The daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1865-1869, December 15, 1866, Image 3

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THE DAILY ERA. A. |L VATBO* Ur«L *»«* I,w * - ESTUUUT UOKirfiia. DEC It, DIM- Dii/tut ur m I)iiLi Ka*. Afr»ug« ■«ota hire bran r€"rt*4 ttth Mr J T Htawut. wboroby b« to V> imaßi witml of the city eireeUtMtti of this pap* r Hr will c/ysstm-r*.-. • thoruagb rantkM of th* c*jr to »Uy i* art to* will b« furtukhe-l Um yitlw-r by th* ws«k. luontb or year Hr will have ssrl o« r* , eooUoi of th« f rrn-r*. and alt failure* in dr lurry rrportad lo kuoi al oar ba»m am ouoatcr j will ba promptly rramlini We warmly o»nn ■nd Mr Hhrrut to oar nUxm* w a gcntl. man worthy their ba»io*aa oxifleimoe aud «*- j team Ha trill aolabtieb oui ponta for ih« dr bvsry of the Eaa to periica roaiding oat of th* uamediate UmiU of tha city lu tbta way ail •an ha promptly accommodated I' 11 E i * I 1 Y . <Jou> ur Fultwm Cotmif.—Wa ka«« been ah own samples of gold bearing <|Oaris from lota Number ‘JUO. m the 17th dnUu t of thia oonnty, which, with nine othara lying in in direction at tha vein, has juat boon purchaaed by Hr Ed W H<dUad. Own A AuaU tl. and Mr. B Paco. Tlmo in aboet ton milea north of the city, on Nance's areek. and near tha CbalUhuochor nvac. Tha *«iu wa» tread by boaldara and other surface uxticainxia about two tnilea in a mwlheaat* rl v and e«>a»ti waatarfy direction, and pit* ware sunk at m tart ala tan or twelve fart 4«af*. lor half a mil*. Thu developed vatiu from one to three fret wide, widening downward and it waa from throe tha quarts ahowu waa obtained Mr Uoliaud. who baa had thirty year* « . perienan aa a practical aimer in tieorgm. re porta the yield of gold m a lent made by turn of thia rt»jk. at about fiifiii per too. He al*o , atate* that a iwolvr-siitmp mill, coating about I&.UOU, and twelve mau. can grind about tan hundred buabeta (or about fourt* «u tonal, per day of twelve hoar*, the rock bring within wheel harrow distance, with lutia or no annoy anew from water •v-- T * ‘ w w.naknAb ••v *nw*«t—M* who**.. y m —-'v ."I"* of the unnirtiae valae of thi* a* a aiinmi country It* development baa not yet In gun Our people ere coin para lively ignorant of tbr. nntold treaatrrra literallv tying Unratli thru fast. Fob Haiu!--A No. 1 Hiram Engine with Boilant complete —power. 2o borne Will a«ii vary low—much leva than coat txvaua* w t have Do nar for >t. All in.prrfsrt order. Apply soon lo J L Z*< bst. or I>r It N. Fim, dacli—2w Peachtree atraat. Cbawtubp k DsWirr have a flue aaaort mrot of Uoya* Hooka. which they Will aril at ■Ucb pnoaa that none will fail to boy who want each article* H Oomcrma Mnmto The following is the report of the meeting of th.> committee ap pointed to provide a eerie* us lactaro* lor the bencht of the poor; Arnsxrr*, December IS. |K#V'» An edy*aruM mating of tha t'oiunuUee appointed to gat up a cotfrfce of lecture« for the benefit of the poor of thia city, met tbi* evowing at the Firnl Preabytcruu Church Tha Prsaidant, ss4Jos. Brown, being absent tha Rev. Dr. J. and Wilson to celled to the Chair. The Executive Committee were unable in report in eoneequenee of no replies being had a* ywt from those wvilod to lielner lecture* for th* oouraa. In otdeT that the work might at once pn ceed. it waa resolved that a rnrnnmtee <*f tbre. be appointed to invite, Judge !>** bran* «»/ Macon, to deliver the first Ircf-r* Tkr following gentlemen c< >«{*»*••. the C<»«n mittee Judge Jamas H<*ge. Dr. H Heiia and Colonel J U ii 1L On motion, the Committee adjourned ‘to meet subject to the call of the Executive Committee. Joan H. WitnoN, Chairman. x Samira. lUrn, Secretary. Quit Baaoximm at W II Taylor * thi* mum mg Call aa»i *ce for yoorael vca. dor IS- -St Flan Maairr It will undoubtedly b* gratifying to the people of the city to know that a regular market fur the «ale of salt water flab is about being eatahlmhad herrr Mr H Ward, forfneriy of Cbarleatou. h«* made all the neerSaary arrangement*, and will in fu tore supply both the market* with fish Ife ha* a buainaaa house on the comer of IJoyd and Alabama atreata, where fish cau be pro curvd at all hour* of the day Fiab will aloe be delivered anywhere in the city at ibe **nit rates at which they are sold in the market W, II Tuna baa just received a splendid aa** rtnient of Men * and Bay a Clothing, and ofT.