The Daily constitutionalist and republic. (Augusta, Ga.) 1851-185?, November 14, 1854, Image 1

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He Satlp (£mMutimdist aii^leraliHe BY JAMBS GARDNER. ©rnrral .Bafitisciitfiits. NEW CASH STORE. rpHE subscriber would respectfully inform the X of (Georgia and South Carolina, t hat he is now in receipt of his supply of Fall and Winter DRY GOODS, all of which have been pur chased for Cash, in the various Northern Markets; and as regards the prices at which they will be sold, it is unnecessary to say a word, as the reputa tion of GREEN’S Store, for being the cheapest in Augusta, is now firmly established. —ALWAYS ON HAND — Bleached and Brown SHEETINGS and SHIRT INGS, of various manufactories; French, English and American CALICOES, from f>s to 25 cents. GINGHAMS; MOUSLIN DeLAINES; CASHMERES; MERINOES; ALPACAS; BOMBAZINES: CANTON CLOTHS; Plain and Plaid White Cambric Jaconet, Nain sook and Mull MUSLIN; Plain, Plaid and Dotted Swiss MUSLINS ; LACES; EMBROIDERIES ; EDGINGS; Cambric and Muslin TRIMMINGS ; HOSIERY, of all kinds, Ac. Ac. —also — Particular attenti >n paid to all kinds of Negro GOODS and BLANKETS, such as white and brown KERSEYS and PLAINS; heavy brown SHIRTINGS, at 61c.; London Duffil and Macinau BLANKETS ; colored do.: SATTINETS; KEN TUCKY JEANS, Ac., all of which will be sold for cash, as low as in any Southern market. E. GREEN, Brood Street, Augusta, Ga. Next door below Bones A Browns Hardware Store. septß IESOLUTION. THE Copartnership heretofore existing between the subscribers, under the firm of PLATT & BROTHER in Lexington and Augusta, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Geo. F. Piatt alone wi:l use the name olthe firm in liquidation of the concern in Lexington, and Platt & Gilham ol the concern in Augusta. GEO. F. PLATT. EDWIN PLATT. Lexington, July 1, 1854. jy 13 AUGUSTA & WAYNESBORO RAILROAD. UNTIL further notice, trains will leave Augusta at 7J, a. in., and 8, p. m.; returning, will leave Millen at 21, p. in and 11J, p. m., connect ing with the day and night Passenger Trains on the Central Railroad, which leave Savannah at 8, a. in. and 7, p. m , nd leave Macon at 7£,a. m„ and 4 J, p. in. Passengers for Milledgeville, Eatonton, Ogle thorpe, or Columbus, should take the night Train, to avoid detention. Froight will he carrie i by the Day Train, mak ing it an Accommodation Train, except on Sun days, when it will run as a Passenger Train, exclu sively, leaving Augusta at 9 am, and Millen at 2} p. in , arriving at Augusta at 51 p. m. je22 ts M M. M. WADLEY, Gen. Sup't M OLA*si:s NOTICE —4O his prime New Or leans Molasses, on consignment and for sale by • octlO M. W. WOODRUFF. r '.'OTlCK.—Just receive! on consignment and IN for sale by the subscriber. 50 bags extra family Flour, from best White IV beat. 25 bushels Corn Meal, from new Corn. 5 hhds Porto Rico Sugar. 15 hhds Tennessee Bacon, Shoulders and Sides, of the host quality. M W, WOODRUFF. octl4 Forwarding AGen’lCom. Merchant. NOTH li —On and afterthis date the undersign ed may be found at his store, Mclntosh street, next door South of Messrs. Bustin &■ Walker, every day, from half past 10 o'clock, until one o’clock and will be pleased to serve hi? friends to the best of his ability. M W. WOODRUFF. octs Forwarding and Gen’l. Com’sn Mer cbt. Not ICE.— Received on consignment and for sale by M W. WOODRUFF, 5000 lbs. very fine Tennessee Bacon Sides, clear and Ribbed. octs HATS, CAPS AND BONNETS, AT WHOLESALE. Will. S. X ICHOLS. Successor to J‘ Taylor, Jr., & Co , opposite the Bank of Augusta, has the pleasure of announcing to Merchants visiting Augusta, that his stock of EATS, CAPS and BON NETS, for the Fall Trade, is now complete. And all those desiring Hoods in his line, are in vited to cali and examine them, as they will he sold at prices that cannot fail to please. septl4 ts NOTICE ALL PERSONS are hereby forwarned not to trade for either of Four Notes, given by us, dated, Augusta, March 27th, 1854, payable at 3,9, 12 and fitte n months after date, with interest, to Darius Whitkea l A Co., or bearer, for ten hun dred dollars each, as the consideration for which sard Notes were given is interfered with by counter acts of said Whitheod A Co., in giving a deed to the same rights to other parties , and unless said parties desist, or we are made safe from interfer ence, the consideration for which said Notes were given has failed in part, if not altogether, and we will not pay said Notes, unless compelled bylaw- HENRY J. OSBORNE. FREDRICK A. WHITLOCK. By H. J- Osborne, Partner. Octl2 DISOLUriON. THE copartnership hitherto existing under the name of Coffiv A Leai.s is this day uisolved by mutual consent, all persons having claims will please present them ami those indebted will make payment to either of the undersigned. JOSEPH A BEALS. JOHN (J. COFFIN. Augusta, Sept. 16th, 1854. FREE TRADE AND NO MONOPOLY. Who satfs Gat—or Lead Pipes ? JROWE it t'O., Plumbers and Gas Fitters, at • the corner of Jackson and Telfair streets, im mediately in the rear of the Baptist Church, would like to know. We take pleasure in stating that we are now prepared to run Gas and Water Pipes into Stores. Dwellings, Churches, Factories, Public Buildings, Ac., at as iow a rate, of as good material and work manship as can be obtained and done in any South ern city. In addition to this, we will keep a constant sup ply and procure at the shortest notice the following articles, viz: Chandeliers; Pendants; Brackets; llall Humors; Stiff and Flexible Drop Lights; Gas Pipes of all sizes; Lead and Block Tin Pipes; Water Closets; Wash Basins, of various patterns; Wood Bathing Tubs, lined with copper or lead ; Copper and Brass Shower Baths ; Cook ing Ranges with or without water backs ; Copper and galvanized Circulating Boilers; Cast Iron Sinks for Kitchens or Pantries, of all sizes anff pat terns; Brass andiron Lift and Force Pumps, of various patterns and sizes All orders left at the shop or with the Superin tendent of the Gas Works, will be personally and punctually attended to. John Rowe. [septsly] G.S. Hookey. THE AUGUSTA MACHINE WORKS \ KK now prepared to do the following kinds of work with neatness and despatch: Steam Engines and Boilers, of any style or fin- | ish; also, Bank Vaults; Iron Fronts; Sills and | Lintels, for buildings. Railroad Cars, of all kinds and descriptions, made in the most