The Daily constitutionalist and republic. (Augusta, Ga.) 1851-185?, November 22, 1854, Image 1

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The Daily Constitutionalist and Republic BY JAMES GARDNER. ®fncral JltotrtisfMflrt*. NEW FALL GOODS.—FULL SUPPLIES WILLIAM SHEAR HAS received from New York his Full Supplies of Fancy aDd Staple Dry Goods, embracing a large and splendid Assortment, suitable for the Fall and Winter season, among which are— Rich fancy colored Silks of new and beautiful styes; Plain Black Silks,.in great variety of styles, and of superior quality; Rich Paris printed Do Lain es and Faoc •, all: Wool Plaice; Lupin's colored white and black Merinoes, and plain colored DLaines; A very large Supply of small-figured, all-wool p-mted DeLa;nes, for children, of new and beautiful styles;* • English and American Fancy Prints, in a great variety o! styles, Superior Scotch fancy Ginghams, of new and beautiful Winter styles; Elegant French Km broideries, embracing Ladies' Collars, Chorn.zeros, Undorsleeves and Hand kerchiefs, of new and splendid stylos ; Ladies Black and Colored Cloth Cloaks and Tal mas of the latest styles; Ladies' Rich Embroidered and Plain Paris Silk Velvet Cloaks; A largo supply of Ladies,' Misses' and Children's Hosiery of the best make; Ladies and Gentlemen's Superior Gauntlet Gloves; Ladies’ and Misses’ Merino and Silk Vests; Gentlemen's and Youth's Silk and Merino Shirts and Drawers ; Superior Welch, G auze, Saxony and Silx Warp and Heavy Shaker Flannels; Superior English Colored Flannels, for Ladies' Sacks; English arid American Canton Flannels, of extra quality ; A very large Supply of Mourning Goods, for Ladies’ use, of Superior quality ; Superior 12-4 Linen sheetings and Pillow Case Linens; Superior 8-4 and 10-4 Table and Damask Diapers, some of extra quality ; Rich Damask Table Cloths and Napkins, some of extra size; Scotch and Bird's Eye Diapers, extra fine, for children's wear; Heavy Scotch Diapers, and Huckabacks, for Toweling; Superior Whitney and Merino Blankets of extra size and quality; Superior Crib Blankets. Also, a great variety o other seasonable articles suitable for Family and Plantation use. The public arc respectfully invited to cal! and examine the assortment. W. S. especially solicits a call from his long- j continued friends and patrons, and assures them | that no exertion on his part will be wanting to supply them with the latest and most desirable styles of Goods, at the lowest prices. novß RICH CARPETS AND CURTAIN ‘ MATERIALS. WILLIAM SHEAR HAS ju»t received from New York a Large Supply of — • English Brussels Carpet o , of the best quality and of new and elegant styles. English Velvet Carpets, o t new and splendid styles. v Extra Three Ply, Ingrain and Venotian Carpets. Rich Chenille Rugs, to match the Carpets. Print d Crumb Cloths, in patterns and by the yard. Rich colored Damasks and DoLaines, for Cur tains, with Gimps and Ta=sels to match. Rich embroidered Lace and Muslin Curtains, and some at very low prices. Embroidered Muslin, for Curtains, by the yard. Window Shades of beautiful styles. SKiperior Furniture _ Dimities and Fine Cotton Fringes. Gilt Cornices. Curtain Bands, and Brass and Plated Stair Rods, The Public are respectfully invited to call and examine the assortment. nov7 HEW CA?H STORE flint: subscriber would respeettully inform the L inhabitants of Georgia and South Carolina, j tnat he is now in receipt of his supply of Fall and Winter DRY GOODS, all of which have been pur chased for Cash, in the various Northern Markets; and as regards the prices at which they will be sold, it is unnecessary to say a word, as the reputa tion of GREEN'S Store, for being the cheapest in Augusta, is now firmly established. —ALWAYS ON HAND — Bleached and Brown SHEETINGSardSHIRT INGS, of various manufactories,' French, English and American CALICOES, from 6$ to 25 cents. * GINGHAMS; MOUSLIN DtLAINES; CASHMERES; MERINOES; ALPACAS; BOMBAZINES; CANTON CLOTHS; Plain and l’iaid \\ bite Cambric Jaconet, Nain sook and Mull MUSLIN; Plain, Plaid and Dotted Swiss MUSLINS ; LACES; EMBROIDERIES; EDGINGS; Cambric and Muslin TRIMMINGS; HOSIERY, of all kinds, Ac. Ac. —also — Particular a'tenti n paid to all kinds of Negro GOODS and BLANKETS, such as white snd brown KERSEYS and PLAINS; heavy brown SHIRTINGS, at BLANKETS; colored do,; SATTINETS; KEN- , TUCKY JEANS, Ac., ail of which will be sold for cash, as low as in any Southern market. E GREEN, Brood Street, Augusta, Ga. Next door below Bones A Browns' Hardware Store. septß NEW FALL GOODS. LD. LALLERSTEAT, has received his com plete Stock of FaP and Winter Dry Goods and offers at his old Stand, corner of Globe Hotel, a very large assortment of— Brocade, Striped and Plain Silks; Canton Checked Silks for children; Muslin DeLanes and Cashmeers; English and French Merinos, great variety. Lupins best Bombazines and Alpaccas; Needle Worked Collars and Undersleeves; Do. Bands and Chemyetts; w Swiss and Jaconet Trimmings; Gimps Fringes, and Buttons; Cloths and Cassimeres; Ladies and Gent’s Silk and Merino Vests; Furnature Dimity and Fringes, Table Linens and Towellings; Superior Irish Linen and Diaper; Red and White Flannel; Negro Blankets, great variety; Osnaburgs and Stripes; Kerseys and Ga. Plains. To which he invites attention. nov7 d6Ac3 NEW FALL AND WINTER GOODS. WARD Sc BURCIIARD are now receiving their Fall and Winter supplies of new and fashionable goods, among which will be found many novelties in dress goods, as well as a general assortment of household articles. They ask attention to the following; Paris Sacque and Opera Flannels, new shade. American Sacque Flannels, Plain and Figued- Lupins superior Merinos, all colors. Lupins Mus. de Lains, Plain Figured, and Plaids. v Lupins Black and Col'd Challies, and Alpaccas. Lupins Black de Lab s and Bombazines. Rich Color’d Sil&sin Brocade, Plaids and Stripes. Superior Black Taffeta and Italian Silks. 