-ra them cheaper than the ciiea|>eat Pant* at $1 ML dec I.* 3t Bajtumbr To ih<wc of our friend* ah** via it Baltimore we ap*-*k a good word in U» *r of tha Gtlmar House This is anew hotel and elegEDtly fitted up with everything a#cw» u'j to render a guest comfortable. AI.L kiane of Ihvota, Shoe*. Balmorals and Congress (Latter* cau be had of Crawford A D-Witt AIJ. mi KaL*. We rail aprcial attention to the advertiaamenta of onr handaome frteoda over the way—kleaar* <>rme ,t Farrar Th* y enumerate ninny articles and large qaantitica of each, which they wish to sail W a navv ail aijua tillt Molding Picture and (da** Frame* made t*i order. decb-lf Mogna* A Cos. A Caßlx It la a plcaaare to bear «»ur testi mony to the prompt manner in which the Georgia Home Insurance Company, of Cos 1 urn tin*, tie , ha*, through ftieir Agent. John C Whitner. k>| . of thia city settled "«r lom by fire on Ih* Vth matant. on I'wchtrw aln et. f>ut tnaumnee with aanl Company a** not only promptly settled, but in s n»gentle manly Via niter. Ws theralore take pl*a*ur«- in r<wmi ndmg the aanl Com|tony and ii *ir ef!f» »eul A.qent, JobnC Whitner. to the mtir community . r kIRU. lisaitsv A Kl*o Atlanta. Dm 14, lmtd. Wishing to go out of the IVm4 <»n«f *V.- -r trudo, w« willthe pn ai nt stock at auch (Igurea that tboor wishing to ptin haa* rtui't hi lp%ut Awy. lUkvii A C«* , d«* y—tit Under National Hotel. W II IjATtoa ta selling nice, new good* rIM *(ier than any, J they have W* n in a fir* d«w>ls St lUia Veatsrday waa dark and dreary and cold and naaty ami sloppy and aUdky and miry ami alfwliy and dirty and filthy ami « hilly and shaky and breeay ami wbveiy and pbthr* leky and oougby an I murky aid gbw Biy an.l apuray aud nu I a-knae-iiaepy an.l an l and—ts in anything elaa dwagiesabia. t« waa that too F«*b a Fbw fiara, wholasala aj»d retail •lealsr* eau gat g«oda cheaper of W» H Taylor than anybody. doc 1 A-St Jo*r arrived from Naw Y xk, a fin* ooaor ment of !/Mikio| Glass Plata. dead —€f Moasaat A Cos. A r ibi* The following ha* banded u» !• i puldicati--ii W« p ttdish it I r O.* in f-.t luatlon «outaine*! therein aud for tbr grat ificatton of parties iUUavsted Atuakta. I >w«rober U, IWV'. i lu your acc4»uwt of tha killing of Mr. Morn* and Harcr*»w, on the night »*f the . r »tb itwUrii | | yog have berfi led mlc air txtuu aa U i the abooimg .»( Mr kl**rr»a, and the firing , 1 from within lh«’ Ix-oae Mr U G. (‘Uytoo, arm io lew U> Mr Morn*, is in tnsn to day, and aaya be wwa prwa>-nt. aud that the first indication to the Uiniat*a >4 | the hou». woe the firing ui a gun or p.*u»l , from Without, which took eflsct up->n • Har rrow, who immediately sprang up and fUd. and that wuis of the party earn*- Ituuiedvati ly i into the house and commenced a a*«rt of indi*- ) criminate firing, tfbich caned th«- dr«th of Mr Morris aud slightly wounded Mi Clayton \ himself—they keHomng ait tbv while, **wr surrender;'' and lhat DO o»« wh** Was in the honae at th** lime the first gun W»1 fifed, WVer Gied a ifun 'jf pivti/1 aiaiL 'I uaak*- thia statement as the tsapreoaurti seem* lIV have gotten out that Mr Muftis ha-1 1 acted with imprudence in the matter, and thus rescue bi* fair name fr*im ev» nas much aa a •tlgm* might posMhly alia- a _ Raa|wci fully, J M HTiawga. Olaasm! Cnoima! Ci-oaei! - Juat received at P. 11 huo>k. fifty Uack *n*l wlonnH *<^k* Ormra The IxMika fi«r aubarrrfitiun u> th* (veofgta I»>rn al and