The daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1865-1869, December 25, 1866, Image 1

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THE DAILY ERA. f*WH or >iiw vimo* i '**<*■ U*» »<•* ...»)#» k* Ul.Tta* «w>. ........ ».», IHVj.UMII.Mk lug _- J . ■***» w tIkVKKI IHIHO. Thrv* Meath* rw« V ftita •Me M bUi ■ aratar ihwa. “5* **■“" II" Ittv '(MV* Tw.. If. ... nIK M'» Tkft*fc«Vkf.* **•*> a.*. ,14 01. Vutir »| .«» » »uu Hi..., U. ... V* >"«—* k«> Wk v« 1 Umtw • o.iau 40... »•, u lift' «-daati* mi* 7<i i«i mi uu . Tvo-Utir.u i otumn «.*, <n mt tai *#• Ob* 'uiuMtU 74,*, |(«M,, IJft.v AitnrtMf (Url. u f..r • W-tun* |» tuft the* ilk» b* u.mtu .1 M • (tale. I**l ,4 tw eatrt fr.NM ll»* ft*... rft— •*••*»*• •«# lo tioro .*r i—*. |»r Ur* Brut iMrr Bra, ftl. fcw ruh n!i*«|iuiil Am 'uU «••*. >»4mi u» ixi ii, iuuml after u»* Brat ia itmuuh.*!!!* rnutl b» mtrk*.l f»r ary** .d*<! Urn* UMrfltl at iiiWrraia t t*. . !.*/»• .--I aa OT«b iM*n«« ftU ftlrrri.t. j,. i.t« nr n<><»-*« n# *.l *r-r»ia» tmtita ***** t#W Bmmm. 1 - are mam-ft.l- *t lb* r*U *4 PMere-twa «■—!» a Uu* t 4 lifh tBTPI n >•* •***•# wiU *i j*r%r for a ft»« aura than ■>«» i~m ul A4r. rtiarui.4iU ua.lar Mar U—l .4 XnUOft" **• '1; ruiU per Uu- ("t Brat UraarUuu. aud lo cattle luc «uetl NUajMllt kJjaartoKA. Volauiary c «uuitaecAlaM, 'uetaiata* lntruetia® or BpWtai oewa, auMntrd frvaa aa«-ry t Beta . •Mart fr ra «4a »*rv« craft® ai of U.r Waft- aepenaUy orKIIKOir THB BKIi or-frau im mia kiljc »cua>i»o, (utm or 1 KAJUJCTTA AXU FKA< NtHU aIkUT( tHTuutftati-1» art ir*t‘tJ M ow bur im« ntw- Mr at all bitua, day and ui*hL Tt EBI/AY MORNING. I>K- 25, !*»}« i.ktti-.ii iHim MU4MHMU. larmn.t. cuuimujhkmi or t«£ iuui >t* uu.] l'lriuprimu, l>ee. 18. 16GC. At tin a tuna, no doubt, .you hdV*- dß* uverod i tb»t the talci*Tßtu annotinrintf the th-dth of ib« Empreae < urioiCft. of M<nen, ia a “cantril.’ —' Quite a number of tbt paper* bar** acru .1® and devoteand affynca opoa llm royal U*ly. I think «*•- crnr~ *i»*» reni* rubrm how hard thia lady work**!. whl wilU wbat duToU«>n to bar buahand abr 1«A h«r •lootnt hotna at Miramar to follow h « procaruH., f.irtOMCM, will U> aorrj Uib aru that tba report «m untrue. It la believed ml-iu; flnan. o-ru ban* that lb® r*|»ort ra®llr riyanat#.] * » - I-oM DHtht onr* of Uotniu fomjilca'' n« tamed to thr |fn>nn-l in New York 1 aJludt to the new flowery theatre. The obi H*n*i r> la to be lona doaa to m'Hi place to tUim. The new flowery tarurd. ahal ia to beeonia of the n®watayi and • of th»* rltr It ia aaid muifortunea never rtuue TL® owner waa .>«dy panlv maun and, Uo l«brat heavily, ftiao tb** dowht we aha l bear of numeroua |M‘a-ntst ilenlcra failing for want of patron>M{« fr«*m tb® W'Wmiu of till* rlaeal.- place of r< a -rt. Ind V«m er. r\u* u l the •fl *a -r\ f !a* nt once, and of atiptarea for n-al fun it l*»*nt* the world. Hoaie t)»t»c mat** whib* -li Sea- Yok tn taainraa. aud bavnitf never attended mv jej-r.^ at the ihuaire mention*«l .» fnend and m\*eU deternmie.l tw |Mttrom/* tb tnatltutloo, aud M-e a bat ll Waa Uk< Wi> . rcmarkaMy t*a 1 taate we went "iu fraud< —hid glove®, private b**t. et Upon oar < ntran * t.< the bit !