The daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1865-1869, December 26, 1866, Image 1

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THE DAILY KRA. TEB*I or K M Hirrim , Mr omm , •»•>> HATH* OK AUVKHfOIIU. OM W nu. CW» *a#ar» |1» mt |uw* * »*• utl Two tosaaree M> uv t> t* j». «* tWo* i|«tm »’-*•**« *4 m f«u o*™-- . l>« *.>*• r*v» s»«« >• #. #< v Ha n>|i»*/«o . Mou 44« t tofc<> Ow*rw < -~vtstib O' M * • «.-•*■ L' i «*ami. Mb. Twin wi * (Maaii, *A an lut Urns < ||—i 74 M QtWlWawniU frr a b.e#«g p-ru-l Uum. Utf' awwltoawkll b* U4s»*t..| M a V-lu. tv*. ui i*f fur narb «rs l» Um og lot. l~c Ui- utsnr- IM 01. awl be ear* Mlw| i«al iMprtl'Ni Am nate Tan— (i—A. bstoee or a* tW>it**»4 tfui iter IM » OWWMMBM b« Btarttnf l"f • .j—. , JV- -1 U** Oroit— »b • i. i ■ iMMVJii istonata to U Hutywl m • MO —* loortva l»4ar "I>mA IhiMOW.' an baryeabi. ** 'n~ ruu 4 T*t»n rir« cans a um 4>r **rto marrMua. tou aat»w will I •* a Uwa muu Umu </■«. l»»* 1.4 k A<twrti«ssn-aU un#rr (to- We 4 *4 -Mfcs is. »■*-«- Wa4) rwu pri In— |i r &ni iu*rrtiow ab l tu oeuU K# awa MbaojUNil iUNUoii - Vi<unUrr onmtnownwtt-»w. o*W>au* ißtawaUnjr <e ■panaai a see. aobiud flteae ***>7 <»•»«• >'••• ■Mure town Um runout e»uuw e* lb« WaW racially orrw E «r thk ska « cr-flTtnua n to* kilo i«mu »*r Miurrn avit nuinrua rrmn. <** a* »l> torn**. Asg aa>4 ttigbi. WLDXEttIUT MOBXIKO. DEC lutti. THK llk.lTK.Li ALUAItK. TV* aonouncru»< ul in our op#cttol ctobla L-l --•gvaaao Wadi»«atUy of *u allmahot. uffufiktva btod *l* lotial««. U'lvram llriiU r Nr*« Cotnpuj of tot[lauil au<l lb* l'uit«*d Kiak-a an<i Lurup#an Ntti Am... i*uor». of which Mr. Craig u the gem r»l BMUNtger, ouavcjr* lh* aawaranr*- to th- ra* Ur» of Tba World aU the new* of tb« «*Ut world, fr<»iu London lo I’rkiu, ant from Si. KVUTbbur-g to th- Cap of <r*vxl Uof*. will hereafter tj*|*c#r as prompt: and a* ryfiloueijr 111 Ita odiulull* a« in the on! mini of the Loudon Tim.a, or hut of Uj< jt. witaJa of Kur»*|»a, which «*n)pl«*y that *n«l »uJp)j i 11. tided orgauiMliou neT^,,fm»l.*TriX.r* rt ~r g|,,u Hcaaiapberr. than fore, i* too* U* !**• f**tm«l iu The World with a failures and *an«*lv unap pr «ibal by auj other j.* >ui u*i iu the tn*4i<> poiia. Ph# Renter Company haa ite agents in every eaf.itai of Europe, Aiua and Africa, an l m every city of any oonae<p»anee Nothing can occur in thorn |«uU of in* hal>ilal>i. gi iaUrvatmg lo the cirilix**.! o*T?on« r ass ling thrir rntereaU, which la n »t at me- r*-|» rt* ! lo the central uS<« at L>n l m. or whi- h n«A at oaco b* lel«|{ra|ih**<| t . The World >*' perfect, iudee«l, u the luachincry of th- K- i ter ( .xnpany that th« Mw>t # j u nala at I>«>l-n rely escluM'clv a J -r the gathering ai. 1 trau*mivs. in vs t*! M*r». Ihaa ttu* dapii.'atiou of i» prevented. «ud the *Mt<- of m *n*-y iu l* i* - graphic toll*, the Ihunr i ni|«any chuigii.g the joumala. anJ th« ui< r> Unn wh > Uk> cmiiui* rrul Dr«ra tliapalchca frotu th* ni. anough with a pfrofit to mmiMirw Unot t r tb*>a* toil*, which are thua rtuiuord t«. iu* iowewt amount, and for the c*j»«i.'»