The leader-enterprise. (Fitzgerald, Ga.) 1912-1915, September 10, 1912, Image 4
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B.—A storm of protest by the local board of trade and citizens gener ally of Brunswick and Glynn county has met the petition of the Atlanta, Birmingham and Atlantic railroad to the Georgia railroad commission, asking permission to discontinue convenient passenger train between this city and Thal mann, the Seaboard Air Line junctioa for the south and north. The railroad company is asking suthority to discontinue everyone of its passenger trains, six in ail, between Brunswick and this jurc fion point, for the reason, it is claimed by oflicials, that they in cur a heavy loss to the road. The matter will be brought to the attention of the mayocr and council at once, the board of trade will hold a special meeting to take up the matter, and other orgatiza tions will act at once against what has been termed as a great dis crimination directed at Brunswick. Astray Notice Ouwe black sow-crop spht in left ear, 2 splits in right ear. One red boad, same marks. One black boar, white feet and white face, same marks, One black board same marks. Apply to Willhlam Barnes, Oserfield, R. F. D:Na 1. For Sale On account of my health I shall have to move further south, I shall sell all my property, both country and city at very low prices. If you are interested come and see me, C. Casper, E. Magnolia street, 69-la-w-tf, The Blue and Gray Swimming Pool is fer sale, provided a sale can be effected between now and September first, but after that date, if not sold, it will no longer be on the market, If interested #all on J. W. Manbeck. 57-tf.. Of Local Interest Some People We Know and We Will Profit by Hear ing About Them. This is a purely local event, It took place in Fitzgerald. Not in some far away place. You are asked to investigate it. Asked to believe a citizen’s word; To contirm a citizen’s statement Any article thatv is endorsed at home Is more worthy of coutidence Than one you know nothing about, Endorsed by unknown people. G. W. Phillips, recived preach er, 803 8, Lee street, Fitzgerald, Ga,, says: *‘l have used Doan’s Kidney Pills with the very best of results and cheerfully endorse them for the benclit of other kid ney sufferers. For over a yearl nad kidney cowmplaint, My back ovecame lame, suiff and sore and there were piercing pains through my kidneys. My limbs were weak and in the morning I' was hardly able to straighten, The secretions from my kidneys also caused me added annoyance. Doan’s kidney Piils did me a world of good, ridding me of my pains and im proving my condition in every way. In my opinion, this remedy kas no equal for the cure of kid ney complaint,” For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. FKFoster-Milburn Co, Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name—Doan’s— and take no other. Watch the columns of Leader Enterprise. New crop onion sets and fr sh garden seeds just arrived at Den mark’s. 66-2 t, Try The 0. K. BARBER SHOP Best Place In Town, P. B. & R. B. OWEN, Props. 119 East Pine Street THE LFADER-ENTERPRISE. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1912, Georgia Tech Boys Must Behave Atlanta, Sept. 9.—The Atlanta theatre-goers, backed by the sen timent of the theatrical manage ment, have arisen in vigorous protest against the resumption of the rowdyism, usually led by Georgia Tech student, which has kept the galleries in an uproar on S 0 many occasions. When the Atlanta Theatre opened last week the manage ment, although no fault of its own, cidn’t get its gallery police men in time, and the noise was shameful. Occasionally other people join in the disturbance, but the prevailing sense for sev eral years past has been that the Tech boys are the ring-leaders, and following the scenes of last week the edict has gone out that they have got to behave them selves. The theatrical season this year promises to be a brilliant one. Among the attractions already dated for the AtlantaTheatre dur ing this month and the early part of October are ‘‘The Old Home stead,”” “The Confession,” ‘““Naughty Marietta,”” Field’s Minstrels, Mutt and Jeff, ‘‘The Rose Maid,”’ ‘“‘Alma, Where Do You Live?’ and ‘‘“The Quaker Girl.”’ Wanted—to reat six nicely furnished bed rooms ir best part of town, to nice young men only. Apply Box 557, Fitzgerald, Ga. 64-tf. Education consists in knowing things—know how a range is made inside and outside, Call at our store during our Special Majestic Range Demonstration—week of Sept. 16 to 21st. Watt & Holmes Hdw, Co. Farmers for good prices take your cotton, seed cotten, and cotton seed to Baker's. He guar antees satisfaction. 