Newspaper Page Text
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Save $B.OO
As a special inducement during our dem
onstration week only, with every MAJESTIC
RANGE sold we will give free one handsome
set of ware as illustrated here.
Every piece of this waie is the best of its
kind. Not a piece that is not needed in every
kitchen. It cannot possibly be bought for less
than $B.OO. This ware is on exhibition at our
store. DON'T FAIL TO SEE I™.
All during this week a special demonstra
tor dircet from the MAJESTIC FACTORY will
be glad to show you "ALL ABOUT RANGES”
—SHOW YOU why the MAJECTIC is the
best range on earth at any price
Come If You Intend To Buy Or Not
KNOW why the oven of a ravge is heated-
KNOW how the water is heated—HOW the
top is heated—WHY the MAJESTIC uscs so
little fuel—KNOW how a range is made in
side and outside. This education may serve
you in the future. DONT OVERLOOK a
chance to KNOW THINGS shown by one who
bnows. COME.
Don’t Overlook the Date. This is a Special Invitaticn to You and Your Friends and Neighbors.
C A. Holtzendott
2ad Floor Roams 20% 9-10
Garbutt-D >novan Bldg.
Mrs. Brink will leave Thursday
for Atlanta for a visit of several
Mrs. C. B. Brown, and son,
James, are visiting relatives in
Mr. and Mrs. Abe Harris, of
O :ille, were among the visitors in
tha city Saturday.
Mrs. W. P, Grioner, of Douglas,
is visiting the family of her moth
er, Mrs, T. L. Griner.
Mr. Harris Atkinson, of At
lanta, was the guest of friends
in this city Sunday.
Rev. and Mrs, Guyton Fisher
are spening a few days inAtlanta,
guests of the Aragon Hotel.
Mr. and Mrs. Ike Levin have
returned frcm a pleasant visit
with relatives in Baltimore, Md.
Miss Virginia Braonen, of Pula
tka, Kia., is visiting the family of
her sister, Mrs. Joseph C. Ligeour
Mr. Kirt Thurmond will leave
tomorrow for the North Georgia
Agricultural College at Dahlor
ega. J
Mrs. L. R. Adams and children,
of Pembroke, Ga , are visiting her
pavents, Mr. and Mrs, W. E
Mr. J. M. Adams, of Groveland,
Fla,, is in the city, visiting his
parents Mr, and Mrs, W. E,
Mrs. E. C. Hale and little son
"]::ltlllles.f !;lday for a visit
. : .
e s and relatives in
SQEPTEMBER 16th., to Z2lst.
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MAJESTIC-NEVER-BURN-COOKER: i :*‘ill |‘” ]! SN i R——
STEAMER - CULLENDER -AND- :(£it“' i it “} |IA T
D MPED. IR ON MARBLEIZED: W | ill}w il | Ifixl;-'f:i JE i
KETTLE -13 9Z- ALL-COPPER TEA-KETTLE" yl i hh] “ih“ ;‘1“ fl]iitl el ST NEVER-BURN-WIRED:
14 9Z- ALL COPPER- il kh’n,fi).‘uj flfluh;h,m S—— NG-PAN; 2'IMALL NEVER
COFFEEPOT 5 llbse——"=alll [l | HNE 2 N-WIRED: DRIPPING -PANS - -
" sL S = ) 2-SMALL-DRIP
e \ = Mgz o\ !13‘5:““‘ : = i | ALL-DRIP-PANS
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Dr. G. W. McLean
Rooms 512-513. PHONZE 433.
Garbuit Donovan Building
Fiita vioo
Sunday by Agppointment
Miss Madge McAfee has return
ed 1o her home in Americus, after
a pleasant visit with Mrs. Jumes
L McCarty.
Mrs. George Camerom Smith,
of Brunswick, is visiting her
mother, Mrs. Louis H. Keim, on
North Lee street.
Mrs. George Diokson, cf Osier
field, and sister, Miss Ellen Hen
derson, of Ocilla, were visitors in
the city yesterday.
Mr. Lamar Garbutt went up tu
Macon yesterday to bring back a
sixt ea-passenger truck for
Smith & Fetner’s garage.
- Miss Mary DBlitch passed thru
the city from Brunswick yester
day enroute to Forsyth to resume
her studies at Bessie Tift.