-n •' agertcHW, which are not n*** .ih-ndy di>ul>le.i. The rewuit ia a great aanng L* ail otm • rn* 1 The Kcaler Nuwa <:«»ai|*au> i* hut an - r matatti-4- of the eodh-aa aaUliriM *n t 1.0 which the eorial organiMn rahihTla luTT- .. ▼rioaa pt\gr**a l*44d»ea, liTuig Lo day. a i . . Ami in the Udegra|di and in the tiowapeju r u near <ha pier h»r h»a "Le rial ban Ju.u.»l lam f«»nnerlr iacUded within it* n« •< wuirj fomtion* th*M*e »I the u* » * gatherer, the puh liah.-r. and IK*- publicist The laat an>— it of the An*t, and haa ak>wly i ru. U* le* r antiated from it The tri* graph hantene.l tin* difT* rutUiaU'.n, for it made all newa to eotarpnac. energy, and < apiUl Na oonid not be oonr* .. i from iU p t origin to ite punt of publication l»y tl». ap« .ai tmaty agent* of the j<>nrtiah«t a* in th*- t.y*. when th* London Tioie* would keep a ateoincr. with Area lighted, for day* ou the <>f Fran*'* to bring lU OVI ui* M near a from a a* al of war New*, in other word*, winch had to t* thn.figh a nuwUi of baud', n i in.*wn to the trnetr. aivl over wir. * at. *t» ■light anywher*' be Lapped, <V*W to U- *l duKive. Competition, there i r*. b. one a . idle WMle of u*'ner aritii p*ormd»- '. «** whtwu equally tleaired. uiid equally c*»U' i il ium. the great maa* of cnrreut u*-wa ih* > unit* dto pna’iire O, confining to* ir mj- u Uon toother matter* au.t to more iufr-tj n’ new*, and thia um>*n a<»yn led to the r< *nni ing of the »L«'le )>u*ineHa **f - - newato a aingie c*»cnpany—but «**lnr in iW purchaa*. gathering, an l «*lc to an\ oo* wrho deaire<l it. whether t r c. rum* r r»l por poaM or diffnatoh in iiew*p*p*T*. Thu *l>ff»*reutiati"n of fun'-lona, or aul dieiaton of lab-»r. haa fruuile*l ID tl»*- and« r«d*ij ami and perfecting of l*otii fhen* * - gathering haa Imm oiuc m**rc troatworthy and •Khanatirr, and higher Hit-lii.r* n* *■ h*« l». * required, and h»« appeare*! in the j**nrt»ali*t wh<> bare con«trne*T n«*w« *li*paichea fr*»ui alt quarter* **4 lL* gLdui -aid up"i> * '- ry rabjcct under h«**r»u t«» th* myriad r*-«dcr* of the daily pre** A aaiuiUr reform i* g«Hng <»n in th* yuma ii of America Thw H*mJd, Tnhun* I Im • bar* tod Uiem-«-|\. % to an . . .t. j.*-t at ▼uinly pUoned to bind their y-r *n I n, j rirab* wrifti th»‘ *aine f« fter* F* World, and the great journal* *»f the which an* united «ith n* hi ace ■ ]•< -im .. thw reform, pirreire ita fmut* an I *>• w paring them a* lien lo m« ot all lU i j ur» tu* L' cie |VI K- •* .•] H*u>*Mo* « Turns rber* ir a chanv' . tnuiilion connect*-*! with the alte on whh-h t! • tempi* «and Hnhwuon *o erect* I It i-» - . 1 t hare been oeeup»« k d m c rum ■. by tw * br> th •ra, one of whom ha ! a f.amity, th- other ha*l Dune flu thi* •!*’•» Wa* —*• ii a fi* ded w heat. On the arming aur*. * <TTng Th«- hat 1 vaK, the wheat hanug lire I. guth* r* din ;>arat«< ahork*. the eld* r brothi r aaid to hie wif** : “Mr younger brother ia unaidatu bt:ar th* heat and Ymrdm of th*' dny I will Like of my ahtirlta and plaoe them With hi** *ithou; hi* UnowU»iga " The younger briber being actual* 1 by ti<e •am* batoawll—l aMiire, *e».l within himself • My rider brother ha* a faeaiiy, 1 !