substantial and beautiful man ner ; Wheels for same warranted for one year. Iron Railings, of various styles for Balconies or Fences. Gold Mine Castings, of all descriptions, made to order. Blacksmith Work done in the best manner. Mill Work—all kinds of Mill and Gin-gearing. Shafting, Pullers, Water Wheels, Ac., on hand. Brass Castings will also have our attention. PLANING AND SAWING LUMBER. Flooring—Planed, Tqngued and Grooved, at $5 per 1000 feet superficial; Ceiling—Planed, Tongued and Grooved, at $5 per 1000 feet superficial, Weather Boarding—Planed and Jointed $4 per 1000 feet superficial; Planing—both sides, $3 per 1000 supcrfic'al feet. Use of Circular Saw and one man will be 75 cts. per hour. Heavy SawiDg requiring two men, will be $1 per hour. All orders must be left in the office, tiot in the. shop. Cash will be required in all cases, unless otherwise agreed upon with W. M. EIGHT, sept 17 d&oly General Superintendent. FIFTY HMDS BACON SIDES, in store and to arrive- For sale low, for cash bv oets DAVIS, KOLB A FANNING. (ffirnrrul SbiuTtiscmenU. RICH DRV GOODS. • “Cheaper than the very Cheapest. ’ GRAY BROTHER'S— Beg to inform the public, that their Fall purchases this season have been unusually large, having been in the Northern markets over three months this Summer, where so many large auctien sales took place, offering de cided advantage to close purchases. We can con fidently say that our stock is much cheaper than the like quality of Good 3 could be obtained a few weeks later, when the great body of Merchants went to market, our desire, owing to the very short Sea3onthat we will now necessarily have, is to dis pose of this largo stock independent of profits, and we may venture to say that we can offer as strong inducements as any of our neighbors, if not stronger. _ In our Dress Goods Room, will be found the richest varieties of the Season, such as— Elegant Moriantigue Silks; Rich Satin, Striped do. • Very Elegant Black Plaid do Small Stripe Plaids and figured. Rich Brocade Plain Striped and Plaid, 50 cents per yard, worth 75 cents; Plain Black Silks all widths, very cheap; Black Plaid Watered and Brocade, new styles; White-Silks and Satins; Figured, all Wool, French muslin Delaine, 12$ <Jt3. worth 50. French Merinos, very cheap; Lupins best Bombazine exceedingly low; Black Jamiese, a new and vory desirable, all Wool Goods, for mourning; Black Alapacas all qualities, some very fine and low priced; Mantillas, Cloaks aDd Talmas of the very- latest French styles, exceedingly cheap; Crape, Cashmere and Woollen Shawls; Embroideries of all kinds of the most elegant description; Ribbons for the Million, fine bonnet and neck, 6$ cents a yard, worth 20 cents. Calicoes and Ginghams, best styles cheap, Domestic Goods • f ell kinds; Blankets and Kersey’s unusually low, and a great variety of other articles to which we would res pectfully invite the attention of the public. nov2 GRAY BROTHER’S. NEW FALL AND WINTER GOODS’ WARD Ac BtJRI'HARU are now receiving their Fall and Winter supplies of new and fashionable goods, among which will be found many novelties in dress goods, as well as a general assortment of household articles. They ask attention to the fojlowiug: Paris Sacque and Opera Flannels, new shade. American Sacque Flamnols, Plain and Figued- Lupins superior Merinos, all colors. Lupins Lains, Plain Figured, and Plaids. Lupins Black and Col’d Challies, and Aipaccas. Lupins Black de Lairs and Bombazines. Rich Color’d Silks ; n Brocade, Plaids and Stripes. Superior Black Taffeta and Italian Silks. 6 4 S lk Poplins high Colors, Scotch Plaids. American de Lains and Cashmeres, all the new design, in Plaids, Stripes and Agues. Beautiful French and English Prints, Highland and Rogal Plaid Ginghams, French Cashmere do’Ecosge. Scotch Wool and Silk Checks for Miss. Saxony Welsh Silk Warp and American Flannels Embroideries, White Crape, Wool Plaid. Black Silk, Merino and Cashmere Shalls. Besides a large stock of House Wife and servants goods. They respectfully ask those making their winter purchases to examine their goods. Orders promptly and faithfully executed. oct!s DRY GOODS FOR THE MILLION. COS«KOVE Ar BRENNAN have now the pleasure to inform their friends and the pub lic, that they have received large additions to their stock of fancy and staple Dry Goods. Their stock comprises almost every article in their line. C. & B have beVi unavoidably late in getting their Spring and Suuwner supply, but they think that their customers will be the gainers, as they have bought their supplies 25 to 50 per cer.f. loss than early purchasers. C. & B.’s business being almost exclusively a cash business, and having no long credits or bad debts to cover, will sell at prices that will not fail to give satisfaction to all. The following are a few of the articles to which they would invite attention— SILKS. —Brocade and Glace Silks; black Gro de Rhine do.; Changeable and solid colors do.; small checks and striped do.; fancy plaid do.; Lin ings, all shades and colors. DRESS GOODS.—Plaid, plain and figured Ba rege? and Tissues; Chints patterns, late style; Grenadines, Sewing Silks, Ac ; fine French Jaco nets. Lawns and Organdies. MANTILLAS. —Embroidered and plain Man tillas, every color; Lace and Lisle do.; black. EMBROIDERIES. —Lace and Muslin Chemi setts and Collars; Undersleevesand worked Bands; Hemstitched, Corded. Bordered and Embroidered Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs; Swiss and Jaconet Inserting* and Edgings. . . HOSlEßY.—Ladies’ black, white and colored Hose; Misses’ black, white and slate do.; Ladies’ open-worked do.; Boy’s Half Hose, every color; Gent w.nte, brown and mixed do.; striped and fancy do.; Kid Gloves ; PicNioMits. Also, Para sols and Fans; Barege-, tor veils, every colors; black Silk Velvets, for trimming ; Skirts, every style; Pantaloons, Goods and Vestings; House keeping and Plantation Goods. MOURNING GOODS.