The Daily constitutionalist and republic. (Augusta, Ga.) 1851-185?, July 12, 1853, Image 1

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tPif jDfltlg (ilanstitnttoiifllist ant) Sqntblic !JY ) VMKS GARDNER, JR. institutionalist K HqraMir. ~'Fti'K >N McINTOSH-STREET, DOOR FROM the sorth-west corner of broad-street. pnsinrss (tarDs. r 0 professional and Business Men. JOFKS3IONAL AND BUSINESS CARDS, notex- ; ti <ix lines, will be inserted under this head at the [,f i lO per annum. Cards exceedingsix lines, will barged prorata per line. SHEWMAKE & MONTGOMERY, TfORNEYS AT LAW, Waynesboro, Ga., will practice Law in Copartnership, in Burke ptv 1N X. Shewmake. | W. W. Montgomery J. C. & G. A. SNEAD, TTOR.NE VS AT LAW, (Law Range,) Au r .na, Ga. Practice in the Courts of tbeMid |!i?trict. and Common Pleas of the city, jbn C. Snead, also practices in the Courts of efied and Barnwell Districts, S. C. 3 u> C. Snead. Garland A. Snead. jg 2z LOUIS DELAIGLE, TTORNEY at LAW, Augusta, Ga.—W l practice in the Middle Circuit of Georgia, gee on Mclntosh street, third door North of office of the Constitutionalis' & Republic. -t 19 iy JAMES GARDNER, JR., TTORNEY AT LAW, Augusta, Georgia- Office on Mclntosh-st. mar 17 MILLEDGE & ROGERS, TTORNEYS AT LAW Augusta, Georgia.— Office on Jackson street. b hn Milledge. A. M. Rogers. »g 7 ANDREW JACKSON, TTORNEY AT LAW, Warrenton, Ga. may 3 JOHN D. REILLY. TTORNEY AT LAW, Augusta Ga., will prac tice in the Courts of the middle District and imon Pleas of Augusta. Office up stairs in calf's New Building, third door North of the riitutionaliat & Rcpubli office. aug 4 ly T. W. COBB, TTORNEY AT LAW, Eatonton, Geo., will practice in the several Counties of Putnam, ser, Morgan, Jones, and Baldwin. 'j* All business entrusted to his care will be nptly attended to. sept 15 DAVID S. JOHNSTON, TTORNEY AT LAW, Commissioner for N Carolina, and Notan Public. f Office over tho store ol Messrs. B. H. War- A Co., Granite Row, Jackson street, Augusta, may JONES & STURGES, TTORNEYS AT LAW, Waynesboro’, Geot gia. n J. Jones. J. R. Sturges ) 21 ~ BENNETT & BEERS, J HOLES ALE DRUGGISTS, No. 125 Main street, Richmond, Virginia. bas. Bennett, | Ws.S. Beers. ay 29 G. A. SNEAD, ~ DIMISSIONER for taking tho acknowledg ment of Deeds, administering Oath 3, &c., for States of Alabama, Florida, and Texas. ■n 28 ly JOHN T. SHEWMAKE, TTORNEY AT LAW, will practice in Burko, Jefferson, Washington, and other counties of Middle District. See, first floor over J. C. Carmichael’s Store, ren Block, Augusta, Ga. ly feb 6 S. T. STRICKLAND’ ~ TTORNEY AT LAW, Franklin, Heard coun ty, Ga., will attend promptly to Professional mss entrusted to him in all the counties of the eta Circuit. ■ferences.—W. T. Gould, Augusta, Ga.; D. rimes, Corinth, Ga.; W. W. Gunter Frank <la. ly ap 9 R. J. Sc W. T. MILLICAN^ FTORNEY’S AT LAW, Jefferson, Jackson county, Ga., will practice in the Western Cir of Georgia, and also, in the counties of Madi md Elbert, of the Northern Circuit. IERI J. MILLICAN, WM. T. MILLIGAN C 26 ly m7 8t R. M. JOHNSTON, TTORNEYS AT LAW, SPARTA. GA. The undersigned ’Still practice Law in Hancock the adjoining counties and the Supreme Court. ark Johnston. 1 R. M. Johnston. b 11 ly WILLIAM A. REID, rroUNKY AT LAW, Eatenton, Geo. Re fers to Hon. F. H. Cone, Greensboro.’ Pt. 8 ts EDWARD r7 HARDEN, rTORNEY VT LAW, Ringgold,Walker coun ty, <leo.,will attend promptly to th<’ collec tof claims in Walker, Murray and Whtfield i ; !cs, Georgia, and Hamilton county, Tennes fff>renses. —Graddy & Burfford, Whitman k cs, F. W. Thornton, J. J. Johnson, Ringgol 1, • H Stark k Co., P. A Scranton, Col. Jno. edge, Augusta. ly oct26 D. H. SAUNDERS, > rTORNEY AT LAW, Greensboro, Georgia. J an 5 j- ly T. ALLAN, rTORXEY AT LAW, Lawrenceville, Gwin nett county, Ga. ly may 6 JAMES C. LONGSTREET, rTORNEY AT LAW, Calhoun, Gordon coun ty, Ga., will practice in the several Courts©f Cherokee Circuit. ffers to Hon. J. P King, Robert F. Poe, Augus ta.; Richard J. Peters, Esq., Atlanta, Ga.; W. njbqt, Cassville, Ga. ts July 23 JOHN C. CARMICHAEL. COMMISSION MERCHANT, Augusta, Geo. ?'■ attend to the sale of Produce of all kinds, ignei to him. c sept 29 STURGES & H MPTON, ~ eneral COMMISSION MERCHANTS for timber and Produce, No. 76 Bay st., Savan via. ; v ‘ II- Sturges. Presley Hampton. jane 9 ly BERRIEN & JONES, JORNEYS at LAW—Office, Waynesboro’, Burke county—Will practice in the Middle !: * ° f « B « gla - . jan 10 tos. M- Berrien, 1 Malcom D. Jones • daniell. { r. l. cooper. DANIELL & COOPER, rTORNEYS AT LAW, Atlanta, Georgia, will attend to tho collection of debts and r Professional business in the surrounding dies. Refer to Messrs. J. R. &W. M. Dow, Buford, Beall k Co., Augusta. ly ~Q3?“ NEW LOCATION. «£l] Ml P- STOVALL, BtHOUSE; COMMISSION MERCHANT, Augusta, Ga., 01LD respectfully inform his old patS\SSi r i° ns a , n<i tlie generally. thatNgfegg ‘ ,/T d a term years. the new and ' e f lr f-Proof Warehouse, situated on Jack et , Between the Rari Road Depot and Broad 0 Hotel, loimerly occupied by Bryson, and more recei tlv by G. Walker ca ’ beingconven ng,,. ail H°ads, Hotels, Ba s and chie of the city. fv7 er J * £ eilit y for business and the dispo ers witvf n< i Cvery ace ommodation to his cus -7 acquaintance with the interests w h °? CS he ma y have, not only a heretofnL Ut l ncrca?e of the liberal patron rderg f f °r ended him. careful!S?, 7 pp, 7 s ’ Ac., prompt nly 2l st lowest market prices. r» . - J__ E « aSl 1 ” gtransferred th® lease on the Ware **“«BT"r dbjus - MM - M - P-StoTaU, ! Deat Til ° °“ r removal t 0 Charleston, we &<£■. “ P le asure in recommending him to our lugusta Tnl , G. WALKER & SON. ~gJ^Jnlyl L lß|2. jy 21 000 m, LL ” VS E VGLiSH LINSEED If 7 011 -'—For sale by I J HILIP A. MOISE, Druggist. JHcbiral. CARTER’S SPANISH MIXTURE. -- Pt’ NOT A PARTICLE OF MERCURY IN IT. AN infallible remedy for Scrofula, King’s Evil, Rheumatism. Obstinate Cutaneous Eruptions, Pimples or Pustules on the Face.