Maliutorturing t «.in;-*n\ are n< w open for anharrifK«»u* to rai**- th* capital Stf»ck U> lIdO.OUO Iknik* for that purpose can be seen by calling ujwn either of the oommitee. Dr 11. Se Iv at the oflire ul th* OptnlmnCo i- B I*>>i. 1 gtkilittnAl' Hotel. IL P Glenn, at tha Wambow- <•: * Gtrail. Wright A Carr, ami Andrew Duuu. at ttm Produce H*»u*« of Wyiy A Carroll, on Whitehall all set. To Ladiks -If yofiwant a fine ambroid*- r* 1 or whit •• Kul Slipper, Crawf-mIA ba«* the art id-Jor _ -t a -gr*'w»r TitTf •' (» »od-. I rt minings. Glovaa. H s»ivf;,. » i aa- Mens and Boy * wear. Boota ami Shoe* -in fact, anything y»a want and l i 'lt , Rat-tatto a party ‘of ana and * I • made J rani on u lat rend' / « I v-- ! - rin a*. I lbw maai f J bK the Phliisf ill* a. a*. and« l Hie pnrp 10» reu t*. death aiel thn. pile that remained would have made co-die * mmtb water >r ipr md. lai »r bill ..f fn f rM and / r w r* | off* « t.vlrj ur-a It was a w-’dul *L> U» ’rat don. Tar W II lATi .af.r .fra l. 'tnin* it. anyth ' .w „u * d./1» It* r hr Ena* lhi-n.a, r* l b%- M'** An nata J 1 I* * I !o ' ton A• o and > w Irk and Ut -r s»l. by B II « r- * A • i :;*i* cßi W* u- know., edge the receipt : \ r*-| y which we wid te gl id to Hole * rn T. turn- as w as rea I B It. Ciw.w A iiAv. aU. • Mogt.y Jun. U*>n, a I hrislnns* story by Chari*** Dichina- W II Tarte.a ha* au imni- .i*e *t * k *f B *"ta and Hboca, frn sale . heap Go 1 Sh-ws At lo deli 3t I F »ar>, llioht .wra A Cos. aJurti*. sugar and cLas**. . Tu* > have nu (irvrms * Chamber SUpper* raa b* lux*! at Crawford A * . v • Sft» Ink ‘ sale at i.BA i sh * If J n p»nm> - neatly aud *ipedn* n*ly ex j cute*! at th* Era ojfi e ( OM >1 LIU 1 VE J t riTrKS* n i.-wwu* tf.; : i--s orncr i U\ ho I—r. *• ,|y mr«t. wt- th very as*WT 1 !** t»u*>o■*-•* .' ' *'• Hilt N- ; V** ’-»u luniwO •nwctuwd nun TVre has »•*>*'n at. »ver*«e sfr.«mi f « .t * - oai*e*t l--4ax. whe'h ■** f »».* t-Ae-. *1 ■** t’"** T '» W* m<» Oe Uw »*e«l S-Us 41 , *>s*U hu: lit* J Th* recaqH* ■<"•»» »»*'» t*es'> sol lher* t* s trmlri * U »*r n/ui.* *' l l *' tr ,ir * nuxed St (I Mbt the t«ls' »• »t* |* stvJ |1 te |) suer l'na»- - ■'*•! i» • txt* iu u. «*- » ’ The vt.'ten- .* lu. ox •• >v —t.• »t i •: . „ . sUvklsuiCtl M- ,U ■ * -.t • fsir There . 1.1-• 1 a*..l E - • Prlee. of t n* tarirni tissk Bills. • «*»• »A* . t. HAH • • • ' H » t> k- Vtsr.u* turn •« •** *, I lan A of 1 *di.K • os .* -t I'- 4 " lta kot sub i*. li. h : v . . S teurwsu He* AK • • *l'• a«' »■ “• ' < tit* Bank . f t S r*h« ll l ’'- ' S V. ni.s - ' I lilnx -l*• .* . W U.;>* tw.k % i r..i a. Itaak * »'• t * • IV'tk Hai,k .-i ' Voter »• »U: » .«! > ’"•. t Hai.k .*« t » -utc *.C. lt» .snA ..f IGh. --j. - te kvrhMis-. lUttk -s*. •* .rg • *»/ Hw.A t Vidls arohus V masters Hsua ■ *%,»•» I * ■ llsst.o A M.*uau«s 1* t ..i.t«M*-t. IAI U a«.A Hank 4 M**k4H * »»Ai*k * V.*n rsn«r* " Itemt Itaafc -W Ala A' < ei.'rai Itaak lunh f rims ts kwtWa H*'*k I * .....aierruM KsuA *>isaittosy* Uank Hat k of t'aiM- Tear « H*. k 4 th* 1 «'*tr ran.A ffifiaai m "** foaa osj> tMi* i-»a al 31 lena sslhia arte mu f—t to tlu .»u’ at tv e|»ts re*ttt:a *1 *4 tWlh J (H>Ui ItTUJ. X Hovuur St II at jw*t.s>ae%|h» Ihu> IM-er- at |> >» i«»r peuniweiaht Bess Isik Market. The J..tin»*l *f t’.fnater*-*. ,4 tte llUt ati Uie mar n.ecla Mreir* utiinimd m s«-ti*-r ten*tr-sl fr *rn *J' ulatoe boTT*.*»ers there was ate *an tarnas«<4 J-inai-.t f.f itiryass V Uaiiiiusk'tsl* rkfturiWa »*v»- » • tl-eiS HI the kdrrtS'U *4 sr. ufltlea. ai~l U|»Mt sl.« ks mu •U* e-|U»r*s! larir*r marrtns »ut tbrr. »w m- !fV eultj tu - l »au.U.» tnufsVaVT Lst.» --it Has . less .4 . laterals al As: i*ee . •.t a-. I «p • , ->.n.a--ttu %t Vp- jet «v*.t first . lass —«»u» r. oi. »*p*r rvWfttfy 1.1a.e.1 al «-t * |«r rent per **■"*'* At*' a*l Th* I’W tr market f .tail a»«H i!