The daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1865-1869, November 11, 1866, Image 2

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Tttl BgffDA* tti muni^jLi wmt uoinosa, m Tk« H«w». TWI #*«■■ hw wjiOTfal «w CnnHCi.- iUifafklhtbw* :i ibi«| i Aw*n W(k A T*aay ■*■"* Ciriliii AanOTatwa win Tka Xmto taw OT *a CMI Oowi of B» OM Ma mwmwA W w. ib awwAai aa al kaai* w Qea. On far Am (afaMfla-Qaal Mfaa Oral awOT it n U|afaafaN«lni’ IbfaatauffalfaaHfar —rti MawafaMiwAMna. la falwfa'i OntaA lota A. ■ ■Maw. tk* r - MM jfayw. aaa ■WyA. wi Wwfa Aar knar par Mfa rAwaptw fa Mam fa faj CM V. Tajfar, rw-w-fa* Asa Dr. A. C faral faa4 at Qaifra. Kw. TaaallaaaaatnwfaafaaOT X-b-riU* ftaw fajr a*. llUtfa. fafai aaaan, VM.OM. Tka AWrtary Oawaal iwfaA •* MraArj. afafanKfamtaa faa OT Ik* Warp* OT Fwfaaawi bnaghi ya hfar Mdfa baa. Aa awrairfaw hw kawfarwal at Taaaafa j far Iba aaaaaMfaa af Ckaafa fa faa CaMOTj ■ TbafaahaMa W*«anaw*y pwOTM fafai ap*- OT *mLwb faa* m tkw apaal w fa* Ufa ot] Tbfaaa haaga -ts Bada aaawfa to If fa faa Trail lia«. ba ww* haaar Ww aaK* fiyakfaya MMwyfa to abrrrifa. ' Ahaal aaaa Mot faafa fa* Mm •* Jot ■MpakMfaAa' M mmtgmmd aa aa *— -■— r -» fur ■laga’a W*ak .. BiAart Qrabaw. OTAT—ra iaaa«.i IWw baa aaafa fa* paaaaa* pa aa* haafaaA aad a*tt Mu OT My tor afar* to- raafaraa (11 f* faa: Hwarafcay fa fa* was bMfa aa OT ■MB Tk* Hwaafaffd Cmaafr Mm Mpa a* aaaaal aaaara with aa* hawbrwi aad fcrtt Vkw a Ik* WOT Ua* fa nad fa* kook of aaaara. Wkw aata aa ana faa Ma»aa Th* Waatifnl yapaßaamb. AM., tk* adauratow of aa aaaap faoaaaada. a p*ap Tk* tray ad pork tk* pra**at aaaoa itaa <aaaa*d riU fa* tk* krgiat «*<r tarn aa Uto itokaati'l fay toapp■*■ that fa* aad ■afa aa* faaAfaaa than kaaaaa tfara* a*on*a a faafaH Ik* paaarat MO. pro**4iac it to aOeywi fay fa* tffaiia it Ia *#toa»| a fa**.a aad ***an A WaOTara afafaar aaya Bwl*r nwyfat toll* aaw fa—— dad. ‘ B* gaw fa Capna. ito to alfaoat fa bad. Ciiaiaat ha* a«v * faadfyaWrty to ana aw fa** ran hay. Xaadtoaui baprari t braulf by aMraiag tipi ii to kar I igalOTau Mat tor Mpnn *aitoiaani‘ ta Ik* OTotwot at MatMa a* Go* gr*a* Too* *hd faottoy jada! Tfa* Peyal aa fa* ohdaat dra* faa Sarny, aad alto afaafay ketches hat fadafad WOW aayroaa raw ISfaO Whet a fafaddaytop • hfaa May aaaw.n.l -Ufa ad Bayartfa faa* jaM h*w pakttokad ta f oat*a Tk* aafaar at -Hiraaa" to aapfapd w * AlMata. A Cfaiaaa* bwity fa** a ***** I ~ppi*M wbi* Tfa* fa aAaat faaa orfarftd Waaawy fa fa* I*** 111 fa kto raah M Ik* arptol.r ni Tfa* Hwaida WaWaaffaa ay.*aal aaaa "Tfa* haataal aafanruad piHiai fa U yraaato Isa T ML B*b*cw. of Ofaaa, aad Wat fa Hyaaa. Loaaauaa tfa* Inriaw fa* kaa pat •*—l —- m Ik* rrttoiiaoa aadrr tk* 10U rlaaaa. Maaaay a tonl M*i* fa j**a tk* tawa. wto*. aad to* to**** aadrr tk* Ifahdaato atgme Wan, at tk* aaaawcy [aurtoa* A a*aa m Pordaad. «ko bad Inrrfm am bawad aa tfa* tola A**, kw «to»a» OT Ibaa Tfa*** hwtba at tk* Ffa-Mdatyfato L»iiyw a **tod by broken i* tk*! til; Tfa* HwebOTl* of Mr* Torh *r* to nfaad fall if fa tk* ■*#»» in a OT (jaab *r A Hal* Maw of flaw* mi to* of aolid rook yto ok OTaaefa tfa* Rooaar taaai I Tfa* MtoaM Trifaaa* umuo* tk*a COT fok* A Mot*. MM (fatot OT < Trliwnl of ■•/or <i laml Marry • aif < . oaf*-:*rat* WOT** army, fa** faarrOT* aOT-- i*!*d !» Ik* o to** ito ip aad aditormJ A ynnat of tkm j*p*f : : . A (Mato l aapaaf. vdk atapMai of WO Uti fa** J**t fawa oaymataad ta I'hiray W« too*ld fady* * ytoOT oapu; aaaiy brokaa Vkm May* to a*ad to fa* rnttoy a tutor; of Captaai m*toi*| tk* r*iya of tk* i**orp«* Buck far ponay tk* Mto[k» Mr** mmm . amtiy la tkal ray fr *> tk* f'aaabMMad ' ata oOT ftway «Mj doka Htaaat Mill attka oat. la Atoyaua aoywad fa aduiay tfa* poOTkiuaua* *<rfca us Hou; TMaaa* Backi* A Praaefa Ana faa* - M MiWUWtrik pndfafi at vorfetay ' tk* Mtafy faommi yaaau itofiuwla af Ofatk. TH fa*a kaaaa y« tk* hOTfar of tk* D*ad l tack fa Marytatod oa Taaaday W*ad*U Pkatiy* aaya faa w* to*dd*d fa troth aad pkafaatkrnyy »>w a boy M* aaaat ban baaoaia a akAotoar ab*a <|sd* yoaay fba rry-rt* 1.7W1 daadbA MM|*k wd AOnu m* m tk* wfai to' <kat4HKaAto. Ifanay Ik* a**atk of OaAMfaribwa aata Ml d*ath« by *k«d«n. aad tfa* aitoap p*r 4mg i**o« tooOT I*. fao paata jot at laddb ■baddy way tm ay ha kaw at tb» —Uoftba wn—lilt |, wd by bb .m) yfanahyfadiy fat «b* baud of •* barky fabdaa at tad; had la* al tbOT Ha at tha aaHd ltobna. ÜBowa U Bowa al la Ml pw.tot lawiaarfa* fa Ik* toatiTa yw akoyba tab Boyar Skarawa found M ao dayraw Aa kararawhadaf tba by* fat— ob wfadrb ka had faa—aarod at bit fortaaa. Tba faarifab Collar via ay piiad afaaa M> tba yayyoaa af Mad tra>to f iftbWai fa* ftrat.r fawabtktr h> tba tba toorfal Tba #w« wbxdi bnaya ykaita totobn wait abaoOT af » ttnawm waa mraafad oaa tba laow af fkllrad, tba Itofadw raw, wbo vwboo yaw ta aflfard • khw Ay ba | faraato hyk* la* tba yraiwtona of bra atadrw Hayfa Millar, a atoaa wtbar. kaa wrtobad aaafaw by tba tramadow tratba tfaat ba fftfad Aw tba aartfa. Ctarh MiUa. aa fanalb baw ybabaw. nwka law tba •rat artwto of tba toorfal- Paw wbo aw eawtbar tottA tba aat* of Bur Baatybray Pfaay. haawtba*a* Ok* tut*, faa vaa a hint faMrk aad anaad boy in tk* Boyai baton, ta which ka ww Ary* Prnlfaair akw ka Ari Tba yraa* phi ioaoybar af aw aofaktyy ww at