The daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1865-1869, November 11, 1866, Image 3

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THE SlM)ay ERA. _«rxi | n Miiuuia. xov u. idm t A- tt. VATkn TUI - _ *• Ueu a» lot< Ktnu* **•**» -“•*•* th» as or uu. Warn 1n,., * •**, J »—*»»•— ''■” - ■ —■. » ■ ft**—■—• * 0.. if Jin ' \ A Kfe* L. Ttoa. ■kIMT". fe, •‘•mam. Wm. 11 Han.. " -«k *-— ■* I*. —<•! ' The <J IT V . Isaat ft Krtrfcaf «iU po—ti"t; oftm to- D *' *'■ tuor&liif 1,11,1 •un*i«i ailrrad al Ewf c 1 CV«, u •It \ 11,4.1 *Mi n H DIHIM TOM V. •"-«»r«4r«4 j» I, I’Mrkirw atr—t lit tt. f -■•'"■*■ bmr*M ,EML Mt « l‘,|> to vU.fc*U» Jk Ibuai 4a. «. r “«rt iIL Aj Mitauu mm mm atf lirft—it•* * HutAMjr lekMi Ie« MMt Puairuik. MtfMit MM Irr |. A hMM. I*rn,« MS t M. M If » toWm ». a»*t • s s 1 w»ui Fuamati VmMmm wm In A V M*u**», riMM ttwrVw to . s m ftM Vs j *> t» WmU) rn«i« ft«4i«| «»«r; Ttwnd*} at • 9 '• '“-M ft-ftM Üb. Kimt ItHM, Vftll** MM Rl« A C. ■«**•**. ItfTMMSi A kbSttM»>inft * Hmmb B*m*r. termer m4 ttia-wii •imu-Ur. F ftb4 !i| ) • ftbMi 9 am. #' tiuhiailun tITMI I'Wl'llr ■ftU-JUv. (1 W. Tmohm, lu<toc War*** 1* , % M •u 4 « j. BE ***** I ur« C**s*#C**a p.~a*h**ft» MM ttaato* ’ MJL.jlMrvi Btv r*rut (/Auu.l. PuUr ftrr *«•* !h4IH m V Mf«n lAB Lntorr £ Fnrfc«r will pom.uvefy opeu tr* ! uj'-rTow m- T*utp a Ltftot lot ot r.i >thi»4 at c<*l, at p n Huook. H tnt< l.aJl itr*< acar National H<> Ist n.HMkAiUt UKPAATHAVT With the bcginmug of next we*k we will m »*» era ia tin* ooiam*-r --rial il.purtmcut of otf W. thr attroUni that isalar th* a, awl in rrw thr tunrhinery of the cwtabhab- In* ht tr hare uot Ur# able In arrive at linn dt-partm nt aoooer. Our aim i« I** m.ikf the Eh* m [nq*or worth' ike »up|>**rt of our in* rranld* (n«wdn; o«c that ran ite rt lnxl uf«)u a * a faithful reflex of wUat i» t rafiopiniiir m this aad other murk eta To «lo thu, we had to h«A up a suiLth)** man t« • take charge of it W*- have now the plraaore of annaunc ing that *p havu anrural the acme* «of Mr J K. Pet emu it, a gcnth-maa well known a* a mropetent and reliable rota mureial editor, who wfll take charge of thi* department of the Fhb. Hi* eonnee tiOß'flttl iff Bfllld Os Tr,«*!••. and hi* fa ruiuantj wi ll the huaim-s* of the city, IfTTP hira gTipunor fa* ditiea for the di* charge of thin dutr , an 1 we tiuul Uie nn-rrhanta will And that tn ht* hand*, tie- ei•uimereiai ixJuntu of Ih* Ek\ ail] Im> a faithfai hiatonr of what trauaptr**a m the mark cl eaeh proe*siioff day. H< u*'*-fortn oqr column* aUI le* Mahlj d* \ >t**d t<» new* and <*oimaerrc. Kvt rypar in it will he edited with extreme care, in order to erowd amnnch a* |M>*Mble into the limit'd apa*** left ua. The newa col umn on the a*«*oud will be found to coiit«i<i a e«Mn|N*iid of all that in traue piruiK worthy of note. And thus with our general rorrrwpondenee, which in 1U ereaaing. will keep our reader* fully {xuOnd on ail rentier* of notrrod M llut in the flurry of neats commercial and political matlera. we do not mean to I<mm aight of Uie gn*at agricultural, ne cluuiMWil and railroad inUrmU of the Stale, but onr t>«it acergitw will Ih* dcroUsl to the development of all our pMurtivr r*‘ Miuroa, for it ia through theta that wealth and indu* uc« find th« ir way into our Hildat. Go to W H. HnHlMrtonX aad (p t yoar fthare of damaged gooda. befora th* y am all g*ma Otn fint paga eoDtaiaa the **f wdiiw* £oh ntuu.” and a letter frntn ••Wanderer.’*' Hk-wwiit Dar*»T —We rail particaUr at putHW to tha adeewtraewiftiit of K A C. l k laee, lu another column, on* of the ‘largent and moat reliable machinery e*tahH*bmcnu on till* conlioent. We alao take great plewaure in re<vmi(aen<iing thrm to ftoch an wi*h to parehaa* material «» their Una We know the huua w« ft. and endirae »t fr*»tn A V* X The demand lor machinery t« constantly i»o the tarreaar in iheae eadn of the earth, and we must not forgat oar n*ai friend* when we go North to pttrobaa* They w»rr»nt al! they ••Ul. and what ia aUil better have an abiding c.nfhUnCc m the portnptueaa, honor, and in — tegrity of K.>ulbern men True Southerner* . never forgrt Northvru tra*lw«nien of_Uilj 9 tamp ratvm at so m lii cano* up, at V 11 Snook. Kldtw Er't l>xta Sia Tertuit me thningh roar paj*er to 1.