-‘’-BT?vfches, Boils, Chronic, Sore Eyes, Ring Worm, or Tetter, ScaM Head. Enlargement and Pain of the Bones and Joints, Stub born Ulcers, Syphilitic Disorders, Lumbago, Spina, Complaints, and all Diseases arising from an injudi cious use of Mercury, Imprudence in Life, or impurity of the Blood. This valuable Medicine, which has become celebrated for the number of extraordinary cures effected through its agency, has induced the proprietors, at the urgent request of their friends, to offer-it to the public, which they do with the utmost, confidence in its virtues and w’onderful curative properties. The following certifi cates, selected from a large dumber, are, however, stronger testimony than the mere word of the propri etors ; and are all from gentlemen well known in their localities, and of the highest respectability, many of them now residing in the city of Richmoud, Virginia. F. Boyden, Esq., of the Exchange Hotel, Richmond, known everywhere, says he has seen the Medicine ctlled Carter’s Spanish Mixture administered in over a hundred cases, in nearly all the diseases for which it is recommended, with the most astonishingly good re sults. He says it is the most extraordinary Medicine he has ever seen. Ague and Fever.— Great Cure. —l hereby certify, that for three years I had Ague and Fever of the most violent description. I had several Physicians, took large quantities of Quinine. Mercury, and I believe all the Tonics adveitised. but all without any permanent relief. At last I tried Carterh?-f*pamsh Mixture, two bottles of which effectually cured me. and I am happy to say I have had neither Chills or Fevers since. I con sider it the best Tonic in the world, and the only medi- 1 cine that ever reached my case. JOnN LONGDEN. Beaver Dam, near Richmond, Va. C. B. Luck. Esq., now in the city of Richmond, and for many in the Post Office, has such confidence in he astonishing efticacy of Carter’s Spanish Mixture, that he has bought upwards of 50 bottles, which he has given away to the afflicted. Mr. Luck says he has never known it to fail when taken according to direciions. £| Dr. Minge, a practising Physician, and formerly of the City Hotel, in the city of Richmond; says he - has witnessed in a number of instances tlie effects of Car ter’s Spanish Mixture, which were most truly surprising. He says in a case of Consumption, dependent on the Liver, the good-effects were wonderful indeed. Samuel M Drinker, of the firm of Drinker & Mor ris. Richmond, was cured of Liver complaint of eight years standing, hy the use of two bottles of Carter's panish Mixture. Great cure of scrofula.—The Editors of the Richmond Republican had a servant employed in their press room, cured of violent Scrofula, combined with Rhematism, which entirely disabled him from work. Two bottles of Carter's Spanish Mixture made a per fect cure of him, and the Editors, in a public notice, say they “ cheerfully recommend it to all who are af flicted with any disease of the blood.” Still another cure of Scrofula.—l had a very valuable boy cured of Scrofula by Carter’s Spanish Mix ture. 1 consider it a truly valuable medicine. JAMES M. TAYLOR, Conductor on the R F. & P. R. R. Co., Richmond, Va. SALT RHEUM OF 20 YEARS STANDING—CURED. Mr. John Thompson, residing in the city of Rich moud, was cured by three bottles of Carter's Spanish Mixture, of Salt Rheum, which he had nearly 20 years, and which all the physicians in could not cure. Mr. Thompson is a well known merchant in the city of Richmond. Va .and his cure is most remarkable. Wm. A. Matthews, of Richmond, Va., had a servant cured of Syphilis, in the worst form, by Carter’s Span ish Mixture. He says he cheerfully recommends it, and considers it an invaluable medicine. Richard E. West, of Richmond, was cured of Scrof ula, and what physicians called confirmed Consump tion. by three bottle’s of Carter's Spanish Mixture. Edwin Burton, Commissioner of the Revenue, says he has seen the good effects of Carter's Spanish Mixture in a number of Syphilitic cases, and says it is a perfect cure for that horrible disease. Wm. G. Harwood, of R chmond, Va., cured of Old Sores and Ulcers, which disabled him from walking. Took a few bottles of Carter’s Spanish Mixture, and was enabled t o walk without a crutch, in a short time per manently cured. Principal Depots at M. WARD, CLOSE & Co., No. 83 Maiden Lane, New York. T. W. DYOTT & SONS, No. 132 North 2d Street, Phil adephia . BENNETT ic BEERS, No. 125 Main Street, Rich mond, Va. And for sale by IIAVILAND, HARYALL & CO. Charleston, HAVILAND. RISBY & CO., and WM. H. TUTT, Augusta, and hy Druggists and Countrv Mer chants everywhere. Price $1 per bottle, or 0 bottles for $5. may 29 _____ . THE public are hereby notified that the firm of Robertson & Crocker is This Day dissolved by mutual consent. AH the accounts and notes are lectin the hands ofE. D. Robertson for collection, who is duly authorized to receipt for the firm in liquidation. E. D. ROBERTSON, JNO. R. CROCKER. Augusta, June, 1853. WAREHOUSE & COMMISsfONBUSINESS. ROBERTSON & STOVALL. Augusta, Geo, THE I N OERSIGNED respectfully announces to the public, that they have formed a Co partnership under the firm of Robertson & Sto vall, for transacting the WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION BUSINESS at the Fire-Proof Warehouse occupied by Robertson & Crocker, commencing the 20th of June. 1853. Both having long experience in the business will five their undivided attention to the sale of Cotton, lour, Grain, Bacon, &c., consigned to their care. Cash advanced on all consignments made them, when desired. And all orders for flagging. Rope, Family Supplies, &c., filled at the lowest market prices, and forwarded to order. E. D. Robe.tsou takes this occasion to return his thanks for the liberal patronage extended to the late firm of Robertson & Crocker, and respectfully solicits a continuance of the same to the present firm. ROBERTSON & STOVALL. E. D. Robertson. Thos. P. Stovall. Augusta, June 20th, 1853. det june 21 BUFORD, BEALL & CO., WAREHOUSE & GROCERY MERCHANTS Augusta, Ga., THANKFUL for the patronage so Übe rally extended to us, during the past AgaMuu season, respectfully inform our friends that taWH we continue the GROCERY BUSINESS, at the same well known stand, and are constantly receiv ing a latge and well selected stock, adapted to Planters’ trade, embracing Shoes, Domestics, Hats, I &c. T We also continue the WARE-HOUSE BUSI at the same stand, on Campbell street, in the business part of the city, and convenient to our store. Ail Cotton consigned, to us, will bejjiltLJsm qf r comoussion. A “avances made on Cotton and other Produce m store, when required WM. H. BUFORD, Ti’F-e 9(1 1852 M - BEALL, Ju.y 20, 1852. _J. w. L. STOVALL. 