Newspaper Page Text
E‘Wwvwwwwwwwwwwuvmvwwwwx- VIR VC ARV IR T YU YV g Y VU RV Ta VT VT g |
' Standard High Wheel Drill--Disc or Shoe
i - Why the Van Brunt Drill Makes Good
g 1 The Light Draft Drill. The bridge constructicn permits light weight
EI without weak parts. Perfect balance and easy running bearings. |
) 2 Solid Angle Steel Frame is strong with cross braces to suppert the
X machine. |
;. 3 Hopper is made with two covers that are tight fitting open or closed
; and have center hinge for support, also to prevent warping.
X 4 Wheels have long chilled hubs that will not wear loose or wabble.
;' 5 All Regular Drills have double truss rods running through each hop- ‘
X per which prevent sagging. Wheels always stand up plumb. |
; 6 The Van Brunt Tilting Lever provides perfect balance and regulates
; position of disc boots.
! 7 The Van Brunt Adjustable Gate Feed, will handle every kind of |
3 grain in all desired quantities without bunching or cracking. I
? 8 The Disc Furrow Openers will not clog in any soil that can be seed
! ed. Good clearance and narrow bearings. ; |
3 9 The Forward Closed Delivery Single Discs compel planting of every
? seed down into bottem of furrow.
i 10 The Chilled Disc Bearings are warranted not to wear out during life |
| of machine. New ones supplied without charge if ever needed. l
' 1 1 Disc Bearings run in bath of oil. None can leak out. One good oil-
T’l ing a season is plenty. . |
; 12 Disc Bearings are dust proof. No dirt can get inside. ]
’ 13 The Van Brunt is a gear drive with half of machine driven from
P\\ each wheel. No chains to bother and no seed wasted.
1 4 Small Repair Bills. Good materials and right construction. |
;' 1 5 Van Brunt Drills are warranted to do good work in any soil capable
! of being seeded. If the machine does not make good the makers will
' Adams-Rogers Hdw. Co., Agents
fl |
: Don’t forset RE V ON O C three-burner
: oil Cooking Stove. There is nothing like it
F, in oil cooking stoves---guaranteed 25 per
=, cent saved in fuel.
- Adams-Rogers Hdw. Co.
[- 210 East Pine Street Fitzgerald, Ga.
'| : . : .
" Davis Semi-Paste Paint the best Paint on the market. Guaranteed 3 years
Free Ink for School Children
Any child buying one ten cent Tablet or two
five cent Tablets for cash will be given one bottle
of Carters black Ink FREE. Only one bottle to a
customer. This offer good for one week only.
We are exclusive agents for the genuine
150 Sheet Blue Ribbon Pencil Tablets
120 Sheet Fairy Bell Ink Tablets
Note the size and quality of our Tablets and you
will appreciate the excellent values we are offer
Drugs, Seeds, Stationery, Toilet
(" ticles, Ice Cream, Soda Water
el and Cigars
Denmark Drug Company
7re Rexoll;Store
Lumber! Lumber:
Let us figure with you before you pur
chase your Building Material. : :
Mill East Magnolia St. Office East Pine St. Phone 14.
| Farm For Sale.
40 acres, 33 acres under cultiva
tion; 4-room house and large barn
and shed; good water, and close to
good school; good neighborhood;
good 5-acre pasture, all under good
wire fence; good graded road. Ap
ply to. J. 0. McCuLLEZ,
57-Bw-oaw R F. D. No. I,
Bigest and best values in school
supphes at Denmark’s 66-2 t.
Strayed—a milk cow. Cwner
can have sume by paying for this
ad. Mr. M. E. Hutchinson, Lin
coln, Ave, 66 .tf.
Stove Wood.
12 and 16 Inch lengths. Quick
delivery. Telephone 402." Bernie
A Fohl. 63-tf,
Old Papers Wanted
I will buy some copies of the
early issues in the Colony days of
The Leader and Enterprise.
Would appreciate the loan of
them. Address, Curtis M. Wise,
Fitzgerald, Ga. ¢f
Good News to Farmers
We are in the Warehouse busi
ness this' seasoen located in the
Opera House building and are
prepared to handle your busi
ness to your interest.
We want your cotten, we guar
antee satisfaction.
We want your cotton seed, we
pay more for good seed than any
gin in Fitzgerald.
We will buy your Seed Cotton
by the wagon load and save you
the time and trouble in having it
We will appreciate a share of
your business.
Baker Supply Company, ~
C. E. Baker, Manager,
Opera House Bldg. 05-28 t
R.oad Notice
Notice is hereby given dhatif no
cood and sufficient cause 1s shown
to the contrary the Board of Cour
ty Commissioners will on the Zirct
Tuesdav in November, 1912 grant
an order legalizing a public road
as ftollows: Commencine at t e
drive and running North to where
said road intersects the Oak Ridge
School Road running East and
West betaeen the following lots
of land; From 876 to 896 on one
side and from 898 to 918 on the
other side.
By order of the Board of Coun
tv Commissioners this Sept, 3,
1912, .