-n h r my grateful acknowlclge' manta t*« Colonel Johu I) Orny and hi* RoU- ! mg Mill hand* to Hoge. Mills A Cos. —to my bMghbore generally, for tbeir limelj aid. at the bnraiag of mr rwatdence. ia saving a part of my bimitnre and ebuhing. and eepecially am I imlebted to thoer kind lathe* who "ao . gener**u*ly a*«i*ted my family tn gaibermg up ami putting in order a hat the flri left me J J Mosbzsow W,»M*vrwa g» to Uee«-e A Co'* and gel amoe Woolea Jacket tender Xatlonal ff net Kmn Wm Cftlsena of the Tilth Ward of the nly of Atlanta, not Areiaen *ir pulica men. are rw|n**twl u» meal promptly al W*a ler (%apal. Peachtree etr-et, on M no lay nett, the I‘ith maUnt. at 10 o'clock, an . to organ la# a volunteer police r*>oi|NUi) and rhet a ( •plain **f aniil corn|MMir t*» be raised in ac cordanc* with the of a meeung of the rttixena of Atlanta held on the ftth in*t J S Mrwwnire. | J J Moant*o*. Committee N It foWIJtA ) RfWiWi 1* II Snook la jiffhr ing h*s entire *l«»ck of |nr G«M>«hi at great I v reduced prices. Give him a call T»f WaTfwWAL Sronn I>r E E Winn has removed th* , Nat»«»nal Store from the late •land on Whitehall street, to the room tinder the National Hotel lately orewpted by kdwaid llogg A Cos. lie ha* on hand a fall atook of dry good*, bonta. *hoe*. Aw “ rZn* Abbott A line have four hundred aacha of prime while eom. which they want to a«ll. sadvcrtieemant. Tsastaa - It wfll no don ht bn gfau/jmg to our |«iay-«oing peopk 9o know that Mr Klynn a csnrUr«ae>mpmiy wtU give another pevfornmsioe nw Monday night The play on this oeoaaUn wfll he Richard Itt~n piey that aivTays drawn a larva hoaaa From the elegant meaner in which Mac ierth wee rendered an Friday night, we have no fear* that th. grant author will snff. r in the rendition of Rivard 111 We notice that imagdoo. Dow, Agnew, Miaa He*ter and Mm Hndte Mason are bodhed for the pr n-if«: The latter will iaprrejaate Pnuoe Edward and Mm Nina will represent tL* Duke ui York. Every effort ia being ated* to encore aoc »n tic* perhemahoc -e-«-nm h*». ptvparrd and other arr»ug*ie«itU made which Will reader the effect ae bear perfect aa pmi bk. Wa hope to see a fait honae in att*o detico, and are anre that all will .be gratiAwl al the pertormanor. buuiiM! Bimum! at P. if thuuk, tut two eveka only. A. k hitoo. —Thu gentleman haa a uo»~ her us ad verlie*n*a*a» m the Ena this morn mg. - ■ ; A No Finn. —W« fear the local cofnmna of the i city paper* are hmiug much of th«u interest, as there haa been no fire to report withio tb* (soil day or two. Raava A Cos are eellmg An* Rlark Hail* at : UU CIO. Under National Hotel Fur btb Wan Marn*o -The ciUaena of the Fourth Ward are respectfully requreied lu aeermble at the City Hall on Mon<lay pfwtu] nest, U». 12th matant, at 7 o'clock r u . to <>rg«mae a v.danteer police com).any. in ac rnrdewce egb thv molutiob of the nUrcn* meeting of the Hth instant. L- J. (iiknux, j J W Ci.* yto*. - Committee i'ftviau. Prrrai*, j I I* **u B AnoruTMW. —Theaecon'l inopth- I I v ui« ting es the M.'chamca* bail and limiih' I lug Astoociation will be held to-morrow night, S at 7| © clock Fobtt Tlocuiir D >u.*m worth Nr* at gieat ij reduced price*, al I*. 11 Smark Txi.ti.kAi n Orncx To the obliging young geutlenim m chanp- of I lie U office st tbu place We ar. under obitgetion* I-r refsial. and curteMt* a. which they ku >w how n uJ« rin • fnendly manner The telegraph [■iflfs city, and by geiiGemeu tb > to~ I M,k aft«=r the interests whic h they are rhsig-d with, by being c«.«rt. *u- t«> all 'who transact biismesa *ith them We have always form i them prompt n» tb* <li« usrp* of *H duties, and obliging in ail their buxines* rthu us ••2-V,(»<W worth of Goods .Dmage-1 by fire to be «I«mmml out in thirty day*, at pur> haarr» pnrea. at W fl Hrotherloii'a. Ta>l r Wii 11 1 sin' A ( fookahaiik s old stand Gmb ftrrrr. Him The Macon T* legraph of yesterday learns that the I>e|aity Hheritf of F'ultoh county haa been there with a bench warrant for "Hqnirr Wimud. (he negro mir •b irr, whose arr»>st w.- ncab»u«d mmmc time tune since by Lieut W rye and the other fli iccu lmt on nc- ut irtjme in fur iii,aiu \- ih* Sheriff has g'-ne to Mill.”hi**'die u> ae. the ffomanr ah<>at it. This negro n and uhiteasly tb* murderer of Mr Daily, whose body w#a louud.m ib« track of the dls*' >n and We«t«>rn rosd a>r«e si ore. Hu. accomplice waa srr.-.t./| iu thi» cty s- nie time ago. aud is now iu Jail W, hop# that if thrw mm »r* tur real murl-wt Os Mr Dally, flic I*l aid be . i***riy pt •«. n tti‘l thv H'amy «»t*e* p'ini'h.'