The daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1865-1869, December 22, 1866, Image 1

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THE DAILY ERA. mm RvaM urmn. Mr. Omtm* ttow iM it Ii [U JL' * «UUft. flUta ;*« Two f{«rM ]««v nm Mi 1%«W» *1 - »uc MflD] Fuwv Ufa#*** ... mm mm- •*•*» PW t»»n 41 UW 4m MA »• Ml w • mm MM. M • UM«rw « «**•«. . BA«u A. <* •*- Mm < rnmma mm f« .a* ww* mm. Mina Uw* immm , ft uo laa l »m m tU f»» a kBJW*t i»-r**d umm »•»»-■ hr trow-rag at a <4 t#«wt» p-r T/STL or Imw. fer U« Aral tworr Mh f>* Mt Am mM *«A#o*|wrß< i#arr«t»# M* •••«*# coast. Ata#ra ar *w Ormond taw Um •/•* u» AjaarMMW.aM aui ha a#f*~l ter a •maritmd iMa Advrrttanumt* iu*«ri**i»t Mi#ra*ta W* • tMartfed *• au4. r -|>« *J !lJj£L,- ar* rtar|«aUr M «b» r#m^4 •**(■ r «rtU H'pmr ft a laaa mub Uum o*« i-.m aa. 41 *. rftonamia m.<Wr Uw brad <g -Upactoi Huitm." •Aaa r«aa par ima. •ton from U» rartoaa taainia ta lb* MAW* tall* i - #—■« . _ UFPK K or TRK KM At or mrana t* toc KILO KCiLonm. owrt» or MAKirrra a*» mrirrma* rritrr* *mmiuY Monmio, imc. n. miLUfU cAT % AT nor UK. ■rrwau of iFrvr't iitirmw -wirntmi UIICI LW»-»ft U. *qgMUrr «t mi cmmmi j t Ota* of U» Moot fJigLlfa* I&4 Appalling *liv- M»U»i» foui ftia ah»ch il hat her* wOi I'-ftiiiH to wninmoß, <H-cwrr*-fl lata mght In the burnitug vg flprobk'w Kmlwurwul. Thw Imiu U'ag »oo««- pt«x) ttn tht» porp«»aa hUh !• no th« w»nth abl*- •( U 4<ao« ami It ia ( »«on>-i high «tt«l irarlv two huwdrral fart d*-«p ThA 1r »Wt »h of au»ur Ou lU* tlurjf i« * bailout*) UXlcn-tu** Oral!) tl.a width of lb*' building. - Alma tto Uurd Mory la a aimiiar -ho|r**«jt wbwh. howftrr, iw bnt It* or mi (h i l»*t»g Tba inti floor w*a occipital a* a auntoutioi.- •nr at or lu raar ot l til* *<** a kiU-LeU. Im kiUK au.i -nlaotooutry ••aiaU«»biu«-nt Tb* uT«a« «u . uaM*iiii>• ry «era iu lire raar cellar. Tb« ow»»*W floor vaa or«-Mp*aal aa a r*«t m 'ft**.'. '• ' II r K «oi*t alaui u* lha froul ruotu on tba Ikirit floor. mm( Mr. William Jat»b». wito and bah*- in tb** T-Mtm OU»«n »*f Mr B|»* . (u'a nn.l iuii>! >y.’«a »kxu|4«%l tb ram uatog cm tb*- third and luartU floor-* JLaatx»i4jh< Mr. Hprrht and family did not r*<-n» till about too o'cl uck. Alia. 5p.1.1 M.ti o«t of lowu. At aboat Jl: All tbia m h* baard a err of flra. bnt not at ft rat ih-nk .»•.«: it aarioQn, did not ria* A«aiu h* bc .rd th. rry and aorntod a ati au«(a *;«u* iu lb*’ r -m-- H* roaa. and looking <»«: oi tl>** anodna on th allay aide of thr. U«.uaa, aa« 11*** flaAi" baratia .; from tb* rear and lower window Tb« Muck.' waa roll*an u* danaa and latfloaatinK «loud* Fawrful wp-ma* wpt* Hoard from rrarr win flow Tb** Are I*. IN anrr. wak'‘n*»*l d>ff*-r* ut yorti na yfth- «..a’uU*rui|pEiriiv I*l*. awiii!-*a war* in .* n >tuaai tlinndrr-ftWiliic . 4 -;, our waa baard aa will am a*.»n tft* for^ottra Mr. Npt-cbf ah * m iml and Uat ai tl. • 1 » r of tbe r<M.m ch'.'u|t**«l by "Hr. an 1 Mra X- -hk H« coaid ao raa|*ona«*. H tore down hia twd tb* m bar* ttiar aad to ttn tr*m baluairAda em tb« third ait try. and down In tl*** LaUrowy on th« a**c<M*d at«*ry Tb*- ftrenn-u w»rr already thrrr. The l** |4*r» a*-r* put mp aad naaou*-d arth a aj*e.