The daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1865-1869, November 11, 1866, Image 1

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THE M \I)AY ERA. »*MI W H M liFTM i »* • Mir. »»f~ u n{k . % mi IMUy. OmUm. **»■* | W tuvciTiauu. V w«M TANARUS» M niu oas M.aa... Iwb« ii'- •> luuu 2 ™ **«• *■<*• 1 1 un mi mm i " ■»«« *"»• JV' ’ «0 ai toiim toft » , UN Mu* MW ,v ll>ir *"** 1 i m.o» , **' i *«m nw' pMi' ma» , *"* • ******** W**"! (Wren j * “'•I »|Mr. ud lu IM. mmrr ( '* 1 r, “** *” »«n to* isotoi f*r a ywlrf tiaaa -i-Miri,u i*inr?sta W> b* . u<H as -b •>'« tmmrttom -4 *'t*«rt»ft*a». no. <*r n.«r M od k)wib»iMim, Lnr«l thanara, am - barf' »»;> at thr rate of «*•*■ • tone F* -a.fc laaer*.* Vo 1 »»li t(>| mmr I' < • iraa mui Utsi *»n« ujUja w li ntmrm. +tM mm dar tike UaJ • / -Wpats) > toft-aa," lu titary nmatiOriU-m. anUlkum ahwllm «*r i>«Uht Ur»•_ a4na«d (MB every qsarW tea* iWa fr »u» I*. IUIMH unuilM *W Umi SUV mymi iq J*om«L «rrn K OK TIIK KHA i rp NTUM n the au.a artLmiu) mrtutcft or M*M«rrt «*» mnmitK m eft* I SUNDAY MORNING. NOV 11. I)M4 IdiilicM* Column, in war a no iwrwawrr. *l *££7M 0r moMATM Lit'Km A hto)- • < r—l eo i».Hhrr » br*ah. T>«o » uue to entilr or weep. « hi* »»ua 4 uau X Lt tout ta -ib-r • to«»- sh» ewrv-t ■.• ;n/aiit a a»re| A. ■ tuM *i j4aj IB »<••*»■» frr»B. I*la- hi I*4 *t» (rhiiael ri-war t heellii*. ia-vb!. bull, rfltee— hu eeetA er* - * ,44 h- - •*! ~ toiMire A hiAkto* fair aa early dawn. Had. ail I »ilh MMJ (ter, « UUd'sinr U»r eye Uui k--ta >ei ki-r^ *V .»rr( W I fur. A bla-tun*. dowh-eel Inufc, Muriate .4 atariWnl O^r. AMenttf ao Hh. r‘« tr.>.|. r word* - A whim P’x-d nryth kueviuu low, Itotwt *mnl . altar bnat, T.Vtjftpf JLmr.tJd-j torarU fVd iIATUiK „ " •> ' A ' uUi/ul luoduir bruditf -r w U«H ft... brewl* b»ry, r«wr»»-r liv.e til) ib-elb flail jert- Ho eweet a m-Htrf i yoj TV i am hi m Ufr a tuiwa bwt, H Mil 'inner itfr riweirrM ..>r U»r to Mt r < i, a '-fcitdree , m»|- tier threw ■« rb h ir AuMi ie u • atom. V Auruh f.ih a Wife.—TU* oirrei |Minil.-ul *»f » foriMini JaMirmtl pn»»*h nmw u I..ii. -u.rui-Tt.lvi<-r* |i. would-Ik* Bru^licb. * I H”W r*M lw *1 tlr-Uw l 111 h lruUiig Lttlv wlntli.r thotu- i|ilitlif|.H »l»i. h maki- a In )j»iri|f itnd dfvoUti w»fo ! l ir»t look u» tli«» ttoihiT, nail, in nma CiWi .Hit of tr n, Tfto will Ik* nl4r* to ti n wUit t!** dull.filter |M hkr* to ln\ E«iiira ttoll I" witAimt cT»*nlluUK. if hill* tf o ** l tilU lltllf, jruu muv Diat hWe h f »nd of her h«»uu* and fullj occupied tin r-. If mu Uud lirr Uoum*- rl**.»u and ordt-rh , tin dinner wt*li-cooki-*l and wrvi and pinifltmlly, aiid uotliiuif and no riinmiiK' alMiiit. It IM all dm- to the in * tl»* r•• manatfeirut You will hud h*r *«il dr< wkl. but iNKNinniißly, f*#r a manta al» tyv villiuk t 4 * Uy out a ct-ttatu •uui for lii** wife't it|»jn*r.-l, a * Re would n *t lik* her to the loaat w«*U dr •m-Vtrtf hes frte.tdh. Y*U will tijl'.l hIiC k*-ope few -terv.iiiU. well known)/ thhf the in *!• ier\aiit*» th«r«- are iu a |»U -v. the U>or* ennfiiHiun and Imwa Work ivdoii*. an l. if you bu.l com** m an h*»ur «\ k rlh-r. y -i h-iv wren hrr m tkc th*l pud* diligyEu « ny»ywl no'much. m «•»- t‘*-« in* *1 ib U»e ueifhborlMNi.l, l>at il • U t r r of tlie Uwl*Mn«r u. R*vtuw •!.*• will ai w.o-1 hnv»• Sin- very l»e#t thiny;-, and won't |»i\ (or tti*in twice, nor tvcci-pl nlioit w.-urht «»h* will bar *no rtinuintt account*. ati*l. f**r rmviiit of her own, k- |m u wry.