1 DYE & HEARdT WAKEHOLSE <fc COMMISSION MERCHANTS Augusta, Q a > j WOULD announce to the'.r former pat- rr™. rons, and the public generally, that V'- vvw they continue tho above business at their old stand, Fire-Proof Warehouse, east side of Me Intosh street, where they solicit a continuance of the patronage so liberally extended heretofore. All orders for Family supplies, Bagging, Rope <fec., will be promptly filled at the lowest market prices. Liberal Cash Advances made on Produce n store when required. James M. Dye. | Stephen D. Heard. Augusta, August 5, 1852. ts aug 5 ROBERTSON & CROCKER' WAREHOUSE & COMMISSION MERCHANTS Augusta, Geo., CONTINUE the above business in all branches, at their old stand, IFire- Proof,) on Reynold street, where they may he al ways found, ready to advance the best interest of their customers. . Liberal Cask Advances made on Produce in store, and all orders for Groceries, Bagging, Rope, Ac., filled at the lowest market prices. Augusta, August 10, 1852. aug 11 BURNING FLUID, at 80cts. per gallon at WM. H.TUTT’S, Drugstore. Baltimore JUmrrtisrmrnts. GWYN & REID, (LATE GWYN, REID Sc TAYLOR,) IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF DRY GOODS, No. 7 Hanover street, Baltimore, Md. aug 20 ly BALTIMORE SILK HOUSE. YEAKLE. COBB & CO., 255 BALTIMORE STREET, BALTIMORE. SILK GOODS, adapted to the wants of the Sou thern States. A stock competing with any found in the Northern cities, to which the atten tion of Southern Merchants is raspectfully invited, on terms liberal as elsewhere. Baltimore, August 1, 1852. df&cly aug 1 |ll)Uaklpl)ia Alinertisfmfnts. WOOD’S STEAM ORNAMENTAL IRON WORKS, PHILADELPHIA. CAST and Wrought Iron RAILINGS, Window GUARDS, CHAIRS, SETTEES, and every article in the above line always on handatthelow estprices. The undersigned having the agency of the above establishment, and a book of the different designs, will be pleased to show them to all in want, and re ceive orders. GLENDINNING & CO. mar 30 ly jhihi! mmi l ww \mmasmmuamßWKsamammmß'i iwi mmmomm DISSOLUTIO N—The firm of BAKER & HART is this day dissolved by mutual con sent The business of the late firm will be liqui dated by Alfred Baker. ALFRED BAKER, june 17 JAMES B. HART. COPARTNERSHIP ALFRED BAKER has associated with him in businesss T. D CAS WELL, for the transaction of a general GROCERY BUSINESS, under the name and style of BAKER & CASWELL, and will occupy the store of the late firm of Baker & Hart. ALFRED BAKER, june 17 d!2c3 T. D CASWELL. COPARTNERSHIP. THE UNDERSIGNED having associated with them JOHN T. MILLER and SAMUEL A. VERDERY, in the Wholesale Dry Goods business, tho same will be continued from this date, under the name and style of Jacksons, Miller & Verdery. W. E. & G. T. JACKSON. d|c4 july 1 ~X : l dissolution. ’ - rpHE heretofore existing i undersigned, under the firm of Z. McCOkO CO., was dissolved on the 16th inst., by Tho books of the late firm will be the store of Messrs. McCord, Hart & Co. of thefrnn will be used by either of us in v wtwSg up the Ofd business. X ms u DANIEL HAND. Z. McCORD. COPARTNERSHIP. The (iNDERSIGNED’have This Day formed a Cfoparthership updpr the firm, name and style ofMcCJoRD, HaH'T’ & Go., for the transaction ot a general GROCERY BUSINESS in this city, and have taken the store, formerly occupied by Messrs. Adams & Fargo,,'’'and more recently by Messrs. Seymour, Ansley’ f & Co. ’ *■ Z. McCORD, J. B. HART, J. W. IIORTON. Augusta, June 16, 1853. june 22 dlmo&c2mos dissolution! THE COPARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between the undersigned, under the firm, name, and style of SEYMOUR, ANSLEY <fc CO., has been this day dissolved by mutual consent. The name of the firm will he used by either part ner in settling up the old business. H. C. SEYMOUR, J. A. ANSLEY, ,*s.**""*'\ JOHN G. McHENRY. COPARTNE RSHIPT~ THE SUBSCRIBERS h%ve this day formed a Copartnership for the transaction of a whole sale GROCERY BUSINESS in this city, under the firm and name of SCRANTON, SEYMOUR & CO., and have removed to tho store No. 2, Warren Block. Thankful for tho patronage so liberally extended to our late firms, P. A. SCRANTON and SEY MOUR, ANSLEY & CO., we hope to merit a con tinuance of the same to the new firm. P. A SCRANTON, H. C. SEYMOUR, JOHN G McHENRY. N. B.—We shall receive and sell PRODUCE on Commission as formerly. The books an ’ papers of our old firms will be found at tho office of the sub scribers. S. S. & Co. Augusta, Ga., June 13, 1853. detf june 18 NOTICE. THE firm heretofore existing under the namo and style of BUTOItD, BEALL &CO is this day dissolved bv 1 miration Either of tho firm are authorized to sign in liquidation. W. U. BUFORD, W. M. BE ALL, J. W L. STOVALL. Augusta, Juno 5, 1853. iune 7 THE Subscribers have formed a Copartnership under the name and firm of BEALL A. STO VALL. and will continue the Warehouse and Gro cery business, where the Books of the late firm will be kept. W. M BEALL, J. W.L. STOVALL. Augusta, June 6, 1853. june 7 A CARD.