>e f ~ tr,i up l.vm Hhts at front «t te amt W sateen, an.l flu ia -tlhrra Tl»e •awarvnarfc.t •»* dull and nominal h*» r*« luiHi rest reß«Ut>a •skte'sc **»«• "*o*V 4 >■) Ithtte at *l"* I t fsh* 10, 1•* lvrt.« lu. . u ~ t » ttenserarm |l,*feN*. **rhan-. ami ISv |..»es llssatmakl *r v .hi in rt'M.«l h..<i *. Ga IV ~U .C **4l While la A, . Slut • mshe*. H,a t’**®#e U< (■4*l, ll(J>II ,1 pAI Hat** »*rr n*a.l- lia 111 ns rare Market. The «)*«etle of th* lltk rtyntW goDC Hah*. tml} ; t si ■ <Mf m*a4 1.50. U, |*ait n-fnml. >mi . | vrihs bet Ilsu*| trt-1. Hut nuihrw.ul sl.-it it ,■ * 4.1 Vstr »« »- it*e in- *r P 4I Vita La*ua> r* II ',** IIA la IrsaliV I lie Maihfl. Til* JouvnaJ 4U>* ITtA *ay* the alk>i>«i**-*s •*»* f » e -t V r aastatt, amt ssA> sun*Hers an ini|*ov.-«»••** f . n*e» *• s**ui*|f* Vn| hsina»atkas*rn ~.d -s.ta* Use |4*at.l .ha*e—i-4 wS4HH> -4 ti.e «•** k.l. Si sii pints, a* sgl ss the un* tiled .'.uttn n N i *rt«- 1 * |tv*evWi>. *«•> tome *U »Sa|-*rtenl trauaa ten. t»*-*t ,Ha Walked lof Th* ft J+ »|WI b autssi w Ahau tu*A u» V*a ailltea aud |ak.w M"*e mruoteten waa mavwi la •as -4 tfa want wafisavf a> fVkana tfr k*w» ai si the isaama Wsom ■ saw ate aofi pi Ml Os Ihss ONaa mnr* »WeOf *Mk II I >1 laptfrj tov futnra teHsr; >4 |«ft and pram a«te Ohm fiat fit i«aal tons.* td kip mh I inipamry. *a4 Chat Tha IroaisvtoU oalto. toa waste, ww haw mi ffto Bsavy te-ras- wad to pntors at H*M»Si Ua 1 fi-atn * Vo-ekju •« totoukfi tw m.H j tißenwM. thevaPaa. may tot f toad to Th* ktoh%r ase ksrfv. -iu. laa te.«fti*t*i toy V. 4 Maniu A BW. al i.Ar>aulto The aaal duoter »as J ASM. *UUk «AS* la pmm Th* r lifts awi UP« T«*to kitted Ir-ladlnathalim ii mi tefijramk ... fr «« I nemtewa It r . P»*a the a«u*> r : Xi* *»s k.Hk.4 —f We tele we t tod SOU xiw ' lusi e«DvU4 f t I‘rVr a Ltere at* S**4 at A* |OM w«B ,e a-i la ite> h«s w* ts ! «ha"..rnl hr Mswra i W MiwhaU A (tou to that ||aant Trwws f m the tog; wets Bran, sad «W kte* were tel.l to IQr Cron th* hh«s w«h aa apswsd lag. dates Nbsiute n( Res* ta floor iwind duJ umtor Ur h. uas to tdhte potosto |ltehs*d IteUbtosaterutotesods kite, to |» togtfl *> tW do A %a. Ito IIAHU *&- awpsrflt.A »* fikk pUit, .|U» |i<> JSali iA. vstrs law* l> »'X>i P* A k» Ito 111 teali te fate ; braoda lllfid ** The !««.« Prsdael t|sia. W« r*a tee •-tainted I.JV shat H mmy ha wtavQ*. a* wa r—aa*4 tom 'j-iuAs no* <4 Ukirvanu. toi w •he I. toi lies >.*1.1 tv wanttol ihst COB he test TU • ittuiiito. tfstelr mm Tbs . wwuattoi's r»ct(>i« sere m stews Sto-.rU) x.'s* t«n Twto ts 't * 14«te. •van.. -u»! Wsefc te i’J llbst a • > o 1 ttkssi lIT.toSi Tterv • tsm artivv Uuu ,1 in *Vv at tha Ka fro-let rnu 4 »Vie s.aiher ant «te offer, usr* teat** it-A n.. kl'it; *.■ rSfc.e MJ* enrH lu th- Uj to •* te In D•- and U».) »t MTU It aj ra» n*4 hohtees to t».« rym, m . **t' *. lil*e' ' f* l'l S*»d h-ur* •'« Ete inteater Votetid to Mian* »; ueti. and ut.* v Is - m. -d *«7 i*at* tew*) **• rages wers made to I * aft Itoprklnl* » nu. .'*•«*> t —r to st> a tmi drto'diori** I.E* Ii A «»» ■ iulml b lun 1j *> ■ tar la (A- 5rW 'U| re., u tr . - \t.+i Uet rasa. •1,1. IV li4*i »4* itm*»*l.* l»l< ul'le '|*V* M p. •• i-f tea.l i ■•«* I Uet, »•# • • . .|ate-1 krOM*. teA- .. . »4>*u os. As itSHlWul »:U) U**- two | *r. v. *»-' . *» us Uwr-t* a tff • m f*«-w <4 f -r et,l Tte. 4 .HE-. UU. *t| t <4 lo.W. H'lf* o*t te*X iW-4 fit -J> HI ,f l ■' ! " '*' ■ .• »t U. J•' «* 1 *V tic • tiVk-* .• -»*e. 4 )M“ . e M aoueJ to*'. laAea f’i -a* |f> ur*.|..r*. .. |t. •> *• T|. ■i* ed .mi--*ua • mtEitoßd -**• r»t» up* ifte farm-ro I; to ate. to He jar i ««ti.i»a>.» • made to um ht.n viv X the *« . ..» ,X» M -ts* .*• ! • .H. Us: - f o. ... J- Tit. IteAuu (tr - "»• e ft.T 410 ( es cer t te-u er«| V V«J *. Um* cite.-to A<*%re The Sr.t in the . • t. . 1.4* 1 . . : th teal* »j; present '» - '• • i*U u el --s.t tic »• l* .-emtrt ,*u --Em • STo-t e■.* j. ■—,M* fai...... -fi ... • '• *»l • *te»- *“ .*•*- All AUi |m *»l - *« M! •»« ♦ fk*per til., tu ! }•».<* .to ur 4 f*- -M I.'- ' > « j.