Newspaper Page Text
i i % i g i ! ‘b HRfhdindn g &, €5 BAR edRRy ¥
Where Every Day is a Special Sale bay:
One lot of Val lace, 17in. 25¢ Corset $1.50 White Li ,
I:anga(; 5¢ quality ]C Yd Cover Embroidery lOC Yd Wash Sl:irets :;e:nly 480
_________——————————’—_'__________———————________—-————————_—— :
SURPRISE STORE OUR MOTTO: Your money’s worth or your money back
MRy Aet R ————————
Published Every Tuesday and Fridey by J
ISIDOR. GELDERS, . ... R e ... Managing Editor
RARE BIRRBIBL R, 1 s oioni ouersst onfn 2 880 lot g O ....Clity Ef:;
G R e e
E;;;r;d nt ;h; ;;;;offl;; at Fitzgerald, as Second-Class Mail Matter, under Actof
Congress of March 18,1879. i
b Official Organ of Ben Hill County and City of Fitzgerald '
—— Y ey
Rates for Display Advertising turnished on Application.
Local Readers 10 cents the line for each insertion. No ad taken for
less than 25 cents.
e ——
In the election of Mr. W. R. Bowen as delegate to the National
Convention, the Third Congressional Distret paid Ren Hill and Mr. Bowen
a high compliment. Being in the extreme end of the “shoe-string dis
trict,” Ben Hill county is placed at a great disadvantage for political in
fluence in the district, but Mr. Bowen’s personal acquaintance and popu
larity gave our county an advantage that its location deniedus. Weare
proud of the distinction and the opportunity of having Ben Hill county
and Fitzgerald represented at the Baltimore Convention by this popular
citizen. : , , ‘
eLT T A Ai AU e
Mr. Watson’s effort to have the County Unit plan officially recog
nized by the State Convention has the support of a majority of the
people. ilis position was entirely right and in the interest of true
Democracy. The political machine 1s doomed. The Country Coun
ties will take charge of the next State Convention and make the de
feated efforts of Mr, Watson Party-Law for future conventions, Mr.
Watson has the opportunity to make the will of the People paramount
in State Conventions and neutralize the debasing influences of suach
men as Tom Felder. :
e i b
Delegates from Country Counties were loyal to the man who
fought their battles, Despite the efforts of the City garg to control
the convention at any cost and at any price, .T. E. W. was an easy
winner as delegate at large to the Baltimore Convention. It 1§ very
apparent that in the interest of the State of Georgia and as a protec
tion against throttling the popular will, delegates to the National Con
vention must be voted for at the Primaries. No matter where held,
Atlanta, Macon, or elsewhere the local element will always furnish the
majority in the Convention Hall, and it will become absolutely impos
sible to get a fair expression of the accredited delegates,
District Primaries are the remedy and with them alone will Demo
cracy have its real opportunity in the conservatism and “square deal”
inherent in the country voter.
O e S s
Another Protest Against The Backwoods Trus
tees of the 3d District Agricultural School
Much interest is felt here in the action of the trustees of the Third
District Agricultural School in ruling that no more female students shall
be admitted to that institution, basing their reason therefor on the state
ment that the district agricultural schools of the state were intended as
feeders for the state College of Agriculture and as females were not
eligible for that institution, they should not be admitted to the district
schools. Doubtless other reasons than those given influenced the trus
-lees of the Americus institution, for that given reads at this distance
like a clumsily framed excuse. Not one graduate in ten from the dis
trict schools attends the state institution, yet these schools are doing a
great and noble work for the sons and daughters of the farmers of Geor
gia, a work that grows in volume and capacity for good as the years roll
around and it is more fully appreciated by those for whom it was orig
inally planned. And to say that the state shall educate its farmers and
shut its doors on the education and training of the wives of its farmers
is rank class legislation. The female students of the Second district
school were among those who received most benefit from the past term,
aad the gazette trusts they will never be denied admission to its doors.
Tre district aoriculiural schools have a higher mission than mere feeders
to the state College of Agdriculture, and these who framed the law creat
ing them doubtless never intended them so 10 be.—Tifton Gazetie.
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Delegate-at-Large to the Democratic National Convention
at Baltimore.
Central Christian
Minister, Lewis C, Hammond.
Sunday Jure 2od. Children’s Day.
Bible School will meet at 9:30
a, m. The collecting cards for
The Foreign Missionary Society
to be handed in at Sunday School.
Communion and Sermon, 10-45
a, m,
Special Sermon so the parents
of the Children and the Citizens
in general with regard to Child
Life. s
It is hoped that the parents of
our children will make special
effort to be present at this service.
Mothers, fathers, old Scholars of
our School, you are earnestly in
vited to come on Sunday.
At the night service, .commenc
ing at 7:45 the children will render
a sacred Cantata entitled Darkness
and light. Everybody welcome.
Meeting of the Official Board
3 p. m. .
Special Ten Day Excursion
Fares to Tybee Island, Ga.
Via Seaboard Air Line.
Rate from Fitzgerald is $6.
Tickets on saie every daiurday
from June Ist. to Aug. 31st limit
ed ten days from date of sale.
For full information relative
rates, schedules, etc, See nearest
Seaboard Agent or write
C. W, Small,
Division Passenger Agent,
Savannah, Ga.
Mr. Milton Cohen, son ot Dr
and Mrs. M. S, Cohen, who is a
student at the Louisville (Ky.)
Medical College, is expected home
next Sunnay, to spend the summer
Stop Paying Express.
