The daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1865-1869, December 26, 1866, Image 3

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THK DAILY KKA. rtWMB. I- . ... lK.'hn wkonkhdat Nosxrio. na m. in TIIK C** PY. Tm Yuviioi .t t»* Srw Fa* ilmrt U* *hot* (if y-al.irt if, Ir -u, 9 a. a. ulil 'Jr M, tl. ukfty frirod. <.f lb. pr» prUi»t an# niMlnt Looutnl on> Mnatutu ■Mb lb** pfMN.. u 4 v. nu t«l| Mini th— 'Mr tn«nb> tu ih< ir win V.*ml vUW> lur th» |TD*pmlj us Ui- Em D*.|t »*r “>*y i*~ to whangs these ad» «•! I •owrtesy Caumau *y rmt Xtitiii Through th# polite attmt '-n, of tK» Oiai • pnrtof* at Um Naitvaal H *u4. we wet* ymm- i d*y the ntrtpienUof th* unbounded hospitality , of ttuU knew, ftl*4 to tbvni v« nr know!**!** mhiliw indebted fi»r th* bqpt MTVtlMfifMr Th* taWto* Were • llftarelly fMtoiai; with the awbetawmle aid laiun<t of this and rvery <*tl»*r tonkri.wUurb Ware prepared In in<tot VtagWlAtCtlt Kyle, such i <m\y mUmt C"t******. Uwasra. o«<Wri.iJ and Wshiich, tbe pritofc* among caterer*, w**uM «n --4*rUi* to accomplish. Everything relca- Uu>l to Uapt the moat iaatkltuA* t win »•■* plac*.-! before tfirryes of th# i!Ur»U. * mo (bat it were iliuiMt rnmmimmm for us to t to MamrnU the d< lldoO* dishes of b'iW ; and roanloi fab. aeataand gsrae tbe drlißkl fill MlroM. the »o|»nor niialNM, the S»»el- Uni Tap4abln. mail * Tlmm talama have iu M|iriiunuil do not nonane Uatr talent to tbe wctnaariM of life •burn. bat branch owl into every depart iu* at of Ike art, and the plea, cake*, puff*. tuaca roame. jellies, Mann mane-*, toe emeu*, char lotte worn 11, and suptru * and***. are ail th*- work of their ban<l«. la nmneettoo with tbe above we voal l •babe tUaf, through tbv courtesy of their faith fal and rflrirot clerk, If r H D Hama. w«» were ahown through their *ia« closet, store room, pantry room, and meet kitchen. Every tkißß here ia ta apple p*e order, aud we al ■toat conceived that we warto-xu *sane whole •ale aetablinhment. a* a. gA**i! upon th loaded ahelree of thw mom choice ariectiot* of Barguii Iv. Saul. rn«\ Claret, li«»ck. Ualnint Champ* *<<•*■, and bh*Try Wiaea. alee and |*"- tac. oan- of every description of IruiU an 1 meat*. *;vd jam of pirklea, etc.; and arnn-l tbe room barrels of liquor* and caa* a «•! provision# iMigbu-4 our area. We were aleo Enuuahft* Os r«miaon nTliv& twv-eww- 1 We left with the impression that th* N’a- Aiotial Hotel WT4 about opening a wholesale mrtahiiahment m connection with lb* b »«*• lor tbe anc<i«iini«»dat»on of menhante wh • eome to Atlanta to trade, but our friend Ha' rta ear«. Uinae ipaxl tbmgv are U* la- given |.» kua gm-ata. Wr uke thte tu« (bod ol r»4nm lag our lbauk» and «'*»ogr«tuU , »> , n t to M(w>«r» Pnwd A Cony for th*ir liberality; a»id »**•• t • lira Pond hjf her kiivl atU»uU"u in al» •» ing ua through tbe dimu:* rum. where v.- n ticed many aperimetia of ran' art display «and la tbe dreading and prefiaratton tl.*- table* Our alt> ut< »u partu ai..;iy at tracted to a Oonple of ajdeudid l<xAitt|t r»" tara, cooked aith thetr fnatbera ♦ «ri. aml-’rn * saruted with bcantiful McludM and rit»l>-riv Quit** a larg'- anwber of pm»u* Vff enl. ioa'luding a fair prop >rtiou »:, ah >. a* Wfclwavi the euetoui. d:!T-iMr-l a civiUxin. •bawl among the »t« ru«t m x ou th oooaatau. We have nevvr necn a multitud* better fed, better U|»*o*. or U tkt tu Wtaiuod than thivone, and we and mbl uot thnt among tile pleaaiug recoii*»ota»uv of their live*, b niche will be eet aeidr for tin* Clui»t:u*» dm oer of Ib&i. at the National II .t.d l .-v Mnurt Pond A Corey and th- N ati-maL At Sr. ma free egg-ung g w\i ecn«- lin th •wperb lulliar-l n«nu id the National. #u 1 tV public generally |»*rt<*'k -if tin* ■win a ill* • gusto which waa r» freshing to witiicna. Tm tnavm Cm*u. u The •ervire* at the Bpteoo|ml I'hiin h yeatmntay ware largely ntwudml. and wvm m*-*t appropriate u« th day Th** church wav eleg intly dcc.»nt !by the akillfui bnu«W of the bube.* Amid t:.( •vcrgrceui wa* entwine.! blai SJ craj-. uuuvi . ory of th# late latu-nte.l Ht%li-»p The »h nernce waa aoleiuuly beanUlul. Tna Conounnu. -The publio wiUgp.