*• wbn b a. were atrowri try-in r*:-tm*lnii «**».. hi*, app* irwiice, waa ao ardent n Inn ret --f tbe 1’ K . we were (fr*jrt*d with ail kind* of *-*l . atatnma fr.un different purU of tin- ln>n*u m votewa authrieaily auddde t«* every an«.-tat*>r I. an you know, mu of rather a fall hubit I may nay and at mv unt *ri'iu »t.- •elf the ueW*t»oya and >»<>ot»biacki» aremed w - 'Uk. a uliar pleasure ID b-\e. .. of ndn-ill® Han! one rrd-haade I hub *r. t* b, wbtue lefa were dangling gmrefully .-».r 'Ji. •front of the galier), to a the ml in tb- opj**- atte Ride, wbo®n atteittioa be bad In-, n '»!•> i > obtain after repealed v-bnrkmi'v of ■ bi hi and whiatiniK ••fldl Jiint look at tb< fm un, with a whole ffowrr garden iu biw weaktt. Now. if I ba«l bad an *mviiK.«< tantjn* t about q»y it might have given ri»»- lo the above remark, bot im it wa*h_ only h tew vitileu oraauivnied tm coat fetpjwl Seeing that 1 Waa annoyed- aa I alwa'-. am at r* mark* on rnv peraoual a|*peanui-e pnrtiruUr ly when my ■toutnem la one It* tb Rul>J-ct hr ffWUUQed bta wtti.*«RHiN and I taliv-* Uiere wm no part of my toilet that a *«• ti<*t lauglo .1 at I bad Irairned to aufit-r. ao I tan it ail in atletice and after fifteen min tt* * ag >nv tb. rnrum aroaa. My im|W®wnouH of the pta. an- n«4 very •orT-td. a» it te irup l<> bear the dialog'l- fr«*«u th« noiae ma<b by tb crunching Ot until am *f p*a Bttl ii thiN Ido rwineiutar. that • »ery a»t cl.»— *i with a terriftr hroadawt>rd c<»nibat tmtweeu a o<>l>b voang man of obacure |>arcuUgc »nd a a. 11- boro riilau*— wealthy, b nighty and ujy. but wb«» 1« obliged l» »uccumt» t*«fof» fc-.i'n.-m rent* ad«eraary In each act tbiß «e r> p. at ad. and at the end «*f each act lli«n<*oilai «ih enettred an ind- timU- nmulw of inn* 1 he curtain going down, ami there l« tug nothing to occupy the miiulo aud am u». the .great •*nn waabwd. «»hr box onoe iaor< taoatn® tb»* cvtt<>- iura of all eyaa, and remark % u> ue fnrribl* than elegant w* r« mad*- One httl* villain, that 1 v®nly tali. v«d black. 1 my iu tb m<>rnmg. abri-kt-d out. al the top of bn* voi - aay, I>an. Lamta.rt, lead u» y-uir hoperw glawe!” •• iia the tat etraw that break* tb- *nm« 1 • bft«*k.*‘ ai»*l I undated upon going t-. my friend ' v|e> waa highly amused at my dt«M'«*.-iQAlur*- oa the way «>nt we inrt oar pagiliatic fro nd, the aah«r. and spun my aa>mg am*h oudui i aa w« b**J «ÜB'wi.hl »a. highly rt-pir . In an«.w»reil, “why bb**ra ».*ui he** ft*, they arc aa.|«iet aa bunta to-Slight tw what tb. y a - k)*eciaiiy of a Saturday night. au4 wiHind np bv aakiagoa to go and ‘Vnrale with him at *l-*.nky Jin»' . "ho “i. nky Juu waa and what **gnx<)e n..-*»n'i, l w. entuety ignorant of and ap i .gi w.g f-r mm a®cwpLanr«* ol h»a kind mvitan * • |. j; 11j•_ Unuph* and. -luat.d to the 11 4oi Mirth \lt ally it war bean befru- I regained ui' • nipo aure. aid thru not until I had partaken ol un •xcelleat ‘•mauganaow- and a letll* of "Y.-r ■cnay" at Uelmunc.** All night long ! w. iu«.l to hoar the "hi lw a, bwl y t x \.i the clink *Ou tanging of th- l.r- ■ *d-»w .»rd* and munchiujf of pea-note, while mvnada of leg-, dangle*! oainoaaly our m\ b ad. din. . tout c«-U cat * bang* .' and her ado m-t.-nd ol aighu aoch aa l imperfectly dia*-ritw>d, we ahalt have thear pi *<•-■* of amu**e mrut converted into atorea. while th. ui. hi-.- b®wail the paat glon®a of rr lLt- old |t.TWi*rv Have yon ever heard of John Stc>t.