The leader-enterprise. (Fitzgerald, Ga.) 1912-1915, October 08, 1912, Image 7
g’?fi SN D) IR “’gffi% \ > A i B N\ iel 'rvmmmfiw NSN AN S - - o YY) fiig”‘* ARG \\3\7"¢, "yo h AT | | Ak =iV WWW@)»W&/ SNV e Y l‘ ’; ‘n: N &.‘\’l‘}4“,,&« ‘L;i’): // ;:' ) jfll I ”t'"' /";'/L.’.:z//\/,;-vo?;(//;" /’ % j -~"é}‘é :‘";i“; _» ;‘ \\\ Nl5 W e NG T eDN g S Ni) ) SEEREEE] ]\G ) L ii It \@t ey W 7 /fi Mel kel TeH ] | A 77| (S nmeatag | = RRI (| SR A P&R =P : /‘ / ;‘m il ®s il ¥” u ‘:"l “"u' 7 “/.' : \"— ll Ao ; ¥ Quality in Merchandise @ @ ~ Character in Value - Bargains in Prices This is the epitome of our history--the secret of our success. It is all well enough for merchants to talk beautiful store--We've as attract ive a store as you can find in any city in South Georgia. Call and see for your self. But what we are anxious to impress upon your mind is the attractiveness of our goods--the goodness of them and the low prices at which we are offering them. It is one thing to be able to talk store--quite another to talk good goods, rea sonably priced--we have the whole combined. | . Our terms of payment are made to suit your needs. Don’t put off buying---come in today--you are welcome at any time. We have just received a car-load of fine grade Furniture, Bed Room Sets, Chiffoniers, Mahogany and Oak Princess Dressers, Buffets and Side Boards and Safes. ‘ | " . Don't fail to see us, we have these goods and must sell them. Come in and take a look at our store. i &N, X RAIT TBT 4 Fi Corner Main and )a'gtc',rfi @@ M IL, R ‘lfi\{ Fitzgerald Plfle Streets ‘[;"w' ‘] 0 “YOU& C—TR D‘IT"-SI 'Goopn GeOr g la BEARLAX, MOST PLEASANT TASTING AND EFFEGTHE LIQUD LAIATE The most modern and scientifically prepared laxative and liver tonic on the market to-day is BEARLAX. BEARLAX contains no calomel, but _is guaranteed better than calomel. It _3's promptly upon the liver, stomach bowels, corrects the secretion and v of bile, starts the organs to act g naturally and removes all waste matter and impurities from the sys tem. BEARLAX does this without griping or making you sick, and there is no POSSIBILITY of any bad after A New Remedy for Indigestion Gets Country Wide Endorsement The new remedy for Indigestion called *‘Digestit” has been found a certain quick relief and perma pens remedy for stomach disorders, Letters from thousands who had suffered the tortures of indigestion and got lelief from the use of Di gestit are evidence of its merit. The enormous .ncrease in demand from every part of the country is proof of its popularity. But you do not have to take anybody’s‘ Money to Loan On farms at 6 per cent. Quick action on approved paper. Fire, Life and Accident Insurance GEORGE COLLIER & CO. 411 Garbutt-Domovan building effects. In fact, the after effects are always pleasant and beneficial. Mr. Ben T. Brooks, of Columbus, Ga., says: “I have received more benefits from ‘BEARLAX’ than any other medi cine of its kind. It is far superior to any medicine of its kind I have ever used. It is pleasant to take and no bad effects in ANY WAY from same.’” Get a bottle of BEARLAX to-day; if it does not satisfy you in EVERY RE SPECT, your druggist is instructed to return your money without question, Price, 50 cents, everywhere. word for it—try it yourself on an absolute guarantee, get a package and if you don’t get relief you can get your money back for the ask ing. -Brown’s Digestit is a little tablet easy to swallow and abso lutely harmless, It digests all the food, prevents fermentation, stops gas formation, prevents stomach distress after eating, aids assimila tion, and relieves indigestion in stantly. Frazers Drug Store, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Haverfield, of Cordele, are visiting the fam ily of his parents in this city. Mr. D. T. Maffett, of Ogle thorpe, is spending some time with the family of his son, Mr. R. I. Maffett. THE LEADER-ENTERPRISE TUESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1912 Big Crop Of Office Seekers, | ‘ et e ‘Would Follow Election of l Woodrow Wilson ‘ Atlanta, Ga., October 7.