- nharji hx.k after the hutcher n lull* •l** rhap* h* r hn*lni*i l a ill t* 11 .»u that nhe i- an -*rly liaer. an 1 *he nevor allow * him tc hare hren irfakt hr himwrlf Y'oh may olw* rvc, and m at. and careful **h*- i* in eTcrythuiK. and how aln***** lirr'intalwiKl a comfort. nn*l wtnhc* t > m tke hiui happy and fond of hi* honx In h* r manui-r* and in her *|»* «-ch tb« r** i» a ipTftle dignity. w«* rarely me*-4 with, and w *-n »h*- a*ldr* *eea h* r mcan**at *• rvant or her nol»l<*»t irucat, tin* of h**r ln-.ii t cm and makt-a h*w d* ar to ull 1. awr Ts you- cau marry tin- daiii<titer **f h»it*h a woman, do so L*y all meum*, and a*k in* tiut Htionv” \\ \* ii. rtovan Nn-i OaligMai D “tin- aif«* *»f » mcrchiint wa- WalklUAv -DA |in» Hur dn Khiilxmrp Saint AUtoine. wln-n a youni 4 al***nt thir "Ok ! my dear auut !" l*h»- Uuly r* lena.xJ here* If from tin* embrace, telbiic tlir rii»l*l hln* was mistaken. “Ah V’ said lhi* flirt, in a sorrowful tone, lookinfl alti-ntivelv at the lady. “I sc,* I have mad. a inivtakJ- * and she went sway, as if t«* hide h« r fuaiiMi Not hour after, tin* lady irn*«*«*d h« r purse, ami ail at oue** the id* a* struck h* r ti*at the rhil*l tUtflht have taken it Slu-' accuniiniriy rrturned, au-1. alt r con hl.h rabli- h*-ar» 11. dl.w.»\*-re«| the child in a wun shop wmrh*-r father and mother They w.-r»- all arr»-*U»d. and tin* pur**- was found uU th*- motlliT ?" Ku.ntor.xr or a Cutinauxv. Paulson, who elofw ,1 with th*- lh-v J Braun I*l. Ti * Fra Is <t*UfltiTe. of Ih* laU* Ut. l‘aulh*.Hi, who n.vdm that t 'WU f*»r half a ‘‘eiitnrv. Sin- |*o* M. SS. ,1 .-ollHbdi.l iblc JHTSotud Sttr.K tlonsf and has pr* P«rt> iu h«-r owu riflhi The r* ver* y*wtl**«wim. im* »♦♦♦•- three ttnndfv-d pounds a TcAT. 1* ;t*eN a family wholly nnprovnhsl f**r rhey.mii K ' lady since h*T d.-partur«>. has written t*» * . r mother suiting that the* I*»|M tUi-llt w as n**i pr* ill* <li!ntc«l, but WM H St* P rashly taken iii*• I w hich husband and w if. now deeply i • /ret. Kmtftuk ftaprr. Yrnr Aoki> Ladt Tin- oid*-st woman in row la Mrs. F*»pch win* lives m tin* mmiQkutM of Ksd Tenncwsr*-, and isab** »l one huudr***l ami twenty-*»nv >«vars. Sin is blind. I*wt. ln-arty, walks without assistance. Her memory is UU impaired, and *d»* «Wu recount Biany of tin **v*'iitaof the rcvolutmu with flreut a** onry, Vhiu! I.imix Wiihi' Milea O*Reilly says “The d«wt**ucn»*-y of th*- N* w Euk land hnliea i" probably owiiir U» tiM-ir u«- nat'iral iul*dl<H3iual (leieloptiieuia. ami the w . .vr mi; rffwU of alt* nipti Hi* I > sp.-ah tin* KiigtlAh laiifliiaflc corrtvtly A ivilnt "Ituu in Earn*, laaiunsinfl him self by ilrivuifl about four in-haml in a smart barouche I «*ur imnn-nw- pTr*-ne*»s d«iflN t.ik*- the pU**«- **f Imrsea. un«l fral)«*p nearly as fast -quite as fast an Pans poUce riilea |*« , rtuiL Tni NarrafllMiaeU lril»a *>f Irnlians now 1)11 nil Him fifty * lflht tnslea unci vomilv tiv f. inaJ- s, in all 081 hundrM and tkirt* ilir*H . ami they own aln.iit tluwe thousand dcr»w of Uud. V»Ht Uvorainfl (but, oh h»»w anme t is thus l*> bis out*- the fashion •‘An i*ni*rirt*lii- * rt»»rt will la* ms.l* u*-it arasoti by tin* by tin- 1* .idep* .if fashion t*» r*-viwc tin- p*»w*h n»v' Mo* hair/' A woman quarrelled with lo r husltand. at N*-wc***t.l«*hki Tyn**, au«lw«»rk* l liars 4f into sn«*h n itaaniofi that »he f.-ll d«w*l A rot run t. c*un»U, rea|Mvttv*-ly rii/IP* four amt pifnl;*on«, w«fv Biwrrted at Ni.*e, in I ram** , ou’the Hth nit. THE DAILY NEW ERA. aA Mt KL 8410, BWttar.| | urrrßM raov mum toaa. J Tk, K*p«toll*rßß ItoprHr *» Ik* Kaplr* Msn-Ttor (MspUilM *1 Du liM law. i grass MaU>r ss4 Bis “FrUsA*" la K*w tsrh Uif t aw. N*w Tom, Nowcmbe-r 9, IH#WI. T’na Km|*tre Htate has remlcrrd its ver -1 diet, and the returns of the eieciiou indi cate the nocceas «»f Uie Uc|Kjl*lu**Ui Htate ticket by a majority ranfliog: from three to aic thousand This city haw |s>lh**l a heavier I)* m<*<Tatic n;aj*irity than «*ver, and av bas Brooklyn All the auti Radi cal candidates for (''Otiflrcas from the #u4y Distrn-ta have Ik?