The daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1865-1869, December 20, 1866, Image 1

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TIIE DAILY EIU. TMUM or IlHf limo) . *"•<*•*- _ wo. **•*■* ...... 4«i tft.lto. He*- )lt 1M0.4h.1M •» mile Three M,«u> U._ VvoM..!U ana Meath. 2**t!**'* l*-*-, nut i mm "* •]""* l»« TIM > » Pf SB •» -mm m • fu«r %**—• u m m m „ ri-. <• wo «• m> ib *• fcl mm •«(«> im “‘ *M - 71 n •» d* C—ourm ctd,— m«i *«, iaa <r UM loluu . TA on |«I»> IHA Ad • retail KftU fur a i- -b**r jrn .1 ihr* twenty I«r i >W t ? < L-j < i l * f * * ,w “**• ,m u "■ ** •*»• ettk. Min ur w O«nM4 ilur Ur im » MnrUaMMiiU wr Ur marks! for r eyn.iV'l unr A—*—la'll!—teT i"**n*dak UMrr.Mff, U t,.«*e*j a* All nlnrtinai* <W. oV ••Cte-ns .g a-1 • ' rtiseunol* .*•** ’ L—al Rant—a." sr» >Wimi>ir at the rain *d m»nmi <un i bar Aw u»»rtv ». Jl« ■ r »U *i|-ear P* • W»* taa (ku i--tei *a 44. rtliMtata inter Mm mj .4 • rymi h a wait |mt tun. Valuator/ njouniiiUrMtemr. <~>jataJßtn« tntrvrwtlmr ur Mpurtaut T»~*a. »>Ucit. s fr rwr q«rw *kwa «•**» fh* the WVam omu.bM us Us Mate mpmtmUj om< k i»r tub bka i crrr*iao ia tmk xiiji at iia/i*o. uoa*Cß or mahiatta ting pao« mut mirn. TUL’RMIiAY MORNING. DEG. W IRC* MB X ICO. Tttfff* tel rnaaof) to bwUw»w, nyi Um Mffiii* R# w * • ♦r*r. that tb« liim. iff dipl'miacy winch Um I'aiir-vl h4*ir« hu amn proper to pnriur tu Mi »ioo will b«ar to *lb« bint (»*.»» rruu- nt ua rmriL" iplcutiful crop of troubU* It uuo *»•* thing for this Oovenmiwol to blond* r tn A*|Hug itaMfeliran policy. Thalia* of Uralmrot of that Wayward uoli-rn »h >old fcav* Ura a onrapound of.kindmAs and firm Ma—kitidamw to attach their (nctt>l»hlp s»<t fli Lhtir cou fide lice ami biaocM to restrain %hrtr tradaafy to disregard latrruaMortal nghta TLat litem* coda hava not bmi act* tc»*-l m at tea ted by tba dev|>-<Mairtl Url laaa dislike to the "Amen* ana of the North." Ihatr Jft! • I» apf•rebels*oon of Attrnnui view* of tertrt >ual acqaiatuon at their axpenae. and ah* ytiMiie i *******— •** ahd pifo|Mn) iu that ou«oU/. Tw»oCr-fl*e Team ago the complaint «w officially stated la this ooautry that American cttiaena in Mexico war* obliged to rwaort to Bnliab pro. Uv-tiuoa. for tboaa of the Kutea were Did reaped e4l. Daring two rear* of official reaidence in Mearco, Um- writer had >n to bring to the notice of the Slate Department l«>x«u* of naaea of tagrant outrage U|*on American per sons and pr«*perty. <if vcaaeia and rarg<>ea nailed and condemned, opon some flituay pre Int of Custom-Honae irregularity, but really with a view to plunder, of three Auurvan Conaula. smarted under the very folds of their ooosaiar flags, and dragge.l to pn«>n by the orders of some military or civil Governor, of the flag of the United States torn from the pnak of an American vwwn 1 in the p.»rt <>f Acapulco, and trampled under foot uo her deck by a petty Mexican lieutenant, and of sixty Americana murdered in cold bl h>l, after anrraoder. in the town of Cehorra. ,»n the Northern frontier, the boumiary line being passed into the Uuited States for the inaaaacre of thirteen of the number 80 far from aecanng relief, justice. the vin dication of the National honor and nncanty agsinat future outrage* against hu eonntn men. by his earnest repreaeulationa to lb** Oovefteent at Washington, th* Miuistrr di*.- onvsrad (hat he was only aunoyiag the Presi dent and Secretary of Slate, and that he «a* daemed offioiooa in disturbing the Executive serenity in tailhlally ssAiug his (h»v, ruui- 111 Is proieet their ctf.