—Black Bombazines and Alpacas; Bareges, Tissues, and Grenadines; Se cond Mourning Goods, in every sfylo. may 9 WHOLESALE DRUG NOTICE. THE Undersigned have associated with them Mr. WM. E. DuBOSE in their business from thisdate. The name of our firm will remain the same. All orders promptly executed. W B LA Wells \ CLARK & WELLS, Wm. E. Dußose. j.S ucce3Bors t 0 W. K. Kitchen. Augusta, October 17th, 1853. A CARD. HAVING entered into the DRUG BUSINESS with Messrs. CLARK A WELLS, I avail myself of this opportunity to inform my friends and acquaintances, that I shall be happy to see them at our store, opposite the Planters’ Hotel, Augus ta, Ga, where we shall keep constantly on hand, a large and well selected stock of of DRUGS, ME DICINES, PAINTS, OILS, PERFUMERY,FAN CY ,ARTICLES, Ac., Ac., which we will sell as low as any other house south of Now York, ebl! WM. E. DuBOSE. COLUMBIA INSURANCE CO., SO. CA THIS COUP AXV CONTINUES TO insure on the most favorable terms, Houses. Furniture Ac., and Marine risks, on application to J. H. ANDERSON, Ag’t- Mclntosh-st octlO FAIRBANKS’ PLATFORM SCALES, LONG KNOWN —severely test- THE ACKNOWLEDGED /f » STANDARD! /B General Southern Agents, Spear, Weston A Co., |) 141 Pratt Street, Baltimore. oct7 Agent, Augusta, JOHN NELSON. A. HAMILTON. COTTON AND TOBACCO FACTOR, forwarding and commission merchant, And Agent for the St. Louis, Memphis and New Orleans Packets , Nashville, Tenn. —refer to— D. Weaver, Esq., Cashier Planters’ Bank, Tenn.; Wesley Wheless, Esq, Cashier Bank of Nashville; George W. Lew s, Esq , Augusta, Ga. SUGAR, COFFEE Art'— 120 bbls ABAC Sugars. 300 Bags Rio Coffee, 40 do Java do 50 bales Gunny Bagging, old importion. 200 coils Rope. 100 bbls Pikes Magnolia Whisky, to arrive. 75 boxes Adm Candles. 20 de Sperm For sale by BELCHER A HOLLINGSWORTH. oct29 GI RAXITE MILLS FLOUR—Fmh Ground T and just received frern the Mills this day For Sale by GEORGE W LEWIS. pov6 No. 1 Warren Block. SALT OF LEMONS. rs? rillIIS SALT is infinitely preferable to any other A preparation for immediately takinglronMoulds ink spots, red white, and stains of any kind, out of laee, muslin, lawn, cambric, and linnen, without trouble, and winhout doing the least injury to them. It also whitens them to admiration, if they are grown yellow, so as to render them as beautiful as when quite new. Price 25 cts, per vial, and for sale by WM. HAINES, Druggist, Nov 4 - Augusta. AUGUSTA, GA., TUESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 14, 1854. ©fittrol Aftofrtisfmfiits. NEW BOOKS. —The Monty-Maker and other Tales, By Jane C. Campbell Look, then, nto thy heart and write. Yes, unto Life’s deeD stream— Longfellow. The Floral Offering: A Token of Affection and Esteem, containing the Language of Flowers, with colored illustrations, from Original Drawings. By Henrietta Dumont. The Lives of Mrs- Ann Judson and Mrs. Sarah B. Judson, with a Biographical Sketch of Mrs. Emily C. Judson, missionaries to Burmah. In throo parts. By Arabella W. Stuart. (Mrs. Ara be la M. Wilson ) Lewie ;or the Bended Twig. By Cousin Cicely, author of the “Silver Lake Stories,” Ac. The Poetical Works of Alexander Pope. Edited by the Rev. II F. Cary, M. A. A new Edition, carefully revised. To which is prefixed a Biographi cal Notice. With illustrations by John Gilbert. Political Works of Dryden, with illustrations by John Franklin. The Fario Queen; Disposed into Twelve Books; fashioning XII Moral Virtues, by Edmund Spen ser, to which is added his Epithalamion, a new edition, with a glossary, illustrated by Edward Cor bould Advance Course of Composition and Rhetoric, A Series of Practical Lessons on the Origin, His tory and peculiarities of the English Language, Punctuation, Taste, the Pleasures of the imagina tion, Figures, Style and its essential proprieties, criticism and the various departments of Prose and Poetical composition, illustrated with copious ex ercises, adapted to self-instruction, and the use of schools and colleges; By G. P. Quackenbos, A. M., Associate Principal of “The Collegiate School” .New York. For sale at GEO. A. OATES A BRO’S. novl2 Booksellers; Broad st. NEW HOOKS. —Swell Life at Sea, or Fun, Fri gates and Yachting, a collection of Nautical Yarns, from the Log Book of a Youngster of the Mess; Na-Motre, or Reef R,ovings in the South Sea, a narrative ot adventures in the Hawaiian, Georgia and Society Islands, by Edw’d. F. Perkins; The Cabin Boy s Story, asemi-naut cal Romance, founded on fact, by the author of Pirate Doctor Lawyer’s Story, etc.; Russia and England, therr Strength and Weak ness, by John Paynell Morell ; Herman and Dorothea, from German of Goethe, by Conrad Porter; The California and Oregon Trail, by Francis Parkman, Jr.; Fashion and Famine, by Mrs. Ann S. Stephens; Emanuel and Philibert, by Alex. Dumas ; Sunshine on Daily Paths, or tbe Revelation of Beauty and Wonder in common things, from Household Words, by Chas. Dickens; The Scout, or Black Riders of the Congarce, by W T m. Gilmore Sims, Redfield s edition; Woodcraft, or Hawks about the Dovecote, by W. Gilmore Sims, Redfield’s edition ; Ministering Children, a Tale dedicated to Child hood, by the author of Sunday Afternoon in the Nursery. The Light of Life— “ Even a child is known by his doings, whether his work be pure, and whether it he right”— Prov. xx: 11; Faggot of French Sticks, or Pai is ip 1851, by Sir Francis Head; Our Folks at Homo, or Life in the Old Manor House, by Edw. Toliver; Party Leaders, or Sketches of Thos. Jefferson, Alex. Hamilton, Andrew Jackson, Henry Clay, John Randolph, of Roanoke, etc., by Joseph G. Baldwin, author of Hush Times in Alabama and Mississippi ; Life’s Lessons, a Talo ; History of Cuba, or Notes of a Traveller in the Tropics, by M. M. Ballou ; Lives of Queens of England, before the Norman Conquest, by Mrs. Mathew Hall; Sister Agnes, or the Captivo Men, a picture of Convent Life, by a Clo-gyman’s Widow, author of the Orphan’s Friend, etc ; Nanette and Her Lovers, a Tale of Normandy, by Talbot Gynne ; 9 - Persons and Pictures, from Histories of France and England, from Norman Conquest to the Fall of the Stuarts, by Henry Win. Herbert; . Magdalen Hepburn, a story of the Scottish Re formation, by the author of Passages in the life of Mrs- Margaret Maitland, etc ; Behind the Scenes, by Lady Bulwer; Purple Tints of Paris, by B*ayhe St. John. Just received and for sale by novll McKINNE A HALL. NEW BOOKS. —Koeppen’s History oftheMiddei Agos The Virginia Comedians, or Old Days in the Old Dominion. Memoirs of Napoleon* his Court, and Family, by the Dutchess d’Abrantes. The Meaning of 'Words; by A. B. Johnson. Hand- Book of Anglo-Saxon Derivation. Hand Book of engrafted words ot the English Language. Hand- Book of Anglo-Saxon Root Words Thiers’French Revolution, 4 vols., new edition, illustrated. Quack enbuss’ Course of Compos,tion and Rhetoric. Oil- Bias’splendid illusteated edition. English Cyclo paedia ot Natural History. Also of Geography. Wensiey, a Story without a Moral. Walden, or Life in the Woods, by 11. D. Thorean. Vinet’s Pastoral Theology. Vinet’s Homiletics Ten Nights in a Bar-Room. Masonary and Anti-Masonry, by Alfred Creigh. Ministering Children. Magdalen Hepburn—a story of the Scottish Reformation. Atherton, by Mary Russel Milford. The English Envoy and the Court ofNiholas I ; by Julia Cor ner. Leters of Lucy Russell. Periscopics; by W. Elder. Bertha and Lilv ; by Elizabeth 0. Smith. The American Cottage Builoer; by John Bullock. Koltiker’s Microscopical Anotomy. For Sale by Novs TMOS. RICHARDS & SON. CANARY BIRD SEED, MIXED AX’D PLAIN, just received and for sale by WM. HAINES, oct4 Druggist, Augusta. SODA WATER. 