-rk',- » .jw IN. evl .iari II . ;*• ' ’ If <k >f h*f tn .u. r. ki.4 . •E» t«.W h- U. *.t .1 k*>- a .1 S.u •* eHfcmt.ill than It «a. *•*» »•*: aud U*e» •I- * !**.'» -.rr*. i * - *• ta.-« -* ere u jw* a- vittfil « ...Ei -tJ o tee atUi E *i4it;a.-U« H u. iioi »;u uiKn it.'. 3 , l ' U » M; , w . . s I * .. . *I - . i. to- • - -s'- ■ - > 4l %». U . I ■ t> -Ml l*r ,r* 11 i iUaAI- *rk m ; w . .. • j | | | ... . \ I 14* H ' U U , j 4 ». ... w I I ..rk v l V. ,- . \* J 1 kO ji '1 Mas Mb •• * - IV' H ‘ T 4 , ’ 4 ”° h KA -. '• *> I- • w& .. Jli • -s »- ' J»* * * • ■ %I *‘ " 4 ji ” * x * 4'lb % * % . AlAiftte . W -..te i It II.U tte.,.Mr* V\. . l»'\..*'s 11 V 4 '.hel. : v. . . .. pm i jin* \i"~w■'"> I** "vTT... r ... *»' ak. i *..e It w « h •* > 1 kn.l«rs.o* Mtr ■ la 4 ••• H r- V * v! *** i-" h k “* 7i! Mu ktom •* - os J 41k W a I-. 1i! J W . A o.'*** I H W..f ;.aol A I l K. «IO •* Ik* "tok. t lea V 4 4 , vU. Mite 41U • 1.0111 * | 4 I.EI 1 * V It > th.*te l .1 J i .ttiei. .H. Mr* n k.te •. d-> Mr. .. .* Gl—a w<* la- .. .1 | «»ic, .« ... I‘ ♦ sail**. A asst* J „ g ll.iM.uHHllh IklSh, I4to4«« 1 v • l M 4 I Ilsns. ;; 1 4I- - 1 MW. I'toa M.ssVH htoffte-te J U K* ... rnkJlha- Ate-*o iTjrr to-T- ** » II * t •• Hl- W . .... I 4 - cih JAn mi Mv-skE .•». Hyersa a>. u w a >M and.. \IU IRHK PA« K iUM, shM 4lS|h«t lA IHI «*mt k n* n*k SfTSikk KXI Ek- 4- Wl 4VI. ATt 4AT4. ISA . Pfc* 14. A ISt MS TV ..Am WS4. I r Me) M M *:»cn !*««• wm -wre l kb isn.l.r M.SVW4 « L ‘ ‘ J k »l[k«4H. * c SPECIAL NOTICES. •TVe-u Vhfam v. th* 4*p II aaoa W A Ta nukE steteoa- «-w»dy on HI tote • Wiuwa iMsn. tw» aestelHA te-'W.. b. the te-rvn aashte. ts V**to •hto tte I—** M*to Hto answedf ther nw. WAV aa r*w tsv#i-s-te. i My.iWteV Bsadtoto BtfMM Affwa IWdT «ws ••sisa u Shs tosh sad Ik* Ate .a Ate wsytai. •to the nato ate*aw *• tortaw* *• *• .*i/us* »* «■* 1 rws l" the taste s*4 irqir - toarhto *ffe l 0 Try U. is Jjsiuktons and As eato <•»* »« itwllws* a jr*s PHI. - « atolteassE Th -lorrsh..* Ikd-rsn • W*» 1 • W-to* to tttv ueto* ttee uteto e»H fr. k*u a They cmw* ite te»*a tto rib *3 luntoSa# tram Ohs iMUm*. by a wold •ray. to r—t-rtoa mae and vtfwr.Shey todti'** teECtoy Pkstolaa, awd ** and ■ arise* ff ton. «n. iLrt *ui >1 ttHhto a nsral ftodd ks afi brs^tm a*, iv -to a : Hie. V( isftsWi MyaOa PHU hatttlse* paa.r*J*r*. asto sr* pMsto was th* hwtoy towd u«t • rose* tsm.lT Pay. Wto to and He V/oivuead lUtol -10. rtu.ja.u4 a, mis |u,-v dtolte-U • AI la ala Itfert Ba IUI I as* —Th» **•»•- tedders to iter AUaitoa Ufora tt-otar 1 apw ara arr uD/ rc*4 .i-el to —< to the '*to * u> kfiV BatMtru. «»* I *M.yiiJV»W oAl\ KteAl MoBAUKs. »: Wu csucß- U H—steal J W lo Sti Iroswarsv 4to.U-* Kshs a here Plsarei (tollery I* was Isa fuu u-.rk ,uM Ut* n-ste* to InMtotan w m - r.u rate s Th- hteto traprx o >sa»toii ateto ta. Ut Uev tu* rjeue. * sitssls« 0 W* o M*e Into tototo ate emj» > *.l E tb*E 4>-w and qS—idsd *«totorjr Ua t l*v Input ta at Prw IssieUve—T# W.fry &*>\ W it IS 'firtsS} SSJ. uS.s4 -IS ite* DwwsaHev. ami. Wterea* aJ Xul hutotorla atoo- kl otto* ttew 4tol. HABlrwjMC HU!»nriftA*» Pfclßf >lh Asa SOSt—*.r .1 tte .r kited -or* **r iteea. isniw tt « it • ;.toln'i * our. s d“ty k' ouke hi* U<-V1 Ite Hr. IMB hereto ivdoaud. UUI o*4i I* ri kXAJi r rn - K #; ted a- a *ftK> I rent rU f Usui A* .. at rodatmj ijft *r *wi* fr ask * 11" - A—* . - * • a-**' • —■ h ara. v-e* 1: c- I ■ - Hiji-m Osaste f» «. »» ' «jfi i*r -it .4n«l • • :.*U. ft he *V -eo..* t SI ‘ he- . . 4 rrw • fr to »t'> W* « , * ay*. i m4X>k iuV 1>». Marutu #4r**C The Opera How-* Aalwoas •ad Meslaar. AM .a Hr-a,l .and AUtwss •<**- * wIL A. .re-mud » M ■ yi>4l N .*«it**-r » for the arCtfAs**- r„r kElliliar Itrneial —I am a eaadldat* Ts;. ~-«ms t er. ujl* a 1 th» la* J era to the ftitf C»r a.