6 4 S lk Poplins Colors, Scotch Plaids. American de Lains and Cashmeres, all the new design, in Plaids, Stripes and Agues. * Beautiful French and English Prints, Highland and Rogal Plaid Ginghams, French Cashmere de'Ecosge. Scotch Wool and Silk Checks for Miss. Saxony Welsh Silk W'arpand American Flannels Embroideries, White Crape, Wool Plaid. Black Silk, Merino and Cashmere Shalls. Besides a large stock of House Wife and servants goods. They respectfully ask those making their winter purchases to examine their goods. Orders promptly and faithfully executed. octls AUGUSTA & WAYNESBORO RAILROAD. UNTIL further notice, trainswillleave Augusta at 7J, a. m., and 8, p. m.; returning, will leave Milieu at 21, p. in and 11$, p. m., connect ing with the day and night Passenger Trains on the Central Railroad, which leave Savannah At 8, a. m. and 7, p. in., nd leave Macon at 7s,a. m., and 4|, p.m. Passengers for Milredgeville, Eatonton, Ogle thorpe, or Columbus, should take the night Train, to avoid detention. Freight will be carriei by the Day Train, mak ing it an Accommodation Train, except on Sun days, when it will run as a Passenger Train, exclu sively, leaving Augusta at 9 a. m, and Millen at 21 p. m , arriving at Augusta at 5$ p. m. fe22 ts WM.'M. WADLEY, Gen. Supt HITE WASH BRUSHES, of all sizes for sale by WM. H. TUTT Drugget. <Ewnl Afctitrtisfmrnls. RICH DRY GOODS “Cheaper than the very Cheapest Gray BROTHER’S —Beg to inform the public, that their Fall purchases this season have been UNrstTAT.LY lar«b, having been in the Northern markets over three months this Summer, where so many large auction sales took place, offering de cided advantage to close purchases. We can con fidently say that our stock is much cheaper than tho like quality of Goods could be obtained a few weeks later, when the great body of Merchants wen* to market, our desire, owing to tho very short season that we will now necessarily have, is to dis pose of this large stock independent of profits, and we may venture to say tint we can offer as strong inducements as any of our neighbors, if not stronger. In our Dress Goods Room, will be found the richest varieties of the Season, such as— Elegant Moriantigue Silks: * Rich Satin, Striped do. Very Elegant Black Plaid do Small Stripe Plaids and figured. Rich Brocade Plain Striped and Plaid, 50 cents per yard, worth 75 cents; Plain Black Silks all widths, very cheap; Black Plaid Watered and Brocade, new styles; White Silks and Satins; Figured, all Wool. French muslin Delaine, 12$ cts. worth 50. French Merinos, very eheap; Lupins best Bombazine exceedingly low; Black Jamiese, a new and very desirable, all Wool Goods, for mourning; Black Alapaeas ail qualities, some very fine and low priced; Mantillas, Cloaks and Talmas ol the very latest French styles, exceedingly cheap; Crape, Ca?hmere and Woollen Shawls; Embroideries of all kinds of the most ekgant description; • Ribbons for the Million, fine bonnet and neck, 6| cents a yard, worth 20 cents. Calicoes and Ginghams, best styles cheap, Domestic Goods « f e 11 kinds; Blankets and Kersey’s unusually low, and a great variety of other articles to which we would res pectfully invite the attention of the public. nov2 GRAY BROTHER’S. LADIES’ GAITERS AT $1 PER PAIR. JUST RECEIVED, per steamer James Adger from New York— j&,soo pair Ladies’ Silk Lasting Patent Tipped Gai ters, at sl, worth $1.25. 300 pair Ladies’ Fine Silk Last Gaiters, at $1.25, worth $1.50, 300 pair Ladies' Fine English Lasting Gaiters, at $1.50, worth $2. 300 pair Ladies’ Velvet Slippers, at sl. worth $125. jJMC-eSL 300 pair Ladies' Velvet Tics, at . 100 pair Fine French made 1,00 pair Children's Ancle Ties. ' • "V Together with a large assortmerft of Gentlemen Y Ladies’, Misses’ and Children’s Boots and Shoes, of the latest styles. Call and examine, as goods will be freely shown, and one price asked. ROBERT CARROLL, Opposite the United States Hotel, and between Mrs. Hall’s and Collin’s Millinery Store, Broad-st. N. B. Gentlemen’s and Ladies’ Travelling Trunks, Hat Cases, Valices and Carpet Bags, just received, and will be sold at a low figure. jyl4 R. C. THE AUGUSTA MACHINE WORKS 4 RE now prepared to do the following kinds of work with neatness and despatch : Steam Engines and Boilers, of any style or fin ish; also, Bank Vaults; lion Fronts; Sills and Lintels, for buildings. Railroad Cars, of all kinds and descriptions, made in the most substantial and beautiful man ner ; Wheels for same warranted for one year. Iron Railings, of various styles for Balconies or Fences. Gold Mine Castings, of all descriptions, made to order. Blacksmith Work done in She best manner. Mill Work—all kinds of Mill and Gin-gearing, Shafting, Pulle- s, Water Wheels, Ac , on band. Brass Casting* will also have our attention. PLANING AND SAWING LUMBER. Flooring—Planed, Tongucd and Grooved, at $5 per 1000 feet superficial; Ceiling—Planed, Tongued and Grooved, at $5 per 1000 feet superficial; Weather Boarding—Planed and Jointed $4 per 1000 feet superficial; Planing—both sides, $3 por 1000 superfic'al feet. Use of Circular Saw and one man will be 75 cts. per hour. Heavy Sawing requiring two men, will be $1 per hour. All orders must be left in the office, not in the shop. Cash will be required in all cases, unless Otherwise agreed upon with W. M. HIGHT, septl7 dAcly General Superintendent. DAVIS. KULB & FANNING have in Store, and offer for sale— -400 bags Rio Coffee; 75 pockets Java Coffee; 75 bbls. Crushed and Powdered Sugar ; 300 “ A B and C Do; 10 boxes Loaf Do.; 200 “ Adamantine Candles; 50 “ Sperm Do ; 50 “ Mould Do-; 75 “ Pearl and No. 1 Starch; 50 “ Soap; 150 “ Tobacco, assorted brands ; 50 doz. Buckets; 75 “ Brooms. Also, Sardines ; Smoked Beef; Soda and Butter Cracaers; Bologna Sausages; Nuts: Spices, Ac. novll NOTICE ALL PERSONS are hereby forwarned not to trade for either of Four Notes, given by us, dated, Augusta., March 27th, 1854, payable at 3,9, 12 and fifteen months after date, with interest, to Darius Whithead A Co., or beaier, for ten hun dred dollars each, as the consideration for which said Notes wore given is interfered with by counter acts of said Whitheod A Co., in giving a deed to the same rights to other parties , and unless said parties desist, or we are made safe from interfer ence, the consideration for which said Notes were given has failed in part, if not altogether, and we will not pay said Notes, unless compelled bylaw- HENRY J. OSBORNE. FREDRICK A. WHITLOCK. By H. J. Osborne, Partner- Octl2 COLUMBIA INSURANCE CO., SO. CA This company continues to insure on the most favorable terms, Houses, Furniture Ac., and Marine risks, on application to J. 11. ANDERSON, Ag’t. Mclntosh-st. octlO ' FAIRBANKS’ PLATFORM SCALES, LONG KNOWN —severely test ed —always right— j| THE ACKNOWLEDGED /SJ * STANDARD ! \| General Southern Agents, / Spear, Weston & Co., ' 141 Pratt Street, Baltimore. - oct7 Agent, Augusta, JOHN NELSON. GRANITE mills FLOUR.