The daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1865-1869, December 16, 1866, Image 3

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THE SUNDAY EH A. A. a W4IWO». Laxal am* Maw* Ei>™»a rundat vonna, dbg it. t * r p m m Umuvumi 00 m D*iu |«a. AiruitMiiu !»*• b—n liwM tlifc Hr. I F >n ill. wlwnH Iw wb> W—■ at U»* <JIJ «ir, uWoaa u< Um p»r*' !• bM mnmmtm it aUhmhA •m.w a# U».w> Nrtt* wUI to f*rtifeh*d Um M lunton. other bf Mm ««i tu«*ih or >Mr lie «tU u**« nrfnrr* ■ I*l «»M wmort, aud *U failure ■>B <UU’*r; re « Ml bMtoM ■■—>!> Will to pT'rtUytij W» warmir -urmiawnl Hr hb«- btow •• » nli) itoir biuiirM M* rid —Hfb u **» l«b sci Ito «rs Um Mjm u. |Mutw* muling "Ml of Ito uuiilto bMiU «4 Ito •M* La j Hr nMUoab pruotpUy ».-m«a..»U*el U-t O- TXI X£ CIT Y. iHIIUH DIHIMTOMV. VuLnutmiA C.I pMcbto* diM k#> U F Motor, tola* tor»w< la ,a. m . and at 1 p to M ibtolli Mrtowl •L to Tmvttt ,H *L) HlbhaO attmt bmw (toy Mail to* A(A M»r««u. Itour tor*tur W, a b . and I ) to. Boada) Mrtoui ua ton I Marietta ami Hr* I I Fiunp, Fatow Nervw !•*, an tid T y bi . Utolb Hihmj ta i. . . _ ttwriii fitumui*. WadiUMTUa Bito- Kit K. 9 HUI4BH. tour Mrnv* !•'. an ar. 1 V F- to. Maabif grayer to ■■Ming every Tburwda/ al • F » tol.toO, School •a to Flaw torran. WaJlno tori- to*. U C HoMBaOT, Ftotor. h»r*k *lO, a. to aabtoih ab 0.4 »a. a* •aoiiWt Imwr, cnrr Wain, fit/.* and MtVtK-n •ln«*-i>v W T braalh.*. Pastor hmoli.a a and Ta to habbath a. u,«d »a. ta Pwtixj* l » i>iM..*pai' Waatingbia «u— t mar (It) HaU - Mg* C. W. Tiiuau. ItmAur fi*rvu M, » *u». aad * F » l*«4i run rv«Br«m<to KlMlh«>t. I ornrr If •tutor *a 1 Lmt-1 Mr.-t h« « F*rara li kiiui P®sb.r vr T and !■> a tq N j. n. ■■ ~ ■. " $ a Jrgr received al 14.l 4 . U. ton.n a. fifty « the Uu«t aljlaa. Fl** JIWCUI LfllidUiiHMe'lT "c cal. attention to the idnrUiaito&t *4 11 Hcrmanu and W H •llinan who bare «|»i•■*■l**l and jawalry natabliahtu<<nU at the drug **U»r»* of AU**Tt li »we|| Jt On.. erwner of Whitehall .*»*. 1 )C*nc(U atrrcla, an t at the t«o>.k*ior» t M hjracu A On, on Whitehall a;reel, near the mUrou 1 Tfcewt gentlemen hire a very Urge and ev caedimrK elegant aco*rtm* ut *d g<dd nn 1 *il- Bar watwhea. jewelry. rU*k*. *tlver ffpjon* and fork*. tu mU Ui fact, everything that coni' »tu their hue Tli w r’*t<. -k t dia:n.»n It IN especially flue Os tiieio* Ul«’J h»»*e |-*r ha|M the tuoai aelcet aiw*v.rtuj- ul «ver brought to the c:ty Thtir » Wtrtiv turttl in the EjM tin* tU'Tßing. and we in*iu our lri»uh u* call .i.«d examine their lieautifnl •*»-- i. al mlooal pncea uutd Di Janoarr. at !’ H Snook J 8 Ur. Mt. under National II•del ha* 9 magnificent atock of canhiug and furnish ing good* of the to*t qnahtr. ant his pfio a are to low MB the lowral li aU • ha* a »r:l select**! *t«ick of b<c i- and ah<s<a. ahi< h h* ia tolling at coat Ilia alock of hst* are jii*t t.* la* excelled, and the Rum! factitious can be served at reasonable jine. * Ilee>e 1* an m atitnUon, and tr 4<m t »**c how ttic U.ys < t Atlanta could get along without him II- • of thoae little “lug fellows whl- h n- *.‘r fail* til wtu in along race U«» )oung frit nd Elvca. hi* acconij ill shed and atteuUve chtk. continnea to win golden opinions, nnd I*, at thl* writing, of rep .rt in ail the lnu.k Thl* la tli* pi a-» !«• get yoor m oney ba< k. J err arrive*! fr»*«n New York, a fine Dincit of Looking (Haas I'Ute ts 1 Mnaav .if < Vr —- F«*a K*La * A N- 1 St. .A. T.igine w it, Ihulera cruuplet** power. I'i h ra.' " ill •»• 11 vary l*»w much lean thou e..