Weekly Georgia constitutionalist and republic. (Augusta, Ga.) 1851-185?, September 03, 1851, Image 4

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Charleston jUtofrtterinfntg. SHIRTS.— Fine Linen and Muslin SHIRTS, made in the latest fashions, of the best mate rials, and Danskin’s celebrated patterns. W. A DaSskin is the original inventor oi the STStom of cutting Shirts by measurement Dan si; Vs pattern has receivod the unqualified commcn- Sn of gentlemen in all parts of the U. States, and has been pronounced perfect. The above doscribod Shirt 3, together with a largo , and varied assortment of articles necessary for gen- ! Fash'onablo Furnishing Store lor Gentlemen north eorner Meeting «nd Market streets, Charles- j ’ ton. S. C. _ m . ar l_. . iTcIIAFFEiS, No. 179 East Bay, Charles- L ton, S. C., Dealer in Forqtgn MINES and LI » uSao, i'ODACCO and SEGARS, and Manu facturer of BSMON SYROP. r ~ Direct Importer of Gorman, , H, r-'cneh and English Fancy GOODS, HO SIERY*. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS,'TOY'S, Ac., i Ni% .131 King st., near Society street, Charleston, 3 V ' ’ Goods sold, at Now York, Philadelphia and Bal- ; timoro wholesale prices. mar " JOHA IMACK, Importer of French and English MILLINERY and FANCY' GOODS, Bonnet RIBBONS, Thread and Cotton EDGINGS, at wholesale only. _ ... , . Mooting street, between tho Pavilion and Charles- i ton Hotels, Charleston, S. C. mar 7 JAMES E. SPEAR & CO., Importers & Deal ers in WATCHES, JEWELRY, STERLING SILVER WARE and FANCY' GOODS, at whole sale ar.d retail, No. 235 King street, opposite Hasel, | Charleston, S. C. mar 7 rr i.u) .V'.reTL—STEVENS & BETTS, Direct .£1 Imnortsrs and Wholesale Dealers in HARD- ! ware, Cutlery, guns, pistols, &c., Ac., j No. a'J East Bay, Charleston, S. C. Jose Stevens. Wm. 11. Bf.tts. ! mar 7 j Js. BEACH, wholesale BOOK-SELLER and ! • STATIONER, No. 5 Ilayne street, Charles- : ton, S. C. mar 7 | ijAtici ABBOTT, 97 East Bay, opposite j Boy:c & Co.’s Wharf, Direct Importor of Eng- \ lish WHITE LEAD and LINSEED OIL: whole- j sale and retail dealer in English and American PAINTS and OILS, of every description; VAR NISH, BRUSHES, French and American YV IN DO W GLASS and PUTTY, Ac.; together with a complete and fresh supply of BURNING FLUID, or SPIRIT GAS, with a large and select assort ment of LAMPS, of the latest and most approved design for tho same. AU of which ho offers for sale, at a small advance on manufacturer s prices, mar 7 rMiiOLX k DELANO E, 112 East Bay, Charles -1 ton, 3. C., Dealers in STONE LIME CEMENT, Piaster PARIS, N. Y. Marble LIME, PLASTER ING, LATHS and HAIR, FIRE BRICKS. —ALSO — Gypsum, or Farmers Manuring PLASTER. —also — Keep constantly on hand, a good stock of White Pino end Poplar LUMBER, NAILS, Ac. Orders solicited mid will bo punctually and accu rately filled. We recommend all articles in our stock as being of tho Tory best quality. mar 7 CALHOUN CLOTHING STORE—G. LITTLE & CO., (Successors to Johnson A Canfield.) CLOTHING STORE, No. 199 King street, next door to Victoria Hotel, Charleston, S. C. Always on hand, a largo and fashionable stock of Ready-Made CLOTHING, at tho lowest possible prices. SHIRTS, HOSIERY, UMBRELLAS, Ac., Ac., wholesale and retail. mar 7 DUNN & DURYEA, wholesale and retail CLO THING ESTABLISHMENT, 238 King-st., (in the Bend,) Charleston, S. 0. P. S. —Please call and examine. mar 7 S~ SLIDES! SHADES! SHADES!—Tho largest assortment of Transparent Window SHADES, are to ho found at tho Window Shade Depot, No. 177 King street. Gontlomcn and Ladies visiting Charleston should not purchase before examining this assortment. Sign of the Rod Flag. Also to ho found as above, PAPER HANGING and UPHOLSTERY GOODS generally. R. N. BUTLER, mar 7 No. 177 King street. fIUAKLESTON STEAM SUGAR KEVIN E- Vv' i(V. —Double Refined Loaf, Crushed and Pow dered SUGAR. —ALSO— White and Yellow Clarified SUGARS, —and— Suyar House SYRUP, in hlids. and bids. J. T. W ELS MAX, mar 7 105 East Ray, Charleston, S. C. ! A aXTT, HUFF & GANTT, Factors and Gen- AJT oral Commission AGENTS, Accommodation Wharf, Charleston, S. C. fob 2(i pAiitidESTOS FEMALE INSTITUTE, “by Mrs. H. L. Moise, (lato of Augusta.) ENGLISH TUITION, with Board, at §2.00 per annaY®. Ffonib, Italian, Spanish, Music, Drawing, and Painting, At Professor’s prices. Pitt street. 0 m mar 4 7-, a moise, BROKER,' AUCTIONEER and I COMMISSION AGENT. Stocks, Bonds, Real Estate, and Negroes, bought and sold per order. Oio door south of the P. & M. Bank, Charleston, 3. C. mar 4 t & H. CAMEKOK, Direct Importers and , Wholesale Dealers in CROCKERY, CHINA aid GLASS AVARE, No. 145 Mcuting-st,, Charles ton, S. 0. Have always on hand a large and extensive as sortment of the above Goods, (selected by one of the li. n at tho Mamuaotorios of England and France,) wk : :h they offer for salo at as low rates as they can tc purchased in any city of the Union. Crar .4 fr,.. PORTER, ALE and WINE vJ SrPPE, by tho dozen or quantity, No. 33 Broad street, Charleston, S, C. mar 4 iy uroAkisTBROKER and AUCTIONEER, No. 7 Slate street, Charleston, S. C. Slaves, Real Estate, Bank Stock, Ac., bought and sold on commission. a T,' c. THAU.IN, AUCTIONEER and GENE jb. RAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 24 A T endue Range All Grain consigned to me, together with other Country Produce, will meet with prompt ale ms attention, having , r n , anarieston, o. C.-—Rfiior to Col. JaviC3 Gnus don, and M. C. Mordecai. mar J‘ OsTTIv/TON At CO., Importers of Foreign and Domestic DRY GOODS, No. 40 East Bay, Charleston, S. C. mar 7 T Jil* j’iYT l HEWS fi BRAVi'EEY, Import- J ' era and Dealers in DRY GOODS, No. lSlEast Bay, Charleston, S. C. mar 7 J jets PH WALKER, Charleston, S. C.. Agent, for John T. White; TYPE FOUNDER, of the *' Hoe” Printing Press Manufactory, —also — PRINTING INK of the best quality, alt at New York prioes—actual expenses only- added. Large stock constantly on hand. marJT CARRIAGE REPOSITORY—\V. J. GAYER, South-east oorner Meeting and AVentworih *ts., Charleston. S. C., has constantly on hand, a great variety of CARRIAGES, of every descrip tion, calculated for tho Southern market. m 7 WILLIAM 11. BARTLESS, FORWARDING end COMMISSION MERCHANT, Brown s AVharf, (foot of A r endue Range,) Charleston, 8. C. He will give his particular attention to Receiving and Forwarding Goods—his long experience as Secretary anil Forwarding Agent of tho South Ca rolina Hull Road Company, gives him peculiarJa ciucios irAthis lino of business. mar 7 LEWIS SI. HATCH, No. 120 Meeting street, Charleston, 8. C., Agent for the sale of OILS, WHITE LEAD, IRON SAFES, Platt, Stone & Bovgardus'; STEEL MILLS, LEATHER and RUBBER BANDS, and for a groat variety of ar ticles required by Manufacturers and Mechanics, mar 7 __ GRIFFIN at PULLMAN, Wholesale Dealers in FANCY DRY GOODS, No. 00 Queen street, Charleston, S. C. _ mar 7 qiESZlir CADOAV & CO., wholesale DRY GOODS, No. 82 East Bay, Charleston, S. C. mar 7 Edge rt< in &TTtichar ds, dr a pelts and TAILORS, No. 32 Broad street, Charleston, S. C. mar 7 CHARLES d7Takr, DRAPER AND TAI - No. 30 Droadstroct, Charleston, S. C. Has alwavs on hand a handsome assortment of CLOTHS, CASIMERES, VESTINGS, and FAN » CY ARTICLES, which ho offers on the usual terms, or at 10 per cent, discount for cash. mar 7 Mu." MORDECAI, AUCTIONEER and COM~- . MISSION MERCHANT, Charleston, S. C. Agent. U. S. Mail Steam Ship ISABEL, sailing from Charleston to Havana, on tho Ist and 15t.h ot each mouth. mar 7 PREr.il USi - CONFECTIONERyT by JOSEPH 17HITE. Awavdod the highest Premium by South Carolina Institute. CANDY Sl6 per hundred pounds. No. 355 King street, South of Boundary street, Charleston, S. Ci mar 7 CHARLESTON' HOTEL—BV D. MIXER, Charleston, 8. C. mar 7 UAKLESTOnTs. C.—SPKIX(I OF 185 L— VT. G. BANCROFT, 253 King-st., Charles ton, 3. C., invites the attention of Country Mer chants to his stock of DRY GOODS. lie is pre pared ,0 pffer a verv largo and desirablo stock of rich and elegant DfIESS GOODS, together with a complete assovjmont of French, English, German, ami American Pgncy and Staple Goods of every variety. He has made extensive additions to his Whole sale Rooms, and his stock of Dress Goods will be found unusually attractive, embracing the largest stock ever offered in Charleston. The Goods and prices will be well worthy the at tention of close buyers. mar 11 OV n RATION' ON TH if TEETH.—J A'. CLEVELAND, D. D. S., 207 Iving-st., Charles ton, 6. C. mar 7 T~TI. TAYLOR, AUCTIONEER AND COM - - J . MISSION MERCHANT, 17 Vendue Range, Charleston, S. C. Agent for the sale of tho Charleston Steam Mill Goods, and of various Georgia and South Carolina Shirtings and Oenaburgs. mar 7 V T - - US BISCUIT BAKERY, No. liilMeet mg street, ooaosito Market, Charleston, S.C. 3oda, 'Ratter, v> ater, Sugar and Lemon BIS- L- ITS, in boxes, barrels and kegs. Orders from tho country promptly attended io j mar 7 ip! t 0 Dick 4 Crews, ™ x-^ I '/9u" _ ? : ' eel o A t' d commission MER CIIAN T, Charleston, S. C. TOar 7 W:«7maTJHIESSEN>S WHOrEsXLECLO THING WAREHOUSE, corner of East tiay and Queen eiroota, Charleston, S. C. Manufacturing House, No. 36 Platt street, New York. | Country Mcjp’uante purchasing Clothing, will find it to their advantage to look through tho Btock of I their extensive Clothing House, where thov wid 1 find fresh and desirable Goods, at prices as low as i they can he purchased at in New York. m 7 I EOR6E GATES, Dealer in PIANOFORTES ! MUSIC, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS BOOKS, STATIONERY, Ac., 234 and 238 Kiag street, at the Bend, Charleston, S. C. mar 7 COURT.VEyIT TENNENX, direct importerTof HARDWARE, No. 35 Hanyne-streot,Charles ton, 8 C. may 15 ly Gillilands, howell & co., importers and dealers in FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, No 33 Hayne-street, Charleston S. C. »ay J 5 1 lEtotaa Carte. To Professional and Business Men. j | PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS CARDS, not ex ceeding six lines, will be inserted under this head at the rate of $lO per annum. Cards exceeding six lines, will be chargod pro rata per line. ARTHUR HOOD, A TTORNEY AT LA W, Calhoun, Gordon County Ga. Business entrusted to his Professional manage ment in the counties of Gordon, Murray, Cass, Floyd, Gilmer, Walker and Chattooga, will meet with prompt attention. Refers to Howard A Gardiner, Chas. E. Gren ville, W. W. Gibbs, Messrs. Gibbs A McCord, and D. B. Ramsey, Augusta. ly mar 5 COULTER & COLLIER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Rome, Georgia. Will practice in the