oaa baa 1 w faaaakb ffanyM af ‘Ha art praaaroa lr*a,~ yat ba draw a *o*oa froto tka tka* Hr Am tofanfa m bow Iwwthiay tatodb yat tkwykoW tka MoytA awi kraadtb of tba ernhaad toori Tbakataotold ka panaard ftrtkor-for aaory Tk* auaapdan to* bar* gma ar* laßninl ta yroaa that aa aw » bafahtnl fay fa. wow**., thw baw totoa. at tba aaoal pawtal *wplnywwla bn anw f*- i mtawa which aatoaiatul tba world with thw hrflbaary. Bat apart trow tbwa pruaaißWt maw plaa. ■arfawiea. w a faaaa,- an am wy ; tba moat aaafwi atod prodtablr facwbaasof rocaaty. Whathwbawiay thafaww. rar ay tba faaaam toaDa. akafuytfar aha* or hoary bar. drtnay fa tola**, ywabay tk* awytaa oto faaa track, or loth my amid tk* kaa* aadrfa ifar af fakafaraar*. tfary aft! tka arr-krtaeda of oar aoraal lahrtc. aad oorwpy *■- . *'“< '• too.- .totodra to to*. of krart aad kaadL Tbay aktyr tkar ova tor tnafa. aad iha[n tk* daataay aad tala ewoa of a CMitry -r ctwaaakity. Tk* into wfaaeh tonal■ thru datoy brotra bnaya w fai ihanl of orohk lo tk* *o- , carry fa whack thvy nfade. Show q* a city rim thtor* w a lacy* alcaaral of aerhaa tea. mad wo wiD Wow row oto thml a is a kiyfa dnyrrr proaymtiw Oar own rtty a t aa «nd*woa of tkm W* ka*r ■»*( aa ao* mack law than Arc Ihommkt fanrhtoa I w ami it fa admitted Md partm that too an yoaay forward with tormina* tondw. Machwarn are m due** aoame of re-ee aa* Tfary attract aanary to tkeir com atatnty. aad dnimrar it amotsy k**a* traili ilara Hrynre AtlaaU of tku riam of her poyalatanw. aad it nail kaoe a i wofiii effect a ten ker trade. TWu krk dom*.tai or muatkly expradttana h***p w mionOT farrediki* aaauamt of auan m curwlatioto. aad a tka aapyort of ataay pnafriua mrrr *i ant* W* am aoiod tkow who look apow the tacbaair a* aa aadrr-BH-mlvr of aocudy We at ib hua a far dift-fest betay— oa* wkuaa koray bar! aad aooty bee a a tmdya of koaor vkoe* tor.-ay arm a a —r**rl tkai retaraa a diTmicad of real worth and aßimpaartayl koaor urrru n*a -nut canru. Mn r aatrou. S >»*afat *. I***. BAMr y«r »« Th* LaykMlmr* ha* fa**» m a»mina am ttao a »*** mad bat boM bw haw dona ' Than a m> tut anw jto Om *bhm lUw 2mm H CmmpbmQ mmAm «a id.lw m thm H Mil o i H<ubmm ai kpprm—inn»■ am Um ciKMim o 4 Um at- 1 yfcmi aad chiidnm at mm-imr*. TW vcwnU* tfmmkm mo kmf tutd J»*«v Wj kaova a (Mtir{M AWTIbt 1 fnctol Bdbdl* ■MI m 4 «m Mdvi i» U«-A ttam After tiUndinaf fta k»y * k* prjip nairkj -« tk# tba»rt«r at tk# iwikin of i 'monpm mttfiM w. Mr C mbmiuri ixm pka wkvrh ua BotfUßßtidfailj tktA TW to ippnpn»U •101) 000, ■hst# lor toi MBitliy lor Um <4imup« cf tk# rsuldrwti. tko mmt to owwdhl •«> lor tk* jtm*. tmd to to rmAiPbi im tk* ickooii of Ito comMUj Tko f—>f *knTP>d tkot «nc| mb *f in kiitolit awon tto odotrouoo of to to—« •to Ift toton i jpf nd itot it *m b*4 |Mlk rj am tko part of tko Kioto ar* to ikrto i port mi tketo toeaoM it wrnki ant otorot# tko *tok Tk* prwi iißpo**n*6#d eualikm of Ik# fftto »w* btoutfl ton it *M tkal rs rai a uniooia f*»>ii|pk*>da am tko port of Um LocMtolnm to do ail ia (hor p>*#r for or> fwal • •ori Tk* aa*kor of k#r ckiWitaa ta Gonripa tkai aeadad edawtma waa akwt » of Ikaa* toot ki 400 *#o Um #kto4r*a of do# *a*#id •otokoto. m4mmmij> toft iali|’**l cktoirra of actokara. Tto lafa—ro of tk* Mkch#ato>Q f to*o# #toi j drae *m fcmbij il.a*tra*#4 (Ration «m ; VfTttk. to » po msxtmrj petal of iW*. • gnot - 4 mL T*e a poaf aw pat prr»iu*«4 too N htora*7 raeorvod ia MMfio.cieD to tar# oon. *o#h | aotod to dbk to «n Iff tto-.r rwa Ukor a faa>4 mt#r#** oa tkto mko«1 Edo#o»*f«n mm tko Mtoreo af kof|il»to mmd myrjmmmt to ma wtM arm Iso a—iiatol EfiatoKO *raa tko wowtof vtotft to a *uue Tto Kioto sty adaeoua* k»r pocir ekU* drra. vo«i4 to *4lui( to tor mmitk Tto appmynpii m aofcM for woaid add toratoj' to tko mmmbrnt of arkooia ub mmd ao a rn*Marfaaai* appropnoto «o»f > momid to pt*a to Miatnii luifijtn. Ttooo ■bra tod kto mb ana or a log. tot tod ao< ioto tftk#*/ mu ad, aad owaid mat oaly to mtJm I o pr**rtdm ta tka* tkoar oaiy fatok oa/ of #ora tag a oßppto* ttoar aMtotooor#, mmi to A*o| b#*ap mi #xp#a«OT to (to tool# tot aflflHpk oto# t*> ia*port tto fTiQlii Ifrjod to tftJHW fwraftMM. Aatokr/ dao of token sight to tokoa fma* tka ortorot • i faooki of tto Joad Tto# Immlm owold prw* ltoto»« to to rvjaapo- Imal too#tor* if m npprprfaait/ oar* alf <r<tol tkoaa lo eagog* tk tto work W* oood m*A. k«ok otoiad for mmt toortota tto/ oar# to <*ar ! ■tkt Tto *pak«r. ta tto rmmeimmam of bta rw aaorfta. rvtaraod ftp tto rtoigoti#* *b.'t fa waa •tor to tto dao of duMraa tor okoMi tk* loU#r*d Tto tolraw iiroipiad aa kor ia tto dmittmrj. aad nil no (tok to prHtoc«*o of stood. Gar* Cm. Huso* rn p— onto* to tk* 1/odoa Timmo tkfoadsg kM ks mo ftook to bah ©oa. f iBUUBft tto BOMB# us Cknak la wa a*»A» kw lb. uoa kaal af «*Awy« aw brhbaam rtyadij tbaala Kw wart Herpa^d—tb* waci. of *a mart *tyh -4a maaalmt. aad holy ww faa yw facade* aad mardwed w ndd tOad Mr wkat» "Per prerckfay tka ycayal af the SawafOai." OmatOodl Oa Mfa tkmaabyhfaaod aya rwad tbaiaaoad mdb attfarkiayf Wok *ll oar kaaOTed la mOyeawwi hwo iaaMk.liakh.witk Ik* yj*n w oaakykt af Myinwnt rkfaiay fall apua am. awl ia tka broad Mew of Cod'* aaaOiki. Ik* raler* of oa* (Mafa dare ta aba ad ay awl a*y that tk* "mm faaaadw of Ckrad" akail