*ar iri mind the fact that th< 1‘ -(■ r !.a A-. *»-*ti•■*. giv*e* a public eatcrtainiucnl ibo evening Ii the beiutAl of thw j*-*r of the C4t\ Thia A»-~ nociation waa organixed atuoug the (b-rm i-. inbatiiianta of the city, an l *•■ *>**ru. fr*-m ftboae who hare witii- sw l their p< i! - uia>. . that they are equal to any amv- ir p r rfor*u-' anece that i-Tir catti- •ff in thiv c;ty v Th •poriaJ object < I tbiv < uterlaium-ut • id meudv it to tbe -ympaiby and |mii **f tbe people; an>l me hope tin ir hall awl b*- erqwde«l to ita utuiovt fulliw-H that the U u»- fit may b«* a profitable one l • th* j». • r'. Tub FaXTAirni v The.*e “gar and fcati*. cuaaew were out in firing colors, and for a i erai h<mra they r» - wr*-. t i (!..■ .J.. nu t %pir of dilapidated M •rau* wh* rr r thrv »pp*m ! ia the aireeu. They werei rec-civt l %t all c*>r nen* eilhuproanou*. i».. r» from the iuiui<*.*- crow-la of p--vph- -T all .«g- and >r*. Wh had congregated to witiw-aa thwH iwaf'.U it triumph through the -tr< Tbe-pr<'cvaau<ju aj.>r 1-I iiiiimw* amuse tm i.t , In all |H»r«i-*> ai.<l p-i»~-.l «:1 ph on«l> ». 1.0 •• we could a vi«-M am l.ont!.- Ihili i:iia, wh piuvCWT Uie- g. ii- n%l in inv f ! m •!. .w, nppear*s) to enur into the liu of t i*•• thing. #»d grew atuhborn on purp *ee to make Uo prop’, to laugh. A MviinouiiX" Mr. J»»hn on y#*» 1 tenlay, nerved up » hat- pi' '■ t- the chil ln-n j of hi* Sabbath ftvh.Ntl on K- u i-lry etr.'-t This geblleman haa for a l*■ * g « m». I *u «• •«. ducuag a hahhath School of j*< »r ehil Ireu *» tlw« p’ac*. aud on ycvtcrdey. w.iti »y un equalled gener'silj. he a*4H*d Up a -lellghtful W|*at to the •*#* A>- «rul tt-Sf---- who are n>eati»vi*a ot his Sabbath N h-"d. 1" festival waa prepared at the N'ati .a! it »b . by those eicelleut hosts. M-w*. Pond .V, Carry, and »err«-d uj* al the i iprnse i»t Mr. |Uo« What other m«u baa d-uae this mu-h tiTpi* the jwa»r a i hitatmaa ? What u nther pien h«v*-thno* What ac*»ru? Tn« Or»nr Thia— the only Demo- | eratio umg-uuio* In the a untry—l« b« lore us fcf January ft «t irts out witb a bniUawt array of talent, which, if it h-ddv on, will do much toward building up the publication. The January number o|*en* with the fiiet chapter of *>Jocaly», a Tale of the Uevuln tion,’* by William (hlmore Hnnui*. 1.-q. I hi» Is anew story, and with *ut I mbt n will In* hailed with pleasure by th* g.-tuial read' "The lt.UtJee of Virginia.” by 4-*hb E*t u Cooke, Is another interesting fr*»(ufA Tt#re are a fiumbvr ->f .*tb«r artii*l«*e-which are worthy of |>erus»il Fiery man. w-»man and child in th** «h mid rea.l thiv nM|^nii« The January number may l»© had at ll It. Crew A oo.‘a News and Muaic lirpui. Bei l vis*' H<mh- -Aitrntmn is celtdl to Ibe atlveriißcturnl of the lit linen Hotel which appear* this morning Dr J IV |‘n offers very advantagi ous term* kknr<l»i a« will bo fcvoi by the pirhiiavn-m nt hr*« torn* A Puma • CiMim -a* • ■>**» * So -•r tu ,e« at tu ttum In lu. W-l Ua A itk Mt. T. C Ar.iU. h, MUJ k. <U . Um. *u4 (W 11. m<H •and We art as Hwrwtiuy The f hairmaU eijAdu#* the «ifrt mi the utemtug. saa aeommitwe mi chrae waa «f* i—iaiad t-» draft ewitabU reeoluUuWa far the xeuioo, v hereupon Ud fuliovuq wer* Biuo) o**,u*iy ail-pi*,!. fit*4- nL, That we, the Printers employed &a the kVUatA Saw Kaa. a*un b*-art!«U pWv •nr*-, teieter mu thanks to tbe fiopaue. Dr MaarOßi. B ai,. for tbs aunrptn ms (‘hr at . .. bmv»*. «n l Me aeoHapaannoni-. fan,*«bed ut May the mu.**.! nt* (irretc* us mis i-Hut had hint axel his go-abea l junrua* men *tre|4v rooted ia the aflaeti<4*i of tM i I* -*pl« *4 Georgia. IkfttJ'ttl. That the proprietors of the Na | It *tud li iLei. kieaan Pond A C rev, ha«w oar kin-leaf re for the Mlofe4*>r) u* iiitM-rdn whiru they f-rr the o- rasson Tbe Meeting then sdj »uru-xi T C. NiULU, Ch’n. fa . Uomnii. Beefy. t, -M Y ti rwoasa —Otfig of the ui-«t striking and plasmo g I eat urea •4 Christina* au<‘4*eiu*-nU were tl»e innum* rablc fl.ght «,f pi k- t* which ilidmtmdvtrryseHKa of tb« nty let ev*» mg We should ju<lge the! *«r p, <»ple hav< r»oi 1 rg*dt**n this old and fcarm’e • loor* -f amn- merit, and are d«n-rtiiin<-I to ke ;> up Um* .. mured cuat tnv. Dully for th* hiji! l*o» r r*>feon the Empire lDataurant. twit •*.