.i ALIKI atnek of / jdjyr Goods. Ct .*ks Bkavftk Fwn and WrapparA *t gvna(l| r« dUi «and pD. es. at 1' H Snook. Forara I’ii.t—Our fourthpag-*. Una ing. ervitaitr* Fun-teliigeu *e and a New Y >ik letter if* “M suit at ten " All four of oar psg«a ar« lutereating this morning. <ie ke W H HmthsfHni'ft, and (pt and Roots, at y *ur own pn e*. OaaiT vtwTiKK relative to the m<-t*.>rv shower It is p*Matively *«seAte.| by the aspe* | of the Und that it will u *t take place now. unti? a few at »re of the gents can g » to Besie A Co's and dress tbemaelve* up for the ores Sion in some of their hue sly lea. They have 'Silk T iiihredas and French Raavar Coats es-. paoiafiy for the ■fnr—alit anmgMMp l*i-it* and Fancy Cokired Silks. I*l un an 1 i stnppd Poplin*. Elegant Kinp*d and Clm.-k I el Poplins at greatly' reduced prime, at P. M ' Suook Wr direct psrtirulsr attention to the card i f, r Dr*. Ford A Ha|>«. These gentlemen are eirellent Dentists, and desert •* a i %rgr juae tiae ‘CaU and examine 1‘ U Kn.».k *l<-V -f fancy aud staple Dry Good* U f re purrban •»g (dabUhera, as he m d.-Urm.iw.t to anil o*l at jmcee to aaUa iy alh I.iTßUti B H Crew A Cos will havy this w- ruing th* Round Table, Notion Lite rary Album. Chimney Corner, ledger. l>es ; l>es Welly, Pleasant Hours (or N •vember. Wevvrfy Mags*;»«-. Clipper. Wilkes Kj»trT‘. Field, ' urf and Fatui, and numerous oth« r w ekltoe as »ell fta hoata of Monthlies, and . the Mual »nmh;;i of lhiilim they krgp >j»*»* iior a few hours on Sabbath unwniag j Yor e*n bur U<ii*s Kura and aephyr goods. ' at W H Rrotbertoa stht* week, at y**ur own : pricaa Ckarrasi PtßunTtutß Caiaa Di«.ue •ervioe may be expected in this Church to-day at lh« ft ■ , and 7 r a Hi t»c«iD Kaamvtis 75 rents-all mania g<*«H|* at greatly re<tuoed pnoea, at T U, Hu.k.k S > Mmiiftk Coix-aua In our nidi.e *>f the Msdii-al Cftdlege. Wr tuny have eonfo'mded the Hospital f.w IredmMi amt R-ftigees «,!», the t-peraLions of that inatxtstiou. We. t*k« occasion Row t.. state that the h««spiul, on th* tvdtege gfr*unda. uud.r the «u»nlr 4 **f Dr N ’ D’Alyigny. tb« *ffi. lent an*l rnetgetic Acting (turgeoif of the llnr**an m not fi||e*l with cm fn* of the city, hut with the Lomi.e waudervra whom mtaf*>iinne« have made th* in ! the proper anbjeota of Gavnrmental earr The eiti his a regular luutpita! t »r the re ■ ceptlitn of U#"M* entitle,! to its beuefilu Lfttuna ran rail amt get dsmsgrel !>rem (Lmhls at W If Itrevthertou'a this *eek Fisr t'oMPsrrT Nom-a Taltolab N > X n*'.* is at 3 o t'ho'k w-aairrva^iHvtaooa A« »«■ ean buy altu«Mit anything pxi wink, at your own price*, kr (kitty days, at W II . Itroilirrtou a Sr«oat> lUi TtsT tkiaa. Owing to ths ftr»eifxctei oi»«ic# of the P**»or. 1H Rrsnl K. Ill* re sill be no Nervier at Uie Hrcoad pi*|'tist Church to day HsaaiMft. and oalMSM* at Nl eeaU. g** >d t alic-wa at 15 renia, at 4’ H Hn.s*k. P**f OIPM The time far ekmmg the MsiU »• potdiabed in our a|*«. n«| column this I morning Vrnam hnutiihr am Tit* Ml BOirTBO BBTStMUt ftMOW KM, A notice kaa baa paldtahud in aw mm of tha n*wapap>rs that Prntaaanr SrwVm. of Yato ( «Uege, Conaartiani. haa pr**lirta4 a ret am of th, •*ud*»nt fthow«ra" on tb*- 12th or 13<h oftbia mouth. iMwhm. IM«>. aad aiao ! |ws-lirl»l that they would tw more remarks I Ua than any in*i h«»* Ire* u rraadnl and | thus they •-♦aid ha tha Uat that would La ! seen m thu century ' Id Ihe theory of Dr. Olbara, an aanauaw *»f Bremen Germany, «b*MW utui*. has been im~ ■ernlmd by th* d**s »*«ry of two phmeta i Palla* and Y«U . and who would Lav - been in* di»* • »er*r ■.f ■* , h*-r pluni*. U l ti not been lor the tact that ha did nut I**»k for any J f than iiw eightii magnitude of stars • a*, that the "lurtetm «bu«en" in their man mum would return yvery th>rt; four years ■ Tbay a,q»ar.d in I7yf. then again to Ik»- aiur an luterisl <>f thir«y-f>ur year*.n*w. if | 'hey return again tn this month (November, i'WVj ~ it would be alp r an interval of thirty three years, then. It they d*d art ap|-af again till the rouirueno-roent of the naxt century, ft would again make an interval of thirty-four .'ear* Ho. Out the tnfetvaia their rttomuiM seems to La alt«mat*iy tbiny■ thr*-* aud thirty f*#ur yearn, an i Dr Otten th*-*»ry sp]>* ars u> be n**t exactly correct Hut what D the origin of these ’'alK'Wrrs' 1 That ia the great qur-aUMU u«>w ! Kotna have iupjsaaj that they wrer formal iu ths olm - [jihere. a* me that they re»(ue fr tn vokeuouss of th*. 