4 SUPPLY OF THIS ARTICLE, fresh every xV day—for sale by WM. HAINES, octf Druggist, Augusta. SLOAN & CALWELL, Importers and Wholesale Dealers in BRANDIES, WINES, GIN, SEGARS, &c. Nos. 17 and Cheapside, Baltimore. Chas. A. Dennis. ly jyl2 AT HOME AGAIN. rjn HE highest cash prices will be paid for NE GROES by the subscriber. Apply at the Globe Hotel, or at J. P. Fleming’s Stable, on Elli treot. feb9 JOHN A. CHRISTIAN. MORE HATS, GENTLEMEN^ JUST RECEIVED, Beebe A Co.’s Fall stylo fashionable Moloskin HATS. Also, sevoral cases of our own manufacture. They are handsome, and no mistake. Call and see them at G. W. FERRY’S Fashionable Hat Store, Masonic Hall Building, Augusta, Ga. au^l2 SILKS AND EMBROIDERIES received this day, by Express— * 12 pieces Black Silk; 12 do. Ced'd Brocade Silk ; 5 dozen Jaconet Collars, very rich; 10 do. do. Bands, low price; 5 do. do. and Swiss Sleeves, very fine; 5 do. Chimazetts, extra rich ; together with other now goods, which will be sold cheap. scpt3 GRAY BROTHERS. BACON, BACON. —Just received, and for sale by GEORGE W. LEWIS, octs No. 1, Warren Bloak. COFFINS AND UNDERTAKING. THE UNDERSIGNED having connected the Coffin and Undertaking business with his es tablishment, calls the attention of the public to his arrangements soy supplying all orders in that line. The strictest attention will be paid, and all orders executed with promptness. On Sundays, or night 3, by leaving orders at Mr J. B. Platt’s residence, in the roar of the Store they will be punctually attended to. apr3o ts C. A. PLATT. LINEN GOODS. JUST received, at P. and M. GALLAHER’S, Irish Linens, all qualities and prices; Pillow case Linens; Farmer’s Drills; Check Coatings, Blay Linens, and Brown Hollands; Russia Dia pers; Brown and Bleached Damask ; English, Ger man and American Cloths. mar 23 CLOTHING. W”E invito the attention of Merchants and Dealers to our Fall and Winter stock cf Clothing, which we will sell as cheap as in North ern Markets (except the freight.) Our stock em braces all the newest and most fashionable styles. septl.3 WM. O. PRICE A CO 1 /\/ \ DO/.. French Calf Skins, now arriving, L v/V/ of favorite brands and assorted weights, warranted fresh. For sale at the Saddlery Ware house of SHERMAN, JESSUP A CO., Late Wright, Nichols A Co., No. 239 Broad-st., second door above the Bank of Augusta, dAf3m sept? NE W D IfY GOODS HOUSE. OPENING MONDAY, 6TH NOV. T to E lhr?ricrop‘aOOD(^l!.ff Ully . i ° f ' i l th, - , “ tte “ tio, '' >f lllcLl * dira » f Aagmta and vicinity Leading GJJD, no* offered for 4hotr inspection, of which the following are some of the BLACK AND COLORED SILKS. In Brocade, Gros d’Rhine, Grosd’ Afrique. Satin Duchine, Plain Chameleon. Very Rich Satin Plaids and Brocage in great varie ty. Also, GroscfNaps. Maicelines Florence and Taffejk Silks, Black, White and Colored Satins. 1 DRESS GOODS® Lupins, Cashmers, Merinos DaLaines, beautiful assortment of colajßFAmeri can and French Figured and PlaidjffieLaines, Plaid Aipaccas, Plaid Poplins,PlanHaw Silks, Woel Plaids. EMBROIDERIES ANDJLACES. Chemizetts, Habits Puff and MaaArin Sleeves. Cambric and Muslin Collars of rfjpr and elegant pattern. Cambric, Muslin, and Mull Bands and Flouncing in great variety. Embroidered, Plain and Tape bordered Linen C. Handkerohiefs. Cambric and Muslin Trimmings. Real Thread, Maltese, Gimpeur;, Mecklin, and Valenciene Laces, some beautiful patterns for trimming Collars. Linen and Lisle Edgings, Imitation. Mecklin and Valonciene and other styles, compris ing the largest Assortment ever offered in Au gusta. CLOAKS, MANILLAS AND TALMAS of the latest style, Ladies Cloths for Cloaks, beautiful .fehades; Long and Sqr. 1 laid Shawls, Plain and Embroiderded Canton Crape Shawls; Cloak and Dress irimmings, Bonnet Ribbons, Satin and Taffeta do, and a full assortment of Haberdashery. The attention of Planters and others is called to the large Stock of Plantation Goods and Blankets, always on hand such as Georgia Plains and Kerseys, Kentucky Jeans, Satinets, Osnaburgs, Linsoys, London Duffil Macmaw and Colored Blankets, all prices, which will be sold very low. Terms cash, e J- K. BANCROFT. novo Three doors above Mclntosh-st, next to Bank of Augusta. «.;• r * -aw rmi Be m m , ' DEALERS IN* mmm raiMn ©wow© * HATS, CAPS, TRUNKS, CARPET BAGS, &c , &c. ” BOYS’ AND CHILDREN’S CLOTHING, SHIRTS, COLLARS, DRAWERS, CRAVATS, GLOVES, STOCKS, &c., &c., &c. Which will be sold on reasonable terms. NO. 197 BROAD STREET, UNDER THE AUGUSTA HOTEL, AUGUSTA, GA. J. J. CLAYTON. [mayl9l A. P. BIGNON. J. A. VAN WINKLE, Next door to Georgia Railroad Bank, and one door below the U. States Hotel, Augusta, Ga. HAS ALWAYS ON HAND A CHOICE SELECTION OF Cloths; Cassimores; V estings ; Linens; Drap d’Etes, Ac., Which will be made to order in tho verjj best style, and as good as can be obtained in any establishment in the Southern Country. All Goods sold at the above Istablishment are of the best qualities, and will be sold cheap. aprlß J. A. VAN WINKLE. - ■ -—Hi i FANCY PERFUMERY ARTICLRS. C'OR THE TOILET—Toilet Water; Double x and Single Cologne; French, German and American Amber Lavender: Bell Lavender, Ac. For the Skin. —Magnolia Toilet; Cold Lip Balm ; A mundane and Toilet Powdor. For the Hair. —Amber Lustral; Bay Leaf Water: Philocome Beef Marrow; Bears’ Oil; Rose Hair Oil; a large assortment of the most ap proved Hair Dyes; Hair Depilitory, Hair Restor ers, Ac. For the Hands. —Forty different varieties of select Toilet and Familv Washing Soaps. For the Teeth —?earl Tooth Powder; Den tal Soaps; Rose, Chinese and Charcoal Tooth Paste; Strawberry Tooth Wash; English and