*t U*.»u«e a. have no oar f«*F it. All in peif« » I 'l< 1 Aj*|4y aoon to J L /a- hkt. or Dr R S INvs». ’1- «I t —liar CnaaxitcuL —Owing to the m clemency of the westher veat-erihiy. a ■mall amount of bn»in«w tw IntiM t.-.|. and a. have BO |epoit of the l«*eal market till* mm. log Fit* il' *T»a»n Souf-ig* at .me dollar. A large dink of £«phyr thaNla. Kura. Vkiapje 1. ate , at greatly r»**ltio**.l pigs*, tduniig the holidays only.) at 1* II Sn< - k raovrr The binlding belonging t«» Mr Vtn Harkhan. which «a* hnnic! U*l Run day’night, will wmni »*.- antler roof again and ready for ua. Mr Marltbam l»«* *ufl r* I..•• tunc to rda|*«e uuiuiprot.-d That* »b»i keepa np tha city 1 T!§». Hi sinv Ema Our a|MMM hto Uu ao tntm Id uj- u by *d.. 1 n~to-»U. that we * aim nualde R*r the |**wut to carry «tot our I b*a« of a Hnnday paper Tin# press will lc over ia a eboft iiut*, ami tn« u w« bo|w U* and * all w* have pt.unieMt w l( Tituik has a great Variety *»< Dvree (l hh|«, TniUUilUga, Olovre. Uuaßry. ri'sll*. M ».a aud Roy • wear, if<ed» and hbuee sn , to l. alii lb tug you weal de> 16 it AuxilDCk n HTKfirras The biography •f I Ins tlieiinguiahcd t»e<>rgia e4et«»a*au. wrilUn by II ( l*-av*laA<l. ia aboat l« iugi»- • ue«| at lire National J'ubhabmg H-**iw at | Richiu«tod. Va. We have received ed«an.« 1 .li- «iM wf lh> work, and it promise U> to an *Ulc■reeling v> itiltie, and goltcli up in a me alyl* of typography The pubitehera any !U their aiije.uia* eiw til that "Mt MtrpWeua !.>aa git. u hia couaeat b and approval *•#. the pr«;|*aration ..f this *ofk The wntcr has bad free and utireeUi< ted a* reea to all .»f but literar y -trautoiffea. « ««**«.taliOg of valuable docoin. nU and tha oorreep*>ud *#B f -e of thirty year* with tb«- great lutriU'-ta Os the I'uioti He also apeak* with gratitude of th. kiiwl aamatanec rend*-red by Mr Hte pheii- in the pr«|Miration of tto b *,k Th. proof * It' eta have ImcU carefully examined bt hint th* rvfore the r»_a 1. r nt*y rely a|»*»u # work not only perfect and complete m all n att. r« )n whi« h tin- reading public ran feel au interash. b*it *lw> stri J a'-' 'irate ijt til. 1 in*M.rinrunu detail* S > <*n. before ha« iin-." deruken a full |>.>rUaiture of tbia m »*l w<>n d* rful man. It n lb* first attempt b> defuct Ugh bia pnldlc and ;»rivatc life, eep*ci<.!ly that o<>bi*-r nature which ia u»l rrv*«le l m the com bat* of the hu*ung«. and in tbia v.»l uuic the atud- ut of huyraphy will to well r. warded f.«r the |d> aaadt labor *»f Its p* rn-al Many letter* and |M»|e-r« appear in thi* w. rk which have been gleaned ftom th« m*«at im p>rtaut > rraapnadviMM of the war. and !! »»•• never tof.-Tc Imhu MowtbU to the hiabirisn Tli-cu* s-Miilt*-rii rea'Mcr* who reimurtor ti.« author a* editor the (’ >n»tituti >nali*l be fore Uj« war, » r who rrcoUect hr* lett**n* ftvtn the unity, will welcome IbinUcw pro<U«tion his Ipr g ' uirh**rt»on with lh« Southern pf**** hivtugV out 4 l<»r hitu thi- reputstiou of lx-lug one of tb‘ h» «.t li.gunf ati l *»#!• writ* rs in tha* sunny laud. The thoocud* who hvi* I 11. OmHHJ l.jr'lil. pri.oll virtu*-*., will need no toiler attraction than « nam. and Al*x.vud r II .S:e|di**n lb* i-M,k will cn? ,I*l .b ut y j • l '***’■ V ■ » ± nm* . want -d 1., every ct.»»|y p. . . ndu* » lb* £i- f the bok It » .!l to reruty ! r 1- -* r. and age.,ia afouhl bc*e tune is in *itng lha.r ipp:ir..'.,,a- CIISI*TW4n ’ 1 nu»mae‘ l* n t fall : . g. U. r it *>.. <« • gel Me.lima, k ■ s .*? ■ r*cm. I-* : *m i,_ M 6 of th* ir-u .0 S’ re* t n h s!, e.J pi.i. tbr*Tir~-T-.-”-* rt; pr '".“vr * tjrr~ ,±.,1: . : lamiu. nil .yuue fT *. I . *U» . . ale.