- kte-.S la*. Ltecteua. >. frrto W rdtesdet * .e -j > » h. rnx iL • Wines front the LonfWtolh Vlwryard* a;. . W IM. H"( 01-v <-a uasn w 1' 4 r V * MHIKB* >N, l-rupotoora t Isolde* wu*M*a. hPAKKI.Ihtt lAIAVtA. LKX l teIAWHX. LsARMJ .l hr. r -to eh HraSed « .uw are Uktoto al raisch k>wer sat I- rted «* .da afcl fto PVMTT AXI n.-nni o.« k\ r:iEi* i t n-.i**. litula. S AT! • I !. k i.uVrH » •*.. •.» lu.L HH 4kl Ja , l 4 x- UH'-l i bAUa u.a- # Kalrh-lwr's Halt Thi. aplrndld H* ■ j ' » -1 T ' a*-1 P -te - ;.*--Han. Zb .(wtautafEto > rbnn It an-i •• «toW» to |t*g lov*- -rr»- . h«r u ' V E«f» anl teauUful TA* I*-.—. • a.i |vrfa...*-« I si Han.a; Wto 1»* *.,.teer 1), ly- - Itr : UntMi|tlion I stabli h> l»r Brh'nch'4 ML! i l*» »u- a.u ui u.-:. the ayaum atoat t«r pm,.s' * • »■ !:. 4 » W . te *; T a • ru) .ah • t ■ '■ *teulr-s* t.J t. r 8.-. » m.u . -tab • and. b* uau« l*e •«.« A : t. s. • mtond u. •». >,• ,*-1 ;-jo- •»*«**«. to,d p«4. vtMie (•aic-f ts wrtl taA> iko. anti to— a.-, rdiog kc dion. » » », .o*l » « u. i . -vrrtT* t. te-t ah rv»|v-» <v .si » ;.r i«H) at«d alia* any trout a- Then s' •• •* It rv; a j-nateo'S*! rar. prv,. tel (ekit* I l.iartM steal tk' rttwsa* , y 'to s.i fie ri best I -Hi tto.ttoOi. t-ift.. - ■ ot a . lu iu « •'apysr*.** ,xav*a;bnl he )*.- and tba*'; - - -1 > Xhtoial) Jk 4>s and Ursnd P.|tneh In Medl«ln«' W» . tl • li.. 1 lr fsuw MnlW si fTVte-n kk’.t,'.«n*S-« * •• -fc iMt I'VtMl rrtechie i. »i- • tit. K *cia. mask n*. |va«w ». t . . »i. ressor. « hwaVti. and a^ytoui*. .4 t« to *.* ett-a Hoary Ptln. and » ,! i. . .1 al 1 s -a. ts Halve iv f*«at { i*, niatrifi. .f the day ktm -dinarv rains bj ! Ilv. i * t\te s»J Wv» hs«c d Use ryea to the am-- In;- « t» have a' bos* Wind 1 y *, • »•■'. Vk»u-M • I', t* i-v o-W .to IS, Vasa that are j.n . IS* the and »*'T-. and to •hb-l ewry bet Ihli sk -oat**- al— it* rvneasatvi art.Whsr One • « ' \tk ... I- saflbrea to fdace Us* Hovels -r. !w-ri- -r ?hr -aswarh. mah an STptiu an. ~, u: -, w Lght and Su -raal There n a -ca1l« la tha form tto .-vwun|n»rai jj (| . k.l -nL its fwr*-ti<asa an raate*« *.t and W u * ■ e*W«! v* te-hla. Bka »v-u- ’aknt TV tu. .K.iilt iiwa wry d*asr%!d. kto ite „ . ssW ( Mrrwne sod 'nj|totv» v». k—are derail) 4untfaiahed If the limfilfft , • r h.u* la tax u. sa hem ai i lt a*e~ » » HI Ilona. U| *p» ftH and IMar h, • • *. (hi at,d all to th* W.«*4*4 * salve 4. mfalHMe 044 by J w. ~.4. ut Us‘l ltspoA al U SE par " u Tk HOyh-lj Isliste llsnty «-**«pTtet* oeishratad T.Hia , ur mu h VI '«al Vasal ka asa>l* fnaa U ti .. »l. l r sao* by ab IrrMmrun aa , 4i , lW*ra hhf tha Tee i,i ** » ki« H * *T*»» 'Vi Therefore M ~ 4 kk. aid insro. uiawdy aas Htoa • Slate <l«) l>a ad rt.f Ider.’-Vf ha** is rv^v **]*rrts) S*isa4 laa) k»%vte t IStotems '»** Hue Ajnaie l x ante «w ml are a* i. ih* aaiu. ta .our fm* to .a*r« «r...... i u.. ■*»|-) as te metaai ihaaa aa Ea-vate r„ ..«» on iet - »■“ •* *-i'' "i— - •> t‘V the |H»» 3t aa-1 an te-p* tka* te *»k> ~ n*e ssnsaw avuhib n*,ekesiit? .ailta# *i e .(he •vr mau *t->* >*.*% Into to. Ih* rate saSate sate «r iwil in to beat AUsBSh a « m Wei. b*» aril aud met AW tohstoa and by dev •*«? urn* . v iunm-.y b. (he S*to Kton** |«sm • .a. KsmoMK Ee-'oe (ml) asto hnkfSW} r*! * bendttokrea* 1 iTrri sto te -.ted tew*! te* < * PS.Id A Ml.l. 1) Vi Wa Ssat kMsfa kps n la. in) msmi and 'laiofwsvitota Vnans !*• Ndal**. i Basmatoa.-d laspiwml Mm*s hsah T. VL k B. C. CLARKE, 4 r— —0 ■■■■ UIMU nrwnai in f«*i r— n KN4.I.luhM 1» iIfVKD IIBFWIU, teona. Ihte* and Taite and tewßar f ntfewy, smerd uto Urtoss U es. tmObe *^Sa»•. *"* **** ™'* * bein and a»nS '■ aoranairw I lmth'a l »nss Bpte a and P«h ftob Awn. Ht-e*. Ato l- fctfEBASBW HUitem mm* < Main Sraise, Vi.) e. art as Vwtewy Area* fmvshl added ter) ms THIS* ' I-ahJLK FORD, HIGHTOWER 4 Ofi, C 'oin mlswfton M •• rchn ntn, FKOBIfF AID (ißOCEftiei, lirtes Stmei. aHa si* i , 111 srgls 1 , War* mnaa Ta Arrtft. to* *hsm• »un »••••** ted Ann ru*i>. MLbif T • S LA, • (JO Bdtiiai. .) ftkllk to Isd» tank , 1f ne 'hews by tki«n,vis a ao Ria < #«fr .Wifcl'dß fetobekr I ffitohte. JthtoiXoWEfc* (JO. flßf n •ii i fctkWlrk'* i b awd' <Wb • » rasa m iMfwm aca Mar C s»4kfk. »>o yx^lOk^v istoft has 4 ißfiiia. •iv Ii I I*.ATI» to Ue- —V ■ -m to IsmSw* Mr fin., te. r -fcj Bi'jtfpm Efi 4 ' Timsfhr llay. I aiVill'd.Aa. r»A- Me* J I'm. I- botai- l OQ. GHKAT IIKDI (TIO^I Wi|»lv, I oikct and laqmrld-4 DRY GOOD C , BOOTS AJTD SHOES, fee ▲II (»«ms4% Mjsrkrg ib I'lain lUrarvw S i > n t: i* ic i c i; on l n : JOHN M. GANNON f ) l>' 1 11' ! 