—In consequence of ill health, I have been compelled to withdraw from business, and in retiring, would take this opportunity of return ing my sincere thanks to my friends and the public generally for their patr' nage so liberally extended to me during my business connections, and would most cordially recommend my successor and late partners. W. H. BUFORD, june 7 dlmc2m not __ ~ ALL Persons indebted to the Estate of Thomas 11. Mitchell, late of Walton county, deceased, are requested to make immediate piyment, and those having demands against said deceased, will please render them in terms of the law. JETT T. MITCHELL, | JOSHUA M. MITCHELL, ] Executors, june 10 NOTICE. ALL PERSONS indebted to the Estkte of Mar tin Frederick, deceased, are hereby requested to make immediate payment; and those having claims against said Estate, to present them, duly attested, and within the time prescribed by law. EDWARD GIRARDEY, ; . - , may 21 WM. J.DOUGHERTY. ] AI s ' NOTICE. WHEREAS many side walks, especially on the cross streets are in had order, notice is hereby given to lot holders, that they are required to put the same in good order forthwith; also, that all per sons wiR-bo required to pave the drains crossing the sidewalks fronting their lots and covering the same from the sidewalks to the ditch, as required by the 28th section of the general ordinance. By order tho Committee on Streets and Drains. L.L. ANTONY, juneJ6 Clerk Council. REMOVAL. THE SUBSCRIBER has removed his GUN ESTABLISHMENT to 205 Broad street, a few doors above tho Augusta Hotel, at the store lately occupied as a Grocery Store by John A. Millen. Thankful for past favors, I solicit a con tinuance of the same. 4 E. H. ROGERS. SPRING TRADE. WE have commenced receiving CLOTHS, CAS SIMERES and VESTINGS, of the newest style and best fabric, for SPRING WEAR, which we are prepared to make up to measure, in the latest style and best manner. Our stock will bo replenished, EVERY WEEK, with the cheapest aT1 <- b e found in the Northern market. tob2< WM. O. PRICE & CO. T O Parages Cognac Brandy, just received .and in store, for sale by _ JUDe 12 ts c. E. GIRARDEY. _ WHEAT WANTED. price paid for primo new WHEAT, lor the Granite Mills, by i ii GEORGE W. LEWIS, Z. No. 1 Warren Block. W^o T non LEAD ; d OR sale very low.— V V 10,000 pounds Pure and No. 1 White Lead, for sale very low tor cash, by july 7 PHILIP A. MOISE, Druggist. AUGUSTA, GA., TUESDAY MOKNiNG. JULY 12, H 53 (Eirnrral NORTH CAROLINA MUTUAL LIFE IN SURANCE COMPANY. Incorporated January, 1849. H Central Oefice, Raleigh, N. C. AVING established an Agency in this city, are prepared to take LIFE RISKS on the most favorable terms. The table of Rates are those made by Joshua Millar, and known as “The Carlisle Table,” uni versally conceded to be the most correct in use. The advantages offered by this Company, are such as merit the attention of the public, and will be pointed out and explained at any time by the Agent. Insurances are taken on single lives, for ona year, seven years, or for life. On joint lives, for life. On slaves at 2-3 value, one or five years. The undersigned can, at all times, be found at the Law office of G. J. & W. Schley, Esqs. Letters, post-paid, directed to the Agent here, will be promptly attended to apr 11 s, H. OLIVER, Ag’t., Augusta, Ga. JUST~OFENI!I>, NEW FURNITURE WAREROOM. THANKFUL for the liberal pat ronage we have heretofore ceived from the citizens of Augus- ?&ks*s£93g*% taand its vicinity, the subscribers would respectfully announce that they have taken the large iron front Store, under the Augusta Ho tel, where they intend carrying on the above busi ness exclusively, and will keep on hand the latoit styles of FURITURE, and from the Ue3t manufaq tories at the North, we are receiving by arrivals; • and shall use our efforts to keep an assortment oij,< hand and in store, Mahogany and W alimt Sofas, Tufted Chairs, Sideboards, Tables,Bureaus, Wash stands, Work Tables, Toilet do., Mahogany,Maple, Cane and Rush Seat Chairs, of various Bedsteds, Matrases, Window Shades, Ac. HENRY & fmINNER. N. B.— Furniture made to order and repairing done with despatch. |<fcctf THE~AUGUSTA BILLIARD ROOMS, In the Rear of Hay wood's Shaving Saloon, Under the Augusta Hotel. JM. HAYWOOD, respectfully informs his • friends and the citizens of Augusta, generally, that he has opened a new and elegant BILLIARD ROOM, furnished with very superior Tables, from the Manufactory of Strong & MooYjC ( New York, and hopes, by having it conducted with propriety and decorum, to be favored with tim patronage of the gentlemen of Augusta. jan 19 fTbrenner, PIANO MANUFACTURER, Quality Range, Broad Street, Augusta, Ga., IS ready to execute all orders for PI ANOS of all descriptions, which warrants to be equal in tone, quality?? Sff* * and durability to any that are brought from the North. The following is one of various testimonials, which have been kindly given to P. B. by gentle men in this city. Having bought a Piano of Mr. P. Brenner last year, which was of his own make, I take great pleasure in testifying my perfect approbation of it in every respect. It is very rich in tone, easy of touch, elegantly made and koops in tuno most ad mirably. From what I have seen of Mr. Bren ner’s Pianos, I have no hesitation in recommend ing them for tljoir superior quality, to all who may be in want of a fine and durable instrument. J. B. Hart. Augusta, September 15, 1852. Further references; Rev. Mr. Ford, Mr. J. Setze, Mr. 11. E. Frazier, B. Bignon, Mr. Wm. R. Schir mer and others. Pianos, Organs and other musical instruments tuned and skillfully repaired, at thfe shortest no tice. p. BRENNER, sept 17 ly Broad-st., nbove McKinne-st. HATS, CAPS AND BONZTETS, At charleston prices. COUNTRY Merchants visiting Augusta errors will find at our House the largest and SiG best selected stock of HATS, CAPS AND wL BONNETS, in the Southern cotfhtry, and we pledge ourselves to sell as cheap as any Charleston House , Those who wish to save their freight between hero and Charleston, can do so by calling at J. T4YLOR & CO.’S, march 6 Opposite Wright, Nichols & Co. Rheumatism cured Read the Evi dence.