«. ~r »* ' he waa familiarly called "Coal (Hi Johnny ’ Thia yonug n*an **» an a*b>pu**l * n ..f the. Wi-iow M< i tinti*ck who. al her d-ttih. whn h oororred a.on- two vearv »inre. left him tb well-known and erlfhmffd. ‘“I farm which bore her name, in additnui t*> ru g_ -lw and fItHHMtO in - thin h* mm <wwi ddevwd a* e ung mar, o' *,” •*1 ywuni-, but n«> •dmalion ll* came to tin* . t*y auw camimenewd e fearful row mi «•< d-tancinr' and wtehealnaea Ilia inr.®»v waa roughly calcu lated Id amount to per day Before h< h*vt b®en many day* here. In* waa atvroundew by a gang of ramie* wm* money fron» him like water from a »|mngo 11 iw ex tra«ag*m®CH Would re*pur- a \ mute to con tain U>«m To the catiman*. whu drove him from the depot to the bond tc ga%« h ow I. and pair at horwee. and Anally furnndud •. hoone t -rbiw. lu tua ph\aiclan he pr—***nt*a| a inagmliieut m>l ol »oiid»ilv«i, ialm-1 .*i tIiKJU Ilia lav write WUUMUK pipi a»ll waa h* .trw»|we«t different "liimim- ol ptewanre," and pr-aout every inmate with dt J gant dtan. *n*l rmga Notwithetamilng hi* itum-n««- mrimali <**.tnmeiiee*t to And htin**-lt pmlwrroM- l u. j money mailer* gud 1* ft tin* city foi a -iu.- mu. | hi> well* flow n/, and a lew dßy " mi„ I th« entir* |*t- |h rty wa*. aold t«» pvy **• x* - • thw. Govern men l amounting to oul\ fll «x * | w i.d. ffhM • ii • dto Ttw» young ■taii. bad he follow'd th'- awn. " of tho«e who really ht« tiiviid- mu t day have b ->ri we.diby l** J wid h.» «1 nu. * . It ia. nOliwdf tregteta bia fill but lb.»*. ah.up era who iiiaili' him thiu iicUui We bad ttitv Rionifng. in North ltr.*iv*l at re* t. a lemMc tire !«•«.* o*vr W»I w». *a w» v 111 I nauo-d Waleloa who fund.• car p*t. «'ept in Me budding, and av he li%* m*l l-.-n- m-. ii cm |a«» e*. tunc. !■ ■tlf«|*o«c | |.i have I »i*h- In the lbm.e ii may ißUnet yo« t** kn »w th *- w. •* tn at baa taeu tiiU ivd iltlw bot awn tu* "lU n- THE DAILY NEW ERA; ■ A Bit Kb HI HI), BtUller.) ter New*, c.m traoy ami th® «Twfl®4 Hr a tea • and F.iir<M*e«i* News ( Vxnpany. ** by wkU4*h |®i- P«ta mien at cl Mi Uu* Bat Will It r twr ali tho for* m-u an-I doOMraUc n* w» at al«*ut the Rain- price aa ia • barged by tba old j u»ou**pny fur the Daw a. CueaaowoftnAH A At ■|>ecial to th* NVw Orleans Tnnn« aimuancaa tb*- d.-ath of NathAni*;! 1W wi*u4 of the Miaaoun IP paMicao, an*l cournwUtd with the ML Lu«la preWh ft* forty years. Jrr Jpffrrvrt, tmfDght out "flip Van Win kle" in Wtabington M-inlay night Greeley tlmika of aroeptmg the in r iLatum loupe** in New Orleans. Wm Jon®*, of Marlbov, Maryland, sen- M need to ta hung fur rafi®, baa been nwptud by (j.r. Swant. till the 36th of January. fl hop Com, of Western New York, ileliv rred « lecture m Hartford <»n the "lduty of Northern and K*w»thern Civiltaation.** The rbirago j day go* r* gave an actress •iOfM) worth of prwM-un al her b*-n-fit. Tacintj r*pcrativea are allowed r«® clean sheet in two week* * Hurrat pr- xnro* to be aa much of an ele phant a* a lion. An lmlhuiapofla girl ban l*een *>h'-.ting a Terre ili'.M Uudlord for nivue luf|*ropei coft dnet. TUK yMing la*ly"a request "make nn- an offer." Patenr Medi.-mea bait- b«C'>m- •vnmionv nv with bum bug ami lead m*ny !