. Colonges, Oils, and a great variety of other articles. BALM OF SAVANNAH.—This beautiful Pre paration is manufactured by himself, for cleansing •and darkening the Hair, used by thousands throughout the State of Georgia. He respectfully recommends it to the Ladies and Gentlemen ot Augusta (nov Ifi) J. M. HAYWOOD BOOTS, SHOES AND BROGANS. THE SUB Sib IBER, thankful tor past favors, would inform his friends customers, that he is now receiving his usual sup ply of BOOTS, SHOES and BRDQANS, compri sing every article and quality, which he will sell cheap Gall end see fory^mrselves. 2000 Pair No 1 PLANTATION BROGANS, cheap. (oct 7) HENRY DALEY. GRANITE MILLS; THE undorsig on having purchased tho GRAN ITE FLOUR MILLS located upon the Au .-■usta Ga al,gives notice that the FLOUR AND GRAIN business wll hereafter be conducted and carriod on by Geof.gk W. Lewis. H H. WARREN. And will keep for sale supc-fine FLOUR, fresh ground CORN MEAL, Wheat. Bra.n, S* c *nds, Ac GEORGE W LEWIS, fob 9 No. 1 Warren Block. B ARG AUNTS ! BARGAINS !! TUIE UNDERSIGNED. desirous of closing up * their husine-e-', arc sel'ing off th ir stock of CLOTHING and DRY GOODS, at cost All those who are indebted uoderrigoed. either by noto or account, are reque ted to make immediate payment, or oheir notes and accounts will bp put in a train for collection. MAYER, BROTHER A CO., jan 13 ts 3 d >ors above ha GUNS, PISTOLS, &C. ' Double barrel shot guns. Shot and Powder Flasks, Gun Caps, of best makers ; Patent Wad ling, Ao ; Allen’s ana Colt’s Revolving pistols, and others; English Bolt and Pocket Pis tols. —also— A fine Self-Cocking and Revolving Pistol, with five chamborod cylinder, patent rifled, firing wad del ball with groat execution, sp endidly made, by Deane, Adams A Deane. London Bridge—a beau tiful article for any one wishing a fine instrument in case, with oaps, balls, wadding, wrench, driver, clcani g rod, oil cup, extra cones, Ac., oomplete For sale low, by CLARK A CO., Dealers in fine Watches, Silver Wares, oct 29 Jewelry, Guns. Ac PIANO f6rTES. The SUBSCRIBERS would res pootfully call the attention of their friends and the public, to their \7 “ Sr y " assortment of Rosewood and Mahogany PIANO FORTES, from tho well known and justly celebrat ed Manufactories of Baro'• A Raven, A. H. Gale Sr Co., and Dubois Sr Seabnry, New York, which aro warranted in every res- ect, to be at least fully equal to any instruments manufactured in thiscoun try or Europe. The subscribers would aisoatafce that the instru ments new on hand are of the latest patoms and fashion, and fresh from the manufacturers. For sale at very low prioes for cash or oitv acceptance at GEO. A. OATES A CO.’S Piano, Book A Music Depot. Broad-st. GUITAR LESSONS. MR. F. KIRUHNER, Teacher of the Wl\ Guitar, bogs leave to inform the La-*j-aiM dies and Gentlemen of Augusta and the cinity, that he has located hims If in this city, and will be happy to give instruction on this beautiful Instrument. He promises full satisfaction to all who may place themselves under his tuition. Applications mado at the Store of Goo. A. Oates A Go., or C. Cat.lin A Co , or at the residence ot Mr. Kirchner, nearly opposite the Catholic Church, as to f erm« and references, will meet attention, Mr. K. will, with pleasure, wait on families whe may desire to confer with him no the subject, nov 24 ts ALLEN’S COMPOUND TS TH’fi remedy for Dyspepsia. Liver