French Toeth Brushes, Ac. Extracts for the Handkerchief. —The Up per Ten; West End; Poppinack; and thirty other celebrated varieties, French and American. All of which are offered for sale at the lowest cash prices, by WM. HAINBS, Druggist and Apothecary. City Drug Store. aug24 ts JA IK SON STREET HOSPITAL, AND SURGICAL INFIRMARY FOR NEGROES *TIHE UNDERSIGNED have deemed it advis- JL able to add the term ‘•Hospital” to their Sur gical Infirmary, for though tho institution is intend ed principally for cases requiring Surgical Opera tions and Surgical Treatment, its accommodation is not entirely restricted to these; —we receive cases of any nature occurring in tho Negro, provided they are not of an infections character. H F. CAMPBELL, M. D. Operating Surgeon. ROBERT CAMPBELL M. D. jy26 ts Attending Physician. DUTCH BOLTING CLOTHS. WILLIAM SHEAR has received, from New York, No. 0,1, 2,3, 4,5, 6,7, 8, 9 and 10, Dutch Bolting Cloths of the best quality, to which he respectfully invites the attention of the publio . • jel7 OATS FOR SALE. A FEW hundred bushels. A parcel from the same was sown to prove the quality, and they areup finely. Also, CORN. HOMINY and MEAL PEA MEAL and Crushed CORN, for Milch Cows, tobe found at the Store below the Eagle A Phoenix Hotel. dec 13-ts JAMES L. COLEMAN. WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, WM. K KITC’HEIV isassociated with us as a partner in all our concerns from this date. HAVILAND, lIARRAL A RISLEY, New York. HAVILAND lIARRAL A CO., Charleston, S. C. HAVILAND RISLEY A CO., January 1, 1854. Augusta, Ga. IIAVIL AND, RISLE Y «TCO., are my duly au thorized Agents to transact any business in which I am interested during my absence trom the State. My notes and accounts will Ik kmnd at their store. W KITCHEN. Augusta, Feb. 12,1854. ts NORTH CAROLINA MUTUAL LIFE IN SURANCE COMPANY. Incorporated January , 1849. Central Oefice, Raleigh, N. C. Having established an Agency in this city, are prepared to take LIFE RISKS on the most favorable terms. The table of Rates are those made by Joshua Millar, and known as “The Carlisle Table,” uni versally conceded to be the most correct in use. The'advantages offered by this Company, are such as merit the attention of tho public, and will be pointed out and explained at any time by the Agent. Insurances are taken on single lives, for one year , seven years, or for life. On joint lives, for life. On slaves at 2-3 value, one or five years. s The undersigned can, at all times, he found at the Law office of G. J. A W. Schley, Esqs. Letters, post-paid, directed to the Agent here, will be promptly attended to apr 11 S. H. OLIVER, Ag’t., Augusta, Qa. NOTICE— I am reudyUi contract for Brick or Wood buildings and repairs of all sorts. U derpinning. Chimneys,Cellar doors, Gates, Fences Ac. Ac. augl3 JAS. L. COLEMAN. FRESH GOODS. rpilE subscriber has just opened, at his X new Store, third door below the Uni ted States Hotel, a fine lot of Lsdies’ G a it 0 s Gent’s Congress Boots; and a fine lot of Kid Slip Also, 100 pair of Morooco Slips and Ties, ,'5- 100 pair of Silk Lasting Gaiters, $1.25; Children’s. Misses’. Boy’s and Youth’s Shoes, o all kinds, to be sold cheap for cash. apr2B HENRY DALY. BRICK WORK WANTED.” THE subscriber is prepared to do all kind of Brick Work at short notice °ct 26 L. G. BASSFORD. ) FLANNELS. Plain and Twil’d, Red, all prices. Ditto in White, Red and W hite Domestic Welsh, Englis j and American, all Wool and unshrink ing- Silk and Wool do , Colored Opera and Salisbury Flannels, assorted Colors. MOURNING goods. Black Bombasins, Merinos, Muslin DeLaines and Cballeys, all of Lupin’s make and warrant ed. Real English Bombasine, warranted. Black Aipaccas, Paramittas, Canton Cloths, Gin ghams, Prints, Ac. LINENS AND LINEN GOODS. Irish Linens of different makes. Scotch and Irish Table Damask. Huckerbuck and Diaper Towels. Damask Table Cloths and Napkins, Crash Dowlas, Ac-, Ac. HOSIERY AND GLOVES. Ladies English and German Hosiery. Misses ditto White, Slate, Brown and mixed, all sizes Gents and Boys half Hose, Merino Hose and half Hose. Children’s Worst'd and Cotton Fancy Hose, 2 and and $ do., Elastic Tops. Ladies Cashmere, Philoselle, Beaver and Kid Glo ves, Gents Kid Gloves, Children’s Gloves. READY-MADE CLOTHING, comprising, in part, Dress and Frock Coats; Blue, Brown, Olive, Green and Dahlia Frocks and Sacks; Black «id Fancy Cass. Pants; Black and ig’d. Drap d’Ete do.; Plain and fancy linen do.; a large assortment of Linen, Frock and Sack Coats; and a large stock of Vests. NEW GUNS, PISTOLS, &CJ Broad steel, just above the August Hotel gj THE subscriber has just received aTarge addi tion to his former stock of GUNS and GUN NING APPARATUS, which makes his assort ment decidedly the best in the city—consisting of: Double and Single Barreled all sizes and prices. Colt’s. Allen’s, and ether REVOLVERS; also, the Single Barreled Self-cocking and RIFLE PIS TOL, steel barrels. A great variety of Powder Flasks and Shot Bags, and Game Bags, of the finest patterns. Also, Percussion Caps, all varieties, from the commonG.D. to the finest Westley Richard’s wa ter proof. Cleaning Rods, Drinking Flasks, Dog Collars, Hunting Horns, Nipple Wrenches, Ac. Ac. Pocket and Pen Knives, Razors, Bowio Knives, Dirks. Powder, by keg or in oamsters, all varieties Shot, by the bag or retail. RIFLES and Double GUNS, of my own make, one barrel Rifle and the other Shot, a splendid shooting article. N. B.