—Fresh Ground and just received trem the Mills this day. For Sale by GEORGE W LEWIS. nov6 No. 1 Warren Block. NEGRO BLANKETS AND CLOTHST WILLIAM SHEAR respectfully invites the attention of Planters te bis large Supply of Negro Blankets and Negro Cloths, which he is preparing to sell at veiy low prices. nov7 MARINE, FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENCY. CHARTER Oak Life Insurance Company, Hart ford, Conn. Capital $300,000. Endorsed by the State. Will insure lives of white persons; also, Negroes, Fire an 1 Marine. Granite Insurance Company, New York. Capi tal, $300,000. Columbia Insurance Company, Columbia, S. C. Capital, $150,000. Farmers’lnsurance Company, Utica, N. Y r ork. Capital, $200,000. The undersigned, Agent for the above Compa nies, is prepared to take Marine and River Risks, and insure Dwellings, other buildings, household Furniture. Merchandise, and oth-.r personal pro perty, agclast loss or damage by fire, on the most favorable terms. J. H. ANDERSON, Ag t., feb26 ' Mclatosh-st., Augusta, Ga. Till RTlf seven hhds Bacon, just received and for sale by „ „ etl3 DAVIS KOLB A FANN ING. None E—On and”after this date the undersign ed may be found at his store, Mclntosh street, next door South of Messrs. Bustin A Walker, every day, from half past 10 o’clock, until one o’clock and will be pleased to serve his friends to the best of his ability. M. W. WOODRUFF. octs Forwarding and Gen’!. Com’sn Mer cht. AUGUSTA HA., WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 22. 1854 NEW DRY GOODS HOUSE. OPENING MONDAY, 6TH NOV. T® * nv * te the attention of the Ladies of Augusta and vicinity to tne . 1 )Llv Or GOOD.'c now offered for their inspection, of which thofall -wi ,g are some of the Leading Articles. BLACK AND COLORED SILKS, In Brocade, Gros d'Rhine, Grosd’ Afriqae. Satin Duchine, Plain Chameleon. A ery Rich Satin Plaids and Brocade in great varie ty- Also, Grosd'Naps. Marceline3 Florence and Taffeta Silks, Black, White and Colored Satins, j DRESS GOODS. I Lupins, Cashmers, Marinos and Plain DeLaines, beautiful assortment ot colors, American and French Figure i and Plaid DeLaines, Plaid Alpaeeas, Plaid Poplins,Plaid Raw Silks, Wool Plaids. EMBROIDERIES AND LACES. Chomizetts, Habits Puff and Mandarin Sleeves. Cambric and Muslin Collars of new and elegant pattern. Cambric, Muslin, and Mull Bands and Flouncing in great variety. Embroider© i. Plain and Tape bordered Linen C. Handkerchiefs. Cambric and Muslin Trimmings. Real Thread, Maltese, Gimpeure, Meckiin, and Valeneieno Laces, some beautiful patterns for trimming Collars. Linen and Lisle Edgings, Imitation. Meckiin and Valonciene and other styles, compris ing the largest Assortment sver offored in Au gusta. CLOAKS, MANTILLAS AND TALMAS of tho latest style, Ladies Cloths for Cloaks, beautiful Shades; Long and Sqr. Plaid Shawls, Plain and Embroiderded Canton Crape Shawls; Cloak and Dress Trimmings, Bonnet Ribbons, Satin and Taffeta do, and a lull assortment of Haberdashery. Tho attention of Planters and others is called to the large Stock of Plantation Goods and Blankets, hand, such as Georgia Plains and Kerseys, Kentucky Jeans, Satinets, Osnaburgs, Linseys” London Duffil Maeinaw and Colored Blankets, all prices, which will bo 30ld very low. Terms cash. J. K. BANCROFT. EOy s Three doors above Mclntosh-st, next to Bank of Augusta. DEALERS IN mom KOMii (Mjraraia* HATS, CAPS, TRUNKS, CARPET BAGS, &c , &c. ' BOYS’ CHILDREN’S CLOTHING, SHIRTS, COLLARS, DRAWERS, CRAVATS, GLOVES, STOCKS. &c., &c., &c. Which will bo sold on reasonable terms. NO. 197 BROAD STREET, UNDER THE AUGUSTA HOTEL, AUGUSTA, GA. J. J. CLAYTON. [mayl9l A. P. BIGNON. j. aTvaiTWINKLE, tojb jkez jemcs maaiAkjmrrM? Next door to Georgia Railroad Bank, and one door below the U. States Hotel, Augusta, Ga. HAS ALWAYS ON HAND A CHOICE SELECTION OF Cloths; Cassfmores ; V estings ; Linens ; Drap d’Etes, Ac., Which will be made to order in the very best style, and as good as can be obtained in any establishment in the Southern Country. HF” All Goods sold at the above Establishment are of the best qualities, and will be sold cheap. apr!B J. A. VAN WINKLE. NEW GUNS, PISTOLS, &C Broad steet, just above the August Hotel THE subscriber has just received a large addi tion to his former stock of GUNS and GUN NING APPARATUS, which makes his assort* ment decidedly the best in the city—consisting of: Double and Single Barreled GUNS, all sizes and prices. Colt’s. Allen’s, and other REVOLVERS; also, the Single Barreled Self-cocking and RIFLE PIS TOL, steel barrels. A great variety of Powder Flasks and Shot Bags, and Game Bags, of the finest patterns. Also, Percussion Caps, all varieties, from the common G.D. to the finest Westley Richard’s wa ter proof. Cleaning Rods, Drinking Flasks, Dog Collars, Hunting Horns, Nipple Wrenches, Ac. Ac. Pocket and Pen Knives, Razors, Bowie Knives, Dirks. Powder, by kegor in canisters, all varieties Shot, by the bag or retail. RIFLES and Double GUNS, of my own make, one barrel Rifle and the other Shot, a splendid shooting article. N. B.—RIFLES made to order, and all kinds of RESTOCKING and REPAIRING done in the best manner, and warranted. Also, Keys fitted and Door Locks repaired, shortnotice. E. H. ROGERS, junel6 FALL AND WINTER READY-MADE CLOTHING AND HATS. CLAYTON & BIGNON, under the Augusta Hotel, have now in Store, (and are receiving . weekly supplies) a largo and splendid stock of | Ready-made CLOTING and HATS, fineandcom- : mon. Also, Boy’s and Children’s Clothing. Also, a good lot of Furnishing Goods, to which they respectfully call the attention of citizens and stran gers. i N. B. Country Merchants visiting our city, will find, at our establishment, a large and varied stock to select from, at low prices. septl3 } NEW BOOKS —Hermits Dell, from the diary of a Penciller; and Poems and Baiiads by j Gerald Massey, containing tbo ballad of Babe Christabcls, printed from the third London editor, ; with several new poems never before published, rc- | vised and corrected by the author, for sale by i octl3 THOS. RICHARDS A SON. DRUGS AND MEDICINES—A full and am ple supply of Drugs, Medicines, Perfumery, Paints. Oils, Glass, Ac., Ac. Orders from the coun try solicited. For sale low for cash by WM. HAINES, oct 31 lmc 217 Broad Street. SASK, BLINDS AND DOORS. THE subscriber has just received a large supply of Sash, (glazed,’ißlinds and Doors, of the first quality, made of Northern pine. All ordors for odd sizes filled at short notice, may 14 6 m J DAN FORTH. AUGUSTA STEAM CABINET MANUFAC TORY. CHARLES A. PLATT respectfully calls the attention of citizens and others visiting the city, to his large and handsome assortment of