**u eh-cted, inrbultufl Fer aamio Wood, John Morrissey and Bro *ks, who wan an unjuaUy ousUd from the present Couflreaa by itsAinscrupulous ma jority jiarty. But outaid** of Brooklyn and Van Y«»rk, the Ib'publicans mh*ui to hare ma*l** slams in ew«*ry county. s defeat is at tributed'to tin* Feiiiaua, whom th* d**. ■ perat** « fT«»rts **f the Ita«lieids lm\e s*-*luoed into biller opp*’“itmu to President John- son. Returns from the Went are unfavorable New Jersey has l»e* u prolmbl v lost by dpwruwmuH ■ynmjpthMfrrm'rrrsts Mttt laud and I>* la war*- are all right, Uotwith,- atandijifl the Lriiunph of th* iUelical P*»li*-*- C.tiuiiiiaiMi)«nt in the form* r Viewing the electious flen*Tallv,_ th<* riH*ult is a gait) of a f*-w I'oiiflr*-**-tm n for the Conservative*, and a manif«*station of the fact, that tin pnsb»iaiua«)t *• ntim* nt of the N**rtli againAt tin- |s*ln-v «.f Pr : dent Johnson Ims undergone but little chaufle. The Norlbem p*-»q»le veMerday v.4*-! for candidates of VsrioUA colors, l**uli M \ e**. ami *»f all shad*-* of opmi n In tin .' ' 3 • an l ix .vs.. | i.. lief >*. tl.. and ~ trim of < ceasi >n, tyid the I)*-nm«*rats hsi* elect* and John M>*rri«*s.-r, the notoriou- « \ p>.* b**t and f.d-rf* klJip Jatm-s Hl Hik- hi l the honor n*>( only *»f ilefeatiufl I> <lr- . I Canuoii ami Imuifl thus ‘ eaiim*m» I l mt<» C *iurn*aa :ift*-r kH*iufl dmlg. and out,' bit also of distancing am*tlu.-r uppnutui* nt a'ul fair coin|st*t*T iu the |s-r-*on. of Mr- Ehxnbcfh <ardv Stanton In Mossaclm »*-tts two n**flT h-s hav*- I**-* n elected to th«* la-gislatur*-. and I»r Ii nj Butler, the a]HM,u geo. ral. to < «>ti/r. In N w J. rs-V one of the candidat* sma i ! mU! oftp-.Tt-4»»**i* r one of distiugumhe*i li*-n** -*f tb “rcbV-llliM. I disavow all In. •; and Uj the "llrii b tt: ;.t. i lng him in Una eotmerltoo, and mn C-r*-Iy h«»pe ha was elect* and . "Bay- in bln. amt “l*ows,n gf»y,"w«-»ineh, u* ifT* -- Horn*' j** oj»l*» have fa-*tuh • ial**-*u » \ou dnlitlc-.-* k* ant *»f Bn tier's att mjd to s|H*ak here on last Hut unlay 1 »* rd> Iwdiev.* that tlm Kailn-U* ii*d* a>or«*l t*. incite a r»*'t, for they km-w that litill* r W'*ui«l not Im. |K*rtnitt**d to s|M*ak m the City Hall Park. Bull* ris u**l in *i* .1* sptaevl among us iu the South than lie i« her*, bv a majority of all ciaa-vK. 11. «.,* advertised u* s]s-ak ai liight iu « Mpiur** up town, but he fmilts Ito do mo. There Was a tti*»r**iigiily organized {.hin for treating him w .th shorn i or tu.. of an t be w improbably inforimd «»f it Cu- at i u* dignatn.n has Ih***h g«*ut rally ejvpr* s- iat his attempt, to a I'lri‘q th* |s*rtpl** of tii.s City. . ’* tfi vNOF.Iltlt. TnTKKRsTTWO To LvlUfcs TtiVih ’ .MOII ..f th.- f b .tig iwia. wiurh wdl is- h«t*td »*> i Baprvok** »'o‘irt in January mi . «i,i I ni*»rn***l ladies, and. ai-o. by th e c*»ut*-i.i plaiirnr taking rtw* rash >tap b.vt J . \ t* s -uiun mui • l M ot: l H’lwn*-** »** )*• |.*e* ih»* tTrcnil t n ol MidilU-*** & t .nitit}, charg**d wait 1 « hit ..f w. ftrm? appur*»l In n» Mrs l:. th* 111 *1 th*- •Ull*. I I"! lh* ft.-.'Ur-*.. 1 a- 11. »i *b*-1 tKwt lh*» -nv U- -Ir*>f*v- -t on th*- gr-'nti 1 hwig to her. but t*» her t*u*t**n \ mi I -I >IU . ... i>: . ].a: I li ' }.*•._U— 1 1.11 ..jig A.... mg art id* * fr-*fn a |mrs.>u i._< ahoiu Umi i D-I* klmn*. Ih* 111 nit t o.urt, If! v.jit*-u« i. g U»- S 'l in to impu-iruii'nl i*. t lhi’. : *>- 'f th- ft in*t •» *»;: **• ■ 1. . b*sl»*S>l t*l h**r. Aral w-H in '»**v huat*.i4iL ih* I'.iv h*N l**«-0 t.roft/lit t» • r* th* *> . prrmr l oiirt lr it I*. ,h. it< whvlic* th s • ■an was or «V. n t ilh. 1v s- l li It d-**'l t-' ttinl d».\ wan ii e -ii|v »o • n • and Ua ll It .