*i Worthy of th >ftr t*r*»e f.’ilowi* Mr Bp* rSfa child r« n Jowph, a tad of ihirtaca. and SutUa. a mi« <•* U hfr« Yarbra, hnaioOirr iii Ur. and S* rah l*ar\ a todoc. win* w«*n* in lb** imnt n» were r wrne 1 Mr rt*anbary. th** b «>*i •. , *- •r. nnd Mr florroll. # <*b rj* rrv bioosfi* d”wn Uii; ladder* from the foarth «l »n Aui.-ug ll*os« whowa dartiM and in- n*r d*« •rr*e U** *)raiitnda o! atrrv bnm »u |* n ao t’apt WaMrtmi ;uid *!• • M'dinn. of th. Fire {btorUuMiV and • din brown. «*f the MetoopoliUu* l' *llc* Ail .Os ih»-** MnaMtad in th«* r*wrf. '1 he r- «in* ni-ry fl!t* and with bnt they tua-l. Lhe.r w.ty int** bearly ererr apartouat. Wm bcdmve all wbn werw then alive and un lujured wera aaved Offl.'er Brown bn'k r lot*> Mr. JvUle i >oro H. w lyinvg th tlr r wer. and hi* wit.* on th*- fl«* *l* near the bed TL. only *»f- Ule with Uw tunmr «*«* the ' wtim.'d tba b I*l «od IV y>ub- H< and «•! in a law ii* tu-ni* aft«r i)*e |*p*uu I. Mr*. Jcdde eontd wot up-«k. bat h-r i.i .iihi m lor. v«« ettinifpw ihaa dual!*. She u.t a«WMir.Ukfly L.war \ tb- bad. in ahinl* lay h r infant but a n* >blh *hl She «u br > i*.bl down, tnl lUtiivei bnt a fnWmom—ta Her Imb. «u *av«d by le.|»*g c*»vrr*d with th*- leicloUMa, and atiil hm. In lh*< meantime, veTeral of the inatln had alb rupted to aav them-.. Wr» Crv*n» ih* am -k** aad tha de von ring element*, by H fr*n» the fourth »t ry wirnlowe. Mr J.**» j.ti iUr tb<d. > nepii.-w ot Mr Hp*'*rht, jqtn|a*.l lr ai that »tor> int-.lh* alley, a;ui. n mud bole, eavtsi hi- lit* ii v« a tearful t.ut thonid* aeverrly bmie-.| n**t a K'lic aa broken. Os all wb*> ati« Uipi* and Ihn- to *-ara|M» and rea. .iC'd the ground, b- »• il**- only •urvirnr Mr Waltar. a rWk, from th« muu* et«*ry. aud won fi.rtan.vU: « nvngh U catch a blue I on tl*e third atory, U> «h*eb h- ctu-y till re«. aed bv U»« Qreuw n it wa* a«u.t< r fi»l . ao.Jw* Tb*‘*M hod all la«pe*l la-f»ue | ». >flr* in u gamed aoroaa to Ih* u n»mi 1 .oy found Lbe other uulurtuualoa, who irlu iU). I Ui ii»*- Oaxaa, lying on the doom or al*tb*' Kiu- J«e-. **wfloeale*i. The wrviT n « and the dead were rrmot- <1 to th - office a of Doctor* Kuo*U and i'.|r«a, I!) Um* neil huiMiug I hi- former mretved every aiu-nt*-*n. and the latter w. re Uul out hu bnnaf a» teudcrlr a*» ciremn-unce* »i*ald paiuuL OAcN-r ll.tuan wa« atatione*! a th.. •UKatice U* keep the <■ mw.| out. He allow* *1 n» to enter It waa a horrut Aprctarle Iu the ofllca lay Mr Wiu iebk. in real grai*- cl*-theft. Il«* wo* a young rnau of graat promiM aa a merebaut Hi** a«lvertmam-nt a* a wb’deaale n*><i >ll deah-r have for a**nia tune paak a(>poared iu the colniauv of lb* Foet H« «e only i7 yaara of age ard forui*-rty from Hi louit". la a bed room near br Uy Mr« JFhb Tdirrc *m pear.