FURNITURE, Comprising every article usually found in a Cabi net Warehouse. Being connected with one of the largest manufactories at the North together with my own Steam Manufactory at this place, I can supply orders equally low as any establishment in the country, as all articles are received Jrom first hands, and warranted of the best quality. Con nected with the above, I have also on hand a splen did, assortment of CARPETS, Viz ; English Velvet Tapestry—Cotton ; English Brussels “ Hemp , Extra Three Ply Venetian. Extra Ingrain. RUGS and DOOR MATS, a beautiful assortment; CURTAINS; CORNICES; CURTAIN LOOPS ; PINS, Ac. Table and Floor OIL CLOTH, of all patterns and widths. The above are all purchased at the lowest price, and the legitimate business of this establishment has been so well known for the last fifteen years, makes further comments unnecessary. janl2 ly C. A. L. LAMAR, General commission merchant, Sa vannah, Ga., will give strict attention to the forwarding of Goods for the interior of Georgia, Alabama and Tennessee. ly mayl6 TENNESSEE BACON 25,000 lbs Tennessee Bacon, chiefly Clear Sides, receiving this day, ad for sale by A. STEVENS. ootl3 lm FLANNELS. Plain and T wil'd, Red, all prices. Ditto in White, Red and White Domestic Welsh, English and American, all Wool and unshrink „ iD S- Silk and Wool do , Colored Opera and Salisbury Flannels, assorted Colors. MOURNING GOODS. Black Bombasins, Merinos, Muslin DeLaines and , Challoys, all of Lupin's make and warrant -1 ed. Roal English Bombasine, warranted. 1 Black Alpaeeas, Paramittas, Canton Cloths, Gin ghams, Prints. Ac. LINENS AND LINEN GOODS. Irish Linens of different makes. Scotch and Irish Table Damask. Huckerbuck and Diaper Towels. ; Damask Table Cloths and Napkins, Crash Dowlas, •&C-, &c. HOSIERY AND GLOVES. English and German Hosiery. Misses ditto White, Slate, Brown and mixed, all sizes Gents and Boys half Hose, Merino Hose and half Hose. Children’s Worst’d and Cotton Fancy Hose, | and and $ do , Elastic Tops. Ladies Cashmere, Philosello, Beaver and Kid Glo vo*, Gents Kid Gloves, Children’s Gloves. READY-MADE CLOTHING, comprising, in part, Black Dress and Frock Coats; Blue, Brown, Olive, Green and Dahlia Frocks and Sacks; Black and Fancy Cass. Pants; Blackand Fig’d. Drap d’Ete do.; Plain and fancy linen do.; a large assortment of Linen, Frock and Sack Coats; and a large stock of Vests. JA. OK SON STREET HOSPITAL, AND SURGICAL INFIRM ARY FOR NEGROES THE UNDERSIGN ED have deemed it advis able to add the term “Hospital” to their Sur- j gical Infirmary, for though the institution is intend- ! ed principally for cases requiring Surgical Opera tions and Surgical Treatment, its accommodation is not entirely restricted to these; —we receive cases of any nature occurring in the Negro, provided | they are not of an infections character. H F. CAMPBELL, M. D. Operating Surgeon. ROBERT CAMPBELL M. D. jy26 ts Attending Physician. WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, j WM. K KITCHEN isassociated with us as a ; partner in all our concerns from this date. HAVILAND, HARRAL & RISLEY, j New York. | HAVILAND HARRAL A CO., Charleston, S. C. ! HAVILAND RISLEY A CO., January 1, 1854. Augusta, Ga. HAVILAND, RISLEY A CO., are my duly au- . thorized Agents to transact any business in which I am interested during my absonre from the State, j My notes and accounts willb' <ound at thoir store. I W_ 3. KITCHEN, j Augusta, Feb. 12,1854. ts NORTH CAROLINA MUTUAL LIFE IN SURANCE COMPANY. Incorporated January, 1849. » Central Oefice, Raleigh, N- C. HAVING established an Agency in this city, are ; prepared to take LIFE RISKS on the most favorable terms. The table of Rates are those made by Joshua Millar, and known as “The Carlisle Table,” uni versally conceded to be the most correct in use. The advantages offered by this Company, are such as merit the attention of the public, and will be pointed out and explained at any time by the Agent. Insurances are taken on siagle lives, for ona year, seven years, or for life. On joint lives, for life. On slaves at 2-3 value, one or five years. The undersigned can, at all times, be found at the Law office of G. J. A W. Schley, Esqs. Letters, post-paid, directed to the Agent here, will be promptly attended to apr 11 S. H. OLIVER, Ag’t., Augusta, Ga. IRON AND BRASS FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP. THE ATHENS STEAM COMPANY are pre pared to fill orders for all kinds of Iron and Brass Castings, such as Mill Irons, of improve pat terns and every description; steam Engines; Gold Mining, Forcing or Fire Pumps, and all other khods of Machinery’, cast an'd finished. They are casting and keep constantly on hand, Gin Gearing and Iron Fencing of various patterns, Fire Dogs, Plough Castings, Wagon Boxing, Ac. They are also prepared to fill orders for Boilgrs, Tanks. Ac. Repairing of all kinds of Machinery promptly executed. Their portable iron Saw Mills are surpassed by none. Whilst they ane grateful to former patrons, their experience and facilities, with their work furnished ' in as cheap, substantial and workman-like man- I ner, as can be had any where South, enables them ; to anticipate a large share of public patronage. ROSS CRANE, Agont. R. NICKERSON, Super’t. N. B. Cash paid for old copper, brass, and heavy iron castings. dAc6in jel7 HOUSE, SIGN AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTING. THE subscribers would respectfully inform the citizens of Augusta that they have commonc- I ed business, in the above line, at their shop, on the South side of Broad Streot, three doors above Centre. They are prepared to execute all styles, in imitation of different woods, marbles, Ac.