«**r to Georgia National H«uk. A!.»i»»m. street Dmnrr !r *m 1 Uil i u'clovk liu»t D- Mbi'-n will find it greatly tu their mUrest an l fonvvekii.• to g|v< us %call. 1 d*eil a | Ntr I!Miimt. -From 11. 11. Crew ACo I we Lave the Uirervific MagACine. for V >uig J ’• ids. by iiurd A H nghi -i, t vTe« \o»k. I bis is and. alediy .«#• - I th haudawm* At Maga/;io 7 that has ever he»-q’* j I&KQ«d !r<-ui the AmerK-xu preva. it ia h jUU fully iHiivtmt« 1 and k-tu la-nu-lr pnuUnl. with illiteuifi covwr. Atu-'iig the uumerooa arti«jea m thi* Maga- • /in- s. ftii l Frank Cord .1 or Wu-n 1 * .»• ■i filth* Iky," by it* v V l\ (, -.i.ldiag. <•! Mv *mi" fk, author of t»w* Maiooner- Tne otlo-r arii* l--v are «11 iut« :• nii-rf jjid well calculatwd to inp r-si und Naum those for eh 'in ,I* i" pnt-livh* J With thtv pul*!leaU* n r»»m-v the ,i»-- • roent that User* Hurd A II .ght :i base ojklo arrang*mente aniu the publiaherv -fi in. s ate *. r . - w. 1! I-i priub >1 liv'u dupJ .il- •( : 1. 'Vg' i* b plstm. and « ill 1»* aQ •»v* t c»j y 1 th- *>i»gi uci TUm will he very gratifying I tb« gr«*t • ■ * id 1 . I» «n«* ft will suaiile thorn t * j»rocuro nut greatly i-1. .Ii tftr* Vl, fi u numb- ** ! the r-pu!*!! moa sdl ik- ready aUmt the firs day of January. iv , 1 * k . ~ the Km inn K-* t it h* « * C. » Natl *iiil Ito.' \ •tr*et. fr-.ui 1 LllloHck Hu* n-- u, . »ilf fi ,t it grc.tiy to th. i.r* t *ti I • '.o' . to ..1 n, i , Ih.Aau Wou, t g-n»i.ih-.u -u l hiv ».! , w ou* - Ipt w : 5... 1. .4*l*l .ir rti»e !• U'Him l laiihrul n -i-ro , u*pi > and >u thu *.jh.' W.VM vet up Ml br-voui* four.* ho 11.-u •111 - rv. uu.t»riu. n M »u!»y nfg»it. and rubbed of a wattfh and ol tu- iu *«. v in !.*» Tiii» is levying lit* n malt t. th. I, . k male which 14 VU U i Vo. m urus b vrittj t •• I* iCe-o:*-4 srfh-aild g>. !• sritl-l • w. i l iu I, oi.le of tt.* ig* that »L.-nid pri % ul »"Ufi-im i- t.m - TANARUS••; •r u gr* euf fared t>r Wahl **( i.»- vkuky mo iej*. # . f*-*e'r r-boar the lou; r«- li.stior.ini, u \t drsor to Qcv.rgia NaUonai H.nk. AUb.uu . stn eh Dioner from 1 ~tui I***• .« a l« . n« as turn • ill findit greatiy t- taeir lutrx. »i .ml. - in* ... U • to gi%. .u, ,i *il ds 21 | D'tVor.BH An axlv. rtieAineat spp«M tl i* or a lo.*-u daydarntdere miy l*> aoclimmo datcl. S. it ~i N itm. v., invite attrut -ui t »th* ' a ,.f a . i>*- l l r I y*. and girl-, which Wot If op. i • hie city • u the firs! Von Dy m Jan i .rv by Mr l l Hr * - II bo k.-d np by i .I J I'.d of ; . I'.-r. ii; v - - ( o n *i i*;h( i \ i. \ ■ s • hoi- v-f'* iv* i :i r - i-,< .* i. , ■ z ■ ,*. » ill- i: •*. »... Hi.* i ju . . .iu, j d* r, ■* - - .pt ~ tt* \, ,*• -Ij r M n...-• If • ;c . . .vl r g'• -rk i jah h will I. f l mt-rv'-V ,v . >,e A art* *(«• k-f. j The .1 *; .-4 t min.-.. • 2'J l Vyw tuiti-.u th d* line m. g**;.l \ . .. - !* i_ I'M • )• xti in r :*«. i .1 .mud for m ik> were caaih ph*. *-«l u st«> k collators la ; »t 7 j p-r cent. ; and uja»n g icrnmeu: w.r «i* •* *n 1 large mat at Sfv'fi |* r cent. The rang f and vrounl f*»r the bit coumurri .1 j*a|*-r iv (V « , rwut. per annum ' , The total m« eipis „i Ibe s ib-Treasnry wet.* 531.T17 Jt. total |.iviu *n*v. M. 1.7 U 7 fit. leaving a-tinlance on lian«l in -p- .«* and pi jar money of #U.V.»V» «**! pi.* SI irnv, iMti;, but are still Ik hind l . n> -p :.U ing ol laflMyrnr The w.tkel fbr F-oura*. I *1 *ml .1 mg. Hk. >o*lu.ahi. uni ii • ,i it » .»t r r* U. all ku, b. at tr tu '•* :a»' I»». for S„,* r fine. #TPV*I? JO for Kt-fg .s Winlrf. »Tul j >ll i » h r Coinn.oij to *lh c» f -t llxin and j umili brand* S.*u i», rsi. ' N«*l much doing in •* »gar la r 11 flnii •it , 9H# *>. and g*o.i .1 * Kk«.d(o tm t w, re Mile. Os 377 h . vii-e.U At ai.* f.,r , t Itifc for l’orto Ki*,v ami 4.K*> K*vt s Hsrani at ! 1«»,<1 U*:c. Idler, IV a la;r h i*UUe« ,1 *„. ,» Kehuiil at iigur* » , t' -ffee, was .pitej a ~| pne, a nominally nu cluing. a nd; Tl»# Dry (Vu*l« K port- r of the same date. •HIS the Dry (fond* mav I* wud to Uw l**en lively during the e-.-k in some pirti#- uUr »tyleu ol good*. Ki. mih* to lie seii>ft <1 with thu pf -- ai hadl gaintvl unfit »eut cUifidcnc* !