The leader-enterprise. (Fitzgerald, Ga.) 1912-1915, April 16, 1912, Image 2

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For Sheriff
I hereby announec myself a can
didate for tne office of sheriff of
Ben Hill Countv, subject to the
voters at the county primary. I am
not running as anybody's candidate,
but submit my candidacy to the
voters of the county, subject to
their approval at the polls.
George W. Rodgers.
For Sheriff
To the Voters of the Ben Hill Co:
I hereby announce myself as a
candidate for the office of Sheriff of
Ben Hill County, I promise, if
elected, to enforce the law in the
county in so far as lies within my
power, and perform all other duties
to the best of my ability.
I also announce he names of
Charlie F. Dixon and Matt D. Young
as my deputies. Respectfully,
W. H. Fountain.
For Sheriff
I hereby announce myself as a
candidate for re-election for the of
fice as sheriff of Ben Hill county,
subject to the white primary to be
held later on. As heretofore, if
elected, I promise to fill the office to
the best of my ability, with special
priviledges to none, but equal rights
to all. Thanking you for past favors
I beg leave to ask you again for
your loyal support. 1 am,
Fraternally yours,
J. W. Norris.
For Clerk of Superior Court.
I hereby announce myself a can
didate for re-election to the office of
Clerk of the Superior Court of Ben
Hill county, subject to the white
primary to be ordered. I have ati
all times endeavoreu to perform the
duties of this office, and trust my
services have been satisfactory in
the past. If elected again, I will try
and perform my duties in strict com
pliance with the law as heretofore.
I appreciate your favors shown me
in the past, and trust my service
merit your approval at the polls.
Yours very truly,
For Clerk of Superior Court
To the voters of Ben Hill County:
I announce myself as a candidate
for Clerk of Superior Court, of Ben
Hill County. IF elected I promise a
faithful and impartial discharge of
the duties of the office. (i
I will appreciate your support and
W. L. SmiH.
For County Treasurer.
1 hereby announce myself a can
didate for the office of County Treas
urer, subject to the white primary
when that is ordered, for the selec
tion of candidates for county officers,
and will appreciate the support and
votes of the voters of Ben Hill coun
ty. F. M. SmiTh.
For County Treasurer
I hereby announce myself a can
didate for re-ection to the office of
County Treasurer, subejct to the
white primary to be ordered. If
elected, I will fill the office to the
best of my abilitv, as I have done in
the past. I will appreciate your
support and assure you of my ap
preciation for past favors.
For Tax Receiver
I announce myself a candidate
for receiver of tax returns of Ben
Hill County, subject to the ruling of
the white primary andif elected
will fill the office to the best of my
ability, your support will be appre
ciated. Yours very resptfully,
- * E pLy Gißss.
For Tax Receiver
I respectfully announce myself a
candidate for re-election to, the
office of Tax Receiver of Ben Hill
county, subject to the white prima
ry. Iwill a&reciate the'support of
the voters diithe county. | Thapking
you fOr past support, Lam
. 4 Yours very! truly,
J. Bg‘ Dixon.
T 1. \
For Judge jtithe City;Court of
Fltagerald. &'
At the eagi gsolicitation of many
friends, I heréd¥ annoupee nyyself a
candidate & Judge of ?&.‘City
Court of Fitzgerald, subject to.the
wkite primary recently ordered. I
will appreciate tt?gs;?ort of all my
friends. If elected. it will be my
pleasure to follow the law and ad
minister the office without favor or
prejudice. My motto is an impar
tial administration of the law—
courteous treatment and a square
deal to all. Your vote and your in
fluence will be greatly appreciated.
e e
Rooms 208-9-10
Judge City Court
To the People of Ben Hill County:
I hereby announce my candidacy
for re-election to the Judgeship of
the City Court of Fitzgerald.
E. WaLL.
. For Ordinary.
I hereby announce my canrdidacy
for the office of Ordinary of Bem Hill
County, subject to the White "Pri
mory, and, if elected, it will be my
pleasure, as well as my duty, 0
cheerrfully and faithfully perform
every function of this important
office to the best of my ability and
strictly as the law directs.
Your vote and influence is an im
portant and necessary asset in this
undertaking and I assure you that
they are both much desired and will
be very highly appreciated.
Sincerely yours,
For Ordinary.
To the Voters of Ben Hill County:
I hereby announce myself a candi
date for re-election to the office of
Ordinary, subject to the white pri
mary to be ordered.
I have endeavored to faithfuily
perform the duties of the office in
past, and if elected will continue to
give the public my best endeavors.