'irtii. and s**mr, LOal they « >cuc (luiu v-dcan ~f the mono. W hen th>« a*-Umc th* .ry was broached. Dr. Ofbwra, LaPUcstud other awtrooomera. went t.» work h* calculate tb* degree o( fi*ree that would he rrqa.r<4 |»f»*ye«*l *"l'-ftiirr in-tl»ri:»i !r*r:u (he n»* "rii to a punt within the stronger attra-tioo i4 the earth TlTry continued .their investigations rumpJwt* ac*|<iittaTt*f tin ttj«*on of sJI ag«-ney in th- pf eivi l»*.|| of "Uirrte M fth *«c*TS Aft* r mogh divcussi m on th- of the “ab-iwrra,* n» have aetiled up»n Ibi-v th»-**ry, vi i . 1 hvl tbrre- ta an vttrfnt.ral Kiinro tor riotj of tnetoor, revolving *r-<i(.d th* suU l»ke the pl.ilfteta i*l* 1 there! <re. 1 sap- P -» U” arraaid b-» l*e of a pl*-,e tarr ing-rr -snt rtiarxt:* imrutu, m n a am ! rm thi ngho .t -r nil 4 tks awwi NIM lit Conatals ol **f meteors, separate |r*»m • .w’ti «dti* r.. and when Uie atm re *.f th*- k corutng »n c*»t»ta» t **tn tne^e th* u> Uors tak- fir«» from the grant * •*.. re produced ti.r|,h* nomet. not th* •• m-tmirir *L***a—♦» li, H—re** gsi. ft th-4 if tii— «t«»- nn!u‘ wa* un.f rm - if the earth mtersectml it r *n :, » -aw rsncioTtikt tt w -»td imrawni m i! |e ' ai*.». that t» e eWeutr.nfy ,4 lh- anu 1- Ut *1 the earth . ati*i in that case many ytit *r ill r* ftjiuJ b. iuescoun t> r, and wh a ;t dors .*ct- *r the »b**«ers may differ I** anyriCWtit tr* th* .f mi-u- ty if act. r, ar. onhac as nebvu *r p* .r- r gioapa are encountered. H» »*ld*. that t. /fiu •* explain t; r. -d 111 ? ,ur. -1 t'.• n t. Otic allows:. V.J tu.-.r ann-ist |«n *di* ity ..ud divergen e !r- ma e * w!n . . ap-x. ala..w alike f«W e*4 ; i rew; -;t- p ►‘b ’fc ivi r. r b n even at tempted ’ P mips. UU *tlief ~.% v » le-oidas th* ab * nngot gtV'-u. fur the • kliowrrs diff nng iu lowing The attrarti *n -*t th*- t ff*rent parr* » .. h w.-,ii tend te tn**- them * tns . . * w* might •■•. in-ivies thsin as *j*heTo*<D and'a : rs tb -u » •*♦• a tb- 1. •. t j* I ter' ir* s I. * «ff » u» -t-«U i agr• Ip (t the .-litre, th- ahowerv • *. I L to* reutre and * ilJ* c 1 I* al sit her end lb y wvald b ■ W ith mFT ‘nrimt.g *»urv * sL- ' . .U. it. cal • tarwiwm. might aottsC'.ef th* in at th* tnatiuiuat. «i»u Uie intwrs* ti n was at >r n**ar ti.* . air*. and at the mtiiinium. whe;. th- tut* 'W* cU<»u Was at <*r near U*. *—A» **t th a > tlttfll -if l*.ward** lb* **•!;(*.• I wf*abl a*s*- tend !. a d.ff> («oaa iu tlea |sUb»ttt of tb It » muatk *:.u Urt, tLai .*ii the Nov* n» l- • **di-*w.-ra uaVf «v irrt-.i b-!«w»:i tli IJ*;. »'i«! 14th of that usoaLu, at-t they a h*v• t in; «si t or |v»».d of dt «rgaa « r> (iftiuun f D<* C -t* IK*: *n I • m wb • l-r-il-l ’■•*»— (•re *t displays g them hav*- lie. n * x,hib t<-t in t! - years 1«M. l*»tf tn I ITM Tiw»-.w* r. Uo=» a. u—x.uiiuu pr.Luftbiy. but ihrr ** e>:rr* i Ntwweu th* 12th an i 14th N u mber \*.other ftiinulti rAc trnrvg -i- - h is <*u 1 1. |(Kfi *>f A’iguat, wh'oh |*e*.od nnuwr f trnghs in*** wvwg wtwrw-w~vh -t-r—re are slu. ws t*« I* soru fir three »uc«wwa*i*• nights, nr Uu the l»bh an I Hth of A 1 g-ret f..**e are. ta» i w a luxi nua at. i Hi I r at >f tie. Ten -fv dTff-reut fr *m ' No readier ‘Mi- •* • rs. aa lifts -f the la! « **i»* ; *|*ar*l is to* nj- t fr -«» sTlTfd.'t..- . ahuv‘*.ag mftc-*r*. *«*. tu .to at ih.*t titu*- The m f .vocable tiwre for revin- Ure • pl>e**-*v*i■ non w*ll jvr.*T* 1m- fr- -in >ne• *.* e ! *• • k ( 10th . ftbiarn nth. N vembvr, IV X t. »'HWT.X Art »vTft Meosr *1 **er* Hr we tv-»t J. ix'»l hka sciaatMa MooUdy fas November is »«*- fore u<*. au*l m i|aantitr atni {ua.ily of tn it |.ter i* equal k* an) **t, it» It is o*l(i»'*t by Dra. itdtoi O und W F Wet m r. Uul *g tliuoahr. sml bands tfc tv printed at tl/*- Fi vnktui Printing 11 -uh. It <*p* t»« With a twenty three page Bill* h* ott tl * , * , t'rypt.»g*tuona ongia ul irrere by owr «x I a**u W' v sn- -arr that the article re s wry re*ft,Ui-le .