*• cmnni- c hiy Mg agon. It iy believed the ,k„ h i r , nudn.l *■*}„»• talli In Itba g* is Vn advaine ha- Un »•. and tn 11 *evy lirownv, piner ar* quiet dVnt* ar* un changwt. and particuUrtv g*e and etyh sell m irh fr'uM* Th* tu »; .11 »r SpringlbsvU hi- ~|* n. 1 y< * "* «!*• Id wme tins** > *|. . i*rr rneihr of htying. ami to m s*4 pttm l!,m a* NS to mu M 5 * ** r—Miili * 4 mma mgtitU to —S—ll *» *1“ —**m ut ytuiM Mi tow J (toMMS •“ *>• » Umi»]>k ut > ■ iiHh ukliL TW; m» toM MtoM ud mUk luvf+m. md Um ■M tUMJr ImWm t Uum I Mai * SNIMn a.rk.< Th- IhiMto ufltottl ——hM .i«i; It. |MM «—*. with mlrnut «wij * tow LMM li.-l -MO A... Imw* hawh. * "<«, >•! ksUL TUt w mo* Ammml i-UM- *»4 ri-WM. iMt lU M-<* A thu J™. - (Mi a. t>m Vt u*»[. fi—r. hwaA* w«* MoiIT.4 W- q«/ - Rio t-sr- l»i Ito ea. I <loi; P—4; (Mr(.(Di'l o--*uww *to.. I IB > --U ; J.*. *-Mt' t . t MM—B 17(*. 1-i rU , * 4.1. Hi mk li «JI h-.. IU .la #•( • beads. »l. Leal# Merkel. Ih* UaMfo-WBt at th* At, l awn fix KV*m ] rn-.k-i o..uuuu«.l bjuJ firai with ajionaj j I. m pr. H*U* I<«lhM**l IS, » M»j u m 7i: «Ual 111 3i. iuu *4 »7 S»| to *t HO. r. lilt; ztai O, 1 too at UO %i »l | *l7. »<«* »t *l9. U at 17 *5, M at *B 7t. »» a* Ho to). »«• at HI lto, at *7 to). # - •U too, 71 a* HI; to) at »* ito. au4 U» ta,.. at «U -ft t.bL TJm UMTkrt for l ..m araa a tnAa tnaar, am, ||.« aato. B.r. I Ito twtr« Whit* at' ti eta ; Sto ! illt.U at H* :au Wbita at to, rta I*ll • ..r • eta . Um Mat a* a ala pi] Hit—l al Ivto rt. , to*l Miu-t at *r, n* ton « I,ite at J- cu : VI Wort- at 91 et* : 7«) Wl low al »l cm to» W 1.1 -al 'Jn -ta . IIM WL.ia at >, .m. . t.VI at V, -U.; Tin al M eta , *->/ at '*9 cl. ar.. 1 17to Veil wal *l*eta per boaW.J MM -k a hit . . to M k- all 1n.1*4 * H -Ol I I*ll *u I .10-tpir*. TU r-- .. |..u ala.nt ~, »u 4 the *b..ut . ■ "'..1 4*t «At arota j r... I].JJ at the ::.al4- hgtir-. « iarleasll Ksrk*l. TV- KiqvifK of tu* save th** ,*f 11 *ki «m* *, tin »h«nti. fi.diug ap 1A173 for l **r if hour- n» hug n**on. Iu Uo- morning there vu a firmer f .ling in tbe mar act. and in worn* - big tier raU - w* rr jwsi. but «m < ban >re the >.**rt*< d«#vdsally Uuse. and Ueto* and qni- t Il\*il*-rv. bo*evrr.' were u.,c <l.hj. *m—t to ji* kl any it. pti -«. auia* *ie- ~nc *a*> I Tu* pa k- r« in u*>smt r«*, « iuAiw k- , nr, 1 hng- eumigh to k* *-p iVit Ltiqw • m o|rc ri *f,.»n p* two or three- d**y« *n t *ir. ii *t l-ifie Ito buy i>r Uu- e -ek s deliver * ri j,r*w T.t p,*. .x Tue di ien. however.'da. in ' ... *l l; :*» in 1 **-r- i. 4w. t-m «- in) *■ *n -v-. •(!• Early n th* day - , h, . . w. and *** 1 bt|, ersv. made in lb mi- ’•'*» ’ -to-' i: 11... J .a,. I „. 7*--.t v« _;ht- h iVing itoto-ii e* J -t » # th** nog* «n -pi *|.-d a! vj 7V, * i', for light and T.g* Ti aal.* -iupr.aH-1 a! iu- I • .. iu laotslsvllle vtatke*. j *ra-!, i ine ti diniM ibe (wet ««ek b.ivt ■ a !* ■ V. D>. 1“ ■ f.r. kIH >7V. 11 -r •v r * a ... yal 'U'l FI. k N 1 -.1 eld ** » i4 *» foa-y s( f fi.»ar *7 s»i —: I*rwv»si u mirkii ms* uv. The stark .f 4.1 !.*• .• •ta l>Wiu: i-i..t’i-'.f 1. iu l ({, •(«' -.v th- UA-irk ?. hut wtit K- aim... l*ut e%r.y in Jui o*ry» abcu order* t** aim *st any au» *nai ca|» b fiiie l. |ial->r««-re «. j*-ii.-d ■! P"«m 11* bulk mm: :»i n** f., r 4 . Irr- 1 ► f-*t clr *r rib - -*, and U * f-*r bmi. ami .V»* ,U M *gn >. i*i Kama ou! **f jv-ckle vt M Qu >tafii4» rmlit ell**uMen. V- l *t 7w. ‘ .clear nt ** l-l 1 j *-, *1 *• n 1 s.lK.* IA. p. to ..*,- fr- «„ t 1... t*: « a •' Ilk-, n-e lb li ■ tu.*vto-t i. I «.th s Utter f ’ leg and pr •- r* i -i % m--wAat Ir* .. ti* i , figure hsvvng V n pud t-*r » :.i* Cl* -li e heavy bo*w Ih< slaughter!*. -• fardhl- A*, b : ;,b upto tu*- eyp.<taU-.|»s , t p*. k* r»- sn i *i. m V( tr.. m, v. ti cl *~ v fully I V >U ho - sill, mis <f mi**n of- *«*.* |- ra ,r. • m'i ;n -m-l. e.U go largely al, i- thst nuni bei. 4*i 1 . I r i ■ »r!y y quit* -J**» h .1. iioii-i. \iimii iliric .* V.. . , a*.l, >*r**t*r*#<a*r« U. 1* lihROIV * irCk. !* o . town w ife r* *to* .* asUre 1 J • Du n a I -Ah. - *• , J M .. w K '* .. m* H >e « - M t .-*« t > ■ v •• u h in > .. *1 * •-9 - A I! .» at, N 1 M . i. . 111 . (Jr r. Itn -V 1 |. \i- ' I s - ' J T.<.n , it * w, 11—*r ■ J i> h, •* « A Itoui M J a It-»■!