—l have been afflicted for tho last three years with Rheumatism jn both legs, and have tried many medicines without success, until I was advised to use Dr. Iloxie’s Remedy for Rheumatism, &c., and after using three and a half bottles, I am entirely well, and have been well ever since, and this is nearly four months aso. SAMUEL T. MADDOX. This Medicine is for sale at the Drug Storo under the Augusta Hotel. Price 50 cents per bottle, mar 25 JUST LANDED-—2,ooft Bi Carb Soda; 2,000 lbs. Epsom Salts: 10 doz Sand’s Sarsaparilla; 350 ounces Sulph. Quinine; 1 case Wedgewood Mortars ; 100 gross Matches; 5 bb!s. Cold Pressed Castor Oil, which are offered at low prices by WM. H. TUTT. june 15 d&w Wholesale and Retail Druggist SUMMER CASSIMERES and LINENS, for Pantaloons, of new styles of fabric, suited for a warm climate. june 4 WM. 0 PRICE & CO. * '^JUPER (OR KERSEYS.—GRAY BROTHERS O have just received 25,000 yds of very superior Kerseys, manufactured expressly of s he best mate rial for our own trade, which we offer to Planters wishing to make up their winter supplies in sum mer, at decided inducements. dt&w june 18 NEW SPRING- GOODS. LD, LALLERSTEDT has opened at his old • Stand, corner Globe Hotel, a new and complete assortment of SPRING GOODS, the styles and prices of which, he warrants to please, to which he invites attention. march 17 BIRD cages.—A general assortment of Bird Cagos, Water Coolers of diffet ent patterns, in cluding Burnett’s patent, which, with two pounds of Ice to the gallon of water, will keep it eight de grees from the freezing point for 24 hours; a beau tiful ornament for Hotels, Parlors, and Steamboats. For sale by B. F. CHEW. may 11 NO DEVIATION FROM MARKED PRICES. AUGUSTA FASHIONABLE CLOTHING EMPORIUM. WM. 0. PRICE & CO., Tailors. 258 Broad-st., have on hand, and are constantly manufac turing the most superb GENTLEMEN’S OVERCOATS, Os every description; Walking Coats, Business Coats, Dress and French Coats, of all the choice mode colors. .. PANTALOONS, Os Black and Fancy Doeskin, and Cassimeres, ox the latest styles. VESTS, Os rich Cashmorcs, Cassimeres and Velvets, Em broidered Goods, &c.&e. ROBES DE CHAMBRE, Os various stylos and qualities. GENTLEMEN’S UNDER GARMENTS, Os every description. The whole embracing the best assortment of well made Clothing to be found in Augusta. Purchasers will bo pleased to call and examine our assortment. WM. 0. PRICE & CO., dec 5 258 Broad street, Augusta. THE AUGUSTA BRASS AND COTILLION BAND. JOHN A. BOHI.ER, Leader, RESPECTFULLY informs the public, that they are prepared to furnish MUSIC for all occa sions required, on reasonable terms. Communica tions addressed to JOHN A., orW. O. BOHLER, Augusta, Ga.,will receive prompt attention. july 13 ly* READY MADE 1 CLOTHING, at Wholesale j and Retail, ji of 'all descrip-jl tions,ofthe ve-J ry best make, j, UNDER SHIRTS, . DRAWERS, SCARFS, j CRAVATS, ' all kinds of j 1 HOSIERY. GLOVES, : of every de-; scription, and; allarticlesuse-i ful and neces sary for Dress and comfort ! ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY EXECUTED. CLOTHING ESTABLISHMENT. jW. O. PRICE & C 0.,! Drapers and Tailors, [are well supplied with the : < (best of English & French < CLOTHS, i of black and blue, and all! ithe newest colors. | CASSIMERES, J jof the newest and diost; j fashionable patterns. ! VESTINGS, j of every description. . The public will find us [ prepared to make to l ORDER .'all articles of Dress in the; , best and most approved STYLE. j: ©fitrral Jt&Ufrtisfiitfnts. UNITED STATES HOTEL' AUGUSTA, GA. THE above HOTEL is now open for the reception ot Permanent and Tran- HljiM SIENT BOARDERS. - This long established and toell-known House has undergone a thorough alteration throughout, and furnished with NEW and FASHIONABLE FUR NITURE: The table will always be supplied with the best the market affords; and the Proprietor rn-sts, by a systematic course, both with s .-.rvant? and the regulations of the house « i he will be ena bled to give entire sotigiaction to those that may favor him witu t eirpatronage. JNO. W. SPEAR. Chronicle A Sentinel please copy, jan 4 CABINET MAKING - & UNDERTAKING H. CAFFIN, AT HIS STAND, second door below thefft Eagle & Phoenix Hotel, respectfully in- Whbi forms his friends and the public, that he still HP continues the above business in all its branches. He keeps on hand a large assortment of Maho gany and other Coffins, oi all kinds and sizes. Also Shrouds and Sheets—which he offers on the mos reasonable terms. Also, Wire Safes, an assortment of Fine Cages, and a Chair for Invalids. All orders will meet with prompt attention. ts may 19 £ GLHNDINNING &„.CO. ; S “ ~ ’*'*• MARBLE WORKS, t wi, BROAD STREET. AITGUSTA, GEORGIA, we have on hand, and will continue :V V to keep a well selected stock of Italian and American MARBLE, for Monuments, Tombs, Ac., which we will-finish up to order in a manner not to besurpassbd by any similar establishment, and as low as they can be laid down from New York or any Other place. Call and examine for yourselves, mar 30 ly FASHIONABLE FALL AND WINTER GOODS. JOHN BRIDGES, Merchant Tailor, Clothier, and Gentleman’s Furnishing Store, 250 Broad street, next door below the United States Hotel, is now in receipt of a full and complete stock of all that appertains to a Gentleman’s Wardrobe, con sisting of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS, and Trimmings to make up to order, both civic and military. Also a large and fashionable assort ment of READY MADE CLOTHING, and a full supply of Furnishing Articles, viz : SHIRTS, UN DER SHIRTS, LADIES UNDER VESTS, DRAWERS, Nett and Made; Collars, Cravats, Scarfs, Stocks, Gloves, Ac. &c. MAKING and TRIMMING in the best man- B££v oct 8 AUGUSTA BARBER SHOP. JM. HAYWOOD, respectfully announces to • the citizens of Augusta, that h will open To- Morrow, (Wednesday) November 17th, his NEW and COMFORTABLE BARBER SHOP in the Broad street. Sparing no expense or pains in making his Sa loon ona. of the most Fashionable in the United States, fie assures his fellow-citizens and friends that efety endeavor shall be made to make his patronkb’omfortable. He respectfully solicits their supporjp r ' My prices will bo as reasonable as in any similar establishment in New York: Hair Cutting in a fashionable and splendid style. Lf* 25c. Single SffsyStf 10c Shaving every day, by the month $2 00 Do. five timos por week 150 Do. three and four times per week.... 100 Tickets for Children Hair Cutting, 6 for... 100 Parents are respectfully informed that every pains will bo taken with their children, when sent to the Saloon to bo waited upon. J- M. 11. will keep for sale, a variety of FANCY GOODS, such as Gentlemen’s Cravats, Stocks, all kinds of Gloves, Dress Shirts, Pocket Handkerchiefs, Merino and Cotton Under-Shirts, Drawers, Socks, Collars, and other articles of Gen tlemen’s wear; Hair, Tooth, Nail, Hat, Cloth and Shoe Brushes; Soaps, Colonges, Oils, and a great variety of other articles. BALM OF SAVANNAH.