-ntl btuuily tl. th* face, aa U ab«- waa Ur* aming pfaaa*.n(iv and aot dead. There waa bo (rare -*f if rat r • or ag* tiv In a email rami beyond the ..ffiew On tOl lay a*v©n Udie**. a colored a man. uauical Lo*ao*U Hiugwahi. with Her t«o hub* . hil.lre** Hb-ide her. l*eyon*l. that Aohn t Hank, a member ot No. 1 Hrove -f Dm» la. who !rape*| out **f the window, and a h* mr btR-.d bad Seen at imu hi il Wva JefH ; that of ••Uoele Johnny. - ' wt»e wove the wljii*- -mq— • boat the «h«'p an.l had wrv 'd Mr. Sp lit Afu- u yaara a* bak*r. aad that of a white waitar and a * ob iwd man. whoae nam*a a * could wot loam. In the had beyrnnHay body ot Atienne Fred, a k'r**tt«'b c*e»k Farther «*i. in a b»rk room. »m lU body oT Ha*d**l Hulwr. r man (<aker. who learea a wife and a child end > hb ther in tb» dty; that nf a ticmian tK-oafc. Barn** I Philip and t»f i>4ly Unit, a mlamf w attar, aad of an-4her mloml «-*mat>, wh<w# Ba’we we cniM not loam Than, by Utu MniuM oalualv. In t. a |wi»-wi « 4V larri«i k* bu uwtuoel* .-u»t - VFi« r «, .* r*w. v«k SI John’a Day menra this nar >n the * T h m*tonl. Aow-niiag to bomwA *wage. lint at. Dual «locti.Hi f.*T odkwira in all Ma»mic lesju * Wiaat take plane prevtowab* that time A hoavy boii« ka> t%l*an throa«rhant the N*»rthwaat. an*t the tn*lteati«*na ar* that rail ruafl tfavel wfli im aatanmi) intavrapied IL*n J.%eob Tbompnen waa a poaaouger mi b«Mird U>a Freaoh at*-utter H* Smairr, at Dawant. Drcerober fl. m ronfa for Y»**a Crnt Mr. «r»wtnv of Hm»| (• e K, H. ka« Iml w'-dilu about tw.» ui->utha *#wn «*f ha night rliililaa, allUjMUf ot diptbann. Iwv Sunday actaml taaclwm had a ftght ta a church ui f Ailcage, tor which they |>*td ►aeh nest flay. • TH* Oaa dtaaa are i repatiaff ihdr au. a e *av*. Hil*v k» nupw.ial aiul ioufc In iboM lega a little km. THE DAILY NEW ERA. •AWTTL HA At Ik, Mla«r. A fa- aflas ihabaiuaag of Ceowfl*- »od othecw at Aoabau m. fly., a a—bar <>t »aft. oaa.t ettiaete af Manaa f»ugy i *liiu wui acid Lntr r»* gr*nj»—#•€• mAift- 1 to iaaVr K*-nto*ikir. TboM uma* ar# udiu, |e» l*arat»-»u* to ohry ihar <nHn. r«|4atw f?*«e> Bughtwiu, a fort aw Mayor of (luagi*. waa barwofl to daath at Waukegan ■•** Thur Why Re feted a buniiwf bai! ii ng lu rwectc* aoitti vaiuahhi paarca* and A* 4 dat um b ih* floOB. Tfia Niagara Ship Oauai fVmveatfon at (’h. >g- OO Th'lJwto • evening, aftf-: !*.va4g|awm<l feeolMjnu^ ing upon tha pe*»pr*rty of forming th* Jfl <Rk ship Can* uaw pepdugi hrffre. £<*+, groan Bby ta J* ha Marrtaney Ilka the R. A Bm ' Be< a> -• h< la death on Fan. Htr» t»> lave G<jom Biuiti —II the )4a*-1 u thiii aad arrM healthy Wle cam not l«e ne aartrd; tha flret aad aii wapartAiit thing ; for the debilitated and dyapaptw ahonld be . t* maaatM the pertflmftvn of their Idood I: baoka Blood Pnrtfter u<H only pHir-fl**» aa ! •orwhe# the bh«id. I*nt add* lb- great pnnri- j plea gin H jh*wer hi nwog dii-a-e , Mdd. yak powerful, and ar* jawnlurly ##—*»• iui m ito operation that a f* w holtiea (ok* n in aminartMti with KotwHk « Wo***l IS?!*, m-v.r 1 fail »•* tv-raim *v«tv partirh <*f auhaal<h« a* rumnUtion until the hi -..1 i» pnnfl-d. Uj. Whale avwfewi p r r.oawtefl. amt tha dub*-** *4 i life, yrtiit 1* before U<l been harden**, laniiii*- pleuanrwa. IJo Tot? want-Job Printing done chcaj: and neatly ? < »tne In the Ea» * A«v m 1 1 - ■'—■■■ in ■ 4. Ii KA T DIM KIIU TH)> . •» u« Merchant*!' and Manufacturer!' JKWI I. I< \ ASWK I ATI* •**3 *h4 tin Hltotna AT. few Twk ( tty, Or Una»*>»*d Fvoreja BJat Mvlnlinaa. fUe '*U Fwt ?