The leader-enterprise. (Fitzgerald, Ga.) 1912-1915, June 25, 1912, Image 1
EIGHT PAGES Official Organ Ben Hill County, In Time of Need It's the money in the bank that bridges you over the rough places. It's the money you've saved for such an emergency that counts most. But what if you haven't saved? What if you haven't looked forward to that rainy day? Never mind; don’t waste time over vain re grets, Start tomorrow and open a Savings Ac count with this bank. Make the ‘start as soon as possible, add to it whenever possible and as much as you can possibly spare. We pay a liberal rate of interest on Savings Accounts. First National Bank Fifzgerald, Georgia The Bank for Your Savings - Shot To Death By {7-Year-oid bon Had Chastised the Boy and Was Killed for It. & Sy Ocilla, Ga,, June 22.—John H, McNeese, a prominent farmer, died this merning from a gunshot wound inflicted by his 17-year-old son James. The statement of Mr. McNeese was to the effect that he had chas tised the boy in a mild manner late yesterday. It angered the boy and he ran into the housé for a shotgun and fired upon the father, A inflicting a f tal wound in the nght arm and shoulder. # DPhysicians were called, but death ensued from loss of blood. The son remained at home over night, but fled early this morning before the sheriff could reach the scene, ' « The neighborhood isstirred over the tragedy, as Mr. McNeese lived an exemplary and upright life, &x‘ought up 8 most excellent fami- Iy and was highly esteemed by all ;vho knew him. —W_ w 0 @ ® : These Suits for Men that are selling now at The Y ; : ) /, = //// mase : . oA Empire Store for $9.38, $11.25, $15.00 and $18.75 ==3/Ads, LT | \/ YL are undoubtedly the best values of the season. & ‘ Blue Serge Suits, the $12.50 ones for $9.38; $l5 Suits for $11.25; $2O Suits for $l5; $25 r : ' Suits for $18.75. Just 25 per cent off the regular price of every one of them. /4 And the Grays, Tans, Browns and Novelties are going the same way---25 per cent off - 3 the regular price:. - It’s a great chance for a fine suit at little price, men! ’ { Boys Suits, and Men and Boys Odd Pants 1-4 off, also. ik Some of these boys suits have 2 pairs of pants. All of them are made up in a w'ay that will give a boy the best possible ser- : | J vice, and embody the seasons best points of style as well. $5 suits now $3.78; $6.50 suits now $4.88; and so on. L Hart Schaffner & Marx and Crown Trousers for men are splendid values at our regular price---this one fourth of{ makes them ' ' a great pick-up indeed. $7.50 pants for $5.88; $6 pants for $4.50; $5 pants for $3.75. Boys knee pants at same reduction. ' oQiet v [ THE | 10 == Ofi Shoes e Nfl Fade, ,Negiigszft $1.25 ;;‘W? i’; " ~ Boydens fine Oxfords for men g\ ~ ‘% New Resingiva Qhtts $1 | T EEmn s STORE Trime e U THF LFADER-ENTERPRISE \ U. 5. Conrt Upholds n : freedom of Press Contemporaneous roports of testimony taken in open court, however objectionable to some readers, ure jegitimate and may be circul-ted in the mails, accord ing to the decision of Judge Wad dill in the case of the United States against the Journal companv, incorporated, of Richmgnd, Va, While specially upholding the freedom of the press, the court suggested that reputable news papers would be goverred by com mon decency in acting under that confirmed right, The indictment was ordered quashed. The case grew out of the publi cation in the Richmond Evening Journal of testimony taken at the trial of Henry C. Beattie, Jr., for the murder of his wife last sum mer, Mr. George Brown has return ed from Chicago, woere he was a delegate to the Republican Na tional Convention. FITZGERAILD, BEN HILI, COUNTY, GEORGIA, JUNE 25, 1912. Taft Nominated President o @ By Republican Convention How They Voted by States. bl 1 TERRD N IR o o T | = 2|55 |%|% e|l&lg|<|B STATES. 