I will appreciate your support,
and assure you of my appreciation
for past favors.
C. M. Wik,
For County Commissioner
To the Voters of Ben Hill County:
I hereby offer myself a candidate
for Commissioner of Roads and
and Revenues from the Third dis
trict of said county. If elected 1
promise to do my duty as a Com
missioner to the best of my ability,
realizing that each and every por
tion of said county should have
their equal rights. 1 would thank
you very much for your support at
the polls.
Yours for the best interest of the
W. B. Waite.
For County Commissioner
I hereby announce my candidacy
for re-election to the office of
County Comrmissioner and solicit
the support and influence of the
people and voters at the coming
Primary Election, and, if elected to
succeed myself, I promise to dis
charge the duties of the office to
the best of my ability and to the
satisfaction of the tax-payers of the
county. Respectfully Submitted,
J. G. Minshew.
For Coroner.
I hereby aprnounce myself as &
candidate for the office of Coroner
of Ben Hill county. If elected 1
promise to faithfully discharge the
duties of the office.
I will appreciate your support and
By request of many friends 1
announce my name as candidate for
Coroner of Ben Hill county, su>ject
to the vorters at the white primary.
If nominated and elected I will do
‘my duty as the law directs. Your
‘vote and a kind word spoken in my
‘behalf will be appreciated.
Frrzavee LEeE
] For Solicitor.
To the Voters of Ben Hill County:
I beg to announce myself a can
didate for the office of Solicitor of
the City Court of Fitzgerald. I am
the candidate of no one™man or set
of men, and if elected, shalkstrive at
?ll times to deserve the hdner con
erred™upon ne.
¥~ Sincerely, .. -
- W. H. Hor\e.
For Tax Cbliectbr. !
1 respectfully announce myself a
candidate for re-election to the
office of Tax Collector of Ben Hill
county, subject to the white prima
ryv. I will appreciate the support
of the voters of our county. Thank
ing you for your past support, I am
i Yours very truly,
F. M. GrasawMm.
Dr. G. W. McLean
Rooms 512-513
Garbutt-Donovan Building
Sunday hours 9 to 10 A. M.
House Phone No. 410
Phone 438 Fitzgerald, Ga.
Young’s Chapel Items.
* We are glad to see such weather
once raore,
You can hear the knock of the
distributor inevery direction these
Mrs. Sallie Reeves is very ill
this week we hope her speedy re
We are glad to know Mrs, Ed
Burch is able to be out again,
C. A. Majors is planting cotton
seed this week,
Mrs. Della McGlamory is on the
sick list and we fear she will be
sent to the hospital for an opera
Mrs. Jack Mercer and Juttie
Major gave Mrs. Kd Burch a pop
call Tuesday,
Mrs, Susan Ashiey spent Tues:
day p.m. with Mrs, Della Mec
Miss Sallie Mathews spent Sat
urday and Sunday with friends in
Messrs Arthur Gibbs, Lewis
Perry, and Misses Ida and Ella
Gibbs were out driving Sunday.
Mr, Johnie Day, wife and son
Howell, spent the day at Mus.
Sallie Adams Sunday last.
Misses Dessa Posey and Mam
mie Knight were out pleasure
riding Sunday evcning.
S. 8. Youpg Jr. J. R Mercer,
. W. Young, W, G. McGlamory
and son Weaver, J, B. Posey, and
Miss Sallie Mathews made a busi
ness trip to Fitzgerald Saturday
p. m. :
Look out boys! The lawyer has
taken our property,’tis dishearten
ing never-the-less, we’ll get it
back or do our best.
The School had as their guest
Friday last, S. S. Young Sr., and
family, J. T. Young and family,
Johnie Day and family, Jack
Mercer and famuly, O. J. and
Martha J. Williamson, Sam and
Lizzie Livingston and | several
others in the community even the
carpenter men were there,
Rev. M. F. Reeves filled an ap
pointment at Welcome Sunday
Mr. Jack Mercer and family,
Mrs, Lela Reeves and sons, Wal
ter and Bennie spent the day in
Welcome Sunday last.
Well G. W., I have it right
this time, say how’s Fitz, ?
Son—M a m m a! Mamma! ‘the
horses are out. -
Mother—Oh! its a politician.’
Mr. and Mrs. J, R. F. Young
visited the latters parents, Mr, and
Mrs. Hill, of Rebecca Saturday
and Sunday,
Mr. Cooper of Rebecca was in
our beat Tuesday. .
Prof. Judson Johnson was out
driving Sunday p. m. Ask him
about the ‘‘chips.”