<• hokitate ibiut etrv».Vj-*oyWM S cnn><fti®. Los*,** jj. - d, w. cannot, atrrer tn rr»ti»l-*MniihJ ail, m rely Ih*«muv- *'•?!»#• unprincipled «|aa« k** awn t<* tkalm od tit-ir nauM-atiug *mff on cre.lnl«-a» humatiMy Tliere ar« win* pr*|**reti ms. «*o «*f which a® will tn«><ance, I'ertuiil flalm th«t ia de«* rvinp «'f putJto palrußg- taing |»r-- pervl by a *kiilfui < le n»n»t. lir. Mxrwdm «».<! , lA .wiUiout d>>ubt the U*i*t i-xpocU-rant kn -vri, ie thin and nd healthy bib- ranted »« se creted: h* nr* the flrst an 1 ali important for the del ill tat* I *ii»l dy-jijt. »h<>uld ta t*> i-ouitnm t it- piir-ii- al»<ii * fhrtr id "si Ri*tack * l>< and I’unli- r not only punb*-*. mu«l enricli— the bl -«1. bat add* Lb* gr*%*t prmci pl* * ahi u g.* it p *<r to dm4 ili« M'. Will yt p***r:ul. and w peoali.irly <.«<•.•***■ f?al tn ii - oji-ratcii that nf» w tw>tflr« tak* ti in eoni>ii) t»' i lbw.acks Hi -*t never Ini! f . '- I ‘ M.-le ..f ..•*< until tb* bl **•! i» p.ub.l. tin*- Wb.dc MAi«4 Ri r*U Vtgfsl. ,|:1 thr-.l lp.Rof lit*. MUictt ta.' ■I hid b.tu burden-. ti -fui pbu- ir. iMv i vim J 'lrl’naUiik' «l- nc . h.-apand neatly* < *tm* to tin* Kui -fN • I’LAV i'ATION FOfrSALEj b Coahoawa County. Miiaissippl, Vboit.kllj nm— . «...:, - . u>. Kwu. *;.. !• ' • • i*:i*n.M :> ' ” -•»**•*_ M, b T Y. K Ms lv I Ii I. Ii A L . r-r i?h • .k « aj4» i- 11,. r a» om a LUftd*. •.» V •-( :•* ~ U >’t»r Mir. * mn ri nuu ii ua • .\ v. n ■ l |4» u* . 1 if. \,<i ... f - •«* o*e r -cu* • •>i.U>uiml..i«.* no. .a a »«r« iui ri*ti« H.». !■ • as I will br » H g.« i t caw* HKU. a lit 1.1.. i limp Iviiml for sale. »)i k*)l| 1 •*••• fr *n Abacla. JV a-rra hitaiyc tM.U.,I • --H- -r, XTi*. * U *** Ml.I . UUJL * aug*i < K-». 1-aUl’a W'nta ML A T K KOOTI N fi. 'l'll* 111 W I VII M -1 IT. (|VIV, iVKf.SI * * 1 * a*.) i«art <1 11** *--*1 r " ' ' $ A k. 4 1 -it vi.t H. S"t*fS %«!*».•« »• ■ la » *:* A»u-.ta Hi -wri •• iw. tad Pills v. „ . FOF N--- CHILLS & FEVER - '. A CERTAIN Riiik Pm# <»* —•rO-"* r nt | r*Ma- W*- K'gioa#*. They Ira <*iA»n.r #;,#Ja. . nf • pot* Cl" %lntmrtfh. I »r* ’. v /<<ap*n' i •1 *T*rp)r y C(l«n>. Hi .» Mv*. <*f a" *.- •«•' M • w Tl,# a>'.» •*»•- . I- '»» B»r thw l‘,ua *• i*,"L a . t u, r » . ' « . Mv.t utl> r.v . .f «II.J I «* *\ I* HV» L. I»l wn %»it } pi ui.*i*t* \i. pi aj* v. ni mi K till IA as4 * ’ #frrin*m -» » t I l»*w u.a d’Wrrftvna, a*. . .*•«. »i . B t t: «-y ai.i c ail that !* «-l. • :f-r t‘ »»»> Try «t*a »- «. a*T u. »| |®r- t.miltgkmm * #M/a. 4 have • w*-r f »o«L as-I un baa. tati na . rre .i.raat,4 l •ni to pul Ur U* •» 1 II w ATTH. ftli* I AU'W* “ T.l .11 |M,k C- - ran.a . . .f 4’.ft * Roßl.m ollLktl, JuOac Bia' trait W* 4} W vi.LiK. *»»'IT M.'#lr«'UrT t o Ala Jl-«« Al l T H • LITIIKIIaU- ■ W^u**r V A a O>.L JA* II HUVIIK - * ita Wl oi |. HI i> H. *»# r V HWKAior X'tfhaM. S O [a 4.1*1 MtsoV l N .i|ii.H Urt;. It Ala MIKL l- DiN.ta. All y at ta- #« KM aay. N T BLOUNT A HALE, 3ole Proprietors. AW.+m*. WUOLISAI.E DJEPOTB. ilarral. Claiay A |«: « l.aratara !*t. N. Y b. J. llart A lu, Saw (Hiaaaa. ta HJ.nal A Hals. M ntr'intt J Alabaraa. . fepM»l«l l»y Ull I rat Ra. Retail Price. $1.30 per B<ix D« receipt oT |I S*i, -a* h..« af Hu- !**’!« aril; ta m>*( t»> aar part of Iha Uall—l «:®lca HuLl Wb :• «a .. a*. ' * I U U All -Id \ 1 rk KAHV E U-Altl) A« *» - OrhUA " ri'U AUD 1111. l l). 