—This beautiful Pre paration Is manufactured by htniSelf, for cleansing’ and darkening the Hair, used by thousands throughout the State of Georgia. He respectfully recommends it to the Ladies and Gentlemen of Augusta. (nov 16) J. M. HAYWOOD. BOOTS, SHOES AND BROGANST T HE SUBSCRIBER, thankful for favors, would inform his friends customers, that he is now receiving his usual sup ply of BOOTS, SHOES and BROGANS, compri sing every article and quality, which he will sell cheap. Call and see for yourselves. 2000 Pair No 1 PLANTATION BROGANS, cheap. (oct 7) HENRY DALEY. THE undersigned having purchased the GRAN ITE FLOUR MILLS, located upon the Au rusta Canal,gives notice that the FLOUR AND GRAIN business will hereafter be conducted and carried on by George W. Lewis. B. 11. WARREN. And will keep for sale superfine FLOUR, fresh ground CORN MEAL, Wheat. Bran, Seconds, Ac. GEORGE W. LEWIS, feb 9 No. 1 Warren Block. BARGAINS! BARGAINS!! THE UNDERSIGNED, desirous of closing up their business, are selling off their stock of CLOTHING and DRY GOODS, at cost. All those who are indebted to the undersigned, either by note or account,, arc requo ted to make immediate payment, or thpir notes and accounts will bte put in a train for Collection. MAYER, BROTHER A CO., jan 13 ts 3 doors above ha pigTOLS, BIC. Double barrel shot guns, Shot and Powder Flasks, Gun Caps, of best makers ; Patent Wadding, Ac.; Allen’s and Colt’s Revolving Pistols, and others; English Belt and Pocket Pis tols. —also— A fine Self-Cocking and Revolving Pistol, with five-chambered cylinder, patent rifled, firing wad ded ball with great execution, splendidly made, by Deane, Adams A Doano, London Bridge—a beau tiful article for any one wishing a fine instrument in case, with caps, balls, wadding, wrench, driver, cleaning rod, oil cup, extra cones, Ac., complete For sale low, by CLARK A CO., Dealers in fine Watches, Silver Wares, oct 29 Jewolry, Guns. Ao PIANO ~ THE SUBSCRIBERS would res pectfully call the attention of their friends and the public, to their \I * w \J V assortment of Rosewood and Mahogany PIANO FORTES, from the well-known and justly celebrat ed Manufactories of Bacon A Raven, A. H. Gale if -CteVand Dubois if Seabury, New York, which arc warranted in every rear ect, to be at least fully equal to any instruments manufactured in thiscoun try or Europe. The subscribers would also state that the instru ments new on hand are of the latest paterns and fashion, and fresh from, the 'manufacturers. For sale at very low prices for cash or city acceptance at GEO. A. OATES & CO.’S Piano, Book A Music Depot, Broad-st. GUITAR LESSONS. MR. F. KIRCHNER, Teacher of the ftsf. Guitar, begs leave to inform the La-rf/Sw* dies and Gentlemen of Augusta and the vi-*ygas einityf that he has located himself in this city* and will be happy to give instruction on this beautiful Instrument. He promises full satisfaction to all who may place themselves under his tuition. Applications made at the Store of Geo. A. Oates A Co., or C. Catlin A Co., or at the residence of Mr. Kirchner. nearly opposite the Catholic Church, as to terms and references, will meet attention, Mr. K. will, with pleasure, wait on families who may desire to confer with him o* the subject, nov 24 ts ~ ALLEN’S COMPOUND IS THE remedy for Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Nervous Debility, Ac. Sold at $1 00 a bottle by HAVILAND, RISLEY A CO., may 3 3m Agents, Augusta. | UST RECEIVED, a fine lot of Travelling and I Packing TRUNKS, Ladies’ HAT CASES, Ac., to be sold cheap, at HENRY DALY’S, Opposite the U. S. Hotel. Also, 500 pair of Ladies’ Silk Lasting Top GAI. TERS, at SI.OO and $1.25. apr 22 BENNETT'S MIXTURE FOR BOWEL COMPLAINT, HA'S been in use in Charleston for many years, and is regarded as a specific in the early stages of Bowel Complaint. Sold at 25 and 50 cents a bottle by HAVILAND, RISLEY A CO., may 3 3m Agents, Augusta. i HATS, ' newest style. CAPS, ' of Plush, Cloth & other kinds. UMBRELLAS, j of Silk and Ginghams. 'Shoulder Bra > ces. Money Belts BRUSHES, for Clothes, Hair, Nails, &c Porte Monies, jPocket Books* and all useful ’ articles of Dress for Gen tlemen’s use. VOL. 33—NEW SERIES—VOL. 9 -NO. 8. SCOTCH WHISKY AND JAMAICA RUM— -1 puncheon Scotch Whisky, J. Ramsay; 1 do. Jamaica Rum. For sale by June 2 C. A. WILLIAMS. SUGAR and COFFEE.—ISO bags prime Rio Coffee; 40 hhds. Muscovado and N. 0. Sugar. For sale by C A. WILLIAMS, jane 2 TOBACCO. —300 boxes various brands and qual ities for sale low to close up a consignment, and to pay advances. For sale by J' une 2 C. A WILLIAMS. HISKY, FLOUR—SO bbls. N. 0 Whisky; 40 bbls. Flour, to clove consignments. For sale by C. A. WILLIAMS, june 2 TTeaST POWDERS, SARpiNES.—ToTdozen X Yeast Baking Powders; 10 cases Sardines.— For sale by C. A. WILLIAMS. SUGARS, COFFEE, &C. “ O pi HHDS. P. Rico Sugars. 15 do. N. Orleans granulated do’ 150 bags prime Rio Coffee. 50 do Java, Laguira and Mocha do. 30 boxes choice Green and Black Teas. 50 boxes Tallow, Star and Sperm Candles. 50 boxes Steam Refined Candy. 75 boxes Tobacco, various qualities. 