|r«* trs l*is» s *rifa - * Coin* *i oCt, ~k i*'*»M I'* It*-*- h*|) *— )««-. i- -Mild rv ~ IMtn —I , r., . rise*- Most I>t.i toiuai» I■.v *s\*> * \ ret-ent 1--U. •Ii lie* British gi irt* r.l> K »»•* Uit vir.s th- l**ll sniit -nay. .vines*! lurrwdibltT i-.*t li» tmn* ot the igviomn e which oni* sin *• sin*- »wti 'ns us itjr itniidi voti.tnunity ~*l . I‘.. r ii.mctjnn-. t ts ; •- a»ofc than lv»- %• \* »n* • l ,n*:«. m 'luJtug » p-uqg USUI Isftt'* and ts • \ *uug s out* C**nld m*t ti ll th* gi* < a * mtui* M,.- c u. Bi**r«*at slid simpU-st ..»*j. ,*t». of natur. . *.»• h A- tt -wcf-s kf'lr.. fish* «. tn-wefain- s»».t tt»« aeas. *•/»• »iak::••**: T id - was a country on*- ttist K was nth- *i',. fc *; lion a viol, i wws sai lto tm a p«*U\ lur.t » prinn.MM-s i.d mss*, lilao-als** s bird, but vtiHhsr a «or an ewgl- 7 were bints u«: could ssv, SityiV knew n l whst vnn rm-cii o whvr** an«*w colmw tn»m. ands *v»w m s pj. tur* « t- proa- anevd m U* a lieu Mu tUudca «*f the*** jo*r cln! In n can m v.*r h »*. s ,-n s pnmr *m- to Uvs i.*.*rs »»na». vk k* ar*L ills «.t Ui« lark ' Th# New \ ink Tiiuw* says ('mitral 11.-wjl-*) and staff ami tlir fi ld.»tfi * r*of it- Sarsfirhl hivgsd* hsV** SstVd tor Ireland, vis Ifretue •t .1 huh.poll thuy arv* ju. When anff* ring fr**m (' *nsnmpti -n. what w ould uui lh* p* in nt g»v,« t« »y m lunitrilMi that u (vrumi-i-HA. We reeoiufnvnd Hfvsstvrw s Piu-IOEAI IUI..VA t*v all so a«.ci...| kn s ti, K flolii « i|*evie»»cr. th«t it isn b* n-li **| r*n m ftJl coaes ~i thaonbrs of the bungs Imligeatoin «ih! miiatnlum i« the fouu-h* tl ■». of I on-ampClou Allm-. tiMt |*Bywwwftws • altnil this, ami marly sii sr. t *•■• tniug c.»n vimed dial pur** Ikjaor, «Nnlitui*.l withe» ~-,* rwiavds s. slot b «».*t tlu.n * on lUe de - g«*siivf- orgnti«..*rw lUa rwm«sb<a> imh* st«s| It i« admitted by »»ur ui*«at learuvsl pliysa* nan* that Dr K*dvack s Bat* rv « <>iuhin« th* pr*»|*arlss .»f s gentle lsiati*. an anti bt lions agent, and the U-*.t * lorn a. hi kn^wrt-to the w.*rt.| Ii m «)• .* <> hv principal eh* luteta to , tb** safest amt ■*u*Bt |«rwvwwft<a* ta Ml.oAw bWk-w.'Al ■ regulating th» •nUm and goaig i*u*v |w tti* , digestive organa lovdma iu delio«p health will find it t*. thifr nsc ft ta nlav htghlv r**< otnm* n fed to uctlhv-r* wtnle nnrainj* B contain* •« ,rv 1 «g / js.iser for r«,. f »y*tems l ol*Vaioa* ruta sit. Mild no* the BiUevw |o af t. ngthew the pro*Jrali«m whwth alwrayw k*i It.•• acute d)-** a** r-t ATLANTA, DA., SUNDAY .MORNING, NOVEMBER 11, 18(»fi. rANUIONH IMO O. J. W. BRADLEY’B Olrl,rated l>H|*ie, ton IWCUU Nl-ltOiU t m Floop Hkirtn, i VfA In i-i» ■,, r.- hi J w*r eH-’r. »-h*e*i Us an I lad . ■ Urn liMi I to- W-*wU. ■and f-r.-iu. t |IV Iftlul. » *- Kyi Imwsiw Use |»w* Van HD |M« at -*»r» Ba%if* Sftto . |w« Vft*>f ■sad n. . o |<Vabto ton | TVt are n-H llßlil 1 -o I - ».—* : fnlp. lasrtoit, |li—, I'taraiHit »>. O—s« in. or . IS—nrt.*w ■ "-WiJ Ttoey will a-H UaM ■* brraA UA<- tb* •i r-.aft *A«na. Uu ail) prswersr Uo-ir prrlr- i aa4 U»a •lai' S***rr Uuii twin* as lutif fta fttij «i»,.t. ,. t thal I.«n -v. r Immsi or <«i. I* ttaalr T)..* liarwu m roasSWs nf 1> nd*t -r two niif+i at**l X:+u»oK uhnnsi)* torat naiu*| brn,tj r-n* tu "da* ISaSl(i«r Ujr U- |gjn Tl IM *« «ei iU. *u«te so lduraUts »».) TV ••-rfai ft* uMli) *t,d «rfMs< cool n *u4 (waor. U. *i y lad * ■*an.-*« iMij lv i 12 >p«i. AAirt WiU to- . l *. olpft/tj turn l« at) * ItamUtr* 'Vprra. F-r-U-MSa- S(i4 H *iar Iff*., ft lU* .U,n u Uld •h. H it. •»—, to* arrmyy • •)«.* a* «ssai< m t mil nr luu—iii dr»M» K r CUVa.*-*, Moms ao,d La a***, IV} sr« »u;-*n' -r U sii at^ra nkLLEY. BRuWX A. f'/)., 1 vnvlrrs »« l try Whitehall «tr*et. HIItVKY A DOrtiHERTY. huoUi in lir i 1 tmali t>*v*aiur atr**-h S w H RROTHEJIKJN. Dealer iii Dry ( >*rner Whitehall and ff.