sovoral counties of the Che rokee Circuit. Alfred R. Coulter, | .Wm. E. Collier. References . — Hon. J. L. Petigru, Charleston; j Messrs. Baker A Hart, Wm. E. Jackson A Co., Au gusta; Hon. Henry AV. Collier, Tuscaloosa, Alaba- ■ | urn- ly mar 27 MORGAN CALLAWAY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Y/ill practice in the several counties of tho ! i Northern Circuit. Onieo at Washington, Ga. Oct. 24 lv ANDREW 11. H, DAWSON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Office corner of Washington , between Broad and Reynold streets, I AUGUSTA GA. Will give prompt and faithful attention to all bu siness entrusted to his care at home, or in the eoun | ties of Burko, Scriven, Columbia, Warren and ! Hancock. july 30 J. R. STURGES, ATTORNEY AT LAW, j may 27 Waynesboro, Gn. McMillan & van duzer, ATTORNEYS AT LAV, ELBERTON, ga. I Robert McMillan. Wm. T. \ n Duzer nug. 8 ts JAMES GARDNER, JR., ~ AT TO li NEY A T L A W. Augusta, Georgia. JOHN 0. GARTRELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MARIETTA, GA. Will practice in the counties of Cobh, Cherokee, ; Cass, Gordon, Forsyth, DeKalb, Paulding and | Campbell. nl2 ly W."W? MONTGOMERY, A TTORNEY A T LA TU, I Augusta, Georgia. Will practice in the Middle Circuit. Office in I Law Rrange. aug 11 B y MARTIN, A TTORNE Y A T LA W, Augusta, Ga. Will practice in the counties of Columbia, War | ron, Jefferson and Burko, and will attend to the collection of debts and claims in Ahbevillo and Edgo fiold districts, South Carolina, I Offico on Broad street, first door above the Tn uranee Bank. fob 9 JAMES cVIONGSTREET, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CALHOUN, GORDON COUNTY, GEORGIA, Will practice in the several Courts of the Chero kee Circuit. REFERS TO — Hon. J. P. King, ) . , Robert F. Poe, Esq, J Augll9ta ’ ba ' Richard J. Peters, Esq, Atlanta, Ga. W. Aiken, Esq, Cassvillo, Ga. july 23 ts SEWARD & LOVE, ATTTOKNEYS AT LA W, Jan. 22 thomasville, ga. ly ~ JOHInF MILLER. ATTORNEY AT LAW THOMASVILLE, GA. Will attend to all business entrusted to him in any lof tho counties of tho Southern, and in Decatur and j Baker of tho Southwestern Circuits. Rotors to July 16 wly SEWARD fc LOVE. BENJ. L. PRESCOTT, A T T 0 RN E Y AT L A W , SYLVANIA GA. YVill practicoin the Middle Circuit. March 30. - WM. PHILLIPS. ATTORNEY AT LAW, myl3 ts MARIETTA, GA. JAMES W. GREENE7 ATTORNEY' A T L A YV. ap23 THOM ASTON, GA. B. K. HARRISON, ATTORNEY AT LA W , Jan. 31 lumpkin, ga. ly i ■■■ IN QUART BOTTLES. IJiOR purifying tlio Blood, and for tho cure of Scrofu till'Consumption, Fever Fe male Compia'.'-is. Lo s of Appetite, Pimples, Biles, General Debility, &c. Thin preparation has now borne the tost of over 14 years experience, .since its first intro iuctiqn to public fa vor, during w iiicl; time uumerous imitations have sprung into existence, founding their claims to the confidence of the community on the curative powers contained in Sarsaparilla Root, the great reputation and r \tended use of which has been mainly attributable to the many ; wonderful cures effected by the use of this preparation. I While Sarsaparilla Root forms s|i important part of its cgiftbii&tion. it is. at the same time, compounded with othor vegetable remedies of great power, and it is in tho peculiar combination pud scientific manner of its prepa ration. that its remarkably sifeppss in the cure of dise#a» j depends. Other preparations u# it in the style of putting up, and bearing the name of one of its ingredi ents, and hero ends their resemblance to it, Those needing a remedy and purifier like this,are i ‘quested to note whofothis difference exists, and in making choice of what they wity Jjse, not to take any other but that one entitled to their eoimder.ee. from the long list of cures it has effected on living witness, whose testimonials and residences have been published, anp are still bearing dally testimony to its worth. The whole histo ry of medicine Las scarcely furnished a parallel to the numerous and remarkably cures effected by its use, and \*hat it, has effected once it can effect again. FROM KENTUCKY InflanuttQtory Rheumatism Gured. 349PSTOWX, Ky., July 10. 1849. Messrs. Sands— Gentlemen: It is my duty to commu nicate facts' in relation to the beneficial effects of your Sarsaparilla. Mv wife was afflicted with tion and soreness of tiie stomach of the worst character; her : limbs and chest were much swollen ; she had constant headache, and last spring was allocked severely with in flammatory rheumatism. The best meuical -tid we could obtain afforded only momentary relief; and while in this situation, she heard of the many remarkable cures ef fected by the use of Sands* Sarsaparilla, and commenced its use. which produced instant relief, and less than six bottles entirely removed all the dropsical swelling and ! every other inflammatory symptom restoring her ' feet health. I send this statement as an act of justic* believing it to bo my duty to encourage tho .suffering portion of the human family to use Sand's Sarsaparilla, which I believe has no parallel in the catalogue of me dicine. With feelings of lasting gratitude, I remain ; your friend. SAMUEL P. lIARGFR. Read the following from Nkw-OrleaNS, Nov. 12, 1849. Messrs. Sands —Gentlemen: I take the liberty of sending you a letter which may be of importance to those who arc suffering as I have done. I received great benefit from your Sarsaparilla, having been cured of a malady after suffering six years. 1 hereby cheerfully | certify to the good effect of your medicine, and 1 hope God will reward you for all the good you have dom*. A chronic cough had tormented me day and night, and re peated attacks of fever induced me to believe that I should die with Consumption. One day,/ hile suffering a violent attack of burning fever, a friend >ersuaded me to try your incomparable medicine, but tot >ll the truth, I had no confidence in it. I finally purcha led a bottle, j and by its use and the help of God, I was restored to j better health than I had enjoyed for six years. I can not but bless the author of this admirable medicine. With great respect, 1 am, gentlemen, Your obedient servant, FJERMIN GItOUPAZ. “ Truth is stranger than fiction .” New Durham, N. J.. June 30. 1R49. Messrs. Sands —Gentlemen: My wife suffered with a distress and burning in her chest for many years, and my daughter was afflicted from her birtji with a humor in her blood. We consulted various physicians, and tried numerous remedies, without much benefit, until we heard, through Kev. Thomas Davis, of the great me dicinal value of Sands’ Sarsaparilla. On his recom mendation my wife and daughter decided on trying it, and soon experienced permanent benefit. My daughter's skin assumed a new appearance entirely; from being rough, hard and scaly, it became s'mooth and soft: My wife's sufferings are almost gone, and its use a short time longer, it is my firm belief, will produce a perfect cure. Yours, with respect, G. S. HENDRICKSON. Pastor of the Baptist Church at the English Neighbor hood. Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail, by A. B. A D. SANDS. Druggists and Chemists, 100 Fulton street, cor ner of William, New York.—Sold also by Druggists gen erally throughout the United States and Canadas. Price $1 per bottle; six bottles for $5. For sale by Haviland. Risley St Co., Barrett, Carter St Co., W. K. Kitchen, Philip A. Moise, Augusta; by Hill St Smith, Athens; by 11. C. Seymore St Co.. Madison; and by A. J. Creighton, Hamburg, S. C. dfuceoc july 4 COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. THE subscribers have formed a partnership for tho purpose of transacting a Wholesale and retail GROCERY BUSINESS, under tho name of Ivey & Williams. They' have taken the store next below Z. McCord <4; Co., and nearly opposite tho Franklin Hose, where thoy solict the calls of their friends and the public generally. JAMES A. IVEY. AUGUSTUS D. WILLIAMS. nug22 dlAc2. BROUGHT TO JAIL IN Monroo, Walton Co., Ga., one Negro Man, about 23 years of age, tolerable jK black, of medium size, and says he belongs to Thomas Stokes of Colleton District S. C. The owner is requested to como forward prove pro perty and take him away. 28 el DAVID S. SMITH, Jailor. AUGUSTA FRENCH BURR MILLSTONE T MANUFACTORY. Subscriber, thankful for tho kind patron age ;-bco rod, would respectfully inform their menus and the public, that they continue to exe cuto orders for thair well known Warranted French ,®i‘ r MILLSTONES, of every desired size, at the T'1 K r,R I . l T C o ’ i lnd shr *test notice. They also furnish r ° T fUS AND COLOGNE STONES, BnimiiS I’B, 1 ’ 8, of various patents, CEMENT^ CL £ri? S ’ ° f th ° best brand > necessary in ® VOry other article to GWn’Geaw antelS ’ Btoall QRIST MILS *0 attach AH orders promptly attended to. Jul^ 18 0 WM. R. SCHIRMER. Btallatmras. UNIVERSITY OF NASHVILLE. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. THE First Annual Courso of Lectures in this De partment will commence on tho first Monday of November next, and continue till the first of the ensuing Mmch. PAUL F. LYE, M. D . Professor of Surgical Anato my and Clinieal Surge .. JOHN M. YV AT SO' M. D., Professor of Obste trics and the Diseases c Vomen and Children. A. H. BUCHANAN, M., Professor of Surgery. W. K. BO YVLING, M. D., Professor of tho In stitutes and Practice of Medicine. C. K. YY INSTON, M. D., Professor of Materia Medica and Clinieal Medicine. ROBERT M. PORTER, M. D., Professor of Ana- j to my and Physiology. J. BERRIEN LINDSLEY, M. D., Professor of 1 Chemistry and Pharmacy. YY'ILLiAM T. BRIGGS, M. D., Demonstrator of Anatomy. Tho Anatomical rooms will be opened for stu- j dents, on the first Monday of October. Fee of each Professor Sls. Matriculation ticket ‘ $5; Dissecting tieket $lO, Graduation fee $25. Good hoard, can he obtained in the city at from i • $2 50 to $3 per week. Further information may : ! he obtained l,y addressing the Dean. aug 24. ffcc J. B. LiNi ’SLEY', M. D„ Dean. ; MEDICAL COLLEGE OF THE STATeToF SOUTH-CAR OI ,IXA. THE ANNUAL COURSE OF LECTURES in ibis Institution, will commence on the first MONDAY' in November next, on the following branches: Anatomy—by Prof. J. E. HOLBROOK, M. D. Surgery—by Prof. E. GEDDINGS, M. D. Institutes and Practice of Medicine —by Prof. 8. HENRY DICKSON, M. D. Physiology—by Prof. JAMES MOULTRIE, M. D. Materia Medica—by Prof. IIENRY R. FROST, M. D. Obstetrics—by Prof. THOS. G. PRIOLEAU, M. D. Chemistry—by Prof. C. U. SHEPARD. M. D. Comparative Anatomy—by Prof. LOUIS AGAS SIZ, M D. Demonstrator of Anatomy—by. ST. JULIAN | RAVENEL, M. 0. Dr. D. J. CAIN, Physician to the Marine IIos ; pital and Clinical Instructor, Lectures twice a woek on tho diseases of that Institution. ; Dr. E. BELIN FLAGG, Physician to the Alms ! House, Lectures twice a week on diseases. Demonstrative instruction in Medicine and Sur- I gery, at the College Hospital. ! In addition to the Regular Lectures of the Col lege, arrangements hai c been made between indi vidual members of the Faculty and eitUens of Charleston, with Prof. Louis Agassiz, to deliver at the'College, durir.j the regular term, a GRATUI TOUS COURSE OF LECTURES, on such parts of Comparative Anatomy, as may be selected by him, in advisement with ’a Committee appointed by the Faculty of the Ylcd'eal College. HENRY R. FROST, M. D., Dean Faculty, aug 15 efi MEDICAL COLLEGE OF GEORGIA. AUGUST A, GEORGIA. THE TWENTIETH COURSE OF LECTURES in this Institution will commence on the first Monday in NOYTEMBER next, G. M. NEYVTON, M. D.