50,000 American and Spanish Segars. For sale by J. R. A W. M. DOW jan 23 GROCERIES ! GROCERIES ! ! THE SUBSCRIBERS are constantly supplied with a large assortment of heavy and fancy GROCERIES, to which they respectfully invite the attention of Merchants, Planters and Families. We continue the Old Practice of delivering Goods to our City Customers, free of expense. Ordersfrom the country will receive prompt attention and will be filled at the lowest Market prices. J. R. & W. M. DOW. jan 23 Bacon, lard, cowpeas, and corn.— 10,000 lbs. Tennessee Bacon, hog round; 25 bbls. and half bbls. Lard ; 250 sacks of Tennessee Corn ; 51 “ Cowpeas. Just received and for sale. may 91, d&w lm A. STEYENS. Q/\ BBLS. Stuart’s A. Sugar; 20 do. do. Yel- O w low C. do.; 15 casks Campbell’s Ale; 25 boxes Soda Biscuit; 20 half bbls. Butter Crackers; 50 bbls. Extra Country Flour. Just received by DAWSON & SKINNER, june 14 HATTANOOGaTwhiskY,—2O bbls. choice, just received and for sale from the Chattanoo ga Distillery by june 14 S. C. GRENVILLE A CO. POTATOES. — A few bbls. of choice Northern POTATOES, just received and for sale by june 14 S. C. GRENVILLE & CO. WHITE WINE AND CIDER VINEGAR.— 75 bbls. just received and for sale by june 14 S. C. GRENVILLE A CO. OLD RAGS WANTED—The highest cash prices paid for clean Cotton, Linen, Silk or Woollen RAGS. June 14 W. H. PRITCHARD, Mackerel,— 50 bbls. No. 3 MACKEREL. 40 half bbls. No. 1 and 2 do. 30 kits Mess do. 30 “ Large No. 1 do. 15 “ No. 1 Salmon. 3 half drums Codfish. _ june 14 DAWSON A SKINNER. Agricultural implemnest.—a gen eral assortment Agricultural Implements, just received and for sale at manufacturcr’sprices, with expenses added; viz : Straw Cutters, of different patterns Shelters, Southern patterns Corn'Mills, “ “ Emory A Co.’s Patent Reap and Mowing Ma chines Hoes, Ploughs, Trucks, Well Wheels, Shovels Spader Manure Forks, Horse Shoes, Ac.. Ac. For sate by ~ B. F. CHEW, may 11 WRAPPING PAPER.—3SO roams Single Crown ; 75 do. Double do.: 150 do. Medium, a superior article, just received and for sale lower than it can be bought for elsewhere. june 7 S. C. GRENVILLE A CO. FRESH MAY BUTTER. A FEW kegs received yesterday of fresh May BUTTER. W. H. PRITCHAKD. june 5 1/ \ CASKS prime Savannah Rice just received and for sate by C. E. GIRARDEY BACON, CORN, SUGAR~ A(\ BBLS. Tennessee BACON ; 41iU,UUV/ 75 hhds. MOLASSES ; 100 hhds N.O. SUGAR; 75 bbls. Extra WHISKY ; 200 bbls. prime HAY; 3000 bushels CORN; 500 bbls. Extra and Superfine Flour from the Granite Mills For sale by GEORGE W. LEWIS, june 21 No. 1, Warren Block. Bacon, lard, and corn— lbs. of prime Tennessee Bacon, Hog Round ; 50 bbls. and half bbls. of Leaf Lard; 250 sacks of prime Bread Corn. Just received and for sale by june 10 dAwlm A. STEVENS. Butter and cheese.--a frestTsuppiyof new Goshen Butter, and English Dairy Cheese. Received by THAYER A BUTT, june 9 ACON AND CANDLES—2O hhdsTprime BA CON SIDES. 50 boxes Adamantine Candles. Just received and for sale by june 21 CAMILLE E. GIRARDEY. UM AND GIN—2S bbls New York Rose Gin 25 do. N. E. Rum; 2 hhds do. do. By june 3 C.A. WILLIAMS. nHALF pipes cf superior Old Imported BRANDIES. I have just received and have in store for sale : i pipe Pate Otard Dupuy, vintage 47. i “ “ James Hennesey Cognac vit’gc4B. 5 “ “ J. J. Dupuy, “ “ 48. 4 “ “ and Dark Sazeroe vit’ge 46,49 and 50. The above are a superior lot of Old BRANDIES and those in want of a fine and pure article will do well to give me a call before purchasing else where. (june 24] C. E. GIRABDEY. WHITE LEAD, LINSEED Oil, SPIRITS of Turpentine.—lo,ooo lbs. pure extra New White Load; 500 gallons Linseed Oil; 250 gallons Spirits of Turpentine; 10 bbls Tanners’ Oil; 10 do. Machinery Oil; 1,000 gallons Lamp Oil ; 250 boxes Window Glass; 2,900 lbs. Steam Refined Putty; 12 doz. Paint Brushes. For sate very low by WM. H. TUTT, june 15 d&w Wholesale and Retail Druggist. PUMPS. —Every variety of Pumps, including Downs A Co.’s improved Revolving Spout; Force and Lifr; Douglass’ Pumps; O. Snow’s dou ble rod do.; Chain Pump Frames Beer Pumps ; Soda Fount Heads, and Garden Engines. For sale by B.F. CHEW, may 11 GENT’S FINE BOOTS. JUST RECEIVED—Roger’s, Benkert’s, Miles, and Brook’s fine DRESS BOOTS. —a j so- . Stiched bottom and other fine Water Prooi BOOTS. —ALSO— • Patent Leather DRESS BOOTS, of the latest atyte. (jan 29) ALDRICH & ROYAL. BRUSHES, BRUSHES.—Whitewash, Scrub bing, and Scouring Brushes. Also, Dusting, Sweeping, Hat and Shoe Brushes, of all sizes, for sale cheap by WM. HAINES, june 11 Druggist, Augusta. CLEVELAND’S DENTRIFICE FOR cleansing, Beautifying, and Preserving the Teeth and Gums, is one of the best TOOTH POWDERS in use, and too well known to require puffing—for sate in Augusta by HAVILA.ND, RISLEY A CO., may 3 3m Agents, Augusta. BEESWAX WANTED.—In any quantity, for which the highest cash price will be paid by may 19 C. A. WILLIAMS. RESTON AND MERRILL’S Yeast Powders, for sale by PHILIP A. MOISE, jiine 24 Druggist. I Itfio Books. BOOKS, books, books —The Evening Book, or Fireside Talk : by Mrs. Kirkland. The Young Lady’s Guido: by Harvey New comb. The Old and the New. or Changes of thirty years in the Eat: by William Goodell Our Village; sketches of rural character and scenery: by Mary Russell Mitford. American Game in its seasons: by Henry Wil liam Herbert, author of “Frank Foreeter’e Field Sports,” Ac., Ac. Elements of Mechanism :‘by T. Baker, C. E. The History of the Devil; containing a descrip tion ot the Devil’s Dwelling, called Hell: by Defoe. Sam Slick’s Wise Saws and Modern Instances, or What he Said, Did, or Invented. Cyrilla; a Tate: by the author of “The Ini tials.” Spiritual Vampirism : by C. W T . Webber. Wild Jack, or the Stolen Child; a sketch from life: by Caroline Lee Hentz. The New Orleans Sketch Book : by Stahl. German Lyricks : by Charles T. Brooks. Just received and for sale by JOS. A. CARRIE A CO. june 10 Booksellers A Stationers. THE HISTORY of the Restoration of Mon archy in France: by A.De Lamartine,vol.iv., author of “The Histoiy of the Girondists.” No. 15, of Dickens “ Bleak House.” The Dancing Feather, or Pirate Schooner: by J. H. Ingraham, Esq. The White Wolf, or the Secret Brotherhood: by Paul Teval. Paul Clifford, or Hurrah for the Road. Minnie Samson, or the Outlaw’s Leauge: by Chas. Red Swan, Esq. Harry Ashton, or the Will and the Way: by the author of “ Minnie Grey,” “ Gus Howard, or "How to Win a wife,” Ac., Ac. Just received and for sale by JOS. A. CARRIE A CO., june 9 Booksellers and Stationers. MORE NEW B-COKS.