*l!‘ I, * e .1 ~» 1 tu* o»ye. t ..f t j|c et, 1 * d-ab r* ■ *i. g.(g.. 1. *v.p r of Win 11 thau ..oyb Iv" . ,1-• l‘» it - An.vsVv Mt.r»r oiuron t hi* 111 »r-titiy, *‘*d « oilier, n. r.t.r of th. H *ard f 1 r i*t. - .. . I r . . of -everd u, «u th- 1 . lily t fi.. r varaneie* r*t|w! fiv !’h»- ** ti n, will take p.a* »■ the ■**■ t,d M .ndty in Jan uary next Over d*. (»./t tt t* n d.dUr* ju*t r . .r 1 at i* U, sn «.k . Wx Hot all *i/~* liiit M i t,f»g I . t Lr.d boo Kraui— mad- t‘. id I d*v*i ts M u...n A f L K Ho. w. .-.1,, g.v . r. 1 .: F- i 4 ' 4 — u - • t nu its . i. Iu i t•g • t ■ i-. Tax W H Ito'. -fe j. b > . 1 «l» III*.II. V!... .iv ;t -•- v Ktv, h < \l'U nl> I •; Vi .u,ft •' *, I* H Sn -ok r*s. overlook t.o- .1. t t ts. • ab nua. I cou.p-.uv a ; a- fo* Ut ' ’ rile figure* •• H in th* ..•!*• ■;•«*.: t the *t u. \ug f I! m • M * * v niu > A.f'rsn- re tl -i.-'v. -f ► t *» • • • And *.* rv-.n • 1 -* * • • <WI » i ' W . the' 4 t.d It 1, k V r a . . -F nm pi*.* s.tootv iu.d .h. -p V ut* (i*. 1 j-i-t r- V I .<t r H >•„ a It t aliiee the dec!live. and ll' . vl, t.'um. it In. R. tor .j St J‘ .. ; ■ ■4, t . pulpttA t. and o with ts.. Uv. Mr It. i t .: >t Jar. * \lari. :t.. ' S. rvt* - »t St !'a;'..p’* H»k dol x:k. s w . and W II rv 1 to>a ha-jtiat ncve la .pl.-. -b in lit ot* M - II- * XII ; l» *y * « lot iuu*‘ o. at *\ *h> .lev 1 . .It .is u, 1 »M rx IUI <m • .« Ihi l. I l l; twrt 1 1 1 1 • pr*-acti at lb* Central Fr*w*hyt.*r»in Cloir h lulv Satvbath morning, at lUjoci- * - k r and a 1 w H hu H 1.0 . l imn .»• at irk .a 14 *.t« and hh.n-4, lot *.»ie eio-ap < . *d St ■ * at FI i-h iln'U di IUII E*r vt» Kvrn.r 'S e h*.p** all the !>• *p|e will coiitmu. t'b* ar in mind tie r* «i eatat< r.R! . wht. U coup-* til Mu* f it\ cany in January In cerlifi. at. * at-. M ll I*r deliveiy. an i may t>* had at the Ranking II mh* .f Mmur Ihoay A W ildman Thia pr. |w*itj 1* 10 { th** tu.wt *l* -ir.! ’. rexidenee |,.|* in 1. tl It 1* »S .t.d.n a f»*!> 1 liable .• imnoiiolv. au\ on c| th li. *t p j il.r Hu* *tu t» « it> II l- n va. ,- and in th* f . »n ,1 and -1! .. ov. r .t* r* al maik.t pn • M, • v.m n.t. .! lb- pr* no . The raff!. -I*t -|v In 1. and * tl *.j . . The g«*fitfptti*«i who HI. managing f > • in fipil'i* of baud a .id that l* 111 o that. «* ran wnv'of r. »i <»«** a ktu.w Dfito- (ivavpa Dav-tßs.i-a ( It. ap au.l .h *<r.b!. , j*i»t r* • v, i .! |* II Su ~k * UN . - Sale at Lav «Jo • ts J .a r.iivnn. math and tk|M*l.(i* idy tiled al lh>- Eta "ffiee T«r to.aurt-UL Ttoa augwH body of Ito mwml4. | wladoto of (to State haa wound np its labs*, pan! to b*del MU* and gone | tom* lu rwc*-ivt (ho e «j/r*tal*tiot*a, ut no wr»i, of to f needs vad **4tor InUa W « have put qpua r«c-.rd all us Itoir acta, and we hop* (h itmm will nevwr *•*»»• wibu t'.ay or any of (torn will wi*h u» pointbrtt« fUwa of u«e Eh* sod *** loun. “(bou eanst »'4 may I did it " I Wy« »h» re are. perhap*. euw thiags which . Uihava toon d:ia alii WrftM, We MMp I-owa. OB t hr .Mhef band, mw thing* have toot. d«me itot aftOuld a»t have town dons Tbl t* t*»ua*!y Ito • Witt> U*-- togialatorw, *ad «,»ir« 1* n** • ***ept**m Ut tie n*U*. j Quite a nnmtot of u*« me**.tor* paa*cd (hroogh the guv y«ate**iay c« r*tor lug li**?ir homo They all to.kwd healthy and r»dm*t. as if lb* it forty daya' "arUunua iator” and fat . La-* f ha*l agi**««l with them W« hope th*.y ua») all to cordially w«d ooucJ to their k>ssm and eojoy au Marlyn b onito “Air I-iue ltoirm*i " W 11. Tivuti ia aelimg tons, new good* <d,»a|<*-r U*an any. if they have town in a fire <tol. St W-iitßih ami* (,a*N-aaica A lorg* »H*eh of all kind* *d 0 *tr uaa jUxt t»* *vi r* e«*v«d by that storling Immuam Arm. < *4«; A U t alia. •hi h tli* y Lu atli a* loW as Ito low | Ito «ame hutm lwv« also received, and arr *~u*» iff nug. ator sand Wi-tl-awarntwd ato k «.f gr« M-en* a, f*r./v.aioiiA. snd tormatioally *- *]• 1 fjoit*. aii in e and fr. -b, to which Ito* invotr (be ati-nt l- nos pur. -rxer Call and •• e thru, !