The leader-enterprise. (Fitzgerald, Ga.) 1912-1915, June 18, 1912, Image 3
~ W.G BROADAURST FRED J. CLARK DREW W. PAULK AV. VA = R D TE—VE T e Bl B W .__________,._________.._____}f i‘ ! WITH THE GOODS! v pgdii | All kinds of - _._.: 5,,,..- ‘ ird’ Furniture, D Rockers, Leath Mahogany, Bird’s Eye Maple and Qak Furmiture, Davenports, Rockers, Leather ~ Parlor Suits, brass beds, Art Square Mattings, Refrigerators, Mosquito Nets, Go Carts, Office Furniture. We give you all the time *® : ® 215 South Grant Street you want to pay for same. Fltzger ald Mercantlle CO. FITZGERALD, GA. by - E: Q..G O » S = oa = - s'< 5 0K = a u - C - E 1l - oo 9 -y - ¥ . & ac. e =} Gy = = @ no sy s % = o} =2 = 3 P O - 4 o - B (o ‘,News Boiled Down and Dished Up from Ash ton Graded >chool Grandma McCall is visiting her son in the city this week. Mrs. Mary Fryer, of Florida, who has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. Anne Hunter, for the past few weeks, returned home Friday. One way to keep cool in summer is to avid summer resorts. One is likely to be prostrated when one ponders on the bill. | Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dickson, Miss Chester Wilbanks and Mr. Jim Pridgeon enjoyed a pleasant auto drive Sunday. Miss Eva Lepsey and Mr. Joe # Misume, of Irwinville, spent Satur day with friends at this place. Dr. Wiley says that men who smoke are liable to sunstroke. Do your smoking at night. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Troup were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Ro bitzsch Sunday. Miss Effie Middlebrooks spent the week-end with Misses Ada and Ida ' Padgett at Ocilla. Mr. L. E. Kilpatrick and family were the pleasant guests of Mrs. J. Harris and family Sunday. ‘Mr. Joe Ly, from the city, is visiting here this week. A bullfrog may be a champion fly-killer, but he is not what might be called an'ideal pet, especially if there are nervous women around the house. Misses Jennie and Alberta Pope were the attractive duests of Miss ¢ Flora Ashurst Sunday. A man in New Jersey killed his sweetheart with an unloaded pistol. ' So history, unmindful of the tragedy of it, keeps on repeating itself. Mr. Monroe Bost and wife made Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Middlebrooks a p'easant call Sunday ¢f ernoon. Miss Nellie Wilbanks and Zelda Harper, of Osierfield, attended Sun day School at Pine Level Sunday afternoon. " Little Miss Ruth Shuford, of QOcilla, is the lovely guest of her ¢ cousin, Gertrude Shultz. We have congealed winter in the form of ice to temper the summer; now why not bottle up the heat and release it on a cold day? LroNNE DrLORAINE. FOR SALE—The woman’s ex change. novelty goods, toilet arti cles, two show cases, as few pieces of furniture, etec. Will sellata bargain and immediate sale is nec essary. All who are indebted to the Exchange are urged to call at ' once and settle up. Am leaving the city for several months. Mrs. E. P. Stoner, Mgr. A good reliable man can get permanent employment at the Cherokee Marble works to take orders for monuments. 39-tf, Is your subscription paid up? Slaton Will Back Board of Health Atlanta, Ga, Jume .15.—1 n his platform soon to be made public, Hon. John M. Slaten, president of the state sepate and candidate for governor, will take an advanced stand for legislation which will con duce to health conditions in Geor gia and a consequent reduction of the death rate. For years this has been a fixed idea with Mr. Slaton, and not only ‘was he one of the most active advo cates of the establishment of the state board of health, but he has lost no opportunity to favor for it an enlarged field of usefulness. - Two of his most recent public ad ;dresses have related to this subject, and in each of them he dealt with \the problem of the conservation of ‘health, disclosing from state and ‘government figures, what may be ‘accomplished in the direction of preventing diseases. ~ "What other states ca) do, Geor gia can do,” he said, “and we should put ourselves vigorously to it with out further delay. I shall advocate every possible good message looking to the conservation of Georgia’s health; and, in fact, I know of noth ing that should be allowed to have precedence of the solution of this all-important problem.” At the recent meeting of the Geor gia Medical Society in Augusta, res olutions of thanks to Mr. Slaton were passed in recognition of his services. He has for years taken the position that there could exist no more constructive statesman ship than the conservation of the health and lives of the people with the consequent regulation of pain and suffering. Rational Plan For Vacation Atlanta, June 15.