•> a* *a.i u g, ■■ .. I. i lM It .... tki J t«* at*q<K.U *ta I) .my tl» hmi .. II Tr Wiii*a .UiUti.a*e . • : . ’ Clayton tIU /% ikrr \*an*at* to ■ " ikt il". - 4m ». * Ho. ...J!u . t.*l»re-« I II Mto-a J VI.-.,., lI4TU-W X U Ikmwtt" J J t >4Ol I*slur J II .. ,:.h • totu, N»,M O* J i M.«« VI J H- j- \**i - I- 1 H tUatosr -eksc Ji» a •-bl. btJk o, »• U Itmi. fta • I'rv.a 11 ii iu, *1: Iw-lk *la JKo-ihMUsU h ilarU'iß-aa* S C to I *s . lOtob \ A K to lh-m** 4 TetaC J A Vane 4 ‘ . lllll.x'U. (DMIUIICRI. (<H*.lf<to4fsr Wolrrs A AI !••«!• R. It, CTLin*. *•«.. Ivweatksv 9A Ilk II V w.ifVtora :*sa««'4tto r A Cos l sin a f tore si *. w U I t.Ui wvn A t si-roti K.viwu., # r- t it i a to b??. r? J 1 u**i oi * «l Ith.ukrv ■ r£'Tsi* W 1. it C\> b r.-toto J J> !Hi. e r H Ito-t 1. • iln».-fc’ati 1 H vuibaa* J * a , TV i »i . %rk* olruu. w S »a«T FiaakMa 4 V i satlgsrr* per l.<srfts llsllr—4. A' kWJa. tl*. Itowtasßf wr n lie* . ft lutm-hrt k t Carlsr hultar « Cm ei.. > —if a Mr*» it her. At \, s « .. J M t* a.t .ae u i . n.r a * m uto Vlttwa*w leeltkNgy..* K n rtas* k waltama I«m TMIKt • Urk. H * a ..iwai« » * »' W-atansa A UaitoViA A K Hsae* l*i»*»hie « Paatm JokStof • ft «\i M C WWweS* V. ATT * , |* * * * S|hM-*i II iklrra i. A K « «v* N nr> / in,u«»i4« Utelm Man Is# B ii K NAtoac a tM NsU>«m J "*—' —k l llawar »..«p —n... -Mimami Train S*»ae. II *• ■l* ihirt nsi Amu4. |a aa*.n fto-m t*i - i e-wresr easwrVait. HBiik *n.i i« uin ta uivs ra*<*smi i- eviety ao.t -'U»« h •■■eevcwa. t* «*• •*♦* ** *l*i ik» «ft r«* sab' hy ail *« » , bWfl losiVi Nttor* (StoSUßa* (tutsi rtOLMMS *«"» towi»r. man. #*. •» ** 'jZr?? ' s%~ MKille n&ltK«v«C EjJwi JJt l dmrrtß, W L J a. h wrgwavg. M- «k BPBOIAL lOTHJEB. •vrSi tw tft« Ww a# AMeewneffiA (t>BtOKU tag Vw*« t» V i»n <r« »■«• «. Wftnav wm. «• ?m« rnm ' Uhl. lie »*se .uw gei.l mim <4 wm* *V b, m m m ‘ tm» rw «S4 a— Oj Sta oq ft ten ns f 1 f«a j •»«e> a* take >• mUblm Am r,ue esbpn. ( lAftflT »JrHVAII. |ftA>' mi ir VT7VSV* n.K VAX. • iUKUta, , fiAvtii rmsviaMJEa, jl la »v# , J U ktmxM Asraa n 3»fts « . VfillßAf, leiersen ftj al s- KTfwt w was rw. l* ia*r ( Lstr aM Bubs. *W> «e tin ftkeft Ummmrn w*C, w4 artM Ko. M MCAMfftUIIVWIM*. Iftftis swe. »sei n Tbr loURt ks eWses ft—n i bs*» ha# last sa trn ntmU’. ty * , .mnymmu* s*4 rows -4 ■•tihnaiww Mush *■«**— A Viil—a. M*m 1 *•»-. Am— M. VsA*. CXAet # V wtoos. g.Cssvn a us. v. ■ Vfttftfto, »»# Isssß.lr kMfft Has* *« H J a larWwagk. lM**tt * Ift-sa-lsr f It Ti.«rw**s I. If’-'Wt* A-e*s W Viitor l T Waa»- •eAV. I L Her—. Ist IUOm > » t 1 C‘ •WW at A Os,, Hew En mw*f« t «s <4V-s awtl -4A lw|M(«ssi i*vw» Is—silss ts Berry- B"M-»Wru. it w -VfiaOK KMAst a Vw t»>*».i-u. aasl. VWr*«4. s#j imtiX.-i Rssßssb v* omO* QscW Asti ■AfIJSHW Htumu* MtAVrWTW As • *— e tof tbetr kMht ear* «r**r Vsrr. AsrWv Wtoe—s I-S|**ni.f S ■—s AtsCf WHl* kfts KTKft. ATTVAX TTTK so *■ s< a# <*• k-*e l» aae? Tom. TV.i« ta wn»-y gr ■lsiwsS. ilm *.Jt . X rU-AITJt «s ta iwMta it a gfiU saw* *4 rt&BI TT hr Or A LI. liftiV iWI bs as t#os| sA ssVw «A prvs* as lower* IJ*Bu |A* lugs br-4*Ww4« truss J 4 to* | .«* h »rs*.a. tr sm |ttk»A;«V v arhsisi. k* fr- tl, IJ to fto W.r ii *toto U'*a liibtWi. « wr. fr.s,. fii*. f Jft |#wr seta 1 O tons., t.. U tola Ka . . *rw-**ns fiwto* |IS to fJB TSw pr *r**v m# 4na tr- ■*.**■. wto uk -«»1 m *w*» *.#u. r rtmi. A**4 - liA - Wf-iii Sn* 1 - ' -AS—— u y -*;« ■**—t -e* 4 ws *-d 1 Vi-M'AV v - - ii. -n-r Jl uttos-5,.. 1* t. -f l-q wswl u*4 TWhSSt h»*mr-Vra fra* La:, i* - srr- u* tr<*n t- to *> - A* k frlW Ito* lUUsesf s Pills ss4 (Matarsl—Pwlft- I><* *»r Jiff V *VR I-u 4 th* *art? «a*w» .4 gpu r tutoa* suJ uaMMu,* fW *ai*to4A*t •Jl its 1 i-..rv’v»(A ii* tl*sss Ojt**~r~ TwAsa as it si*ftrr«.? a* icwvs TV Plfis Sill Srars Jk- t wit hftsA * qwi •xer- **£»• tV syenaa. so 4 wrtit. tk* a«»M fruo. i •*ar* Mqs, TVs* rmL tasa u* «stoat As xr. si vs .»< vSWktot to tto Viaass ssa wad tj al AmXI -4* < A 1 oles fr-MS rtekiftsr«—t, cmnr. Vatr • ; ;<*. AvVl ,au - L«r i-tm ln_ Hwk*-! M •; ri, *tit> to ywm the* ! h*»< aarw* r-as jw •’lf Hu. r». «.ll grrmA (rtrtil Vt aiv«* g a trixrs -o wit! J ~a*raU-. <4 «C* oC*;- j*e.! to Us ..-a-'; • **.»J TCuransi.. aU-ou ito it m-r sr ! seat ■! V. tst -“*• hswc# Isax «UL t>-Jw m ms _ t ■■W.