*ue‘ Thi Rusamn Aialsxmmhvr al the C -urt of Yict.'i F.UftAiiu* r has given t«vOiv» t >- ike W*l d* us; .n 1 luoMtitmal F. 4 *l.4ui(«• •»•(. as a t hen **f grantu*te I-r tbs apt. tn*l l»*'wcfl? i. Rsiivisl whib ftttendmg ths 'C»bl*n-iau *«»r sh.p 1 a that «tty. Tat Urgent I'fwteNlant * uA*^w’* ! s»n 10 Ihw l«<U. it D*rt in 1 lie Wir'd* o.mtre w.w*hq*s at the Ire moat T «as|i4e On fluioUy mwt’.mg 11”- ti •«***-. who h we«U 2 two wa* parked \ t Use than AUtWi aonl* were pr»* m \t h**lt past iw.rocbak Ht* HwhbatL v-lrol Dun b-ni>g Ttkt, concern and A avavwataiJt hM.hittg r*crw>*o aston 9<h«'il Ihi w of the Italian ra. ui I'mivx. UlO olhtr ci* uiug H* had on a cravat c*»mph*twlT onwml with .ham- tods Tin* nobby grnilomaii. a* might Iv ex p«- l*s|, tnisul m»l i>.»t tu I# of tin* k*n, but a of a 01/V An witt*»r nav • ike never d»4M-*l an eye but once hi lire Ide that *ft< in a fight liu> iuftt ••put in the *|«*.-* * EttUtlltvniAL. Ciyasjr Fiaitn (owwcn. —Tha par Ini 1 1 and arcl—matins who **««Ap*wed tb* woud ptex*a/y ttmurd .A tb* Ibsuau i wtbnfxc chat eh. *aia*y »a in Bait won. have laaord a lttm *ral lellew «>.4rr data of i*-UA*rf 21 7kiS h-Uer <*peua with a dis •* tbe awfb-wuy of plenary < a»c** aU. ami aluv <|->uUj*g tb* 1 a- of Ht Paul *Oh*y )vmr predate* ‘ It Ilbs fsitlfv' that anew tb* y a#* warded, either a* ua th* T-nriTiit iuU-u**. of singly, in (Ire ie*|eettv« .L cmw, a>:aii.*V a**-ir| aorsettew, sal ail a*wetahoma • hit ti are {>"jf,/ryue*d fifiUwfnL tbry ran u**t *»M pml 1 4 lit*it aoui, durtgft/'i th* ahaißi- Irrtu In lrw*tif*g of tL* r»ifth *tu of tha eLwreh t*» (L* hUU. th* paa»i«r*l rkoat tb*t lb* rhorch i* (be gr**f ftbppsl ui th« Utu |j>*a* p;v*f ll oaupuun* U.U Mabi law* >ma. Uj r*g«. iai* lie. iofti.i.»t by Vtorti rfcairC pryvltj ab*Ji lie he-1 jp**Lj* *.( n*. 1 un nure u It »e*.j.-. u*i U*e*se- Ut! are |**f the in-wi part Law <1 '« )innetpb’> which thv charr-h mart arrep •‘Hwvl <l* pH.-Ung fr 4a bar prwcuci* hutt* lb* Legiuniug. m mMiU a* si*.- a*. prnn.U«d to *i.j o <4 mntaHa Tnev ops th- *, jlt » i. >4 a d.Uniat Os acri*aiaUi-‘al p,w rr *• •<** I. and an cbny the fruit *f tb- tu.*r *-.*■•_ aaulalftoci *lu*-ii hat. Get* mud* of tb* b-re.*. ul t*.i chur nin )*ftU agm ' A* w*«j m*gtitU>e civil Jr.Wer pres- flbr h* her tha 4*rtM*o ftti« ia to l*a U. ami Um Worship Will* which-aba a to b*4iOf foil, aa to uu|*»* uu h*r a •) 4-u >4' holding l»ef tea.(ewall!lea. Which re Bilcii to ' r* j*--U»l h«-r authority isttrs! "1 wekn * t*. I*s|*r- ft. tt TV-ee .are- vui'xn i* alleged lor Uii* d*UMU of the cLu/cbs rigLU. Au increase m th* ussier *4 prtewU ia de- Site b uu*f Jft'Ubg luen ftn urge 1 Uj etiJft.l np*#Ci ii*r laity are urged t» in fid*lrty *r» 1 r*-»:. an I to M*of£AU*'UU‘*b P» a.w rta.'-nii oj tbe | lb ; gps Jla innn,—msnts tbs |»* *».•••» my m this eonnci t« t. U « con.i L f .11 *be duty I * W.m *»«r* againU th*ee amna- tt. -wta. whi* h may ****,.) Lce.-uw l*» lb* ui an r*rr|] ul stn. and twpo-ailjr sgaiuU lh->s* f»*m «i --aide liuMW. Wfr*ctl aa at pveaent earned •>« j | ■ let } 1 * osnsi fat bl } hi i I •. * cnarg- (to. in -si g*-tt*f i* c » .jar*;. a. l; f- * jafla »! *, nrev r I * ( _&r th- U*hop* **f the rtwor-- u. «Ui* a they mt i*e. Cat; -to and tu »r»l re-atraiut vu.cb hey a. m i*h •tan 1 in ii** and ol The pr.UUmre.r.-! :l-tb bi SA that they hav« pr in re-v-anl ' by. Utc ll>**y See, *u* be generally prottiUi g'aUd A liiMIM I : ,J, of Ol'.eun* France ll.** IM .' I ( |.v(.'.: In:.' in •: ti. -uG («*( tiie i.m , ■p*-k«u of m ( .* fs riptsrr*. ui s». - re. Aii': 1.!.. r. • f * . , »«r t H m ,- , * ' r,i* ■ eighi** 4-_llif> i.jAT.I *d*JL DFlw low preb*-»*d the great rwvotwvWM »» »J* an Enrops U bw.(-. . uplift - 1 ww rti *,'■> n*. ’. s. • ,1 Milan. and Tmi |sr-;.tc* of 1#.0.-u V wt •* i- ... (ul wyiiAgsr.-. -o *• ,(U. ••.--*• was V*- lilt 1.4 ,!1 tL.. c in* t' »f *■ t- 1 .. * li. «- I>l rt- *■* 1 >«n* j.. ll r tii , ...1 Tire Am r. sn IUH 4 <’ -amis,, . t - F >r*. ••* M*v -re . *nv. *,. . * t p. .j*t . and 5 r . rt*-.„ tu-iob-rs a-ww, wqilc.-l i .. i *4.1 * in tt • M Presnl i.t H 1 it.- l>. *n * - o. • D.vvue lire. *t ('..rtAUAto Lit* ' R - JcJuili-i-i- *•'.« 'i h-Vl .13 flits -i»"Ut Vre ~ Tb M h t-.- O-rs. Siiigilig ... a*- AS..* -M s-i | .;ii i ui; -1 v* • »wt*r. 1.1 -s - !4 r v *f tua K«.- sh «*bnr> o M 'lu’u uij *» U.m aiming t;re lMi liiij'U't (4 n.iV* -undft - j-- - ( y.:> .y ‘t ti* ir !U r*s... . j tu- Uti >irTi |>,| Tws \rwn A- C*irre- tn R V,. w »t«t-* tl;%t in !•* r U | t it tv M*-t2»odi«( ' *• • P* > «»>Kb the pre*p>e ot erne rtci»er «Lt i tuev can •' ttiHllS M- ui -1 ’ and -'« • "hwicos-MT' u I *r K |io 1». Adon *f -rp.iftO H- • It d%n4?h?er> *•*( p. t H-i ttit tninretcrv, *t: i rw «k» —Mrr* h* *Gh 1 . r * •>»' t* U giu with iMt r »-rs*ly •*( tire s.nth uni r tb* Miispic*-* : Josh pij t . i U« *j«-nr I mi w .. .. an i neure * hundred *tt» I t;t**. It rnkras* r Divinity H _ •• IV V 1 M F 4:sii "—-You CBU make I Vdkara If *m Fifty tVnta. Call and nature.