—“lf Woodrow Wilson is elected,” said a capitol official this morning, “‘there is one southern crop that} will be larger and more luxuriant even than the cotton crop, und 1t will be the crop of southern seek ers after federal office ” | He voiced a view which seems to prevail pretty generally in Geor gia. It isn’t that southern people are notably greedy for government jobs,” he continued, but if the democrats win this November it will be the first time in twenty years that they have had a chance to get their finger in the political pie, and it is only natural that they should be as eager us Tom Thumb, or whoever it was that put in his finger to grab the bigg est one in the Christmas pudding,” Gets $7OO Becausz Conductor Slapped | Him, Atianta, Oct, 4.—DBecause a street car conductor slapped his face for ringing a push bell several times, B. A. Wheeler, aged 19,1 was given a verdict for $7OO against the Georgia Railway and Electric Company here to-day. - Dinner for Veterans, - The Veterans and Women of the Confederacy are most cors diall invited to attend a dinner }to be given Saturday, Oct. 19th, at the Blue and Gray Park, by Ben Hill Chapter United Daugh ters of the Confederacy. In case of rain on this occasion another place will be selected for the din ner, MRs. L. W. MEAKIN, Pesident. MRs. J. L. McCARTY, Recording Secretary. No. 666 This is a prescription prepared especially for Chills and Fever, Five or six doses will break any case of Chills and Fever, and if taken as a tonic the Fever will not return. It acts on the liver bet ter than Calomel and does not gripe or sicken. 25c. 69-16¢, For Sale Horse and buggy. Perfectly safe family broke mare 7 years old. Buggy and harness complete. Bargain if you act quick, Apply to L. C, Brink, 509 N. Lee street, T4-tf. Public Sale The Southern Express Company will sell for charges, at public out cry, to the highest bidder. for cash, in the City of Fitzgerald, Ga. Saturday November 2nd, 1912 all unclaimed packages remaining on hand, H. M. Smith, Supt. 76-4 w W. H, Chandler, Agent. For Sale One 400-Egg Incubator that that cost $45.00 for $15.00. One Typewriter that cost $35 00 for $20.00. 5 Wagons and 5 Buggies cheap. 2 Harrows and Plows of all kinds. Mowing Machine and Rake. 1 11-horse Watertown Engine, $50.00. . 1 20-horse Talbot Engine, $lOO. 1 20-horse Boiler, $75 00. 1 30-horse Schofield Boiler, good as new, and worth $500.00, at $250.00. One 2-horse Disk Riding Plow, cost $35.00, going at $15.00; all steel. One set of Esophus Corn Rock Upper Runners, weighs 2,600 lbs., will make 100 bushels meal a day. These rocks first cost $250 00; going at $lOO.OO. A $20.000 Farm, one-half cash and balance to suit purchaser at a low rate of interest. This farm is at Sibbie, Ga’; 10 miles from Fitzgerald; 10 miles from Abbe ville; 10 miles from Rochelle; 10 miles from Rebecca; 10 miles from Abba; 5 miles from Bowen’s Mill. A central location for mer chandising, etc., and the junction of 6 public roads, all graded and in fine shape for travel. This farm has alarge, comfort able dwelling, dining room, nine rooms all well ventilated; fine oak grove and shade, and a quiet and retired home from the] busy world. Has an artesian well with a 50- foot galvanized steel wind mill that pumps all the water used in the house and barn. An automatic Acetelene plant that takes the carbide as it needs it, thus giving a soft light and as good as electricty, and is always ready, night or day. It can be used for heating rooms or for cooking purposes as well as light. This is the cheapest light on the market after being installed. 12 tenant houses and barns, with good water for each place. One large barn, 30x80 feet for home place; 2 gin houses, buggy houses and all kinds of out-houses for what is necessary. There is 5 acres in pears that produce from 100 to 1,000 bushels a year, owing to blight; apoles, grapes, scuppernongs, figs, pum grantes; one acre in pecans, 15 years old that produce more each year as the trees develop. A hustling farmer can make a fortune here. Thatis what it cost me—all I ask for it. Ihave never halted on improvements. i Addres A. W. FULLER, ‘ 75-Imo Sibbie, Ga. Notice of R egistration. Notice is hereby that the city registration books are now open and will remain open at the clerk’s office in the City hall un til 6 o’clock p. m. on the 12th day of November, 1912, for the purpose of voters to qualify for the regular city election to be held Dec. 17, 1912. This the 7st day of October, 1912. Gro. W. BROWN, 75-tf City Clerk. Milk Cow Wanted Good Mllk Cow. Address P. O. Box 752. 