We have the agency for
the Benzal Dry Cleaning o’
Americus, Ga., and will give
your work prompt attention.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Phone 18. 40-2¢
Empire Mercantile Co. |
Bibb Co. Ships First
Carload Of Peaches
Macop, Ga., May 29,—Bibb
county erjoys the distinction of
shipping the first Georgia peaches
in carload lots this year. The
first shipment was of the Mayflow
er variety and was grown on the
Baleman farm near Walden, ten
miles froms Macon, and sent to New
The peach season proper will
cpen on June 5 or 6 and while
the crop will not be so large as in
1910, it will be much greater than
last vear. ;
Already heavy express ship
ments have been made from Mar
shallville, Fort Valley and other
‘points in the peach-growing dis
R. F. Baldwin, as usual, shipp
ed the first peaches from Marshall
vviile this year. They, were Vic
tors and went north on May 20,
Carload lots will begin to go north
in earnest next week,
Tax Receiver’s last round.
I will be st Achton Mondav
morning Juone lUth. Dickson’s
Mill Monday evening June 10th,
Mobleys Bluff Tuesday June 11th.
Bowens Mill Wednesday morning
Jun~ 12th,, Vaughn Wednesday
evening June 12th, Williamson’s
Mill Thursday June 13th, and will
be at the Court House on the fol
lowing days June 4,5, 6,7, 8, 14,
15, 17, 18, 19, and 20th. Books
close on the 20th. Please come
as eirly as possible and avoid the
rush of the last few days,
J. B. F. Dixon,
FOR SALE—Roller Top Desk, Safe
and Underwood Typewriter, either
cash or on time. Apply to Thos.
W. Stokes, Phillips Block. Phone
147. 35tf
-5 Room House For Rent—All
conveiniences. near school, Park
and bathing pavilion. Apply to
Fitzoerald Tailoring Co., tlouthi
Grant st, 56-4 t. |
Chautauqua Tickets
At Gandy Kitchen
Adams Candy Kitchen will sell
tickets for the Great Fitzgerald
Chavtauqua and seats can be re
served after Friday of this week.
The price of tickets are as fo!
Adult Season Ticket, singlec,
s3.i“}o%?eserved 50ct extra.
fAdul® Season Ticket, double
$5.00, reserved $l,OO extra.
Childrens Seazson Ticket, $2.00
Reserved 50c. extra,
General Admission, Adalts 50c.
Children 25c¢.
Go early and reserve the best
seats and avoid the rush.
Fitzgerald Chautauqua Asso.
Acute Indigestion
Successfully Treated
Many Cures Have Been
A little tablet called *‘Digestit”
has been found to be certain quick
relief for acute indigestion. Many
cases have been reported where
instant relief resulted from its use.
Brown’s Digestit is the successful
treatment for all stomach disord
ers. [t relieves indigestion in
stantly and cures dy.pepsia, Sold
on positive guarantee—6oc.
“1 guffered from a severe skin af-\
fection so I could not sleep nights, I
was almost crazy with itching. I
would scratch and almost tear myself
to pieces. I tried a great many reme
dies without relief. When I saw Saxo
Salve advertised I decided to try it
and one tube entirely cured me. I
recommend it wherever I go.” A, L.
Morgan, Endicott, N. Y.
Many persons around here suffer
so much from eczema that they can
not sleep at night. Saxo Salve stops
the terrible itching and goothes and
heals the eruptions.
In all kinds of eczema, salt rheum,
tetter, barber’s itch, etc., Saxo Salve
has wonderful healing power because
it penetrates the skin pores and de
stroys the germs at the very seat of
the disease.
We give batk your money if Saxo
Salve does not help you.
Denmark Drug Co.
| ®
80 Years on the Market
Real Estate and Renting :
511 Garbutt Donovan Building, Fitzgerald, Georgia
If you have houses to rent list them with us. We have calls
every day, and can keep your house rented. We make quick col
lections and remittances, and your place has the same careful at
tention you would give it. .
We want your City and Farm property listed with us—small or
large. If you want to make a sale turn same over TO US.
Mr. Buyer, now is your chance. Everything is at a bargain,
and if it is a Home or Farm vou need, now is the time to buy. Call
or write for information. If we have nor what you want, we make
t our business to flad somethine that will snit yon.
Puone 367.
Clothes called for and delivered.
Keefer’s Barber Shops
$lOO,OOO to Loan
And on Fitzgerald C 1 Propertyvl
Loans Negotiate ¥ “romptly
! Terms the Best; Interest
~ the Lowest.
~ Come and See Me.
Garbutt-Donovan Building
’ Room No. 311, Fitzgerald. Ga.
i - Representing
ELLIS & ELLIS, Tifton, Georg:a
Eye, Ear, Nose end Throat
318 Century Bui@
Notice to Subscribers
In consolidating the subscription’
lists of the Leader and Enterprise
it is possible that some name might
accidentally be left out. If, therefore,
you fai! to get your paper, kindly
notify the office, Phohe 328, one will |
be sent to you and the error cor
| [
c LS
- omemn REMoveS the Entire Com *
BEAR a ”
g, “Root and Branch :
% | Hasglass rod attached to stopper for
4 b conveniently applying it. Abso
| We M lutely safe, harmiess and pleasant.
R "' o Salves, plasters and cutting are
3y --w-oR-; 1’ disappointing. Bear Brand Comn
£§ 2| Paint NEVER disappoints. Your
£% %| money refunded on request if it
=] g fails to quickiy remove, without
(ORNp, ig pain, the largest or smallest hard
._,:..___film;-' ? orsoft corn. Get a bottle today and
U £ make your feet glad, Take "
TEEIhE 2 gno substitute, Atdealers 25¢ l)
N e = or sent promptly by mail
"‘*::"\w;; 7 : L
’ g/~ upon receipt of price. ot ooaon
Ll ¥ f ? 5 X
LEWIS BEAR DRUG €O. Montgorrery Ala