mot prodaun tka Oaayel af troth wrthowt whwittiay V> 1 eoaditaoß* hmanhotiay aad rweoiliay. The dan of martyrdom harm beea amkerod bach ceha tk* world, aad k> Mfamon ka-] lonym Ik* dtaytwna Ok ! aha me. whom a thy bkaah » We Mara from tfa* Tmmytoo To ' Ka- j pram Oat aa I*lll*l ay aaawfa ocanat ui tka Caafanam raw of tka Hatkadid i Chareh oa Thomdmy of but waok. Halt th* warn kar, aa a* mood au yaam ayu. ia —yf* fadaty ia daaaat aoaae ham died al tkaar work, aad aa* kar* yarn dowa to bloody ywrw. Thaw who bad maefabiad hml tin *OT* I tk* atorwa aad a ill Aaa— of peraeeataoa had aaialaurl thru Molly lo Owl Bat awrly all who a*OT tkot day ware made* adactfaral ‘for prooefam* cuatrarr lo Ik* law* of Mfamn;" bat aaiaUau dated, ikeir ufaynly ww aaimpoind. tkoir *l\ayi*aia to tk* Craw aa raranny. -- Tfa* OuabiMon wa* awantimy to tfa* «**m i of iWnefa* Tfa* Baho? eaUol Ik* aw of & & H—Alii That* om* * odwma alwia. Tfa* aiafaa ylaaced moorafally aa* lo Ik* OTkar. wd ock mail outlay far aamhifa to ewofa* tk* **d auk of aarrmtlay ka aaaatanlbai aot aafaooorof at “Al M« tk* ■** D McAaolly eon by n h**OT. wd otfa* fa tk* *fa* I. Brads, *ad with dny pOTbw fa* fald tfa* tnyv- aiory I Maay *yot wen oflii t vttfa ion. mad au; a faemn ha* red eel m mi ■*. a* fa* told in pMm mad oufli weoiM. kaw ao* U«* In* MeXafafa bod omyk*. m otfaen *i**wi>*n bad Amo. fa mm Mom tfa* chaiea Ki wfairb Ueadiet b»lioiy»d| * fa now es wntip face h* wot -pranofd fay BnU* from me* liai y-oKu jffauot a*o iMtaun . -OTdWi by Mb. OTAdi aalwfa ltdrii lo pawl U tael faoOOT ao aver mo* ga lfa nymrdad a •** tfanot aad uiafaioy aum. n poaed fa tfa* pfae* u faa a*xt mpymatmeat bow a* *** mat by MrXabfe u tfa* pMee • tth •mm* armed me* wd tahemed tfaat fa* tfauold *ot pnaefa. In Hm>l)m rtfoe* v> mil** tfa* irmal mo.l **h*d tfau kw hi* •oodort fa* wiykt h* left fa omawer fa 111* Mo. in Mcbabfa. pmatmy to tfa* umed men. Aa eburod tfaoo* fa fa* hi* fa*, bow Haadle* had lay fa* coaii prenli axfaiay. ob«mia*d per uwfaoa fa pworfa ao iu* m Mod. ww* the** . yaarrennf mmuM iiiu.fil. M>* fat Utjted - witfa fa** eooynoOTfao. wd wot f-dl.-wot b* fau us MuSafab* aa. how fa* Mil. tfance pmeoad ml bat Mm mg *bw n we* told face, al to clock tfamt m iyfat fa* etpued. pmyiay f* fan uoeoi.ov *i amt I* Ufa iuomf. of faa limn* Uubr wbo amvl fufan ten* .*l*lo 1 And wbua. mt tfa* ufam. tfa* *p**b*e fadd Mm. *fa*o b* email tfa* fauenfai tafaUiyeoc* lb* 1 -on turn of faa owa fauwt wta be*™ ap. u l fa* wept far fan hfa* mm infant ut fa .w -Htnr* Ufa* faito m mil propafaditj. ***l tfa»ir iafaryniy witfa. tfa*ir bond, tfa* ijmtvm tfamt amlmtud tfa* dfOClpM* at tfa* a*t **po*r n»im«d treaddiay no ewery lip, MitL oit I‘ ‘ Tfai* wot tfa* uUfa member of tfa* Cow fanw *Mi Ml baw Mir Maed n tfamt ws. mu* e of n -ontry. mow esoli it tomi; b* M-ynd mat fa* *fa. -old fa* tk* but faBTABTItUS. It a kaown to all nwlmy men that tH* mom prtaceTT forexaw hare been mi-fa- by tfaoa* who aa4enton.i the proAtobi* art of Ml**rtwmay. Bornnm ha* mal* aeweral aamantl eatate* ia tfau way, aa.) tb* acu wccoafnl mod wealthy men »n tki* coaUaeat aad ta Earofie ottnbote tk*u aim-uww w- th* warn* couae. Tb* New Earn ■ m » yr-.wiay odrertiuaif atedinm. an t if it* owa Uademnea fail V- m*Aetbem**4*r* kaowa to tb* people, tb* f»nlt **noot reat apoa oa. Mr. Kdca » eslhfay Ja all wbo . fame* yooda for aate, with fall authority to cootrar* for adwertMemeota mad imhump- Uon*. W* afamii lewoo B*> l*mi unlrirn#fai ‘U> tto i»t#r#«t» of oar pMtron*. Ttoir wywi u» o mt btrsi IKV OftLKAff COUftIUVIOKK K. ■ >Uh»al fttMf [mm iu TO T*B inur nu; 9if OKiUft Sormmbn 7.1 **A. pAfUM *•?*»! m tto feMATf to tto ( Micft of Loauuto -tto c* ml ( bnto ( Tiarrh at % mm tkatop for tb# ftotop •ri# Bift Mf*»t to tto ‘tokth of (ton ' P JA At am Mu-ly hko«r tto ■ndim#* togma to p#»*ar - into fto r hmrrh frm* nil putt of tto #Uj *o*i hj tto tflßA# for tto to 'vtmn»*-Ts* # «my portof m+mthmiylm • pmrm at tto «fM now t»—fto *m {Hftot lo tin ttißumt «*- pß#ity At lit o'clfxrk tto rto«r mtrrtek up * t»*gn:&- ##ck MMtm vtoftMM>«MtoUM *ppr wh to tto pr*r#*«i/*n to ft mb>l ftorgy Tto r#?*r*to to»*l pMMni minify up tto long wal« to tto rtMirtl. wtor# tto eUfsty mrrmm**-i m op#« or4#r. utd tto ftMtop* pMM#d to ttoir prmwti et>* m—fi# tto m Asw4tor p#M<a» •/ tto cksr fr4lov#d. «h#n tto B*«n»ftc mm rmmd by to# In I*#n »#i. *U» I>r < i«ifn4, tto K*t In. ft##k - TtUl Tto >-<»■■ rmtiriß Mrsniby j< R «\> ktm H# pmrbto from tto t#il I Tißotby, M rftuptrr. 