— They solicit a share of patronage; and all orders left at their shop, will meet with prompt attention, and executed in a manner, they feel assured, will gire satisfaction. They would refer to Messrs W. H. Goodrich, i John Bonos, J. VV. Davies, Robert F. Poe, 11. H. Cumming, Isaac Henry, James Harper, George Young, George H. Crump. D. B. Plumb, Dr. I P. Garvin, F. Lamback, J. Davison, A Swarp, and Drs. H. A R. Campbell. E. BAKER A CO. may 23 fitn saltTof lemons. HIHIS SALT is infinitely preferable to any other i preparation for immediately takinglronMoulds ink spots, red white, and stains of any kind, out of lace, muslin, lawn, cambric, and linnen, without trouble, and winhout doing the least injury to them. It also whitens them to admiration, if they are grown yellow, so as to render them as beautifiil as when quite new. Price 25 cts, pef vial, and for sale by WM. HAINES, Druggist, i Nov 4 Augusta. FURNISHING GOODS. White and Colored Shirts; Silk, Merino and Cotton U nder Garments ; Cravats; all kinds of Gloves ; Half Hose; Stocks; Collars; Suspenders; and everything useful for a Gentleman’s Outfit. BY AUTHORITY. LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES. (Public No- 72 ) AN ACT to establish certain post roads. Tin continuation.] TENNESSEE. From Athens to Morgan C. H. via Kingston. From Athens to Washington. From Athens to Hamilton C. H. via Cowan's Ferry. From Athens to Mount Vernon, via Hayne s Store. ’ From Athens, by Cantrell’s Cross Roads and Coghill. to Columbus. From Bagdad to Carthage. From Baker’s Gap, by Butler, to Dugger's Ferry. From Ball Play to Glenn’s, on Cane Creek. From Battle Creek to Lebanon, Ala, via Rice's Ferry. From Bean’s Station to Mouth of Chucky, via Mor ristown. From Beau’s Station, by Noe's Ferry, to Morristown. F’rom Benton, by Ocoa Canassauga, Cohutta Springs, Ga, Rural Vale and Fillmore, to Dalton. * From Blountsville, by Gott’s Cross Roads, Campbell’s Rest, James Cross Roads, Clear Creek, and Laurel Gap, to Bay Mount. From Boliver, by Whiteville, Fayette Corner and Danceyville, to Wesley. From Bolivar, by Middleburg, New Castle, Somerville, Moscow, Oakland Hickory Withe, Sandy Springs, Am monia, Colliersville, Morning Sun, Greenbottom Ger mantown and Raleigh, to Memphis. From Bolivar, by Audubon and Nubbin Ridge to Met amora. From Brownsville to Fulton. * From Brownsville to Covington, via Wesley. From Bicwnsville, by Carolina and Woodville, to Dry Hill. From Calhoun by Pearce and Goodfield to Decatur. From Camden by Chaseville, Etna Eagle Creek, Mor gan's Creek and Cubb Creek to Perryville. From Camden bv Paris, Mt. Holyoke, Como, Irvine’s Store, Dresden. Old Hickory Totten’s Well’s and Bulah to Hickman, Ky. From Carthage by Montrose, Granville, Bagdad, Flynn's Lick to Gainesboro. From Carthage by Peyton’s Creek, Pleasant Shade, Witcher’s Cross Roads and Red Boiling Springs to Cle mentsville. From Campbell's to Pumpkintown [Mount Pleasant] via Blair's Ferry. From Campbell's Station to Louisville. From Centreville to Terryville. From Centreville via Beardstown, Macedonia and McCoys to Bull’s Landing. From Centreville by Vernon, Charlotte, Barton’s Creek, McAllister’s Cross Roads, Richardsons and Pleas ant Mound to Clarksville. From Charlotte by Bellsburgh, Ryan’s Store and Jo sephine to Springfield. From Charleston by Stony Point to Benton. From Chattanooga to Charleston via Harrison and Georgetown. From Chattanooga to Glasgow. Kv, via Sparta, Gainesboro and Totnpkinsville. From Cheap Valley by New Loudon to Conyersville. From Clarksville to Hopkinsville, Ky. From Clarksville to Cadiz, Ky. From Clarksville by Fredonia/J hoinav.'iile, Josephine 1 and Sycamore Mills to Ridge Post. From Clarksville by Little Grave. Indian Mound. ! Cumberland Iron Works, Dover Standing Rock, Mouth of Sandy and Ell Grove to Paris. From Clarksville by Dailey’s, Palmyra, Yellow Creek Furnace, Sailor's Rest, Danielsville and White Oak to Waverly. From Cleveland by Cbataty, Benton, Pelton, Spring towD, Towell Falls, Coker Creek, Turtle Town, N. C., Laurel Valley, Persimmon Creek and Notla to Murphy. From Cleveland by Cohuttah Springs, Ga, and Moun tain Town to Ellejay. From Cleveland by Limestone and Mouth of Iliwas see to Smith’s Cross Roads. From Cleveland by Benton to Ducktown Copper Mines. From Clinton by Beaver Ridge and Ball Camp to Campbell’s Station. From Clinton by Wallace's Cross Roads, Loy’s Cross Roads, Lost Cr" -k, Big Barren and Head of Barren to Tazewell. From Clinton by Robertsville, Oliver’s and Crooked Fork to Morgan Court House. From Columbia via Shelby ville, Huntsville Ala , and Pulaski to Columbia. From Columbia to Clarksville via McAllister's Cross Roads and Dixon C. H. From Columbia to Waynesboro From Columbia to Lebanon via Hart’s Cross Roads and Murfreesboro. From Columbia to Jackson via Perryville and Lexing ton. From Columbia to Fayetteville.via Bigbyville, Pleas- j aat Grove. Mooresville and Coruersville. From Columbia by Pleasant Grove, Mooresville and Berlin to Lewisburz. From Columbia by Hope Mill to Williamsport. From Columbia by Poplar Ridge, Lynnville, Pulaski, j Midbridge, Elfeton, White Hill and Madison s Cross Roads, Ala., to Huntsville. From Crossville by Long View and Coopersville to Jamestown. From Crossville by Orme’s Store and Nine Mile to Pikeville. From Crossville by Grassy Cove and Cross Keys to j Ten Mile Stand. From Dandridge to Bean's Station via Iron Works of | M»ssy Creek ana Stiffey’s Mill. From Dandridge to Marysville via Sevierville. From Dandridge to Morristown. From Decaturville by Hermitage and Swallow Bluff to Lee’s Bluff. From Decaturville to Perryville. From Denmark by Copan, Brownsville, Durhamville and CoviDgton to Randolph. From Double Springs by Equality and Netherland to Crossville. From Dover to Cadiz, Ky., via Tobaccoport. From Dover to Strombold Furnace. From Dover to New Concord, Ky. From Dresden by Dedham, Mount Prospect and An dalusia to Yorkville. From Dresden by Palmer’s Store and Elm Tree to Boydsville From Dresden by Middleburg and Mouut Pella to Troy. From Dyer.-burg by Miller's Chappel, Chestnut Bluff. Lanefteld, Cherryville, Cageville, Mason’s Grove and Poplar Corner to Jackson. From Dyersburg by Miller's Chappel, Begg’s Cotton Gin, Quincy and Dr. Kick's to Mason's Grove. From Dyersburg by Wilkinsville to Trenton. From Dyersburg to Booth's Point in Dyer county. From Elizabethtown to Morgantown. N. C. From Elizabethtown to Abingdon, A'a., via Stony Creek and Shady. From Elizabethtown by Longmiresto Stockville.N C. From Elizabethtown by Greenfield, Blountsville and Arcadia to Kingsport. From Elizabethtown by Peoplesvilleand Swingleville to Longmire. From Elizabetbtr wn to Shady. From to Harpeth via New Hope, Farm ington, Fishingford, Civil Order and Gideonsville. From Fayetteville to Upper Elkton via Dyer's Store, Cold Water and Hightower’s Store. From Fayetteville to Winchester. From Fayetteville by Viney Grove, Cyruston, Mill ville, Bunker Hill, Bradshaw and Lamartine to Pulaski. From Fayetteville by Camargo, Molino and Robert son's Store to Pleasant Plains. From Fayeteville by Boon’s Hill and Gas Factory to Cornersville. From Fayetteville by Kinderhook, George's Store and Oregon to Salem. From Fayetteville by Cordova to Branchville. From Fayetteville to Tullahama. From Franklin by Hurts Cross Roads to Rally Hill. From Franklin by West llarpeth. Hill's Valley, Lei