** ♦>r « snmpir »i/ot mail t »r . thi*: K i. WmuxvYT r i Latham *re . N * \,nk 1 r » •- s.-lvr retnuk-tutt. Th«-tw waa not. much doing iu our ckUw\ m »rxoT ytwererdar. and a dwiinr tn pn-ra t k plac* Mi«ldl»ags '2K Cell La. ILe stork re ♦ * r Pgbt *li u. f- r .4ivr articTci remain" »u,. ch tqrrd. m »m ul. KnvwnVr W. IV Ift »s » s ». Va* 1* . r *•-‘-a •« rre- K .» I'VM, »i * .to *.U.M *1 w* • t !•* 1.1 . •* H . ftl pc:.i ■ « liullew*) '• Pill*—nvrwwwa W«*4arh ti* r xw)ihftl <«r m*c* *• brew laes. w»B SaJ a «y«re»tft a. t rwSawi tw> u* U 4• MMim. Th*j .•%, atftft tl *Un»*»Lto tire U ta*. K Mi. Mms ta VSwa4 Mi ) *ev* «a. MftMkfti *4 a. toft «m 4 bear . aU i>) U Ursuiaift a. »I9 m * Ma **<••* a ft*l • ettWarg, • m X —ay ml a*e»ts, tft>l iMtesMinft We t*wv| Me Blwv IU • Ift ftwrs ttMfti •*» Mus Mil free *e nturu m MMI «Mtr* awre apft* a4l-SMS. Hr J SB li t.IN lf*n OM r n Howard (w-Aua hitoWiaa i*a («»«•«• »«»M*r reax.-na *iwanna Tv***, *Wf **l etfttonaH M Mil 1- Met l» utn tt ••!«*, raw* (V.U. IVwlera ttWWtttft i»la\t»:rv hotel, % •!■•*• »to*c|U KW*rsMfte4 **U B» ifnifte Dttfew S laws TMOa u. Bit KfcMwtX, I***,.rl*•«*•. 1 are #n. % n.a< ftWmWft*. a V ar nil. >T. UH IN IIOTEU trw IM**** UaMtftft 4|VMlNeaws*i rA,StUd i'-TU ft*. hr«(*-ga I c-,r i-h.,1 ihreaura-at. mm «ik W. » Le «Mre»i. •a. MoNl'O Mw lid B>.,wtoi li •.,««» m* .« Kill u* ftreto* **a4 i«',v-«ft (Mss «s4anv< 1 fti«i - -ftutw .4 Me ra*, «1 He*— • ftll ia- O k Mill. H-iVfcW «»m tamivtU. t isss *- *2b59 ,> ■ /^Tfvp.lww* 1 i taim. lo J 1 1 s«r£=r~ isajwa 'IIM4 Twa WBoSSi »«r ; *' t«Vj M J •, tL.- .**» ; «**•■»■. rw * ri ■ |*Y f L * How-i. l ia 1 I IHMM toft toL^TLIoL-d . IU. J < • f'■■■»* • C » K OMvnia. ii»* ti H-m «r * * M*«rl—• PA. «««w*i. Imi—hun * Oamr, h«|iMM M b Man AMh VwraaAw IS lam • Ott*. Mto*** M'« X* ft < *«to Mv.-J* - • « «*- « • f* m - « ft omi «o 4f y .*.i ) cAtid k J H ««M» MiTVOi € / Lkmm •-"* *- * ».**-» W—* Nm t **HmZZ *’ «*- **• • >«NT b«» 4 wdy. CM Cat l/waLvr 1 Tlw-'ao Hsmrnmmj. Cm t L Mm. I-wa r * V Am-w* Wm. n, H T*rr 4v*« « toßrto. ftMUM « 1» PAws W ta* • .-feuaMu*. ■<■■ *r» i*r Fa * L ftorkwr •i» !»<. Ur> lMr*« * * ItoMf *M >ImM «j* 7 to < A*# A4 Wktoft. M*«' <>*m»i' i /m. Waiui </ |Uu/«*f r—- 1 ->m a An-«* v-ww—r ft* in *■*—■ «*•#•"». tft Tartar Aar ;*_ Naraar M*<« * - fa«M Ann* ■ * k “ »*» J Mj lau » : 4 ■* 4> Ato 4 tafctA «w.., Ml n 11 * *'*-«* **-«»««-i* » 4 Ha-t— 1 M kL M T>>* •» town a*» hra "•»'" ' ■ » t»» raaa. tt ka< u- i.a mAij af tar w.Jmbm » LtXkSu. -V tfto «4 TaJc-u. • r *>>.» htrvv« **4 aa iw-«m> r-aww. > »-t ' •*.•»! and «* U.U-J... and }*ua.;y » «*• -1 ■ bagpi TkU )u< a-Mitm jtf V . 1 to#* v^a»t "tSI-- ?L . m-~*-Ts.N-rv-fti ‘ VLk kk. 1 ‘V*A MrAbjfc .*-H. -t. J > BlLLlißn. WMH V *4*4 Nl> Ur art •aiktarli.4 «• i«iMI»M (tot Ur ar« aattwtlH la ■■•»■■>* Itor • - ' *i'T < rtrara 6-w to . ..,*• W > • ’. \% « ail aalkMilH a ■<• 4i«ta iw ■!•*.• to J HtXM tl wt «b.: Fat May at Mr—r. Milan ftr take < M-. . jiitan « t.. *4A* ■is* *». kavr T -ritt Ur an aaitariMrl ta aaaaaar. I ft* I aa«m. W italft Hlattkl JL\> !’_ 7HOL£SALE DKY GOODS KBY KOHGAK. OBRYAN to CO lattotillr. Traanar. ,\ Ai.k li.IVT'K * Bftl •* ' » A to. T lai^lMX mWDU u.: vx k^;nijtrs : to OTto *r-r,—UU tt-to-kX ■ rOxk ato 11 kXI V > r K V N IODISVILLE CAST PLOWS t —l«m «. < OTTON M HAPKRto 1M o M ■• mh«l horuperta, *t* at»el n»fti»ata *m-> Hal »*_ u*aao« "~a 0. blocs 4 (xx *■ ; M n mu I'm «' « 11 rt»rm l.itarf VUIMni Hi««r TANARUS»»« »n.l Klmi tarlkto, I'iAiy a v;» y ■* \ m Mbit's totrups Nftlto, , >vui<ixm\ ntMM Ontniri'ta Li'mowu, ft o M to » 1«0 kaM IV.k Tarito aa4 i-Mar UaMUl* ftatoltaftf. SPECIAL HOTICEa (ta I>ta»t **• "* >i- * Tfta< ■atatoftly ft.alla| «Tlta ft*. ' Mftr»r*aY WHIT ant HA totaal >at o'.ftaft m I Aa(Af M ftirltrlilta mm pay tatar ftaaa at taa »4k* M ftm ft WMf lariat ta* Aar A tar taM ftaw4aarton« uAu ' L C WILL* Nal at. ft W «aTB fttaar avail—H Tfta ■»■>». mt TallaUh Fin faan I ft I ar* rayaaftbl atooM la art at tftacr ftWW'l T (ta iMa wl. ■) o i\*%_ r K.. Uft |»-r/ar y •*»>.