-mt. kUmJa. PEYTON II hSouK. Deal*r in Drv • ■ i. FLANDERS. General « otnrUISMMtU >br*a. .nf. Whitehall sUiHi. Atlanta, Ow. t 1, WINS Drv Atiftiila, l«a M*h.|,KA M %RSH. D ‘ta» ‘th-Xotf! .ta Da A m * '"-I'M- jUPt I *^Bf ' S v H **.r » ATTWT WESTS, BRADLEY & CARY, n e FT 'W-f-ra »< J r% *j k,,»*. a* fKW ' 1 (IKK. OplMlan, us Ito> Prr... *** *f tbr ret;*. liwrsLN -<4 .« l*"| 1 1 SULpti tiir** I V.-A r ~ i”., ,I.‘. * r.*»- ;.«)»r*Wv| I 1,4.1 ».l ,4,' V ».rt« «r. prel,— 1 i*w±g i LwtL* £ Jke* ' J * lirft.lV> • le» l**u*. | f j • II • ; a fc-,rt» > } *» O-ftrO •arj-,'. -V4 fti. U *• is ju* Tu •• • • >au|-mv fra*. *• - ......4,^' , to v* i.;_ 1 * »o I "Tt ■ - h i -iil n. .ii ;v. u. a. :uV in Uni rihn. '- ♦**.►• : !• . t ». , |/r,. AA.rtv iiaL U. Six P M(M * • liftV)'» )*>| i| 1 I * * and u ft r-ftlU- .nU fti..^ -<4 tap-, si... i-.-iur ) •« bv*** TV? »r» 4 Mptalr*! la w-rss- • - %M.v* Jura lulil* -VHBf irl r y-U'S* Vtr M /f 'ia 11.a., l!,. *:, 4» -t.*.ar» Ir. ♦ ftii-. iUfti * •■•IBp Lnu*-,*N rrst. •* iiPaOi*) • l*., .• *.* k.rva •r- m. r»a- ' . j. . .#-• - .. Aa'lisNM. I'fTSft) • f : . od.ltAito*. Ibl ti* vratiodift* ~SU ft “i’a« » • I. U,ua V } >4 / m.s -!tr* !t« ''««• s -las.; r** :*. : • ft.- je#* r°*'» .r» t*% 1 *. M -r.u *" **’* *" } "-** JOHNSON & GORDON, ( onimbdon ami (*rorrn r . M I. K < tl ' \ I V \V| KfMoVU) I w- » ft.* * ..IV touiM. . II e M • • ,»r- Oa* ft ) e .ÜBS »* -fl lto* r aui.ue a a ■ '■•H Groories and Family Supplit-, 1 Um »■»' *' « • I ant B«tv n-*-» ... Ibftt k* t 31 1*) ».■ .ir- . ‘ >1 X- 1., ;. Um iM’M.'l Iflii.ti. i-.J f, •. -j- to • -t •v to .waft . ■ . 1 * W.. thanift ft! _ »i...-»aeen v \\ K N *> \?. O I V »: K : v ■ ...a r*M.»i \ «to I. , .* arte-*, -4 W’-toft « . *^, 1 ■*! •* ~*r Mi, i--'i *** -- - laww V..afttwr w nwn In.!* T . ':u . toC* I Nil lira - * *■:. tv -J*' >» , - fa. k •* * * - *■ ue V «*•*■».. Uu *oa -t J-PBtoa' Uftorseml • t*r -,*» * • Aijmi. a..ft F i » p .‘iniV •.a TT TKETaXrrrn COTTON GINS and CONDENSERS. AGENTS TOR PHCENiX GDANO ♦ Aft ou r • a v, jiu.iN. HaiUbn*. Wofte WUOrl.v. *lr«l I 111: ST. I.«*l IS IIOTKU In* Orl»fts« leaUlft. rjIHRS Ptoftfwrl Itotll V M T>l toa« to-, • o>-tj.l- ir.|* ■mt MxTpl) It* IWI Nn*rftl*er || >« rastslM .« I. (h Ut. iineMND »r 1 |4aa- Bft-I *rt** *» u-de* Harr- ,and Mr J*■ ■ ■*» l*«n. e ,wW Itm* «• > ku.f. 1> yno.' u. i» e 11 a \ 1: \ . LEE CRANDALL & GG. Coll.iu I'm■(<>■-» 1 .. . ~ (OM MISSION MKItrIUMV !« t.r«, mv nm, In* Ovlki** Uuitiftßft nctia u IIAHDWAItK HTOUI'.. IL a BARROW a ca —TtOIJCBAt.It IM' KKTAII. Mll.OI IS Hardware, Cntlery, Oaiba, Pistols, v t> t ; 0 v >. * WTui.haU *Ure*4» W-l, MWeteU. tl I, 4 IT A to K O H I. I t . 1 |f* * Vdnrft •*-!, wvf vail? Stow* Smaki ri und lU-ulrrs \1 ' ’ » • * - I • ' Tl vi. taai.Twl Iftit) J-kMftaM KitaaftloHitoMi ■*!• » * i*ftft/t. to IN** k f--N -r. if. wiiitk a to. AGAIN nr THEIR NEW STORE ; | to* We oft* tor* •« *w uWftft OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF GOODS ft* fiHEATId RE1)1 (ED I'KIH>! ur_\ a«i* fsivwfT/rnirvG. ■T*m AJDIAto » Dkl «ee>l»*. AJmu. • ftoxersw e. ft ut GEIiTS* FURNISHING GOODS, < lot hs C Bftkian m ands rMiwft. U'r. ißuir «»-. .ttru*. 4 ran vTwtfifrito Tuvcn* *a- to I*nS «»**-•.U ns w*a UedV- fttod grt fftiß Is JOBBING GOODB, We V.:. M« ttoax bo nft* tto.ft Stie id %~w 1 urt into am. t-r & mu!W|eai mas •« can T ill-: i. a i) i a: m tit Atlanta si.d U. ar «urumg IV Ir frm • lu«to'e *e jtf iftiir Owtt tttftl.W ' totoft.. to* fejftt al .r . ..fttorr* to> ir-nth-met. «V. aril 1 , uft* u> *s vim tto- n. -IK *4 u- tuktanaurl «n*e to id l>*» U-aitM tttr -4tcr«*i .to AUftbta or it m ’TTo is. >u Truwhlr t« Hfi-.w (*«*dt ! Mt«*rt Pr*»llti* and Ottiek Stir. ! ’trtyf, ft—i* 14 lyr Tllß ATLA.ATA Mining and Railing Mill Company. lift* '.lift («Oj4*tftlt ttoe.r PBtetoftas-* FOUNDRY AND ROLLING MILL ( a.