—RIFLES made to order, and all kinds of RESTOCKING and REPAIRING done in the best manner, and warranted. Also, Keys fitted and Door Locks repaired, short notice. E. H. ROGERS, junel6 FALL AJfJD WINTER READY-MADE CLOTHING AND HATS. CLAYTON & BIGNON, under tho Augusta Hotel, have now in Store, (and are receiving weekly supplies) a large and splendid stock of Ready-made CLOTING and HATS, fine and com mon. Also, Boy’s and Children’s Clothing. Also, a good lot of Furnishing Goods, to which they respectfully call the attention of citizens and stran gers. . N. B. Country Merchants visiting our city, will find, at our establishment, a large and varied stock to select from, at low prices. septl3 NEW BOOKS—Hermits Dell, from the diary of aPenciiler; and Poems and Ballads by Gerald Massey, containing the bailad of Babe Christabels, printed from the third London editor, with several new poems never before published, re vised and corrected by the author, for sale by oct!3 THOS. RICHARDS A SON. Drugs AND MEDICINES —A full and am ple supply of Drugs, Medicines, Perfumerj', Paints, Oils, Glass, Ac., Ac. Orders from the coun try solicited. For sale low for cash by WM. HAINES, oct 31 lmc 217 Broad Street. SASH, BLINDS AND DOORS. THE subscriber has just received a large supply of Sash, (glazed,'BlindScand Doors, of the first quality, made of Northern pine. All orders for odd sizes filled at-short notice, may 14 6m J DANFORTH. AUGUSTA STEAM CABINET MANUFAC s. TORY. CHARLES A. PLATT respectfully calls the attention of citizens and others "Siting the city, to his large and handsome assortment of FURNITURE, Comprising every article usually found in a Cabi net Warehouse. Being connected with one oT the largest manufactories at the North together with my own Steam Manufactory at this place, I can supply orders equally low as any establishment in the country, as all articles are received trom first hands, and warranted of the best quality. Con nected with the above, I have also on hand a splen , did assortment of CARPETS, Viz : English Velvet Tapestry—Cottos; English Brussels “ Hemp, Extra Three Ply Venetian. Extra Ingrain. RUGS and DOOR MATS, a beautiful assortment- CURTAINS; CORNICES; CURTAIN LOOPS PINS, Ac. . a ’ Table and Flpor OIL CLOTH, of all patterns and • widths.” The above are all purchased at the lowest price and tho legitimate business ol this establishment has been so well known for the last fifteen years, makes further comments unnecessarv. janl2 ly cal.lamarT GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, Sa VJ vannah, Ga., will give strict attention to the forwarding of Goods for the interior of Georgia, Alabama and Tennessee. ly may 16 TENNESSEE BACON 25,000 lbs Tennessee Bacon, chiefly Clear Sides, receiving this day, l and for sale by A. STEVENS. ■ oct!3 lm j FURNISHING GOODS. White and Colored Shirts; Silk, Merino and Cotton Under Garments ; Cravats; c all kinds of Gloves; i Half Hose; Stocks; 1 Collars ; Suspenders ; t and everything useful for a Gentleman’s Outfit. V*' >2;. -\K\V S r: \l I KS-ivOL. 91 \;n o 7B i BY AUTHORITY. , LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES. (Public No. 72 ) AN ACT to establish certain post roads. [is CON TIN CAT I ON.] SOUTH CAROLINA. Ftom Abbeville C. H. by Warrentou, Monterey, ! Lowndesville, Cberokee Heights, Hirers Feiry and Ruckersville, Ga. to Elbertou, Ga. From Anderson Court-house by Clayton and Ra burn's Gap to Chattanooga, Tennessee. From Anderson Court-house by Butlersville, Moffetta ville, Craftsville, Ga. to Ruckersville From Anderson Court-house by Raburn's Gap to Knoxville Tennessee. From Anderson Court-house by Townville and Bache lors Retreat to Wattons Ford. From Abbeville C. H. by Temple of Health. Dia mond Hill. Mount View and Wilson s Creek to Moffetts ville. From Abbeville C H by Smithvllle to Greenwood. From Abbeville C H by Smithville and Robert's Store to Abbeville C H. From Adams Run to Edisto Island. From Aikin by Tinkers Creek and Dunbarton to Low er Three Runs. From Aiken by Edisto to Kitcheng's Mills. From Aiken by Sawyer's Mills to Leesville. From Alston by Thompson’s and Long Run to Monti cello. From Anderson C H by Seneca, Andersonville, Hen ley's Store and Ford’s Store to Carnesville, Ga. From Anderson C H by Deep Creek, Steel’s, Churu busco and Milvers to Anderson C 11. From Anderson C II by Locust Ilill. Bolton and Cal houn to Line Creek to Calhoun. From Anderson C H by Mountain Creek, Rock Mills and Evergreen to Montevideo. From Augusta Ga. by Quaker Springs, Woodlawn S. C. Rocky Pond, Park's btore, Cairo, Mapleton, Bordeaux and Wilmington and Mount Carmel to Calhoun Mills. From Augusta, Ga. by Hamburg, S. C. Edgefild C II Elton, Meeting Street and Sleepy Creek to Ninety Six Depot. From Augusta, Ga. by Beech Island. Silverten. Four Mile Branch, Speedwell, Lower Three Run s Erwinton, Kings Creek, Danilton. Brighton and Robertsville to Gillisonville. From Augusta by Hamburg, Edgefield C H. Elton, Meeting Street, Sleepy Creek to Ninety Six Depot. From Barnwell C II by Fiddle Poud. Allendale and Syrna to Kings Creek. From Beaufort to Poeotiligo, From Belton to Anderson C 11. From Bennettsville to Cheraw. From Bennettsville to Beaver Dam. From Bishopsville by Mount Elon aud Swift Creek to Darlington C 11. From Blackville to Barnwell C 11. From Black Mingo, Williamsburg District by Coop er's Store, Roy's Branch and Boggy Swamp road to Kingstree. From Cambridge by Ninety Six-, Swaney Ferry and Waterloo to Laurens C. 11. From Camden by Boykin's Depot, Statesburg and Manchester to Wateree. From Camden by Bee Tree, Longtown, Ridgewood. Winusboro, Jackson’s Creek, Long Run Monticello, Glymphville and Mount Bethel to Newburv C 11. From Camden by Bee Tree and Longtown to Ridge way. From Camden to Tillers Ferry. From Camden by James Hailes, Elm Grove, Clay horn’s Store, Palmetto, Butler, Tryon, Dudley, Black man's Store, Blackman’s Gold Mine, Wild-Cat and Wolf Pond, N. C, to Monroe. From Ced« Creek to Brown’s. From Charleston by Beaufort, Boyd’s Landing, Hil ton Head and BlufFton to Savannah, Ga. From Charleston by Summerville. Ridgh ville, Inab net's St. George's Brancliville, Midway, Bambbers. Graham’s Turnout, Blackville. Willston, White Pond, Woodwards, Aikin, Hath and Hamburg to Augusta’ Georgia. From Charleston by RantonlV Adam's Run, Ashepoo Ferry, Blue House. Salt, Ketchers Bridge, Pocaliligo, Coosawhatchie, Gillsonville to Grahamsville. From Coarleston by Haddrell's to Georgetown. From Charleston by Beaufort, Boyd’s Landing, Hilton Head and Bluffton to Savannah, Ga. From Charleston by Mount Holly, Monk’s Corner and Black Oak to Pineville. From Charleston to New York. From Chester C II by Lowreysville, Springwell, Guth riesville, Yorkville, Olay Hill, Ranalesburg and White Hall to Charlotte. From Chester C H by Baton Rtfuge. Carmel Hill and Tomsville to Pincknevville. From Chester C H to Cedar Shoals. From Columbia by Lexington C H Leesville Ridge and Lotts to Edgefield C H. From Columbia by Hopkins Turnout, Gadsden, Forte Motte, St. Mathews and Orangeburgh C. 11., Jaimson to Branchv,lie. From Columbia by Pleasant Springs, Qountsville and Calks Cross Roads to Gaik* Ferry. From Columbia by Alston, Pomaria and Frog Level to Newbury C. 11. From Columbia by Level, Ridgeway. Simpson’s, Winnsboro, Biackstoek, Cornwall Turnout, Chester ville, Chester C 