Complaint, Nervous Debility. Ac. Srld at $1 00 a bottle by HAVILAND, RISLEY A CO., may 3 3m Agents. Augusta. kUST RECEIVED, a fine lot of Travelling and r Pa-king TRUNKS, Ladies’ HAT CASES, Ac., to be sold cheap, at HENRY DALY’S, Opnorito the (J. S Hotel. ADo, 500 nair of Ladies’ Silk Lasting Top G \I TERS, at $1 00 and $1 25. apr 22 BENNETT’S MIXTURE FOR BOWEL COMPLAINT, H\S been in u e in Charleston for many years, and is regarded as a specific in the early stages of Bowel Complaint Sold at 25 and sft c & nts a bottle by HAVILAND, RISLEY A CO.. may 3 3m Agent*, Augusta. VOL. 33-NEW SRKIKS—VOL. 9.-NO. 1- itti'rrljflniiiSf.. 250,000 POUNDS BACON. THE MJustCKIBER has on consignment two hundred and fifty thousand pounds of the finest 1 ennessee BACON ever offered as a whole in this man-et Persons in want, are invited to ex amine it before buying. It will bo sold low for cash, or city acceptance. A1 o, 150 doz. BROOMS made in Greenville, S. C. T. W. FLEMING. may 29 lmo CtiiA A.MI SEW ORLEANS MOLASSES.— 50 hhds. Cuba MOLASSES. this. N. Orleans do. 33 do. Sugar House do, 16 i bbls. do. do. For sale by may 29 WM. H. STARK A CO. BACON, FLOUR AND LARD—4O,OOO pound, clear SIDES from Tennessee. 10.000 choice HAMS, cured extra ; SHOULD. ERS, 50 packages of LARD. For sale by may 29 WM H. '•TARK & CO. SLOT Ml WHISKY A\ 1) JAVI AICA RUM 1 puncheon Scotch Whisky, J. Ramsay; 1 do. Jamaica Rum. For sale by * june 2 O. A. WILLIAMS. SUGAR AND COKFEE.— prime Rio Coffee ; 40 hhds. Muscovjfflb and N. 0. Sugar. For sale by C A. WILLIAMS, june 2 TOU \CCO.—3OO boxes various brands and qual ities for sde low to close up a consignment', and to pay advances. For sale by june 2 C.A WILLIAMS. WHIS.KY, FLOUR —SO bbls. N. (TWhisky; 40 bbls. Flour, to clo e consignments. For sale by C. A. WILLIAMS, june 2 Yeast powders, sardines 100 dozon Yeast Baking Powders; 10 cases Sardines.— For sale by C. A. WILLIAMS. sugalsT C OFFEE&C. o HHDS. P Rico Sugars. 15 do N. Orleans granul ited do’ 1 off bags prime Rio Coffee. 5w do Java, Laguira and Mocha do. 30 boxes choice Green and Black Teas. 50 boxes Tallow. Star and Sperm Candles. 50 boxes Steam Refined Candy. 75 boxes Tobacco, various qualities, 50,000 American and Spanish Segars. For sale by J.R. AW.M.DOW • jan 23 GROCERIES ! GROCERIES !! THE SUBSCRIBERS are constantly supplied with a large assortment of heavy and fancy GROCERIES, to which they respectfully invite the attention of Merch< o- Planters and Families. We continue the Old Practice of delivering Goods to our City Customers, free of expense. CGF” Orders from the country will receive prompt attention and will bo filled at tho lowest Ma*ket prices. J. R. A W. M. DOW. jan 23 Sugars. —We have just receivod a lot of the following favorite brands SEGARS of our own importation, direct from Havana: Rio Hondo. Tres Coronas, (three Crowns.) Victoria. La Higueru. Legaldad do Lopez. Consolation. Benjamin Franklin. dec 8 LAMB ACK A COOPER. O/A BBLS. Stuart’s A Sugar; 20 do. do. Yel- OU low C. do.; 15 casks Campbell’s Ale; 25 boxes Soda Biscuit; 20 half bbls Butter Crackers; 50 bbls Extra Country Flour. Just received by DAWSON & SKINNER. jur*e 14 HATTANOOGA WHISKY 20 bbls. choice, just received and for sale lrom the Chattanoo ga Di-tillery by june 14 . S C. GRENVILLE A CO. POTA'MIE?. —A few bbls of choice Northern POTATOES, just received and for salo by june 14 S. C GRENVILLE A CO. WHITE WINE AND CIDER VfNEGArT -75 bbls. just reee ved and for sale by june 14 S. C. GRENVILLE A CO. OLD RAGS WANTED—The highest cash prices paid for clean Cotton Linen, Silk or Woollen RAGS. june 14 W. H. PRITCHARD. _ Mai RER r* 1,—50 bbls. No. 3 MACKEREL. 