—Believing that a rational plan for vacation lies rather in change of enviroment and form of activity than in idleness, the Brenau college has issued an nouncement of a Brenau summer school to be conducted primarily in the interest of teachers of music, ex pression, are and domestic science. It will begin June 27th, and a va riety of courses will be offered teachers, mothers, and young stu dents, too. : The summer school faculty will include Otto Pfefferkorn and Mlle. Maria Calli, who made such won derful impression in Atlanta this spring in concert. : Hardwick Will Meet His Waterloo. Augusta, Ga., Jone 17.—Judge Horace M, Holden has decided to enter the race for congress from the Tenth congressional district. His announcement will appear probably tomorrow. A MOQVING PICTURE Of stupendous bargain giv ing--Goldenburg’s Excur sion Rate Sale. THE LEADZR-ENTERPRISE, TUESDAY, JUNE 18, 1912, To Pay Judges More Bibb Representatives Plan Increased Raise to $5,000 Macon, (veorgia, June 17. If a bill now being dra‘ted by Representatives Walter Defore and Minter Wimberly, of Bibb county, and whick. will be intro duced at the pext session of the general assembly, becomes a law the suverior court judges of Geor gia will in the future draw a salary of $5,000 per year. If this measure, which will ap ply to all the judges of the superi or courts throughout the state, fails to pass the house of represent atives, Messrs Defore and Wim berly will then introduce another bill, raising the salary of the judge of the Macon circuit from $3,000 to $5,000 per vear. At present the judges of the superior courts of Fulton, Chat bam and Richmond counties re ceive a yearly salary of $5,000 each, while all other judges on the superior court benches of the state draw only $3,0(0 per vear. In tte event the first bill is voted down, the Bibb legislators are con fident that the second will pass, as it only aims to place the judgeship of the Macon circuit on an equal salary basis with those of the other city circuits of the state. COME A RUNNING For the Bargains at Gol denburgs Excursion Rate Sale, next Monday the last day. Tybee Bathing Beach Claims Second Victim Savannah, June 14.—Private Harry G. Jamerson, of Lyach burg, Va., was drowned at Fort Screven, Tybee Isiand, this morn ing while practicing for a swim ing contest, He was seized with cramps and drowned- before his companions could reach him, He was 22 years of age and has teen in the service six months. His mother is Mrs. W. L. Moody, of Lynchburg. Legislature Will Figure In The Background. Atlanta, June 18, —The coming sossion of the (Georgia jegislature will probably get less space on the front psges of Georgia’s newspa pers than any session since lino type machines were invented, There is only one real political spotlight in the United States, The public can’t look two ways at once, At present it is focussed on Chicago, and nobody cares a dern even about the baseball scores un til they can find out who is nomi nated. On June 26th, when the Georgia legislature assembles, the spotlight will have shifted to Bal timore, and will remain on Balti more tor the natioral democratic convention during the early part of the Georgia assembly. , ags . Don't Be Bilious ,We Guarantee This Pleasant ] and Effective Treatment for Biliousness and slues. When you are bilhous your liver is out of order and the poisons in your system are not being proper ly removed. Instead ot being expelled from the body, they are carried by the blood to the stom ach, the brain, the kidneys, the lmuscles, clogging and hampering levery organ, making it imposible for you to work, or think or en joy yourself as you ought to. Perhaps you have the blues, or are rheumatic, or gouty, or suffer from dizziness, indigestion, heart burn, nausea, or are constipated, !bave a bad breath, or kidney trou ble, or a blotchy and impure skin, Your liver is not doing its work ‘properlv. Waste products —pois ions——that should have been elimi ‘nated, are remaioing in the system, ‘Or the liver is not secreting enough bile, thus hindering that part of the digestion that takes place in the bowels, Rexall Liver Salts contains cer tain salts commonly found in the celebrated mineral waters at Baden and other famous resorts to which invalids travel thousands of miles to partake of the waters, You can stav at home and get similar treatment. Rexall Liver Salts contains Bicarbonate of Pot ash, Sulphate and Chloride ot Sodium, Lithium Carbonate, Pot assiom Sulphate, It is agreeable, pleasant, effervescent, gently laxa tive—not violently purgative— cleansing the intestinal tract with out any but the most beneficiall and grateful effect. | We know what Rexall Liverl Salts is made of. We kpow it is good for the liver and for derange ments caused by or contributed to oy an unhealthy liver. We guar antee it to the- fullest extent—giv ing you your money back if not| effective. We know you will be‘ pleased with the results. 25c and' 50c. Sold in this community only]‘ at our store. 