<i-A- -*•<) Hifl Aarrl. I • ■■. - . - •v* Sk.rfU.en; It-;... Ufa:- -* * (UtiQft •*. ’»— »»A * 'Vftir* asp • ts- - • s. --tk H - 4 !-. . t ' * »* * »*• * ' .vtftl* • In their I tpfry -nd Barhliw D* partrn* wf. Mat I road < ar U k**»«. Uui.* aad P.dr.tala Milt t.«a* ia« »f all dr .« r. r * i.n* train t mat ftsel l*n a«i ■ !*♦ to** L-tAAlftftA h«l*i Will, and 411 ala... < 4 Ira ala*. 'lnlay awl *»a.b 'an Mllto. Ha - - tx-r: * .LU V. vlt He f. : ar. yn par*.! t a.- I bd* f C A N r I N ii PA KiilnwJ ( m|ttiuc* and Mi-rrhanU. * .-» IV* tnato *• -r»: t ..• to. ft-.|a*>aM M * ’ • , I-' II ft «» I* 11 f» I** 'l' ef* ttt s ftft tb- ft • - - r*»’ fna 1 *n»*r llftt nlft I.•*-* ■*•*« I * * t r—-rj-*-** 4> **t i-st mi .us * *>r.u --mi »M «i st * r- I M, G.fUM*»A W>..:rnah n uvrrntr. u » t H'lO HI.. ft K ft fTt R 4' . .tl t.RO. I* FKI/.KR *. • - 7 Marietta .iml. t ti *»i.rm p t K i.ou mf-TTa. < OTTU.K » I 11 ft ITI lia U.l.totM Ft KMTt'Hfc. tl tiF.n. r EKtll K *. M , s ' Marietta street. \% tHtmuin> 1 tBLRk. I II UKa, tTTKK«*M. 41 t.KO. V. FM tIKK a. ■ Marietta fttreet lltT-Ht* K« tftUttMlOttUltovkv. to tyt « Il tilt* till IMMftt* T tnu.k H( It l lift 4ft l> OFF 1C r. t II tilt' K«rr>ltol«A 1/ lh* Farsllftr* l.lsr * *• 41 UKO. P. Fimßß*4. b-H - c c f>'U A r n s • ! * s f- ■k* \ ' SADDLCRYaHAF.NESS 1 ■ ■' i . ■ I. 1 . . 1 - . PWlU*M|ihla. Frasay Ivraaia. Tltr ' »Kim >1 ...» *P‘ ts ftftT the a nrjMM.* < ***e fV*.na •Kali W M lh* tft* -t Warton V*.« W e ran MW * a* ’ ar*a i. •*• I Ml* fir THE SOUTHERN HERA I, , Pm.SU-Wed lhally. at oMirrift 4*» * n«.»* I* •-•< iV l-ftl ti-dman toe ito r toa> *• . m wmm * **»•..!•. *.♦ umum iv* t^. A.4dfvai* a*. ,«<a.iuki*»toauuft*» !• » M4!:nw ft Run* •* 1 *r - frnym *. wa \ to mu. IF it %. It TV. • a Ma jnseit < a U a- V toll kl.k.>4ii THROUGH BATES OS COTTON VIA WEBTERN AND ATLANTIC, Tißtomi iVSTTvyearr kui.boihs per 1 SiTWs n% <vTTnm PM sai# sa»« m*n* wC*m * ~ ** fa toft** P tt ftft M* f ft-a T-ft ft at 9 aft ♦ * huiaMi w> } 4JB IM t. IsAuan 441 CM * J | t» aar Tlt.jux ts at i lad.-wa »J tm cri m isaaft td . * . .la-.m— , •*. r. : maw aad Md toft-1 ft«rT a '* U7 ** rlJI * Frf tiithrr uftoraatM apyK ► 1 -w tswuunwrm WenCSWft Fmwtrl toceai. W • W ss4 Va ft Traa ft■ may nan. *rr vXdtft Ml. t I ] (-n*V-4f * ft 4 to to 1 • Willi :ft THROUGH RATES ON OOTTOH NaikTillft, Lftßirrill* aad Ciadamatl VWfUI ftVXi ft TI to MTV tototl jftt <AI I Sa ——l<l * *aa4 » r ptlf **4tn MW b*J* Sa« ■—» asmnii aby bad* < *« I iWK T. Vi.Sw tl K per WaV ! l/anai* 4'ftUal f ft • fne Haft* TWKsSgI) 'ft tadm* vrr s»» a—' ■* n* ——* ' x i-/R» a mi. < 111:ap c urriiiNG. I I y-a afttot ietod'Cl^mirW**—'Rial *»L « 1 • tovwMki»ft utrrr* T»t> nuvm fr a*. >*id Vktoftil fttoast Iyill 'Alfiftd Vp«d b>« f<* Id « a 1 444*Pd0- a Lftwrrra \I * Wrft- ar al fiaos n> Nil* ft >1 . v*» i AL to Ln» irrm. *- * * * *■ -« < ' v I'iltlbal ’ U*'. n tb- » - * eey aw 1 tu. ut nuß 4 x~ M - : n s tuwia. «rm 1 -* » 1 j KkWI -r-T ft t- »."TT TANARUS» . ■« ?* a. 1*: * ** * aVFB* 4TN onavViftTV tribtkftT t totvtotowt to* to i-wrrrto (OAL AbKM U r r - • - an * -A— trfhst nx'lJpn . - * • *ft ft »•'- RdULJk to* * waHl< MEADOR A EEOTHEES. • rwi-rdl < ommiftftion Rrnluau, nUNIvUN BLbhdk. - . !fthalWto Mree-f ktlwwtto. IrfwTTia. .OBACCO DEPARTMENT A M|tee-lnllt-. TOBACCO, k . • Ur* to ..*» (■*■*» Lb- (a**ClVi ft.'*'!' jftWt mV •Jft. • to. .: * Nft. .-s. Uralrf* ore Mi ' I < i A US, VLL ttK.vDEb »* * r„-. iu* rsto* P;— a v »*d »*.,. . 1» ImVr ft-' ** ■t'-aseifti-J *s* vlto* >-*• seai-t Wtotol* K to RK pa . » -t istl—l to <-.r htoa i, kltoiftiM sna PhuiJelph::i M-.j, Eof*. TeLaviia, 1-' 1.0 l' I\. TiaFVar Kn . M > *v"V ttorf ftwla, toad *- , v*4!