40 half bbls No. land 2 do. 30 kits Mess do. 30 ** Lorre No. 1 do. 15 “ No. 1 Salmon. 3 half drums Codfish. june 14 DAWSON A SKINNER. Bacon, lard, cowpeas,- and corn.— 10.000 lbs Tennessee Bacon, hog round ; 25 hbls. an<l half bbls Lard; 250 sacks of Tennessee Corn ; 51 “ Cnwpeas. Just received and for sale. may 91 dAw lm A. STEVENS. Agricultural implemnest A gen eral assortment Agricultural Implements, just received and for sale at manufacturer’sprices, with expenses added ; viz : Straw Cutters, of different patterns Corn Shellers, Southern patterns Cam Mills. “ “ Emery A Co.’s Patent Reap and Mowing Ma chines Hoes. Ploughs, Trucks, Well Wheels, Shovels Spades, Manure Forks, Horse Shoes, Ac . Ac. For sale by B. F. CHEW, may 11 * LA BET, CLARET—3O cases Claret Wine; a fine article now landing a*-d for sale bv june 9 THAYER A BUTT. WRAPPING PAPER—.3SO reams Single Crown : 75 do. Double do.; 150 do Medium, a superior article, jus l received and for sale lower than it can be bought for elsewhere. june 7 B. C- GRENVILLE A CO. FRESH MAY BUTTER. A FEW kegs received yesterday of fresh May BUTTER. W. H. PRITCHAHD. june 5 1/ \ CASKS prime Savannah Bice just received U and for salo by C. E. GIRARDEY BACON, CORN, SUGAFL /\/\/\ BBLS. Tennessee BACON ; 4<U,UUV/ 75 hhds. MOLASSES; 100 hhds N. 0 SUGAR; 75 bbls. Extra WHI KY; 200 hhls. prime HAY ; 3000 bushels CORN; 500 bhls.Extra and Superfine Flour from th« Granite Mills For sale by GEORGE W. LEWTS. june 21 No. 1, Warren B'ock. ACON, LARD, A Nil CORN 10.000 lbsTof prime Tennessee Racon, Heg Round ; 50 bbls. and half bbls of Loaf Lard; 250 sacks of prime Bread Corn. Just received and for sale by june 10 dAwlm A. STEVENS. BUTTER AND CHEESE—A fresh supply of new Goshen Butter, and English Dairy Cheese. Received by THAYER A BUTT, june 9 ACO a' D CANDLES.—'2O hhds. primoBA CON SIDES. 50 boxes Adamantine Candles. Just received and for sale by june 21 CAMILLE E. GIRARDEY. RUM AND gin —“25 bbls Now York Rose Gin 25 do.N. E. Rum ; 2 hhds do. do By june 3 C.A. WILLIAMS. GENT’S FINE BOOTS' ' JUST RECEIVED—Roger's, Renkert’s, Miles, and Brook’s fine DRESS BOOTS. A T SO- Stiohed bottom and other fine Water Prooi BOOTS. ALSO — Patent Leather DRESS BOOTS, of the latest (jan 29) ALDRICH A ROYaL. R RUSHES. BRUSHES—Whitewash. Serul> hing, and Scouring Brushes. A ho. Dusting, Sweeping, Hat and Shoe Brushes, of all, for 'hale cheap by WM HATNES, june 11 Druggist, Augusta. CLEVELAND’S DENTRIFICE FOR cleansing, Beautifying, and Preserving the Tee*hand Gums, of the b st TOOTH POWDERS in use, and too well known to require puffing—for sale’’n Augusta bv HAVILAND, RISLEY A CO., may 3 3m Agents, Augusta, lino pi)ok3. BOOKS 800.