*eos within the jnnadu Uuu •f his 1. fstioß And. finally, when on a question of forced loan for war purfM**.*, and lbs fin*, imprisonment and bauuhmcttt ot «u Am< noan citixen, for declining, odder In* Minuter a advice, to pey it. the latter br k off relations with the M< iwan Government, > tha Administration at Washington, uumU* !■ do otherwise than to endorse the course . f its niuiiUr, an 1 even to oornpliotcnt him. sod unwilling to show the spirit to nu«taiQ him aa»d vindicate the rights of its citir* n«. r sorted to the mean iMfl ties and duties, of withdrawing the L gat> >n from the Mexte'aa capital This is mentioned a* a fair sample <>f the style **f the conduct of American retail ' With Mexico While the I’niU-d State* an U»4)nty ha l fa)!rti into (smteuipt s« far a- 1 relat-d to (irotectlou of her cttixeiu in lib \ life or pmjierty. while plan* lor improving i.m eooimereial lotereats, p-»at*i facibtie* 1 g.-i. •ral uatl.mal intarmU were n*-g . •. 1, M v acbetne t.) gain a right ot way m f%- !• . i»., taper, or that looked to u-rruori *. ai;q 1- : ii, warmry enlute«l the inien .t o| th <»i r wean- Mexicau *hrewilue«a *.*>ll disr •*.’? T that Aturno n p«r*oual and pr>»|e-ity r g •- cou I* I b*> ouiraged with itnpniii'y. and t h* . only to guar<L in it* Arw-r.ra • and p tut \ agairut an aln nation of any pal t of it - p i h doiutiu When the Mexican I'My ro**«- . the Rio Grande, and by attacking <» u. rt Taylor, brought on th** war of 1646, and r,.- result was the vn-Uirnnu occipati »n »f O capital by Oeneral Ht'uU. aseuaibte man w *nld have «up|»>N.d that trust w»i the pr>'|K*r tim to haw fixed future American relations ».th Mex»c«i But we hsd gaitiol the glory 1 ”ir if-ii* and the g »'d mine* of r%iif >rn %. -»n l t!j*i v. it pouaiderv and enough With th tr it v t I *.*<» \ alupe, the ( lilted Stat-s sbknd .r,, J i( l; once more to ctvd war and anarchy Int time of tVpnonfort, the Liberal l'r> *l l. nr lawfully elaru*l. another opp»rtumty fnr »• t tlament was off.-red am! neglected But n sooner was hi* niwwaktf dflVCh fr-.iu the cst« Ual an 1 a fugitive, than anew Munster «1* accredit**! t»* turn in the person of Mr M Gan*--1 ha result bring a legation afloat on an American ms 11-of war. with no place on flrwvi up**o which to ant its f.*>t, wbi *h Juar*x could 'all his own And n«*w again, th the last mission of t'umpball and Sherman, we have a re|>etiti..n of an Arnern an cr n hs**v m search of a fugne**** Government, all betrav lug a mortifyiMg Ignorance the true con li ti*•«» of affair* m that coun ry. aud th* Utupt-r of it* 1* vipla. The immediate result ia to reaw tkrn the ancient jeal.*us»ea and atisp oion* .»( the Mn lean* of American deaigua. to v.skrn the Liberal party al home, and strengthen M*«i miUau sud the French, and to unite the on y powerful And governing cla*~ - the clergy and the capital ids in favor <»f the hioje rr Th* arrwat of Ortega an.l the occupation of MaUui <r<>s waiv two l«va«bng Munder* to eff-et thewe ciVl* The Mexicans now <«*•«• »u to h nr*tty well settled tn fha Connotimi that tin M mhf do trine means to hustle out tin- Krvmcii to let Uia \ oie* ~»n* m, and thst pro te* tiou to Jnarei and "wu4f-g’*Temment" ha« »»•* wider aiguille ittofi than the acquisition of Booora aud t'hihmima by the American tiov •rnment And. 11 »w. whether the Fr*nch go or stay. another Mexican war scents 1. tw a tn . easary <-muH-*|a*-ii<*w t*< the panti >n* taken |o this Oowrniaenk It ha* and dared f*»r Juarev against kftixituiltan ll'V l*»ug M»f' it Will hsve to open its depleted pur*.