*w». r*»F*»»luaa Uflvw-WftTr o -Jf4 it I *a *« , kt'-MM. Jrl l4*«. ftiMi lo*Ie« Set*. Id I' o BUh |.iM M<> ntvrrnwietii!. Utoee*- M'Ut «•* «rt. cgotodi* Vr*f * *4 pUut ood * Lfte 1 tteCl i Imiu. Ar., a. . i%ov*l M HI.4NHMHM >, yon «.v k n•>l l a it. Tha Merchants' and Manufacturers’ 4,1.'.W t ill akvm 111 io> uu* )*w Mk«U -n Vo ik* t* i 4 U* t*. ,» k - U>« , 1 ■ *r |MO- in** L*l4,.iy fib . • - ' .f ' - «H*- •• -' £■• .A . •-1 O, t lyl-. J. - - •» ' i -V-M l. -r-l*«. i ..ft «.*-.*-L; -1 -ast-.u» n» 4r * u*. tu..v »*ti. Lutawft*. iil_’U a:M 1a ft' !*u Si.** *.?T*vr-* fairy •«*•- t ft.r jatr na- ft- • *, .JUi i <4 Ji<.l4 11** <* ! •***•!<* ii*a* l*usiiii sh t«u *»-•? ■* **••• f-ne«r>l .J « ***•>,.« I *b. mat **:u«o»«- prjie— W jun- * U.* <- **!-tr it ta* «», |«U< w< .i« • . . **•*!»« th - f«i eat*.<> at «:«•*? •*.**?»—>, a* »i »r%, H* <mi our IH (• tk !«*• * ►*• I mCtor. Mill. *» l/” lli. r. *r .».• JtU k* I‘aru * .! *.irv w*> t* ma> -U fft*et mi (a* f i«* i.»p* rv-T’irfift m-tllt »n> »• 4r««n » . IV 'WUajftll . r > -a :, c » Ik- ;- *.**.* P*r r ■ "J 4rk«a. *• Hi*’ p.z •• ftotn » .» *.»'!» i lUr.lftriuM. L. *c**kf *k V hr « e* L*,| tn****F i>. ,■ *.• » '* * J , • . M - • » i*»»m a * - > v »... •. **hm ►'•* »-• •• • « •-** w«u r.. - W*.+»*•’- Vftftßi -a r» V.-*’j I*-* e.w**» —: r K and 4«uA. TOW rro.J-.mra - -.lift. W'liul.u*? Vi..ftftulo Via . Va “ • . }. ■). I J a »>., a»« •*i iMI l.*i.*-1 "*» »-r la vt. *-•(•>- *a* , i.i v«M t. Itoe. W I -.a W** v- l ftl ee Fj* Mift# H- *» ► -m.ft l**r Kimi Wm. tl.* a ... 1 . lu. ire to»* vator. f M-«r*ti> |* i*h- •*. • 111 larv- • I-. ** **• • *•■* • t '* |B*' ’nil* ft . L-Ot I "M *I*»B I rftl ft f7*a. .ft : Hi.*. ,*n. * -• tAMtkAL i.rst of AMUi'LM !•* *ft ts ll KOM t»». 1 MU. 1. \lt Mi ll vltlit«l ftjßrt*** *» i.- **> i . ■ u. L» jmiUe ii }«*•■»■ ftUft- air. »*>• l*»« l>fV*k'l*> •> *•> ft #*•*• U Jbevaal T. - * l* tu - . •*< u# i to pir** * u«* vaa. 1vy.,.;.. . :j r se* *w *• JTa*. k.v.a » U l ito twr«4«.u4- Pvtoat ■%*>»«. aav*-- * Ulkiar fcuU.-i- «i Ha*. rU #• i-> v. 13. <o4*l «#..!•*#* Wft- Wa*r to* » .mßi*4 *» !.- *, ;i*-.x OtJ • «- -(’•-I*- -* vo t ode* a'*i ..* • e ■•« ID >*ll<»f *U<i, • *• ' l ».**«< ««l C it* tw* ■■'»#■> ftl. 1 las l*.- .» . ft-!.-,* > 4ft 1 4 UuM l V-' ft-. • ft* «U -■•«**!. l*e“ ft* aft . B. 1 *'V V. 1* f ’ ft V. D.'ft, 'Ml.* • »"*■ • . r-ift.ft.Oft ft r-ft- 1.. .I .< I— •< - ? » • '- v ‘J *» **• » ... «--o- .4 , . *fi f .t'i • ir.i. lr* tor \A* W* J . \,*... . W .* *i«.dK* * . * %*ls. r>. >UM* ii*\- ti» f *-rt*A-d* 111* fin* h,» - • I • - *»Ni he'lX-ki. >u | /* *a*- • uumb-L r ■*« ■ is...*, aut *"• i art .*. *-#* tolar Pu.. laa.-ft i ar MJkLAa* UW i Pi-** tn«* - .* it.•*•••* r -4 t»u* .aa a to k wortU feaa *,.»•».* ho kuu tred,*!,* la.. Im e Mtfea re ».ttW* im. Ha • «ft- kiuatr *- '*m • jda-t. d.r*, t *»»!• atd tr itHsa-n. d.a»r» 11 ar - toe* J.».kß-> KWkSH * * liTt * ,*. T’s*. Fr-oiVl* Oe* *a»-> J»*T» k f» * O i *«*r v«|, . k ' r -hp*— k—- ;\ we * n tr* tre trrrr *fr- Ia ** * I**.', i T : • «•»* r . .*. .*m./uU •? k av.J—w-M* I a,O to a»VI »..* f.. ; *ah_ Hi l * % HFt I , ft. % e.'#i ftiat* l«* ato I ht-up luaikfl far '>«lc. ,Jl t e *■■-- - fk.