1 Denmark Drug Co. 72e Rexall stwre ‘ Fitzoerald, Ga, | Dictates Mail Then Weds Stenographer Atlanta, June 14 —After complet ing the dictation of the day’s mail to his pretty stenographer, Miss Emma May Bullard, J. B. Clute, manager of the United Mercantile Company, said: “Well, don’t you think we could marry right now instead of waiting? I've got to take a long trip soon.” Miss Bullard blushed but demure ly replied that she thought it would be all right. So a clerk went out and got a license and another one hunted up a minister. The couple were married in the manager’s office in the Forsyth building. =, BEAR BRAND = ()} N PAINLE:S'S EYE WATER and, SALVE . ; ' If you have weak, watery, sore or inflamed %yes, granulated; k i lids, wild hairs, eye ulcers or even TEMPORARY 3z 1 . BLINDNESS resulting from either of these, /"w A N o > \\\\ % Bear Brand Painless Eye Water and Salve CGlves Instant Rellef. It is healing, soothing, easy to _4B i ;’- . apply and harmless even to the youngest babe. Price, includ- %‘ % ing bottle of eye water, box of salve and glass pipette with B /é/ \ rubber bulb for dropping water into the eyes, 25c at best stores b ! : orby mail. Try it today, if not satisfied, your dealer will refund your 25¢, 1y THE LEWIS BEAR DRUG COMPANY, Inc., Montgomery, Ala. , QuICK RELIEF FOR SORE EYES | Church Direciory AINIONSINS SIS NS ST NSNS NS Every pastor ia Fitzgeraid i~ urg+-0 to send in his vouice of churco ser vices for tbis colume. CATHOLIC CHURCH Sunday Schooi 9:30. Mass 2nd and ath Snoday in each month at 10 o’clock, A. H. Schorhardt, Priest. U. B.CHURCH Directory of Service-. Sunday School, 8:30 a. m. Preaching 10:45 a. m, and 7:30 p. m Y.BC E U.,Bpm Mid week services Wed. 7:30 p. m, Official board meeting the first Thurs day evening of each month at 8:30. J. L. Leichliter, Pastor. CENTRAL CHRISTIAN CHURCH Lee and Jessamine Ste. Louis C. Hamwoud, Pastor, Bible School, Howard W. Browan superintendent, meets every fiord's Day at 9:30 ‘2. m. Morning worship, with Lord’s Supper, Littla sermon for Children, and Sermon, 11:00, Y.P.S.C E. 6:30, Evening weorship at 7:30. Midweek service. with address by the pastor, Wednesday evening at 7:30. Everybody welcome at all meetings Only once a strapger here, FIRST M. E. CHURCH. Lee and Magnolia Sts. E. J. Hammond, Pastor. Kesidence, 118 W. Magnolia Street, Phone 406. Sabbath Services. Sabbath School— 9:30 a. w. Morning worship—lo:4s. Epworth League—6:4s p. m, g Evening worship—7:4s. Prayer service Wednesday evening at 7:45. The general public, especially strangers, always welcome. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCII Corner Palm and S. Grant streets, Rev. S. . Hutton, Pastor, residence at Mrs. Pearson’s. Phone 292,—Mrs. Quattelbuam’s residence. Preaching every Sabbath moroing at 11 ¢’clcek. Evening service frcm April Isv to Oct. Ist at 8 o’clock; XEvening service from Oct. Ist. to April Ist at 7:30. Pravyer meeting Wednvescey night, Sahpath Schocel at 9:45 a, m. ‘KEEP TAB s on how often you send your shirts, collars. cuffs, etc., to this laundry, until they’re no longer wearable. That will convinee you that we pro long the life of linen beyond most washers and ironers thereof. Test our work—we can stand it. WHITE SWAN LAUNDRY. ! The Lord’s Supper administerrd nk the morning serivce the first Sabb2lhs. of January, April, July and October. The 3rd Sabbath morning in sack month the collection is for General As-~ sembly Causes, No collectlons taken up at our might services, Free Pews; and a cordial weltoms to you and your friends. Come abd !worship with us. CENTRAL METHODIST CHURCE: ! Cor. Lee St. and central Awe. Sunday School 9:45 a.m.C. A. Wezler ' Superintendent, Preaching by pasioz 11 'a. m; 4:00 p. m. Senior Epworth League 8.45 p. m. Preaching by pastor 7:30p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday night ai 7: 00. All are cordially invited to ihese services and strangers are especially welcome Guyton Fisher, Pastor. " FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. W. Magnolia, between Main apd Lae Streets. Sunilay School 9.30 a.m. L. Kezne-~ dy, Supt. Preaching services every Sunday a¥, 11 a. m. and 8:00 p. m. Prayer meeting Weilnesday nighk 8:00. B, Y. B. 1., ©:lb All are cordially invited' to ailene: all these services, : Thos. M. Callawazx, e e FOR SALE—Roller Top Desk, Safe and Underwood Typewriter, either cash or on time. Apply to Thos. W. Stokes, Phillips Block. Phone: 147. 35t6- Give us your order for a porch swing. We make them reasonable and can please you. F.M. Grabam & Co. Phone 14. 4528 Watch the columns of Leadex Enterprise. STUART®S] e bl K BT D ‘ BUCHU AXD JURIPER GOMPOUND , | FOR KIDNEY TROUBLES { i G 0 Years on the Market é_ & wn e i_)-: EE P > A D 7 B = = . ~ l { , | | | | o : ! ) ! ! 3 ! 4 L l l * i ‘ ! | | ] Y n ) < o @ o 3 Tt