The leader-enterprise. (Fitzgerald, Ga.) 1912-1915, October 04, 1912, Image 1
Bl hE7 PAGES Official Organ Ben Hill County, The Harvest of Comfort In the autmn of life, cbmfoft and happiness is assured to those who, during thzir working years, have regularly saved a part of their earn ings, and deposited it with a safe, strong bank. " RIGHT NOW you have that opportunity. Start NOW and, every pay day, put aside as much as you can spare. Don’t defer or neglect it. Then, when your earning capacity lessens or ceases, you will be able to live comfortably and enjoy some of the real pleasures of life. $1 will start an account. We pay a liberal rate of interest on Deposits. First National Bank - Fitzgerald, Georgia The Bank for Your Savings Public Sale The Southern Express Company will sell for charges, at public out cry, to the highest bidder. for cash, in the City of Fitzgerald. (Ga. Saturday November 2nd, 1912 all unclaimed packages remaining on hand, . H. M. Smith, Supt. 76-4 w" W. H. Chandler, Agent. % Empire Store Shoes---The new things are here for you! : .'-'é’ri;w ' : : i oy e i\ e 2 \Americas Dpe St Shoes fm! N, WONER |3 /) FALUL V 0 UR JELU and Children : / 5 Empire store Shoes--noted for their fit, style, comfort and good wearing qualities--Americas best shoemakers as well as ou 's:lv.s are EO 411 back of every purchase you make--absolute shoe satisfaction-- / A truly great shoe stock--Fine fitting shoes for the little folks---strong stylish shoes for the boys and girls---Pretty soft sole styles & for the infants--and quantity buying that gives you better shoes at prices of the ordinary sort, A ‘:""/:;,.’/ 7% Dorothy Dedd Shoes for Ladies $3.50 to-$5.00 Grovers Ladies Shoes for tender feet $3.50 to $4.50 § ’ Boston Bench Made Shoes for Ladies $2.50 to $4.00 ' Big Misses (2% to 6) Shoes $2.00 to $3.00--Childrens $l.OO to $3.00 s : Boydens for Men $5.50 and $6.00--Edwin Clapps $5.00---Douglas and Thompon Brothers $2.75 to $4.50 Logan and Dodge Boys Shoes that will stand the hard knocks of the sturdy boy $l.OO to $2.50 slpig e T R P ne t B CCE style to these new oung liens ouits *E;W”fé 4 @?tjj; Hart Schaffner and Marx have never produced Rt 9 ‘_fl{'-,_,— !(‘Q—&; [k finer models for young men than these present sea 'i'!’g%‘i \/ \k son styles-- , § / There’s touch of youth about the clothes for the (Y é‘t \ ‘I/Ii a~) older men too--conservative though--you'll like it--- N\ ‘% \ We've never seen such values in suits and Over ‘e, coats at $lB to $27.50 : ‘;‘h&@ Special values in other makes at $lO.OO to $15.00 6 s | B B 2 Boys Clothes that A % are winnins3.Ts t 06.50 ,fi_@gz,%\ b " These are the popular prices for %‘I("’IW X <z " school though you can go as low as [,’§ __giu‘fl l-~ $2.50 or as high as $lO.OO w! i”' \);f’( ; ¥ They're made to stand all the wear Ull 1} é{/fl 1 \ - a good hearty boy can give them---yet Ml“’( : ) Les embody the newest and best style il Wk '~' fig - ideas--- N W ; ‘s 12 . : ~.,, ~ New Blouse Pants 50¢,2.50 4% & Covyright Hart Schaffner & ; The Best Dollar Shirt Remington--White or Colored--Do Not Fade New Stetson Hats, s $350 to $6 THE LEADER-ENTERPRISE Mr. Courtney, of Atlanta, speat Wednesday in the city, guest of his daughter, Miss Lilljan Carter, who is visiting Miss Kadie Gri ‘ner. . ‘ Mr. Hobson, of Atlanta, repre senticg the Cole Motor Company, 1 in the city to-day, in the interest of his firm. ' : FITZGERALD, BEN HILI, COUNTY, GEORGIA, OCTOBER 4, 1912. The Pecan Industry In Ben Hill, Oldest Grafted Qrchards in Georgia. BIG CROP THIS YEAR. The orchardists of Fitzgerald are getting ready to gather their Pecan crop for 1912. For several seasons past the crops were sufficiently remunerative to en courage the early pioneers in the pecan industry to increase their holdizngs but this vear will be the record vyear of the pecan grower. Mr. E. N. Davis, whose orchard has about 1000 trees will gather more than a bushel per tree. The varieties are numerous and the nuts are well filled as the large rainfall has been especially favor able to the nut culture. Capt. Buckley’s Grove, Mr, Seanor’s and Mr. Cary’s all show a splendid improvement over previous years, and the harvest with all of them will be profitable. Pecan growing in south Georgia will soon be an industry to be reckoned with, sev eral huundred acres of fine land will be set out in trees this fall around Fitzgerald, The industry has passed the experimental stage, the pecan 'is. here to stay and to ald to the busin ss future of the community. “BUTTERICK PATTERNS ARE BEST” ENy PIR E M sTORE W.R BOWEN, President J.A. MURPHY., Manager SEMI-WEEKLY Guilty the Verdict in | ; ~ The First Case At Cumming Trial of Negroes May Be Fin ished Thursday Night--No Trouble is Expected Cumming, Ga. Oct, 3.