Miss Gladys Martin who has
been visiting relatives in Colum
bus, Ga., since the latter part of
July returned home last week,
~ Mrs. L. W. Meakin will go up
’to Atlanta this week to place her
‘young daughter, Fan Esther, in
school at Washington Seminary.
Mr. and Mrs, Ely Vickers of
Lax announce the arrival of two
little girls and one son. Mother
and babies are reported to be well.
Miss Annie Regzister, who has
been in the city visiting relatives
and friends for several days, left
for her home in Waycross this
morning. |
Coras, Bunnions, Ingrowing toe
pails and catllouses treated at 503
West Altamaha street. 39 tf,
e e iy S - ~ETPTET %S 019
Dr. J. M, Adams
Rooms 304-308 3rd Floor
5-Stery Building
Phonse 226
Miss Crace Mitchell, of Bain
bridge, who has been visiting her
aunt, Mrs. George F. Wooten,
left yesterday for Milledgeviile,
where she attends G. N and 1. C.
Mr. and Mre, J. L. Pattishall
have moved from the residence of
Mrs. M. P. Broughted and are
}now living with their sister, Mrs,
Newton Watkips.
i Misses Gussie Register and
Miss Padgett, of Ocilla. passed
lthrough the city vesterday en
route to Milledgevilie, where they
are enrolled as students at G. N.
and L. C.
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Mec-
Carty and daughter, Elizabeth,
and Miss Madge McAfee, of
Americus, mortored over to Una
!dilla Sunday to visit Mr. Mec-
Carty’s father, Mr. P. D. Me-
Mrs. C. A. Bryan has returned
from a visit of several weeks in
Savannah, where she was the
guest of her daughter, Mrs. El
vis Ehriich. Mrs. Bryan and two
daughters, Misses Marguerite and
Florence Bryan will shortly move
to Savannah to make their future
Mr, and Mrs. A. J. Sword an
nounce the engagement of their
daughter, Eva, and Mr, J. M.
Luke, the marriage to occur the
twenty-second of this monta at
No. 666
'This is & prescripti)n prepared
especially for Chills and Fever.
Five or six doses wili break any
casc¢ of Chills and Fever, and if
taken as a tonic the Fever will zot
return, It acts on the liver bet-,
ter than Calomel and does not
gripe or sicken. 23c.; 69-16%.
Miss Lula Terry, daughter of
Mr. J. J. Terry of this city, and
. A Williams, of Cordele, were
united in marriaga Saturday eve
ning at the home of Rev. Thomas
M. Caliaway, who performed the
ceremony. The marriage was
quietly celebrated, o-ly the im
mediate family and a few friends
of the bride being present.
The bride is an attractive young
lady, scarcely out of her ’teens,
and possesses a loving disposition
which wins for her friends where
ever known.
The grrom is said to bea young
man of splendid moral character
and ability and holds a responsi
ble position with the A., B. & A.
Mr and Mrs. Williams left yes
terday for a visit of several weeks
with his relatives in Tennessee,
after which they will be at home
in Cordele.
The marriage of Miss Essie
Evans and Mr, Will K. Bryant
was quietly celebrated Sunday af
ternoon at five o’clock at the home
of the bride’s parents, Mr, and
Mrs. W. U. Evans, just north of
the city.
The ceremony wsas performed
by Rev. G. H. Martin, and the
wedding march was beautifuolly
rendered by Mrs. Harrison. There
were no attendints and only the
family and a few friends of the
contracting parties were present.
" The bride is an attractive young
‘woman, possessing many beauti
ful womanly traits and has a host
of friends throughout the county.
She was most charming in her
wedding gown of white satin
veiled in marquisette. - The groom
is an enterprising young business
man, being in the lamber business
with his father, Mr. G. H. Bryant
and has many friends. Immediate
ly after the ceremony, the wedding
party repaired to the home of the
groom’s parents on Orange street
where a delightful wedding sup
per was served.
After this week, Mr. and Mrs.
Bryant will be at home at SC9
W. Pine street.
Miss Martha J. Roz:r, of this
city, and Mr, George L. Cagle, of
Manchester, were wunited in mar
riage Jast evening, Rev. Thomss
M. Cailaway performing the cere
The ceremony took place at the
Baptist parsonage and being a
run away sffair, only a few friends
witnessed it, The bride is a sister
of Mrs. Emerson cof west Pine
street and 1s an attractive and
popular young woman. The groom
is connected with the A, B & A,
at MManchester and is said to be
a splendid young man. The Lea
der-Knoterprise joins their many
friends in wishing them all thejoys
of a long and happy mariiad life.