>« kn - flt- k*« aaall a ••aalAMtoa tar. tax *j «aw ta tan taftaa. »«taanu na la a M v ttaft * a ft airtafy ■ kv aaa V» (Taata fc»*<.ta*ft « a ■m— ai< Anal it r<fta r m Ktatoibd tota NM BaAtaal to« 7 «ft» IA toatata * ■ • aam. ant totaata fra Irna l ■ta. aa rtai a.a ■**» taA Tartar a ft 'taOfta Aatar al stay Mat. I ,• <ta* a a 'M. - • m t ftalr a •«ta- ?TM at 1 « daft t a ’ F4aA » ■ a^*U-itatr Tft-ta O Kftllto to AL Ala (aIM ftntlac •< I ft* Marta aaA <-MtaMM Ma t*f -4 tofta ia V aatta L ItoAA ta ft >»*ta eta** aaa arartW aMj ta «v t ftr tatr* aita 4-arvt" ina *U toxrnaa tan an n«a«a fat tta Urtata fftta ataA *t*r ■—a. A. *-» a•. to ■ v toe: mi- u.{ n«n ran.*, takta nr ktarto aft- aa.' ta total ■* ta tata m mm * u»l- aanara Mta/ tta Awar «# .na aaaa to' ani »W ta| ri —A m 4 at |rtata ax. w»L. -r ta.itJtota Batata fta ■•'or mft j. UM » all—tola will. r»t a ft «a Aa y aaaalr . Ha w'll Al ~TUI% aa4 HBLm ft. -aam irr ;a ..*aa h "T> HI <k« -Cft IMTX aaU ta* tata tta hM7 < »fTI«TL r-to X.A.I- KKMAOa (ataattluJKSn TI! LlAlft kan^aw ftntrra aa4 AlUalW MUllraa A W . •a— ft ft farm ft totataa* 'Vaft. PA«ll»r* ft tolaafrr*. tohlutoall Mr.ri. K<4ar<l Hair • aa ( atiaa tta ska rl«4laa p- aaraa rfta ka..- ak ft ft OCSA, H 7 (7 kA f Ai*-■.?tttf . .taa-Uki ’ Utaaanta A l«Ak A TKix LIMITIOI. R* H« k! .l> J mtl!f B, Atata ta- . 4 tokto * < 4ta -,.4. u«i. at st* ar-rr*. ft «A«a>c inkta a ywar aa*4 * ■Vifct» tHhflr »(.■'. kr«a Mtan U»irw< ka a Itayn— *tat.'► k- t. tka Mfk- M ama»£ u* V lt» laftaptaital. •» wrtta praa- «-* to- !»• a tariar-v. t r M taa t:a Aa» •si - oUa .«ar *r« Lrc «4"! v«a Aaa 4 - aa-1 *u; at and (ft otf Aa*r k UiU.l> l aunta df (tor ik a» ra f A « rtwa «*f talar y . torrry Baa. AA awaa v *w».c tl 7\*n~* - 4 rafwS'.. .wyiiaica^ TVkiftd .'ft ■ tad t: qkatir torn Mar- p»-* aa !k»i H*«ii It jm k - u.Tft l» ' f~Jta tow-n. Ml I? raftArra ta* MAlr *.*! a»t ..x-ar W . -aa ta* B-ta-k* Mr ?-*> «• TV xn - -»* * -aa na b a T Kta*ta»tir pat r - ta »i«t% totism awl * ««m n a awr.** an n nrwt ta I«rvttcwta ' " VA*>«fki«nat *.*»'. Aw. r til Nk« ar»K. '»• V rt A A •>*• ftaai \ uai a*, ftiaaa*. aatt ' k’ «Bi k fQft Iftal S ft** toanl ntala M-Mt awl yr aft an a «and aai tytaata rMand Ay IV utaaßV «wl aaiaxwaw t»Ata»r* M fta Iwtaq r*<} a aaxi armU Y-rtokbwr* ka<ut« ton rM xaaar lap. I 1 allwlV war. raw tad na rar ta aft prxa* •k arr «n»«xl ft aahaaMto? ■ xi, aa— ft ft rox.LA. Lmnji* tl k| Ma> >r ML MB --«*• ft* BA .4 J(C' Mat 1 arbwrWnt. ltok''-r*t aa r* 1 wuaa ft ft* IMaai Ttoaa* nf ft* ItofMtw 1 ■>! rs ft* ttoaftar WcU. a war** r< •' OaArkr, fkcaara tor Aw waayxtawi. awi rm»W4 1 aIW Wat' mi L V Iwa i to ■t'liria, ta aak« and »(**> —** iw aa» aw n« r» attar* TV* kdto<aruhf m tta M*4taai Itatft m*' a*vt aw ft lan II total aa mm ri 4x4i> AIU. -t aw aciftaS tftat ifttomft Atom A- ft Aarm ta aa* .Mr if taAta taS**!} tad La axaArratam law a ■■lftrtito ta Ift ftaaD • Weft* |*na;lftl ta twft w a< a.Ktar% A NLHI TMl'ft^TV'lL -to*f(n« tad 1-dxai ln/nkr tto A % RtkN x IfttoatoTtMt-rf nu «>moouLaftrs. j VMnk. J<* M I'M* ( aktj ft \afttdk Tta* W «na fw MAwk al MTa xftdna. Atom tor aa* ta nttrr* •M Ar arm* ato<* TV i*t«ku>w <d tta Ttowari 1 -ymrCanwi art ta Aa •kftftydtad *« MrarM* A* t Ttimi-i T«4 Bftr t ufti 1. fcwrtw* ft ft ■ ftIIJCA. Mv>« tad NM»r> Mtnta wa.iat i T JKXBIftA A <Xk taklk ItotokAlf Aftafttok *•%- l- J. « fVixTivi iWxato ftoftllt al Lu k * nix. M.titnwr Mystic Pills. THE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY r *» ln*f*larttla*. rjmwjtrvrvr- rn iA mr* ,ta*r*-*i ; __•* ;•« 1 kw* « Arr IW cal; (naia. r*nat* r*IU MU *1 AA TV- *nrini< -a* «r>..iwj «a*l kwo*' ~" a **^araVft.' # '* > * ***• Vww I* tk- SA. >M* a J toy A* laOilliMr Hr.larrr and I'nww a Ifer Stir. o» , * ' mOSSSs^, x j>iTtir . t THE ME esc■ HAIM R KMTOR RR TV total Malr ■* atwrrr «*«r a€*rad ta IV . PaMl* A rtZ. gns ka— v aft ‘r-jpi al »>w |t a*i -rrr*:... r ». t _ p“vj iti if *•* *«(.«• «*» »• ' U - *” - tai iry •ftk- A- kft tar n ir-MU ■« *• - * '»! Uad I*(M««r.‘->Vi kan w n. a-d • .*,. . VrM44M V t *Mto a-< •" »f -toJWta •- ■ - wi-jan. rs ft rfti4 w«d ftr ato- at **wr xtobn* SJ n-i tom ft* mtr -w ww TV kr*ft- a *- ta -yrt * - A A* w a tad t.ffttat kptato la tordMia* x TV a* .M- . ; V. c%ft • ■ ra— ft,at a. 4 . - • lTl _ a,, V • -k - - *■• •■ <1 * -4. ,v.» fewar? rm-** s* ftaev * . I'-a -■ ' »■■•- iHr- - ~ ■*• rrr and V m «w« I «r j* m aad |",r. **-..»*. afci ft*:r - - , li-A* la* A* •**»*• >- ft k a. «i*h: t0..-ftn- w* ••* • ikAaMUf b Ail.ia a. Twlft v-k • V > .* T - - - - ftftu. a a Ix»»r ■« - -f > » _ • rkt>« »• - JrawX - - ' a * ■AA ftft- ***' pftVtc V «- r*V-r « . 