—BL ArWI tr. 11 *m hiuq CumomtOm- «. Lmmux, Kt ism a lA, HD-ÜbUs Ml .4 Jaijr M i sotaoWwi. throsurw as part v am**-, s th* MsWto Irtrww-vr mg tk* IsyanaßS ' <V*Oftaw m l • mudx«s -4 mj t aVns. H-itors f. r ka rv-XMwatoJ if. sJVr saalrsßß. Vfcc.i « ■SWe i . -as Tl*- ! -frwua i* Ik* Madtowt In*wrt.^*sreply. a» 1 ala ». tew *do u snVsra iOHf KLL r: -If ttoftew yrtips tfj and to si liiW a fto t> ttua R r- .ns t rwiveili IWg f a* . -a HBlffl fil urn \ and 1-Ua Ihc-i r. I* Hti.w'i lißrurnsrer erwv rVw*eis; it >«aa«;:*r X«i n .u < to! m Wh*.,s *. turn. Aft If w» IMIHR ,4 Hu* * lea. ffttbo I Ra'to w shiv's ito army «.ij •'MM VIUBC Mace a».«l I“~'wvwt Harska* tstoTß. sskb wC- v Uaab-at-ti rtaa*. r-» J T JOliMk ocC fttot.A lau-tIT to—to- t»* 1* to -l • > • ,* ifIRM Uk -1. --. . .. '-to.--.: t**?' si> rt J .to, ! Hata*..*s 'pils( U alrr. s.l hy aC !tot.*r*o K T iv* \ Th' r,» fWmtrtkw ftmw , . w.« -«*» -to A. I- #-»*. V** J *■ tv ■** AAarsau) Sh-stow )«s> rAt -y^ ' • ■ f Wfttti • » f * . . r* ,w;M S..U%* uJrtia;,. -• rßl««i '»"•»« " a«*r. * . I .aU IV*OJ(* - . ■ . . • • •‘ r- v-, . V w" ' UrJrwii.n rs;« U« wJWt w> .rt*. ,'w“ * "1 Mto» r -OR R»* If to* - #*!..toU* Thehme* a MeupV ■< is*. Y«su I «-»44tr»»rs *q»rsto*! ' uur, tnuss. #«<oa. h. —th ai-sn t .su r h-asu I* «are .4 UUrftrtts Matos is pr K U. sw»il—l ts ftk- toO-s. "*wn* UW* t-snu l£e saawat -v t i* W V#s»w--4 tV»i4 and Ik* ynsh *>tou.» I'lßa* ham A * . • 1 <k ftarsito|s »prls« M sur, ail ftp all I>tb «r * V ■ r’* *■ s hsantffe' Va! rt Bair as*A fßs pr , sarsa-s-J- ft aa JT*a.Uur» ha,4i*»w as .wr uw f * « 1U ■ « ito Li ve s .WMwlrwlol b v» nek -UtoUrtst s*wee ■*>■ 4>*.JfW •toi^a «•* *»sir b «*i S sue Husnae Brsag I* to lUuIAiU.VUK «W-i Vi V«t «4l4lO(*l|"U|a«D. . VTivrt I'TT tt*-A vsoq Isstp ftevsi »* V' hii alVf • »-J -«rs -4 akv fttototfia it l * -h. hrM'l re»-v ossd h* tesr Wsosul, la pWw ,s . • «, a-1 umi* ; totoii sa# aw i • S-- •aw ’• Haas Rtot *.tolb.4la to. Uh-1 iv 1 * r.r.v .prtal —to**,, -to, b, *a I—Mv-i --•Hr mVnsr» MRUrltoftkfts Hair iWAvrfe* Kas H«sw *w Uw h . SS fttto TVato *4 *o»C* e »•* to stvpmet saAor by Storm--* #B towto ,to, .. -to- Ww4i» sw4 m/asa lbs Bse Rasu*-. K *H rwsis praoe a rw-toU. wtol is a ftssuwmi Rut ri |'m (auto an.t i\ Hi Had hjr sS ******» *»•••"*• • •Hr. »*u Vi an tVwaw It" - Bvraa.'T tv J *toi% iiian ft* tiSv-si llisrtfcatf*. Hi Mrtofttotbto iV*Ssm U-* *. m •t r tewißv cento. •SRsnnW.i .. r- ja e . th «T s*4 rKtslVs an*. V he >«Diaarr a St ■ ~ntt |ae l-eua | ftß'Rlßft* vprtmg Watee. saU by _ i •r r *» »!w«4 v * j tPBCLU. HOTJCOL ,k * ** ta— *“ •* •<! »—a. m« n «lr*M ' ** ' V< * • ■•? u 4 us ini m*M ——■-- - , - -.^l. 7»T *1 v—Pas Mur. ip a**- a y' k • Lys*. r C II *** -*• »'■"■■ a Us »*um -s * -I ti„ »• « nr arfin *rrr t. - - «- a—«fe «M> <-»■ r ii .--w* bM Iks I -rswtl ll.ry.ak> “* mtMmrn w.—. » r * r r ktmm. mtti •&**»> U>U. k'ltilu. uit amw. Mini, is r— ~ »•* 111 ««n fe. tu4 fey IT*m nb ■ust ms si/ a ii m. tn ins. utiis »smi m r bi ii fe****-My Tiru* sun ill «sr|. SH. » | men I ls» sW VrsM Ify I ll MMfe: “» *"«■»■» sfel inrs/t*. u. ..I SI |». • wMlis/tflafeshlx TW l« yrws s|s L* ■*••«*. at*4 *4 ••uci —ar? a-p. fta. ur »• * Wp.;- W . toLa r»r„ ... r* Rfe. fa—ft* t» ■*“ illliM. DytnMM Mi M*r «*»a • Wlw m *a.p«— Ml to? J I -a Ms .1 £*—c— mn~ p* *•* r “«*u c tty um Ass ip, m Mr***«4 OV MTV* —**«*? towM L* *4 fexW—o fU IM a* - tv «—»* to tto i.-n— *4 aM ttu Ktvm te<m ►*! »M|» Mr «Ms ml a— .am • 4 t-> tto Mia* a a 'tayr TV- «••* «M| !.p»»1 !Uv—i; w~sL to W »-*•> oyM Vp ti * I*l *JL» **_ .. |A< a. J, -fm u*a* w «Us.ta aa a rtMa it«.a «* «.i. M*. —ft. —a: M -<W» aM b* Va-a --' L—4 -*■. » :«irTTVTs *a.~Lto«i Mut. v ui paMbr, w< u»4< barm* w*4-a n—aa—p. fc -••“* ■- r» KEU * *n.i. ■ ’ ! hi* >wm. JEWELHY AT REDUCED TRICES Messrs. LEITNER 4 FRiCKEE, Whilrlsil! SSnn. Hints, t.rwrrii. v. it I*- » » 4«ii iufe»vVWT7 am •» M ' f ' v 1 - «Q3 THU. WATCHES. CLOCKS. JEWELRY. Mi HiUw >il»rr tfl<i rial'll Wirr, <•«»!«! IVn». poctnnloa. «\ <• AT «.KI \TI 1 Kl m < El» nut »x CHRISTMAS PRESENTS a»Tii a kb MU4. 'A Kltx lAi.TT j > iM ►-» a a«.H \% m. imivi: r«> omi»*:k. 4~'V% --< —" ife-su jvr Middle llaiar. » vv ; -mi -■*.