- and raise lU legions Ut enter Up*»ll s wsi of inter vi-irfeon in the affair* of an» ight*irlng -o »irv, ant one <*f iii*mk* • 'entangling alb *»* ’ ' agunst whiuh raiwl Ui» v.*k * f warning 1 THE DAILY NEW ERA. • AMI RL HAMD. KAttar. How aT* ie»* w a Kwi*t>ux* A f«w dava since, a family living at No. 132* Dan* street advertised rooms t« Ui. A pang man railed wnd * greed to take the apart n*«ril*. On IThu/sd«y morning, he ag - a ca! lad. and aske*l III e Udy of ti a house whether aha would have a*« ob) ' le ns IQ k • placsog a ptaoo in tha purtoe. hh« 4Se>n«**| to in* pro|c**m< n la the aft* r;, /Oil. Inrtweeb 4 and & orlock. Ia in. *ii-ared , (hi* -one wnh a U<k«t and vrniWni.ii brush, if* «• at iuUi IL»« part >r. a the iady supposed, In fix thing* in sb«pe t'.r the [»no<) lu a short liine auothet Wlov came dftfig wiiti a l/uudla under hi* arm Tbe ruoxu r«- ter aaa exceedingly polita. handing b tu a chair, invxltng bun to lake a seat, ete Th* man proved to a Ceertwan Umtor. d'ongh w ne*» »i No Kii N «rth H**- >nd street ll» cs a the 1 . kage U. the n*mt rrtt'*-r. aho sa.d, -, I will go" up shorn and try on il.e new »«tr The 1 l.»r p.«!" uii% n*ewile»l h** return Ha f an li'Hll iiaViug *1 «p**d. h« iliqUira-l of Up land dy What bad tteC*»U«a of him Kile re plied •Uml he left the house immediately after raeeiviug the pwrfcs.’e Ibc tailor availed shorn half an hour U;- r. amt thsci © *uai*ui* 1 th*. Ur ha<l been swindle lout »f an aaiuv new ' auu 1 cb/ibiug -PkJ Fr«» N"X* hut a parent knows the ago ny of wafcutug ib*y by day over ibe w**tiug forma .oi u*eir lov*d one* % M**« they considered lha' they bate le t nothing Uful •no lu relieve ' the stiff, nog* an 1 snatch tn/ut the gr *ap of death? If suffering fn*tu ‘ roup. (aiU'Oaii- I Uoa. or any other hronch».J diseases. »• e*»n - tnend I*** torsi Bafm ** thwmost wrumpt s..d rrliahle nn.di- iue that can tie use.] # tjreerdtu*ks aiol K/oick* arc ind -penaai/le to the p I Oil w- Hare. Air <ol* aa-uin* lb* p cuui tiy hetdih ol the n «t.--u, while tta oth* r pr-.s. r«*s the physical ii«aallb us the mil rid uaJ > cou*jc»sing the nati *n. Ct Do roc want Job Pnuting dona ©hasp an 1 oe*• Iv ? <*4»meTr» IfMc Ki t offi t ar ’'Mir. VJH » KttdbKM’l uo M (eiaoiarh sir«et. *•*. V.llieut til Ulr iytr tisl. l/< nwle-i 1»*#4..«. siatug •»* n*<s.'«-4»ui •ulbuiehuga Till- M S Oe»L IMUlteftSH' iu-wid* * sa-l Wi.i be mM law ( * caste Ul-1X a B».U, seje. a) - Meat Mate. AflcXaU ( licap Land for **alr. • |.|l e . . D*s na*a fr--«u AUaata. IA s»* •ire*... iusUmmii isr*- SfAtnia Ui« > a«• Crvr tiM MI.LI. a Bf U MXIr <• Kisl fatal* *.rtl* jLYvm iii. Ls. aart ’tert the I i»A« m■* >*» anul*Kr-. ted u kwlik aaaiM. lk»i son. - toe find!*.* ■ I tec i» «f • tele »g ea* Mi*wn. ytrrf. Um •'•** |r «fa steti IM tasAe -'—a*- » *-■*•! eVi* teas Tic- *. .f. ,e*e*f‘ r.*l *i|.u 1” ... >..1 lU. • .rr'.tji. Li. . . • r In 1. Meiers. > . •sdrui.r M.'l 1 rtHiWic t White Is tins Cwud U»: take AVer •r.i*sn t W * 1 :? I.' j r *e*rr t. * r>sl<i'si s-i'B '4 It.* • »ri a> 1 *ilh it th- »• . sia teeßaes 4.f h-aiih sj*»s A ,* lr 1- *<••! a* *jn**'e‘ « In this IrtrA a- t fteni'Sl J.taiu» IS sla IOi»' ■ -fth tespirtfa'liivi lait.vr, t»4i*»a ,*0 Th* sane purest. 1. -3-.I Th-(u * *«*«•! ' s.tates' / S/'l U- ne si, I Ia . ii. 1 «. Jt -i.s . # a . U U.S 1* <> III.) If* rsj j.r *u4 ms- 1 t tJ;a* . .re > crsi h• It.. \ ew.•k- os tbs Vt I . '•f til •» P.l;« w*t An • Ttiji'- tn*-ru n -*-t Vf tnvfroMi DM- I- ■ I • M-V -U.e S». . ** It *!