pcr's Fork, Boston, Lick Creek. Totty's Bend, Centre ville, Beaver Dam Springs, Pleasantville. Linden, beardstown and Wood’s to Perryville. From Franklin by Pinkney and Bethesda to Hurts Cross Roads. From Gainesboro’ by New Columbus, Buck Point, Meigsville, Butler’s Landings and Hamilton's Landing to Celina. From Gainesboio’ by Whitley ville. CVementsville. Tompkinsville, Ky., Mud Lick and Skeggs Creek to Glasgow. From Gainesboro' by New Columbus. Hilharn, Liv ingston, Nettle Carrier and West Fork to Jamestown. From Gainesboro’ by Rocky Mount, Highlaud, Bag dad and Pleasant Shade to Dixon's Springs. Frem Gallatin to Springfield via Cross Plains. From Gallatin to Scottsvflle, Ky, via Bledsoe's Creek. From Gallatin to Elkten, Ky, via Cross Plains, Reys burg and AUensville. From Gallatin to Murfreesboro' via Lebanon. From Greenville by Camp Creek, Horse Creek and Broyleaville to Rheatown. From Greenville by Timber Ridge, Little Chucky, Warrensburg. Chucky Beud, Suoddyvill and Leadvale to Dandridge. From Greenville by Limestone Springs, Paint Rock, Warmsprings, N. C., Lapland and French Broad to Ash ville. From liardinsville to Tipton C. 11. via McNairy C. H. and Hard on an C. 11. From Hardinville to Florence, Ala. From Harrison to Cottouport via Blue Spring. From Harrison to Pikeville via Hinson's. From Harrison to Chattanooga. From Harrison by Walden's Ridge, Hinson’s and Ste phen’s Chappel to FiFmore. From Harrison by Hinson’s to Pikeville. From Hermitage by Swallow Bluff, on the Tennessee river to Savannah. From Huntingdon by McLemore3ville. Shady Grove, Waterford,Trenton, Gibson's Wells, Quincy, Cageville, Cherryville and Rusk to Brownsville. From Huntingdon by Roan's Creek Red Mound, Lex ington, Middle Fork, Jack’s Creek and Anderson’s Store to Purdy. From Huntingdon by Hico, Caledonia Flemings, Christmasville, Pillowviile and Winston to Dresden. From Huntingdon by Terry, South Carroll, Spring Creek, Jackson, Medon, Bolivar, Van Buren and Wil liam’s Store to La Grange. From Jacksboro’ by Huntsville t^Jaraestown. From Jacksboro’ by Elk Gap to Williamsburgh. From Jacksboro’ by Straight Fork. Buffa'o Creek. Pouch Creek and Wild Cat, Ky., to Whitley C. H. From Jackson by Mifflin, Jack’s Creek, Mud Creek and Coffee Landing to Savannah. From Jackson by Andrews C hapel, Denmark, Black Oak Grove, Fayette Corner, Championville, Pierce and Somerville to Moscow. From Jackson by Mount Pinson, Mifflin and Nero to Lexington. From Jasper to Nickajack. From Jasper by Dadsville, Checksville, Loeney’s Creek, Copp s Creek and Mount Airy toTFillmore. From Jonesboro’ to Ash C. H., N C , via El>»ab th- VOL. 33 —NEW SERIES—VOL. 9.— .N0. 285 I town. From Jonesboro' to Boat Yard via Embree's Iron Works. ~~ From Jonesboro' to Ashville, N. C., via the Walnut Mountains. From Jonesboro’ to Newport via Broyle's and Camp Creek Iron Works From Jonesboro to Charlotte, N. C. I rom Jonesboro. Wautauga Bend. Rocky Mount. Greenfield, White Top and Paperville to Abingdon, Va. From Jonesboro’ by Cox's Store to Longmire. From Jonesboro’ by Buffalo Ridae to Gotts Cross Roads. From Kingsport by Clover Bottom, Janies Cross Roads and Locust Mount to Jonesbero’. From Kingston by BarnardsviUe. Ton Mile Stand, bewee, Decatur. Goodfield, Pine Laud. Kincannon’s For rr, Limestone, Long Savannah and Snosv Hill to Harri son. From Kingston by W T rigbtsville, Philadelphia, Rock ville, lliwassee College, Madisonville and Mount Ver non to Tellico Plaius. From Kingston by Gray’s Hill and Wood's Hill to Campbell’s Station. From Kingston by Emory Iron Works, Morgan Court House and Boiliug Spring to Jamestown From Kingston by Welcliers Mills to Robertsville. From Kingston by Tabor and Erie to Athens. From Knoxville by Mecklenburg, Flint Gap, Tucka boe, Greenvale, Daudridge, Oak Grove, Wilsonville, Newport. Parrottsville and Cedar Creek to Limestone Springs. , From Knoxville by Gap Creek, Trundle’s Cress Roads, Boyd’s Creek. Henry's Cross Roads, Cannon’s Store, Sevier Court House aud Fair Garden to Wilsonville. From Knoxville to Danville. Ky, by the most direct and practicable route. From Knoxville by Marysville. Four MHe Madisonville to Athens. f From Knoxville by I yon’s Store.Vlalloways aud Gal [aher’s to Kings on. From Knoxville by Low’s Ferry, Creek and Morgantown to Mad sonville From Knoxville by Church Grove Woodbourne, Bull Run, Hayes and Head of Barren to Tazewell. From Knoxville by Marysville aud Montvale Springs to Anderson Court House, S. C. From Knoxville by Campbell’s Station and Lenoirsto Loudon. From Knoxville by Wilson’s, Clinton Ross, jacksbo ro’. Speedwell, Pleasant and Old Town Cumberland Gap, Ky. From Knoxville by Academia, Plains Cross Roads, Spring House, Rutledge. Bean’s Station, Rocky Spring, Red Bri.lge, Maible Hall, Rogersville, Yellow Store, Lyon's Store. New Canton, Kingsport aud Eden's Ridge to Blountsviile. From Knoxville by Strawberry Plains. New Market, Mossy Creek, Panther Springs, Morristown, Russellville, Bay Mount, Gustaves. Greenville, Henderson's Mills, Rbeatown, Leesburg, Jonesboro’, Boon’s Creek and Uil ton to Blountsviile. From La Fayette by Red Boiling Springs, Clements ville and Lodi to Celina. From La Fajette by Meadorville to Hartsville. From La Fayette by Brook's Tan Yard, Witcher's Cross Roads and North Spring to Whitleyville. From La Fayette by Goose Creek and Alton Hill to Rock House. From La Grange by Morcow, Colliersville. German town and High to Memphis. From La Grange by Wolf River and Mount Comfort to Somerville. From Lawrenceburg to Waynesboro". From Lebanon by Shop Spring, Cherry Valley, Three Forks, Alexandria, Liberty, Smithviile, Sligo, Cassville, Sparta. Bonair Springs, Clavsville, CrossviDe. Belleville, Post Oak Springs, Kingston and Hough’s Ferry to Lou don. From Lebancn by Mount Carmel. Ward's Cross Roads, Cainsville, Milton and Las Casas to Murfreesboro'. From Lebanon by SpriDg and Rome to Carthage. From Lebanou by Carthage, Livingston. Monroe, Al bany, Ky., Monticello and Somerset to Stanford. From Lexington to Carrollville. From Lexington by Cub Creek Springs to Perryville. From Lexington by Lessensberry’s, Spain's, South Carroll, Levinia Hope II ill and Bluff" Springs to Trenton. From Loudon by ITnitia and Louisville to Marysville. From Loudon by Philadelphia. Sweet Water, Facility. Athens, Riceville, Charleston, Cleveland, Red Clay, Ga. and Hill to Dalton. From Lynchburg by Gill's Store, Flack's, and Peters burg to Corner-ville. From Lynchbmg by Tuckers, Arnold's Store, Shel ton’s Creek and Hamilton to