*• .I*-. |o mpt and r*in*l4o, ato*.: to their Mt*.f« oni*- Will Imj Mir* Lu g - Dsv |)m ti Dai fr* T* n th -wand and dUr*. w orth Htapl* fkmd*, jtut r*—»tved at R H Snook I» lit l-l 1-11 \ • ,n n.ak. §“11 I*>Uar» fr< tu F.fty fVuU Call and *xuuj’.f -.ri urgently n*« l 1 l>v nrtyhiiJT ■<>r‘Maunp. •• uf' ! •-■♦bv u* til t-.r that eaeit’y r-f ul» for *• bv U •!. Wou*itt l»'l Chiithato to|u,ir* S. *, Y o % k. ’ . vin 1" -ilr A Lb. all r r'!..r'*4( 1- . Vg.d to-vi~. ah* V- f .** 1 f. * th* a r I —Km» in . al egrvp.-- U. > . 4. •• . 4 /law „* vA \ .0)1.1 .!*.*< - r. Urr* U. PQmia. 1 * * .j..*- r'Pfcbboaaan ftupiim ) 4 )»'• • >. \ * . Ii »• * t»l y AM . •!■•..* \t . VJ.*. J I- .. v . . - . V 1 v.r * . f , • x ; .. ,n pr oj.r-.Mor* An »* * : *,.• b.. I*. \-** Mm* u.« yitoiM KTE- at am ' '*** ■* 'X- P* » ■: 'f- .; • % 1 'v . W » . . )•' 1% 1 ■ . 1) » \ 4# > * • 1 j E r, s rzr. Hsrcr , i•. * : -•-* . -• ■ *. \ e - vt • ..... r 41 . .in 11 .v l« CK-Jtei 1 ul - IrlA’ jiv)U »- AU 1' \"VM i v 111 I\. nu-u.Av '.vri* <im i:i) n\.ti: .1 Hi 1 .»i- n.i:\llrv\ ' 4 ,;, ‘ w >• vv . R*U*a*l Baak Jvs It QQWI i -.>« A 1 4 - )Utl> • PAR.**. M«o***rltu. - .« i;i, ■*- f V xr-.v Mm*. \ s ..; , -JAM l> I .Inis, .nil.! . 11 v os 111,, . ,h r n , fcW . » . . K ii IT li l TT»“. A r “ * I) \ m uvi vs n orv.* 1# 1 st* -1 ■ • M. rioN iv, !>■* wn 1 nr rt t-01 p a I• s , I • - x , . ‘ **.llll 111* Mill i.b v I B)>> tA’Ml‘l i it.i' I Ft uIMKM I ■••V.M ■ • n*t I**ll *A '' A’.« -A- n-r-S t II ''th»sH » n H I ItK Il .V « •>.. IgraK I- • .tl AMu.ia. «*a .1 . 1:* €9 1 1. 1. A 1 r . HKA*s 1 *. t" IMi Ml Hl'.; IITTIK, til.irkviHithluv; and Lmrral R* fuili V R • t. 4 I)-- tvs m»I aa.i Xml * . la, ,\ • 1, 1.. --eHawcto Xt’actua* «Is .>e*|wiv» hi. «i t li Hij-e* » »wMrn w-r« W *•> *.Crl, .•« *1 Ut. .Hb «**i n* |ir>«,iJMi» UlMjnl H» , *«!■ Uw* J b ot I.LAIT, li*. SPECIAL KOTICJ^T ktlaats M*«te«i latoft. Dwwatof 18. twM % t-»waivi Wto »o*i ■# frt in and ibr BUB*Ui HwieM * ■ mm> 1 —*w aMS ha hto to aaU Awi ia (to (Mi «g tins, m » ■’ton an. «a is. n wniiir is iajhah lor um tr •*»*• j h* to. (kwu. town Bwum, nr—+mr Ur vtodto B-orH tot* *4 *HU* QtAUBk htorr I M|x»'« a«I Fiwli<Ml)>a-T» |h*rp to >l/1 - xiwmi n I* «touS)r w*.yiMp mm bs*M, - *ba* .•fiMitu eX «o«* *jpC- tot Wiu la>o»i«r tot X via-i* in va’rf 1 iiifiMwto iiwMaw* it»vtsr Ui Wt«MB HA AL— /HI • UtUdTWk « Htinmi AM a * < u»•*# kuwt car» vor Omm Sanayr tto IWHttoFNI o 'U mA. Vb*r-a> K M yuiaig M an i tony u> an* to* tout ATTM* TIVA MXimto w«s loe* to M*f row. Tk"i *. tl M tor*is) ftvxtoMMMd. to* r.Eri F riuZJUI s. ia iw*n<t vt a tybalM «to>a «< FT KMC 11 h* .» AM LISIM. vkFA tola tonny at r«cto*ad Unom.m t-Ato«• tto- *4la ISO to fto to-* t ito4a m-Im fw. ft lu 1100 fto-e.i free, t K to ftisd. v **u. w. to tr* |3 b Mb sol*.*. fUto |ia rusi/.n*i koLva UeaWtoM j toby • wn«tfo tr-Mi. 914. Vj* %t% Tto yr-iraMM 4 Om* rr.-awt. t to un .#■ * at ■*** uf*» r nurxis. do A “-Ito Ibnaua/M* TL* Optra M«u.. NmUmb aad Rrt* a ar. AM I .ufka < too*! a»l btiana e/eu *J| 1m ' .»!»*.#<! • r »* 'Ar>Al S xralM *. bf Ult A* «*ar> bn V |fw«i >ut m*4 UM.*M*t ka-v;* )ra l-er- i. « **w) U. tC-o, IS to It <* to, Far Wll inu am a vaadMab I.