< *»< I will outolnkote to their anppot. 1 will an*r. lake my *h *eka and pta* * th* in with hi*, with* «lt hi* kli"w|e.|ge. v dldge of their mutual aatomahin* nt w hei . on Ui« following ni 'rnmg. they foun I th«-u reajtertirw ■h >* k* nmlimiiuah*4. Du* cO'irw oferenl* Iranapirr*! f.*r aer.rai, when aai-h rwn*?lrrd in hia «»wn muni to Maud g tard and aotve th* myal* ry Th* y did *»••. whi-tt, ou tlw follow mg night, they not «a**h »*th« r half way hHwenn th* ir leap** lo** *h»« k*. with tbeir arm* full l'l*»n grunnd hallurol l*y 'i an * ti*Mi aataiawwatlmTaiupl* *•! S*u-*m *.'• »•«! mi »p<iu|o<i" and Uiagnittwmb tim w>mtj« t THE DAILY NEW ERA. ■ t MtTL M Ml!) Ullar. I ami admiration of the world' Aina* in th*wn •laya. h>w many w<*uld »«>aar ataal th*«r ImAkei’i wkola ahotka, than add lalUtu a aingb aheaf Hhipmmii of gold fr *•» lleorwr tm th* wwek eu.hng !>•• • mhet 4. wrr« LIT.* oomew An •Bcitaw i>( MitWptvo otaicaa urer the pr» « am w« ck Aftciuu* Ward giA on the right a.<l« of th# L*ii4m pcnay-adiio-rw and they praia* him •Ktf *ragaiitiy aa the funnirwt fell**w alive. The lb»reminent owea a gentleman being in S* Va . S7OO f*ir hard work, but he can f g*t it uni* *a ha tahea the •* iru clad oath ' A « * icag** <ll*patch aaya th# trial of M *lha Tm * ■* > .- hid' I »>n Niturday night, as 1 r* *ulL-.t in coaviciing tier I! w t»» «*r* (hem Ii halt a—ls the blood la till 11 and acrid healthy bile cannot b* mm rr. tvd, htuce the ftrvt and ai! ltn|**>Tta<it thlUtf tor til* ilabilitaletl and drafMqitie ah**uUi be lo OiOimritra tbe purification «*f their hi*«o«L B*i«ck'n lUoid I'ohfiar n<*t **o!t pnnfi. * and *-an* l.*« Um? Uo*l. but *ll** th*- great pnn« i plca wltM'ii g*r« it |»c*wrr lo r**awt diaea**- Mild, r* t wctful. »?. 1 jewnliarly »n**c#aa fui iu it* op*.-rale>n tli.u a lew la4tl*a t*k**ti m * conjuucti *n wttli RotfcO'k'u lUood Pilla. n*v»-r fail to remove * retg partidi of unhcaltlfr ac -outuul*ti«-*0 until the bhexl ia punfi* and, the wh«d* ay**letn i* nu-onUd. an*l the duUaa of life, which U lore had been burlcfta, beutM I-b> ?.«• want Job Pruning *lone cheap ati*l neatly t ■ »iu* t*» th*- Eai oft-e ALL FOR SAIJC AT THE STORE o t< >i i: A e a it Kill. l*rirtu BUwt, ioooo 1. r'. id. ft*, fe "!.l tM.rn.uHS I 5 ' • I r. *** «v ■». •..!.* **. t Tl.r..L-r* ',**. ’ %u» Ii nMI J L -i ... tA* 1 T*-tt M it* B -V* I 1 ‘ . i»f*o II lr«« lUa(t o*a»> . 1 . 1 < lu«* -« -*nr» »m-*e*. 09 r i* .r«n. 1 iler pa * a. opr*- WILSON, GALLOWAY & CO.. Oi New Yuri*. Bam ;*• i*a t.ka umkeairwo m em» u»*t« .* ■ PLANTATION FOR SALE, In Coalioann Coanty, oi* sissippi, i•, . . t r. u m n u u r. it \ i-. For* **l. . \Nt» V. Ui;g;.tA. i • >1 > ... II .tee* .-*»• Th .o i r.'*-4i. ■■ .*t it- «> 1 * aad'wgi I li*.»t» Ltu.l Ihi ■ l-r. - * Oi ’ ; V 1.1 l M. l * li* *i ’ ' V v *rfit». nl.