New Market. Alabama. From Lynchburg by Jacob Awalt’s to Manchester Springs. From Madisonville to Sweet Water. From Manchester by Beech Grove. Walkers Mills and Fairfield to War Trace Depot. From Manchester by Spring Creek and Pettysville to Winchester, From Marshall's Ferry to Hays Ferry. From Marysville by Clover Hill. Cloyds Creek, Unitia Morgantown, Rockville and Midway to Athens. From Marysville by Chilowee, Citico, Ball Play. Bell town, Tellico Plains. Jalapa and Columbus to Benton. Fram Mntj.rrllle kj V>ucc WuHicr’o i. ra-Ujkikua Cove. From McMinnville by Irving College and Altament to Pelham, From Morgantown to Carnesville, Georgia, via Bus sells Ferry. Chota, Tellico Plains. Beaver Dams and Griffins. From Morgantou to Ross’s, on the Tennessee, via Monroe C 11, Mount Pleasant aud Calhoun. From Morgan C H to Huntsville in Scott county. From Morristown to Dandridge From Mount Pleasant to Waynesboro', via Napier and Catrons Iron Works, Buckner and Dixons Store. From Mount Pleasant by Newburg to Palestine. From Mount Pleasant by Ham,shire, Isom's Store and Duck River to Ceotreville. From Mount Vernon by Lee’s Store, Jalapa and Kimbrough's to Springtown. From Murfreesboro to Jasper, Marion C H, v’a Hen derson's Toiever's Store, Beech Grove, Stone Fort. Ilillsbero’, Pleasant Plains an J Caldwells Bridge. From Muifreesboro to Franklin via Anthony's Store and Hardemans Cross Roads. From Murfreesboro to Wilkinsons Cross Rojds, via Salem Cross Roads. Prom Murfreesboro to Gallatin via Lebanon. From Nashville by MeWhirtersville, Green Hill, Silver Springs and Coles’s Ferry to Lebanon. From Nashville by Good Spring, Franklin, White House. Spring Hill, Columbia, Asbwood, Mount Plea sant, HenryviHe and Palo Alto to Waynesboro. From Nashville by Good Spring, Franklin, White House, Spring Hill, Columbia, Ashwoi d, Monnt Plea sant, Cass, Laurenceburg. Gieen Hill, Alabama. Lauder dale Factory and Florence to Tuscumbia. From Nashville by Chestnut Grove, Charlotte, Wsl liamsvillle, JVaverly, Camden, and Sandy Ridge to Huntingdon.’ Fram Nashville by Ridge Post, Cooperstown, Turn ersville, Port Royal, Clarksville, New Providence. Ringgold, Oak Giove, Kentucky and Long View to Hopkinsville. From Nashvile by Mansker’s, Tyree Springs, Mulloys Mitchellsvill;, Franklin - Kentucky, and Woobourne, j to BowliDg Gresn. From Nashville by La Yergne. Smyrna, Cherry Flat Murfreesboro. Jordans Valley, Fosterville, War Trace Depot, Tullahoma, Alisonia, Stevenson and Jonesville to Chattanooga. From Nashville by Anadale May/ield aud Wilsons Cross Roads, to Arrington. From Nashville by Stewarts Ferry. Rural Hsll. Hud dlestons Cross Roads, Cainsville and Statesville to Li berty. From Nashville by Pleasant Retreat, Hendsrsonville. | Saundersville, Gallatin, Greenwood, Hanna's, ltock I House, Kemucky, Scottsville. Cedar Spring and Page ville to Glasgow. From Nashville by Tank, South Harpetb, Barren, Bon Aqua and Vernon to Gentreville j From Nashville by Noleasville. Triune, Jordan's I Store, Eaglesville, Versailes, Rover, Cnionville and MeGowansvilie to Sbelbvville. j From Nashville by Springfield and Adairsville, Ky., ! to Russelville. From New - Canton to James Cross Roads. From Newport to Beans Station via Mouth of Nola chucky, McFarlands and Morestown. From Newport to Rutledge via Mouth of Cbucky, Mossy Creek aud Austin's Ferry, From Newport to Greenville via Parrotsville and Wood's Ferry. From New'port to SevierviMe via McNabb's. Corley's C-eek, Sboult’s and Jones Cove. From Oime's Store to Washington. From Paris to Iliokman, Mill Point, Ky. From Paris to Humphrey, C. H. via Point Mason. From Paris to Perryville, via Benton C. 11., and Mor gan’s Creek. From Paris to South Gibson via Caledonia, Fleming's Christmasville and Shady Grove. From Paris to Charlo.te via Point Mason. From Paris by Sherwood, Barren Hill. Boydsville, Dukedom, Feliciana, Ky., Wesley and Clinton to Col umbus. From Petersburg by Catalpa Grove, Spring Place, New r Hope, Belfast, Lewi.-butg. FYimirgtou, Canry Spring, Chapel Hill aud Rigg s Cross Roads to Jordon's Store. From Pikeveville by McFair's on Conpasauga via Blythe’s Ferry. From Pikeville to Oat's Landing via Loyd’s, Thomas's Cross Roads, Hanson’s, Kirkland's. Hiiliard's and Shelton's. From Pikeville to Jasper via the East Side ofSequat chee River. From Pikeville by Smith's Cross Roads, Washington, Kelly’s Ferry and Decatur to Athens. From Post Oak Springs by Eagle Furnace and Sul phur Springs to Washington. From Pulaski by Fayetteville and Tulahoma to Mc- Minnville. JgFrom Pulaski by Shoal Spring, Sugar Creek aud Lex ington, Ala, to Ingram Cross Roads. From Pulaski by Vale Mills, Bodenham and Law renceburg to West Point. From Purdy by Morse Creek, Jones’ Mills, Metamora Jonesboro, Miss , and Buckersville to Ripley. From Purdy by Stantonville, Hamburg, Red Sulphur Springs, Eatsport, Miss., Waterloo; 4 Ala-, Gravelly Spring. Oakland and Florence to Tusbumbia. From Raleigh by Sulpher Well. Loosahatchie, Con cordia, Sharon and Wesley to Brownsville. From Raleigh by ltosstown, Portersville, Blooming ton. Covington, Walnut Post, Ripley, Dry Hill, Cottage Hill and Double Bridges to Dyersburg. From Raleigh by Big Creek to Randolhh. • . From Ready ville to Bradyvllle. From Rogersville by Anderson's Cross Roads, War Gap, Kyle’s Ford and Whitesturg, Virginia, to Jones ville. From Rogersville by Mill Bend. Van Hill, Laurel Gap, Newmansville and Graysburg to Rh&atowu. From Rogersville by Lee Valley, Sneedsville. Mul berry Gap and Yellow Springs to Tazewell. From Rogersville by St Clair to Russellville. Market tobStlgi'. TaTnpico ’ Spring ard New M Tu/kaTeeche From Sevier. V. JiuO to Ctnßu’wee. Quails.own, Bi s | Spi iVg scoft** Orß.t ß v <^ c J ,n “, Lufl J. M Cat Valley to Pieken'f r n A*"! Worte From Shelby vi lie to RowsViUe thCar ° ~nR - -M tS Ki-h “r- *»■> <JX »■« Item Shelby ville by Richmond. Belfast u it, Coohran-ville. Coruersville and Richland to I'iTl* From Shelbvville by Rich Valley C'Onut TTa Norris Creek. Fayetteville. Goshen and MerOaNm ’ Alabama, to Huntsville. From Shelbvville to War Tinea Depot From Shelby\ ille to Pulaskj and Lawrencebur* 1 g " From Smithviile by Mountain Creek, McMinn villa .md Rocky River to Spencer, i Ftoin Smithviile. by Me liunicsville, to Woodbary ‘ : " • > ■■ ■ ug Caney Fork at Month of Holme-'- Creek to Pekin. 