1 m mmrm “Tto » * my\m% if •bm dmmtrm tto ofto# of btotf. to «tor*tb t gnrtd mnrk ~ Tto Aftß-io tu rßdMuUy pm#tkrmi m w#il ma t#*rrtol- Tto biMior/ of Ito oAm <A Bukop Md it*. bmm *aa cspbmlml in tto •p#to«r ■ u*u*lfy Ib#ml ttyim. mmd mm mt+tvmlj miity tm to tto tonp* wnMgmfpitmß After tto i*i#n sting Booming *#m##*i to tto ftonp *tol mmd ottor Httotp* *o*l tto ci#r- K 7 Jtoii if* H piiOA (fßmtnrd. li.wrr »f AUlmwa. Afui (in«l 'AktvUmd. Tto tuid. 4*4# vm tton wiutoi to tto Mtrr#rl roton. nt»4 tto BtU# Btwi Ajmer udUum <4 h.m ftigti ■o*l k'Wy tto# ptoff to bu to«#V Tto rbuU emrmtmany mm rmry tono4if«i mtui is presif# QftrosgtoMt ( fcrMt ( burrft trill ng»«« to tbr»u» nfmm to ■igftt. Bod Et lUt C l. Qnißtunl trill j pr#s#% A loryß «ougr#g mlrm tri ii ># prtMuoi. MA AfAcybudy w Mitou* to tour tto mmummt ftoto'p of TfBUfM I>KLTA- A yong uif# of Mk#lug»B. Biter « torn#? bp«« ml t#*tMytor ftopn, Ml tor honteeA bm4 tpplwd frpf b (Jjtwfr*'# <u tto groato tom ‘tor Mi«u vaa t»A m* nr ft ua ato tft*Ptighi ft« «m/ m 4 lb< cuwt grauUd it I OaarfU t,a*Ulat«re. pmwwawmwml n Mw A. ItAk MBIfcTU TTiii “ a. a. Pmywr fay Bar Mr Tarkwaayk. Mr IwriamiHiwaAAwb* w*km «f Mh A i I y iliitMy w tha hail (Mot. w wAbot th* pay «ff AMwhan aad «Bnw *f «k* OmwelAii wfaty Lorn Mr VarwUh ia-tHmA tMh mud th* OTitfar «k*«*W«f iliAmiaMlmtnw. tkmtdwa. | Mr ota*«r—A bill Mr tk* pardtm of R P tm OT Baw* waaty, a wan** at th* Pw> Uotnrt for mat* of uftfar Mt Prwwqa—A fadt w «Md tk* wd OT tk* BMW W Ik* AH Um Badrtmd. Mr. UtmbUß A fata to nbaqwMh W tb* CMy Owbotl of M»uw w Owr paywwt OT I AIt.AAA W tk* Oweyw Urphm* » Wow*, tkur I li.r-y I —* kaowa w th* I MaSi Mi ii iret, i Mr. M*lMat*l —A btß W *»wad b**W aid to lh* a fa Unit aad Horth Alabama y..l—! Mr. Pan* A bttl to allow lh* rwMmpUna OT rtMkl MUft -«L> uucto OMUUOU, wilfttn ■ fT-tf- 1 um Mi Tbonto lmttiil tte «n**< *** AouU C«MUto om tto AusduvaU to tto CoMftWm at tto Urntmi ttotou. tec ft wm nad Tto ruporl dousl wttM ■ muolßUon tW tto Stoßftu dechmm to runty tto Am«mto*nm On motto* of Mi MUtoto* tto rmohiuom wm a«T«si to »; nuyn. ftom Me- Btotoy übCtimlucual ■ wluUon trailer tag to Hon. H Wmnmr. ■ mnt on tto «.«r of tto T tofing tea May al tto Cuptel. I uftteft waa Mttopcud. Tto tell to utoorputul# tto Lompktn Porum ton Mnnniartnnng Compnay*,wm paamd. Bdl to amend tto cbmrtmr of Ito Cuatnl mmd Cnaal Onapnay and etoagu tto imm of tto am Pmu> l Tto Howma teil to inoorpomte tto Oovute fnlU Mmtatectunag Compnay. of Cototobo* (k.napMMd ' 0 ft HOl'ftE OF KEI'IUuSF.NTATIVES. BamaMSMumui Ut. tod, of ilkUrdus ■touml te (MM AKie-r tto tell lorn y#utent»y t*> r#|*#ni nil * c r*-w: *tA*i ti#n* .m punurate »bich ha-« p*Ma*#t.l into tto tomte of Uuid purttoß* Aio- Ucal«ii -’pmSil bm'JWtoHr - ; Catnait Hr toysun, of mured to mean Uiftr teU, km ymtrrday. to •nth.unr# tb# r#- drmpOxQ of cftnngu teito. by ito W#n»- ♦ra nad Atteatu* ‘ IteUfubti. «i SO ce nU -m the dollar, m teat. Thw motom ftbnted nmM# diucnuMAffaa. tto ndvocntr# • f ■Kai tton* rtong* btlte dtd tot t»oe uadrt tto rcpnlulion <»rdianncr. and ttot Lh# Buif •ftould pnjr tt#m. Tto «pp**«*a*n #etni#it.l-i --ttot tto bokftn of ttoau teiU ftn*i nmpie r#o*- mdf b#ft>r- tto eoorte Tto W«ut«ro and At teuf jUttr*#fad toukg * *.*<[* .ran-ia, amy to I'ird. » toiVßt# nen-ridaifnlß t > tto tell of lb# H“Ub#. reUtJv* pi locating th# -unty %»t# ia iWt. n Jude# Wnraur »m »n»rt#*i t*» ■ *#nt on tto fijer of (to H'tm * .nr* xattu Mr li*Ak.l of H*ft#r -to praridu ter Wiling amt tto Pubto Fnatmg tor#ufter. Mr ITnir l#n»«a. 4 Kbb T in<nr|inrftt» lL- “fVmuig## BaiMmg no ) ImMkn Amb*m'»* J ft J >n-#, of Bark*. to tor# .>ft' toprm of M,r Bdwito* F*bmat on th# LnU-r SlkiOTM* .OT tto rfal.iitfc f.r'iiataw* tou—l to Mr Sbnrp. of Cbpodw#—A r*n-i«tlioo uk ing k’-mgrt m to repeal tto Ui <»o "tobacco. Mr Wnii—'To rtwmpA th# line totwrn Ap- nn*i ( dte. Mr * itr#* n. of A f'ttmuni#n4*ts^t king to na.l rMummufaUQtf tto np|p>ukL m«nt of Joseph ElUler, m» ■ (omaiisnoopf of ■cnigrolton, Mr Stalliag«. of Govrein—T<> g»»# end-far##- • sent ni tto tvrm# ito tends '4 tto Su#»n twh 1 rn Bii-l North AiAhuma Haiiron*! Mr TsMftcb. of Gourein—To ait#r and nm#JD<l tto pswsft C*4* of ftotegw Mr Rpvrti, of Dais To c#unp#l puruon# j to par Ut on tau t m th* county *ft#re tto laml ;.#» Mr H wkenhull. of IbAvwto —To allow pa-r awikaug ato a*.nun, ato* (u dxmw wmia o##r ir.jrr##n:ag land# Tto H i ob# tooA ap tto naalunon of Jto . K#n»i« r»i#ti#« |o adopting th# Conrtitoiioo*i An#tbilui«au. Tb# coacniVr*l.with to: two LaMAXUing v-iic«u - Mmr» ELLINGTON, of 4i;im#r. and HI'MPHE£T. of Fan tun. H#rwf# rftaoiutMNl aaftrag certain inform# U.»n of th# (tereraor, m to tto PerutsnUary. w*i» concurred in. #«w WkTTTM. mrrociD M? Sw«anog#n of I>#catar. to tafbnrtz* payment of aup«matemteata, eicriu, ! ete-P.-.-M in l>##ainr #-»ootT Mr McWhorter, of <ir##n For tb{} tectum of Cart--ire and rrnoaiMon m#r#tecnU, • Wte3 fnmufc uappbmin punun ah\ ttm#r<b. Mr Hampftrey*. of Lincoln To r#p#ai portat a##tion. CM? of the Cod# Mr Howard, of LampAm—To sitead State Bid u> tto ' Air Lr.* «#*l Mr Mrmmrn. at kmenguu To allow PteW IrviA, b niiooe. U) arttl# with bi# gnartißn Aten, to r#gutet# tto «*otbi<>ci« *f the Hajiram# • Omit Ui*t m#-» Seat Monday in Mat and N’-iT-*fc tor and rf.nlinu# in a###t'm an til all it# toftinawi is 9nMh#«l i Mr HarTh##, <4 Ri#hmond T > autborur *#rtatn M#■»###to tod to-intert of* th# (tenerai A«wint>iy Mr Htow of H«#wurt -To antond ImT2*l mci urn -rs tto C nd*.. lfr SfußAMr. ’A Sumter To inant* th# Acade my l r th# d'-af *n,d dumb m Mr Hush##, of Twiggy To prevent #aJ# of arti-te# of ngncukar# by employ***, with out • wnttm permit from hi# -cnpi' -T#r. Mr ftftftom. of WBuhrcgtrm fr» amend #t*art#r of ftfoaat V Acadesay Aiao. to amend *#rtjnii V»V» of th* C#4* Mr (ten, of WbitftvW F<tr tto relief of J T Hr>4g## aai J S*n«*n Ateo. r#w>ln- Boft auTb- nxiftg tto fte k wnnt«a.l#nt of t7*- W ft A R R to tato up r tong# bdte waued by WAA It Ii Mr foel 'f Worth, to rtong# tto tin# to ?»