*« (ft IV • -Oft : uV. *.l a*' *1 krt.ft ml ' •« a •■* ... ■ ftf> la taw aw***.try. ta»«# a* Let u*. •«* • #-*•« i* $ • inam * ad-L.a mk! > laOVV <-r.-|MHt <<’i th* ( i*r. * lax I»»X1 a B* li. lu|l -a M fti leto4“ lf*a« OURYEAS’ MAIZENA CORN STARCH Ti i fw • C t»aw «to mmcKsT i\ni.t\ ro*.*r, BU»f roiiuv Tiraftt. CeU. k. k. .vi/ la untquftM to-jr any preparation free* Oorn hr Faod. DURYEAS>6LENGOVE STARCH SBffiSF2S!ES Cto—. “ <*) Ito ooftOa «f eft** —a.m. itoj to*, rerawi UkfliiiM Aea aq wm. BinmA. (est Mi MM M. *>• nft —» ’** . ( ATLANTA, GA., BATUBDAT MORNING, DBCEMBKB 22, 1888. u* J a—-*., ft. ! tft. ft ■ r — l . «ft SEW JEWELKT IT 0■ E LEITH EE « FRIOKEB, WhHHu# Ktre IIIWa, it—rgt a, •ftl» ft *M. iftfcMMfty a*, nr m* (irrwm r*r utnenun orn» WATCHEB, CLOCKS, JEWKLKY, WrUatr Bil**r aa4 rUM Ware, i-KBiii.r hi otweb KpmruxFj*. I’naa. On . nil aftK-ftirr rr, t«« «iun Wt inAt /S.UVT, {. *ftn nf] G<m*U iftrtl* ft nw «- Mft *.t-n mu »m , behott. »*• Ift i*.» W_« .1 «a « rfeWBW * torwu oal a ‘lfto, to rayaur. tad ■alia M k-dr* l*ta»rrl iHauur. li tot oa4 flagwetf 4mt to neW ► rej*_a _ eoHS- lev, j MOSPJSON * Real Estate and Commercial Broken, U hiWoU atrma. tear k*aru#4 i ~ iitTbk ill#m«# ...... Uosgto. J Bay amt Urtl fWt Htevawy Cava ad <>aatr Wiaii M Mania* m ito mat* Hay #u4 Ukil to kiiftCU u 4 Mw-la.-ti. ttotolw Oty **rrtia. *- . hr Hesnr*. ■» k-** idmrl Nm AU..- ta TL«.* Ktotirlm. Utwto H«oaAT Herea * f*-*X*r A'UaU. 4 M Ittoi ia>j Atsaota Rfc W * *m #-**4. i'*to*a. Wb-wnt fia»4 XfJj. Alsoiito. Wm K Ptsv. D}~ AU ..-114 H •: I* I Hafc'*»-!i! ttanu M*»mr. t H **f rt a >■ • ■er'-.u. M.oo* Veto, -,..*** iO’ k'» •*rVarr« - »ft W V Tateatom . Ulib-n MVaoa • «*itr»b« k KT *U. Hap Warr*-t- Mttetol f*i l< iWtnje, A* Majh Br> «wt*-r Be, ton#. «* • K-a'l W«l# i-rto 4 C v *~w Yurt M*wra A#a4i . hlb ... N n V«*rS U- *» tfr#--*- *!•*■»rat. 4 • • l, fttouae «4. PVa M ■*»*. 4 J lAusia-*!) a - < , »f . H*«ara A F M Mb..* « » to*ar,n*ft *♦» Y H Hr * i *a H • If. I ri! -qi, V —r» Ul. * Hoto * j»- <m#ti U-HCa*. »*-* S ! la .!V* fr*to .-if tat* to«vy am** <g raal retato ax.,l al » - B*»» ftft. as, i hav* 4- bettiU**>wf tu <l»e-4e <<«r rtsOr* t ■..* I tl- Pr 4rr*(> bu* |I*M 1 •»* # toot gto V.H 1»*1I to :• wr -*J . and rajftitf ill'* tto n»tdw t . • wiU to •*!] j. «ri *i.d mu pw-aei'* z?*t Ui- U-*t:-l - a«lm W. hat* • nint. itow a .*u/ • at:* *» t»> e* Wifr.lM- tttow *t wi#fc t*> . aast.u * ’<* “Ul* W. r»*r lft.e*#to 1 to iHrva ».# t *' ■’■4 o**toh a*fti tfftSj »h» lr -«*u<itr; r#*-r i#au i . « >• a lr. T -t.-ukl |-r ~el wr ■ h#ry* w-fttol r. 4|a. i,- —• «ht> .-fti k*-wt. aar;a-W* «-*ii a * t ft )* - - *-0 Ct wui I- l. wV V-. ttaVa lo* *-"■*• •• I-*-.(at! U; o.*w#r I--(• - < (* .--A • - ' r..-»-,,X 4 Tito H>* Bf a-trv.s •; Vet liPHiii <e* Ow iboataaHkt V. MilAamwi :.-f m--. nc th pniKi(<ar t tr-ni • . • ••«»* to* o -ift t • Utu I t m_. lw .Jh-W I • n* i r ’i-W* oak *. • •*. r? r • •»*- -»w r. . v:a « n#nr**- 4 . ,W> »,-•» * •»'4***l foT mmtr, ists laplrw OtTaet. *hfa* us.wri hu. ar .'.*4, V a ft. . f-r tota for u.-l*w to*m r-sty jm t». • .M#a.--tt far* tor *a*» wo#r tor* IW T«.l j * • * -a. 4W.U m 4u>uw. . ajtaet -r iewa VII -r«fta ,»%>. irm.w " •cerTAltoe », k .