* « f U r- r IS' Him ir.wa tobrbv «*'•!' - ■ toil bark tol Hr <4 tki ~*uwst im-Mry. .w: r a rn- u toi -bto H tar.frm. IS* lMM C aovlh Vla«)*Hi W‘‘ FAFF HDUtto * |*r^r.»tor, »)* ’ *j * aTaw.wa I* I VI \ A IhUULIa, Ac nu . iM. . -, .v-l m ml be Mtm l.vl/ » . ol I. .IhHal-F Ji, u*i* iMiis. a • I,A Via Hot 1.,m a ) . I*ili». —< —n Tk* . - ■M aato Um j . *i-t v.lm r-i j.* ’ . .. a tr.*o» tto .fttMUiM. hy a a.M M' toal ;»-•* - j *u.l riH.w|Mwato Itotr tßsato! rt, *" r ~T *0 c—*-•»**-? »wm vat **pw *b*» mxlmc* ■ * ■ m) pr*o. ,t * chfMr at CL- a**]* Fee F o Fi luiaa I r-J't "•* **4 *L drato too of Ibtoe. u . ri*' «.Ua ;; • n»S. »»t * j ‘. ' —"cr 4 *** ' •- ‘ * 7 — ] - lla«.a.lor-. Hair Ji*.r |»yr >•»,. t-a; la tto mtrdL Tto .«)) O-ar * j r - * t>* Harwto*. tviobb . rwtoiim.m v 1-A L X - r * -to o. •* SAiarmi h*« » or . oat. to J•* u- - tars JTm* /»r- h- w •rau. tto i.,.f •#* * • to®Tk. i *» <• m 4 /to -.*• Ai .tor. ®»- Non'cH. I jr * 4 tr«fw*«f(*lo.). i<**r) Man. \A am a a ll a,*. N.- ,I*. fi r a u.. 9i*.u H* wl/ 1* r- • *» . e .U «*4l and ... may ■ ■* - . * {*• «• I r* l*> »■ so m»nn **4 . * ‘f-- I pcs.f it tr* * \ \. »» Ma t 1.1MM.1 I.jmm n la ’t.ituia*: o*r», * ;V* • ’ M** * l a.- hfewdlr *..4 ■•>..» «U#rv to.i fah / ... *. . '-•*».« There it 5 . - , . 1 njang'WMoA Tto» * < • V i'-*.-*: - *V tto *--•*: * . ; tto toAk’iii!t 1 • . *. • .:• 1 .. D).|>.pi. 4®H line S , 1 * - 4. IW-atA - - to f* * • • . n.' -t I w mir n nrayeriMa *r* ( It) l.aa*«4 ham mm • » * v* *-i «rw* U>«n4 las! Vtmm* f* a.- T » Jvm. toMMe for am e r**i I- ..tool iotate t* art «r rent arr >n . | > u» »■ rrfwmrat Ui>»> *» *» *.%• ■ Dvf -•. tv lah-1 HeyriH wUI he be I«f* -•J*er. « - ’* p.;N! mR •» b>f» tJLo» »e *u 1- t. in. mma * •j>|u ant* . nwai.t. ■attrw ** •*»? U.- f 1 r*m sen. Mt, if a*>* a- the rwai wum P* Urt or n ■-* r> w i.ea- vtlanta. Wr M. - ac t r**vt tnr mUmxN a* I to dre,a * ,i'»_ . - -ir»t* ac t taiu. .lf> r*s>r»a» *» - - r • * .«/*!*! *e rMi *• rmanvun 1 iii‘ 5 *' win hi rorsD ,t eirm>tn , |S| • 1 P-* to • flH.l lIM * 11. 't A- * -r ti.AM • M-. 1 M ..I** iMiaam JA r-,.. , . . Itl . «UK • Mh.AF >»ni|. ). I s ra o . veil M*-.rr r w Lu\m ■ CHANDLER & BARROW. lllaala Oemgia Sv CTHERN RUANCII Maamlr I’uldi-hlns awl fianufortat iuc («.. OF \KW long. » fiUMIKHH lM> I'UIJSV l> Al A till «UM‘ VKI «\.KK» Oh IkULMAb \AE\ I. 1 x .n-it *• ®iml tthniFam a* f ,1, run .l«t*rta»rl 4 the HiMrinli* .<a *•»■* ~ . 1 a* prmttns Hbrmtnw **v’ B«i h . '„e. «. u • a the .—«* rmmM* tom. Mtto. •II.»i« |M 4 1 piMUMt la*• M»t OrwaJ l««t 1 raw t,i«.- O. i.®*4 *n>4 ®M*-ui>-««rr-i »•• -e*. Jf«e*> M. *l*., XvlIM T.*d* IWU.M K'» nt *' .«4< otV rati..rr t* l-rt.-r-m 1 tupm tto * to , • . *>®m.l» r-. *».! tot Sfwdm .S me A aaS i iku M.- u' » Mttoaah.lafWyiVagM e- » .wk,«mUi'J F«SM«MU •Vi «- ■*» h.a.-r.M* Ito'. lMv r-aaer <4 Haoeiw » Jblom, (TUHIU Um lkk»ti«. hr.) H't S.» !*, P.—Valhie, AlhM-ta { »W\ I < fwrCtt 4h» FORD, HIGHTOWER 4 00, ComailMlun M«rchaal>. P■O II (,' C E ABB MB O CEBIEB, ' Wmm i *grg. —**• *.»■*. n| *"*•»*»»»««* aa* t. «sci, ’ n*a<. HtuNpaa a ou I'haa*#. I •-*** fV*. *—W. iw '• aiu«i';au < r x , TANARUS» Artlit*. '( HX ■ilmtwi* w aa> ,w. — v*** , iTI •‘■'X a**. X'/Ulj Ml rnMlirm Ol 4 ij, Hacctac. X»W.a«,k, t r«/iU/ Mi-»M !•/«£* * nr, Hi* r <HVrt . *- fxr m- V S«R* IX “I ' Wi -»Mr -*4fc 4 CXi. Mar CuOm. ) *>’-'*-•» <u> cm» x «■' *• »< ». •*.. >x r ■ .4 4 ■ , f ’{( | ”■' Mi" <a> «*»> • <iw^ "” i » k*m BAMRvBaa 4<a TinMh, 111,. I *l4l/i*ij a i u*, , ,*,4: Hi>rrvLitou < KNTHIL KtII.KIMI). Imjxirlum l«aiu,-kl>uldera. 