Mr. S. S. Young,: Sr., made a
business trip to Fitzgerald -Tues
dav. :
Our School ' closes Friddy. " i 1
- . ;
S - ke
S o t“““"‘,_-, T :
For Coroner
I hereby annouuce myself a can
didate for re-election to the office
of Coroner of Ben Hill County,
subjzect to the Primary election of
April 17th, Your support will be
William McCormick,
Atlanta, Ga.—As an evidence of the
unanimity with which Georgians are
supporting Oscar Underwood for pres
ident, Manager Hutchens gave out at
headquarters four incidents, which he
declares are significant.
“The Democratic executive commit
tee of Worth ceunty met the other
day to determin¢ on plans for the
presidential primary. A vote was ta
ken and it was found that the com
mittee stood 29 for Underwood and 1
for Wilson. This report was sent to
me from three different sources.
“During the primary held on the
27th in Pike county, those who voted
in the second district were asked to
write down their preference for pres
jdent and when the vote was count
ed it was found that it was Under
wood 72, Wilson 4, Clark 1. This in
formation comes from the justice of
the peace who presided at the elec
“In Waynesboro recently there
was held a mass meeting of citizens
to select a new Democratic executive
committee, After the new commit
tee was chosen, the mass meeting en
dorsed Mr. Underwood without a dis
senting vote.
“The organizers of the TUnderwood
club at Wellston in Housten county,
report that there are 106 voters in
the district and that 103 have signed
their names in the Underwood club.
“We haven’t given up hope of get
ting the other three,” the county
Hon. W. T. Lane, of Americus, sev
eral times a member of the legisla
ture from Sumter county, a well
known lawyer and a strong Wilson
supporter, has practically given up
the fight in Georgia, and now express
es the opinion that Underwood will
carry the state.
Mr, Lane has taken a prominent
stand in politics in his section, gets
around considerably over his congres
sional district, and his judgment can
not be questioned.
He says “Georgia may, and proba
bly will, follow the example of Ala-
Lbama, and declare for Underwood.”
Here is Mr. Lane’'s statement, in
which he makes this interesting ad
mission as it appeared in Wednes
day’s Americus Times-Recorder.
“I believe Wilson is the best candi
date, in the sense that he is most
likely to be‘a winner before the peo
ple,” said W. T. Lane, the well-known
attorney yesterday, “but I am free to
confess that while I will support Wil
son, the outlook favors Underwcod
in this entire section of the state, and
probably throughout the state. I can
readily appreciate that the Under
wood sentiment is developing
strength rapidly. But While Georgia
may, and probably will, follow the ex
ample of Alabama and declare Under
wood to be its prefererce, I am still
free to say that I believe that Wilson
is the most available candidate for
the party to nominate. Underwood is
a man of fine capacity and undoubted
experience and ability as a political
leader and statesman, but I cannot
believe that the north is yet willing
to accept a southern man. It seems,
though, that he will have some sub
stantial backing in the convention.
Georgia looks very much like sending
an Underwood delegation.” i gmen -
Prominent South Georgian Gives Hisl
Views. ‘
—_ - ]
Hon. A. T. Woodward, one of the]
most prominent lawyers in south 1
Georgia, who is well known and liked
by a host of friends, writes from
valdosta to the Underwood headquar
ters in Atlanta:
«Underwood will get whatever vote
is polled in Echols county. He has
the support of such men as Judge P
C. Ham, Hon. W. C. Howell, Hon. J
F. Nall, Hon. Bryant Corbett and oth
ers there and in that section. I am
not exaggerating, but it is my opinion
and the opinion of others that
Lowndes county will go for Under
wood if a full vote is polled by at
least 400 or 300 majority. It looks to
me like almost every man I see is for ‘
Underwood. The judge of the supe
rior court, the judge of the city court,
ci#érk, fordinary, tax receiver, sheriff,
about three-fourths of the lawyers,
nearly every prominent business man
it town (Valdosta) and iil:the coun
ty: everyisbank president, three out’
of four cashiers of the banks, all the
»dpctgxggn_d it is the same way from
every. ‘section’, of . fhe” ‘doufitiqd! ¥ ican
hear from. It looks to me like we
will get 75 per cent. I heard a
prominent man say on the street that
he had just returned from Thomas
county, that Judge Charles Hansell
said, in his opinion, Thomas county
would vote 75 per cent. of her votes
for Underwood. [ heard a gentleman
from Berrien county say that Under
wood would carry that county and
would also carry Tift and Clinch.”