<*#*» I>*ugtorty and Worth Also, to raftm I purcaaaars of sterm from payment for tto j Tto Home ttoa adpmrnmi TANARUS«« Far sms or Irai.r A tyjiogrufditeal festival ta Ui t*fteptec# at Milas, in boone of tto memory of Patelio ( astaidi. who inv-o«#*i typ# Tto inTwatiion mt < astaidi wdi to ißHßiiftAiiiel by a monument- tto wort of a MtißUßu# srulpuw. (vuAaepjp# (OTjeti An luiuui papA»r sayu ”W» tor# r-mm-n u, teiiww™ U*#r aii tto printer# of tel tto flaihMi cUmm will to repe##ented at th*a testtral, wftkrft t# to do tousag# t»> om of tto gtorum us Italy Ritaewca asn rn Isnwrmwwasnr A #k»« tntetir u> th# M#w York Gft«#o say# Mr hkeetor to* withdrawn his sermoua from tto irutepeudeat. H# waa bound to giv# threw month • ami has <Vm U Hereafter (toy will to poMistod Is tto M#th4at, aa I perhaps tto Kuaiarr Tto luhymtoi s #in-ulafvm was built up am Hr. B#s#tor a s»r B'ftt, tto Imtependant has bum hte wot eager assnileot aad tea m>mt wagMM rvtttr , toai it irlti to aad tto ladwpswdsst am two. telegraphic. UMCtAVU Hum WiTWIM, Mmrumtm worn m» wu wwm bi noon MKrvroaxs. Tart Ikrtil Kn Tom. SiaMite la Gold liS» b rkuf* M»1 «« UH imnirt »Hk ikt rmMrti. liaiMM. Nua.»W Ift ft fefeoiKM u« ptvatmmt 'Kmtmn mom. iwtmbtaf tfta M«*. Mi. Maqu. mumbu at Cuacnato «ltotoi tram Oftte, «»U*l «T«*« «w P»«»«Wrtt. ud Ito H «aat«.l tftto Mwnl at Mr Jt-Uite wl tk* «|)yf«t at Mr Ms »ar KfiftMiM at Uwiul K*n*a* lanff lm> ly lit* i »kU. Lfwoox, Movoabtf 9, r. ■.—No politic*) new* 4 importance to-day OMMola 88 riirl»miu«« 6ft MuMlum U|d Xtottoa of U» Jaj nt.oou Imlm. XIOHT DUiPATOHES. Yarfc Hartata. Sow Y. u, Nortftbtor ltt (Mil 1*44 t'ortoa dacliuicg, amh tort —l* .lrtMßd SalH to-,Ur of «Ut> btoUto MhUllutf upUada ««»«*. BmUlin* OitaM 38 rata FWr (Sail and Wan to laratj mbu lowrr | Com d«U. wttboal WtaWd rftu«<a. Port lorn and irraffuW Hpanoa torpenuna 81 to 88 canto. Loud booty and anrtuutge.l af ear Htiksa Mlaitttr. New VfU November 10. Lieut (knm! ; Hb<-nu*n ax*.l Hou. L. D. Campbell. Minuter to Mexico, amUU to-Jav for Vet* Crum. M>b*«i ( ■tyw ■eltiaen. Bunnotr. Norembe? Id The argument I in the Aobaoj o>rpu.« mee will be continued tbu afWmo*»u. Judge Bert*• l will auoourice bu dec unin <»a Tuesday. Dtelk mt ■ .lel«4 Rarer. 4m. UonuiL, Norember Cab- Cord, the noted race borne, ie dtaml The Print* of Wales birtbdaj was cele brated last night v L te thought that Uuuv wU) ba este»*le*l to j the Kronen prisoner. M. Mabon. mew* rue Mrilea. X*w OtuuM. Severn iwr lil Late Mexi can atlmcee ear that all Norther* Mexico, ex 'l'li'-oap-'muifj ft cJku at Indiana, bat tb-.: unoccupied poetK and the Texas frontier wfuli f the in. e MefctU Market. Mobile. November IU Ibe Male* of Cut ton to-dav were 450 bale*. Middimga dt rente ftu*l qatet tiiie nivßKtrri or tiik mhth. aarriso cur tub ntrwnaai t«b t>rmxm TI >M *l) O-> OJ* WITH THE Bull. • Nmhniie fimeeed Aaw-cuwr: • An mtereetmg meetiog of tb** Tru»!re* of the I'nireraty of the South w*v bel l l*»t • eek at ct-rtjTeocd by order of H*»h«-p I Htott, of tieorgia*~tb# prreut (Tiuidillof. - ; When the late w at commence 1. this great »-u- j irrpnif. inaagurate*) by the Itiabop r -Ik. of L<mii.ana. had so tar pm ;r«a*.l that preparation* bed tweti nil le f.«r r.e rrecti .n <>f tL permanent bttii<Ung* The c-»rner *t.*ne of the ceutral DutMlng and lm i*i *- a«f vanrtfaied T<at».*w«. murtif#. be*nlifuiljr wrought. w.u* laid **n the KM •. of , (k-tober, Infio. in the |fe*MriM*e f th<»u**ruia f ftpectaior*. the inj*-renting arry »<•*►* of the • rau m being’ m brownie t«-u the Kptiw Church Among the AnwtU' nU iepiMiierl m the comer »i »ne a copy of l • 'd r ..'••i Statr.4. «‘ ; fi *' i.i; ; i:i I : ii.nii 'P Lhiutt ejth au *-»«*|*het»c *M- 1 In the progriiM* ot th«* war. the tem|»»rarT tmldin«r* of the I'nitrruty. a* well »- inn* I rtrate r* »nh*nr«-«. were «le*tn*yeii br th** Fehrsl tr<e*pa. The vault attached to the fßce of the Engineer aa* foreed «ije*n and »ta >otcnt* earned .41. and the bcauuhti owner •tone, which had Wn laid with »ncb iniprea crn-numiM. wa* forced fr**tn it* bed. the < oodifatum f the Culled State* torn from it* p ace f dep* within It. and the cottier atone rtirtf stoalterrd mlo lhouiamta of It .igui*nt* by a brutal eoldtery. and camel off m m«- ment'AV* of ii* drtune'tnm. By the .death of Biahope Otey and Cahba. v: I . emt} taa Iml two of ib BHMt thw Ml I earaeat «tipj-.rten, but m the d*alh of Hoi,op pi*lk it l«»t it» great founder and , i.'lliator. to whom It red almost wboltr the 4f**« m* it ha*t already aitamrtf ?!»• had hud ts e i -nndati->n of a great w>wk. which i*. we Itol. do t*e • arrie-I itol tu a coin. I -ti u* lhe princely dotuun "f eight tLm -and acre*. u?ctire»l to* the Cniveraity nj-m * , ’-wanee- ptatmn the d•otcrynand VI luUioA remaiu* in ltiwh » m*gmft.'erit eo • «t» nt and .4 th* Hbfjwd gbwytfffHffa bgi 1 !• r* tic *ir to tb* enterpriA*, amounting U> »r half a million of dollar* it i« tadleved t" Ur/-T j*«rt will U* eventually aca-ur**! Ihe I m«teea. at their recent meeting, de- W BWnihl »ia|v Cos j| > * 'ti With the Work, t to raf'y out. if jwe**;ble, the great enter : a U|-U4 the wale Oflglualljr cerntenrnbfted fr» ... :*hmj a I'nnerwity complete“n all th* departmeuta of human acieno-. i f.» the OiwAnUme. however, in ti«w of the preaamg need of th* meana of education f if th* tb'MftMand* of y.»ith* tbu bate iMrcaa -Ardy town deprived of *«ch a lvantage* du ring th- war. it waa >le* nnl a*ivt*ab|r. mateud .f awaiting the teftmtw'H* o# t+re depart-: • ; ".