Newspaper Page Text
Bfficial Organ Ben Hill County,
The Farmer Who Saves
The thrifty, far-sighted farmer who carries an account
with this safe, strong bank, saves many hundred dollars
by having the CASH to pay for his household and farm
supples, instead of paying the merchant an EXTRA
profit to ““carry him over” until his crop 1s made and
marketed, G
Are you one of these wise ones? If not, NOW is the
time to start. Don't delay beeause you haven't a big
Smbunt to start with. “81.00 will do.- Its ‘what you
ADD to the start that really counts. We pay a liberal
rate of interest on Savings Deposits.
First National Bank
Fitzgerald, Georgia
The Bank for Your Savings.
J. D. Price’s Hame
| O Ticket Twice
Chairman W. J. Harris, of the
state executive committee, will
take steps to have the name of J.
D. Price, democratic nominee for
commissioner of agriculture, put
on the ticket to be voted in the
coming state election of October
2, both for the unexpired term of
Commissisnershomas .G. Hud
son, and the full term of two
Chairman Harris wrote to Sec
re:ary of State Philip Cook rela
tive to the matter, but Mr. Cook
has nothing to do with the tickets.
It is Secretary Cook’s duty to get
out the blanks for the consolida
ted returns for each county, and
these will be forwarded Monday
to the ordinaries over the State.
It was too late, however, to put
on the unexpired term; it appears
there only for the full term.
There will be no difficulty, how
ever, in inserting the result for
the unexpired term.
Qaerotary Cook and others are
of the opinion that the governor’s
appointment to the position of
commissioner of agriculture, as
in the case of other statehouse
officers, holds only until the elec
tion and qualification of a succes
sor. Under this view, the candi
date chosen for the unexpired
term in the coming election would
go into office as soon as he quali
, Commissioner J. J. Connor,
)Jvho was appointed by Governor
Brown, contends that he holds
until the meeting of the legisla
ture next July; and that Mr.
Price cannot go into offce until
the legislature canvasses the
retruns and declares the result.
There is a decided difference
of opinion on the subject, and if
a republican, socialist or candi
date of some other party should
offer for the unexpired term, and
there should be no democratic
candidate to oppose him, it might
turn out, under the law, that he
would get the job for the remain
der of Mr. Hudson term.
To guard against this, Chair
man Harris has decided to put
the name of Mr. Price, asthe
candidate of the democratic party
on the -ticket for the unexpired
term. He will, of course, be
elected, and the questicn as to
when he goes into office can be
settled following the election.
The election blanks for gover
nor are sent out separately from
those for other statehouse offices,
us the returns in thiselection are
made to the president of the sen
ate and the speaker of the house
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08 s okt Fi.3e R . I 8
g 5
Twelye Indicted
For Yote Buying
by Morgan Jury
Fifty or More True Bills are
Expected in Next Few
Dsfeated Candidzfes
2 i \ !
- Charge "'Slush™ Fund
Methods Used In th 2 May Primary Cause
Prohe Charges Brought Against Office
holders by Defeated Candidates. Many
Prominent GCitizens Included in the
Investigation, '
Madison, Ga., Sepiember 9.
Twelve men were indicted by the
grand jury of the Morgan county
superior court today on the charge
of having bought and sold votes at
the county primary held last May.
Their names were not announc
ed, but it 1s said that a majority
of them live in the Buckhead,
Wellington and Fairplay districts,
Fifty or more additional indict
ments are expected to follow. A
number of the most wealthy and
prominent men of the county are
implicated and will be numbered
among those who are indicted it
is believed.
The grand jury has been in ses
sion since last Thursday making a
searching investigation of the
methods used in conducting the
primary last May.
Those who were defeated in this
primary openiy charged that the
successful candidates formed a
pocl, each putting in so much
money, which they distributed
througnout the county to district
heelers who in turn bought up the
voters. It is this charge that the
grand jury has been investigating.
$B.OO worth of ware will be given
away Free with every Maujestic
Range sold at our Demonstration
one week only Sept. 16 to 21st.
Watt & Holmes Hdw. Co.
e e e
of representatives. -
The return blanks for all other
state officers, for judges and so
licitors general, representatives
and county officers, are addressed
to the secretary of state. There
are sixty-seven names on the
state ticket, and this does not in
clude representatives and county
officers. In addition, there will
appear on the ticket five consti-.
tuticnial amendments submitted
for ratification by the people.
Emmett Shaw Not
Running for Gongress
Atlanta, Ga.—State Senator
Emmett R. Shaw, of Ciay county,
in a letter to The Constitution,
says the published report to the
effect that he would be a candi
date for corgress in the third con
gressional district two years hence
was not authorized by him.
“J] am not a candidate as yet f«r
anv office,” he says, ‘‘and the re
port does me an injustice, Should
I decide to announce for any cflize
at any time I will do so over my
own signature. o
Mr., W, H. Kendrick’s many
triends will regret to know that
he is confined to his room with in
flamatorv rheumatism.
%j il GL,})},/’ ; 3 The Empire Store of Fitzgerald
e f‘}:é@fil JJ’ ~ //;,Te~7/ ‘{J‘ ‘i’. . . You ladies who are particular about getting the cor
,a—?%}é’rf’l' ;?/Cf?f—::%—r’ij:j‘\: AKZ rect style in Suits and Dresses will be well pleased with
,fléfi,&;é E“‘i ijififi%@w %fl@fi&é these new Fall styles---
' =) = ) e~ e
' \\i‘:g g \'fsfwfl‘;t‘;{,,ff- . .f:: They're different from the usual run---the man tai
-22 oM #mEass== S lored finish combined with ertistic designing of best
L/ . t%_{\\ ,fi}"fff"fi""‘" Parisian and our own American modistes.
e ‘i';///:.\\z}“‘,%’:\& Coats this season are longer---in box and cutaway
M “m %%h
‘fi‘fi\t v 7 /;fi", L 65 e styles---Skirts semewhat fuller with graceful plaits that
h \,\%g ///f. %'““ Q . give more fullness at bottom.
sSR il ! ('““‘p“,,:” . e e e i §:
F mré)@/// e > Cuk 9 Thep this stock is }Q} thez:e are few dupli
S W 7 ) S / cates so that every lady in buying a suit here can have
%]OB . 4@’ - something different.