\ i !: uoori \ <;. r •S *t re nv‘ r*e * v He* . jr. • '>.«|« i« t 1 t- . ' CHILLS & FEVER . C*-SgRTIIN C^) hJ. w *4a.Til /• //•. l'. ar-^a.-. «w*. *1 vi" - r*.*V L •dtUa** Tl ■ m 4-r tv-- f . i. t it. * • • « ' * kIM MaMVM f Vl AO.'* -r »*-« *•»** r • II" •\r» » K» M w* Ai.r , I » It. : * U A I *M A t l»* t>f *«**-« • .**• •• - * ** k »•« » tr* VI * ' - *!i/?<yk«a*. IM.'.itn I >»r* W» rs . •> V., *Jl.l A n» ; ivn t« f*. -.« t«‘- • »!•*■ T II Wifra Fi-Oar or i *»*•*% - T. J 41 lH*k. Ji r " •*f»'.«..arlg .V* ~ tuny trf »-•: uh>.»* ii ■ laicuu Wm n U aU.M: V.«lf..*wTTrn Ala Ho.*. AU \ It • t.. MikliAhh. H , A a t« U JA-* II VIAVIK, - « Utoioiio Ring. 1 \ mVkM MrreUat S «* La til** to I«*(b tofUit ’ U *» MikK 1. W(*-I|e t" iii h* ."«• h .]«•«, > T BLOUNT A HALE. 3ole Pmpnrtur*. Montgomery. Aia-*4ma. WHOI.RHALR I>BPOTB. Harr*. Hu>, A Tempt "a Ut » M, N T. K J llart * « ... S** n*..-*kv Ia R-r.l A Hal*. M ng'.iuej A .»Un* Nobl I» V nil 1 b*ugg-|af a. ReUil per Box Oa racalpi g,lto> > .H W )Mg tto*- ms wrr ta *- at to aaj ja*t *f ;>*# Ft 1. 1 A U.'WL ? ' ■ \ ' ’ ' 5 *i ■' • i . - *ii 41 WT. itaa. •• M u LI . •«. i 4*'a*.u ■wgK UMan»«Rw« DURYFAS’ MAIZENA CORN_STARCH VHOtCKsT IMUAX CORX, Bias* lur*. Tr/ias. file, it. It. !• untqualKd by any preparation from Corn for Food. DURYEAS'GLENCOVE STARCH TU* Oiwwcnnt ru ~r erw VOWK —#-« rwii U'«ii tm w*»ain t»* (uj' ii r-oi, Wr .**»*,. f*W Am i> l.n wi n'ie*«a ks *w«4 m.-i l *'a*4i| W • li e* •• , .U« mm **v •**. M fW*i**lf to«*n*hN ami «*• ia- r> *»*a **•>• »♦* p »• *m4 1| Ih. |n* u.. Mi.n |« *wr W»W**M TV- I*.. Dl KIR* **--.**U ite ll -te-M r. m* iWUn# u.. ■•MM'u*. 1/nVa !*» !•-.» 4w>.t-W4 r- mi.-- -is *k« r—*• *V **te— I**l **a *v- r v**» *——,4 Ite* H *!*■•« »»«*4* WM DX T FTT.A. Agent, IM r»lu.n Ka. tor* Tark * QovIK Iff ATLANTA, GA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 26, 1866.> >.*ii ADVEkiikuaurnL lunu a riaimvi iutuwia. Through Bill* of lading for Freight r,'s»M imr/A m r “»* <»»«—■« u ■ w B. ‘ ““* T~« M BIBUIUt U j < UAJu.tu (,*. omHctib, uu> THE WEjaTKBI AID ATLANTIC L L Memphii and Charleston miim^i Y AT (IIATTAMKK,.*, rwenn. b. umm, iiin. . iwb im .bbh. J.Brx v r, %*. .Irtll la. ait B | 18. 111 »-"».t* ta W«et I I. ttnasa , w . Kkaipa. Ln*Mwi aa# Teaaa. w * . . wr. l tiAHLxy «i weal TkOat IffWt A W WAIXMX 4«e*» -•»» oM>-eal Knagfe* Igail WWTEEI AXI> ATLANTIC RAILROAD. Oa Alia *mi uti tMbMM X ina. ruaomu Trauia ***** rwa aa kgk>«s fbtntu Homi LCAYIKU ATLANTA A- ftowllf— laatoap Oreal AwrUltra Mali Arm* at I'Af T»n« a* 7•« F U -ta-tOH w»ck JLaa* TtoW, w.. aa.l i*~a#ia tUib"w# Trasaa* »« Knuardk*. Lgi.rt.bwra. Vtonnp.« Hub *»-*. !. * aallirto l*>kt ini** a* * MaT I ak* a NtA l 11 P M.'-«M.t*k« eilllraM '* >a-*.»ia- aa4 • )^:iax^. v » Kailrwad tor kaal. lUie !-• a«t.W ttel ih* Wbl ae4 Ira*n- 4 M/teito* ug itoart#h<a MMlruad |4#r M-tuikw Are irtiaiii. #r 5.17 r. M. Ihwlly *ir«H laMafM Dab i»*e#—4allaa lm.» aA Marv-tta AM r at • artaraniw 1 F M . r m ]«n.«uwr to • P. H. Dslli-Kiyrrea PaaMßgsfWlr n** at ' I»4lU<. .