• t» .... iMTIIW-ms. I -I I r'l Im r'* Wi»r .-s* u<*«. I|e»n .1;,, ktc.iuu.l i. 1.-T •V-J. w rt:.» a. I l«-r4l Uie ).t JU» . Aver’a Ague Cure v Kwr the spt..l> an J tirlala t n»s m( Inlet- UAI i lent Keirr 01 < Utils an.l » Henallteat Fever thill Fevar Ikwiwb A|ne. Period 1 ral 11. arts* It. or ttilions Heatiaehr. an I Hilton* Fever.; InJeeg for tta* whole eta a* of disease origin atlng In ttlliaiy dei a men*, ransed »•> •h* analarta ot an la* mall* ronn .o.r a i“• - '•* i| Sil'riu.s tte sfiakJlU ' •• rs . tu-- S* - - l the went try It At. I r* • •)»*• “ 1 *•* * ■'•* ■ *•* rt ' PrejM*— 4 1-f J L' Altai' L/-*r-. It as* SI >.5 sou te/ • J T il Nki" V i XI • «Mi A TAYi>»tt k HA Us a Ia 1 a dtejxti. M\**i 1 \ nmr» a'ell thsst-iAnrt hy sll Iwniers DURYEAS’ MAIZENA CORN STARCH CHO/f / SJ- / Y///.4.V ro/.'.Y, Elis. Slur., rgiur*. fr.iai. Cilra, it, it. MAIZES A lo unoqualod by any preparation from Corn for Pood. DURYEAS’ GLENCCVE STARCH TWt ot vx r. .-4 i *rw mtx ** -.*.0 CttALUtsc.R IN*, wp v niulu ‘LIT .1 . r 1. ► . 1 r*-» »•> 1 • « ssi r.-K*. * '•«** • :it» r* -< v • '*• • iriilii Vs ■•-jV 1 -» l-» *Ls * makrr* -»Y» *mA Irises l-s V* I-. H -»K !•* ff—« a i»st s- A—. . • t-s s-<* C- s t-.. «r MS.* Makers. ts*r toe* recce* • te fteest- Ass-4* W* DUB TEA, Agwnt, iaa rutvoa ax. Wesr Tori u-rtTs Irr IMPORTAIiLoftMALE. vV.tESA'I/., . ; t. ik % ' > b \ r PILLS imrORTANT TO FE 31 ALES l)H. t lII'.KSH.M \\> 1'11.1.5. TUT • nli‘t»iw of ta ifcm>. Hils is Up re-ute ul a l-»g s«*| uensin |>'s.t. n. They ar a.lte! tn *!>• U 1- f«Umi a 1 •auu l u«> harm t- tu* *»•»' UWLcsi* .. • -rta»i. 'll •--rre.U'.a all irr*w a- ■ * ■*-• »**iuf and M.nrtrwste.. * reon.ei.ut sU .Wntnu-t, ... wteetterr tr-.»• .*-..1 - ate* K«m.l - tes pR. , , • !- 1*:. Ui • I U**rt • iit«s. si. u/ni. - art te ..s, h)*«V*. Ml. »■ pain tte Rial so t ItisHs s. . Um urwist stee, *UA arise, mtevrupu ..| uslure im. uiKn«K<m t n».L* W.a Ike 11.. T. -I. I'll MW era . S ttes Until 111 o» t rwc 'i— sii-1 •«»• hs**-rnttst«..e.i mo * ,n * ' **■ * r »** 4 *' “ *«■*»• remake «w.. n . k«». I U-alih u ..*•«• ... .-na.ur n-Lkmurn,* ST’.'t ~i‘ I'*- • * ’ *l '-*!•»■ lUI A .1- • *h*— I D S— •: p• ts *r-.j-smi ere. im I iWwirg w.ik tgrtl Dim. *i » I, AISUM *f. .». * ikon' 1 He IMrlenl I*k <h. »1. ji ... me*. -• • eowr .l -r s. 4 I | » r». u.s< .. *. « #** r— *i 1... bjujaml* *a • 1/ 1 1 , TIIK *bsh i* miter llH. (lIBKvKMtVv l*i |.|.« WkHNvii* ‘tanht-d Itam-de |.e on Uurn e*r me. sr-tu. n».»-i .. M ever k . * niter all ..m pi.i* D ;«. uli »r . To an . lasm « ihee see 1. i | lahaK, I»n.*y, ag ream*/, Ti*/ *rs k Ste. t •"iu raa wt... km Weal Iteem •• .11 1 SH !-'■ *• Hit uuleni Use nail . Ks.».g t. » *"* •’ ***«•• ‘k* ihe • cm aasanml 1%^%0m. ,m * + '-■*• I'v.-j* vkn fAr» MmUU «• te> ** 4 "v t* K * «*e fV*M line ftei. r . |s-.* A IV. s1 . # . )**■>*# rt>«'Mes ITUs »• :.* *- g•* .. r’ -*.r' * *• " I ■ ... • >Y*ii s I" -an. t it. I* M ,.-4 A! i'l.l - ■ bi'TX «*IA I VI 1 T Hi I ll.'U! X till (,\ l-M f*r»u I ten. Al v.rtsi m**v . Svm !.>k | teorf© < ilteaw u>4 ATLANTA, GA., THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 20, 1866. das rai-aes Lorn ml >*i*aim. (4a "lea uni • umu, . Is- ’* Manoa. <*s SEW JEWELIT BTOKE LIITNES 4 FRICKEB, WhitrUail Mrurf ttlaata, ttfwrfta, '<» Ikst '.K*4 Ut ;ak i I hit mn) Maw. * u row ores 1 *> 1 ug Laa<mrr rtuci ot n»x WATCHES, CLOCKS, JCWEXBY, ♦ N4rrtl»t Kline as* Hate* Ware, PKBHLE AID OTH IK urUTAtIE*, hold I&•• . EVUI IHte/t .liT T«> THXt MAiuirr He take pk>jt irr m "V-/ <»./ <c«di akdW In p 1 ur i*X watch wt)»x made a urRrLAUTT I > ‘tew lx Y txetav Wm. tow (Hu tea** 'm~* It vrsrt Hy I in s *c *«»■ -w tdXrmo oat d'rrUev. was A**e t eta pot IS«na > rw |«a. sod ad* SS red SS tww i-- .’