<. boto (»*-w4.» W • Ha— aa—*-*• • *> *mr ftdm a.-*.’. It 1 * atxr-3 ws a 'a*« -a pu. ft .*> * W( lb; h» 'ftT- ess W-r Vvd* .4 ?\ *!.- Ie ns Try »« Mtototvv* ft Kto - t v'.w.t •». a lft»e hst-ls. -i «Kfl -« •n* tomfarfftft nwe* Uuniul, Vcral* —'Ulr and IV wmmle—l « era h< rr. Ol 'n * 'TH W t'4*.-* «uui a. Ua >!.>’ 1 » «s».n «» . V*.. K«t ;l s.» .«.«'• »-*•»» ttux tin tj«X t* KIM •v •• - N i . <v a*. i » V»» fctawa. l««r H * uu.*4\u,l .*Ht*x%«W t, > > a 1 .Kfc* W . I'lurnlx I * In it i it jf >llll, x . VQ'l. U <\*JUKi£, MUni* WvMfto. I iMM. UlilAH HIM. II XKl'.m la Mm »tjW. A«w< afi >i» t* 4 Moulding and Turning Work Dona, , . rw«4 k.4nr *'.«« at |»I.N 4 n »: h m u ii I > »: it \ , a • an i»> •*»% .wit i:xta:i.i.i:\r wokk, M<k, IWtv Milts *f.. mm4r U IMrr, IT HKIMIIIMI.K RiTTv l«rr««nt ut 1«41,~rt ImWt hr M. I.IM«I>»I * UIBI av>». l*f l»ywi-»«r BUOOIEB AMD HARIEBB tot Prim, CLASS*: ft MAKKIIAM-S, *.l»«l« tu ■ SASIC HUMS A.M) IXXtHs. ■u .r n* T.i»m tier err, mntr um. «tU * toteaa. *as ~ ABBOTT - Commiwslon Mcnhunta, PRODKT. AM> fiROTEKini. Ituata (v«PfU Y arm*! \ arm*! •? WAUBiwno» latoh !««•** AfcW'TT * lam Hmi! Ftour! On ('AI LOAD 'W.tor* —a»rWn ■FV «sr nent sj toJMs 'TT to load a kr-i*ti. l ast f liter. / |9t ' toR L> toi- I«ai IVw . F —jy - •y^rqfAjpoß -tw V ißßifi ato • Uarau ! Harm ! 1 i • CAJflt* tear Wdas. ,*aa «M 9w tea bp ID ftJUS rr. livesi wc : Haaiuc ! •'jft I’.AiAH l-L'-a. ft * tear* F-P aan tmr . >1 j kW»Tf to Kb « Kwpir ! Kw«ar! '/ i n> Itefitoi- h-W te pmoa-md »to te .>II by Üb»n Kb- - l-ard ! l-ard ! T>CT* tJ ‘ Firf-Mib* e ABfa»TI 1 BL*JK G tu«uasi» w V^fiacb Haaii IM ||| Til* t> *-b nr* Ssaa Inaak? ti,i> 'TT a Pis •* —a * .ituai«ft« )|p<rraazeU, ■*-j»fe -e Whftftehsi. Flour ! Flout ! Id 41 fc •*** KOftsr » r f I*o* by f M F A*j»rrr * , itocato—4 - W't. w lift. «trsv Kia < afev. | | | barf* rv nton fe ana by 4! b TT I HR-K , Crmsor MerrEtoLU and Kite ton- ftlreatto. Haiar. C'OILiMO-« h-ctto&U. rs Whjte £aJt ft#—< Mil! Moors! Mill Moum ’ \1 ' > ft- ft, - -to-- -'}- «• ft- r-vja-- » tor.- to,:. <V tintol Uxas a* ted \i r»’TT A * .;i.o.nao f. Her hsats U kiMihi* fttore-c -r At-rsftSs «»a lor Mir ! For Mir ! '*tr »vr • lili A. Rt> Ltoa4 a tb- <*—Tb ; ** * 'ft**- ft*, w and Lb* s*in« I'bfttAf VO r_a L maty ftVw . , a-' th# w ■» l■ ..** >* u* r . TJUm r—d a) -a Ws bv’a r tmrrai. tobO TT A Mb tftaV. are*a<.t OrBMkU 4 TTb -li v* — x 4 * .dam. Lefts ■ ifftß Far Sale. \*J f kkstf:»«> » «* *r~+ ~m i.B~n.tu u*. tst* Hui. l.< *a* w*-iT w* * «•■** A4-*ta < brap Uh<l far Sale. k \. vUI ». *•» ».Wa tuaata *V arr-a ;,.ui>i ~TT.agr r -~g w-~ r rw -r*» {*• 'a*ac" * * e f-*« w » «■«»• aa 4 - ~**». fk ..a-su> « . a arr» «u« ■» ». . » T „, t '\ KTi : 1 sin. " GARRETT A BROTHEL, i 'aaaaa anUiaiau MrrclumUa. am *» uaaU nr l.rtM mr» and ( •■■in Fradaee. AiUaia HtM IX <r u AM r OLKITt Jvl > -a. vsMah» W Ha !*-« V - V X.» - Mml J \ «. larHa Xw. I *C* t > W b«rr*a *ta*M I ,fA X r *Mf*v ~ N.UA < Ta*-*w » Kl« IMi»» ii%*rrr '» l«m iaAa Ma«^ J harr k* t raa>4 «aJ Ma»an * (mt* >•*, **’ )»***»*• » «r» la>.*v , Mm* l> H<* Untln ’aaM » Mtar. «w*r .'aa-K. KH*RaHM<( ixrwirrr .. * ,-n«* laatM vwa lira 1 aww t'kiOMfr*. tMr JU t' A «« IttUAl IMH. I Hm- Waa* A-« ‘ 1* M. T*M » A«ra i W »* H>«L U Hr -ma 10Ha Xw * *«* • Maia a H-* A.;< , • Mr •*-%« 1 iTT* » hmi K • w b»*na« ’all W 1 Hr*a la r>w >ia Wt.M Bair* rVar >. •** a, » Mb. ' n - -4 *A fc •»- Nr art* w iV tr*A» atW TUT *.'* c W»« *■»! (IITTON I.IW UM ar* a*w**i * Jh^ajjVM.U4*».r«a erf Nr* 1 '•N • * mr* *-w iwvywnrrft V BJliMNllP* k«r Wutf W h*< Ua.*r rfAs/. t.