73-tf, Farm Loans. I can obtain money on farm lands for you at reasonable inter est rates for a period of five years. Talk it over with me, Ifl can not do better than anybody else, there’s no harm done. If you ex pect to need any money this Fall, see me at once. Don’t wait until your neighbor gets it all. 68-tf. Clayton Jay. FOR RENT—At $25.00 per month, storeroom in the Davis Block, 24x80, and one five-room house, close in, at $14.00 per month. Apply to E. N. Davis, 119 West Central. T4-tf Atlanta Anticipates A Large Primary Atlanta, Ga., October 7.—Jim Woodword, leading candidate for mayor, will face a second primary and a pecuhar political situation Tuesday .Although he led the first primary he failed to get a majori ty of the votes cast; and a bitterer fight is being waged against him now than in the first instance. The situation is in some re- spects a duplicate of what it was when the business men brought Bob Maddox out as an independ ent candidate and beat Woodward when politicians believed he couldn’t be beaten bv anything under the sun, The outcome this year, however is even more doubtful than it was then. To begin with, the line-up of the business men is not nearly so solid behind Aldine Chambers as it was behind Maddox. Many prominent business people are backing Woodward. But the most potent factor in the present situa tion, according to many political observers, is the feeling expressed by the rank and file of the votors that Woodward earned the nomi nation by leading the first primary and that it is not fair to take it away from him by a ‘“‘moral cru sade.” It is admatted by both sides that the outcome is in doubt, and it seems certain that the vote will be very close. It is estimated that fully twelve thousand people will come out to the polls, If they do, it will be the largest citv primary Atlanta has had in a decade, Hoke Smith Craves Free Country Life Atlanta. Ga., Oct. 7th.—The city is getting too crowded for Senator Hoke Smith. Apartment houses and business buildings are springing up around the Waest peachtree home which he hed oc cupied for 29 years, and he has ‘practically decided to follow his natural inclination and go out where he can get breathing space. He contemplates building a new residence next spring, either on a large and béautiful Druid Hills lot, which he ‘now owns, or per haps he will become a gentleman farmer outright and build on his six hundred acre farm north of Decatur and near the Druid Hills property, which is being rapidly built up with handsome homes. Positive Proof Should Convince the Great est Skeptic In Fitzgerald Because It’s the evidence of a Fitzgerald citizen. Testimony easily investigate, The strongest endorsement of merit. The best proof, Read it: William Goebler, 211 Roanoke Drive, Fitzgerald, Ga., says: “‘l am pleased to recommend Doan’s Kidney Pills as they have helped me wonderfully. My kidneys troubled me for years and I was compelled to get up several times at night, owing to kidney weak ness. My back ached almost con stantly and I rested poorly. When I got up in the morning, I fels lame and stiff and could hardly get around. Hearing about Doan’s Kidney Pills, I vbtained a supply and their use corrected my trouble. I can say that Doan’s Kidney Pills have been of greater benefit to me than anything else I have ever taken.” (Statement given April 15, 1908.) RE-ENDORSEMET Mr. Goebler was interviewed on April 26, 1911 and he said: “I authorize the continued publication of my former endorsement of Doan’s Kidney Pills. This remedy has certainly been of benefit to me.” For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co , Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name—Doan’s— and take no other.