4.0 l ••*waMlU AT Wlm.Um:. xnrt hrtw.. >■_* «»l ~i» ... •<*«> 41.a- DURYEAS 1 MAIZENA CORN STARCH fr*p»rHl freas th# tinmrsr is iha v cobx, Blur lurr, PiiiiKV ( mas C»ln it, it. M X /// V I Is untqualßd by any prepsrDtlon from Corn for Food. DURYEAS'GLENCOVE STARCH rJ?6IWi r SIF SWnTißfl KSISS; r- ta ta I. ata in • aiOh a-4 * g .«!!*#.« M *1 aa‘» *Wa •"* lain, M N"iil*».» H— waUaa «a4 P. ■»•»». Um Vat»*a*. |l >• aa4 h> Iha •*** 1-ara aaaAar* I- V-a-. * *-•* ■*>•••**' T»w tw-w a* la# Mr-'. Id 'HI KA. raav.a*s *ka Ri,lwl fS "W-Ulal ta ®>lt. U-ta I*B4# ll..u*H,’*Vl" ' ft »•"•«**. Aaan.»«Oa« a««V lb. W •• A !»..»«» >»-aa>a. •» .*a.M«.4 »• r* ■" • and Ha r " *"*' «-aA'»W >N* J Na»a t* ■ aal WM. DUMTXA, Agent, IS* rwiban *A. Mew f arH. ATLANTA, GA., TUESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 25, 1866. ItArUUJAO 4I'VEKIUUtMEMTa ■ LUPHIM a (HAKLUTO*) KAII.RUAB. Through Bill* of Lading for Freight L'MOM ATLAWTA. aad all lA* pvtartpai .Am tm r 'irnh..U **.4 AI.ABAMa. ta-kil M taa*. ,4 ft, M.**pAlaaja4 lHarNW'a Kaltrwad a# tt taaia Mm . i I *»'. IU T*»a al MATCH AA UfW A4 |« uahaakij mr * xMrmx , uiu THE WIXTERX ANM ATI#ANTIC R. R. Kata tba# aa4 Arwttaa uaanOow wMD Dm Memphii and Cbarleiton Railroad AT CHATTANOOGA, Koc Omen. IA. baa, (War*. < octal®. Oraa4 iaawlna. 1 JvA mm. Vulftarj. Rot ortaaaa *a4 aU las rcual EaU Ut Het lrainw*. lUina . Miaaourt. AOaaaw OTMMpp*. I>ll tiaaa aa4 T»u*. w. J knm. _ W. L uTmLAT* 111 I tl>l (Math TV ft*« Ifni K « W*Jta L 4-« ara*> >«taaaral rnagta ftr—l WESTERN AND ATLANTIC RAILKOAiI. OK Alt' AFTt-M WUWBEJI X. IBM fAIAUIOU TVaina win raa akAea 041*0 KOKTH LEAVING ATLANTA U.®o A. M. Dall r -#ir*p< >«a4ay* 4#r*at hartferra Mall Atrl*» a* I alT'*» a# iwl- M. ntmwrtii* ante ta) Taa |- ati-l HOTlfwftl TruM \ « (jMinU. L»«- Ntur* WaWbi ngX-A. f»tlha**, FluAa AiitaatalHl Y<»KK arr»»t al HUT TA V NalA l M f M o*aaarH®« lit Trraaa *4 h*#h*UW aw,! • h*(Wu»«a Haar»e*l Urn Raalmilt. LcUa*Ute. a>.4 (Aa U«w. m*. ! 1 run# 4 W-tt-'i-t* wrr*. *-AarbaOToa laraW te-. V't H- n,pi..# N.a • tWu*. Ac *•»» p - Ltatlr—v*»#rt WteAtera Aral -444 I- M • arv-rat.ite TIM, lin| 1 m • * M I wit -ail arH A.wa P. M. I>« ll# -Ic iptrM a> m ! n m» al ' HI a M —*-| (Am •*!• Irataa 4 h«aa*u* bailCDat Ua.»v» Kaiir-ted Lr HaannAa, taraarvllW. a*#d Ui* » ,at odmiao .m*rro. Altim t: AT ATLANTA 3.«® A. M. I>a 11 y —<• r* a 1 W.lft ,ra HaU tam* * MATTA*»(R.*A ea> r M can • 1 • Uik«r *iU> Tnutea 4 HaaLtilW-atedCDa* tumefk ativl Hra|iM ao-* • Wii«»a Bad tair-rad * 10.30 4. VI I Rally tUOTp Reaßajr* —Dallaa M K.*Hr-t •«- 4 1 *rtrre ii*. LU. Rian 3.1*0 P. M IRa 11} rtrrp V«a4a fa —BCI- P»»M Hk.4, B|f r-!/« r llialUl. -v» • «. ii A w U®A.i.B raw •x.tte-lteteia eiU. i.v- ‘ lLw.r«wi _ . —i--—ii - -a.— . _ & Hl*lil Trot tea. joh* b mm.' d*r*J—l/ HteUt triMprunoa .NOTICE TO SIIIPPRKS. Oera » u.-r»a ai»n -a. j AtU'T*. <*4 M, IM 1 rpiir Hf-Wl Kate® .1 rr-nghl N-te- Q AUarda. ate ' J » lattao -yi •*: •n. «Hsat aud «ir.*r art,< lea. p'tfaiiah -l iu *.r alar 4 (4* ia* O -'ll! u- <}:ara>a Uuu—l -a a,, i alusr <». S. .tar L ar>4 ail fwi|ki will ta rf i.a. : - . ail- r 1!• at ».-• a.. Man-* w.lfc pat*- Uat*»--l UkroutfH atk-) l#>a. iar.fla m%.r. Ate— i IBS H It* K. M T. THROUGH RATES ON COTTON VIA WESTERN AND ATLANTIC. virnDcia am.tkam —ei: kui.roaijv rpHf. f-A-.w ae IUI ta« »n * *Jm#K VtlL kil Y Liu 1 !»