1 nT *—■ 4 MtfWVI I* OX* I4V«*» * Uw.l I 'U’Uf • U f M «A1 «. n -t - »«»■. lan- - R ». ~. ... x^x. --- v m -1 u«v |n m w —a- tnw4 • * M M »* 'in iTMtiIBA. DBT GOODS : DEY QO3DS - * i to.-AA. •«'. " s <l'.lrtJ *n, ImfmrUt DHT GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, kx All tn-4« tari'* in rui. o > , : i* i, 1 * t: o > i- v ! JOHN M. GANNON I> r ' * ’ • ! • * • 'to 1 a '>: \ r *7 • k • f FALL AJTD WI.’.TEB DEV GOODS. Cr.‘in I i.ii-Lrains ! f , '{•crial Indorcm-fif* off red in iF to.i.mJ. amx‘: wiij-F, r 'r AS:.- .iv of 'th Is -Ailing Articldi: *- V V. W . p^,.. '* M - V iiM to. A-.. *a i SAM-aj* M ttoi I*. Mia- V BEAUT:njL LITE OF CLOAKS ,4 u.. » «t V % *«• MM4 ;**••. •*.••*, Mr»l*e* I .. --•' It- ■ Net ’* > .-•* ftomi T w-u. Htok amt < r».!'•*.. . f!l« i<-; m! Hr-*; TANARUS» hr •« Nertufi. M Lme# vi. . <1 c IVi * •w. N. •\ 4, Vis u*.. *; ~ *..<> ? c.•- -at.4* -V b-a-b»4 *l. * t>i* «» >J mt. »• * A » • rur . vi v. tel *»:)*.- ■v:**er Toai O* ,*nt* 'ru Lnan'.fi 11 I»* )• -•! IV : i ! ~L- • wt » « lilaaß . Tk'luto I«• tad •*-*• rs*,-k b. «t and A »«■ rv*a - mu***« as,l >' ito, k Birv t* ■J ■** V 'i4 •... n *irtt Tweed* Rrn -ai *sul M - lltortc He t* >. la. .1 v.,to *»4 a fm 4 TnAm NMi -ti» LadMM tal. a. M . *■■ • *4 =' «mib -to . kjd. PaMMiV Uvl • ar. *»— -4 aaM !..»•; iilrvimimtrto o I'lour 100 m. , rvwr aB I ml a ae« w ar • - -o~ M i.vhhATT A Hb Ktr I lour. •»l Y TVHKI -K. n r trm .' to:, 1 fr 1 _ I # *-r , v:.ia.rr a ha. < srn. m ) ,* v. ?r •' ,r * •- -t , LL-TaiA / j “ IVhi hrr‘. \ l-*' 100 *i vhjumr * t v *tmk«l toe e » l eUL wcreA Rjucibu. It «*|*c uud Tntav. V w hi* n a an WrtMi. tiaron .«nvl l.snl. 10 ISw TT ' 1 utKWTT •k* nmi Whnahah t'lnnr \ li.Hr ! \ Mitt !; * I’M. 1-M \\\\ Litr® Paul* O M P . j.rbeato.-M S.-mX lv«m t ) •• OvKAT I a hHx’THtii WbM.haJl WraeA I'atatar*. I, V » niXAlAA'bim ivai Blew, he mb to [ I® V *.ARgrrr « h*titu »1 Ibm—al Mtm* * Uhv hto* h Ttoaa. OaUm. IMrinia \ *.l. a< 7\ Itottoe rt *rtr. ia ha* rltadto,*. n. ..-ar* . -Am to 'lware I'-im-m' v,a9 . >MW* tom t"fT -1“ uTA “, AT, 'k.t™. ** I.IMKCTT * rH>R I m» v * ,-to-a ATLAKTA W—UI BOUSCTMT lie WM ** T 1 f arm * rtrtm ■ rw JLmg irZL : T3LTSJT £ *JS jin/it * nr» iiSSt »4 -—" ■—irr pi U—l J »*ry W wl Jj2S ■*»■« • iIMU Mi Inur Ml 188 | j niiinif mujuumbihM j J Kwnnt»7« r»m * * m . wi *<■„> |) HIJ »*#» •» w- ami m* A.rai, (Mun. mm \l *TLI * < ULM/AA. BMW - Mra VT • kaa-. ImmmTm J. Fw «> SB.MT *r» AOU. (!■■■■■ ■»<I.I • W4Mi »4 B*a—T I*«al in * yvn 411 Mr] -Jr* ; •M iMim Eti4 ar.-yt2.i i <Jtj m 4 L«a lm« bi Mi»V. /%. ■‘Vianidi Dmtib Ibb in I mM «linui i P Oww Mi r« Gill>'r KYiM-Mp m. 4 IUM LmM W M . r' M B.L iUH* *» * mmt » a— HwlMi 1 • tt ra» P*r 4Ba« ...i* Bwt J • mi r*ir7 Un -*-*skr oSbie^Mma J I*o L£VWT 4mr m 4 C Mm J * i. irV,t«>A iMBMM M 4 htf » *- ««■ Wb a■* Mi &>«nrr 4 en ■ ■... ■ Li. M- iVT B VWM* Mi kai I mm. ■ , * Ikil mb h»a -Mb. 4* a . mi It ** P hJTifAill~ P . f«irf Mi Mini • M I “*•«♦* m MataaM «ar 1 ill Ml ku K-k-A. y m ;rn au;iu>i /u*i'ur-Mti »Ai#. * i Mu «n«ix imk * . mi.■ ■» it J> « .bm rMMßhii^aa^ai »*.«*** t J 4 > W-A,. I Mn M Mi VW p'MJTT / I » <*. 4m *— m- f^-Wt i.B IMBMC - ' MfeJ* at »»■■!■■■ M 4 itau.. Mmv Ua «r..l ZVM .. ' I ni’ U., • r "TV BE, * -l. WZr *■*'. • * -*rw kr *i Mr. Marvel* | pil i nuu -1} « k4tt VtraMß Am j > MR Hl* X 4 Or > >T4m» fa*»» Mai frMM H V- a > . M. HaaUI Ukt'.ia IU■-1 * atr—i. •I . 4r* - liLra 1 JJH : ( I * j; *rim a * »■>.—m m< vm.- i.hbim )» * i» - ■■•» <i*i ka»u Hmtu B-v. Pills CHILLS & FEVER > 4 ce#?T*»h •- •- !