—Anatomy. L. A. DUGAS, M. D.—Surgery. L. D. FORD, M. D.—lnstitutes and Practico of Medicine. H. Y'. M. MILLER, M. D.—Physiology' and Pa thological Anatomy. I. P. GARY'IN, M. D.—Materia Medica and Therapeutics. J. A. EVE, M. D.—Obstetrics and Diseases of YVomen and Infant.-. ALEXANDER MEANS, M. D.—Chemistry and Pharmacy. H. F. CAMPBELL, M. D.—Demonstrator of Anatomy. ROBERT CAMPBELL, M. D.—Assistant De monstrator. A course of Lectures on Medical Jurisprudence will be delivered by the Professor of Materia Medi ca, and Chemical Lectures will be given regularly at the City Hospital. Ample arrangements have been made for tiie study of Practical Anatomy. Professors Due as and Means are now in Eu rope, and will return before the beginning of tho Course, with many valuable additions to tho pre sent means for demonstration in the various branch es. For any further information, application maybe made to any- member of the faculty, or to G. M. NEYVTON, Dean. Augusta, July', 1851. jy3J-w3m. DESIRABLE RESIDENCE. I WISH to sell my place of residence, in .ft*?- Newton county, on tho road between Cov-ihii. ington and Social Circle, and adjoining the Brick Store lot, Tho lot contains near thirty-three aeres aud is one of die best neighborhoods in the up coun. try, with Schools and Churches convenient. There are two small houses, either of which may, with lit tle expense, be made desirable for a family. Tho out-buildings, palings, 0.c., in good repair. It lias a young orchard of select trees, and a well of the best water. GEORGE YV. GRAVES, aug. 15 ctf GROCERIES, BAGGING, &C. THE suits* KIBCitS invite the attention of PLANTERS AND MERCHANTS to their woll assorted block ot < UOCKRIES new coming into Store, consisting ii art of 75 bales Gunny 1 . IGING. 39 do. Heavy lleri|! do. 300 coils j, | and 2 ii eh Bale ROPE. 1000 lbs. TWINE. 30 hhds. prime I’. R. SI GAR. 50 bbls. Granulated do. 23 do. Clarified do. 10 do. Crushed do. 150 bags COFFEE, various kinds. 40 hhds. Cuba MOLASSES. 200 kegs NAILS. 20 tons Swede IRON, all sizes. 30 hhds. BACON SIDES, Clear and Bib. 30 do. do. SHOULDERS. 5000 lbs. Choice HAMS. LARD in whole and quarter barrels. 35 bbls. re-boiled N. U. MOLASSES. 500 sacks SALT. Bulk SALT to suit purchasers. 40 bt>ls. fresh ground •-•an- FLOUR. i•> ~4 11 f) - If’LEAITIS aJ. aug. l > cl ? V- _■hL m Jiurke County, j May Term, idol. Present, His Honor. Ebenezer Starnes, Judge, jj X appearing to the Court 1 y tho Petition of Mi- X chad Mixon, Si n'r, (acopy of the lost bill of sale and affidavit hereto annexed) that said Michael Mixon was possessed of the original bill of sale in said petition mentioned, and that said original bill of sale has been lost or mislaid, and he, tho said 1 Michael Mixon, sr., praying the establishing the said copy in lieu of the original so lost. It. is there fore ordered that said Dillson B. Sapp shew cause, if any ho have, by the first day of the next Term of this Court, why thus aid copy should not he es tablished in lieu of tho original lost as aforesaid. And it is further ordered that a copy of this rule bo served on said Dillson B. Fapp, if to be found with in the State, and if not, to be published in the An fusta Republic three months previous to the next erm of this Court. A true extract from tho Minute? KDYVARD GARLIC lv, Dop. Clerk. July 30, 1851. w3m GEORGIA BURR, MILL, ROCK THE SUBSCRIBER is prepared to execute any order lie may receive for Mill STOFNS of the above description, of any size, from >3 inches to 5 feet in diameter, llis quarry is in three miles of the 100 mile Station, C. R. R., Burke eo., where he will deliver Mill ROC K. lie will warrant his work, and charge according to tne titles- Orders addressed to him at Holcombe P. 0., Burke county', will be promptly attended to. nov 23 cly* JONAS lIASUTP. S4O REWARD. THE above reward will be given for the appre hension and delivery in any convenient .Jail, of TWO N EG UOIvS. the property of the subscriber, a man and a woman. The man's name is AUSTIN, very dark com plected, has one of his upper front teeth out, live feet eight or ten inches high, and weighs near two hundred pounds. The woman's name is PHILLIS, cupper colored, chunky, and about 22 years of age. Tho follow ranaway about two years ago, and was for nine months in Augueta, Ga., hiring his time to different persons. It is probable he is now in that place, as when last heard from, he was ma king his way in that direction. Half the above reward wiil be given for tho de livery of either of the above negroes, fob 1 off JOHN A. EICHLEBERGER. GROCERIES. THE SUBSCRIBERS are receiving their Fail stock of GROCERIES, consisting of 1000 coils best llemp ROPE, 400 bales heavy Gunny BAGGING, 100 hh<ls. Porto R 30 and N. O. SUGAR, 400 hags Rio, Laguyra and Java COFFEE, 100 hhds. Cuba MOLASSES, 100 bhls. N. 0. do,, ]OO do. Stuart's Crushed and Clarified SU GAR, 1000 kegs NAILS, 100,000 lbs. Bacon SIDES, SHOULDERS and HAMS, 4000 sacks Liverpool SALT, Alum and Bulk SALT. Ac., Ac., to whieh tliGy invito the attention of Merchants and Planters vis iting the city. HAND, IVILLIAMS A CO. aug. 5 cly '^JOS.B.SARGFST'? VXEWTOHK-V COTTON, WOOL, JIM-CROW, AND HORSE CARDS. OF the above celebrated stamps, are of unequal qualled quality, and wherever introduced tako the place of all others. They aro manufactured on our improved machinery, and every pair war ranted in all respects. Our lower qualities bar ing the common “ Whito moro stamps,” arc also w ;ll known. Sold, by Hardware Houses in all the cities, by country merchants, and to tiic trade by the manu acturers. J B. SARGENT, may 10 cly* No. 21 Cliff street, N. Y. NOTICE. ~ APPLICATION will be made to the Legislatures of Georgia and South Carolina, at their next sitting, for a CHARTER to build a Bridgo across tho Tugaloo River, at Andersonville. aug 6 cSrao FOR SALE. THE SUBSCRIBER wishes to sell the s*■. HOUSE and LOT, now occupied by J. I).Mia. Dickerson, (Druggist, Rome, Ga.) which is situated on Broad streel one door above the Exchange Ho- 1 tel, and nearly opposite the C hoice House, in one of the most pleasant, fashionable and business parts of the city. The StoreHou.se is neatly painted and j well arranged fur the salo of Drugs end Medicines. | It is sixty-three feet in depth, • > twenty-eight feet in width, and can be purchased on the most ae- ! commodating terms. Any gentleman wishing to ! engage in the sale of Drugs and Medicines, or Dry ‘ Goods and Groceries, would do well to call and ex amine tho promises. If desirable, tho Furniture, together with the stock of Drugs and Medicines, j will be sold with the House. There is but one Drug store in this city, and any gentleman who may purchase, will receive a liberal patronage. THOK. D. BHELTON. P. S. —l have also two Houses and Lots for sale, ) for private residences, situated in tho most pleasant 1 parts of the city. T. D. BHELTON. j july 29 C tf I JHisttlkuenra. GRISWOLD’S COTTON GIN. THE increased demand for those Gins rendered it necessary for the prepriotor greatly to extend liis works, which he is doing with entire new build ings, and superior new Machinery, on the Central Railroad, at Griswoldville, Jones oounty, Georgia, 8} miles east from the city of Macon. I hose arc not premium Gins. Not having got up a fancy one expressly for that purpose, his sam ple Gins are of the same quality, and of no better apjiearance, than those sent to his customers:— and without saying he makos'the best performing Gm in use, deems it equivalent to say, that his are , in better demand than any other now in use—not ; having failed within the last five years to sell double j as many as any other Factory in the State; and will I guarantee those he is now manufacturing for the ! ensuing crop, are the best made Gins in Georgia at i the price, and worth as much to the purchaser, as the best he can get in any State at any price. ! lie would also caution plant est not to purchase j Gins with M ater Boxes from any other Factory ! than his, as he has paid a high price for and owns I the exclusive right in Georgia Tor all the Water | Boxes ever patented, and to tha, Oil-Saving Boxes j for the entire Cotton region; and hereby notifies all who make, sell, or use Water Boxes or Oil-savors other than this Factory, they will be held aceount ! able for damages in conformity with the Patent ] laws of the country. Orders for Gins by mail, or through Agent*, i promptly executed, and delivered at ihmpcrcha j sor's door, when not convenient tp a Kail read Depot ' or landing. SAMUEL GRISWOLD. ; Grtswoldvilt.e, Fob. 1851. feb2o tmlalOm. GROCERIES ! GROCERIES !! THE SUBSCRIBERS continue to carry on the WHOLESALE and RETAIL GROCERY j BUSINESS, at their old -Stand, just above tho 1 Globe Hotel, in the city of Augusta, and they beg i to inform the public that they are now roceiving ! their Fall supply of heavy and fancy Groceries, which they will sell on the most reasonable terms. ; They now offer for sale— -100 bales 46 inch Gunny CLOTH, 500 coils j inch Bale ROPE, 50 hhds. N. Orleans and Muscovado SUGARS, 100 bbls. Stuart’s Crushed and Granulated do., 200 bags prime Rio, Laguira and Java COFFEES ! 