—*‘Guil ty” was the first verdict to come from a jury in the trial of the ne groes brought here under guard of the state militia, The verdict was rendered at 4 o’clock this afternoon in the case of the state against Erpest Knox, colored, charged with criminal assault. The case had been on trial all day until the jury retired. There was no demonstration from the crowd in the court room whep verdict was vead, Sentence was not then pronounced, Immediately the case against Oscar Daniel, another negro, charged with the same offense in the state case, was called to trial. It seemed probable that the court would hold a night session, if by sc doing it could conclude the trial of the two other negro men yet to be arraigned jointly for a similar offense. This would leave one negro man not indicted, who stands charged with attempted ciiminal assault; and one negro woman, not indicted charged with being an eccessory. It seemed as if neither will yet be indicted or tried. These new Coat Suits at $11.98, $15.98 and $18.98 are wonderful values Tailored in the seasons best styles--elegant in fit and appearance--of good all woo! cloths-- You'll j)ay from $5 to $7.50 more for suits like these, blue, black, brown and riew illuminated shadings in the lot -The novelty suits are all different--no duplicates-- Girls Suits oryhexed clochs-30.05 to $16.48 T New Suits at 519.98, $24.98, $27.48 = . More new Dresses in Silk and Woel $4.98 to $16.98 Girls Felt & Velvet Hats 1.25 to 2.98 New soft styles just received--Splendid hats for the school girl--- Convicts In Wyoming Lynch Negro an Ex-Convict In Prison Prisoner Put in Penitentiary for Safe Keeping on Charge of Assault was Lynched by His Fellow-Prisoners—He Had Attacked Woman Seventy-Eight Years Old, Rawlins, Wyo., Oct. 2.—Convicts at the Wyoming state prison today lynched Frank Wigfall and ex convict who late last night was put in the state institution for safekeeping, Wigfall was arrested on a charge of attacking Mrs. Esther Higgins, aged 78, last Sunday. He was arrested at Fort Steel, fifteen miles from here. Sunday School Rally 3 At Methodist Church The Sunday School Rally, which was to have been held at the Cen tral Methodist Church last Sun day morning was postponed on account inclement weather, will take place next Sunday. A most interesting program hasS been arranged for the occasion and the general public, and especially Sunday school workers, who are invited to be present. The Rally will start at 11 o’clock, supple menting the regular preaching service. Mrs, C. H. Chapple has return ed home from Miona Springs where she visited her son. W. B. Stout, of Birmingham, Ala., is visiting his feter, Dr. Stout. New Silk Waists eo, $3.48 TUESDAY FRIDAY VoL. XVII. NO. 76 Gilbert H. Lynn. Mr. Gilbert H. Lynn died in this city Sunday morning at 7;80 o’clock at the home cf Mrs. O. M. Horne, after a lingering illness of several weeks from fever and consumption. Mr. Lynn came to Fitzgerald several months ago from Evans ville, Ind., in the hope of regain ing his health, but grew worse until death came and relieved his suffering. s His remains were taken in charge by Mr. Wm. McCor mick and sent to Oakland City, Ind., where it will be laid to rest i 1 the family burial ground at that place. ; We extend our sympathy to his aged parents who were unable to him with him during his ill ness and death.' 1 "t’\, «\ N SR /It 4 /‘/\|\ ; \\‘ % ',” § \d' /"bfi’f};,/ /"//‘) : '/// | V| 1 e . / /, !/ \ ¢ ¢ ) ' o /; 1 //M/?, b 18 A | g A g\l !.' s il {r | ;QT L gl 846§ 1 s}‘“" » e 7