%5, BOOKS —The Evening Book, or Fireside Talk : by Mrs. Kirkland, The Young Lady’s Guide: by Harvey Now oomb. The Old and the New or Changes of thirty years in the Eat: by William Goedell Our Village; sketches of rural character and scenery: by Mary Russell Mitford. American Game in its seasons : by Henry Wil liam Herbert, author of “Fiank Forester’s Field Sports,” Ac., Ac. Elements of Mechanism : by T. Baker, C. E- The History of the Devil; containing a descrip tion ot the Devil’s Dwelling, called Hell ; by I efoe. Sam Slick’s Wise Saws and Modern Instances, or What he Said. Did, or Invented. Cyrilla; a Tale; bv the author of “Tho Ini tials ” Spiritual Vampirism : by C. W. Webber. Wild Jack, or the Stolen Child; a sketch from life: by Caroline Lee Hentz. The New Orleans Sketch Book-; by Stahl. German Lyricks : by Charles T. Brooks. Just received and for sale by JOS. A. CARRIE A CO. june 10 Booksellers & Stationers. THE HISTORY of the Restoration of Mon archy in France: by A.De Lamartino vol.iv., author of ‘‘ The History of the Girondists.” No. 15, of Dickens “ Bleak House.” The Dancing Feather, or Pirate Schooner; by J. H Ingraham, Esq. The White Wolf, or the Secret Brotherhood: by Paul Teval. Paul Clifford, or Hurrah for the Road. Minnie Samscn, or tho Outlaw’s Leange: by Chas Red Swan, Esq. Larry Ashton, or tho Will and the Way : by the author of “ Minnie Grey,” “ Gus Howard, or How to Win a wife,” Ac , Ac. Just received and for sale by JOS. A. CARRIE A CO., june 9 Booksellers ar.d Stationers. MORE NEW Mi OKS. —Harry Coverdale’s Courtship, and What C;une of it: by the au thor of “Frank Fairlegh,” etc , etc Lady Leighton, er the Belle of the Manor: by Mrs. Gore. The Soldier’s Wife, or Scones in Canteen and on the Battle Field: by G. W. M. Reynolds. Sylvia Seabury, or Yankees in Japan; the Ro mantic Adventures of a Sailor Boy : by Harry Hazel. Just received and for salo bv june 18 JOS. A. CARRIE_A CO. NEW NOVELS. —Lafitte, the Pirate of the Gulf; by J. H. Ingraham, author of Capt. Kyd, Ac. A man in search of a Wife, or the Adventures of a Bachelor in Now York : by Walter Seaton. Jac and his Bride, or the Highwayman’s Flight, be ng further adventures of Claude and his frionds, by the author of Gentleman Jack. Biography of Father Gavazzi, with corrections by himself, has just been receive t at. GEO. A.OATEb A BROS, junoll Book Store. NEW' WORKS. — Cyrilla, a Tale, by tho author of Initials. “ Mary also have perished, have erred, and sinned for women.’ —1 Exodus 4 ch. 27 verse. Three volumes of tho English edition rir one. Also, No. 4 of Memoirs, Journals and Corres pondence of Thomas Moore. Just published and for sale at GEO. A. OATES A BROS., june 3 Broad street. NEW WORKS. —Echoes of a BeHe, or, a Voice from tho Past: by Ben. Shadow. The New Romo, or the Inside States of the World: by Theo. Paesche and Chas. Gocpp. Silver and Pewter, or tho contrast of New York Life. The Empress of the Isles, or the Lake Bravo, has just been received at GEO. A. OATES A BROS, may 27 Piano. Book A Music Store, B oad-st NEW’ MUfrlC. —The following Mus'O has been received at GEO A. OATES A BROS’. Piano Book and Music Depot, besides a large quantity of standard popular pieces, viz: Long Ella Kee, a new Ethiopian melody : Look on the Bright Side; Yes, ’tis true thy Katy is now Sleeping; Song of the Katy Did; My Mother’s Grave: Blind Boy’s Dream; Grave of Brn B .It; Humility; The Co quette; I love the early Morn; Annie Lowe; I think of thee at early Morn; We miss theo at Home; She w>s false as she was Fair; May morn ing Duett, by W. V Wallace; Tho Adieu Polkas.—Golden Light; Grace Greenwood ; Bet sie; Orion; LaCoquetine: Southern Nightingale; Mysterious Rapping; Rieuzi March; Passiflora Waltz; La Delcessa do.: Repertnrie De l'Opera pour les Jenncs Pcanistea, by the Ocstcn, viz: Vielka. Von Meyerhor; Maria Padilla, Donizetti; Siege de la Rochelle, Balfe; Mnusquetaires. Von Hoievy ; Eloya Des Larmes, x . Schubert; Varia tions Sue un Theresa Orig in A. by W. A. Mozart; Magic Veil Gallop. ‘ may 20 NEW WORKS.