11, Smith’s Turnout, Rock Hill, Fort Mills and Pineville to Charlotte. From Columbia by Oakville to Rockville. From Columbia by Hope Station, Alston. Pomaria. Neroburg C H, Chap-pel's Bridge, Dyson’s Mills, Ninety Six, New Market, Greenwood, Abbeville, Donaldsville Honey Path, Belton, Anderson OH, Williamston and Go den Grove to Greenville C. 11. From Conwavsborough by Lake Swamp to Flovds Mills. . From Conwaysborough by Branton Cross Roads, Princess Store and Bug Swamp to Fair Bluff. N. C. From Cokesbury to Abbeville. From Coruwells Turnout by Torbjtts Store to llazle wood. From Cross Anchor by Hobby ville. Woodruff’s Cs-h --ville, Sparta, Pliny, Pleasant Grove, Chick Sbrimrs and Pomeroy to Merrittsville, ° From Danaldsonville by Gentsville, Queensborongh Calhoun, Stantonville, Wittiamston, Golden Grove Sterling Grove and Highway to Greenville C 11. From Due West Corners to Donaidsouville From Edgefield C II by Duntousvilie, Long Mires Store, Millway and Harrisburg to Abheville C II From Edgefield C II to Newbury C 11. From Florence by Darlington and Society Hill to Cheraw. From Fountain lan by Cripple Creek, Lickville, Ce dar Falls, Dunklin, Eden and Fairview to Fountain Inn. From Gillisonville by Horse Gall, A. M. Ruths, B L Willingham's and Silver Hill to Beech Branch. From Georgetown by China Grove, Black Mingo Johnsonville, Lynch’s Creek and Flintville and Marrs Bluff to Merchants Bluff, From Geardetowu by Yauhanna, Bucksville, Con wayboro and Dogwood Neck to Little River. From Grahamsville te Bluffton. From Grahams Turnout by Duncansville, Bufords Bridge, Angley's Branch, Greenfield, Beach Branch Lawtonville, Steep Bottom and Robertsville to Gillson ville. From Graham's Turnout by Rocky Swamp, Kitching’s Mills, Edisto and Edisto Mills to Lotts. From Greenville C H by Buena Vista. Pliny, Cash ville to Woodruff s. Fiom Greenville C H by Sandy Platt and Pomeroy to Ili land Grove. From Greeuville O II by Pleasant Grove, Wallace's Factory, New Hope, Crawfordsvill and Fort Prince to Spartanburgh C 11. From Greenville C II by Travellers Rest, Lim, Mer rittsville, Green River, N. C. Flat Rock. Hendersonville Mud Creek and Shufordsville to Ashviile. From Greenville to Head of Greenville and Columbia Rail Road. From Greenville C II by Gilder, Clear Spring and Enora to Woodruff’s. From Hamburg to Augusta, Ga. From Hamburg by Poverty Hill, Ira Island, Colliers, Cold Spring and Rehoboth to Longmire's Store. From Hope Station by Walton, Glymphville, Mr bington and Goshen Hill to AVhitmires. From Indiantown by Singletaiysville to Lynch’s Lake From Jeffries Creek by Willow Creek. Frieudfield and Natural Grove to Lynch’s Lake. From Jeffries Creek to Red Bluff. From Jonesville by Mcßrideville, Cedar Springs and Cedar Springs Asylum to Spartanburg G 11. From Kingsville by Manchester, Sumterville Marys ville, Lynchburg, Simmonville, Florence Gibson's Roads Marion C 11, Little Pee I)ee River, Floyd.-aille Fair Bluff, Cerro Gordo, Whitesville and Robinson’s to Wil mington. N. C- From Kingstree by IV in. Lipage s, along the Gap way road to Georgetown From Kingstree by Buttons and Lownd's Ferry to thirty-two Mile 110u.83. Irom Lancaster C H by Landlord, Wallace, Lewis ville and La Granga ty Chester C H. From Lancaster C H by Flint Ridge, Hickory Head. Jefferson and Mount Croghan to Chesterfield C H, From Laurens C H. Mount Gallagher, Brewton. Line Creek. Tumbling Shoals. Bluff'Rabon and Simpson’s Mills to Laurens C H, C H by Tylersville, Cross Anchor. Black Jack Valley and Smith's Store to Glen Springs, From Laurens C H by Monroe. Fountain Inn and Plains to Greenville C H, From LeesyiVe by Hollow Creek. Germauville Mount Willing, Oakland, Perry's Cross Roads. And Coleman’s Cross Roads, Chappell’s Bridge, and Vaughns ville to Spring Grove. From Leesville by Steedman's, Williamson's Mills and Bull Swamp to Orangsburgh C 11, From Lexington to Williamson’s Mills. From LexiDgton by Rocky Well, Calks Ferry and Sa luda Mills to Prosperity. From Little River by Shattotteto Smithville Ffom Little River By Pineway Ferry, Iron Hill and Cross Roads to W hitesville, N C, From Lynehe sLake to Bakers, From Lyachburg byShileh. Bethlehem and New Zion to -andy Grove. From Marion C II by (Brittons Neck) Centenery and Tabernacle to Marion CH, v J From Manchester to Fulton, From Marion C Hby Cat, Gum Swamp. Reedv Creek, Little Rock, Selkirk, Brownsville. Parnassus and Olio to Bennettsville, From Marion CH by Allens Bridge and Campbell's Bridge to Little Rock, From Martin’s Depot by Marengo, Milton, Spring Grove. Cross Hill—Mountsville and North Creek to Martin s Depot, From Millway by Indian Hill, Sandover and Wiede man’s to Calhoun Mills, From Mrs Mason's by Bethel. New Centre and Betha ny to Antioch. From Newbury C H by Pageviile, Broadway, Martin's Depot and Clinton to Laurens C H From Newbury CH by Indian Creek Rev no,a Hunt ington to Cross Anchor, From Newberry Court House by Bonlwaresville Bankwrights Ferry, on Saluda River Perry’s Cross Roads, Oakland Mount Willine Smith Saluda to Lotts Edgefield District, From Newberry C II by Mount Bethel to Glvmnh ville, s|| r _ l, ' r l °“ Newbury C II by Beth Eden, Whitmires. Cold \\ ell, L monville, Fair Forest Boygansville. Glen Spring, Damascus and Island Ford N C to Rutli eriordton, From Newbury CH by Snap Springs, Higgins Ferry, n°iffCreek, Riphardsonyille, and Fruit- Uill to Edgefield C H, From Orangeburg C H to Vances Ferry y From Paeoiet MiUs by Duncan's Store, John Wilkins's and Duncans Old Store to White Plains. From Panther Fork by North Saluda. Tituroy and South Saluda to Pumpkintown. n aC ai T i Clarendon to Brewington, and f Ways,de ’ Walh * ll a- Tunnel HiU and \\ heatstone to Oiayton Ga. From Pendleton by Five Mile to Piekena f> f r I From Pendleton to Clayton Geo-gia ’ 1 I rom Pendleton by Townville. Fair Plav Parkers store Ga, and Aquillato Carnesville Qa Parker# From Pickensville by Fowler's Creek Dacusville Pumpkintown. Twelve Mile, GUssv wiifl Creek and Branch Island to ’ * 1 rom Pickens CII by Bounty Land, Warsaw Clare cSt. B Kc h ssroH ,r “'’ c ™' k «* From Pickens’s C H by Clayton's Mills, Salubritv. Pickensville, Wolf Creek aud Camp Ground to Pickens C H, ■ From Pickens C H by Crow Cree, Anderson?