25 chests and half chests ohoioc TEAS, 50 hhds. Cuba MOLASSES, 100 bbls. Iliram Smith and Baltimore FLOUR, 100 boxes Sperm, Ada. and Tallow CANDLES, 300 kegs Cut NAILS, all sizes, 75 boxes TOBACCO, of various qualities, ,000 lbs. HAMS, SIDES and SHOULDERS, \ 25,500 sacks Liverpool SALT. j ITogether with a general assortment of Spices, i Pickles, Preserves, Sogars, and all articles kept in j the best Grocery houses. Strict attention given to country orders. I aug. 16 c4mo J. 11. %W.4i. DOW. CHEROKEE HOUSE, DALTON, GEORGIA. THE SUBSCRIBER would respectfully in form the travelling public, and his friends Miiii. generally, that lie has recently purchased the large and commodious Tavern, known as the Cherokee House, and is now prepared to accommodate all who may favor him with a call. With the new ad ditions which he has just made to the Houso, and with the advantage of good Cooks, and attentive Servants, he feels satisfied that ho will be able to I please all who may call on him. His charges will be moderate. Any number of regular boarders will bo decently accommodated. All ho requires is a fair trial from a generous public. aug. 17 e JOHN E. HARRIS. FOR SALE. THE SUBSCRIBER, desirous to quit his farm ing interest, oilers his valuable PLANTA TION, containing upwards of 1200 acres, in Buiko county, 30 miles south of Augusta, lying immedi ately on tho road leading from Waynesboro’ to Warrenton. The premises arc well improved, with the best kind of houses, and every thing comforta ble and well watered. The lands are fine produc i tive Cotton and Corn land, as good as any in the i county. Terms made easy. Any one wishing to purchase can get any infor mation by addressing me at Augusta, or any one wishing to seo the place, my overse# will take plea sure in showing them the Plantatimi. Also, 10 or 12 Negroes can he bought with it, if desired, aug 12 ctf WM. JOHNSON. T3ICKWICK ABROAD, or a tour in France, by JL G. W. M. Reynolds. Maj. Jones' Courtship. The Widow Rugby’s Husband. Polly Pcablossom’s Wedding, by J. B. Lamar. The Life of Murrell, Ilare and Edwards, the great Highwaymen and Robbers. Received by . jy26 |&o DUNIIAM & BLEA CVS. GENTLEMEN’S FASHIONABLE CLOTH ING STORE. WASHINGTON GA. DALY A DONXELLY WOULD respectfully call the attention of their friends and customers to thoir excellent stock of Spring and Summer Clothing, which they are receiving. They fool confident that having made a choice selection, and being judges ] of such articles, they can furnish gentlemen with a very superior article on the most reasonable terms ; Their stock consists in part of Dress and Frock Coats, Hoisery, Gloves, Sacks, Pants, Yosts, Suspenders, Merino and Cotton, Velvet and Cloth, Undershirts, Drawers, Caps, Pocket li’ndk's, Ilats, Boots and Shoes, Blaok Silk, Satin, and Fancy Cravats, Ac. Ac. Also an extensive assortment of Linen Bosom Shirts. They would call special attention to their stock of Cloths, Casimeres and Vestings, of every dye texture, and quality, which they will cut and make up in the best and most fashionable style. | a pl 0 CO-PARTNERSHIP. THE UNDERSIGNED having this day purchased of J ohn Clake his interest in tho late firm of Clarke A Rainey, will continue the GROCERY' BUSINESS under the firm of RajApy A Story, and have now on hand a I*rgo and hmdii* ment of goods, which will be disposed <>f on the most accommodating torm« w p A MEV, july 20 3mc SAM L. G .--TORY. $lO3 RE WARD. RAN AWAY from the plantation it- Li - £ coin county, of the estate cf Job 1 W. Walton, deceased, about the middle o. Juiu< 'JL last, a negro man named Ephraim. He is about twenty-two years of age, five feet six, inches 1 high, of dark complexion, and weighs about one hundred and forty pounds. He has a good coun tenance, and owing to a-wart or. his tongue, his speech is somewhat altered. He has been supposed to he lurking about Wiliington. South Carolina, and hns a brother in Augusta, Gn. Tho above reward will he paid for his delivery or confinement in any jail so that he can be recov ered. The address of tho subscriber u Philomath, Oglethorpe county, (la. I. T. ERVIN, Jr. fcbß ' fActf. - CANDY MANUFACTOIY, BV A. FREDERICK. AUGUSTA, GA. BY LONG EXPERIENCE in my business, I can warrant Confectionaries of ay own make to he of superior quaulity, equal to any manufac tured in this country, and it is not etoetcii by the weather. Merchants in want, will please cal; and examine for themselves, or send their order , which will meet with prompt attention. Jtoxcs from 20 to 100 pounds, assorted in any manner desired. The subscriber has also for sale various other ar ticles in his line, such as FRENCH CONFECTION ERIES, Foreign and Domestic Green and Dried FRUITS, Lemon and other SYRUPS,CORDIALS, PRESERVES, WINES, SEGAR. if., A., aprii 6 !y SOUTHERN MADE PLANTATION BROGANS, House servants shoes, Ac., AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, No.ffiU 30 East Bay, Charleston, So. Ca. * Tho Subscriber, Agent for the SOUTH CARO LINA SHOE FACTORY, at Charleston So. Ca., and the CHERAW FACTORY, at Cheraw, So. Ca., will offer for sale in this market by the first Sept., I a large supply of Southern made PLANTATION BROGANS and HOUSE SERVANTS SHOES, which will be sold at the lowest market prices for goods of similar quality. R. A. PRINGLE, Dealers in Brogans, Boots and Shoes, No. 30 East Bay, Charleston, S. C. aug. 15 c'fmAflm 1,120 ACRES OF LAND FOR SALE. THE SUBSCRIBER offers for sale Lots Nos. 140, 150, 176, 177, 185, ISO ans 187, (in one body,) in the 14th district and 3rd section ofoi igin ; ally Cass, now Gordon county, with n two miles of Calhoun and the Depot. About 500 acres first rate bottom ; balance superior upland; t.O acres of bot tom in cultivation, and other improvements, be sides several fine Springs. Terms liberal. Apply to the undersigned, at Newnan, Coweta county; or he may be found at the Hermitage, in Floyd county, within six miles of the Land, from tho 15th of September to the 20th of October nest. aug. 14 ctf J. RAY. _£ so r RAXAWAV'fronr the subscriber,'on Sa turday, 12tn inst, a man named lIEN- *4! RY, very black, stout, heavy built, weighing.;yS. from 165 to 175 lbs., near six feet high, rather slow of speech, mid has a stern, confident appearance.— lie has a sear on tho right arm above the wrist, and on thG hand of the same arm, his first and second fingers have been cut (said to have been done by a machine.) When he left ho iiad tw.i suits of good clothes, among which was a good black bombazine sack coat, a pair of boots, cut open on tho„top, and a black liusb cap. I will give tho above reward for the apprehension ; and confinement, in some safe jail, of said boy, if out of the .State, or twenty-five dollars, if within 1 the State. Address JOS. R. BUTLER, july 19 ctf Lexington, Geo. —AL6O-= OX THE SAME DAY, a Ncgr* man A3 i named JOHN MOORE, by trade a black- *4l , ! smith and wood workman, a bright mulatto. VS with straight hair, about twenty-seven years of age, , five feet four or five inches high, rather sparo built, ! and weighs about 130 lbs. Ho is inclined to bo I cross or cocked eyed, and when ho left he wore a , j black satinet frock coat, with pockets on the out- j side. Ho wore also whiskers and a moustaeho. ! I will give a reward of Fifty Dollars for tho ap prehension and confinement of said boy in some j safe jail, if out of the State, or Twenty-fivo Dollars if within the Stato. Tho first named boy was pur- | chased in Maryland, and tho latter in Fauquier co., Va., last fall, and wore brought to this State and | sold by T. S. Urosljain, Esq. Address RICHARD S. TAY'LOR, Lexington, Ga. july 19 ctf^ $lO REWARD. RAX AW AY from tho subscriber. nearEa- A# teuton, on tho 4th of August, my hoy *4l GADSON, about 19 years old, very complexion, tolerably well set, five feet six inches }n height, and has a touch of the low country ac cent in liis speech. IJe hns a largo soar on his an kle, probably tho right one, wag dressed in Copperas pnnts, Osuaburg Shirt, and Cloth Cap—will proba bly try to mnko his way to Charleston, S. 0., whore ho was raised. WM. BRYANT. aug. 27 c 2 COTTON GIN NOTICE THE UNDERSIGNED takes this method to in form the Cotton Planters of this vicinity, that ho has opened a shop in this city for the purpose ol Making and Repairing COTTON GINS. Haying been long engaged in the business of Gin making, ho hopes to receive a liberal share of patronage. JOHN L. lIILL. Shop near the Upper Market, Augusta, aug. 6 cJmos |sutwr snilfs.- SCRIVfeN SHERIFF SALES. Will be sold, on the first Tuesday iryiOTOBER noxt, before the Court Houso door itrtho village of Sylvania, betweou the usual hours of sale, the following property, to wit: Six hundred acres of Pino LAND, (hounded by I lands of S- Hi Littlefield and lands of the*estate of ! John F. Levitt,) levied upon as the property of j John S. Roberts, to satisfy a fi. fa issued from ; Scriven .Superior Court, in favor of Thomas H. Burns, Ji>Guardian of Louronia Lovitt vs. John S. Roberts and William A. Roberts; property point ed out by the defendant. —sa lso — One hundred acres of Pine LAND, more or less, adjoining lands of J. M. Lucas and Stephen Mar low; levied upon as thu property of Ifillery Flake, to satisfy two fi. fas. in fa vor of Thomas Lewis, Tax Collector, vs. Hillcry Flake: property pointed out by J. M. Lucas ; tew made and returned to mo by a Con-table. WM. W. OLIVER, S. S. C. Aug. 30 BURKE SHERIFF’S SALE. Will he sold, before the Court, House Door in the town of Waynosboro’, Burko county, on the first Tuesday in OCTOBER next, between tho Usual hours of sale, A tract of Pine LAND, containing four hundred ! and five acres, and joining lands of Woodard Tom | iin and others, to satisfy tour Justices' Court fi fas, : isstiiug out of the Justices’ Court of the 66th Dis- Ltvb)t,'G. M„ at tho instanoe of Joseph A. Graves vslS John Tomlin. Levy made and returned by a Con stable. AUGUSTUS 11. ROBERTS, ** aug. 30 a Sheriff Burko county. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Will fee sold, on the first Tuesday in OCTOBER next, at the Court House door, in Sylvania, Scrivcn county, Geo.: Two NEGROES—one IVoman, named Peggy, and her Child; the same to ho sold as the propety of 1 Jason Brinson, deceased, for the benefit of tho \ heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms made ! known on tho day of sale. august 5, 18 1. JOHN BRINSON. Adm'r. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. j On tho first Tuesday in OCTOBER next, will ho sold, at Appling, Columbia county, between tho legal hours of sale, the following Lands belong ing to the estate of John Langston, deceased, the same being tho dower lands of said estate, Two hundred and eighty-four acres, lying on tho waters of Germany Creek, adjoining lands of Wat i son and Allen. ALSO — 90 acres of Land, situated at Thomson Depot, on the south side of the Georgia Rail Road, where- I ou stands the Dwelling; all sold for tho benefit of ! the heirs. Terms cash. ! july 29 LUKE LANGSTON, Adui’r. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE] ‘ Agreeably to an order of tho Honorable the In | ferior Court of Columbia county, when sitting ! as a court of Ordinary, will bo sold, before the Court Ilousdoor of said county, on the first Tuesday in OCTOBER next, between thu usual hours of sale: All that tract ofland belonging to tlic estate of William Murray, lato of said county, deceased. To be sold for the purpose of distribution amongst the legatees of said deceased. The above lands liu in the upper part of Colmn ■ bia county, on Upton's and Gannany's crocks, and i embrace about 1,650 acres, between a third and one : halfof which are in the woods, and about 600 acres are in cultivation under good fencing, form ing one of thu most valuable plantations in this sec tion of Georgia. On the premises are a good dwell ing, overseer's house, and all tho necessary out buildings. Persons wishing to look at the place, by calling on Mr. Cartledge on tho premises, or either of the undersigned, will lio shown it with pleasure. Terms, one-half cash. Tho balance twelve months credit. Notes, with approved personal se curity, required in amounts to suit a distribution. DAVID SEAY, j . W. 11. MURRAY. J 1 13 ' ! July 30, 1851. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Will be sold before the court house door in Waynes boro’, Burko County, on the first Tuesday in OCTOBER noxt, agreeably to an order from tho Inferior Court, of said county, when sitting for ordinary purposes: A tract of land lying in said county, containing 300 acres, more or le-s, adjoining Simoon Godbeo, Martin Godbeo and others. Also, a negro boy by the name of Charles, about fivo years old. Sold as tho property of estate of Samuel Godbeo, de -1 ceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms ou the day of sale. Purchasers to pay ' for titles. SIMEON GODREE, Adm'r. July 29, 1851. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. j Agreeable to an order of tho lion. Inferior Court of Jefferson county, while sitting as a Court of Ordinary, will bo sold on the first Tuesday in NOVEMBER next, at the Market House in the town of Louisville: A valuable Cotton PLANTATION, in saideoun i ty, containing twenty-seven hundred (2,700) acres, ! lying iti the fork of Ogoechee river and Rocky Com ! fort creek, and extending from one stream to the i other. This place is situated in the healthiest part : of the county, and is within two miles of Louisville, where there is one of the finest schools in the State. ' Upon the place there are all the necessary Build : ings for a Cotton and Stock Plantation. The range for stock is unsurpassed in this portion of Georgia, ! embracing as it docs, tine cane pasture, in the river ! and creek swamps. There is about seven hundred | (700) acres of Cleared Land, now in a high state of ; cultivation, and tho fences are all in fine order. Upon the place there is a fine Mill Scat, with a | never-failing supply of water, and an abundance of | fine timber. The Land will be divided into small i tracts, to suit purchasers, hut it is desirable to sell the wholo together. Persons desiring fine lands, ! good range, health and good schools, are invited to ; call and examine thi3 place for themselves. The Plantation can be bargained for at private j sale, if desired. Tho above lands sold as the pro i porty of Col. Ambroso Wright, lato of said county, | deceased, and sold for the benefit of the heirs of said ! estate and for distribution. | Tviiiie cwrj cv, mi cippio.uU mirCUaSCC. Aug. 28 c A. R. WRIGHT, Adm'r. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Will be sold, before tho Court House door in New -1 hi. Baker county, on the first Tuesday in NO- | \ EMBER next, agreeable to an order of tho hon- 1 orab’c the Inferior Court of Burko county, when silting fur ordinary purposes, A ti:i'-t <>f Land lying in said county, containing , 250 aero.-, known as lot No. forty-eight (-18) in tiic j (Bth) eighth district of originally Early, new Baker county. Sold as the property of James R. Moore, 1 deceased for tho benefit of the heirs and creditors of . said deceased. Terms on the day- Purchaser to pay for titles. ‘ FRANKLIN GODBEK, Adm'r. of James B. Moore, deceased. •' 27 j GUARD IAN’S SALE. Will be sold, before the Court House door in Way- ' nesbore. Burko county, on tho First Tuesday in i NOVEMBER next, agreeable to an order from the Inferior Court of said county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, A track of land in said county belonging to Thomas U. Woods, a minor, containing one hun dred and six acres more or loss, adjoining lands of William Wood, and others being said minor, dis tributee share of tho lauds lately belonging to the Estate of Thomas Wood, lato of said county, | deceased. Terms on tho day, purchaser to pay for title. WILLIAM WOOD, Guardian, aug 27 ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. W’iil ho sold, before tho Court llouso door in Waynesboro, Burko county, on tho Ist Tuesday in NOVENBER next, agreeable to an order of the honorable tho Inferior Court of Burke coun ty, when sitting for ordinary purposes, A tract of Pine land, lying in said county, con ; taing 250 acres, mom less, originally granted to Elijah Bergeron, bounded and butted by Scriven | county, Vincent or 'William Lewis; vacant and un known land, and land surveyed for Thomas Burke. | | Also another tract of Pino land, lying in said eoun- j ty, originally granted to Martin Herrington, con- ; taininglSO acres more or less, hutting and bounding William Lewis, Elijah Bergeron, Striven county, P. Bryan's, and said Herrington's land: sold as the properly of Martin Herrington, deceased.— Terms 011 tho day of sale. Purchasers to pay for titles. HUBERT M. HERRINGTON, ) ... I ARCHIBALD M. HERRINGTON, j Adn * r “' ! aug. 27 c ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. AVill be sold, on the first Tuesday in NOVEMBER next, at the Court llouso door in Sylvania, Scri ven count}-, agreeable to an order of the honora ble Inferior Court of Scriven county, when sit ting for ordinary purposes, A tract or parcel of Lard, in said county of ’ j Scriven, containing about two thousand acres, : more or loss, adjoining lands of Win. Gibbons and 1 T. 11. Burns, Sr., on the north, Savannah River on j the east, M. N. McCall and F. Ingram's lands on the south, and M. N. McCall's lands on the west, known as tho lands belonging to the estate of Rob ert. W. Towlin, lute of said eoun'y, deceased, on which said tract cf land there is a good log build ing, and other necessary out buildings,-with about ; one hundred and fifty acres of cleared land: said lands sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors ■ of said deceased. Terms on ihe day of sale, aug lu JOHN B. DENTON, Adm'r. WAYNESBORO’ HOTEL, WAYNESM iRO\ GA. THE SUBSCRIBER begs leave respectful* ly to inform his friends and the public left j generally, that he has become Proprietor of tho above Establishment. The House has recently had j large additions which will enable him to entertain all who may favor him with a call in the most com fortable manner. Neither pains or oxponso shall ■ bo spared to give every satisfaction. He hopes ! therefore for a liberal share of public patronage. JOHN ROGERS. Waynesboro’, Burke county, Ga., July 22, 1851. junc 25 c3moa S2OO REWARD. I WILL pay the abovo reward to any one who will apprehend and commit to Jail in this State, DANIEL TOBIN, charged with the murder of John McDonncl. Said Tobin broke jail on Wed nesday night the 16th inst. Hois about six feet high, well built, very little beard, blue eyes, black I hair, thick lips, has a scar on under lip, and is about twenty years of ago. w. R. HALFORD, Sheriff Barnwell District, S. C. july 23 o3*ctf FOR SALE. THE SUBSCRIBER wishing to remove weft tho coming fall, offers for sale liis planta-JELIa. tion situated about two miles abovo Monroe, in tho county of Walton. There are some 250 acres of j cleared land, and about 450 acres in the woods. — Any person wishing to buy a farm, cannot find one : more desirable for the healthfulness of its locution, the purity of its water, and its convenience to town. There aro two good frame Dwelling Houses upon tho land, to each of which there is connected nil tho no- i oossury out-houses of the very best kind. Tho pre mises will bo sold separately or together, as purcha- I ° july?s dBS ctf JAMES RICHARDSON, Jr. OTATE OF GEORGIA. LINCOLN COUNTY. O —To the distributees of the Estate ot HLXD LEY N ALLEY, deceased, lato of said county: You uxo hereby notified that four months after dato, we shall apply to the honorable Inferior Court of said county wlion sitting for ordinary purposes on.the second Monday in January next, to appoint fit and propor porsons, agreeably to the statute, m such case made and provided, to distribute among the distributees, the Estate of the late Hundley , N alley, decease. _ r BENJAMIN M. TUTT, Adm r 9 ANTHONY SAMUELS, ) A " mls ' 1 August 21, 1851, I Irttus ffemtMnnj. Gi<R)RSIA,SCRIVKN COUNTY.— Whereas, RICHT* ARD M. HERRINGTON, Administrator do bonis non of the estate of RICHARD lIKRRINGTUM, Sen’r., deceased, applies for Letters of Dismission from said Estate: These to cite and admonish, all and singular, tiKHkindred and creditors of’fcaid deceased, to lie and appear at piy office, within the time prescribed by law, tujshow cause, if any they have, why said Let ters should not be granted the Said applicant. Witness, the Hon. George 11. Manor, one of the Jus tices of the inferior Court of aaid county, this Bth dav of August, 1851. aug. 10 ALEX. KEMP, Clerk. GEORGIA, - SCRIVEN COUNTY]—-Whereas, ALEX-. ANDER KEMP, Administrator on on the estate es JOHN CAIN, deceased, applies for Letters of Dis niission ft’om said estate. Those are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors ofsaid deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any They have, why said letters should not be granted the said applicant. Witness, tho Hon. George Oliver, one of tho Justices of the Inferior Court of said county, this 18th day of July, 1851. ALEX. KEMP, Clerk, aug. 10 GEOiUiIA. BCIU VEN T oUNTY.—Whereas, RTcil ARD M! HERRINGTON, Administrator de bonis non ou the estate of GEORGE POLLOCK, deceased, applies to me for Letters 01 Dismission from said es tate v 9 These are. therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to he and appear at my ollice,.within the time prescribed by law. to show cause, if any they have, why said let- I tors should not be granted tlie applicant. Witness, the lion. George 11. Manor, one of the Jus tices of tho Inferior Court of said county, this Btli day of August, 1851. aug. 10 ALEX. KEMP, Clerk. GEORGIA SCRIVEN COUNTY.