—Modern Flirtation ; a Novel by Miss Catharine Sinclair, author of Bea trice, Modern Accomplishments, Ac. Wild Jack, or the Stolen Child: by Mrs. Hentz. Passion and Principle; a Domestic Novel: by Mrs Grey. Tho Soldier’s Wife, or Scenes in Canteen and on the Battle Field: by Reynolds. Harry Ashton, or the Will and tho Way; the only complete and unmui dated edition. j ust received and for sal at * G v yA. OATES A BRO’S. Piano. Book and Music Store, Broad street, june 24 DISCOVERIES Among the Ruinß of Ninevab. and Babylon, with Travels in America, Kur distan and tho Desert; being the result of a second expedition undertaken for the Trustees of the Brit ish Museum: by Austen 11. Lay ard, M. P.; with Maps, Plans, and Illustrations. Memorials of the English Martyrs : by tho Rev. C. B Tayler, M. A., Rector of Otley, Suffolk. For sale hy THOS. RICHARDS A SON. Book Binders, Blank Book Manufacturers, Ac. june 12 The annals of Tennessee to the end of tho eighteenth century ; comprising Us seft'e mentasthe Watauga Association fiom 1769 to 1777; part ofNorth Carolina from 1777 to 1784; the state of Franklin from 1784 to 1788; a part of North Carolina from 1788 to 1790 ; tho Territory oftha United States South of the Ohio from 1790 to 1796; the state of Tennessee from 1796 to 1800, by J. G. M. Ramsey A M.. M D. Mvthology, related to children, translated from, the French of M. Lame F. Darv, author cf several elementary Works, with questions for examination, by the tran lator. Views of tho Holy Trinity; Doctrinal and Exper imental. For sale or inspection by THOS. RICHARD A SON., june 29 Booksellers, Stationaries Ac, STAHL ANDSAiVi suck.— he New Orleans Sketch Book, by Stahl, author of The Portfo lio of a Southern Medical Student, and Editor of the New Orleans Delta Sam Slick’s Wise Saws and Modern Instances; or what he Said, Did, or Invented, and Anecdotes for the Steamboat and Railroad. Selected from the best authors, by an old Traveler. For sale by june 12 THOS. RTCIIARDS A SON. NEW BOOKS, NOVELS, &c — Trantvsine on Railroad Curves. Spirit Rapping; unveiled with pictures to match : by R ev. H. Mat ison. A. U. Cyrilla: a tale by tho author of “ The Initials.” Anti-fanaticism: a tale of the South : by Miss Martha Haines Butt, inscribed to Mrs Hentz. Parts 4 and 5 Memoirs of Thomas Moore. First and True Love : \ y G( orgo Sand. Xenaphon’s Memorabilia; by R D. C. Robbins. Second Latin Book ; by Albert Harkness, A M, Lady Leighton, or the Belle of the Manor: by Mrs Gore. Harry Coverdale s Courtship, and What Came ot it: by author of Frank Fairleigh. Minnie Lawson, or the Outlaw's League: by Chailes R. Swan, Esq. t Paul Clifford, or Hurrah for the Road. > The W’hite Wolf, or the Secret Brotherfeljpd: by Paul Feval. j Eveleen Wilson, or the Trials of an Orphan Girl. Harry Ashton, or tbe Will and the Way: by the author of the “ Minnie Grey, ’ Ac. Sylvia Seabury, or Ya kees in Jar an ; the Ro mantic Adventures of a Sailor Boy: by Harry Hazel. The Soldier s Wife or Scones in Canteen and on the Battle Field: by G W.M Reynolds. For sale by THOS. RICHARDS A SON. Booksellers, Stationers, and Blank Book Manu facturers. jane 19 NEW FLOUR.—SO bbls., fresh ground, in quar ter and half sacks. For sale by GEORGE W. LEW S, june 18 No. 1, W arrea Bioolv