J. G. Minshew, Chmn.
Wesley R, Walker
H. M. Warrer
R. L. King, Clerk.
Notice is hereby given that if
no good and suflicient cause is
shown to the contrary the Board
of County Commissioners will on
the lirst Tuesday in November,
1912 grant an order legalizing a
puclic road as follows: Commenc
ing at a point running between
Five acre tracts number 168 and
1099 and to run due North to and
in a direct line Northa to the line
between 20 acre tracts numbers
4366 ‘and 4377 to the point. Said
road will intersect with the ‘Grad
ed Road” now running East from
Lullaville, Ga., to the River.
By order of the Board of Coun
ty Commissioners, This Sept. 3
J. G. Minshew, Chmn.
Wesley R. Walker,
H. M. Warren,
R. L. King, Clerk,
Notice is hereby given that if
no good and sufficient cause is
shown to the contrary the Board
of Countv Commissioners will on
the First Tuesday in November,
1912 grant an order legalizing a
public road as follows: Commenc
ing at the new Irwinville road just
North of Sambo Walker’s; running
‘thence due North to the Fitzger
'ald and Ashburn road, a distance
of about one half (3) mile; all of
said proposed road lying and be
ing in Land Lot No. 118 1n the
3rd District of said County.
By order of the Board of Coun
ty Commissioners, This Sept. 3rd.
J. G. Minshew, Chmn,
Wesley R. Walker,
H, M, Warren,
R. L. King, Clerk, |
New Insurance Law
Stoong Safeguard
Atlanta, Sept. 9.—The new in
surance law of Georgia, which
caused the Athens Mutual Fire
Insurance Co. to fail last week
because that company was unable
meet the requirements as to
deposits, is regarded as the
strongest safeguard to the com
panies themselves and to the pub
lic that has ever been thrown
around the fire insurance busi
ness in any state.
The other fire insurance com
panies of Georgia are not only
complying with the new law, but
they are endorsing it. The new
law requires that each company
shall put up a deposit in the
state’s coffers, and then a license
issued by the state, under which
guarantee the company does busi
ness. In the case of stock com
paries the policy holder is pro
tected not only by this required
deposit but by the capital stock
and surplus as well.
The failure of the Atheuns Mu
tual in no way affected any of the
other fire insurance companies of
the state.
bination Scottish Right and 32d
Degree Knights Templar. Find
der leave at Wilson & Co’s
store and get reward. 65-tf
FOR KENT—Two connecting
front rooms and one separate
room furnished. Phone 341. 66-tf
Annual Atlcnta Trip
via |
' |
Atianta, Birmingham and Alantic Railroad
Thursday, September 12, 1912 |
: i
$3.50 Round Trip $3.50
Tickets will be sold for special train leaving 3
Fitzgerald at 9 a. m., arriving Atlanta 5:00 P. g
M., and will be good to return to, and including 1
Tuesday, September 17, 1812. Special will |
consist of famous A.B. & A., electric-lighted g
vestibuled cars. §
Plenty of Seats for Everybody-- g
Go and Enjoy Yourself
W. H. LEAHY, E. H. FELL, !
General Passenger Agent Ass’t Gen. Pass. Agent g
~ Travelling Passenger Agent ]
Atlanta, Ga. :
The St. John Hotel
The mountains of Western North Carolina have long been
accorded the invigorating, strengthening and life-giving qualities
incident to a high and dry atmosphere. Here Summer life is
about as ideal as can be imagined. Good pure air, fresh spring
water, newly paved streets and perfect sanitary conditions.
At the St. John everything modern and up-to-date. It
caters to a refined and select clientele. Modern in all its furn
ishings and equipment, it is just the right place for one to spend
a vacation most enjoyably.
The Orchestra, uner the direction of Miss | Charlotte Er
son, furnishes music of a high class.
For rates apply to
Hendersonville, N. C.
6:ooam 1:00pm Lv .. Fitzgerald... Ar 11:40am 9:30 pm
6:35am I:3spm Ar.... Qcilla . . .Lv 11:05am 855 pm
8:00 a m Lv,.. Della .. Ar 945 am
8:20 am Lv ... Nvelie @Ly 955 Bwm
&doam .Ar Jrweyille 1y 008 w
936 am 186 pm Ly.... Ocilla ... Ar 11:0bam 856 pm
6:l4am 2:l4pm Lv... Luey Lake ...Lv 10:12am B:lspm
T736am 228 pm Lv.... Alapalm .. . . IL.v 942 am 8:00pm
827 am 3:l7pm Ar... Nashville....Lv B:ssam T7:oopm
Connections at Alapaha for Savannah, Albany, Tampa, Jackson
ville and other South Georgia and Florida points. ;
Connections at Nashville for Valdosta, Jacksonville and other
points. j
D. C. SMITH, Traffic Manager.
| Miss Eula P. Garbutt
. Graduate of
Studio 605 Lee Street---Phone 157
All prices from the cheapest N;; n%i ,‘ ‘»,
to the best. All calls will re- \'.; f&‘j-‘/ i aiern
eeive our immediate attention. f "'.:fi'f" ’L%‘“S :*//,,m\\\?
Sandlin Furniture & Undertakiag Gompany, |
Pay Phone 116. Night Phone 375.