•/ iUptod. Ussoste Unt Ms! knrrsvmc 4mo «»-•' nrtlJ let - MORHISON 4 NET. MAfi! Ru-al E c tate and Comnier:iid Broken. Wl. • test • r..« near lUlPod Oo—liig. Atlanta Uwfli. bu/ and Vti Crtv P-<p-rrj C.*lot m.! ‘irmo h*ate- Uc US sc. 1•e r> . O.- Ht*U Hut uU Ml S. . Ot; ertfi ac . k« Hrrrar*• »« H-nn dagV«. Aistr 4 Pure* AUao is >J —*S K iigxr aP> tear a Attsate hr wr, a I g Ha, In,. AUsr.ts * R M * ami Im-. I'M.t* H *f. a fan; AUsuU »o.XPki) . - V- ..u H -a 1/ V linn sal AU-.U. Xmt. & Hi I*. \ * -irtes.* M W*tts lit* so A < \- s' r~\ .us '». • W H t . UmD. V uttebert •e» M-ssra* « Ule<l U t»s <ka W'srr. l Mite Ue. L * te M-rt Xrxewer. Ls-i >- e.mi 4*. X'OIA Va'ACrw* A 0> X— f-jri . M-ss/s A ■!•*» V Itt ii. V.trt g —e. ft* » - H 'iiaii A 1 v .**- 11* M —sr* ; j laat>t'« k< • V le t;s a sara. A 1 k|*temll « C-> Ms'SteteSi. .. > ¥ lln • a lu •-<-» *» Imn H.«U inner • »*. I. Si. grssrs Add) V Mull 1 11.- u.iwt H u Wan • .m.* II ii b and tin-. Lw.rsi-s- »» . W T I r am.,rdhu '** ;.. * rtrt »» • *s*n ski Us** iMenu.iml te* 4»»«ae -a»r enters tern* te tl*e Im a. «r»v. B»ie»ness Im# .a t»a*» -4 us will alwsts tee Hi osrnh-tad re-'wrtf'te.'T ante in palder banigrof *ed mjortf .ty .cS u» *on,trj r»»c n»r.-s v> *i*e t»« a »ri*i T.e « |er -t,t ** <-L»er* vAuul h * p*' » ”<t Mj» s» » w!*ile "mi [iCv ar* <>ur -0 4* •1. 14- ! I t l*• r* efl- -i «i i*e luei- u as** } •jo S se 1 . . x. 1 - «rr/4i •... ■- »-. !/♦» * 1 *1 •»! * *. t J rkf |..r~l V., *- ’l'M',".-.'. as att— f anVwtarsUag 4$ • ouutUi lie*. let.o A* am*. <« lh- pruMipoi A’. u*rtf - »• r -at. fr*.«*. I*t # 1 isru-r lu tm n*u» * ft • su-d Xli'* (* -sau buwl;;,y L. <* .fir Mr It ck -•* • ru .. -.*» . *t *'-eu* f e re?il Piu- and -:*- Pr - t , rc terr a*le Ii ki te* I as.. *l.l .US era A 4 • - r »» In s n W " -r. Hs. r-ial * o r-s » -.t Ate l (tia.. • P«m Otrwe -Arm - * -lA-IIV Mi*, f .Af U* MS fr .111 it/. Ate 1 J *!• a* ) ff ikl4^ -ateWte emwgu. r e.'ite 3 * *l"k|‘» T»i -r*n. • •uat; im r*.ite * - --**■- M-vlwri g \ . N| WXtV SOHTH2RN LAND AGENCY. v k 1: <. 1 «* 1 1: it I* BejU .» n./ I TS * V Hm* A. C!TY AAID OTH£H property [ITLt f s. tu* sltrMi'Ws <g ■s; .ta*isu su4 IU , - •I- c«4* s«» ■ . *;«*.«*,- -4 IISVHVI *aa/ : |*e [- • ‘ l.i ‘ tu* U«-r Ifs. » kltlrml 4.0 tux R *l - • *-ex art* >»*i * • Un-t* a’re*.l» pUreg m» I » "V 'Utes • • 1 .--a le i* ' ifc. 4#nA«-._ t |x Au-I f«* sa rasa. . : .a*/-le .r. Ui- gjf. rmt'mu. :.* * h- M 'A 'the "V l'te »A.U* >• A- * B-: <•„ te #nm* w The **e.|* A| 4i>4-|. %i »• f • ,r le S. '• -A, ir si.d a » ted »*er I '•- 1 - ,iMh -utltI*f..M 1 *f..M Jn? t- *• p.a • ! tvxr teasiVWt.s at. -id C.-n:*aU Mii*c-r 1* * *r. If • •■ lU*ru is inte »er • rra .* * ~,1 u t . * Usil U.- ri|ml l-r> * .ir tkrlA UtUW l-rtivn fCt* - te «.* . I s.r»-L 1 . sol Mm. fc’s •• - - ■ : - - •«: l-J*. I- ‘.SeIM "f t-.e ’ I. • • •»'• -* t." - W . w*h y,r Uii'.Uwf -I • » ' \ •■» ‘ Ku rt > : ral Ijuid* •n ifii-'i; >\u: l \ .* 1 llll.'lJ'tl \irt .1 llntttr-.fp.tll t « G i. til Southern Land Agency, N • Ali.M- . So. ii Nr» DWI A.** . Ulk )- . •- '-l - - ■ D % A OiSte b-.:-. - ..a te **• *i *• -si a . . 1 pur !■.*< :*ti.«*a 1. tu a * af*-t • » ‘ . I' * w i .i,,ju pnotPat, Lml *\nd Emigrant Ca, I*. I TODD S4X rrl*n • I mini ORm, If* nd IV It I sad way . V, \ 1 ha* - at i ••* tetoo, tr Site! nan the t'lty eg ttlaau H»; ll»u**cv. l-nta ami Small larm* lor Sal ami l(i nt. a 1 * i.a 1* • ttei* r V* W.