Quick Detachable
: ®
Easily Fits Any Quick Detachable Rim
No Tools Required
News Boiled Down and
Dished Up from Ash
ton Graded dchool
Miss Florence G:utier spent the
week end with Miss Fannie Lee
Noj} man will have any trouble
about understanding as much of
the Bibie as he is willing to live,
The singing at Dormineys Mill
Sunday Swzs reported to be quite
a success. ,
Miss Rachel Bishop and Mr.
Edd Whitley were out driving
Sunday p. m.
Rev. Jas. Bishop has been seri
ously ill for the past week and
was unable to fill his regular ap
pointments at Silome church Sat
urday and Sunday.
We are glad to learn grandma
Bishop is able to be up again after
a few weeks illness,
The most terrible catastrophe
we can think of just now is a col
lision between a freight train and
a wagon load of fresh eggs,
An Easter egg_hunt was enjoy
ed by the young folks at the home
of Mr. Johr Barnes Sunday,
A popular neighbor had just
passed to the great beyond in a
rural Pennsylvania community
and the undertaker stood at the
door of the home, when he heard
the following remarks by the
minister: “Mine brethern and sis
tern, Joe Thomas is dead. May
be Joe Thomas has gone to heaven,
ap, I don’t know, und maybe again
he gone §to,. Hell, down, I don’t
know, but, mine brethern und
sisters we must be brebared to
meet him.”
Mr, Huling from the city spent
Monday pleasantly at the home of
Dr. and Mrs. H, H. Hooker.
Mesdames J. A. Worth and D,
T. Bohannan from the city spent
Thursday p. m, with Dr. and Mrs,
H. H. Hooker.
We are sorry to learn of the
illness of little Fannia,MgeKil
patrick. Dr. Hooker betw” her
physician, we are in hopes of her
speedy recovery. '
Mr. W. H. Minix of Tampa,
Fla.. spent Thursday p. m. at the
home of Mr. T. N. Middlebrooks.
Tne persor who is envious of
evil doers; will soon be one them
selves. «ti . = e
Mr. Edd Bishop and Miss Fan
nie Lo Jones wefgiout driving
SR aw. .
-Many hearts go out in sympathy
with Mrs. George Minix and chil
dren over the death of Mr, Minix,
which occured at his home Tues
day morning. The funeral services
were conducted by Rev. Smith
Wednesday. Tde remains were
laid to rest in the Troupe Ceme
tary. Mrs, B, D. Boyakin of
Douglas, mother of the deceased
was present. Also other close
relatives were present,
There are 25,000 musicians in
the Salvation Army,
Leone Deloraine.
May Prolong Their Lives
At an advanced age waste is more
rapid than repair. The organs act
more slowly and .less effectually than
in vouth. The circulation is poor, the
Llood thin and watery, the appetite
poor and digestion weak.
We want to say to every aged per
son in this vicinity that Vinol, our de
licious cod liver and iron tonic (with
out oily will prolong life. It creates
an appetite, aids digestion and makes
gocd blcod. In this natural manner
Vinol retards waste and replaces
weaknesg with strength, giving new
life to the worn system.
If people in this vicinity only real
ized how Vinol invigorates old people
we would not be able to supply the
Try a bottle of Vinol with the un
derstanding that your money will be
returned if it does not help you.
Denmark Drug Co.
pen of 10 extra fine color and
shape pullets and grand cock
bird $5.00 per 15. From my
- next best pen headed by a excep
tionly fine cock $3.00 per 15.
From pen of 40 good hens and
4 very large, fine, strong
cockerels, on free range $1.60 for
15, S4.GQ for 60, $B.OO for 100,
Egds from a fine flock White
Leghorns $2.25 for 15. Satisfac
tion guarenteed.
42-4 t-W. Milan, Ga.
One of Life’'s Best Pleasures Missed.
Of all the things that make life
worth living friendship comes near
the top. But friends are rare, be
cause we are too busy. :
Your Druggist
Stops That Itch
If you are suffering from Eczema,.
Psoriasis or any other kind of ¢kin
trouble, drop in on your druggist for
instant relief. We will stop that
itch in two seconds. W'
Hundreds of druggists have told
s how they had sold other ‘reme
dies for skin troubles, but none that
they could recommeed like the well
known compound of Oil of Winter
green, Thymol and a few other in
gredients 4hat has wrought such
wonderful” cures all over the
country. i %
.The .compound known as'Df D. D.
Prescription, will cool'and heal, the
itchy, burning skin as nothing else:
can. Get a bottle and see.
For Sale by Denmark Drug. Co.
Value of the Eucalyptus.
In Europe and Africa the eucalyptus:
tree is in high favor because of its
efficiency in draining swamps.