65-28 t Paint d Finish N R TS T I TR SR I ARSI R A SA R ATL TR If there is s shabby surface in your home to be painted, enameled, stained, varnished or finished 1n any way, we have just what you need for producing the exact finish desired in the line of PAINTS AND FINISHES Let us show you colors for painting your house or barn, samples of finishes for floors, woodwork, walls, ceilings or furniture. Let us help you make shabby places look new and attractive. COME IN and get a copy of THE ACME QUALITY PAINTING GUIDE BOOK. Ittells what Acme Quality Paint, Enamel, Stain or Varnish to use, how much will be required and how it should be put on. It not only enables you to tell your painter or decorator exactly what you want, but it makes it easy , for YOU to refinish the many surfaces about the home that do not require the skill of the expert-=the jobs that a painter would * not bother with. Ask for a copy. IT’S FREE. Because of Her Whipping Woman Wants $25,- 000 From Seven Men, l Columbus, Ga., Jept. 7.—Essie tCarter, giving her residence as South Carolina, through her at torney, J. E. Fagan, of Macon, this afternoon filed suit in the Federal court here for $25,000 damages against W. S. Dozier, J. C. Dozier, Clyde Dozier, Pope McClug, Erwin Mcßae, Jim Guise and Luk2 Marsh, all of Dawson, Terrell county. The petitioner alleges that on or about midnight one night in July of this year the defendants named went to the home of Rosa Parker in Dawson, where peti tioner was on a visit; that they called her from bed, tcok her tu the front porch and beat her into insensibility with a buggy whip. She alleges that at the time she l wore only one thin garment; defendants tore this from her, beating her upon the naked skin. She alleges that she was ill in the hospital for several weeks, suffering great pain and anguish in addition to being putto great expense paying doctors’ bills and other bills. ~ She claims that one of her legs is partially paralyzed and that she has been able to walk but lit tle since the occurrence. The charges will be heard be fore Judge Newman at the May term of the court. The whipping administered to the woman was theoutcome, it is said, of alleged intimacy between her and a son of W. S. Dozier. Mr. Dazier is clerk of the supe rior court of Terrell county. l - Does the reputation mean any thing to you? Stop and think and figure and you will know why the Majestic Range has the reputation of being not only the Best but the Least Expgpsive. Let the man from the Factory show vou. See our big ad in this paper. Watt & Holmes Hdw. Co, Celebrated Walter A. Wood Mowers : Rakes : Drills R ~'; ¥ R | R FOR SALE BY— . Fitzgerald Hardware Co. Sole Agents Wizard Plows NOTICE The Tax Books are open at the ‘ City Hall for the payment of the ‘ city taxes for the year 1912. | G. P. MINGLEDORF, 00l City Treasurer. \ Look Out for Trouble The after-effects of the Grip areapt to bte serious, but a normal healthy condition may be restored in a sur prisingly short time by Vinol Watertown, Wis—“ After a severe attack of the Grip my system was in a very weakened, nervous and run down condition. I began taking Vinol with the very best results, and in a short time I began to feel like an en tirely different person, and I am better and stronger than I have been for vears.” Adelaide Gamm. (We guaran tee this testimonial to be genuine.) We have never sold in our store such a valuable strength creator and health restorer for the convalescent, the weak and run-down, as Vinol, and we ask people in this vicinity to try a bottle of Vinol, with the umder standing that their money will be re turned if it does not do all we claiml for it. ; Denmark Drug Co. 'Evidence of Growth !_ at Brenau College | ! Atlanta, Sept. 9.—The opening |of the fall session at Brenau Col lege Thursday Sept. 12th. will witness some wonderful evidances of the growth and spreading out lof educational work in Georgia, Brenau has grown vear after year until it has brought fame to this state not only as one of the finest schools for young women in the south but one of the finest in Awmerica. A new building set apart eantirely for the music de partment; a new infirmary in a separate building, a handsome chapter house for the Phi Mu Sorority; new adaministrative of fices; thousands of new pictures collected from the ends of the ‘earth to adorn the walls of the institution; those are just a few of the improvements that have come in this one year. We pay more for Cotton Seed. 65-28 t. Baker Supply Co.