\ arms 4- '«*«* • ’ ‘ ••• -a s pmi is* m a >A 1-a• la • -a KLi a r«A In ti • t»t* f *a .*r a. i 1 I’.a- ‘* ' -Ls-.-i* «su • 'TI s >. • « • - •! s ,-t loj t. - 1 ar*. * >• vm arms It: *b# *» .t t V r imte-itii It ■* i l *4.-4 «».. PLaiikal, u s . « tc. I* •- * - ( arrow ct‘ ■*-* -4 I -"AinaJate ; PXsAitate • r: tv- ur. a 1. u*. Itx I'.*- vs . wind " I-**-" -I*4Ate ♦«* ‘TI srres t n : i, t* ikns.aii.tiiig x .-I loti-K "tsaaiix* SW» w*» seres • Ut- 1 K • 1... I* . I'tai. sti. t.a at. 1 »i.-i la * ts .xiaui. . .. Wt.«V2 s. res D 4a stale -I Via. .la . J IW * .«„ a .'V o*l tan I*. a.tsit .*r 4 XAO arrow In Ihe Mate -4 Mm-im. f I .ate tOA>• *>* sn.l Wild IsMv r.HiUWttetig kr «H* a- re* Vtaktnr 4 l-'-Val xf t *xi arrv* My * e tv Ut. 4m I an 1 attot.nre tra>* the *«»,..* xxrtai. eahte <H*«l ••l"a.t ‘ .H.a* ru-e- i5...!. .r» 4terv.| ii • rar : atvrrr otsr *'4,r«h v a. ua.tta*tr rai"r-~ w^-.«s. lx tu ms- » •«** causiita thwr .-nm te. pvi th-oa E «i- 4i M. irtu 1H at tl». t<rv*m t»s prve* Ihw ia •»P am* Par. .* . at.v. Kk*„ %i|ar Tnhaiao < ~ra Hart, x sa.J Hat I'Ukiate i-x urwini lur,«*o M. •*• atul I <tmh> r I-oa.-U im, to* > 1 *•«-. ♦ ••wudrtaa «ruw rtaA. M tma aw *rrr ? * " AwOm* Lands are •-f «»U p*> »'•) V-at.Ua ItawkiUtf the rt(,«.«. ««r ge -lU# It. * Re harxl IVVera. »*, ikn I. J (ear mu i *4* l» r lu«n-a..l U. 4 I J !*M*m Nm< . ampt-A) Waits*. ««Sd ts m Ansmi. • 1.....5i*. he* V xr» H.W II V Wanwmxn |i , . ■ ■« tShtgrm. Nate he* Im >M. ti i H.U, tv* Tl'W Alp rtRIhW.V. « Ant Whin-hsi- —* feet -1.40*1* la* —l* V I bl HOOFING. 'P'll fil vs. 1.V111.1 aiAlf MIMV. IV)MPA!«T I .*« <>*a*h R*«iw Ntsh .4 the hast «|**J al *’ ' " * 1 *• * km «x tt afc r*|Sn| .xs,)*m.l “k*** •** -'• •si.xeeaAnl rtHdMf Order* ' .** .k-,, . » ti,* -.*«. ta * te- A B. 4 kh-wn U 4. Iheresai t 'Ha, f o But JTX I AWahVU ‘4s «**- X» umw want * r'* * from Ksnm - ■Rma coma «mt ut them hahn i" k a inwss -wd lor «M Was*. Indn. Mod nag »g in. Ac. he. “<wUP.- R«4-Rf immtmln Ik • R**4 ov nseh and «a iitrv «md Ana s* a /nxntiw lur Rd-hyx k "< Wl*rV Klsetrk iSwiar flhv lassaU Is tea W osj W .few Flwx khg, h*uu n Asm Pens*, da—an. h*. •r V Hr v. aw aC wwrthks—Mßitna—a •t i Vise* ketewv f.ea Ui* •r Ahirea* HKIKf M. « (>*T A ■ «*- is - ..ay. •r •* fwwcr And sfl br«4ginu and fmal.r. *i /yrten . KAhhCM WslU a Wvw Orlnn WX iHn I ii Agwna* few 4Q4wi. aasuss BUCKTHORN SALVE, For r«la h.-n*w BrsWw. *md4i. Kan ' —«• *ra Hr* we* R/mu Ac* V fnha. hnwdind M—d —4 Pmafui Pile*. .Xrvegatema. P-.trvd snd Pk-e»indit>—l l .•a r*« LWn tiunduim »wvOMW« FrwfWsoA Oaa bedoa* ARsrUntAa feu fwa iwh Cnma jVnains. CLUUsite* Ar 1 Hand* Ujo. he . Mn sf *Haiera. • assrta knu— n. Ac. k 4«r Mn. Hdi kMA ands 1 win • tT~ ffM-1 tie sU tirxacgkt* r.enekm aw vud M Hfc-NKk & t«arTAlu 4*4 Fad ns* N«* \ o% aw And try Sal kmtfvsw u A Hast* na . maUm w xiu> a a. Wti u I BBS* I Ac—U I>r halWwi. Mam r -«O*T A R • » l MYL&hal. i OIIN SOLVENT, For r.«M thau* *qo. Warts kr ©w Fin 33 as Xu rrn . snd ti s^-s ©W "•■4l be a. !vw*i e.«m»Wt aw Aud try HhNhV a OKUX low* AM Rv—d wa' 1 -a aw Aud tej ate IVtgtltei -s AUonta <~*s KUU- WxhDAOO. W~ -v.—l g-tik fur IS Si then, males ( ... / ••«O*T » R • » “ HITTI K-XWI I T 1 OKIX(iF Bl.4rs.sOVv r\>n -uj.mrxu.ii rai. - oanazioa. t—i ... - fw«o;.f, th* Nkw. rw*. t e« Ale*. lMr,|dss h—:-’-vns A. hsd.*. are a--* u**ug ii is toxnriaw te< ate •X.hsra aw Kttle*. II a V StM bx a*. I*'mi at* ce-, * bus awAsdix HLNhI te (X.alik (*■!