* it»\R**TT A Mu* <«a-4 XkiKia. urn;. HhaH, ui TOW Ml ll—lima «a. MERCHANTS vifrj Mite u> mLT utt un> n*«>* HEW YORK AHD CHARLESTON, Tirnrr t*at ■cbuk pomsrTT k co tMFTWM a* OT4X> urn I» CROCKERY, €HX M A , G lassAvare, *4 as u Hit 3 Tii oonrm. NOHTII Olt HOI’ TII. ATTi;>TION, MIIIPFRS. J : x-.jr n- xr*4r. -*ahr w- -torn. •• «* U *rf» tatt t a >o^ IrfM-. i.iarffil MtffeHflll k»4 a* tw»h. -••.*■ *• •* • **■ -l * ** *** >> Mu*r !*» • ~ * rr- «M 1» -s •*« N * N • A k MR. L TO SIIIPPKkJx. Mtrtw av arum latiiaak | laaii. 'i» «ara mm * .w I Till V*» R-'* r -N-v '-•*» >aa-* ok *■>« ■» fa»" “i, • V * ** f , 0 . ft, aMT FAST f ASSERIE EODTEt m \\ rolrrtt and A(lantl«% ▼ IEGIKIA AHD TEJIBIESSE h vii.» n>*. TO THI EAST AMT NORTHEAST TIMi: IKOH 4TI-A\T% Wa*hH>|.M« «T Ta %#• lark >»■» 1 r-'A * • * ' * ‘ » ty m * .I*l* *>.■ * . * V- a- Sa • • *► a ■ l ' ■ - % a *. ♦ • a * r ■ Nr* f M . » • ■ .X * ■ *•> » * • * i- • • wn »\ii urt.iM xiAiriN*. fits. Bit- I . * » k *-a- - - Va.. kif L,nw v«j Till :< »l«.II Til K KT» Te N-* N -X » s-M.Vs.l~ .* Mvil to •- >M*A^CV«. .»■ « - p*- i A * * • t >TU -i >£A -%a BiUilus « n«l« Kin riiinun Aits U' :>uu>itJL • -—. v Hr*- ' AH*, LOW K \ fl* s ON f OTTOS To Nl* *x York. „ tkrt... ■ *x*m**-**+ al' ha-.. *■* *By - nl rj W c»«rr. » V r*r tMObf paa k §«■■■■*< *4.' ■' si,;.* - * - ■•«•.-.« t - a* ■ f .*>.«,* » aaUiili k« aw * k? Mr** I rs Mi partH A-a ajt*r :rf Wl V T .x-a-r, *- *.«. tiitmt A W s- rrsf*-t V—- - NwM k«r«l - T K;i.wAa»«t*M W»«* —a . LOU VS Till: UlMliT ON COTT9N. in, Ulula '.* In lift iu ( WlnlH. r. ... *.»ITV' *~ r ' *x aNi Nr kaaw mm A nar«. (» 'mi Um4-«A rxx «. » » * ~'fw£S£i' RaSSr-rl *• FN-*w» t>r t««**nr>M ja»4 * HTTi'.-i * x Til' b- r - r*r» 4 ear , “ “• > "* l ' \"VTi -lT" 1_ \ M*rra' aiWi <Wpa M T tUH SHACK.ELi'ORD 4 KETCHAM, AaeUon aai. Cmiblmhi HarakaßU, •', ATLAITt. WKORUU. r *V ,S. .rs || 1' TVj uC-% iva Varr* rr,l <«*«*•*« X pra- r.l m< 4 . .arnn Kfttl Mi, Real New*, <VHr* t IUaU, *» w cbhiaM. *n «v*l at aai fimm Mto m il*. uii m iiMKtj av. 4 aa«i 1* Mrn-kaals ItMlrltiralrrs «► «V>N P»4tM «W* **4 *AJ M «ilk tta*^*‘ y < DBT GOQMI DHT OOttM! GHRAT HEOtJCTION Hum*, fmrf wt l.yrrlJ HIT GOODS, BOOTS AMD SHOES, k*. AO 1.~4. ItfArt * PUla n«w« I ONE I* HIC K ONLYI JOHN M. GAHHOH a sernxn or FALL AMD WIHTES DHT 00006. -U’ST- *********** LIS' Great Garprains! *»rrUl l*t—it, 4mt *■ tmtiMti •* man wax tat rrjcw A Schedak of the lading Articles: mrnc* Mh4 faar* a.ta , fmri tad U« Nyka. atock a*4 FMTf • IVV *• * «n4 »k. rwa, •art tad WVa. W-Vaar FWV, La • kna. ->w u i ■<■ ) •rf*r»-» ata» lktAvra. A SEAPTITUL Lm OF CLOAMS, rw lm Um iftiik ttyka. Taaa.t r-*|H t#aM*a Bara # X*- At Lm aa4 • mm Wk <a • AM 4 hN A* 4 ai ar In *a4 \ kali » ■'-* laMknfte. M.(kH.aira Wbi taai —a a—r Pw—«4» a* t laaara X Va». L*v-* |4 <Tt I* hoa: Lmj r aai *4 k-» *m «4 ?ar «■■■ aa4 ALL FSB OJfE DOLLAB SO BLAS'AS ’ SO HUMBDG! r_ h. milliamn THE Lik 'EsT .1 \U H ~T Um.'jri t.UT ENTKKI’KWE Crystal Pa lace, IlkiMU Iriargl*. r • * -•» sT** 1 * ora not Lia roa bkh tatKLa• l ' W. ky ik» my ■■■■ ■ t*. ■• ILM FJ. IkNrf fXMii t r*m k-V > * W ' r7 iw n«* nan u rtiMa r-*. iaNNw rwr-vt '••» BN.*— ‘-a*m a»! tkUMr i aan 1m t me : Jvr— IV*»— Fhwr ;■*■** . Kka. « Mat aai l*«o|«ai| /< *r pavn * Ur* <4 (M Mt r» m . »4t NraSL. 4 V a« riaAew* » irfk**ia.kni. AaJ a *aa- WW r» V Mt»v4 art «a EVERY ARTICLE IS THIS LIST SOLD AT OHE DOLLAB EACH. tlMlhr tlwar. fur art <mw*. ‘‘-f ■ » • it»s.« »v- «• . «—.r mm m*? . r—. •“*- a, nuMHag v>Sl ItUlik m-S ta ffMf T ■ ■mi HI v MU tILLUMA •nya 4 ltia.a BELTON, WHEELER 4 (XL \A li o1<■• it I r Uruler. iu TIN PI.ATE, 1 'o,i|M'r, tth..«.| Inm, PlnmSen’ aad Gas Fittarr SUck, a uni Kturr n**rt. A irxltette twit. .1 C«A Ia ATW. k amra aaa J . s« i inn a no* TENNESSEE BACON 3< hhc* *°* l J.T* r lit., 1 * *ji J-JT * >“* * 11*1. / ,»r ■»« u>*» —.•—» r-» • ( > . y* -< mm. L iu».» * •« New Itteter. | , ML (IM * MW