—Harry_~Coverdale’s Courtship, and What Came of it: by the au thor of “ Frank Fairlegh,” etc., etc. Lady Leighton, or the Belle of the B^anor: by Mrs. Gore. The Soldier’s Wife, or Scenes in Canteen and on the Battle Field: by G. W. M. Reynolds. Sylvia Seabury. or Yankees in Japan ; the Ro mantic Adventures of a Sailor Boy: by Harry Hazel. Just received and for sate by june 18 JOS. A. CARRIE A CO. EW NOVELS,—Lafitte, the Pirate of the Gulf: by J. H. Ingraham, author of Capt. Kyd, Ac. A man in search of a Wife, or the Adventures of a Bachelor in New York . by Walter Seaton. Jack and his Bride, or the Highwayman’s Flight, being further adventures of Claude and his friends, by the author of Gentleman Jaok. Biography of Father Gavazzi, with corrections by himself, has just been received at. GEO. A. OATES A BROS, june 11 Book Storo. NEW WORKS.—Cyrilla, a Tate, by the author of Initials. “ Mary also have perished, have erred, and sinned for women.”—l Exodus 4 ch. 27 verse. Three volumes of the English edition in ono. Also, No. 4 of Memoirs, Journals and Corres pondence of Thomas Moore. Just published and for sale at GEO. A. OATES A BROS., juno 3 Broad street. NEW WORKS. — Echoes of a Belle, or, a Voice from the Past: by Ben. Shadow. Tho New Rome, or the Inside States of the World: by Theo. Paesche and Chas. Goepp. Silver and Pewter, or the contrast of New York Life. ThaEmpressofthc Isles, or the Lake Bravo, has just been received at GEO. A. OATES A BROS, may 27 Piano, Book A Music Store, Bvoad-st Iw~MUSIC.—The following Music has been received at GEO. A. OATES A BROS’. Piano Book and Music Depot, besides a large quantity of standard popular pieces, viz: Long Ella Kee, a new Ethiopian melody ; Look on the Bright Side; Yes, ’tis true thy Katy is now Sleeping; Song of tho Katy Did; My Mother’s Grave; Blind Boy’s Dream; Grave of Ben Bolt; Humility; The Co quette ; I love tho early Morn; Annie Lowe; I think of thee at early Morn; We miss thoo at» Home; She was false as she was Fair; May morn ing Duett, by W. V. Wallace; The Adieu. Polkas.—Golden Light; Grace Greenwood; Bet sie; Orion; LaCoquetine; Southern Nightingale; Mysterious Rapping; Rienzi March; Passiflora Waltz; La Delcessa do.: Repertorie De I'Opera pour Jos Jennes Pcanistea, by the Oesten, viz: Vielka. Von Meyerher; Maria Padilla, Donizetti; Siege de Ja Rochelle, Balfe; Mousquetaires. Von Holovy ; Eloya Des Larmcs, Jr. Schubert; Varia tions Sueun Theresa Orig in A. by W. A. Mozart: Magic Veil Gallop. may 20 NEW WORKS. —Modern Flirtation ; a Novel: by Miss Catharine Sinclair, author of Bea trice, Modern Accomplishments, Ac. Wild Jack, or tho Stolen Child: by Mrs. Hentz. Passion and Principle; a Domestic Novel: by Mrs Grey. The Soldier’s Wife, or Scenes in Canteen and on the Battle Field: by Reynolds. Harry Ashton, or the Will and the Way; the only complete and unmutilated edition. Just received and for sab- at GEO. A. OATES A BRO’S. Piano, Book and Music Store, Broad street, juno 24 DISCOVERIES Among the Ruins of Ninevah and Babylon, with Travels in America, Kur distan and the Desert; being the result of a second expedition undertaken for the Trustees of the Brit ish Museum: by Austen H. Layard, M. P.; with Maps, Plans, and Illustrations. Memorials of the English Martyrs : by the liev. C. B. Tayler, M. A., Rector of Otley, Suffolk For sate by THOS. RICHARDS A SON. Book Binders, Blank Book Manufacturers, Ac. june 12 The annals of Tennessee to the end of the eighteenth century ; comprising its settle ment as the Watauga Association from 1769 to 1777; part of North Carolina from 1777 to 1784; the state of Franklin from 1784 to 1788; a part of North Carolina from 1788 to 1790 ; the Territory of the United States South of tho Ohio from 1790 to 1796; the state of Tennessee from 1796 to 1800, by J. G. M. Ramsey A. M., M. D. Mythology, related to children, translated from the French of M. Lame F. Darv, author of several elementary Works, with questions for examination, by the translator. Views of the Holy Trinity; Doctrinal and Exper imental. For sate or inspection by THOS. RICHARD & SON., jane 29 Booksellers, Stationaries, Ac. S~ TAHL AND SAM SLlCK.—the Sketch Book, by Stahl, author of The Portfo lio of a Southern Medical Student, and Editor of the New Orleans Delta. Sam Slick’s Wise Saws and Modern Instances; or what he Said, Did, or Invented, and Anecdotes for the Steamboat and Railroad. Selected from the best authors, by an old Traveler. For sale by june 12 THOS. RICHARDS A SON. NEW ROOKS, NOVELS, Sec. —Trantwine on Railroad Curves. Spirit Rapping; unveiled with pictures to match: by Rev. H. Mattison, A. M. Cyrilla: . vale by the author of “ The Initials.” Anti-fanaticism: a tale of the South: by Miss Martha Haines Butt, inscribed to Mrs. Hentz. Parts 4 and 5 Memoirs of Thomas Moore. First and True Love : by George Sand. Xenaphon’s Memorabilia ; by R. D. C. Robbins. Second Latin Book ; by Albert Harkness, A M Lady Leighton, or the Belle of the Manor: by Mrs. Gore. Harry Coverdale’s Courtship, and What Chile of it: by author of Frank Fairleigh. Minnie Lawson, or the Outlaw’s League: by Charles R. Swan, Esq. Paul Clifford, or Hurrah for tho Road. The White W olf, or the Secret Brotherhood: by Paul Feval. Eveleen Wilson, or the Trials of an Orphan Girl. Harry Ashton, or the Will and the Way; by the author of the “ Minnie Grey,” Ac. Sylvia Seabury, or Yankees in Japan ; the Ro mantic Adventures of a Sailor Boy: by Harry Hazel. Tho Soldier’s Wife, or Scenes in Canteen and on the Battle Field: by G. W. M. Reynolds. For sale by THOS. RICHARDS A SON, Booksellers, Stationers, and Book Manu facturers. june 19 NEW FLOUR—SO bbls., fresh ground, in quar ter and half sacks. For sale by GEORGE W. LEWIS, june 18 No. 1, W arren Block.