1 Fle e P : Lk R U : ; : A o : B AR L DB L R e BRe L s b IR A . emaen BB Ll BB B e B L e 8B 10 D aanlß Ls el RN R R L e R R e 8 BRe . se s G 12 WM L B PR CROTEIA .. oo L. iahen e BB G b, G Bole ot B b e B L e a B g 80 Tndiema oo e AR L Tl g Lea .. s nys R L EBO Y 90 Buew o e R ol s I 8 W R e e e R e 88 Teumiaes o BB L L i e 0 e e e e 6 Mogebnd ot oo b R Dl o B ] 8 Muiaahaaets i B ke B 8 g MBI e B 9 e R eR U eLB R e e B M e AR B SB B o e RL s T B RM e e AT R i S e e 6 R el sl e 8 DNew Hamoßhire. . ... ... ..o B e 28 NewJer5ey..........\...-.-.......--.-| 2“ 126 S B ey o R e N R s IR B b 8 21 Nuth (ailing -. o 0 e o pea A 1y Nornth Dakota ..« 0. oo Gl . Lascolo e lan o cliasiliie o R e s L R ssl SRR R 50 GBRANA. ... oot Mo Lan T B 0. o e B oL B 76 Bomnevlania. . .....0....0 .0k 91 2 l 4 10 e el e Wit s 1S NN NS . L s e s ek e B R eR TN e U e e o B o o R st B oo e s el L BoM - L e S e e @ N e Bl e e B L e e ' L. 14 Wahingfon .« . ... .. ......... B aR L sbl 0 Wi R B SR s 9% MBS e e B e s B Mmoo BBy s o AR ocn o o B L il 2 District of C01umbia....:.........J . i olseciboosdfines g vy o LB e P PhmeNes .. s 2LI i daet 2 -Baleilen . oo kB ol e i ,17 344' 6 <+-Hughes, two votes SEMI-WEEKLY N vy ° Lastern Millionaire Is Drowned at Tybee W. N. Cole, Jr., Goes to Death While Bride-Elect Looks On. | i Savannah, June 23.—W. N. Cokr, Jr.,, of Summitt, N. J., was drowned while in bathing at Tybee this morn- i ing. The surf was unusually hea\'yi and most of the bathers remained close inshore. Coler went beyondl the life rope and was dragded cown. His body has not beea recovered. With Soler in the surf was iMiss Dorothy Londoner, of Deaver, Colo. Both came to Savannah from Au gusta last night. Mrs. Wolf London er, mother of Miss Londoner, came to Savannah tonight. Coler was the son of the late W. N. Coler, of New York. Augusta, June 23.—W. N. Coler, Jr., drowned at Tybee this morning, was a son of W. N. Coler, Sr., of Wall Street, New York, who recent ly died. The late W. N. Coler, Sr., lATIONAL BANK l THE EXCHANGE ! ANK. ATTAINMENTS: Capital Stock Strength, Surplus and Profits... $300,000.00 Resankeen: ... % il oo vos e 0 0000000 POPoIIE. . il v iri vl A OUR exceedingly large deposits convinces us that the publicis convinead of our extra-ordinary strength, and is pleased thoroughly with our splendid methods. Those having idle money, or desiring to save meney out of each moneyed transaction, may receive interest in our SAVINGS DEPARTMENT at the rate of four per cent. per annum, com pounded four times in a year. We pay a liberal rate of interest on Time Deposits. THE TREASURER OF THE UNITiED STATES deposits Government moneys here, and you are invited to deposit yours along-side. We are always glad to lend money to deserving people, and always have on hand sufficient reserve so that we shall never be forced to press collections on partics entitled to indulgence. R. V. BOWEN, President. . J. E. TURNER. Active Viee-President. J. D. DORVMINEY, Cashier. M. M. STEPHENS, Assistant Cashier, TUESDAY FRIDAY Vol.. XVII. NO. 48 CAIEO ST laYe THIRD BANK RESOURCES* $300,000,00 | was organizer of the Morse le2 Trust company, after Morse’s original in dictment. The young man drowned at Tybee came here four months ago, with the Augusta Aikin Rail way Corporation to complete a prac tical course of electrical operation. He is a graduate of Harvard and a millionaire in his own name, Coler and Miss Dorothy Londoner, of Denver, Colo., with Miss London er's mother, left here last night to spend Sunday at Tybee. The young couple have been engaged for a long ‘while, and the two ladies were here ‘as his guests.