«M* TV* ffTMI *4 —r~rifr U*» >S y r«aua F • Um r*--. » UmL W ttIHMKI IW «r va. HMr. Mm. or MT .4k- MUr. WM *«s tw »•> *4*-iMla *%— < I*ILL.* A»r* fITIR. x> *1 aim x rti.j«»n»<AL hi ai'a■ m. ri LaL'.l-V mm Mi fcltfiM M• Ml (irwt/: U k-w Ito iHMtofM. Mi m •*.. U • *• m. tL»i m amim+* Imt Uaa. TV* m* Ur rr» 1 4. *» l. W U- 4L —-at *•— Hr or mmrnmm^amgtj H..« T H W»TTR.t«-Aa« -i AHMm. * t j i* Ib.e. j.4** Mtf.. m- -r Ak - KX’ftEL'T !**voflU:TV mi\MH »■ G Vili-U -M-» M ttrMTT . . Ak’ n « aui r ■ l;~hiuix Rmii.mi a*. Cat. J A* H * » A I IX - 4 RAM r\»CX> Hi HR Mu I A MU\..rr, V'tlt. I O U 4. 11l *IA \ »M» Mi. r Ak MikC L » **!•*. Ac ;mU> M * <~nj. > T BLOUNT A HALE. 3ol« Prvprsruir*. Mortpsarrr. A. ihaii.R W HOLES A 1.1 DJtPCTTA. Hvn Cia-rr A TxmhAvh I«5 'iMfan frc. X. T k J ill-: A * N.m Lb. BaoM l»v a«U I >ru4f|fi*t *4. Priffs II W per Box C* t*. ■-' I'-X M* Vn ai tkf r»Tli tff H MM la MB’ arf U>« l Ktal MMi • I M. m.* ‘< ' 5 / - * *Ah i’FA \r* T.-ri i:»iki ia.M4u i* 4 • 'a. *• ! RuBMU !■> a.. iT' CB'a** -4 Kit l.H** AD M HIM LtA M nlria aaA Ilia allr Rallif i. it* • «mnftfrr '-mm /«M| A.ntyr .MMfK Ult AtafcuU »«*•»* Arm* a* !%»• I B» r ■ ,4-rr* »i . XaltMM ■ M IS f » M «UMX.4aI • Bi A ■ Aaf-x-a. iMrar 4* . M U« iMr K* . a It*. Aikota _r ... J » i a Mara> aai VI . dria K ■ llraaA .' ...Mr r»M4 L** v t Rm.'A —-1 HaM a ~ •*•* Ml MOjurta 1 >* r ■ l.«*t itMM .. A.AA • ■ 4ITMM lUno i B Ia l«M *air *«r« Arr»aa Ml 4-t- la 4 «4» a ■ U«« 4U4. U * »• r ■ irr..— at Mm*«< 4 M 4 m l.rai|U KalirMi. In.*- iMjrMBB * »• 4 M 1 *•’ * 4UM4M • -* 4 M Armao m «4T«M I » r B f**M V -rxaMr'llJtlU - ' Ttl A* 4 • lt.« 4UM4a * t» r « A-rma •« A «t*ta • li * ■ |.«*im I‘bm« fv-ai • 1 b i a «rr*»t at tißrna lira lt*t Im.|4|«.« » v » a « r- ■ ■4 •! 181 *.-41 M ■ » B Ln.t NM h > >• » a A r it M U iiMßE' l *- Mlaaia aai Vi m« Mai Rallraa i. L. i* U4i«i uiaaM irrat m» V 4 ti Mat .... IRf ■ It.tirA IMA • «0 A ■ AfTt*** a4 AW -a I Jt A M | aiauj pna —i unmMWmen. »i a r rii hi i. < OEOUOIA LOOK MARUFACTUSIHG OOMPAIT. MANCrAOTCBERM rurnn lom to t«tb nnM»* uarniiuLn ciutTin trrar B. A A. B. B. aal * Mir; Htrart, lUbblb .. . HrargU. Ain oat j* omATb 'i MMiaaktn*g Ityirrad Self AcUa( NANO AND POWtR LOCM ! E4AIEB CBDEBimJOIi eabikb to operate, KOBE BELIAfiLtL ora ALL OTBEB Bi*B LOOaLS. P> MORE MAP LX ASD LfIURLX PL* Urn raa hr I »4. prnl.Hf ■KIORIH IU IMPRot KBNIID LflOl. FPU3M 15 TO 30 YARDS Can ftjsi m~ Una (amh *— •<*' » v—j rrW*.ATRA IT.--: A' fifl 5 v ~ a . , * * r * -fc ‘ T "**■ *" m,m * Frwm |« U 910 a lAb* ru kt m m4~ mm H. 4 rr» r .rri uu |»jlj d.k'f*T9o BY THF TTRSnvr, OF RX LW CkR-Sk a MPiB tbt UAiai* 4! • :f> Uar CV*k tTMI* tk* ThmUa tp.a tkr •. lia %ltbr (I OTmP«B L**—*? V buOit T^iil. I><Mk . pWa CWR ' *r>o. kiuia i <> -*i» Frtr .Cl* Tnl,i -At Hi. klbik its i-AS u T t Vtj I> : 1it.;*..,,- i :* TmS-M I. IHM. Ba Ua'-Tim: Va. • , w U tart AN YTHIN* ft k HANlcsuJfl MUi to m La- * a \a. . t.; - H t I»ti k.. ar. L*r - 4. 4 MTi-rr ,ai 4 -M M irtiU* •« ■bi * rr, . <•-«« Uams acd Ctrty Rj;hU Izt Saie tri r**. V* |«»^. lit ■'lfottri mi, . i*4t:fOt. * « r *r fc ' ■ .no b*-I -i. KiI.?MTRB»n, At-.t—|*T |*a«4 til L L LAWS 4 (XX I* -A \\ > II 1{ O 14 E 14 H <OM4fl>x|o> MCKCIUm IyitT: ~~Z > 4 - r- * A it* hr -t. la- * *r- I- fc.o* 1-01. Mi a . w <- ■ M 4 ta a: v a|\; UL VXTTOk A J. It- .-p ar Mat Atop w- Alpuai »ad I'ofßli■%. . ..v-kixij' uLi ft Bonri'x Mlykls xarkx FT«»»* !*. HUfiLrtx '•bfrfmtv T • HiHLiXLix A H T>7 % iirwr W Oitiiai m . Mj» 1. - t- -4» SEW STORE! SEW GOODS! KM. 11. TAYLOR. A - Y rib- hr »» 1 t Mt »**•. ••»«.**. • M-f 10S t%LH*>- 4M-Y •A Mt Itf* »*r. r-M • ■* .