• . V y..ii\>fe > . LH<U » . Hm L < a M«f » . .V A>UA»>UI u i-- ’ and i itraa. li' *° ** ' '-'*L iiOLK Kaar) ( «* u d«. I,v\ iv > .Im r-. >- liar 1 ( H I 1 j nx«* >x a r -WHA t'afia t'amila Hour. 100 *■ AJL MU! Salt! Salt! I’k ilr« and lloim Kaddi^li. i ISB - ~ w* a a Ws»i> A 1 x m^sr. HUM L \ M \ I lo\, M| t«U K»**u»«'), J. JraMaa \i - - !»-*** Um •«*> u * *4 «» * • tv*i<- » t-i -iMlwaM v»«w la tar «a *• •< /• '«*•« a> mm -* «*«am «f it- MMfe r— M ifea»K.-'r >XM fete *».• 1 »%,«*, , v *m-e4> ■ •• • iSWtHtrMhhl U.» > tiMMmU «. M>i x'.a* aa*i »u it. ikr a« .« a. » . ta a*.! Sui--.. 4 «.U. am 4 mi Ofe* X** *f fe • if . »w *»4 Mm. I M'* tH-ttafcf ft ;tr*TT.ST. >T- 1, ~*- * a»; xtxTT? 4»J < kill at (Mr »vm. ptenM .a MNm •*>•« -tfUfe "fe 'iaiMaau 4a4 - « « ( ..-rr—a. a. IWnnN-ky. S" 4 tap* aa 1 sh-1-m M < M MMat — **4 l f- 'M- • a rrtarv »X mat Mnix* M m M U- Kwtatm tr ft* taaa# *.« a a VM««a. . . • t ba-t aa4 laa. .4 UM Saa* at n. fe t .*■ M.l: 'irtfraidi •Un IA. w Vi .an ik Uarimm liiiifa t « m»vi i> J ikXßixa. «• • • rmm ,4 a? tts> > fe»* * • ' > I Ufefetti MaHQ i m MaAa. I ta'knai-st At ■LEim, vbmt * tin, MerrHA.m, a»M »wMaa»M.aA.«. a ITLUU. ACOUIi a» Taa—■ it* ait—tm MMnam UmMfcMml. *«4M IwMt 1 r M4 kT M aft kfel M f* tvt>: yTTmu!S mm m •aa V ««rM tM »■ Mr « aMi *M HH ift - *.* i CotMa, Floar, Grain, Prariaoo*, t.t trjuL iuuuxdhi: — *" ,TTt * «• M yyfe. L I I I I 1 1 IITIICII * » .fe fe fen i.■ / fey sny -fen m, rs fe PIMH fefen s fel /wE. w y t —fe. as Isa *«*• vi sSß»vßiKarr<* Klovr, ltar-ofe. aad olhrr I’rodfepc asfesl PrtrrWafea, *»i fesMuar soiimuu. A Lvr* LM ■ ■■lfT<ar»d ( dtea Udi. mmd mIL - Ok> •<«. *m -»' Orj f * *l»t tM a»l- r>» •«£ M pmU low C« HAS I* A>D FOE fiuLLJI COts. 1 < M M I V^*" T ANARUS“ —— » HOOK 3< b trot. run r 5 O ~ TtWAi XXK l.>o fcto °— wv ««»lTs»> OOtIUK •)| | W.A i 1> ' tuovyi u4 Dm*. TOO Us. .V it-*.’ 1 1wiurtfei" *** C Os TON. o*l »' - • i»r,yr»a».'' *T- KLI S*T MU .-7 _ liberal Advances v *•’ ■T~-CL*"2sy*..— nstirv.*7”Li arvaas*-- 4* »as hatwn wA A ta*4i Br. ALL FOR OKI DOLLAR’ NO ELANKS: NO HUMBUG! r_ ii. ttiujttiv tur L.ik’-E'T a\: v KXTJfXSirn GIFT T.>TKIII’IIIWE Crystal Palncv, i-a>W.4 M titmtaA a»4 XtroaMr t lUmu bwfte. T •Ll * fesii *• i«4 JT* 14 * tnn DtHsiiß n* Rim iinrui • 1 O’- l/'- rward, kitkiKt ■—it at RAIMA K.r»,||‘p« •*n *r»«a »v %. »*» FV.- X*rrwr rtm* Ira M- Wt IMnWlv«*a aM i ..MneTrap X-iaßfßfei **... IXmt CM>— Ifefe—rt aal Ant Ivka* Tfekav It.—rt tad 1« » -a» »'«*• .4 >M aW Taa A4b iMfe-r- fe-artar* <4 «*<M4 *»• n» 1 J*-«a4rjr 4 walMMaf f?wa 14hy •> m b«adr»d jaar tad a brr 4 fM«i ••« MatMMd —MI aa EVERY ARTICLE IN THIS LIST SOLD AT «E DOLLAR EACH IVaimrs iHari Mr— t|»yi. »- r,, LTy*»32 5m vsrSvs aad fer* Emm dMr wmWBH Marty «m A Man— wr— wrru-K. ~ j Htvng .aim 1 1 ■* «w vm fwor at v l ' U ’ 1 ■LTl ,N sl—T wwy >h* ad aS ll li-tfi asd lad—^ My*—, M***n I—set m 1 —t—>4 «*^4—l Pi *--»4 \ taar*^—l %a <4R ■* MRS* PAINT NHOP J S—tAara n* to— ti M I T II IV O R k 4. a—» A*fe.i m w> to— —tat a—l aad a— aa* MM* ft— 4 *—tor*, aa la imiwf ba to to A—to * , ml ina aaai n> ■•> i *.ti to. a. t nnti { GEORGIA LOOM MAIDEACTJRING COMPANY. - MAMI/V ACTUItEUa rumatuwi ra i*n irnmni sir* r.*» feus, to c*sx sr ns (■r o.*r Is sarj’s feGra. —**• «i«y.a»«. i» aa and oraunfe —iaMill Tapi ii ad Seif Actiag BAND AMI POWER LOOM! Kxsiiu nritEßfrrooD. Bit let to operate. AXS MOKE BELUKU4 11 aa i a i ii srrxmioa umnum •m all mo BA» LaOBK a RUKA 61*ru AS I- DCXABLX riaal/r. caa fey lair |s.yl/»l % WaaMWtf aR ttor y—A* fa h—i a— tto ■SfIBCJHAiXIBPBm KBMABb LtWl. FROM 15 TO 30 YARDS <• M 1 *tn «• thk Ln« ia 6w Rtj! nwtATi* *. Fa*T 41 AJfY r»T«l UHN PIWB |o It 111 « Ui! CM w Rtir M M. m lAicn ajul pc.,fr*^- THF TTEVrVfi *>F v> lU>T rfct w k *4 y«-ta U*P and ALr .fL Rfejato U*R OrtlA UHiaiAa LL' lltoito RQnA LsTvtl U*t* I: f-feto J—a. Vt L •—> h «at«« TwiiL. Ux t Ti-Ji fAto Vct -'*» In* t* l Edd—i (rxidi, PtoOBC Trial <tf to* Jutoda. r-x OxtoM Tmm or AR.Wmt4 CWtk. hfeUSCUka Tfr«*i-C TkW* Litot. wr , Ut I_**-r tc ! n*t:o rarpptß. ImfttoX. JLX VTHiJn *. #r —. H-4A ItoJUI SIIJL V a iLAo i AJihL I W » tor » '-«f Rjii M> burr— to— a ra—- ■i—a. *x ; Uadv—if* —pwto—• » |—torx. »-» -s* a crito Laa— mad Coasiy to &ala a*» fei-fe.. yMn fer « mwi !