1 a * ->■ v* c a a fn**>4» and u-e .4 -> • -. r ; 1 "ALL AND WEJTEH DRY GOODS ' ( r rt*nt I Jariraiz! •p«*Hal luJacr ta-ats afT-md in DrmaGwwd- V S.L- ; of the Artitirs; dark a: f Far- > ViAA »w a as*.! tk j :* u tea- flads U Trosik-d. 4 tu- -S a . , M e un 1 BEAUTIFUL LI7VI OF CLOAKS • • Dm Insk Ib»-:. 'Ulu T‘ w ItamaaS fnsp T v a K*l and 4>a* T arL-4C Itean ton* and Kr-ax Is hi* lamtsA ski- ami l> 4 halto and Pr w: Steetete* •- a Lla~ m»1 rslViv th—-ff< N-v\ toßMtei* l.tosnhd* s . •ai. toh-v a *|d- : Ikm to P-.tU te-.'atykr* anl in* AJI « • nsourka MTSBa. Bed <-rv; SbJIV Bteas- KuE. ... .Pit G-v. L:»* and li 4 - ' WV-4* h *l* Ei-i -.rat ff’TWbi,ih. La.-to and H -i Sk.rute nsane"X Has.* kk*r hi*te Yta bwadr-..*. ‘•v-owa. \ *dte. ai-i * ha. ..m 4 Tii kte \-0 *4. l-*4 • K * hlf M • nn, kfcd <V 4: 'touts lud. hUlBt Ltob; Slid lag U-to* •«san* 4 um-. rtirkoaalttoun I'lotir. JOO i SbitoMid rr-wa •*• J«*» - (aAfiJUTT 4HD IGr Monr * TUfcktt> Rj* rv - cm-h *— -T-‘ sod tev soke I►, oium rec ( STB. •'.(><> nikM TT k ns -lltlK 4 naun. N H. r Tanka. Wh • >a ami *• Prsc her*- \ 1-" I j \g v a4 It Kid GM-linni Hi'CL i-o. a v .. kßam i ih-rm Kscctfic. Kapr Tnltr. * ,m-; m . haato «*>4 Matabv.k? Y iiAluUTr CNTTI9L Hai an .» m«t l*arg. | , \ fl«t * UUkB xl, *> 111 I .nebs tel* -»*der* Irim Lari -Don* r v *>,n hi t*xkMTl A nm *i ILK • bitosL sSroaA. finer * liner! v, \ ».»kii - r—t • tm fttnle* . ( )( ) m, un- -W. Vw mu ii' .. .exifr «>- yyy- i , Petetnrk Vtue. e. nne Tenn 1 k-nn N-.i. «... e~«.' •» » *■“'•** -•" K « .wen. a iee.. me- • iliirfir UalVta* iWwta S*i-fc— He •*—». fta, •- muh* mto al U'WOMT kft ikH fxlU KATES Hy ukhAin A Sta'tNlfi , Bhikebad arni | ntov Wi . -c| »h -hs iTuurn mmmm maattmt. j >*^J? rf>rll ~ vr ~ 1 , y r:. i & inn# w* *u £» uw«. tUSfc'wiJl 11 nWT* rnnaLWA ■«■■*. n IF mu % i~+*- Wkl—la mi fcft*». <■»■' ■» «*»- • mt \\ tacu I—.w It V«m FanAiara a*4 h»*« p • n*r<4*—. (f *’ «» «■»■*— ■»* * Oh ' ■— Mi c— ' WN'/ft.k* * no . *> ii - Mi Baan ' lwiw at aft #J # •»< Fan *bn <*"'*4*. CFaOaaft ■«> trn*rnm aft m**» IhMrt tfiwi J tVI» : IV’IH .»*—*r mm* (bmMM Mb- J * L Kl*« A *y» *Mft« ■mmmmmmrnm mm* tm M ,rT * * ar J *4 i#■ Kimaj» K >■• r ar4 «■*—— urf r»r mvt '*ntf»rr - * KIM «4 f 44r< v r*rkn «■ .Mali imi Ik l> r i-' -*** \ ' ..-. -' . . • |>- MJTf J l. W*T *or (Mlß^yran I«CWLAF < Aacftrm mm* r*mmm M *n *.* “ r" ‘ l" *■ * /IHWrXHA« A rnuni) (man M4 - - -x«. r: IMI« UntOt** t> :>A« Ow Ml *ft Htfv'Jt IFJ. A T»H>lfp»n» * l» . WTtrii—,. ■»< Iftaft. I-ft • - B,: l«T *»—** M . ' -t»« ..i;-. • f tui » "< » vu«|««r a»4 •»• Iwwai aU~t 4**' 4» H ' » l |M.i» W KwUMft | w VTtmnoc i*ww- » g * turn* k 4 TH..WW TuMt * kt* I I MM I' H’ fcffl * <■» - tfcMM *ft luaa. :-*»~ra r*. r * -*-*<. •*»* ***** KOTIOEt I'kir* ur ** o- *n*n «* ft* r*t» «i «* ... *r, t.4l H hM AAU*U 4..M-*.a|aC»U_ TW . r« N »—-*•• pr w I*-%** ' “" ***' *“* * v s. a. mnoL r KILL Bl MM Ml AT liKSDT% I *t\T% »-tK HLkF *»r«| k |1 S *MTrT* ""** F W kaKxvt CHANDLES k BAREOW, 4lUata immmm%*rn. s*HTHEUX UfcANVH Hamit I'tWKhltruM luifartartaf C«w, of un li«it r. bLKtai r* t\i hamj* m Aii m* n*nx tki «.<*** nauiuk«ai yn/»ii t* :»«;» «*< «a*f *•».* •ic * r n-n ft ■ fT|iißt<i. »i««at4 t* ft W*i 4 *»•• u* * |M »*■» »m! ~*... ' k,. *«r..-ft,. m -*«* TMft i- 1 mu * ' • mmU mh gm*m at tfc* A a*4 A . U.w at- 4 -* •>►* ~-zr*m * rwU«- ■ ■•- r«r«.. a»4 Oa|M? * «M* -avwttk < f A t* V > '-TN—. «M*r ItT 'Ottbl Si >.. A 4ft * iUM<A *M«f? -W L E. LAWS & CO. I» V W > t* 1* OlkK U N (DM MISSION MIK ( II V ITS. I*' L ' f” '■»■ ■«■ >~a La~. IjV - . „ -..a. .