# Mills, 1 welve-Mile and Mixs, on Estatoe to Pickens 0 H from Pickens C H by Watbaila. Colonel’a i’or'. Horse Shoe. Waltonsford Ga. Tocoa Falls, ClarkesviUeH Nacuochee, Mount-Yonah. Pleasant Retreat aoff Caven der s Creek to Dablouega, Ga. From Pineville by Murray’s Ferry, Beimrstree Camn Ridge. Lynch's Lake. Effingham aml lington C 11, From Pinckney ville by Wartola to Gowdeysville I rom Pinckneyville by Tomsville and Saudersville to Chester C 11, From Pocotaligo by Hickory Hill to Whippy Swamp Iron lvidgerille by Roadsville, Uollv Ilill, Vance- Ferry to Wrights Bluff, ’ ' i<mr iUI , II j cllardso uvi lie, by Dawson’s Mills (Dvson'f- Mills) to Lodi, From Robertsville by Sisters Ferry to Guyton Ga. I rom Rocky Ridge by C'laytonsville to Belton, I rom Scurtietown by Pleasant Mount, Yountr's Centerville, Stonesville, Cashville, and Poo® villa to Spartanburg OH, • From Sleepy Creek by New Mnrket to Pheonix from Spirtsnburgh C H by Walnut Grove, Mi’ilville Crowsulle, \\ oodruffs, Barleywood, Mountain Shoari and Seuflietown to Laurens C H, „ Prom Spartanburgh C H by Damascus. Coulter's Ford B ick> Cieefc. to Ficj(6rsville, From Spartanburgh 011 by Mouut Zion New Pro peit. Cannons Store. Earlesville, Ilorse Creek N C L,-d Tryon o— Hendersonville N C ?P a t tanburg Court House by 'Boiling Spring Whites Store FingersvHle, Cross Roads at John \\ iW~-v North n Caro°lm'f ra ’ ““ Kutherfordton From St. Georges to Waterboro. From St. Mathews to Poplar, ✓ I rom Sumpterville via Plowdons Mills, Brewington ni’ u J r "io W r«k„.u, „i I Prom Sumpterville by Rradley villa, Blank River Sa SanviUe 7UroVe,KiDgStreeaD T Ind’iantown to John- *1 From Swift Creek to Hartsville d b r y uff g : aD3ViUe ’ Y* R °' ,^'f' OI “. lJ “ ionville Jouesville, Pea Ridge » aeo u t and Chester ct"" 11 ' 111,1 and * S ick?Sk^H^hni l l« e . by l ß A adl l y, ' soU Place > John McKis yrom\vin, . .> to Wilkinsville. From W alliaila to Pendleton, From Walter boro to Blue House From Williston by Davis Mills to Jordons Mills From Winnsboro by Gladen’s Grove, Koasville Beck hamsvilie and Cedar Shoals to Lewisville 1 »•>«"« Dam and Mount Tabor to Pinckneyville P toG r re”nTme d CH, C ‘ ear Sprin S 8 and »t F «n m v, W p liaWß lV n b T Newell’s, Golden Spring. Douth- KSKaa„ siaMuTO " p --• HJasssaitfiajg?- From Yorkville by Zeno, South Point, Woodlawn Cottage Home Chronicle, Vesuvius Furnace to New ton* p * r ? m w Y r w V ‘ by AUison Creek, Zeno, by South Point, N C Woodlawn. Cottage Home, Chronicle and Vesuvius Furnace to Newton n cie From Yorkville by Hickory Grove, Smiths Ford, Wil ktnsville, DraytonsviUe, Limestone Springs Grassy erfordton* cl * C ’ Butler and Uicksville to Ruth 7 to ir Ch Y °w k ' ; i le b - V „ Qrove, Harmony, Boyd- Fingerhill aud Jackson Ilill to Earlesville - ’ vi P ;T Ybrl ! V '‘ < , e , b J HopeweH Gowd ys» ri U -acolet Mills and Bivingsvilln to Spartanburg C From Yorkville by Blairsvllle, Bullock’s Creek Pinckneyville. Mount Tabor. Unionville, Cedar Grove’ and Cross Key s to Cross Anchor, From Yorkville by Tirza: Ebenezerville Rock HilL. Nation Ford, C’outes Tavern, Landsford Long Street’ Oamdea ek ’ Ru3sel I>!ace > Libert r Hill and Rod Hill to’ t, * V p? Y °i rkvi T le b JlJ tetory Grove, Harmony, Boyd- ' ton, Cherokee Iron Works, Ceopersville, Drat .nsville Limestone Springs, Thickety Ford, Moultrie and Hurri cane to Spartanburg C H, MARINE, FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENCY. CHARTER Oak Life Insurance Company Hart ford, Conn. Capital $300,000. Endorsed by the State. Will insure lives of white persons: also, Negroes, Fire and Marine. Granite Insurance Company, New York. Cani, tal, $300,000. * K Columbia Insurance Company, Columbia, S. C, Capital, $150,000. Farmers’lnsurance Company: Utica N York Capital, $200,000. © *' The undersigned, Agent for the above Compa nies, is prepared to take Marine and River Risks and insure Dwellings, other buildings, household k urniture. Merchandise, and other personal pro perty, against loss or damage by fire, on the most favorable terms. J. H. ANDERSON, Ae’t., feb2B Mclntosh-st., Augusta, Ga. LADIES’ GAITERS AT STpER eAIR7~ JUST RECEIVED, per steamer Jamos Adger t# from New York— -500 pair Ladies’ Silk Lasting Patent Tipped Gai ters, at sl, worth $1.25. >. 300 pair Ladies’ Fine Silk Last Gaiters.'at $1.25, worth $1.50. 300 pair Ladios Fine English Lasting Gaiters, at $1.50, worth $2. k at^ea Velvet Slippers; at sl, worth 300 pair Ladies’ Velvet Ties, at 87$c., worth sl. 100 pair Fine French made Gaiters, at $2 50, 1,00 pair Children's Ancle Ties. Together with a large assortment of Gentlemen’s Ladies’, Misses’ and Children’s Boots and Shoes of the latest styles. Call and examine, as goods will be freely shown, and one price asked. ■ v tt • , ROBERT CARROLL, Opposite the United States Hotel, and betwen Mrs. Hall’s and Collin’s Millinery Store Broad st N. B Gentlemen’!i and Ladies' Travelling Tranks Hat Cases \ alices and Carpet Bags, just received, and will be sold at a low figure jy‘ 4 ° R. C. THE TURKS VICTORIOUS. P Doer. HILL’S Compound Extract Sarsaparilla, Indian Hemp, lodide Potassum and Scheidam aennapps has made more permanent cures oisecret diseases than any other medicine ever before used for that object. For Eruptions, Pimples, Scrofula, Sypilis, Stric tures, .Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Constipation, Chronic Rheumatism, and Mercurial Affections, it stands without an equal in the range of the mate na medica. For sale by the proprietor, at store on Broad-st., Augusta, Ga. Price $1 per bottle, may 25 p, m AUGUSTA HOTEL, AUGUSTA, GEO W. P. STARR, Proprietor. | rgIHIS HOTEL is now opened for the re- g -I- ception of Travellers, and it will be the iS'lii f aim of the Proprietor to give satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronage. It is centrllav situated on Broad street, and convenient to the different railroad Depots. Passengers by the Georgia Railroad, will be furnished with breakfast before they leave; those by the South Carolina Railroad, with dinner, and those by the day train on the Waynesboro’road with supper. The Furniture, Bedding, <fce., in this Hotel is all new, and it will be the endeavor of the Proprietor to render all who may patronize him, comfortable during their stay. mar2l ts \ i ITF” The Chronicle A Sentinel, Charleston Courier, Savannah News, Edgefield Advertiser, Chattanooga Gazette, Dalton Times and Montgom ery Advertiser, will insert the above to the amount of five Dollars, and forward billsto W. P. S., with i a copy of paper containing first insertion.