** i * to ww w : j HRS LAND AGENCY, v ii limn run CITY A'JD OTHER PROPEHTT | V > “t*t r - "ITiI T ft.; U.ftWl’s *4 a4B atft.l ■ * « ■ * :N* ft-Yai.W*- « he* mu to* « I e J . » ar vrm * uhl* Blro#:l« |>to eA .n bt i*. * -ft ft- „l «* >-ton. Malrea,.: • -•e even tta* uahiOlT led i»\ ar.nan ’!•*-,» an tevttalh Up fWOI t), t f . •*■ TfTTir WTam. Tie *adu* (* « !*»(>•» t« to .1U1..M The bed. ,4 44*04. ML « •...*»•»■. I*-.**- . to*. le*«B as. , Mauaueea** :eOtmr F *■o-l .** W » -e* 1 Ta «to .(.toifti- 4 (to %rw tl led !«•>!• I eßtaU tltau l - Mi* a |rf«r(»ra| eirw,. !• • - • •« alt* IIWI tto AM .*! « -4 . - * U.I tto *! **-»4 fW to tar ii k arts ir-*Hs» re*# A- trW•• • • * * mu 1 ..**4. true, amt Mm -•» ;A-•*#; -4*ta.«W f»*ra- Th, r-dXar-M <0 in • *•-. - *4 «a»-l • « ... i • oi t- W*. the mu. -OR «#r ",tft •* .-* '* •—■ J t ii—i. .r ■■ ftfttaa v.v T j » » ’ - •» »r* t here ■■4 to.ito \er.-% . A * lira* Kit h Ulirn? lah4’ •N 4ii i-L> wii Lt»L SALE. ** •:* "'•* 4-* • » -wW. 08. f fra I to. ato- W-tu k» lii< Vi#* * .«•*» 14Hi £ runt VidJk ll< mr^ieddiw Oracral Southern Land Agency, \ f; . » '*») a ,Ta, |1 \*» nr«*v '*" Aorta. I I ■ ’ ' a nak I-** • «>*. mo . ‘ * *4 1. .*,, t vtor |-^r | - ... im-lrw a-. I- ..jij liea Ii a*. - *. »*« -.*.- «.ft. Imisa an.l M* « ~ *• >■’ « ’«' * ito* K-tLoeo. 4- ■* - *a* *• amei to aMr>*ar.| V I • «KJt*iir. I no. W-oi Petersburg Lmd and Eungrant Ca, la J TODD, ttoTPtAri l •■till OHlre. IT bb4 It »rw4way . A. A I to* *1 • > its au4 near ito t'Aty «and l ttawt# !h; 11-ivws la.tft am! VituUl I'kthiw (wr Nat ami Ks*wt. i • -• * * * Va* I'tawtaftKObß t- . .« ».»•.* Mtwih*a .. -I 4-U•. a ta nonWtoa>a • .1 I -sftntwt. *, :tZ a r>» ■ U -I u"V < TT ft. » i'.ehla- I 1 1 W •t - - - • , W!.*A* irra I 1 1 to* I« •' to 4U.tat» arma •be *» • "4 K ir i taateUftto* _ . iiw larj- K«w . .tl. X Dwltaoen vltutom %• a ntUndv Utt ' * IMil . « .1# I.* muweta-raa tto s.ft, 4 t -'tMUtaft i fie; ladtovß t*l» * UMa —-t la • -or » "Wl wrTa# I '< tos* , I. im Ito Ctaa Mltoto a#4 « ~'V VillMmH t|)> | «*J ta*rm j I* .»•* 40. .a t Hta* -alWftoe we* U *4 Uta h. 'MOiaittW, meet wma | l» be Mat • Herat*’*. * Ito.b-a 'in 'm* *»-*«. \t.ftJ"!r" ,l ' l, |’Uft.i—i ■! l * wagfttraa’U tto t» ana M* (. . . ft * * * »» th. **..(, we.. ntaM.r irwna (to erta-ft tk.» lar 4« eoto »- . r • # ' O-■ * ■ a. tear '«•*. era 4»*<4 ta f OF*- J HW to* * ? #l* ato iwlt thrir rwiw- w.-a—a • •- -i »yeinw fbL i 'too* awa ( rmrttae, nok-i. •>-** laaew*. Taka*< Can. 1 w U-. *4. Ilwrt- » wu r « ta* ITai'iaU'••.», crtito. TWl*-' * Brae WPtatoa. ea t ttottor Imwtw Uw. W*na. PweU * t*tr H*ta*ea W»e». n*4 P*tototrv*, Ima bontata. w« j m 4«»Hto tbUa WfW iVea • iW.«n« <■’ ran nmr Waotoe* tjui4a *ra •• -- - •’** IVi we in ftaned of Ore to-4 ft taa* ■CUw OowtL. «w-’ It- Wang M BkiO j ftor (kto toowW. tat’nfiv BlfWßto - to ik R.a..ra .. *it»wnvtar*>. Awy ton !. J (to J “ 4. U#oaJta-»-w l«ft i. J • stoat. Hwi.a » tor*. Ho M M OMtoto Vaanofte I* O'lltar I * t> Itaowcta ka.t„a Lw .to* ta A HU. tto ki«tl«M) fiMMA mr U Lifehw., «r*H JMtota <ta \ ri: I* o«>r !*>€•. r- - > VflJ-T >1 tl VllW, 0-01 4\k ■a# *»••>. "tta # ito tool «tol«. al J !_ : ■ Vi..