*r, ar.v. . DRY GOODS • DRY GOODS ’ Git KAT HKmt*nO>’ VxfeST. fmmry a mi lmy»ct-i DRY GOODS. BOOTS AKD SHOES, to All Gssy*. tsri-i a ftsii I tram ! O>' E PHI C F. O \LY! JOHN M. GANNON I> Bn ” •TTXy' Vt- to»— ta to r—a fe-.I —a 4 ft • * • - •/ - * • * A y£< >\J Tv V f . FALL AND WUTTEK Dai GOODS. •”** *• > —rwlafev? va-, ■—. Oix*iit I3iiivraiiu?! Nfntil I ■Awn at i-at* la Drr—».r<A* LALL WILX *x rv^XD A Scht-iuk* of (be Leadx.c Artider to* aaM )*ar» RCba, 9 Ctot * *« xr f K—m »>MW k afcd iTtoA t r *— La t aaad «toto AJt-W— Itoato. Mast m-£ V\— tt.4aai- ftoifeto. L* Om— .fir—* ttob A BCAUTIFUL LINE OF CLOAKS or to* QaM— to ■ D M-iBI totm Fb.aala Warn kfrl XtrS—. Fto T—Ci LAP— XafXrm !to« . Ifewn* m>ywt Infe Kyt yj Ufe srX CMfey I* ■ (Way V* I*t lAs ■ - -■- y< sfe Xy toor m \ rm I* .4 Ntoi 4toO —1 ►«» timart R r.. »Al b— of I*tM* 4 toft anna —a t ’ «s • AA •—| rtmm m m Hbk I—A tor*;. aM Tap er tot t nap—to (ton ftoaiA Uu— to U. tot »4 ■>—* to—Pi >i <l.l ts-tw 4 —Bill Pi Wb to toil aM -V r—A. tbpOto aM to** ttorto top—r> »£. br.piWa— 'iW*p Talk. aM if— to*a af T ifetw toil ■— IMmb’ tiACbt M<v n—t aM C—Mi tk—P: —‘ Rto. N IMPry «to at—l .—am. ! E*anb xx>w oowrun mxtxl imucr wroir la to* top la—*■ ialtoiftrvai toad W—R a~» M fe«dftM4 b’ to* -afe«aa4 fli p I Rto j a-- -»* ns^- ATLARTA WiDUM DIRECTORY Lina « ru use fesw> s.— r i»fe»feT.ajaajai«rr , * \l* and T■ tIRM. Wtoa— aM AaM fto air * —M >—ttni R. Ww rixA «.r t % :a^»few*s—* —4 Ttrwd 1 HVTAVaXX • v Wulhh • Waa— a Itob to«—r x* •• «M r—. ft. to*va—, torn ■—r. *to aa U—A ft «toX W-fti-t •W-bTuTft c«l. wi 1,11 o—fe P—M. IpftptA Waitatoftato-A I> »•»T I- .m. aM RaM Tr m*- • - Wt—M aM Mtotoil —1 Yft’VLl ft < aftAuUw *a—ak * a. “ni*i \ w —nra mftp , —4 to■• ('J T. iNWOM ft «D WtobM ft— mp* F—«*aaa. ttiv—ftL^T" > “ irir ' *' “ ****" u n »WT\/WftjiftLOu. o———— - \titlll ft no WAM —ft to—U Dray Gwv »«■» Ip. Vk—taalMß ife—«. - La«—p.. Hrva-t-ra ft—. Wl—ft*^ MM. to toP— a—MR —MI Aim KTTTKRtoV" lair o—. M ftMtoMlaa 1 aa » f’ ■ KWWUftCMdL I—i tar —M— Ta«ar*p t • rap. MB— ft B 4 Wftpl a aft —.a Ji wwrrßft ao. -- 1 w—. —. 1 1 *F. ***** mmm - «>— mMr ■—l aM fWr \rnJT. MIMJ9 ft (AA. WVAM* CMr—a tV ■ o—4. to——, to—* ftn—'WT ft on 0 a rnm - - «l *"* ■— rw*k uto ftp, I toa* •I iJi Z •** mim,B UUfeL AsTL * '-iftpAXT -A—• A to IWtfe. f—ai.a a ¥ P srtJkm5 rtJkm 1 * —*«•—l ■■■ J T iOl Wft OAy Wft-ai— 1 or - cr I lOft tout, era— II IBM Map aM *> •F |U r—fe- «| Fp»m». aad IWtof Lftpw fe 1> toLftT J LOWWT ft 00. ft—ft— M toft— A Rx. IJ-. DCXLyIF ft . AJW. A— aM « —pp-* .\ y I««i AItAX Hour .1 Op—i—, top 4atfe p A tot—jrbd—ft >p T>WTL TOWftl ft m. rv—aft aM toi 1 r*-—• i3 •*» x aM taut. Mft. MLL ft e»A, irat— Fa—* aM Orb— . aa— »—(to—» kr— to Np— • ■! pbr to aM tov«s to n*ftß aa. aM ftirv . W.Bt «KM\r Wi P—fi» ft— to i>-±i Karwcia*— | UftU^.*— i pIVM D—> i •TrxtYrX’ *op T—pa. at fc-. p v Mnm •fcj— aMftpaa-i r-A CJUtM i> 1 1 . i' . 11 . oit m 1: Hctwpftiftidy KLUTH toIUMUI. DK. W . W 1 D I K fti A V| ||T ATTjIXTA. —IHPiLA. p pß|p 4 ft* fkrtfe. totoftpp -» »—fd to nartife r • ' e>*»juT: rSTiix cjlTi«T—L— '* M AIM ftp ■ «M ■■ aPBi 1 raftar aa toauaM N •—o Its —rt4 *,l ft IBM p—in a* ■— to M—« DR. H. liMilia Marg ew ■ 1> «• utft n t . * MSS. DRS. FORD ft HAPE. Ife-nlGtss. ilstSM feu.H SlfeySa. Slsyg VUX r-rt-v St 1- KKMOVAL V L>mi:vi »,* y^uxs J k. —• ' tsF TT :Ti'vj XI Ur nTt. 9 ..agg *f fe • >.xi . » US. MUU« JOHN R. HART, .Las O Inti s< fey Vfe Ossa*. CsySrj. ATTOESET AT LAW. jtiui snann v .usxfetnnsa >* nev ‘.usuufey ■TliyS. Ifesy Gsss SMrhu fesS. HENRY P. FARROW, ATTORNEY AT LAW SlUst*. ISsyrfls. JOHN mLLEDGL Jr., ATTORNEY AT LAW, Slum nnfeSl WUS nasln I. 1 fc« lysMs rny.ll. Sills.. U s Hsry—H * HI ■■. -sy* • ’ (fe. Hsu r. H Mai. Lyi/Utws. >fe M-fe Is. »l. bssutfesssus H.U ■! S GSMS ■»---■ .. NEW STORE! NEW 000! HD. 11. TAYLOR, f MIWT fesy . US fe Tun,, fell, fe Ou. M ut» ‘ i MysTsyJ Ttsr, X d"*» feu, Isufe. » .. Ac . «—«• —ft b* ftp— 1 * iry tofft ha to ft—a Brat Dry <1 —to ■— Tto aa— n to> to *M.jiWMTnrwaMETw m to % Nrw • Rtl frwk Mftffc ts Clorrf TtoPltoc (to MB— *4 All—(a. aM mrr-mn ftp lft«* tboal 4wn V uk ip. *i— *d i»rto p r—pfe y— aad—a t l