1 roui Somerville by Laurel, Behnont. Sharon an t Hum Ilill to Covington. trom S merviUe bv liancvville to Brownsville SomerviUe by Whiteville aud Cloverport to From Sparta by Falling Water, White Plains. Oak riul, Netherland, Livingston. Monro®, Olvmnas Halo s Mills to Albany. Ky. From Sparta by Newark, Double ,-prinij Bvrn • l ekm. Convenient. Carthage. Dixon's Ret ’ ville, Euon College and Cpidillian Springs to"Gallath ” From Sparta bv Siam, m Pikeville Robertson's Crnsa *<*” I From Sparta by Cave, Rock Hand. McMinnviUa M Rough and Ready, Hickory Creek, Hillsboro and Elk River to L’eckerd M From Sparta by White's Salines, Cumberland louti lute aud Dry Valley to Walnut Grove. fl>a> ta by Green Tree, Solou aud Bee Creek tuJH Nine Mill. From Springfield to Eddyville, Kentucky via Port Royal, Clarksville. Palmyra and Steward, C. U From Springfield to "llaydonsville, Kentucky ii* Clarkes’s Mills and Cross’s Mills. From Sycamore by Elisha Clark s aud Brewer's to Sneed ville From Tazewell by Laac-Bncbannan’s and Caven Robinson's to Jonesville. Va. From Taylorsville to Mast’s via Taylorsville, Novth% Carolina. Roane's Creek, Tennessee, Dougherty's Baker's Gap and Shady. From Taylorsville by Baker's Gap. Caster's Iron if* Works aud Sweet Water, North Carolina, to Suga^K Grove. From Taylorsville by Laurel Fork and Sharp's Cra-i ' Roads to Abingdon. Va. From Taylorsville by Shady, Ilolsou, Valley and* Paperville to Sapling Grove, Virginia F’roni Tellico Plains by Coker Creek. Beaver MiflaJSS! Murphy. North Carolina, Peach Tree, Hiwasse. Shads--T Grove Georgia and Xacooche to Clarksville. From Tobacco Port by Hope, Spotbswood, WilklmJrw to l’ino Bluff, Kentucky. From Three Forks by Commerce, Clinton College end Gordonsville to Carthage. - Sm F'rom T.entou by Yorkvßle, Chester, Mason Halt si ?- Troy aud Fremont to Hickman, Kentucky. From Trenton by Eaton. Friendship, Chesnut Bluff*. Leasville, Woodville. Rijilev, C. H., and Cane BottomM to FultOD. From Trenton by Antioch, Locust Grove an! Win ston to Dresden. From Trenton via Bluff Springs, Hope Ilill, South Carroll, Spain’s and Les euberry's to Lexington. 9 From Trenton by Shiloh aud South Gibson, to Jack qBH| son. From Troy by Red Foot ane Silver Top to Compro-. inise, Kentueky. From Trundle’s Cross Roads by Ellejav to Marysville, .m F’rom Washington by Smith’s Cross itoads and Sail Creek to Soddy. From Washington to Oruie's Store. F'rom Waynesboro by Houston, Pleasant Valley aud . Lowryville to Flagle Mills. From Waynesboro by Factor’s Fork. West Point, J Wayland Springs, FI re’nce, Alabama, Westmoreland, Cypress Inn and Victory to Waynesboro. From Waynesboro by Sorby. Smith’s Fork, Engleside Savannah, Adamsville, Purdy, Rose Creek, Crainesville." Boliva, Van Buren and William's Store to La Grange. " From Waynesboro by Clifton Hermitage. Decatur ville, Lexington. Jqno and Cotton Grove to Jackson. From Waynesboro by Whitat r's Bluff to Linden. F’rom Waynesboro by Carroll tlie to Patrick From Waverly by Buffalo an McGaeeville to Linden. From Winchester by Ilawkt 1 ■ ville aud Cumberland to Pelham. From Woodbourne by Academia to Strawberry Plains. F’rom Woodburne by Cedar Ford, Powder Spring Gap Red Hill and Clear Spring to Thorn Hill. * From Woodbourne by Racoon Valley, Loy's Cross Roads and Orai>+u>inro to JacksOoro. From Woodbourne by Vandegriß s sma moore*s itest to Clinton. From Wood's by Brodie's Landing, Farmville, Poplar Spring and Pleasant Exchange to Red Mound. [to bk continued.] X^madebt<^\ AMERiOANVjA v/gutta percha\^ SI COMPANY jo, \Anew-york AV GUTTA PERCHA WATER-PROOF GOODS. Highest Medal of World s Pair, a D d Gold Medal of American Institute, awarded fok these Goods. * Warehouse of Company, 102 Broadway, and I Pine Street, wbero mav be found GUTTA PERCHA GOODS, In great variety, far superior to any other Water- Proof Goods in the market, comprising many de sirable articles for export and country trade, con sisting, in part, of Coats, Cloaks, Pouehes, Overalls, Leggins, Caps, Souwesters, Camp Blankets, Horse Covers, Carriage Cloths, Piano Covers, Fire Buck ets, Travelling Bags, Surgical Articles, Steam Packing and hundreds of other articles. These Goods are free from unpleasant odor very tenacious, pliable and clastic ; net injured by fatty substances: and unlike India Rubber, will not decompose and become sticky. Are cheaper, different from any other GuttaPoreha made in this country or Europe, and warranted to stand all cli mates. Certificates from persons who have tested the Goods, may be seen at the Store of the Company^ Terms liberal. Doalers are invited to examine these Goods be fore purchasing elsewhere. Orders executed to any amount at short notice. Caution. —Base imitations, made of varnished Ind’a Rubber, are already being offered in the market. Therefore, purchasers should bear ip ■ ind that all genuine Goods are stamped with tbe trade mark of the Company. WILLI A M RIDER, Pres't. N.A.G P C. augl , DR. EDWARD BLEECKER’S STAMPEDE MIXTURE, For the Fever avd Ague and CJurgres Fever. THE PROPRIETOR of this Medicine will state, without hesitation or fear of contradiction, that the Stampede Mixture has cured more per sons, where it has been introduced, than any other medicine in use for the above diseases. This med icine hss neither Arsenic or quinine in its compo sition, all of the ingredients are of a perfectly healthy character and highly stimulating and in vigorating in their tendency. Persons while using medicine will not be affected by exposure ta water or a damp atmosphere no more than when in their usual health. Planters in sections of the country where the Ague prevails, will do well to adopt this medicine, as the patient is not obliged to lay by while under treatment, and they may be assured of a speedy ire. The Proprietor could introduce thousands of certificate.* from those of the highest respectability, but pr* ers saying to the Sick buy one bcttle and you w have the infalli- A bio proof in yourself. Full <' jectiens for its use accompany each bottle. For sale at the principal ruggists every where; wholesale orders must be a MEAD A BLECfxER, Sole Proprietors. 98 Broadway, New York. Agents— Haviland, Risley & Co.. Augusta; S. S Solomon & Co.. Savannah ; R. C. Carter, Ct»lum-_ bus; Simons, Ruff & Co., Charleston. 1> 'yl2 HATS, CAPS AND BONNETS, AT WHOLESALE. W.M. X. NICHOLS, Successor to J Taylor, Jr. Jg A Co, opposite the Bank of Augusta, has the pleasure ofirhunouneing to Merchants visiting Augusta, tb.qLjiis stock of FATS, CAPS and BONNETS, forThe Fall Trade, is now complete. And all those desiring Goods in his line, are in- j vited to call and examine them, as they will | sold at prices that cannot fail to please. septl4 ' ts ' - u