•—:. re# UabvU i. lal '••• I >*ti an! allot V.-B*i-rl T. (Vwte-. 1* u p»ta 1 . S-e Y 1 ... ! A *» » r. I'Nilal* U‘U#a ... « JO U T fUi titt-w* \ I*i AAA 1 ■ »*T' ron. * N J l 11is<i*|h Hiltag 1-ad u. w.L tea gt»«a al pmat of > » jr» * r-jfl.r'd l»iam Atlanta and V ti4l I ..ib« eta t»v ira..#*> rr- 1 xmly al :«a-U u. Ate 1 «ta* »• r further tetarraan « apply **• J w KnflF.KTmi* O- •’.Ui-rn Rr*.vLt Await. W*a. and U A T-ui. ftaii-at Una. (kHuUMi rtt M T 1, ,r; U W a A A K itaau -m THROUGH RATES ON COTTON Nashville. LouiavUle and Cincinnati. W J - T >Jt> AM' ATI.IVTI' HAJlftitAVi i urrv A Harm •># la*K*n«i*ni« J ah .«n. 4,1a . V-.r»ii#t 1. lea® \ r flfll. I <Une~in*f tarvfl l.aa —»u hr H al* I t i.t*rr«tal lo taA, tirrt ea aod atm >k—«au tar 1 I cm. Atlanta, 'la T- Naainiv.. I na.wr .tt*?rrNN T I#-#«— iL»— K- ofacky AA' pn hair T * n- «H. 4 Vp*f Hair Til uwL I'l.v* .4 tatar eu* ta wot*.; *«, at*-«* |. im« ati-Y tt»* »N »» r»u— »-lanuitaotl Har .ua ac a.i.j-N nutßt. K*•at* arv rua>>.—l to t'utnai#' »arr and .J'ls a treiaap- -rvata *a. n reqatrr"! 3<lH> B IT' I 1-0 « ll ATI.S ))> COTTON To New York. w 4 . - Vr» Ir» »a® Waau m and AtiatitM a— r ta -a . I*- Hot 1 .k aad f t *:u**T» al R> •• I—l IW*. a. t aft wd u . •4a|4>-teid •... (La-so-1 ta »--- :. :. ,-f lalini giem an 1 tta utra ■** <iu |oal-,N |fuarai.) «L HL'i“writ ta te-jn-fsl »*> ti.aur- aca.f.-t strand If .u 1 W«*r partka'ateai'i lj lo J iHN II V»> K M T . « . -4. rw a*««l Alia*,Ur Railroad J. W K< *’ * A UIWU.N, *>■ 1 •• ru Irrifht Igrni, H and A# a»»«l Vft at. 1 l raa Kan—Lu*« ATTK.NTIO.N, MIII'PKKS. A * * ll ' B*M <• Me IN- \aal.»'.lVr an l • *.»*'# \ *. a a,. 1 Naa. »tiW ai-J N rUj • f.. Ka •*» I• • • arr ,r. ,*ml U aigu THROUGH BILLS OF LADING. I 'Vr>- si 1 ."tua, I'btetejp.. UtakevUla, ielf«tre.«nta I‘actor a t> niaA, U ip-nml* mr. aa-wetem thr raar*v rlttat ••# Ita at- -r ti%n*»l 14a.-a h/ apw<) »t I>■ aa at ail uin«- Wr WiU MtUr all* *«f fotea, l*au*a»-< aa4 )>v*«\ haryra, fma » l#—n-v Ho* , a-'. '« N A V W a**l > 4*' A « kai>wla. « AIT ahkpra*t.»- aval* <—» ai.4 all. r tta Ph tnOTanL BHaTTRL G'H Kl» A«» rrr\*-ht Agri.u Na tX. aoJ N A N » K K ectlß A*^.. VS t LOW AS THE I#OWEST OTV COTTON, IY»» VHants ta New Yari «!a (Tmrlr-^e®. UE 'lUin RUI R-Ul' .*mr*L | iruot*. i*» Nii-nta m law ( I VIMI'HWrP (VITA -ill ta trete-Awta* fr.t» l Al.a-.ta « >*e 1 »rA *<a -1 •4-uih . ar 'i i»*a lia I road* •> * harir—*.tan.* t*f OTnat—ra at RA.e* |"'t hal# .4 «»4 ten R ® p naU * 4V* |*r# I «* - TNI -ftarvrl ta taY.,.aaa. THr*' trti Hill# Iwbnc t••***. and *rV a mns«T* rfn- na-vaar* s laaurai-.-r aval Ml Br- roqutrod »MW- ta p.w— •ion l tta XteU hal ah'ji—-r* at-t t—» aa Ti-* <te"*rw'a Kailr-tal —»ll *U* - Karr* >** ywnf«—«tna Kan- Thr "as.. e»f ta tarvl •- a*. 1 tauih )•«..!,»* Hailnwßa <e «v4a.^ ..".•tetn.-l t.m'hattate-ei w haul* Al) iK4tc«a »• r <tr« Tort an" ta tani rare .4 Far •atUiitei AA’-uV. K-iIA )Ko>UM Railroad tharKaw «L W I\lU n#*M%; •u|*rint«i..hni • <"•!*«# KaUroad H 1. I'LJAK R .tete>rral NruterleWOT.lOTil K'"U» C Miaa Railroad l> . I)r II V VE N , e na LEE CRANDALL A CO. C'otton I'Hofurw aet» • H> M MINSK )N MKK(IIA.