<■ • r> ' . ■•? • ‘•adding*, tout an effort ahonld f** mad* to ru*»- a nflV vOl fond b» put Up at one* r.#m f ■r'atii* building* lor th* ikpelMte ua* of atu- . i *ita and faculty, and place th* m*tituiion in ratom m the conrw»- ••f th- e’lauing y*ar l ,* enarffatic and r»«pected Bi*h->p (4 utpar I. and Tennewaee. vai'appointed a t>>miuia*ion«r wilKit fnada. and ;t 1* to ie* romped that thi* • 5 rt will Ke warmly reapouded to nr»t onlj n fenceamee. but thmagiiout th* whole roun trv It 1* an aa«erUiue.i fact that w* cap *d . ale our *o»* at H*wane* at htti# mbue than J - df what if would o«ei in Northern and ' iU>ena*, an ! it wdl there/.we be trw* ' mam? k 1 place Ih* L’luumijr la opsmtiau i* «onu a* pnwathi*. A uratftjy m*. report of th* operation* a4 th* ••MM* CfllkupMr S*ho*4* at Wmeberter. j . Ter Om BmawM B. »Dr Knight. . A now numbering about on* hundred and irty *ti*d*aU, waa amda. nod atintod much • teraal. *■ rt>e Eaer-Uir* f oanaatu** (Willed to lana« . it lot» W rwadeueew ewe y faeomhte term*, nd to any pnrliaa who anil pul up a good id or botfdtng houaa. landa wtU ha graateet ••a met* nominal rent. It t* V> be r*gr*ft*d ! '»at irewawoUh w euuil aui haute been; ;•**-* wt*d th*rw during th* pa*t inniner. for •n* *h<*UMMKia who had left thau home* vu >a*hv|lt* and Mamp.u* Pww.m hgreai 0/ pmranng iota nan ob *ui fi' intirmiwa fWau. and malln tbatr ar -n gem *uu with. Own it Fairbauhn Kao, ># ‘ »*n*ral Ag*Ut O# the I'EtfriUty, B» x )M, •at.* dia. dPnn—in H« i,mtu tan heixoa* M Tha | Ur,am*at in tha f alifumia aobUnra and anil -• wfa.y M during tb* war m u> be o» uatn— l ) •/Calif, wuta grwuaM. mart da or othur Call* j ruia meMwmi. at a ft*t of I.Vi.ißMi If i* •’ |ft< to ptaawK an Pawm hpow la Ann rawiam Oanranr her la Praasdaut of tha VwciMwe. and Uoarni fLUaik Chnaraaan </f th* Ki*r«uv« 1 -.aimiite* Ononm. -A man applied to ba ragta lered in Newark. New Jeawwy. laat week, and be called hie natural ißaUon pa> pn. but what really proved to ba United M«ele* Itcaune aa a liquor dewier ft ww* fouml 1 rial he really voted at th* lat* abarter election on th* auth'Wity >A that paper, and that It Lwa the »n>tor—merit >4 th* inapaclor <»*n*ral h—nctwna ba* pwrrbaaed thraa •bio.dred aera* nt u.mng territory m CJaiiltW' Tlm dk»br» haa .liaappearad f*'On Chicago, j NEW iDVRBTHEEEm tiikathk. MSUeM—oTimi BOUSE. EITHA NIGHT tH (hr iirwit Star (naipagf. MONDAY NT**!***, NOYIMNNI 1% UN ■RICHTBiPIII.: •a. ran battm or B<mwonTß rtn.D IVM* Urtn 1* M.H.BWBW!. W »• « Ul> »■ M. 1 on rtortp »« rt—r»* ’ I>«ct urt»« T. Q»rtrtr. «, « W k> «. Wll-» 23 VALUABLE BUILDING LOTS Oa Dwitn Mmt. IJtSSSSSSSSS HUH HU-1. taJ Hi,* UHrtrtO'. n«lnn Wee will An welt 1m * mart we the |wpnty L-ih art ha * • V. ADAIR ■aal Kelah Nvuhnr. Ortae Whheh*lt atr*at> aaa* th* NeatmaA. - •eU-a Real tUcat* I W Ike enr amt Oaunwy- Ilf wvi I ana aataafawsd. r.e ak ea vary bher*! term*, by A K nNAOO. aevtl-lrta Own when .ti Her. keel Luathrr, IATHS. Macbawmbe that, Ac. For eaie by j A K MtAiM), wnai W* c On—bob Mer lMt Thr l)r. li. O. Joun Broprrtf, N’ KAN Hoc*. Mlio A On, be* bm AtVVd iwfo Olty He* awey be *aak at wofc* T*r*«ie |bb ««L For ml* by A * NEAiKI. *, ▼ll - lot c OoouaMMuan EDobeaL Nirw Cora Meal \■ r |LI- be fw» eMM—d in r*»etoa»eni '«u **»! *fier M m >i Ut evwioau. IMA out. A A. ewvtl—Re o*o tel—* *1 Umuat Meal! Meal! avßiiM rbnw. old While Cora. oetetenUy <m bead I ee » fur ml* by * A. iUMfC •- novtl —At c ' (»*—mieei-u Meoaw.t. liaroa \ Bacou ! t) * CA.agfl cb»«ce etc— ikd** end HbuuUen In ate* M s) —UM:g Maui For mi* by A K BAAiHV. *o*ll—Re I'UUMOW Men bent. l^ard—C Ktoiee LraT. IN Hemrta. Keg* end t'aae. tr» —>r .jeeouty Jreori Fur awl* by A. K * LliiO. eovll—At e raomiev* Mem beet 4 a imlTma'w'T.en I)t *V_7 1•. »bm>* Yrn•»*■— a*w Wh.-e Cora +t- fc—v *- 4 berrr> ftoor ili grubl IUU Iwka t unxli.} llei —-*uu He—rn*. lb-;- 1 « .»«■ T -*•»- ■ - * 4 Vpx+r Lmibu-r JUvtwiwed "UiV Cutb*. note# Ik. e. Ijh s >*»*• •Mriet>u<E Beg*. A> . k< i"'f•**,.' by . A- E Si VrO auvtt lo» < <'<woiM,«ib Merctoeut. 5000 CaUiinr Hasp Wanted. \«nt4.bwj Ibetn sn «o*il I*4* \n*J b* ' TT A. A. M.MM', ('o»Bl>»k», Mre> bent. ObSW Min-Aril ea.! Fureyth *rc**«A »otl| JUf Aleote.<(e. ( ou Prat Wauteil. 1 < >OO B ™ EU ' c ” BirtU 4iEe ( nmmiMt ,-n M*rcb*u* Ttlmt \> bilr I ora. 41| f 1 ' •*' *-•*• * **»4 *4" M* f ■ —*e by A Hi* 'TT A HlW«rt . W tutciud lArwri. buvt s —c AtL—ta. Oa. NEW TORS MACHINERY DEPOT G. ft. cTPlace. (H Port Mrt.l T,w T.H, Mar «tx turen uhtTbCifi th every .turnpua of uaH 1W MILLS. sTati* ’Many and ivutasUi s tcmm Kotlnri pud Boiler*, W(* . t wriIFLAXEN 4M» Al l. OTHF.It « » )D WUttEUiii Mi III3KM. LeitH I’Verier*. Iw It*. lurellter *:,.l kubber H*- 1. ug. Opb’.t i'Ki oOwe 1 iupuHUu M-teift. »tU» eU erv ~»G-~df i> in Mi bote *ud IU., T'mt i K*r,fttr **lv|rti FAY A ( O.'E IMPROVE!* %i ROM. MAH. Wilb lot. From* end T*bi*. **4 n€b+r teJnehi* lm -t> Mi l s <YI KBfUTbDAMTi raHTIO3«iiCAN% H s, a3D rRi-Mwin li it I I H it y Nll ppl 1«* ts. -A* ma 11 ft/u > IMA KL A» i L ((.»