*fa i SB a M . —Etna 'wertectteai erttk fr**i •# AwAaeilia aag •'bai ita*.-«• fUAArrjaa tor Naafc vUia. LA*Wk*«tßa. and u*» W-n« tXIMUKI KtoTTL .A It It I \ K AT ATI. A VTA 4.44 A. M. Ilsllr-Urral »Mtk*ra Mall— laweuia- * liAft A>* *■ * A to#* F. tot M». Ur. uu* elUt 1 rati*- 4 kaaknit* mw! * uait i*"-v* -«••! M. atttl ' WrV.UH. ku. r*«*.U, a**4 lau « a« r m F M. <wto-a> uug • *U. Tr-lua >4 la*i I— aasd u-«km ( lia-r-ad !• JO A. M Dailf -w-pt l....aiaatall*>a M k.»gste« AM < artarsaiUa 1 44. Man 3.00 P. M. Itoally *i**pi ftaada ge—K«- prraa Ha agvr—i « * tea*tat, -<» * l to M«Am« fl«» nail«A->u* **U T * \a»> >i.>r ar./l i tiaiaw-w Qanrwwi U+J T~- h -| P>i f ‘ NOTH i: TO Nil I IM'IIIIs. WaaiuaH aat. ArUfTK KAiiantii, 1 <*nr»*a to»nia *r fa**-^*ar*n<*s. J ltu«j» lit atja ml-r to IW I TJfl H-.-a • Pr-ulhl hrlw—w Atlanta aa • k*ua»>v« i • t>-wt a**.! <a-r art. a— p • • iiu t.r i*a* *f 4 •». .* »ntl n- diß -.u U. . l * * *•**. r l aittl a.. Fr-tgkt *.L I ■ i a • in a-mntanii- eiih pub ! -I 4 . : Jr. ai Tar.«. —I . -Ai-. a JtiiiX H TLa K. M T THEOOOH HATES ON COTTON v 11 WESTERN AND ATLANTIC, YIKItIM V \M> IK>NKvs| I. KUl.kiKls 'pm * a- ». r» .t < a»tt-*\" rat half b#»* 1 •*« .O . t <je aa4 aa-r *~b «. j • , 'i-Ty* 1 r h - l* i* i- w 3-4 Maw I*l ■■ I abb : «w TM . .*L ,>. 4 . | *ju TTS 1 rvMuoor* k« *m J I.- i*r-..p v J 1 w 7»> •#* TV»e-*> *i Ii 4 Let * l. W gtr«a ai )-«ni 4 •b , u*. t.‘ **.-l r 44- vaarauM. -l. \ -. •» - r MUnU kr»4 X *n. 44 . < :« ..4,,«i rr» 1 uJj at Itel Wt. tu n‘.U» au.: 3Lri ,Jl. 1 ( lurtj. r *. ai-t>:* t i w KOBSSTKMV. AttiU. ru rF*<h! V."HL Wl\ ; ** 4 T o*. IL* «»' Pa#, vb i )•*«*' H PI a V I we* i W a 4 K K A'.-i.ia <*a. THROUGH RATES ON COTTON Nashville, Louisville and Cincinnati. imtk wt* ati \srv KUI R*>Al*. 1 “krt-Akra. (Ia \-v-aalwr 1 !•* » TUT foQi.Atng *ar S ua* agr***) ft by K ad* n.\ tv las- -#«■. t an mJ iflar k«tr» Ih. r I l-A Fr--ru \*ia«ta. Oa r , 14 • T i.uW* ,1 ® j—T Pal- T ANARUS/ L**..«U>, K »• l*-v Hal T 4 . *►.. 4 to j»r littb. I tt • rrb JUUa 4 laad.iuE mil '>44»»; i ala>** ■ •'! 4»» «. rate- -war%nt.«%l Mu hj ai, I*. •»!* *r- rtaid-d * rosr*tit*v -ur* aa < ; 'v n. x II %(4»-.r rraaat»*ru*. m, 1.0 D K ITI.n ON COTTON !.» >4*x% York. !, \< **- *«»!’ ba trai.-v-vned few •* -».♦ Rt Hear* t \ml i »a 1 If . ..u«f -*s» W» J*. r b*to k ia -«l . .t■ r. *-.*.! 'W to p-r <wii Tbr •*. It. • >f Lkhn£<t»m n/1 lb- utn ua d1........... ........... ertli I* fejaljvil b i* »Trv aga'n-t ®r-, an-i U»"a f n . I « .• Xati-v bj Axv . • pmm > a » -t iun. • • ; .t. ..a/- a-, i* »•• J)HN . It K M T. a ** -TAi • ! AUatiUc ltaiina.l. i n ■» *.. win. ". .. F>H|M Agent w n i \ . an | W ai*>( i**.u K-. -a* i,#-. VTir.NTIOA. UIIEPEM. \« anti -rj' 1 4 - ■* » >' f!.« towhnUr an 4 .^,*n4 , , » 4-. N -VA.-ere KaUi' «<1» *■ y' i— .-ac'-i b. «u•*. - . . THROUGH BILLS OF LADING, T * 'he "t I/njia. » a. -WrrwwvilU I*4 **■»•. timg l ttbipTi-nl** raw* A*-»*iai> vb -at. * " * 4 ih-a -» u*uae4 |4aw ».* k|^' .! - . 4. It* 'A. B BlU* a. taem- .4 , !>• . 