** am hr * wax Vr« l el aw AsJ t » a . '• ktlsi’-ts *s hkkxahu «Akt a 00. New .krts—a. in Wh-uamii Ag— I* 4r jMiUnn main* -roiTti’i rM'TO&AL ( ors, H REMEDY, r ar* »H* • •• ta R. w—»■ hixrv Thcosk. On w h*V n# *H|S latnma Aathma <•—«[*• i-.ix** aw KitWfs R» rto W lh. and |1 urn aw Nud hr ate 1-TAqrnU sesreerhiia aw And b> HlNktX iVMTaX. IngoA. AM Btent ar-a- he• t n ag~ Ami by ate ta Atlanta, xks hahnha vuui * on. mu r -.- ■ $ «r OIT A R'|" t XUJrhJLATU) BISHOP PILLS, A l NUKWXAI IHXBa MU, Fa vtsrecwe and hi Rodad «—ena. ladvn I -Ate-* Peewru and f—SI *-■—g a, ai .* vs* •TFin. » iffa MMA . and il ana Off • 'd b. ail I**nvEgvsva wirrebnA a# Ante p* UA-h s I k UMfAi, tWxwd AM RbwsJ wax Aew T-«A a#- And by teg Pr**— m A'ixsts «4s K.KV^tikl'lO., Wh.'Aswan Ag—ta N h *it*r> amt i dmA hands w [ l/l*. JOHN BULXW 00MF0UID CEDBOS BTTTEBB TW Lslan sstf Msn IspurUd Dtaeoeery or ru (UNETEKNTU CENTUY!!! a—sr matckia . i jcb£ Rail, of Tdß}iay*lU. Hi* yvvsA of VdlXd (harry lans bs. • ad. Mb* W— L*e« n f*c in low* lias n year •ff*« Haelr ‘y—Ha. stutasA n *e™ *— *- bands.snd hss A—-wivrj ev —a— —n , * w R*l» Wfcna ts use eg me ISBerx mi ,I*,^“ th* yqteie Thsl as» tn*-««s a. (On n—«« mAwU hnsrwa hw aeee thss rws* h— 4rw* vdh Whin :*r IKE * M yrvynul n nAwn In —vt a remit/ and pe-'.oL »* »«"* aa—am MandA ttrntWT A MTV Al mOommommomtO.rn^moo ■ —-■ t» CttPCPIli •bm raar «* Msterx* M*d-a thst <— t gpre a s-iana -t a ;t* lUiT. thn I**iw A fate sec.oiat V th * W— Vrfvu ptmx.'. an b* bm ts to* D© edHten g thv Tmand Wan* | - imw* irsdim A •»*'-* < rtprr.aorti ta whsrb Iff RnA fe— to— hw y—r« nyiri —• b«— as a mure*. fW Vm hi— i saw ewtnt a* de- th* t-ah Rwhllfl henhw WTud.x «he Ah* o'*—hd— t hnTn. •S*- ■* w wUI He murb rwn.Mh a *dw« «r owhvm bm Me Midi- ban tej«h( Wke warned v. —.man mm. k rb —- by ihe-il trns **--»» Tb* «kd r-«*» *s f-e « »m? —• Ui\ A THE t RDRut BITTERI IM W—-* I t vihusA a> me so T.tmJL. tar 14* 1 edrm Ritter* an i iywxi Is si, I— V ROWRU, UTRR OR KIDA EH. A—mi. Rbesnsltm. and •»*ral f U. AXP I* ' I Fever niul .'\4rue, wvne ftan tg On a«ret aaies sa Do te— r* as. ♦ «—a« »« vx«i( itiM.r» DRE. XI IE A RILL. Kwdfa •Hhsa rma Rdseu 1- —ila. K/. MsAd M ROLXIALR and RETAIL Kg j t imm a orv, » Whs adn Mb •teflv w ReTta. 4 T ILVIIM A OKA fd—! II xaaa -am J. H WHfTK * CO. I_ | -3** —a tshoobss w«a—— (LOTBM. mn/ru —« it A Ft—T-<Xtaaß DRY GOODS HODS*. WTXKK AMD PRICES UK J. S. WILU.UIS w—» ~m >. * — "" ** 4 * WlfTt «OO ~~ ABBQf* ’JdTmaL ’ CommUmAob Mrr.hK«f«. r- 5 ' 4&V' :• “ ' PKODI C C A> D OR<K ERIIX H»y : Ufti4 •) * luIJA 7ta*j *»f |M —MarwA «Ah(Hfe»< »>J A—Lm A •»« ( mt* ! Cm* ? I Aft LOft! • Ow» **■» * I Its I a— ta* MB. AB»rrr ***.«» Bftfi 1 Itep* VriraLL m«r s-r* bko »« ft* aj—^Bftft^ ' - SSSSw. salt ! Nftll ! | Ui'll TtßuOtU IaLT Mv^aiftr OMi! (lii»! 1r /\ feAOlHjin OftT* )« f»»*ii mm* tar *A; ftr ft*mrn * BftM rift Mir : : - KIUCi ftm£ "»r MUta ta| irftia ■ FVw ;a*a | O Far —.ft, i» *rr ft . Crmmimmm - _ raslly n««r •ST ft>«»n ft bn rnrir fft« w* hi n i 4 O i-ftn n« «~n*4 «<»*•*►? * *** * Rarftft M4tft. w MBCim rfttejtaliMta O ftBMJTT ftjftift Vmrat! Yam! 1 U ft—*JTt a^taftftta HMto C ars. 1(M K) !T""“ H “ ft* a -< j Hft«t«* ! Kaaiftf ! *i \ til* i«taft: ft—rn OU AJUsTT ft KftA Kft|ta !’ Rftfr! *( A »>*UJr ■—» .•—I taW»H nl tar •>Y f mmm hf Aftftk *TT ft ftftft mrtM -a new— UtaA >— Urd ! UN S | ift*» m* Iftnuj nrft Far mm ft* ABBOTT A KR< K i aimibii—i Mff •r; '•‘kilr-ft*:; at me*. lUm* ! Hftiii! ABBOTT A P.R» *s • Q—ft—— Mrrvtrntu, <■ «fw* Or. MrtoAl— 4H IV tavt—l * T mmt to » tonic. rrjr.