- ( liiii'gp of Nolied Jloy WESTERN AND ATLANTIC fftLLj)l>U>. r AN I'd ftf’*- N • h*ii.. ■ *•»> TwUT.t * Wr*l«ni * * eau Allenl.. Uwiced *ul run el lloi ti'iNT rmm ruutiiu mm* oen.v lest, itleate * on e m Arm- el I *-• it ... 1 «l * w. ,• *1 • ’.ftiift' <>*re * ♦ <• « w leftftft JA T *VI i w Arrive el Menu « W» * m I•» ... •£ II I) ft M •mt if *.LfttUh B .v I m lor*’ < l.*Uft ft ” J ft', ft * Amt. AUftiiu o. |o ti 1 a auvia-t/ . j>> iyrn mi vt. r / EAftftl U*n> • (111 ft. NUitf. ERWIN 4 HARDEE, COTTOt If .ft CTO I*B* C#mmls?!an fc Forwftrdlnß Merchants. tm,4it oeronu HI be re I t4«ft me«te om ( »ntl( ■ rai mli Ml.r lUeanneh Neo T-*rt /*r f iver;**4 UI(.GI\G AMI ROPE A! e»t • "ft be,, I. ei. I eu[-|4ied l»»e|w» iwil« ft* '••me.iPl.nt. Hi 3*w ¥<w% M«*»»e 1» H NALD WIA A .O - -P.4, M—re d*- F RAiA • a* b a no. H»*m ill' ejßprrtwterl AE*t»t ftrr tftre well kV/O'i end lei —Ehuifed If.**—, e*i» |rfrp*cr-t *•• mfti- IM-toi ■ • «m ( -41.*, ft. I <Hia*r jK'ftlarft <■»*M*3p.*-«l p* ti* m M Mevenneh. S. » \ ■•r t k t* Ij» r|»-d ft» At *"*, A £J.Hfr*y •. id R-e Freahhi, Hv>,-*.!*•. leieinft Eim. Aibnue '.ft e-.tlu «m . ;w r (RHITKf T COME ONE! COME ALL! KKMißi'liM 4 lb* nub"/ <erurr—*e* g Are*. ** ee» —fanny rndriai tb« )•■**« etytr« -4 lodiw khft >rai> ‘letterA bid fmnry i rmrh vllr p»-r« < biLtftwti • »..l M*-n • Rime*. <4 el! *«»n«e. ber»44—r WUB * ■>.» kupn. htlnueut end *l,» W. elf- r hrril lu4amnr,if« In WJinlceal" Bojpin, And think «tr •b-’i i- neftwrp—.l m tb» *tf W* tb„ unit' —|i*«-t4ki muiiUi* lo (mr Clothinß and Gents’ Fnrntshtnr Good* ( It AW FORD A HeWrir. £5 j Tw« Eftr* fruu i»>.M ft Cur—r WblU-i.ft.l 4f«rt. M httr Kid Mlpprr*. I A filin’ Wb.t* KM 4iw»« fv r+r\i*~ j i HAWFirkfi b D»«rrrr To.. A*4» fpoi * • ‘•m*r Wbilebeli ilr.*' AUftStie, •*• , nwvk.u !-<»* l/i] 1 Two Boom* m Calhoun Streot EOK MLI. *- t wtf r. -a M prifte-ftek. TWO H< d’Bfab fcN I TJIUI T WFW •*.4 ***** *~Wt—*. beet»,|| *M r—U— eiftd a** Br* R—r*« U— ueur .4 < e4k.**e e—t <Mt***t etr**Ve rw M w— fthrSMuOuibtt' beomglb—ft r**4o* *nb br* »W—.e*d ft kibt—n. *n newly I«. b Is* • »e»fftß ii» ftl*«o‘ »*— MirW 4an •• r*' Tbt ■* It.*— out Ip ft* er* ** r»d r*|>*ir e—l will b* er.M t-ry b-o tgeei ft—•—'-IftOftg M Tub— —tel. —I meet be add • W ADAIR lUoJ BftteE* H" ker. e"*« at W hnebell fttreet. o-e ib* fUar-od Hag! Hag! I / ft/ a hfttJW*bnt*ft ttH—giy May H—• w—i b***t IUU rft*et*ft4 ft*d ts aab. ».y A R 4FAOO. (.e»foie*ft--rt4 At .trltel. t eo*r MMrlMl etM F weytb e«*u, mrol *| a All—tie. «te g.w.abair, acctiohcci, LAND tei BEAL ESTATE HURTEB. f TATTMO alibßft ai bwe h* CwealMu I I Oft * 100. Adair A Pwvt, 1 wWi kr*—* my wkek «Üb# t* a-aato of OITY PROPERTY, At Auottoa orPrtTftta—l*. rOlTtmi riBES *r *WI*AL Lit— iHmilt I* ÜBUftOIAI lU rt tvUrtt —.l am mau kmttmm. *U* moot *4 Trek. lAut—. BONDS STIK KS NOTES on ast kisd or nctmrrm. I wUI Htoo tom CKj I Taranj ar Ivurt* <oc uy P*W* .UUrtUH M Usu. IV Ultrt .< Uu Mum, —»>■■ o» W n«. *Dtn. Oftkv « WhiukaU MrtM. trtallM ft* HrtMd. f 1 lUu.ijw rrtdp to. .WHUto Ot| furß, ■' any Mae j aovß—lM DwrllißK NVanted. \l r I wtob lo Aral ft ceoietebi* ftweßina. with tour TV *r ftv* mum*, auutmfteat to (he bmii.— mvwe P-ftMOke ventaU duruif l—emlior Atmiy y«>li3no3 k OOMIhiM. awT—4t e WLltekeli tuwi oa. cnee a urmrma. I a* nu,m. Lei« of Mftcuu, Ua. | Left* of rotwmt'we, Oa. NEW JEWELBT STORE —as— Messrs. LEITNER 4 FRICKER, MTHITEMALL NTIiUTT, Meat 4**« (• Jack's Ceakctieatry »t*c*. WE WILL POSITIVELY OPEN ~„r lur|, tovrf blMt at w 7”- WH&F ALL ARK RK<Jf r ESTKI> TO < *i» 11 itiitl exitralue tit<* Mime. aovT—« *nctfl- tyr) JOS. T. TOMPKINS K CO. W liolowit 11* Dry (» «*<»«! m, 1 ' »W —I MAartMxai btr—•. b— Male and Merbn. leelitiilr Ktelarkf. KKNTICKV LEAD WORKS. ■Cftlabt Iftk—t. I Wkk. Ikt miy Is*ul M .iri* Hmrfk oj thr Ohio Htv+r wLEADa \^arrant*<l; C tlyo| ; X£sviaJi^ ll’ l- are no* Mu'Kfttiihu. and 'dev In th* trade, ell TT lb* tenuiift'luaimee g THtIK I.NAD. EI3« . PAINT. PUTTY, mu 1 >iiLt *u wna «wr W ek* under lb* ftdj-rtVt.e»<l our Mr KeeU4t. »h • bee h%.l eu ri|ftre«y of .A /• ie the BMuhclurug <d Lead, •- b-n r-ooftdbwt -4 ebV G. oMtu4y tb* ie*4* * «b ertuieft ta .•ur Ua* «g **«• -1 ead *et good levia« e* .an be L*>l rleember* W* « >uld e*A »(«. «i ftiwi.ix« to oar bresid MI’IUiTLY Pt RK IJUI> an erlu-i» e, »u *leU'"' by mil abo bav* used M to be •u|frr»«>r b* eay Mktr.. tnvUra adt.iied ‘ aadi paid Aw Old L.-ed RAkUCTT, LCoNAKH A Ott., a**7—Bate Um—Ui* Ky e cofcra milu j a wowtu-.majit. jm. tIO.VTGO.HEHY A CO. / Atii rimuii »r i IT, Mill LORD, FI-AIM, ri.ITT All) FANCY COLORED LAMPS, Wbnt—ek idklera m att kind* of ( iMßdrllrriand fount* Hxturre, HL'IUrTMO A3l> U Hki< ATI NO (.MIA « io«m n« mi eftiot or Hbj vvlllc r—j Oil, Varsfl— Wax k ( ndrA, 133 Role Htreet. batwaaa Y Mirth end Bwltitt. Iftwulawtlle Krelmky. vr wnrr. I SAwn.m* ueiewt.LA* WYATT A GHISVIOL.D, • DCsLBWft ra FOEEUa AMD UOMK BT I l LIQUORS, WINES, » OLD BOVKBOS WHISK TANARUS, No M Fourth mr—t. b—weea Main end (Uvar, LeahvUU M*ata*ky. WYueky m*red. boe*M end RnW on Ci'—W liU W. e<>*A Am, OPENING. ivk wili opts nrn sew nrofK or STAPLE AND FANCY Dll V GOO ns, IN OUR NEW STORE, On gf«*nd<ay, Odolw r tfi. kffgfglOT IW ITUTWi TO Os R Dress GooJg fth-l Flann,! Stock. CHAMBERLIN, COLE k BOYNTON, , Own— Wbii.baß end Mnub r atiUate. Illaale <'»«*••• ' aa. ainvoa. | v r ■ an mem, ktftnnfth 1 Wew Y'ft HILTON 4 RANDELL, W Holcmh 1* <ft r ««**> rm, \ M7.VJCH, 4tc . dc l«] lay Mmt, RATA33AH fNMMIA. Imfriß lb* aAte*lku <4 lo Ibrir lar«* eW4 n.e»p*b mfttemi ‘4 (.H<K LUILH AND UNI ONS WMrb they are ykyred W> -Uer at tfhe tow«*| amrbftl Old Imaifßlplt, Rjrr k BrtrWa Wldalla, « . —Wei.tly mt beo.l Agowtft Ie tb* "fthniad trTAB W HIRB T *#-M4XARf. * M NruWtiKN. Iw b*«e. bftlf be«a. •ml <!