\T\ lie (haute Ante. loolklw*. *feW»V lad-Keg Mrt iraulaa tn i k*N®4® otd IrWfißi BtefaOTpflM RURwi Immu mm f\mmu Bat*, hall, fta «P' Hra.M'tldrfl faDI-r laarannaa a#- taa itea* ■tekjwrawe” aaMww ea a® Daa. h aw I •ted rite* btftn pee hen , W AMtOT ilkllf M IMWTAM^ ** By l#ra®W«*e Aad all lrra®|iii arad I -Jar- ■ i >i j elt—* feAkm wy> RjOQ^ < 00l a. ' . - MU .u-<«a,b»te4 Vr-i liter ■Uaadiiw M>dla«*. fe ;**—* ''«• tern*# A*nrt#.<tea R*'ter"'*-'*. lWft. < mraa DteteMteK* TToilkteteiua A< . 'Upt-: Haada. I Ape, Ac . Hum at hja i*»te. I 4a Anlnotela. L. . Dc. ftW Bomae HD.® CBft. arad I. Maw ■dr by »U rx-eervau nintWr, A#- tod by KfNRT K < ‘PTaR. m Broad ea V*» 1 f» ■®- Aad by all 1 >ruA»~,«t* m utate Qa bULUA WART* 4 0 LrHaOMn ' - C O • ▼ A K • • * imvlwul CORN SOLVENT, Farr-raa. Hanaea. Warra 4a •dT Soot. R« <OT. 4 era aad |1 aamm ■dr tad ta ftl Ifncrw •»#'■*«Wm ir is) «• HLV RT K OBIT AD. DeffOTt «M Bread *v 1»« v *r% •*r A ted b» teU ivwrw t« AHaaAft Oft RURXKiv W ARI 4 OV. R*m , irlsaai Lft. - t OftTAM'B** IIITTER-SM l ET A ORANGE BLOSSOMS, rudumniv. tki ooKruanw r«*.l v> tf»i aa'. RiDt'b tta Da. r—a-ro Fro. btev P:u.|OT Kr-uptfcitea. Ac Ikad.r* arr n-« omot it *a prod«r«acw fti aL itßar. •#- tKitaa. 11. IT Rrd.l ►- ft \~ccpma .T-te-rerWro I •W-Vtedi.* HTMiI K OBTAK. Itegwi am Broad way \*« 1 -r* ■#- And ta al l*l-ecW«»r »r AdateOT Oa ILA K> » w ARD 4 m.. w~b I*ll * liteK Bnv a*OTAhere Ma>OT i • coiriß'i"* PBfTODAL Cor Gll R>: MEI) Y , rr < Cteßda. B wro* ft-w TK-OTt Prong Wh « p*rv • -*l#K IrJlterteaft Aathma < *twetayO>a 1 Dr -O. tkta. l»r u w. and a*. lw»ain rnt ID* Tkrw aad i-eMrt mr Drift— Rest. BP .4a.. A»d » ataam mr <4 4.1 H, ft W-egtaaOT *•** *-eta>e ## u.l H Nt>M k oertAD lOTpaA AM BroteA •at Vt W» •* *Bd by aft IkWHidi it. iUwta. Oft RARDRCV W ARi» 4 (XV. D*e . Irfteea Ua.. Vhnteab AgOTte U ■ratDii a Bmm -AU4TA M • B - uJKUUDATBXI RISII or PILLS, 4 I'KIVRBDAL XMMRBB PUi. r t V#ro-a* A H—4a-ft ta DWOT t'.K* 'Vila r*«*rx and gwrte* d«M®OTMM «and ate* , ItetfOTte'* u*»®tetea ■ M --OT Bd«Bft, a»d 91 OTaaft JJ ta H IX CM Bread way Ree T -*4 mr A ted by all iteagetaft *• AUnaAa, DARK ax Waap 4 00. B*a tatateteft l ft WDeROTato Ageata 4m a.«ei4ira Baft* «■* DBA JOHN BIJlAte P OOMFOUKD CEDIOI BITTEXS Ta* I ■«—« aa* aw lapurlHHl PtocoTory a* in NINRTEKNTH CCWTt BV !!! M* biOTite-y M MaTBBU ■fi'cT da. L lata MOT OT—ry. laaaaaat ft |JoII Bull, U IkninilU, tuttuck, f I ■wuiraeaM* r*tww»« -e ■ftraaparCAta tea* 'st *- 1 w (ta bead mt ta* «e*a>ra» | i mt mm HU « ■■ I W -IU CW.t, W. W. I » HU HI ..■ -- f«. W. Im Ihik ■ i \ ia* «W? 4 , BO •Wd 'i'lM row It m**MOT-ro mmm Ttat Motot Omrmg* mm m i Mdi anaka< Kara re» ■ ■am nu-T v War'd —, | ' [ h>imotT * utii m ta -u. ... k.c , n Uw MfMf-TH* IR r T •PMPBI4 ft ta rmm — A f»! MseM g Bka* —oteter. |Wt at* W heal ■r l '**“ a»d IRA *""• r* ll l_ 7 tem tta eta— j—wed u tta taer iJT. and rop® n Rnertae «lalj *rwt tea m rw tare lb— a* *S«a :a tta *«rt4 B* tavrb ferowa a rotate i ct «*ii‘4»etee bet tta aero ta— t*wg mot • bra tft —uw otA duw *» fj *“ ■* w* ttl'K TMR A mm ITTTRM Itta troe. aa I—t -HI a—*r aa* ar* •etaro Tl a a*« tta * fßi U **■"•*"* - BORKU.UIKI OR RL 10b 111. la aT aM- n >n* r tta Drota A- w*4 *r*e * taet Rb*ete*ti*te aad Itewalfla. Avr m Fever and Agile, tele* cAeaa -4 tta Bwar* aim aa ft*-« b4n ea#4 nroei tefti te«te* ta* id #BW « #d Ita wot nOTMQ Ball * Tot* Biror i T IDIXM 4 Ofk rwmti l« Ma» and»« GERMAN TOTS. i CEUBTHAB AID IZV TEAT* PRESENTS, CROCKERY HOUSE. ABBOTT V"m oL' ’ CocbmlbN i>b M erttluia Uu *-#* *-*- *-« dj .k PRODUCE AND GROCERIES, SmR ! Kali! 11l- R4TBJI nßOfflA 4aLT we ot.w I M Cot IVs( OTAr ay Adton 4M»« - 11 *i i i ir - Hits ! Hay ! Qr v UUITW4,BnOT'W .dated Am otMby Ol) ABMrvn 4 BMOR • ~1 ii - If-a Uuftlt Idee Can ram eeaWaat wd ta- aw R? j Rm«d: Rmcd! A MiUMCwfew Per ota* by A OmSmmmJm\k!!m^Zmm. •otIA-* a Mara, ha ia*: s*u : 250 - OraaaaawOT TT ~ -11111-- Omk» ! (Kn: 1 -it Ka e BU4. -* OdT* m rorwd ad ta IOU »y ftBWtXTT n#«r ! H®ar * •* fr RARRKUd rw l CMr KM Rai.rta. rw ta 4 O VOTte.rod r«r aa#* sty ABM -TT 4 Mi* fWraranian II ~ KaNp f ABBilf )W. IT RARBKUd tnn rwaafl? IW frora aaa - - 4 O Dtaac ta niot l ead ta era by CtaBMMB 4 Mb *1 Haewß SGBpcw w . CA«» tar RAa ta* roeOT«ad ftf O a*BTT a^Rßl* Ybvba! V arta! lilULßWartaryfara Tn ate b® IU AtaKtrr 4 4i os ae*lA-< - AUaara ha w hife Tntm 4arft < Bdrlbk ! BftOIM r v | V »AL» I ■aarej Bin w# ta »)Ur AB»rt-T4B»ift Oraai a a ts m Tunli R#fP ! R#v»r ! »)( ) tab* " 7 1 aadti Tnji 1 * 1 . »rtft -* VftteAal ana. ta lari ! Lari * r><r~*' —^ tBB(»TT * BKIYv Ukuuan Unto, ■H* -• »k.uWH atruM. in .pki’m t. ar.arwate*e» B Mb44ar« Tta b a tfttete Far ta by aK Ihwta •roryteba *a |l r* w^ta Mr. MrMMN CURE ~ * PILE REMEDY, PILES. . .. biro hftei 111 ■ ■hi rodMl aad etata aew mmmmf eara Try * droßy B ft wrviai la. "fotw4a4» a£ KWwfltas al M aM par beCta iCOOQH ' r OKK c«««fc Itel— ■ <V-»1 Ml. W ft* «a *j (iranfOT m bftieM V* ear* 1-- ■ ——r ft .. - -# *»*»• «. OtARMMEA. 1 ,'TOU.n Al to— 441. mvmr irtr rr. mmim) ■■■ ■ n w —«■— fWI •r. niwni wms. •to* to. mm l Mtototo mtotoMtom* to • «afe I r* T*\ THEM BI T OSCE. rr. OUNM6O PTWIL 4RIi(K PI MH. tnr ■nsni rrtcm. tm # <l COCKTAIL ftt «, ** ! UUIOV COCKTAU »H RBOf WBIULT COC KTAU. M—ltom. iftm m» ITUOT MUXU to ■«T» ■ ray *fr»f «>■§■> CaitoAa I »■■«■ »yw>. BOSS 4 00 B*. to Dto toto ■&W TOtoto •OLD WHOLESALE B) a t *n wm, ■ toUB A Oto. TiTLOtA I4U» Mir« Srretn bb4 Drtofci**. tSHTTA IBM tom ALL Pto MB MLLA1 1 10 BLAUS! BO HUMBUG I L H. WILUAIB, run LAMQmrr An moar MXTKSMirg OUT EXTEBPRUK Crystal I^alace, A*—to ts i ■■glß. "■ »» uca imu. Btohato <to*4 <*mm mrn —- SSaHr 3^rc^ir2Lrsr=LSi i EVEXT ARTICLE II THT» LOR ■ to M MU AT MB MALAB BAOL Mhwi *"»» JiToS -y ALL FOB 8 ALE AT THE BTOIE om *. riiiAi, tuuu .«|n. k xjooss^n^r t«4<T Tata „ WILBOH, CALLOWAY 4 CO, Or JT.w TTork, ■• " X_ " FT. «f A.THS’E PILL& H. IM ■ ■ ... tow A «W MUN I H TW. 9 M iwj* rw 1 »• ■»» .T* Ajart AfM Can, . .to If m raw. CtU r*.M Bfto “■*“« <- annul ■■- ~aw AH rs dto m 4 fmr tol •Am |rto ~ f—iiafa * «•« *tonai 4m «pro toitij to —I —A to* ml, m? » mM TaTuS * UJOJL. • T. 4LA BAB ■ ii 4 ntn i*ru -toMtottoM toAfcfto PiAw UFtWiIYEMTOI STAXW.TH TO THE WEAK! TOITH TO m AOKI>' II I O It It ENB, ; LIFE HKJVVEXATO*. *to*4A to matoto to Mato to* Ihtoto > toi to tow toA i* mtmmM. m* MtotoßAto ''*** toMtoatoto Ttol/ to l *—lS JtoT toTm> ,! TEr.rvss£SSsci: U.TtoUto MBtoto • toM*M* , MM* »Mill I TO rkmA I— TAto |M> awft njm to**M*»~ t» I* *to» *|M I kto, M4«i#TrkMift Pfto* toatotolMto I AWfMtoMjk^ MatolA totito *"** ** « Ontor tototo Tto | too*, n* ■■#*!> M to mm. to (to* torn to to,«r>