^sTTrj£ f"tara —-y a— Mftm It « M ataMtaotac tft i*> «•■ m—Ml tar aar*— fftata tarsai Far —ta hj aft Or—— iwynri « fti par Wta Br. ta—ta (IKE ~ PILE REMEDY, PILES. - - ■ - ' r t* "r* ***~» Br. —fttata COOQH ms^anxvn MO«K. c . 0^th llal „ ta —rtaaftM H'WlWta? pry— *a ta «** tari— ya*sar*l taa ftar* m< M'*** ■ ft—q taTtaiaiL^—"m itaiw*!! T—s Far BBtahf tv— taa—ya— DIARRIULA I «r f D.raaar* tata faar ta* »taa aaw M IV Mnifttaftl • fttata ttafta ftaaft tta tar* o* Aa—f aaad jTtaJjjaJft—MJMft —Mm—tar *—Ta—a «T——a aTtar^W—a fta aftwa aftalfti—ft <—a taiftaftiftK ftMti I' Ma— ft? «• Dr— (*—— im»m mb HELMBOLDU EXTRACT BOCBTO. ■>L»IUM WCTOT ac-mr Til OUT l»wi uxrtvT rr» tu uun mimr rot *** mu un at >ui pot a*™* or t*» in or in BL.Bomm. I ■annul** or m urmm. ct tum or rat •mmui oa rua ru cuitoa ntTHMin mb tmaa runa ama a Hiaaiii ■ ! II • «mtr? non ta* rwr ajivmrAf Ttow or all \ jrggf * nJa” ! •« >k- a.rt«* rt * ,cw—- ria i.*-1 *•- ■*' i am' ruumi. rrrm 4 Naw ft j-- am , irrCtair mjjzrr* U a-■ , «praaft —— - M —rtaZr •KfttlVß PtlPlßlTMnt. rmWM PAftTltft RAftOCT W —a r —ta —par. —» a— * taftwß « ta ta ft WORD or CttTlOl. aaftKiir. Data IVrparaua^ naftft I r— 1 taa— Das iurai Tlar ipi ita VaT*-T nURXf F— n i !>p— UUIRAiri XktaC-u y»Cin ICftL ft aJLUR ■« aJL ■ Mr vrn ft— ft KK A l. DIUGN: I)H('G«! Wltlimt ASB BlTill Itonl stark la Ur Malr W 4. «T|lt Barnr —-an Z IT* ft* tar., tar Rata If— tar ta.fttaft Vt • I»*%1 rs BafttiMta . ZTZ Uaat—l -r., nr* a«aV jk —a f 1 irta— ■— ii k v>.-ft • ■»* talair TVatafa— i—ta M^ltanta FAim. OtaA Ta- aftaa. r-Bi-ft tUm Oatav* i—a aaft Pftt mm* at k«» *V- % ta<t i apinp ta •LAM. ■aarr raraa* M Manta afcl 'Vra* Ptar rt Rta MDHMI brahmea. ■ Uaaa aai WftUfttaa Mr VaR m— —B • ft— a—l? aft a— L*»a*— tar —aa n BraHi PmrUr A Ol> Champagnes. •ata Lr-taM tar Mr•—• hryaftl —n ta ta Ita. i •aataftr* «ta * tartar t»TV Lar Mft, Rftay. ■ i—naft ftp aft in mi aap inn ft —j ft—ftta ta aa» % I ft#— Mr Ita. Ill— — |» Uft . i iiU.ii I it. Min. ' ■t* M* — 1 Br*aa#—»ata ataft Mataa—taft— tan Itatairi 4M» y-arftft. aa4 ka ttar iap i. war*—i —a . mmm* « —r—a« lla ft—ta Nita al fta* fta— a—— al tayp— —I aaaataa —a —t • V at VftJLBM fttTABBAB.M i ——V t. —ft —44 r iu nt « mull BO BLAUS' 10 HUMBUG 1 «• H. WILLI A JM. TO UMO7 AMP MOTT 0r... .. A oir-r enterprim: Crystal Pala^, T^jj^r.ujt^— aißßuißmmgmtKu, ;yry» j; EVERY ARTICLE II Till UR ... SOLS AT Tar tbb fftCR tatap —ll* ta ftam EARTHENWARE, -*V > A*: . 'ft AT- ■ PLATED WARE, GLABB and CHINA. ■ ■* *' “ McBRIDE, DORSETT 4 O' Offer u Low Rum od ibort 0 . ou be k*d la tfte joant' j ■r*iH I VTV Look TO tor* irfrajs FAST PASSENGER ROUTE I TLA WffttffrHßHd AtUailcs fIB«!V!A All Tmitft HAILWAYN, TO TIE EAST AD NtTBEAST TIME no* ATUSITA r* » Tft— ... ...- ■—r rw ftrawaap TIMM TAMLM war ■■■■# Ita » Rr—*lta* IftAR —Aft 1 ‘ ft— r ■ IkBB r a Lrartataacv Ift t * tft a. ft V* lata l«k a t«r ' stat a ak 4ft t • Lwaie—p ft la r a AM r • t*-Ja LB ft ■ tft v * M— ft—ftta RM r *—ft —a i MW i)l LUbUT SUinK CU Tiißoroii xic iti'm ta- r/ an> «<w* r.Tni rat* uiwiat c itrtu ntßrnit iiib urwniiA ta> '>*■■< n ■ ■ **— KS DM* AH THE LOW I ON COTTON, rr*a ktlataß to V* Tart ita CWttoi W*ll MILBUP umn uun. u.. amnu mu u ' mi wi taiiwin » umn ■ «. Matt k ' “ w, >* Skkw —» ta *—Ak__t>. nu.ntmiumtk.amna ia Btoa_~ tuPSairT. Ml aa .. >. m. a:.*^ ATTEJITR)!I, RHIITKIM. 7HBOOOH BILLS OF LiSUf Tft (—A BR I— CMftft— I—ft MMta* atam «a «a. at *• Itaaaa W% JPSSj^FwS** La— —tai «4 •—M— NtaAMMI TANARUS« *M «. A* V —4 * A C 4C- MftMift - t i in *» ~