•—*%— bagft, ftftM MM— ■> Ma'i VALUABLE OTT ghh For Bale*. t vow orrftft H »»i*i»« tut t n—r (TA— ktoek Mom. AHmnftft • ■—■ ■■nine M tb* —brwtag WrwW ■sr Mb,to. ALaUxua. a w-r. ■**■ 4 n*. B^- .1H tl w„to Dm ton* btoUtow, tote, u ito. atototortto ft Itoto Ctoty. fttoto.ftto ■rmn *< ilwsu »mn i. ti«. 'wnsT enu.~ 1, WW HBIPBH'O. tottto tad. I.te *,y£SS. 88* ft—WOtam *U» daw. ft ’TtaHTtoTSlft ftOftoU. »—a ftftnn, teu ft lha Mt, rtFlrtf Wltoton rreas *hoo «• *7,000. I win tot ft to., la-" an! top* toaratotoWtotoltollMa I ki'i.nininnanft, ta .»»■»... cUy n*an, el any boar, I be*r ei*. eeeerel VALUABLE COUNTRY FARMS, ■ft* AOtotoft. *» Mato. If ma eul b» buy or end land *w Reel k(*b, rail at ; my idbe. ua kbitebeU *tr—«. aear Ibe He*ln t not* ot U. w AD AIM. Leip Lualher for Sole. \l r vMMA3TED Oa beat quality. Aha. we are pre- II p-ed ut Baieb oM aU klade of Lmiker tai akoet . a*ntb-e lnd ta tb# beat atyie. Add— eU enter* lo & F RW A3T)3. Decatur > anew—at DeKafb roonty. Ue««tA The Stuiewall lanruee Company, or ffuNTA. THE ■ft.enflfoyi bar taattiu<l«a would innnonre lh*l lb« fmlrf >4 tb* <ftpttel bltg tekrb. (be ( -oureay ta |Wrpere>i ta tab# Hut* >■ lb— clj lawvm i>ruai|aty edjiukal end peak Heire gEMMMfeik H H. PIIILLIFS, Preside at. BOA HD OF IT I & KCTORB. Ida rvrcSß. -JS3ak Mnuc, *a. uaux, V T Mftß. W y fW WAN, »)■«» foUL F * lu*uraoc*, apply lo J3o. r Wirmcra. R—retary. OMtas el McVtany B On.’* stare, oetl* -I— , JM—. (k >» I’.U Al/C TION IIOCSK. I AVI ta KlUra MTILDIMii. rara*r of 1 dAUIFTT • AND I'KaACJfTUJt »Tk*A~l. wber* I pr-jew b> (vft4u(la GENERAL AUCTION BUSINESS v ; sSu", 1 K» n n to, ii ot—nftnf Alletile « M. M. mix. %mrflaarrr. mit-e i«taUA—tarn*] HENRY P. FARROW, 'ATTORNEY AT I. A W , tUtotoft, tote, r*, «. <|Fn«*» <***r lUr.hiUtoi ‘Wh x «« «nr*-or «g f W r r.ebeUend AJabarae Mri*u tnbtn - from Alahem* *r*xl aoei- ly J CST OF K \ IM D N WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, HMirr and SUvrr Plated Harr, OF (he Ui-«w ftlytaft and vary k—t nxmtttw Borne KllltA in- ttMMMVA MAYt’lfiM *»d 4M>U» ( HAI3K. ftulrebte fur tedi— e*ar rFI(TAJX3*~«b4d. i.’Mtver end WuwH *>—nu. EmOMr end Nr drb IVbbW i ‘»*d fr—n— ita*d wwb a»w gtaeee* to MB lay' kf. A iuli aieeh us WATT‘NfIAKBrN TOOI-S «a4 XATFkI 4L r>r% raft mie. ■ Mevu.g |—r bated ively iw 'VO A S 11, Awl frrm Mfn a * fugferrr* ,tt*l lhtrri hnpnrltrn, i I am iT-par-d to ludiu-emeate to pur chance. »»u h** and isurury Repaired by Cempeteot Work/ueu. L*eryU.iaK W UiMA3 rt-D ec rnwvwevbd try u idwwir, .• At blft old staad. Wbi-bell *tr—a I,BUT Blllt IIV STEAM ENGINE . AS I) SAW Mir,!, I'OK N ILE. . A riMT rlfttat WTIYW 9TE.IM KXrnWF AND SAW BILL a—aferiured ta order at lb* Fata— Works. New Twk < (OMdele r.t e« rnylnr ,g «S tuaeo pr-wee. y•■ • ' • mans Aim boiler. *kb aB (1— r nni.nbene eieafdeftft tree frem*. *• ket cemew— 88-tark mer. ;«*»( —ls. arttinK’b*wt bt«H. A*. 10»* ket !•« dam. wuh |*uD*-r* end ken rtae* H»ttie« far the mtU enmpbda Tb- ebb a perfa.4l* nre, end »e b*, purrbßMt Jr— -j* •li •* v» iftkii wsarr a DA3nxa, Ikvanaeh. <*e. I'en.-ftia Um» * l«hiea to pun be** oen obkua eli u*r»mery uiLwuietb u on a’|'plleeft*»e( a* Mrs ■ *fE a gflL. O N II A ,N I): ran r*»l*Mta « Hri-qy. *>t M P )(Uft« jertird* *'n«ev ft id fade leather I ■ ear* Whit*awn. Odtaa (anb »••• .*•!• |A*«W«M*d Natl *k« 1L Ii toft-a—te bw* H,kM* IU Ciielvirft Yirvfaji Tdnera (Hatrer Ta ArrtTPS ” iear Pads Ytrikii 4*ll I w led* i bbv Hunt Cura jnifti |.*mdft r It »ldee ,n •*-!• ck—ee ( <dfae l« t*ml. «’b*4 * Nu**r MK) ifttund* Adamant,** i 'eaifl** AM3uU». Dt KI.AF A ( Al3. II trie Ua ilrvl Atlanta. Oa. -eftTßx 1 ■ Jart 14—im**| THE GATE CITY MILLS, an* wtrmnu mur, Atlanta Oonrgtn Id now mftaefbrtnrtne flu!'* of ft.nM.rWir qaeiity front F)8b» new wheat, ead will •»* #**,•,•!».-l to Bek*re. Ift—Wre. ead nUtere. oa kv-aside brat faed +* a card <4 wv** end ,n>bne Mmi. fiNou White (Wa, el•»y• on bead C. L uKKNVTf I.M. erpl* Am. Frutxrtobw. NKW (HK)IW JI MT KK( IJVKO. Head thimmih«m Ue*t nfat'ft (—■Urn*a*’ ead ladtaft (dnwee ead Moft—ry RW k Y*4*d lUldfttoitft. wbtft*. tehr*d end idein (Jnbfftd V at**! liiMft.uft, —*tol«rd amt (detn Ifalt Hihbnav. l—’k ei»*i <«lur*4 mil taeekleft jet. fill ead etael flreekteftd Nkewto. Nebft— H »d* Mlk end Velvet Dram ItalG-n* «». otWenan amt Iftki Linen end Odtan Header Ttftbd be** verve— kinds Ivrfnmery «f ell hind* Wbtrb »e <dtar at Wk. bml. (Ukeii Mh Keiim a ooDrmtY. VI FV-** Alabama street. Breaknn MatWhatf A Mmt ■. Mieunkac ». MMB -e (erUd—lma! ML A-r b: HOOFI IN G . r» MtodMd’KTlfXK HI ATS MI3IMU noMFAMY m fnnMftb h-dtaa we*- nf m* beet qaeltty ftl dftU aetbe TM bav* In tbetr —|hT waptaftl «—r* i«* do fdmn er i—tebl renßas Order* trm any perl ,rs tb* Mate m£ to aid—d ta A m ta—tarv, Aitante. Oa. F O. hu* ri Atlanta (la. Megt ta. HMB Ajaal