« a. uklnl kMIIV. cttton v - ■• .• rm •Rfc. l. V . .a. N**f «fD4w* #Jtrm f t *'!<'• H k-tfia* lka-Jrv»A Aiparai a«4 I'Apliav . JCF» W f«r- vtsS mik «nH * ’**' ' i.MWWJN ivU 4 •OTTCTUSI Sh«Mlv >«KUt»a4 Sark a. t V a-raft W ml RaaafclM fttawta. *aM aft! ,\ ikiMM-k iar4* al i hiMMAUX itvu 4 ft.nrrust n«narK BlunkrK SkrHifV T'arw.'A T»*ft :«m4 Htftift. a»j Maraftlftt F«* aak M CH\«IUJU.!> v\>L4 4 fcOTSjU*. Corvar VklftAafiaftl Istt r **r-t*^ NEW STORE! NEW GOODS! MM. H. TAVU>A £ltrrt ft* tkarft -v HV ■ ggg «« Ktuft ani Tmmrs Iln >. .kk Fa»r* 'iwft. V«ftaa. 4 • n» ■TmA trail ft ft*> mrnmmrrnf a* W fcaal a a ft.,aa H..ft »■■—> Tft ammmm Mia a* . ft, i, 1 1 aai*■ UftAAT »W MlU , fT> wdl ft Nrw and KrrUi Slack al l*aa4». j TWiw tft «»•»*«• ft lUtMA am* mmarommSm* ! r-. tr, f « ftft kftM •Aar. ft ft tft* arr rfh.ft Wdimmm A .Vr>aAftl * Mjr •41 aai aM ar* <aftft« A «j ftaam * ft>% I* -ftft» . I mmci. Htvrwo .-y—i*i ■! w* rtai-ikAW C4B ».,* *t rja.y l 2hmm! Rocktwata, Mid Wi^oot, ir ;ET~.£^lirI 1 Sl7 '"""*-■ » l»»—M; ■>•«( PAINT hII o P JakRKU »i ll»» k»»» SNITU M o B E \ «.«» -a »». «j- *— «»■** ~ k t r.»«M A PKW VMM Os OtUOl WWt amor* rfft. T — TI aft mamtf m 4 ttr- , a* **■»■ wtanfe ar ftia—a »iii «F ***** 4-H —*«m* ay TkwnrMa? fbm. ■ •■■■■Aft iwnni . ITft* Mft aft >ryna I Bftftn*ft tint- liraal anaOfftaaa Fail 111 I ayf. w ftaft mr ftaaftft ft f Art HftA ft MaaM* aMa f. ary. # a* ■tn4nT fire C#4 Oil 11KMMTN CAUkiIA WH, *%x-' rt*\ ~*-4, *■ 1 1 M-iail ars* .«a Ml pa-4ar * ■■■ a* tftar -nfft* ft pmmOty'mg tft *«< a*-* mmmmmrm fta ftur** «r raftMoai fcaaiw (ft p*> r-« ft •• rraft *• ytl-T* iW fa*r*» «• a.aayar a*r **• *•* aar*«ru * *• r%a**aa THft ft« —a* - IM rant*4 . aftal** at 4. ft aA a rmrarn m* ‘smm •ft T a M.-. ft* fc-rJt t . Va 1 *4 htc*. |. (as ft4ft WOft* It) DUX'Hi Tt AU . ■txfteas Para C„- Liaer OL'. *«ai ft— faawftH 1 aaftriAc *w w ft* "a. I —** Tft ;-aa 1* prr«a»t»« a.l arakai-aa aa< r«r» air Tft 4 * T ■ Bata* A ft" ft aiU} ft» I*4 Marade:.! Pare Extract Gtagt CAM COMsniPTIOM Bl CtXEB! 'Tft «aar .« a mmmmOnmmty a*4id ft tft n ■ »*H - Tft* * tm. ft » ft 4-rta. a* ft. ft*- r.f.aNft ft* M<T Pftft* °* »ft»* Ir’eJ cmnrnm * n* i*B«a ftal ft** dßrftl «ar*f ft a mmrmrnj at • ft*»• ai* B m |a* ft Mi*a-- Uft ft* ftftftft* -Car* La wk r***** ».....-«- * < Nr * > * ts*-*” Fam*! IW. w <w !"■'»? “ I »* *■ “ * irr . a—r ~ .y ft pr Aaa —■ «i fer-aafca mm ift a ft - aft aa ft |ma at ft nft. •** a star gv*** U. ibM a —1 k *» •'*- 1 ftrvtfau J Fun ilxUAct Oftar f ~ ~ THE 4*ll. IT TOMI WUM rr*Ha>Mi HOOFLAND'B GEBMAK BITTEP.S U*bllU<r ! DeMHtj-! M*. ■> ftra*ft arm 1 i*ft JTTaTlftaAk D I 4 K A • ■ • or C 4 ■ r AIM m yTT - ■>/ *!* y Si bl • ft■*■*■*■. «y ft— immtmrn *m , trnmrntmrm i ft* lift ao* Dft— mm 4p4 mm ; HOOFLANITB GERMAN BITTERS. i ft*. —' —9 mmmrnm m*rn*mm- WILL PAY fIOOO O HOOFLAND'B GERMAN BITTERS ( aa* \rrtM. Arttltt?, ft* tot—. ft D—artnft ft—* Oftar. »■ ft* t i aaag ftaa*ana*a rmmmtrnmg ft*aa ft*- • *SS y— *a*.a *n-ft(Ta!^n ■Mtift^aa'Sr■* ft^* —« a> ftapOft ft* aa—a i*. —■> »ftl T 4ft —* y iftAftt* M » * u« aft ftft ax *U ia< *fM I— A tft aaft "o aw.Wr.tMtkkKllmkM.llMW, (OTTAIII *0 KIN am WHUKV. AID CJkXXOT MAKT. DfenOUKk »-« »• «*• ft-» Tt—ft la I ft* WarM - ■ ~A-n»dk. Fr-*a ft* 4r» Lm a ftaft. ft* r a* ft* «Wya*A c Vv*4k Faaa* i*iia, II i In* * i ft* * «-r4 a^ a** cftarrft. ift**. ft ' *•*■* 9mcrmi. H .*■»! • - m ftftara ft* «*» !* — M4M>« b*a a> (Baa* vft 4*r aAarta tt* «- * it** ft* * V.*- »i*4 -a a «*r*4-Jar*.T »w**ft4al i*«. «r*i/ mecm F rmfc W- W t- ftftfaa* f— vs T—iftA ft*C* **—y aa* *- ar* ft*m ! ■ * »« —4-? ft arrx* W« —7 ay« rr• , *" c,r W t *l3‘.rWllX> L fv« 1*- i- e-*. t. ft—v : r tft •* Ift .. . W A •ft.# *»• a aas** M— *■!*- ' 4* ft-.*4s» a* a* at -,- -ow; W- a*. 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