-H > i>4A ti> -jt atj t <rjf K. A*TK '- W >«* I«M< .a a l-n jaa* IMI .aVM H ■** TV a*at s. t-caRE • ur tiMM- -*tr.*T r%i< vanrYT*. * * r*«* V* M. *fcr fa* * r-r • -ft 1 4." sr a* * »-vy Nrw A Bill Jrt'h Mtf k *r l.fia. 4UI-w MRS. IU>SLOW> Mystic_ Pil U. THE GREAT FOUU REHEDT PW IrrifßUlltiM. *pHI KT>rrh- mXN *r- MTf Wm • k«i« IMM ft).M tMM*rv ** M «m! 4«t aainar M M. Ik tv |Mf- bmpm Bi MAata irr Übt mli rr«Rtß. frmm le nil* ntml MltMo.-.-- L iMt ak* W-—M It <k* pt-l tw Htrak r_t »4J t*M —ir — A* I«f»MIMr KnWrrr ml IWrm us th* H»tr * THK BRt RKI II A I 19 19 KHTOHKR Th* km Hal. iMkw* •»« —form* «ht rvkite. n wiC rtitnr~ <Tt» kaa k.« Kb ittr«k» MMM h tik tfrMtawt” Ma*. Bkxl rr*a~tM m ttrt Mt 4 Aar trai K«B arp*t« m** r— *. at*4 Wkk ftom t» tk* (Pvtrtk i IB* k» If lm«U 4 LA. *RL irß4r4*4 T »n* M* - M u!T Rbti r• T — l, ,a«t.ri i trtAL al Ukatt JA* V i>MUAi, **--■ k«*l 4-11-41, *" U.4W , lETHOLm m POTEP. A rWAAThAt ftprUßß WAX, Hi BAt >BB in I iaknißfUßt* ImK. kta mmrj tmmomy Am at* ■MI RarAM W k*W a hohzbtead b nm-raoi LOTB to bk k o i i.ku. **•— ll’lli M ■—— --, --, - -| - ■ ” MUikinrtci ;- J> pwaixta. l-rLL iwT ‘nTlwi *’ ■><«■ M-, -W anu-. |>. » - -rn i*iV ■• *»- • Li. i •mt V r*--w-A it Am ImJ -4 MBit A*M|W I *7 r^u - »* nTrr*.. *~ * °* . -a •—■ —?w 7!rv. r . ***** **> »-m >7 * , *]‘ [^ T *... * MhalrkaiMmn. . „ **— * r — l— u u „ ,| M o— In. l-i 14 ---- _ . 'mm T ***’!. t ‘*“ *“ 1 1 11*» »» T~; .I—«- M. 4 I— *.—'■*■ ■ *— l— *— naan a.4 a—*— Sax f _■ , ..a M*- ’•n-ri » La "iITTL^ kmml-M '" ' * lIuUl f fin CMJR.a. 5(K)0"““ ro *"“ aau c nviaiT 9 Mi 41 PtIAM. POTATOLv 'I | i*R»oi an» ooomAtL . 9.' C litUUkL • aaiilSnk «r*w BIX kH HEAT run H. 1 YUV *• PiKyITMiA »Mt«k« rv* 1m AtrM«* rtaaKy PWr HHF.tLEO OATS. M )( ) NWRiXXD OtTR UU C HVIIUT. AarA- :k Uatnh. KttMcky TlMirrilV HAY. r>< u ) r • iiUi C lIVKUT. SB Ml 41 Pttrßß BBPMC. k>* 5 Latifc. Rtta l. KAHILI ni TTI.R. 1( )( I ** *• m '*** f * Ratar**- pmt i*CO f S>WWKK»T B**m< is <~> yf* Pack« A Ob. Aar4 »Tt Lr.**L*. RafUMrßy w 11. and iiambit FACTORY CHEESE. LF EIVII. DULY r& U I>Alh.> .At Dairiara Piirrv C. XEWHKRin Be ->*w*y Park* ACk l—-Hl* RL** «**«. .a MMU tat r Bar a Bat Bta I fu» > • RPTTBRa T- |,(U A lira KtlM /* hrTTßt*. Cat* LntMt*- m£ P.* thß L<|. - k*rkMAMfP*k«»atLt ” IYmmi bpj 4*l l>Yßf*tc» *.. *■ Vr* -4* tkl t M* * it '«■** t*L4" M- 4 - Phaß aw«M K?f SkM-tt !*4p%S - BTMcB »• \B* ux tR umpuin A*r rrxp »v % *44 W* .fcl-r.' **M#a. Mi nfekt tk. *i»*'r *.. 41 i«s>t**4 atal B par»M Bt>* ttt a. Puai «r* * UrTTßLaa* Mi ami it tatM<* «i .vttfMa < Tk* »t»* «na ikt( A mta . fluatV «tktflßM* - MAI* J Vhr f*w» *_t U.*i |M*U M* .' «m I m ik* » ' kw-« "la IM^Mi ■W rj^Ba^n"’ i* Ritg Y ifMtkM ARPatt laaars m ta**t A a** a BAA-La KaAA f* •, VRk** -B • «Mi iktat Y tkr ktal MMt ‘-*rt* t iw «ianilßMßß ts «*• kat bbu! fM-B. tßa. Mrs. Wlatlowi (Ju««u Htlx Eoattrar. ABikt ■ ■lAatft* Tußa—A Y («MI M* ■■ V-4* .•■ • JM-1 • >• v- 4 *tMf WtM? 4* Ik- i.tK-U« M»a kt —fc* kM kki. t» rt* TM U tk- jiot-i * IRMiUXI AJCTUITATm kaßora, ». I, baaflatar BASBi ■ MT ~ r M l«*4A A ob —1 hat* kaM t (Ml *aA Bra Jt. ItKWJPM h* kaJ k Ak* raltal** UilAafV Mi k( BBJT (rat M . I MB' *-4. AM aaL R k at > taut. alta>* tiak mf~ • 1 aM rAt9MM rnuMEPBU. l«Ak Kti.MW Bk)). in •ja mo- trj obma ui cnrm tauao H --** r*kiif*. BI Worn. U. MBS «n*Y k* ktoiapraial rar *t*. »ad art Bratus HMal 1 .«4 Ac . UADI iti, j-fkVjtn I itKar lai R* PLoonuß >A * •M« OMi frsta RraryßßMf Bra., n* /t. Mr y *iMP*ra rmA-fArf rUBRVtmv Bnw . m.lflk pwra. 4. r K Oamuru- m» raj •**»• KaM Ay mA UtSß—f* V paßißHßiii fkt an 9ra* , P. N. IMAMS MOO. Bt« I 1 BfTtA Irwi