-* It.vw i* *w ewnp >* ** w>* >•«< j Uhoa-4 A Ota aw too# hfllW' • w . J ,#» rasataa *’ Id llOtoj W> 4 lats VKsaiAL! Atta..ta. iiw, 1. w bo At A 1 4HwA«Ani*Ufl-(|ol • ja raltJ rmm nvfcUtoil m U. T. <■*.- 'mwsra.meUwhgaufla-' 4«tUirV Em, flto Itt I I A b* HOB mg tw Aak. fta. AtaOo, ■ai wm am jam. m, m I tar W - taa.p gtf rcrtklm mitotas Ar too ttata t.erav (Bto ta an 04 In, maw I ad FtaaA. lota#* rm t*#j R-Mbm MflniY fIL OOTiK «B 4 Brainy, taea lal Ufft to id *• Utaato. (iiwgi. mar Uy Dtoßggtatw Aa4 wii L*rw«gtoM w#4 Palm eterrvAaa MU*. UAtt A «L Ueo ft—B. -COITkl'l" BUCKTHORN SALVE, P-# rwt Bctota lira tar# Imta Mk <Mw*aaa. Hr--Art. Jtrreeu. to#e krala. h>"#4n<. Uttd mad Pwaulu; Mta* htoa**w Palnd —4 ■•■■#*< •are w At- tA-ao Ufti-r-a -ta l«rB 1 **rra. Uawi m • IMItaABBU# A*- Itvvd HwwWa LOyta. Aa . IH W «r two* Jk too Aft ta, tad 11 too cr 4-44 Wy am iwi|Vtars mar Aatl w MP3UU a. iVWIvJW Itorek AA4 Brad •ar too 1 eta mar Aw 4 toy to lmw#i r titan*#, iiw. taAtatalta WAJlit * OCX, 1U« * trtaWß. Lta. taoM* •« toraWtarn Malta - < « • t a m • • • rvnrKauAL I dun solvent, •r>w.fl(ta B* cAa . Wta4 tl Atom. al ia**l by Hi >*AY~k ( ltaf>m «M Uru#4 •toy ArertAO. w* Aftft4 by wJ *» titaetaw -to lvA>.Xtato W tU* A <V, Vaa itaVtato# tta. -COATAM'U BITTEfI-SWiTT fl r» h eirjir-nrTTMo twi tviPixnt. I tod 4. hCae Md tWiwfy tta# •«. raar V *to klra Jft.rni jo* RngHm. •»_ Ln4»« an #-..*# uauw and inArafa Vo wS tow*. B - tkmta#. *i. war And H* liKSKi*iC (VJhTAJL. iwyaSWlltut •a- to# A rt •* toftl by ail Itrwaw'iata tr (itou. ii#. % ha kmx wmr. a no •COBTAfl'l* I'BkTt 4UkL ( •> I - G H REMEDY, Pr (1 ayAi 044* Romwwmi. Ban Them (to :_iSr t*- >.a#. Ufa-* im# wad #fi Dwmb# m tta* Tknai a 1 •(!#-* $r kttr. » rto »«m. A#4 tl «# W 4 ta-d b> to ita-tofim* raryvAow #a iw* •*** n» sill IXWUJL Uw< UM Me •#« too t r% • « im Ay *T tw itaJtWi ta ÜbmA# ta# HUM. W 4Ki> A OCX. too mMmU. tk. kßtaaAi A#tawta li# A rtW ib v—- - l -ro«rAfl'i- Bis HOT PILLS, . i ftiTc—uL ww mi, • •*•*.. j*"*- - -ft **h e—i *aoi, i r v WWWio# um.eta.taiH mm# •4 tatat to #g TtofttagAHa vw»i BAm# M taita HkUt K INMT4UK bwpm MB flta w#t X. • Ytat m K«m by #n Ne« >W#BI. tta. WVita—li Awta ta# hwitatv Mekm flawfl JUAAfIAW OK. JOHNS BULL# OOMFOUID OEDKM BIITUU «. 4 | toe t##m rah ■*■» * . .. r I—p,rta»l DWmmwy RUKTKItNTH CUTI tt Itt J" '" ***•““ • #*#a to j ] Jaki Bull, g LtaorriUe, !■*—Vj * • —O-00 ftf Ammwmpmmrntm. z~>. . ' ■ -•ft ft, WM Oftn, w, to awa « to *«— i aoMto m*m 1“ 11 . fttoft. hi. w ato. - ■ Zwto Sorrsnnin.trrssiSt t *»toT\ta*‘|Bw »T*Tw. -, it th I or ta tataaatawlMMwii urvmorr a mtai n DriFKfn •Alii r#ta* <e U*4art# Mretaoa UM *## Tar^e^araoerai m * ?**ta. Vwm pop*# Itatt oota (OHL A Btalta ta 'lll lysiow ta tmw Dr MlimkMß . •pftLAa *to*ta ra»ttare#4 Ota tom fJtyetmf j . tmmmimrn f J On Ariel ael y«w vU *»*— w#a amy ohm Utawm 1 uL m M tttT * *—» tot -4 UUWKLB. LIVKW ink KIMKTB, ■ > > *»i> n Fever and Ague, «mla €—B hgtm lim BA Uta# A MM AT thAMta aed taearawi q—■a#M J. T JflflKriM A CM, Wta- tahr #tata Mb (Vera Itatar#. MB'tlWtahvuk |. T. JiartOMUOM f Bto—J M UW4 W * KARTHKNWAire, - -» - e--- PLATED WARE, t»« www >frt f CHINA. KcEKIUE, DOMETT A (XX Oflw w Leo Btaaa aa aksa#Omta w ou be kad A tka Omtry. r ■ 1 188 IH I 111 tl 111 ■ 1111 808 I «ft iftn i » ft oa> i a * oo ABBOTT A BBO&, Ca—t—l n ■ Merokaala, O Mftßfta o—to PBOIMCB AMD IHUICUUB, j ■#! W*t! 3*J ™ J **oo“ fc *' Ommami Uotamw. Icon LOAD late# Q-rw M ! W 4 And tar taH Ay A -uu.qJ!!!L-Jto^ W toM! ■*#! 