7 ■* ’ ".V I *. X *• . X > w-rk *-k T*" 1 <d tta a* w-ft to »» '• • , Tu »iw F r wWd l^nvr U' r- v»-ta -Mav. toau*.! Md km "fttSTw Tl .TTr"*• r r --W r* fc tw* —> *rr»* * WWW *La*- «. T—!•«*> 1-. ta- - -m - kta ta.atoi. mJ •* a r-i-a* ifti- hikXT k ijtY.n'atix Am u. N 1 1 ta.-w ft>ra ik-w -r kw Vx'ta'i"Ha ta Oh IfttAxa Awarrm. aaad b aa* » . 1 aaa w ft xrr\' aa. t >«**. I Ua*» **•* -ft-* st •» »*r. a% » —ft waft fad. a* tar ** If « *»\* •.*-a *«m ft* *r BOBS u/a:< Had Vakl'n lto< lar; toft—ta TV >bJ»x. V> da««7.*- ft - *» •\A fttai W l-» kftU» ■***» Tto? WMA VI CT BTT7 Ai«a.< H *» *> fta-v mjNk n,MM lur aaa A * B *”*‘* i UtOt A«UTI. fti!dV J «t* art*. k\ ra*4k r*. wft ta*v*«« -Aaai * W iwtodtr way tftat aatw.-taJI Ck*i tai w »♦— »U tAa m .aaa Vri n u.. rv** .... -a k/maa ia A«| *rftftl tra A—-t n-tta *—» a* A w * «*—■ kmr •*, ► ftwl by ak U\«MMtt xlavxafftaftil Ift—n lA- ftkai r. II IMIBE 4U« A. w lark. tfrA tp—B 111 ... J.™* . THE t.EMT siKETI.THLMtM TUMI. H GERMAN BITTEIB IW-t.UUy! IVMIIty! R*w, -r-.r a Efa-m »-> raaft. ftkMr* .» pr wrataa af » ■>■!****• or ciar Lifts. H Ih.wv .. • Ib-M. rvMltft* Ita* Iv.rdafta M tv Liaar and h|iua Orwat an HOOPLA NITS GERMAN BITTERS. pytotoraald ft Aa aa; W* M; ay «A k n u_ -- laa. awi WILL PAY **l< hm » O HOOFLANITS GERMAN BITTERS < lifMlr ami tmoai iXrWtli). r '"^jj."* 1 " W- aa WtaWto s. Var-w ft-r *—ft Ainia— trrt*w - VM da* aoftift^nT*ma" u* Jlaft “ ■*** taa tta mt V hwr awi 1 ta. iw* r v Aral W - - * -Tta. prai a ft akAa. ar* and tan, tal |ftt wprrataJft y**k^Lnta. . <» btaaWf.ll. ■* - —‘ Utah, <u*nr»i*. (n mi ■ <>m wmnt, »xr> CANS-«T MkKE DKCN E UtM. Hal V I to— Vm T«a tor la iv tot.ftd. ME ID %A lit# to A V to fttf. F~*' SV Ew 'ft Bar*. . Tft-r > *■.- > w rwA :ar t (mb-- V. k i firm -W * * V*-t v:rT«-r^ a- ** «*ar. iw. LBV I«. Btol I-' Ft-- **■» ■ L -A Nr r .'Tw»k.* -.rm •JA~r w. ta» -*o- -) * a timT* Whr *'J l * n wwrwbal ft. ytaftjft.ii »w awt w *..-■. • _ r»— - to- . fe/ * *> !&"*rS ftto*_ w-4 Hn ft%«nr) M < WVrA. l y-rr. *■* ’ ♦» *“ pfipaarfr *s ! t.*to TWI -iJ- TkILT. L P—WE ttoW- 7 4kl «n'-. N—at ;•• f. ttu r IBM is—-* totarwna k • - ftw kwi >LC *x _ A-a. tat > * **toA ; » ' w s nravi • Nam. m-xa.. «« a pr*«i I- .- ~ Aiftbma* V ta— —7 - •a-" MP| -*ad |« - rr-- ' . f r- m ;*4. . v m** V .tata L- ' * i.*..*_N-w .*w f AA.n.ktoaiT r " ' :-*«..• . . * ..., • ■ *»■—. -« s . * • .’ta» ato.-» —*e tt i* :.-.«a . -w * - ft -wuwWn* Ha j -wd v-4 f-n w at »*3MWf- a. ’ -»**l aa4 ay .trwat 3 * 4.n- «.v ms w w— w* w u>-« A to. ■ %aA»wr fitot r «and tAa OMtowAM. Ba 3A ■■ft* -v* i^--. v-atV ’ n w-- . a■* a aptapr at Mara *~ ■* • *w w- -ft' rftftta b ta- taft* tafcyft.-wft ft-wr .! r a*ft#*f a- talk • t-a* It a tad Ml »rd—an tab -t • • a-’ ta- •»*-- ta* t w bek -a J-r* w '-tai: sat ftv tVna !v. • r»ai ta*. -4* fr- aai t- aa»' 4 • w«a a tonvArt tod *• ;• **n V-j*Pk A. ■ UO'iLU. r-» - - o-v- t. r r- ►« i»**«*b r.9tr y *>• 1 - .w A.-.*ft4 lanlftl Aa- A; *nai (V* aft* aj^lwi * E I*. rfXPkLA^ F-r» to— Ami Taato-a lA* Nft;t*l B* u*: - . -to PA adadrtoato ic^ntoMaat 17— a**m WftSta l aw] iaT* - » r«i rrtftft - Aa a.i| aj i ■*—« *i «toaa - - : SV a -ft-ft ta AiftVftk fra Ar- » . ><wtat* fA-ft-e V Üb* Tiw -ft- aa wta A- -ta -to- J-. UtaW eVtorrAaa PVAw • MMIPW It-AU Ye *w *-%-■' ,V- t-t. ftota Aftd T~ -rw' .ta A-.fttakrrr /'V An L ( aaa. ts a^y-Wb*. -■• - wakd tA-W Wtatarw -# fay-v - u-taj tv-aa awd Awl Mm yrnll; ' iTan tTft-J. fllLilH MffTß - AM ta*w*trta. Mr*. WlB* low 1 * Qa*e* Hair Raatorer. X) T- mA* V< TV* *a «r 1> D PtoaW «f Boa br rjrfk Aapdat V int ftWTtaWMA. U . -tta. ! . .«r- .aa. I*, -a, ft»t «| b-ta..».ftT b. «k* W>T7,-* rryrUß ■= -* ta»- .l-as i 1 A»o Nftot* Li ft-T. «» • - a'’.-. t *L>'Aiwttf »fr*ftih- ir»» i*n,» ..1 pal an* o-iy* Ad r*W tof AaVk kfta Vm *««7 ft*»-na-i> ta- *aw I rMlkalufly anu riawL * V*ftatfV? -«ta ’ t Vi'rrm. Ajiktamafti. Nx TVow B** i *, ftmnt / V ftflau At nwl iu»rw in aaa 1 k»»» v* ir*-a4 ln«pftpw* ttoM VI wo*** r M » rw, |K« ABE OF «EH Att.BFICITtI ■ itoi-BiMtJ* wta *71T.1 ' (Jaw Itodkaa. -*IUJWa* L U ,« nwr warm Awta M bar. Ik v*ka t w . 4•• pwi.dlv a»* *4riA-*k**.abftMWf|onw*Maft. ...,{ ft*. V And a «W f W.MI A*** award V ** and «• . . - ward. w*«n«y y*U Ay «r*» iaajpiL orrv* to»i» bami PAttoßt Bft ABA A»wA MaM. ft Fwt^r^a AUBBA to rt ltoto. fa ttaftta b>(. ■ itafcwa to i-* pr-yrviof Pwafk? I«biM '»«HW AfftfltoMM i lATtoM KaWft mt* *•**