—Whereas,I)AVID B. NEWTON, Administrator 011 tho estate of JA»S. TUTLE, late of said county, deceased, applies for Let ters of Dismission from said estate: These are. therefore, to eite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditore of said deceased, to be and appear at my oflice, within the timo prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said let ters should not be granted the said applicant. Witness, the Hon. Petter Reddick, one of the Justices of the Inferior Court of said county, this 18th day of July, 1851. ALEX. KEMP, Clerk, july 27 GEORGIA, SCRIVEN COUNTY.—Whereas, ALEX ANDER KEMP, Administrator de bonis non, on the estate of GEORGE POLLOCK, late of said coun ty. deceased, applies for Letters of Dismission from said estate: « These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of saitl minors, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted the said applicant. Witness, the lion. George Oliver, one of the Justices of the Inferior Court of said county, this 18th da v of July. 1851. ALEX. KEMP, Clerk. _ july 27 GIEORGIA, igPRIYEN COUNTY.—fchereas JOSIAH I" LEE, Administrator of the estate of THOMAS Mc- GKE, late of said county, deceased, applies to me for Letters Dismissory from said estate : These are. therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said let ters should not be granted the applicant. Witness, the lion. Peter Reddick, one of tho Justices of the Honorable the Inferior Court of said count)-. Given under my hand, at office in Sylvania, this 18th dav of July, 1851. july 27 ALEXANDER KEMP. Clerk. GEORGIA BURKE COUNTY.—Whereas, Robert M. Herrington, Guardian of Nancy Herrington, minor, applies for Letters Dismissory : These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred, and all other persons interested, to be and appear before the Honorable the Justices of the Inferior Court of said County, sitting as a Court of Ordi nary. on the first Monday in September next, and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office, this Bth dav of July, 1851. ‘ EDWARD GA It LICK, Clerk. July 12,1851. 40d EORGIA BURKE COUNTY.—Whereas, Herscliel Y. Johnson. Guardian of William E. Walker, applies for letters Dismissory: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred, and all other person's interested, to be and appear before the Honorable the Justices of the Inferior Court, sitting for Ordinary purposes, on the first Monday in September next, and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at Office, this Bth day of July 1851. ‘ EDWARD GARLICK, Clerk. ‘ July 12,1851. 40d G1 EORGIA BURKE COUNTY.—Whereas. John T. r Brown, Guardian of Miles F. Brack, applies for J Letters Dismissory : These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin • I gular the kindred, and all other persons interested, to be ! and appear before the Honorable the Justices of the ln | feriov Court, sitting for Ordinary purposes, on the first Monday in September next, and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not l>e granted. Given under mv hand, at office, this Bth dav of Julv, 1851 ' EDWARD GARLICK, Clerk ' July 12.1851. 40d GTiS )RGIA. BURKE COUNTY—Whereas, John T. r Brown, administrator of the estate of Augustus S. . Jenkins, minor, deceased, applies for Letters Dismissory: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be air! appear before tlie Honorable the Justices of the Inferior Court, of said county, sitting as a Court of Or dinary, on tlie second Monday iu January next, and shew cause, it* any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office. Bth July. 1851. _ July 12,1851. ' EPW ARD GARLICK, Clerk. GEORGIA, BURKE COUNTY.—Whereat John T. Brown, administrator of the estate of John Brake, minor, deceased, applies for letters Dismissory : Those are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin- I gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear before the Honorable the Justices of the In*: ! ferior Court, of said county, sitting as a Court ofOrdi l nary, on tlie second Monday in January next, and shew . | cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be I granted. j Given under mv hand, at office, this Bth July, 1851. | July 12, 1851. EDWARD GARLICK, Clerk G1 EORGIA BURKE COUNTY—Whereas. John T. If Brown and Aenon Cross, executors of Isaac Cross, Senior, deceased, apply to me for letters Dismissory : These aro therefore to cite and admonish all and sin lartlie kindred and creditors ofsaid deceased, to be and appear before the Honorable the Justices of tlie Infe rior Court of said county, sitting as a Court of Ordinary, on the second Monday in January next, and shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. | Given under mv hand, at office, this Bth day of Julv. 1851. ‘ EDWARD GARLICK, Clerk/ j July 12. 1851. GEORGIA, BTRKE COUNTY. whereas. Aenon Cross, administrator of Tsaac Cross, Junior, doceas- I cd. applies to me for letters Dismissory : ! Those are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin | gular the kindred and creditors ofsaid deceased to be I and appear before the Honorable the Justices of tin* Tn | ferior Court of said county, sitting as a Court ofOrdi i nary, on the second Monday in January next, and shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not lie I granted. Given under mv band, at office, this Bth of Julv, 1851. July 12, 1851. EDWARD GARLICK. Clerk. f 4 BORGIA BURKE COUNTY.-—Whereas. Aenon U Cross, administrator of James M. Cross, deceased, , applses for letters Dismissory : ; Those are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin i gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to he and appear before tl;o Honorable the Justices of tho In j ferior Court ofsaid county, sitting as a Court of Ordi nary. on the second Monday in January next, and shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be j granted. I Given under my hand, at office, Bth July. 1851. j July 12. 1851. * EDWARD GARLICK, Clerk. Cl EORGI A RICHMOND COUNTY —Whereas",’ Cliarles K Burch, administrator on the esatate of Vincent Tinley, late of said county, deceased, applies tome for i letters of dismissing : These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin- ' gular the kindred and all other possons interested, to ! be and appear at my office within the time prescribed ! bylaw, to show cause, if any they have, why said let- i tors should not be granted. , (riven under my hand, at office, in Augusta. July 18, 1851. LEON P. DUGAS, Clerk. G1 EORGIA;”'RICHMOND COUNTY.—Whereas, JAS r GARDNER. JR.. Administrator.on the estate of W. W. MONTGOMERY, late of said county, deceased, j applies for Letters of Dismission from said estate : These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and sin- 1 gular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be , and appear at office within the time prescribed by 1 law. to show cause, if any tliey have, why Letters of Dis- \ i mission should not be granted tlie said applicant. Given under my hand, this 24th day of June. 1851. june 25 t. P. DUGAS, Clerk. G1 EORGIA, fiAEL COUNTY—Whereas, SAM- | r UEL MARTIN, and JACOB MARTIN, Ex ecutors of ABSALOM MARTIN, deceased, applies to ! ■ me for Letters of Dismission from said estate : These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and sin- i ; gular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be j ‘ and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law ! to show cause, if any th *y have, why said letters should | ! not be granted. Given under my hand, this 4th day of June, 1851. junejJ R. A. JOHNSON, C. C. O. G1 EOkGJA, HALL/CO UNTY,—^Whereas^JOEL f BENNETT, JR., Executor of the estate of JOEL BENNETT, SEN., deceased, applies to me for j Letters of Dismission from said estate : These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and sin- j gular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to he j and appear at my office within tlie time prescribed by j law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, this 4th dav of June. 1851. jane 6 _ RQBT. A. JOHNSON, 0. C. O. GIEORGIA, SCRIVEN COUNTY.—When as. DAVID r BURKE, Executor on the estate of BENJAMIN 1 PHILLIPS, late of said county, deceased, applies for Letters of Dismission from said estate : These are. therefore, to cite and admonish, all and j singular, the kindred and creditors ofsaid deceased, to ■ be and appear at my offico, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted the said applicant. Witness, the lion. George 11. Manor, one of the Jus tices of the Inferior Court of said county, this 15th dav ! of May, 1851. may 24 ALEX. KEMP. Clerk. G1 EORGIA, WALTON COUNTY.—Whereas. JOHN r 11. LOWE. Sen’r., Guardian for GEORGE C\. BEN JAMIN F., MARY M., and JOSIAII S. SELMAN, mi nors of John Selman. deceased, applies for Letters of I Dismission from said Guardianship: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors ofsaid minors, to be | and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters j ! should not bo granted. Given under my hand, this Btli day of May. 1851. may 14 JESBE MITCHELL, C. C. O. | GTeOROI A. WALTON COUNTY.—Whetoas, GEORGE 1 T W. GRAVES, Executor on the estate of THOMAS GRAVES, late of said county, deceased, applies for Letters of Dismission from said estate : These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to ; be and appear at my office, within tho time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said let ters should not be granted. 1 Given under my hand, this Bth day of May, 1851. may 14 JESSE MITCHELL. C. C. O. Cl EORGIA, WALTON COUNTY.—Whereas, ALLEN 7 S. BEALL, Executor on the estate of PHILIP HUGHES, late of said county, deceased, applies for Let ters of Dismission from said estate : Those are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all amt singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said let- i tors should not bo granted. Given under my hand, this Bth day of May* L 51. may 14 JESSE MITCHELL, C. 0 ° G1 EORGIA, WALTON COUNTY —Whereas. GEORGK r M VLOAX. Administrator ou the estate oI rn- BORX T. DICKERSON, late of said county, deceased, applies for Letters of Dismission from said estate : These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within tlie time prescribed !by ] a w, to allow cause, if any they have, why said let- 5 ters should not be (.ranted. Given under my hand, tho 11th March, ISSI. march lti JE66E MITCHELL, C. C. O. j ' /-VKORgTa. WALTON COUNTY —Whereas, HUGII IjT IS VTEY, Administrator de bonis non on the estate ! of TIMOTHY C. WOODS, deceased, applies for Letters of Dismission from said estate : j Those are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to lie and appear at my office, within tlie time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said let ters should not be granted. Given under my band, tlie lltli March, 1801. march 16 ' JESSE MITCHELL. C. 0. O, C tEORGIA, RICHMOND COUNTY.