The leader-enterprise. (Fitzgerald, Ga.) 1912-1915, August 30, 1912, Image 1
EIGHT PAGES Official Organ Ben Hill County, Farmers, SAVE Your Money 5 Don't spend your monsy foolishly. The time will come when you will need ready money; and unless that need is supplied, you will have to buy your provisions and farm supplies on CREDIT, which means that you must pay a much higher price for goods. Save the quarters and halves and dollars that you don’t actually need now, and put tilem in this safe, strong bank where they will be beyond temptation to spend, and will draw a liberal in terest. ' A connection with this institution will help you in many ways. Come in and talk it over with us. : , First National Bank Fitzgerald, Georgia The Bank for Your Savings. What The American State Bank Has Done! At the end of the first yvear of it's historv, the American State Bank made such a good record that it's growth was commented upon by several bank journals, prominent bankers and individuo= als, Sept. 28th, 1911 marked the end of the first yeai. Since Sept, 28th., the bank has alded many new customers, has mage numerous leaps to .good, substantial farmers and has steadi ly increased in average deposits begirning the ““Busy Season” with ¢“twicz” as much on deposit as it had a year 2go, new stockholders, ‘new customers in addition to the original stockholders and custo mers and as a natural course in business, the bank begins the Cot ton Season with much brighter prospects than it did a year ago. What did we do a year ago} The increase in deposits frcm *Augusb Ist. to October Ist., was’ $42.,000 or 89 per cent. "Total de posits were $89,000. | We expected to do well, but. confess this record surprised us. We are going to do BETTER this year. It is the desire of the American State Bank to handle the business of it’s customer in such a manner that he is perfectly satisfied and wants to get hisi friends to do business with us. Our directors are men of Wblcb‘ we are proud. The bank is fully equipped with young men of ex perience to handle your business, * The farmers like us for we ca ter especially to their busiuess. Many of our stock holders are farmers and the majority of our depositors. We wish to extend a bearty welcome to all to do business with this bank and we will do our best to make it pleasant and satisfacto ry. ,»;."\‘ . It you will do business with us] this year, we’ll handle your busi pess with utmost care; And if you are satisfied, speak to vour friend. And to his inter est also we’ll strictly attend. Striving always to please and aid, : 7 Fort a satisfled customer is an _other one made. ] We thank all of our good custo mers for their appreciated business in the past and solicit the pitron age of any Who have not yet be gup business With us. 3 We will make you welcome at our bank. S AMERICAN STATE BANK, THE LEADER-ENTERPRISE i ——————————————————— e S R e~ -» A A N e e (e ¥ i A e iss ket ; yoi : Bt e SR o RS PP ob 4 IS e o R L 378 BPO %55 bEEAR O 3 i B \ehin A 3 SN g KR e T b 2 .;’ Al £ 521 Ll 4 i W A PALA Qe e b eV e I Fle s Lo P i iy ™ } antral Av "a“'fi. ffifl‘}" "T(fi_h : AP aednanapaspong i Candidate for 3 i Writes Open Letters (o . I fo s i L e nd Igressional Distriet. I e arh ast, that I might represent you ?:i ‘ess, out your decree was not rfii iis time cannot be out of order | 1y possibly, I should not have ms; vt with every odd against me. EZ’ eof my opponent’s. It could]p. could poll I had no political |.o Jozen public men 1n the distriet m) t organized foirces, while my ey Labor Day at First ; Baptist Church‘ Sunday is Labor day and at the morning hour at the First Baptist church the pastor will discuss the theme, The Teaching of Jesus Concernicg the Social and Indus trial Order. A cordial invitation is extended to all who labor, to those who wish to labor and can not, to those who can labor and will not. The Lord’s Supper will be «bserved at the close of the preaching seivice. Preaching at night at 8 o’clock. Sunday School ated B. Y. P. U. as uvsual. Thos. M. Callaway, Pastor. Some meu find it cheaper to stay married than to pay alimony. Fitzgerald, Ga. 8 (The Bank around the corner) Central Avenue. W. R. Paalk, President. - A. B. C. Dorminey, Vice Presi dent. et P, ¥. Clark, Cashier. " H. L. Donald, Assistant Cashier. -T. D. Wileox, Head Book keeper. DIRECTORS W. R. Paulk, A. B. C. Dormin ey, O. H. Elkins, John B. D Paulk, R. L. Duckworth, Eli W. Walker, Arch Grifin & P. F. Clark. : 65 4t. FITZGERALD, BEN HILI, COUNTY, GEORGIA, AUGUST 30, 1912. The Science Course. 'The Science Course of .the High "Schaoi is designed primarily for the benefit of two classes of stu ldents first, those who expect to complete the High School and find the Language too difficult; 'second, those who expect to have to withdraw from school before completing the course. It is made as practical as possible un ‘der the circumstances. The only difference in the classical and scientific courses is the substitu tion of some practical science for Latin. . The Eighth Grade will study ‘advanced Physiology; the Nineth Botany and Agriculture; the Tenth Bookkeeping, and the Eleventh Mec :anical Drawing or "Stenography. Parents are requested to dis lcuss the courses with the tea~h ers and then before deciding. ' One may change from the classi leal to the scientific at the begin ning of any year, but after the first year one cannot change from the scientific to the classi cal without making up the Latin. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gungle ‘have returned from a week’s rec ‘reation at St. Simons’ Island. New Crepe Kimonas Just m | o) b,: E S g From New and r‘TH Pl Rzi York’s best 1 5 5 ' 5 M"B YsTORE ! maker .of obd U 9 WEeWUU WYhoE VY to- R o ORL these garments. The values will astonish you--Only best crepeused. The ; finer ones in dainty Silks and Messalines. ; D G : ; resses, Coat Suits Justin By Express Glimpses of what’s to be worn during the next six months. The new style Coats, Suits, and Drésses. Every day augments the attractiveness. Come in and look around every day if you're down town. The new things will prove very interesting. You’ll find the new Robespierre and Directoire styles---attractive and out of the ordinary--- ' : Some of the U d new Muslin ° naerwcear Just opened---New Skirts and Drawers for Ladies and Children--very special values in Cambric and Nainsook garments. Plain Hemstitched and lace trimmed. : ' : Ladies Skirts for 59c¢, 75¢, 98c and $1.25 Ladies Drawers, (open or closed) 25¢, 356¢c, 50c¢ Special in Childrens we!l made- 10 good mater- c PDrawers ial-hemstitched--all sizes in lot from 2 to 12 years . Dress Goods Bargain 3Be Fine all wool Diagonals, Plaids, Wide Wale Solids--50c materials--36 to 48 inch widths ayd New Blonse Linens 20c and ?25¢ 36c¢ incly:ll Linen 20c 32 and 36 inch width 25¢, and a special lot for this week at 10c a yard. : Its no easy job but we’re fixed to help you a whole lot--to help you with best lines ata fii\']“;rice saving you’ll appreciate-—-Boys Pants and Clothingq}l-Ready made Dresses, etc. _ : Wunder Hose o mest oot eey s 29€ 8 pair Thompson’s |Fo IHE i Corset Waists Glove Fitting Corsets ¢ MP I H. &W. for Misées 51, 5150, 52, 52.50 | e WWB X “STORE 25, 50c, 75¢ and 81 Send the Boys and Girls in for tfiseir School Shoes.—f The new ones are n SEMI-WEEKLY School Opening. The Board of Education and the Superintendent invite the patrons and friends and especial ly the ministers and business men to the opening of school Monday Sept. 2 at 8:30 a. m. ‘ Rev. T. M. Calloway will de liver. a short address. | The parents and friends are urged |te visit the school often. They are. yours and vou should know what is being done. We gladly welcome you at any and all times. ’ Superintendent. Small Memorandum Small memorandum lost be tween S. A. L. Depot and Post Office, one small memorandum book. Return to Leader-Enter prise. . ~ The Fitzgerald Motor Car Company offers $lO.OO as a prize for the most graceful young lady horse-baok rider at the Ben Hill ‘Fair in October. All young ladies over fifteen years of age are eligible as contestants. We make this announcement so as to give the horse-women of the city plenty time to practice. School Notice Pupils who fail to register this week may do so Monday from 2 to 4p. m. and enter school Tues day. Supplementary exaw ination will be given Monday afternoon, The Romeda Club will be en tertained this evening at the home of Mrs. Frank R. Justice. Miss Isla Green’s many friends will be interested to know that she is improving at the Atlanta hospital. ’ Mr. J. M. McDonald has re turned from Baltimore and is much improved in health as a re sult of his treatment at Johns Hopkins’ Hospital. Mr. U. J. Bennpett, Prin. of the High School reached the city yes terday and will be at Mrs. E. J. Dorminey’s, He comes direct from the University of Michigan, where he has been studying dur ing the sammer. - ' . Warted—to . rent six nicely furnished bed rooms ir best part of town, to nice young men only. Apply Box 557, Fitzgerald, Ga. Bhdt | If it is statiopary or school supplies you want, Denmark has 16. 66 2t. Dainty Plauen Neckwear The new Lace Collars in newest designs--Baby Irish, all the daintiest of new creations. In Dutch and Robespierre styles--In Sailor styles--Coat Sets-- Chimesettes. We dare say you've never seen a prettier lot-- g i . ; Priced 98¢, 35¢, 49, 69, and up to $5.00 For the Home (', < . toe ome Curtain Scrims Plain Scrims with self borders. Figured Scrims in newest Persian and Floral patterns---Swisses in the staple dots--great values at-- 10c, 12 1-2¢, 15¢, 20c, 25¢, 35¢ Special purchase of $ Axminster Rugs in9xl2 size 17-98 are the kind that usu;ally sell at $25.00 Special Sale 27x63 Axminster Rugs $1.98 TUESDAY FRIDAY VoL. XVII. NO. 66 LITTLE MISS MURPHY ENTERTAINS Miss Susie Murphy entertained Wednesday afternoon athcr home in honor of her cousin, Miss Clara. Mae Davies, of Hawkinsville. The afternoon was delighttully spent indulging 1n heart dice and ther, table games, at the conclu sion of which the guests repaired to Frazier’s Drug Store for re freshments. : Those enjoying Miss Murphy’s hospitality were Misses Clara Mae Davies, Hazel Jolly, Isabel Paulk, Emily Gnffin, Fan Ester Meakin, Miidred Goethe, Elizabeth Goethe, Elizabeth McCarty, Alice Garbutt, Dorothy Thurmond, Emma Love Fisher, Ada Handley, Kathrine Clark, Sarah FKarmer, Margaret Wise, Lucy Whitley, Quinette Prentice. : Lost—lower part of automobile lamp. Finder please notify Mor rison’s Pressing Club, and suitable reward will be paid. 64-tf. Farmers for good prices take your cotton, seed cotton, and cotton seed to Baker’s. He guar antees satisfaction. 8528 t New crop onion sets aad fr sh garden seeds jnst arrived at Den mark’s, 66-2¢;