/ /fiy?\ ol Lovely Suits and Coats from Prin
// / ‘fi“ 522 tzess, Herzog and Littauer arriving
/ \'T \Q\‘ .:. ‘,\"“ i L
/ QL T ) daily---Great values at every price
f\\\ " \ ‘i“\: Cg“' o“\s ";('f' ;
i {0 from $12.50 to $30.00
1, g \ “\i il
i,ji \ \}\‘ ‘7 Il Quantity buying obtained for us special price con
\4 N\ \ i >// ' , cessions from these makers of best apparel for women
7 W ‘-\\ 4| L,/[ and we’re going to give Empire Store customers the
[W R e i
;;;\\\‘\. ] \ \‘\:\ § L:"' N ‘.‘ 'r' b _ &
(= ‘\%\li@m\&\\\“\ W/// “ R * We dare say yowve never seen such pretty
\;; Wi WA Vi AT L : . :
Z= '%fi\\v\&t?;'il; i"i//,'ly/ 7‘ ,;f'{L’;.» well made Suits as these new ones weve just.
/fli‘;mifiz )1{ / J// /A;/; | ;J‘ \ gotten in at $14.98, 81748, $19.98 and $21.48
/ ///\:\;U.‘}*;‘*Efiélfliféfi \//, ”; ‘ ‘ The best Macon and Atlanta stores will get from $5
ARRERe R AR L e ]il | A z i i
[ RS A SN P .i-' il il to $lO a suit more for these identical numbers. They
// ’nyffi‘flézftg{?’{gfé}ifiéfix\xl“\ ’: are made from finest all wool materials---
We v o
\\"\\‘\"i ( «//;fg&gfgf“\;\ ~§\}§\\ ) The new Boucles, Wide Wales, Diagonals,
1187777, “‘;**”% L : /
\ \ /(/ 4 ;‘?égj}\\;\\\?l‘ ) Whip Cords, Curly Worsted, Serges and Cheviots
RRI "} »“”.«‘ ‘(]“:‘ 'l; v . . .
e %}”’\w, i in solid colors and wrridescent effects---
1 4\&’/ ;i. kutffi%! 3 It’s a good ided to keep in close touch with a stock
il \‘ iH A ,fl/f il ’ of this kind--Come in every day---Suits and Coats are
\' AR ,»fl/fi“/lt{ 1 being sold as soon as shown and you will want to get
f; ) ’3/// JIE N your own particular style : ‘
| 18710701 L ;
i\ | \ o 1o °
,=-, ,‘\ -m / ; p/, ;l The new One-Piece Dresses
2 4/ f il ; *
i]‘ /‘ | , | In Serges and Silks $5.98 to $15.98
/Wi / } The new Children’s Dresses
i i In Cotton at $1.25 and $1.50 In Wool $2.98 to $§4.48
i i HE ;
i 1 i ‘ The new Lace Neckwear 25¢ to $5
|// / M New Vanity Bags,Chains,Coin Purses
I f i 3 £
! ] * ®
i |/ \ The new Dress Goods and Trimmings
\ :-.’ . / .l! ~
Printzess N | sTORE
J. J. Morfort Dead.
The many friends of Mr. J. J.
Morfort will regret to learn of
his death, which occurred several
days ago in Ohio. Mr. and Mrs.
Morfort left for their summer
outing in Ohio about a month ago
and expected to return to Fitz
gerald the first of October. Both
were in apparently good health
when they left Fitzgerald, and
the death of Mr. Morfort will be
asevere shock to his many
Mrs. Morfort is expected in the
city shortly.
Miss Jeanette Venable has issu
ed invitati ‘ns to an ‘‘At Home,”
to be given Thursday evening,
the guests of the occasion being
Miss Taylor, Miss Myrtle Vena
ble and Miss ilalloween Venable.
New Hembers
Jurv Commission
Messrs. A. H. Thurmond and
W. R Bowen have been appointed
jury commissioners to succeed E,
K. Farmer and Wadley Garbutt
whose terms have expired.
The jury commissien of Ben
Hill County consists now-of: Hon.
Marion Dixon, J. B. Parsons, A.
H. Thurmond, S S. Young, Sr.
Jesse W.MorrisandW. R. Bowen.
The commission will revise the
jury boxes this month.
Tue jury commission is one of
great importance, as the enforce
ment of law depends largely upon
our jurors, and this commission’s
duty 1s to carefully select the best
citizens for Grand and trial
jurors. The gentlemen compris
g the commission are well quali
fied to perform this duty, |
VOoL. XVII. NO. 69
J. D. C. Ivey's Houge
Last night after the family of
Mr. J. D. C. Ivey had retired,
some one entered the house by
way of the back door, which Mrs.
Ivey says she is sure she locked.
Some fresh meat, eggs and
every thing to eat in the cupboard,
was taken also some money,
This is the second house to be
entered in the past week or so in
the same neighborhood and it
behooves everyone to lock their
doors and be on the lookout for
night robbers.
Don’t ask us to give you the
$B.OO worth of ware with a Ma
jestic Range after our demonstra
tion week, as that special offer
applies to that week only, Sept.
16th to 21st.
Watt & Holmes Hdw. Co.