—Whereas. WIL- T LIAM R. McLAWS, Administrator on the estate of MARTHA EASON, lato of said county, deceased, ap plies for Letters Dismissory from said estate : These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, tho kindred and creditors of said deceased, to bo and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted the said applicant. Given under mv hand, at office, this 3d day of March, 1851. march 4 LEON P DUGAS, Clerk. frttrrs Jfemissnrtj. GKOROIA, hcriven COUNTY.—Whereas, IIEN'UY H. Mo (IKE, Adminißtrator on the estate of WIL LIAM LIPSEY, late ol said county, deceased, applies for totters of Dismission from said estate : These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted the said applicant. Witness, the Hon. John M. Wells, one of the Justices of the Inferior Court of said county, this 12th day of March, 1851. march 20 ALEX'. KEMP. Clerk. Ci BORGIA, St.’RIVEN COUNTY,—Whereas, HENRY T 11. M(’CiEE. Administrator on the estate of ELI JAH LIPSEY, late of said county, deceased, applies for Letters of Dismission from said estate : These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed i by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters ’ should not be granted the said amdieaut. Witness, the Hon. John M. Wells, miW of the Justices of the Inferior Court of said county, this 12th day of March. 1851. march2o ALEX. KEMP, Clerk. I'tttrrs nf liimmißtrntinit, G BORGIA, SC RIVEN COUN TY.—Whereas, AUGUS TUS DAUGIMPKIIY, upplies to me for Letters of AtoiniHtration on the estate of LEMUEL DAITGII TEiIV. late of saitl county,.deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my ofli.ee, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters 8 granted the .said applicant. W it ness, the Hon. George 11. Manor, one of the Jus tices ot the Inferior Court of said county, this 18th day ol July, 1851. , j u, J 27 ALEXANDER KEMP, Clerk. C'VOmiX, SCRIVEN COUNTY.—Whereas, AUUUSr ! r l DAIG LI TER Y, applies to me for Letters of ; Administration on the estate of BENJAMIN P.DAUGII- ! . 1 se are ? therefore, to cite and admonish, all and j singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to I be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed ! by law, to show cause, if any they have,, why said let ters should not be granted the said applicant. \\ itness, the lion. George 11. Manor, one of the Jus tices of the Inferior Court of said county, this 18thday of July. 1851. W f 27 ALEXANDER KEMP, Clerk. G GEORGIA. SCRIVEN COUNTY.—Whereat WIL- I LIAM R. WILLIAMS, applies to me for Letters of Administration on the estate of DAVID WILLIAMS, late of said county, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed j by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said let ters should not be granted the said applicant. <U itness, the Hon. George 11. Manor, oao of ilie .Tvy~- i tiles of the Inferior Court of saiS countj'Tthis 18th day * of July. 1851. ALEX. KEMP, Clerk. ‘ ! july 27 Botiit tn Ithtra fc CrtMtarja ATOTIUE—AII persons indobted to the estate of i. , WILLIAM H. DUPREE, late of Oglethorpe county, Ga., deceased, are hereby respectfully re quested to make immediate payment; and nil per sons having demands against said deceased, are re quested to present the same in terms of tho law, to July lo o 6 JANE A. DUPREE. Bx’x. NOTICE. —All persons having demands against the estate of ELIZABETH LAX CLSTOX, late of Columbia county, deceased, will present them within the time prescribed by law; and those in debted to said estate, will make immediate pay ment to LUKE LANGSTOX, Adrn'r. july 29 eO NOTICE. —All persons having demands against the estate of Elizabeth llaynio, deceased, are requested to render them according to the terms of the law, and all persons indebted to the estate will make immediate payment. July 19, 1851. JOilX 31. RHODES, Adm’r. NOTICE. —All persons having demands against i the estate of G. G. BOWERS, of Beach Is- | land, S. C., will render them in according to law; and those indebted to tho estate will please make immediate payment. A. X. DICKS, Legatee. July 19 /onr lotto. MONTHS afterdate, application will bo made to the honorable Inferior Court of Lin coln county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the personal estate of Martin I). Elam, late of said county, deceased. aug 12 W. F. ELAM, AdmV. _ IT*OUR MONTHS after date, application will be made to the honorable the Inferior Court of Gwinnett county, when sitting for ordinary purpos es, for leave to sell the Negro boy Ransome, belong ing to the estate of D. W. Liddell, deceased. W. C.P. LIDDELL, ) , , . junc 1 N. BEEPER, | Adm rB, MONTHS afterdate, application will be made to the Inferior Court of Gwinnett Coun ty, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the Lands and Slaves belonging to the estate of i Samuel ltiehey, deceased, tins lUth June, 1851. MATTHEW STRICKLAND, adin’r. i june 21 j TTIOUB MONTHS after date, application will bo | L made to the honorable the Inferior Court of : IValton county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, i for leave to sell !he Land belonging to the estate of > Jesse A. Clegg, deceased. june 28 _ H. L. WILLIAMS, Adm’r. IT'OUR MONTHS after date, application will ho t made to the Honorable Justices of the Infe rior Court of Burko county, sitting for Ordinary j purposes, forleave to sell the real estate of Josiah I Moore, deceased, late of said county. Juno 28, 1851. JOHN T. SIIEWMAKE. f’OtJ R MONTHS after date, application will bo made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Rich noml county, when sitting for Ordinary pur fioseri, for leave to sell the real estate of Elizabeth rnyilic. deceased. JOHN K. RHODES, Adm r. Jtlfy 111. 185 I. . Ij'tlm MONTHS after date, application will l>o ’made to the honorable the Inferior Court of i Columbia county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, ! for leave to sell the real estate of William Murray, ! late of said county, deceased. DAVID SEAY, | . W. H.piURRAY, j Adm IS ' april 26, 1851 tpoUR MONTHS AITKB HATH, application I willhomado to the Honorable the Justices of the Inferior Court of Burko county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell lot of land No. 03, 2nd district, 3d section, containing 40 a cres—and lot No. (0) six (Bth) eighth district (5) third section, containing 100 acres, originally Cher okee, belonging to the estate of Thomas S. Burke, deceased. aug 27 JOHN S. ROBERTS, Adm'r. | THIRD ANNUAL FAIR OF THE SOUTH CAROLINA INSTITUTE. Till! Third Annual Fair of the SOUTH CARO LINA INSTITUTE, for the promotion of j Art, Mechanical Ingenuity and Industry, will be | held in Charleston, S. C., opening on MONDAY, 17th November, and continuing during the week. ] Specimens in every branch of Mechanism, Art and Industry; also of Cotton, Rice, Sugar, Tobac co ami all other Agricultural Products, is solicited, j for which suitable premiums \\ ill ho awarded. The following special Premiums nro offered: — For the six best specimens of S eel made from Spartanburg or other Iron, the product of a South ! era State, and manufactured into Edged Tools of any kind —A Gold Medal. N. B.—A specimen of the Steel in liars to be sent with the Tools. For the largest quantity of Cocoons raised on ono i plantation, not loss than Ten Bushels—A Gold .Me dal or §SO. For the largest quantity of Spun Silk the pro- j | duce of any ono plantation, not iess than Ten j Pounds—A Gold Medal or Premium of SSO. For the best Sea Island Cotton Gin, on some new j principle, superior to that now in general use; or i for any real and important improvement on the j presont ono—A Gold Medal. J For the invention of a suitable machine for Pul j vorisingßod Pepper—A Gold Medal. For the best Steam Engine—A Gold Medal, j For the best model Steam Fire Engine—A Gold Modal. j A large and commodious building has boon se \ looted for the Exhibition, and every care will be 1 j paid to the reception and earo of Articles sent to I ; the Fair. All Specimens must bo in by the 13th November, directed to L. M. HATCH, Chairman of Committee of Arrangements. Contributors to the Fair are respectfully request i ed when they forward Specimens for Exhibition, to send full descriptions of the Articles, and such in ! formation in general as may be of use, and proper for publication. Address J. 11. TAYLOR. Chairman of Committee on Correspondence. [ june 20 Inmtd ADAMS, HOPKINS & CO., WAREHOUSE & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. A N 1> F. T. WILLIS & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. TH F, SUBSCRIBERS continue tiro COMMISSION BUSINESS, in the fJk&S ■ name of the above firms, at Augusta and Siivadft 1 nah, where they are prepared to give strict atten tion to tho Storage and Salo of Cotton and other j Produce, purchase of Merchandize, and receiving ; and forwarding Goods. Cash advances made on produce in store. ; Address us above. JOHN M. ADAMS, LAMBETH HOPKINS, FRANCIS T. WILLIS. August 28, 1851. time FIRE-PROOF WARE HOUSE. WRIGHT, SIMPSON it GARDINER, Ware-House and Commission Merchants. Office and Sales lioom, Mclntosh street, near the Tele graph Office, Augusta, Git. THE UNDERSIGNED, have this (lav ■v''C x 'y\ associated themselves in tho Ware- House and Commission Business, in all its branches, and by this medium tender to the friends and patrons of each, and tho public general ly, their thanks for patronage formerly bestowed, and earnestly solicit a continuance of tho same in this connection, assuring all who may favor us with their business, that they shall have our personal and undivided attention, feeling that tho interest of tho Planter is equally the interest of his Factor. oTF“Ordors for BAGGING, ROPE and FAMILY SUPPLIES, executed on the most advantageous terms. Liberal Cash Advances made on Cotton and other Produce in store. SAML. WRIGHT, J. It. SIMPSON, JAS. T. GARDINER. Augusta, June 24, 1851. Cmos juno 25 RGBERTSON & CROCKER, Warehouse and Commission Merchants, AUGUSTA, GA. Respectfully tender their thankaSSSSSt for tho liberal share of patronage ox-plTT.'ia