4,. •' I . )*rr\ .ar,--*, Irw «i I him and ihu - '>4 v 4 V u •- I N A«' A ' MailrwAa oc ,h|i. m*'.. *" art. I aft*: lb. *ll. mWatil I *• i k tm. n*w ri*. a i^i Tt- UtnU N v * , an 1 V 4 X W UK. \> I.OH AS TIIK U>VU>T «»N t’OTTOV, tflint* tn >ew Ynri tod* (li*Hr«l#toL nr it*»ia Rtn.HHtr t»rn«TL \ AII*«U. ill. vw-»hrt um I * « •Vim Wf|' «<*T~r*v • W trail- ttt.l fwun to A' . ta r.. N-a 1 -k n* *—-vU'. aixl ?a uLk t , *- • ,lu :rai« t * harir-- Ih-wv In a4eaea-r*. , *| fk !*»• t- t <4 n-4 o*e» A«» J-W*».la f.ate«a a><* i«s • • ■ «»-4 ?ilLto,iktarifMl •»' .--at aldm^oa Hr.. »h ILU. laJu.» -a anl w* ». a ite**»rr«T. Ni » agamat »rr rrvjn.rsxl «h.t- IB (.—■« 1 h-1-..-Ul4 Hb‘.~*a«t w*Wne»l»l bar#- .t- |v«f *»* .4 ite- als>»» raira a. ali IW*..* ynwrknl »* kmuate • «T' tea. i• Th* ■** a*.. N- baro—l Ite. i.rM,’ • a*..! te uth 1 ar4u,4 tairali •« *'oU.« I to t't*arW«te>o m.-wteantn I All luaaw •- * >-• Y**rt mußt H- mi oar* <4 Fm | warsl.n* temUi iWogina Ka.lru*.i iVrVtk* •L tol l‘.»Lk. iwami 4s|-«i'i*a.l-o( r mggßk Baitrnail 1 11 T. riLARR. • *'urr». *.(i W iH»«*drr.i Vail t .robae Ha.W\uul ■——■■■— - I) . Dr II \ X $: N % LEE CRANDALL A CO. Coffon Fnctura fDMRMWION MKKf'll NINTH, .*ra* -r Mr.-a-t. tone Url.sai Uaialaaa. ! “ l *- - Wto ■ Five tiw b-HW. - ~mm fc—to— toa O* Ummm fafc - •hn#to««i* 7 HelaC*" R*4, ■###M. Bttorw* U a b#aM ag weak -was# ta itoMvf. aw* Mae aa a pna niWaa tm M Mp. Ms. la Ito Ms*M. KiipMiin. naas. OM I^. /a#u*s aa Plato*. Fee, lua*i.M OO* • ! ! a# a* wethlsas MWiltni -v MRtoBTK (WfTAR ##- a-toJ ia Alia#**. n* ail Daal-ce ■ii rr**ha* Ukna viiL Am., -C O • T fi It • f - ’* * . - '4 -1 ItCC K T IIORX SaLVe; ! l ,"l£-4isr4*MnM^toMr 4 *MnM^toM Paitetu. l*U-« ,ri..a4 I'Htrvl and Li*^ Ite rttu T V—a • .i4i.luar owWlmga Krepiat Cw># • tuiiaaw.4 A. fUw-1 Hseals Upa ke . OWto to HpIMrM, 1 MBfW Unreal.. Ac.. Oc *#* Rows mm ##- s. 4.1 by aC rtotipgisf s*-cywte«rs a#- tad *v Htnurk. cnwTAK t»sawM cm Broa* way '*• 1 rt aar VaJ by ag to Atlanta Oa. kiAtotx tor 4*l. a on . torv i-sal* Agents l* MiwMeam nines i -4 O * T A m ’ • * rxnm*AL CORN SOLVENT, r <' *td» IkaiuoSM. toraria. Ac *#- R'i*4 y rta to ns . sshl 11 ataaa ag- *VAI I.V ai. I **-*teYto» -am aa ai»j v« HLAHI to uaia Depm tm Brad us* a»» to rl ##- Akal hi all *■ kuanta •*a tuxtois. wa*i* a oa. tone * wteaae La. toTto lineal* Agrats to# bettor, late* ' -■ \ ■ • -(OtoTlR’l" UITTER-SIYI FT k RLUNNOR.V r*»h -toi*mrnxo the compixxsoik. fas* V A/Wr. an! ftnawtify rtu- tta ram ryes riwttM. Prnpiew. Er-xHteec k< le4»-a arv t. -a •**.«», it iu pr*i*r»e« *n ali filhiri. a#~ Ibexiaa. |L kg- \-»4 h* all I*~irtl»a »rm ate era ag-AM'-* Hl.Mtto iv Dfcltk Lwfu.4 Whs OmaA •I- tone to 4% to#- AJtet by ali ltrwggwto ■ Atlanta rta RtkMto «lU* * Of\, toonaMU. WVWnaato A.panto tow Iteekbncu Wat s itt-rom. C o UGH R E M E DV, F«r liefhu *V4toa M -arsaa— Mae Tbmaa, i>e* wv» p.tMt ' *egr% laAanaaa. tMksa Uesaafßm lb wtoual AMs ua, av 4 si. I tea .an in M Uto Thrul sn- i I-~»^ to#- IVettoa. n cm. kkeaa. aw* ». am to#~ +44 at', to i