250 ”* •Sufi-.-Sir- Otooto, —a O—ta! O—ta! ~ (fttoO Bto, Fl**r! Fleor! la-ill nor. | .) ““ 1 TtoT?*. O ii ilia ~ IWtoa. gcooc ratosoy^ io at—a Omo. KM HJ ~ *ftton?» —ft* totototo B«f* ! ■■*■ J 50 2TC*— — •ataaa* UH! Uffl! 50““ 4BBUTT 4 B#>m op* * raatoli ftoto llotoft! H-toft! 1(1 T ™*~— * "' "'*" 1 ““ toto —mZ Baa# a"" - m DTsrtnu, Br .OrMWoT. tm wo ** eo— ai C(VE 1 taaOßtaH ~ PILE KEKEDI, PILES. I . - Avg'VMm BftrahmaWarMß< «w4 jdZmJTjZ aM> Ag AU HiiimMM ■* M mta par a—M COUGH T ~ “ Cft>o*W ta —mtalAtaUfUpmw— Ammtocm qmwbta Qg% AaAm# flBMg CtagA ■■wtasmJH 1 i^JAMß^am|4^y. MAIUIIMLfI. * T moo*' jg—w EXTBAOT BOOHD. jgggjjgssggiss nm&susr EaxSsrJS.vaßtJi ■■Rii i■i«fc»ss*stsrvtft&3s •4m* 0«m II • >«*» ■ rm. maain an* amwtmmm j •sawssL'Mi—' — m mi tA ntFAtnoM or iu, •aMaaa aaaaka waM* a «aawar * i.<f * lx If itflMiaa "»i ■ii > —4 i—i—» »-Mr_■ ■ »—» «* ft—, a mTpSZ —r—it aT— **"r>T* "T^—I y-‘- r— »»■■ *»|»HK ■■■ ■■ n < r>-i< ft* Ik* v«m. «Shl r»** aft ■ftiiym —*M WfDjma. #>>» <f h*i*» ft *«Moa' ■=s:r *** w *■* *“ it u ** ULiniK r*.KTiiinm. niiui PA«nßft mmmmmw a vobo or (Amo*. v ' < oofkiir}«>£« 1 ' too—< ——a «f ft* yam. rwiy i»y» t nunu ■rTT 1 a*. ™* fc:i|^l> m AJAX! an ■m *«a ia« uunotin mk«"al nkr MB bf - nry—. DUI'UH: DBl'OM! ■ ■•uiiki ni tirni I Trial Mai to lit SU*r W k«if» »a.waW■ n»«*> raw *m£mS*m. tft—*g— ——n—A *B Mar f— M* ‘ rtiwrt. a!r WH am. a—, aaZToatL** -a^aa^llTW •kr Mai parr—*. arf a lap «f n U|*w Or faanl «* *ra* rniitii iikr Champagnes. MM* Mafe k* *• «** hfaftil Mkfti —- arnmmmy. «•* (Ma DMft U* DvV —4 «My. a— i ■—■ll fcf a—a—avaia ft* «| ft —ftA • ft*—* Ss^sr?£sSfsrir, rs p*» * IftTftMUtH ' HM—MMMr-r «e ALL V— ft— fi—U . SO BLAHS! BO 1010001 A H WIUUUUM, out ciTXAnHir Crystal Pal®oe, T^ratur—- —i ii MM _i SplikSS— i«MMmnm ► W . a^^aM,, £j**“ *** ctbi Axrmjß v as urr fioniiiilll lirfln. * m isttissar^ J>» i. KMA JOHIBOI |T ECHOLS idr oilti j GOOD THUGS FOB CREIOTMAS. snujSk k.JTw Oramin ta * -—r -*m n *Za!aSL “ *—«* oa»r w i iaii a~. w— ta. —f— Aaftft* apaaaS ft Af «*j»- ■ M—* r*»— yw» vam rwinii »■ a —* — "‘~ i * > ' T “ *Julbv*.iS )ft ALL FOB BALE AT THl* «mn: * rAHAK, U MHH )27SS* °°" * “^T M—m—«M *7 —O— L— iT*mSt • «*Zats—Mr —a i A ftft^l— Ibi4 jg—M i WILBOH, CALLOWAY * 00. Or Maw Vak, PLAITATIOS FOB SALE, Aaß^^SrTrrSS TEEM* LIBERAL. Par paaaft——ka Bb flrnr* HOLIDAT_GIFTS f In lilt Pna AsnAiaa A—4 - £ E» —*“•*' • *S m s I S a£»Ta*a*r “•?£?,J jTEi* hjuit inrun talcs* at ■OO,OOO. numani>w .aaM<»w ■a>w ■■ i I m la— a aTaaala JTwa arklLa ->a * rr'inLr-^STisrisrL'" a*aaiuuk*aa «■ ■■ «v. >' h Mtt'uaL. batawL''* I, au •’ ■ *. »a»a M* ikMaat SftJU I=MS «Ei- c - SEXT,*! .UITSL-T I—a am— Ma.. OaaaaaftM Obm— M—l »«# ssra s5 mjnotiai: «■ SGZ2S?ittiS£tf&.tsr' M. IM— H. L M— L— HA L— »aaL M—M_w— A »*# SSstA.ftsS.SJ.vii-! S^SS&KiE jy*ajk«»» »<aaar* "altk* ar aka; tUStSm, to . / akwAan waluaaaikaa I * *JLft*ttfes