tended to them during tho last season—and an nounce that they will continue the above business at their Old Stand, on Iteynold-streot, whero ono or both can, at all times, bo found ready to attend to any business in their lino. Liberal Cash Advances made when desired, on Cotton and other Produce in store—and all orders for BAGGING, ROPE, GROCERIES. Ac., filled with despatch, at the low est market prices. Thoy hopo, by a strict atten tion to tho interest of their customers, to merit a liberal share of public patronago. E. D. ROBERTSON, JOHN R. CROCKER Augusta, July 26, 1861. ts july 27 \ Htat-I hum. I GIBBS & McCORD, 1 " AREHOUSE COMMISSION merchants, i pONTlNuluhe WAr/hOURE fvn , Fire-Proof Buildings, on • strict *° caro - will have their 1 ofZ l rr”', Th °y a continua ,,™ASil Aln ' AK ,' :t:S n. on Prod.cein store when required. Ortentor Bagging, Rope, Halt, Lon, and other , Irrocerus, will bo faithfully executed IT. V. GIBBS, , „ GKO. McCORD. ta, Auj. 25th, 1851. como aug. 20 ' BUJdRD. BEALL Sc 00., | WAREHOPbT & GROCERY MERCHANTS, . AUGUSTA, GA. THE UNDERSIGNED tendor their irc-c-c-w thanks to thoir friends generally, tho patronage so liberally extended toSaßlg I thorn during the last season, and would rdspqctfullv inform them that they continue business at (he same well known stand, (two doors above the Franklin House,) whero they are oonstantly receiving a large and (veil seloctod stock, comprising every article usually kept in a Grooorv Store, all of which they offer as low as any othor house in tho city. On tho Ist of October next, they will remove to that desirable Fire Proof Jirirk lYarehoam, formerly occupied by Fleming, Whitlock A Co., ami immediately in front of Adams, Hopkins A Co. All Cotton consigned to thorn will be sold free of commission. HP” Liberal cash advances made on Cotton and other Produce in store when required. W. it. BUFORD, W. M. BEALL. July Ist, 1851. J. W. L. .STOYAI.L. july 19 fAuOm j WAREHOUSE & COMMISSION BUSINESS. AG. JANES, formerly at Messrs. I'JUC’OX, D'Antignac, & Evans, and moro contly one of the firm of Coskery, JanesMH3P & Co., proposes to transact a COMMISSION BUSI NESS in tho city of Augusta. Ho may bo found at tho Warehouse occupied this season by Messrs. Walker, Bryson A Co. He especially solicits the patrons of tho late firm of Coskery, Janes & Co. to give him a trial. Ail orders lor Bagging, Rope, Ac., will ho forwarded at the lowest market price. Augusta, Aug. 23, 1801. Gmo D’ANTIGNAC, EVANS fit CO., 4 WAREHOUSE OMMJSS! (>N\J.I I ' lll HA N •y*. ¥ |liigu*-a, Ga. f 1 f CONTINUE to transact business at lhtirS\\7\ V FIRE-PROOF WARE HOUSE tho Georgia Railroad Depot, where they rocoivo Cotton per Railroad without the charge of Dray -1 age. Thoir Office or Salo Room is on Broad-st., nearly opposite the Globe Hotel. Business entrusted to them will meet with prompt attention. Liberal Advances made on Produce instore. WM. M. D’ANTIGNAC, GEO. W. EVANS, WM. E. EVANS, aug. 7 (line DOUGHTY & BEALL. Cotton Factors and Commission Merchant*, AUGUSTA, GA. CIONTINUE to transact the WARE" > HOUSE AND COMMISSION 111 SINESS, at the old stand (Fire Proof bviTluings) i on Jackson street, and are prepared to give their personal attention to consignments of Cotton and other produced, and to furnish the usual Cash fa cilities to their patrons. i E. W. Doughty. Wu.t.iau A.it os Beam.. aug 13 C 4 J. J. PEARCE, COMM IS S 1 O N IU Ell C H VN T. j Jackson Street, Augusta, Geo. I TAKE this method of returning my v, thanks for tho liberal patronage to the late firm of Pearce A Sun-sox, and to in- -•■W8SII form my old friends, and tho publiu generally, of Georgia, South Carolina, Alabama, and Tennessee, that I still continue to transact the COMMISSIOX BUSINESS, in its various branches, in my own name, and will store all Cotton consigned to my charge the ensuing Buuson, in a FIRE-PROOF WAREHOUSE. I will give my personal attention to the selling of Cotton and furnishing such articles as my friends and patrons may order from this market, and will make to Planters liberal cash advances on Cotton in Store, when requested. I confidently hope, from my prudence and experience in the business, to have the continuation of all my- old friends, and a share of public patronage. J. J. PEARCE. Augusta, July 22, 1851. 02F“ The late firm of Pearce & Si Air sox was dissolved on tho 16th of Juno last; the unsettled business of which will be attended to by july 23 w&c6m _ ,T. J. P. G7WALKER £l SON. WAREHOUSE A COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Jackson street, Augusta, Geo. rilllE SUBSCRIBER having taken aloo,--,-, I lease on the well known and favorably located FIRE-PROOF WAREHOUSE, UiflP. formerly occupied by Walker, Bryson & Co., for a term of years, begs leave to offer his services to his friends and the public generally. From a long ex perience in the business, and his determination to devote his entire attention to the interest of his customers, lie hopes to receive a liberal share ot patronage which has been so liberally bestowed ot*. the late firm. He intends to confine himself to a PLANTER,•* BUSINESS and no pains or effort shall be spared , to give satisfaction. Special attention will lie given to buying supplies for his friends at the lowest prices the market will afford. BP” Cash advances made when required on Pro dueo in store. I have associated my son, D. L. Wat.hkt: in bu siness with me. ’ G. WALKER. #*** Papers ordered to copy previous advertie meetlwiU please discontinue the same, ami insert this i'Sv Dip time specified. im g. 11l WAMUHOUSE St COMMISSION BUSINESS. rT3I«E UNDERSIGN EG rcspoetfully in-cr-o~\, A inform their friends and customers, iVIaYX that they continue to transact the WARE- HOUSE AND COMMISSION BUSINESS, at their old stand, (Fire Proof Buildings,) Mclntosh street, Augusta, Ga. By strict attention to their business, they hope to insure a continuance of public patronage. BUSTIN A WALKER Augusta, Aug. 20, 1851. old CO-PARTNERSIIIP. TIIE UNDERSIGNED have ent ered roc-c-V into Co-partnership under tho firm IvX.VX.iA ol WHITLOCK A COSKERY, for thcJSSB transaction of a GENERAL WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION Bl SIN ESS. and will occupy thoir large and entirely Fire Proof Warehouse, formerly occupied by Coskery, Janes A Co., on Cumpbeii stieet, and nearly opposite tlieold stand of Fleming. W hitlock A Co. They l»eg leave to say to tho former patrons of Fleming, Whitlock A Co., and Coskery, Janes A Co. and others who may send thoir Pro duce, that their personal and undivided attention will ho given strictly to thoir interest. Orders for Bagging, Rope and other supplies, will be furnished at tho most favorable prices.— They arc prepared to make liberal advance at all times on Produeo in store. J. W. WHITLOCK, july 24 c3m JOHN COSKERY. WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION BUSINESS kUOUSTA, GEORG IA. WE are prepared with large and oonvo- K'OTtx niont Fire-Proof Warehouse Stores, on Mclntosh street, (which is tbeilHßPl centre of the Cotton, Flour and Bacon trade,) for tho storage of COTTON, FLOUIt, GRAIN, and BACON; and continue to offer our services to store and sell COTTON, FLOUR, BACON, GRAIN, Ac., and buy to order supplies for Planters and Mer chants. Our 11. L. JEFFERS, well known in this mar ket, and long engaged in the business, is always at his post, either selling or buying for their friends, and watching thoir interest—knowing that to he the proper courso.to promote our own. Wo therefore hope, by unceasing industry and attention to the interest of our friends, to merit and receivo a full share of patronage, while we return our thanks for past favors. Those for whom wo have done business, and are not personally acquainted, and who we would ho glad to visit, hut believing it better for our patrons to bo always at home ready to attend to thoir or ders, we therefore send you this circular, and refer you to the Merchants of Augusta, or those for whom we have done business. Planters and Mer chants of Tennessee, will refer to Messrs. John Fain A Son, W. H. A J. S. Moffett, and Gen. Win. Bra zclton. Our W. S. COTHRAN, may ho consulted at his plantation in Cass county, or at Rome, Ga. JEFFERS, COTHRAN A CO. P. S.—Liberal advances will be made, when re quired, on Produce in store. J. C. A CO. HEARD & DAVISON, WAREHOUSE & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, M’INTOSH STREET, AUGUSTA, GA., CONTINUE the WAREHOUSE ANDFx7\7 COMMISSION BUSINESS, at their Fire Proof Buildings on Mclntosh street. All business entrusted to their care, will have their strict personal attention. They solicit a con tinuation of the liberal patronage extended to them heretofore Jk l iberal cash advances madtk at all times, on Cot ton or other f Joduco in store.* \ Orders for Bagging, Rope and Family promptly and carefully attended to'. ISAAC T. HEARD, JOHN DAVISON. Augustft, Aug. 13, 1851. Ctno DYE & HEARD, WAREHOUSE fc COMMISSION MERCHANTS, M’INTOSH STREET, AUGUSTA, GA., ANNOUNCE to their formor patrons, and the public generally, that they CoM*BEfj>jHß tinue the WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION BUSINESS, in all its branches, at their old stand, Fire-proof Warehouse, East side of Mclntosh street, where they solicit a continuance of the pa tronage so liberally extended to them the past season. All business entrusted to them will receive their strict personal attention. Orders for Bagging, Rope and Family Supplies, will be promptly filled nt the lowest market prices. Liberal cash advances made on Cotton and other Produce in store. JAMES M. DYE, STEPHEN D. HEARD. Augusta, Aug. 14, 1851. ts PHINIZY & CLAYTON, WAREHOUSE & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. CONTINUE tho business, in all branches, at their Firo Proof Ware house, Broad street, to which they devotoMHPl their entire personal attention. They tiro at all times prepared to make advances on Cotton or Pro duce in store, and solicit a share of public patron nge. F. PHINIZY, E. P. CLAYTON. Augusta!, Aug. 18, 1851. t.velmo ' (% M. P. STOVALL, Warehouse unit Commission Merchant, AUGUSTA, CiA. I 10NTINUES tho business, in all its V_> branches, at his old stand, Fire- Proof Warehouse,) corner of Washing- BrShKI ton and Royuold-streets. Ho hopos, by strict attc _tion to business, to merit a continuance of tho liberal patronage heretofore oxtondod to him. ■» D 5?“ Orders for Family supplies, Bagging, &«., promptly and carefully filled, attho lowest, market prices. CE?- Liberal advances mado on Produce in stars, aug 1 dfActf