ujgls*a M»ery stew *■ ——— •#- tnH to. Ml'to Ml * a wrr A*. rwr*< «M Mr>wg fern. v« to rt ##- lad by ail irupiM ta Athwto rta. A on. •COlTifi 1 !" W—IIP ins HOP PILLS, a rxivuMAL t>nrwK* nu. rve Wsatoa- to C-aWI-teassua tor-Aeea •rlhato Mm.Om.M4tl *a to#-m *J b* all Itoya erasyewta to#- An* V» KAITE ttwria* lepm am |p«si •a. to* to •rt tog* led » < a t toraft-tom tu Uteato rta lukxito hid * on. tone ytrt sac 1m toy leasts Arab tow --n'hara r —n UK. JOHN BUIXM OOHPOOTTD CED&OI BITTERS Tte. I ■«»■« aaS Hal I Bp—tMt DißMTarp * ' or ro» NINKT K K NTH CENTTMI !•• aasr's aama M aasse nr -j mmmmrnma w«to to* tewwa-y «g MkTTtoUA IDk A •* m» Johc Boil, of Looierille, Xeotacky -.v . ♦ Kto toakstto rwarams *W Rs«mpartl*a baa Mbs t lapassl a* WIM ( Marry Isms ba. OssL f«4. tw teas lbs ■ a year »•*' 'bolt IsiradarUaa, allalas* a Rteetmiase witor #ret as ttoo NsaaWsm* s* Rett •‘•A -•—-i Iton pebto- That ban W tte- aaSr-* wMatoa IT m mL Wbitote RMuwtywiw lealawtoa—w WITWMT to MIT AI Aa-! ‘MS*?V to*a--as tto* mows i tt has tew# MOT** ta > *a*rv l.a*»ica asM u.« Worn Latowa RW 03 >PRWII •W -aag- mt Warm M-Otora (teat -as MrV*w mibi par-e i **r nttg iam A **n#o - nrj noati ia eteorto Tte Oai- toss terwr fttl bnaowt-w arw* b- w we mabl-* teetor tteo pam •qea* »e Me vert* M« a#t furtte* a <4 nf* sasa bet tte* tt«TI TK« (RDROto KITTS MR awac “ iwtetesa 4rw Am *g giams.i toe* 1 TteTt Ibn I■Mre so Ml Mere are a #nrt i Ua. *-n ni g tte— OORI RLA, UTKR OM KIDIKTft, n [_ _ - 1 Wet Rtosasibe aw# Rraralgta. Am* IK Fevt'r ifrul r-~ • J OnA* to# OrwßM> lIM f#W» MtMNIBIU, Mat# WWOLKtILR *m# RRTAIL tojr 4 T tmw to «x. WV- aksa sstos •s WtMc Oa sMnsWk Miaw yrr. Oaß 4 That* toorap I • J t mum * on * o OEKMAN TOYS. CHXIBTItAB AID VEW TEATS PRESENTS, ... r CBOCKEUY llorHE. " ABBOTT to^l® oL’ Cummlmlor llorchtoKUß, Jt'ST'S PEOWf’E A!fD hRCKCRim. Ailsats ti, wgta halt : fMdl ! 1 i l" Mil nOiafSLA UL7 yms wsn.lad Mr IW 4 aasr by Atom TT t» * Hay ! Hiy! 3r> 14 " n " UrnuL"*^ Ir*AR LOAD TsMaw Cara mat amt# aa* toe #a# by Atom .tt a totoMA "^" 1 ktoMlte -..Aa lUgw! Bart r AOMaLL Aat #4 are tomb Par Hto bf to—MTT A bMn*.. Haas a Rsßt! floh ! •> *ik toa. MB TIBRIXU MLT wa #r-e# aa# far vdUaakj AtoMtm to OMM, rbamawa “ - * ■- Ototi! n*!.'! 1 MjaC* fl*n as warn aa# Mr JL*)VJ *» AO%TT F'Wtor ! H#«r ! 4 O iwtortß Per aa*- by AOOtTT to KtortA Oiubi iib i MierßiawM, Family IW. W sr toilßKL* Rum NaiA Phi# Mem aaw a*ma* i O Vbm jmm me«ud aa# toe a* by A—nTT | Boom M4ta gCAJODt (Oar Mtoas ;was reueses# be toOMDTT to TM. ami* -g I Maasc >m. Yfim«! Tarot! iniiUMmaVbaryOm Pw -ato by lvJ IJMM Hhilr Cm. 1 Ot H) BtoOrtOf ! BtoßKitoC ! -I v uu? ftwwrt* omrm Nebb l)V F iAtoTlifttott Rope ! Kkyr! !T / h Of*nto btt qaaOvr Mnpr mat r..sTmg aag far OU aaw by about: to Btoa. RjnWsA Urd! UN! 50“^“ GBnrri Bans. C.ttißßtt M.rrteoß, -apt « £ _ _ _ NkflOttl; ttntt. 