Miss Lula Ethei Rozar and Mr.
E. O. Rurdin were united in the
holy bonds of wedlock Thursday
evening at the home of Rev.
Thomas M. Callaway, who per
formed the ceremony,
Only a few friends witnessed
the ceremony, which, on account
of the youthfuluess of the bride,
was a surprise to all her acquaint
ances. The bride is the young
sister of Mrs. Emerson and is
quite popular with a large circle
of friends. Mr, Rardin is connect
ed with the A, B. & A., and his
friends join those of the bride in
wishing them manv years of hap
py wedded life.
l Mrs. W, A, Green and daugh
ter, Miss Isla Green, will return
this afternoon from Ailanta, where
Miss Green has been under treat
ment at Elkin Goldsmith’s sani
tarium for the past four or five
weeks. Her many friends will be
delighted to know that she is now
out of danger and will soon be in
perfect health again.
Household Economy—the main
spring to reduce the high cost of
living. Start at the vital point—
Your Range. See our ad in this
Watt & Holmes Hdw. Co,
e G‘ ® p
Which shall it Be:
Do you intend to continue laboring, burn
ing valuable fuel and destroying high priced
food with that old worn-out cook stove?
You know that old stove eats up a lot of
fuel each year.
You know you have trouble in getting it
to bake just right, in fact, spoil a batch of
bread every once in a while—you know it costs
considerable for yearly repairs.
Stop and think and figure.
Wouldn't it pay you to buy a good range
—a range with a reputation—
The Great Majestic Malleable and
Charceal Iron Range?
You make no mistake in buying t
GREAT MAJESTIC—it's the range with T
REPUTATION—ask your neighbors. Then, too
it's made just right and of the right kind of
IRON—riveted together practically air tight—
lined with pure asbestos board—parts being
malleable can’t break—has a moveable resor
voir and aa oven that don’t warp—taat's why
+the MAJESTIC uses so little fuel, bakes just
Ight every day in the year (browns bread just
Light all over withnut turning,) heats 15 gal
sof water while breakfast is cooking—
preperly handled lasts a lifetime, and costs
practically nothing for repairs.
Don't buy the range you expect to last a
lifetimie “unsight unce n;” you'll be sure to be
disanrcinted. Come to our store during dem
onstration week, sce the CRFEAT MAJESTIC
—have its many exclusive features explained—
find out why the MAJESTIC is 300 per cent.
straorgder than other ranges where most ranges
are weakest.
-~ WANTED—The Cosmopolitan
‘Groupe requires the services of a
representative in Fitzgerald and
surrounding territory, to look af
ter subscription renewals, and to
extend circulation by special
‘methods which have proved unu
sually successful. Salary and Com
‘mission. Previous experience de
‘sirable but not esseutial. Whole
itime or spare time. Address,
‘with references, Charles C, Sch
‘wer, The Cosmopolitan Group,
381 Fourth Ave., New York City.
~ Lost—lower part of automobile
lamp. Finder please notify Mor
rison’s Pressiug Club, and suitable
reward will be paid. i 64-tf.
] No. 665
This is a prescription prepared
lespeci:lly for Chills and Fever,
Five or six doses will break any
'(-ase of Chills and Fever, it
taken as a tonic the Fever %
r:turn. It acts on the ] rt
tor than Calomel and does not
gripe or sicken. 25c¢. 69-16¢.
| Your neighbor knows his Majes
’tic Range uses little fuel—bakes
perfect—heats abundance of water
good and hot and costs practically
nothing for repairs. Let us show
you why, Call during our Demon
stration Week, Sept, 16th to 21st,
Watt & Holmes Hdw. Co,
People who know, are going to
buy a Majestic Range during our
Demonstration Week. You would
too if you knew. Read our big
add in this paper.
Just received a fresh shipment
of candies: Dodd’s 10 cent store.
~ New arrival of all latest sheet
music and songs: Price 10cts:
Dodd’s 10 Cent Store,
Douv’t buy ‘‘unsight unseen-»
Let the man who knows show you
al: about Ranges—at our store one
week Sept. 16 to 21st.
Watt & Holmes Hdw. Co.