18. r. Dr Mt lAat . Traat w a tohic. srjjSLrgjr I UJgfeßgSr'SSS fWatoßß* aa* luhlflMi Os we sb-'bstoc *A r*m Kreiai For aa*r by al IhTWpW nwy etoss iat *1 - cm PILE REMEDY, PIL EB. j - mt Stt» Ii fS-ttttttytt 1 -s far. wiii*i—r. COUGH I°** H.ttrerm ValißSi^ Ban# r-eyered Mem B-may aa* Herbs m M baaffte? ■rtoe Ae aa* nj i t I's Mag aa* arbubrt? MMMtoM toe a. A maa■ sdflbn Tbaaas wi Imm OURMSA. 73m- IW* Mi i) la tton Mi I—Mi M <#■■< « ttos Mia- WHr —wtohm* a Asa iQflsai HUtoare Mr Ms awse af asawa wd mrwW- eaasa # IWarrbsw m* Opt ■11 q IW a tw w(y i rupmaa. a toaawa aeatoead eaatoMM am* toy tee tVaw tv* as be rtlbal a* rekaabli a mart, ear <W4 • biWto. U M #WerVy h w as** by MUnb . HMSte ! u-nau «m. ■oar Btw buv kcw nr. mamwmmm ■rrr— IT. milttO mm. PMI M*- ■. ■ -1 Mm. to - ... •t. KHiivMi anuu- TRY Tlli:M Bl 1 (NICE. . ~ .... inr •T. UUfIIVM) rt u m. ■nr URU RfTUB. r „ Mm+* trmmm U Kk« *vW -i ■ t»II4 PfT«C«. UM .«• mixta .. UUIDI rOCITAII arm* i *! ■mt» m mm m« rruDT p»m« » M « * 4 ■■RP> ■ rry *f^r I —■ »>'«»■ M- I RUSS *OO »« TUU SOLD WHOLESALE Bl EV.IJ.I niEIIT. EMUS k COl. ItTU. k UU, katkrak IVrwrn «»B ITi nI in tmmrr*. mm kiiu "r ■— WB «HRT ■—IIEUIWI IWi HOOFLAIFB GEBMAN BTTTELo • D.MUIJ t iimiii ■ r (tar nr>. >*»■ mm PWaam wlHa »wa HOOFLANITB GERMAN BITTERS. W D-L PAY 01000 i O HooriAinrs german bitters Cknak u< >«mu UtMHii. tttnsss—- *-* k/ik. ‘ a« < *.bu a— .iL' w»“ *— ■ ~~ y Jkiiwry m ■ fwter. ttrfOhOtliiih—AUwS.n , lonun bo aia n wawci. AID CaXSOT hike ri»nr«nia. ' *• **“ Tawka ka Ua EwM. UkD an» uu ao. iM*. VMM M SosS;- ’"^'Trnian F p~- »- » t> aaaWiik raaaTwn M" flk a a. faMwa. ■ WM *9 !■! ■ *fe» Ml trkr-l ITSI - * ■". —« iQBBBrt». ■k'ww.a* r^T« «»* aHW* "laa aaa I ka.,"l -3 *"*■" b wun /l D u °- **** < ■»« • - mwi , aju r. ar* waawaw a. * a' l- «*i fa -.waa / jL. ■.l rj« ““ “ »"a.a ■■ a trr aw aw, ::r - [ a.waaa iW. W; Ua yw aa. :* —w w "V.*Xa. "Jai* 1- * Sw*«aS^Tar i *rrrusT»pwl*Mils»w. A, Most* Sua t»a < sb> toA W ** W "* J> • ww 4 mmtmamt nm*w «£. uA Mtt-UMw: NSW ! dm u».i m Mb •*""-*« M to£ TV-. Ml M .tiQ s r»r«i *BV» A. wJ *ta*ltftZT rXi' A* “ “iw"nr a. » Bisuus.' £s 1 *mmA *mMr|Rbwßl Vei *• w» «f *..<• Mi • «nv:. MM ™‘ J *n*'N»r p*. £!T >«rsßißMs* *" r ’ v *“ *"~ r,r ' __ lonirt*. E. XX rUZXAIJ. "M Itw. AWs "■‘A’ 4* ItoitoJ. M» BM .to «l taw Mr Mb mmwM a Vttßiui r-ta Mr* M Jta it» Btasr «|Mb \ tm . Awa^^ **•!*< ■■M* • T*«Gy ttaMrftawaTr-wr ■ iwft *W I M>. «M f^»-Br | »JSi<- , 4 L . WAtmbM Mmwws *» y—r >■ Itat inpwi a-*.. sit HV"MMBIp (KhmlT I ll»t Mr yaw • sso—L>Ml « nil V* rnmm+mtma* WJ " ir * l * lll I** 9 * 1 BwU.MUt • »ta* to try • T?T»? FVta 1— * * *ta rs *. OtaSß BMta i Rwm-mMs 1 taMtsMOM rd* l»yy MB ■«* Iftal to ta*Ut aiMr mkrnm •b --talta Ibw*. tafc 4 A ROMA* nwißc or rut rmr«rr». «Mw *M Hr s»>Mw « ~ C. ■ 4A« EJEJji to Mr wttw ii Mki *»wsAb iYVt rtog*- tatfs (to Mto. «r • Bstr U-w •to** T- —row wtrto ir—Qtto Ml *•«• Ms art*. • >taw,4i fkfffcf s«r ts. Wpitoto vsspsaan tUi so U < *wl ts «to atosa. Mm «aai to m satJ « •J tMrnN. tosto; jmW* *f uyta rtijkini arm’ji *Mt» n*xrr*cTo«t »s. *3l 4rr* Mmt. r.rttMfrfc* a 4 4091* * BY AM. pintti »>toC.M- Mm ft Os. fVipsit* l ■ rwto»»t Mmtto tot t>f »—s sa«vy tas t