Newspaper Page Text
A [. ®
ttention Ladies
A delayed shipment of ‘“Queen
Quality” Slippers just arrived
to-day. They go at the Sale
Prices. You'll find the very
last word in footwear in this
lot. See window display and
the prices. On Sale Saturday,
McCarty, Johnstone Co.!
oo e .
Monday, Wednesday and Friday
The IL.eader Publishing Co.
ISIDOR GELDERS i e Managing Editor.
One 62)?!9r and F'?l?y Cents Per Year
Entered at the Post Olfice Fit=gerald, as Second Class Mail Matter
Under Act of Congress, March 18th, 1897
OFFICIAL ORGAN Gity of Eitateralaiand
Rates for Display Advertising Furnished on Application
Local Readers 10c per Line for each insertion. no ad
taken for less than 25c¢.
Notice to Attorneys and Administrators
Beginning November 1913 all legal notices must be paid for in
advance as the law contemplates.
Leader Publishing Company.
O stober 315t21913,
Millions Of Dollars For Dixie Highway
(From The Dixie Highway Bulletin.)
Millions of dollars, either in direct appropriations ov in approved
bond issues, are available for the construction of the Dixie highway
system of roads in the eight states between the Gulf of Mexico and
the Straits of Mackinac, From reports made to The Dixie Highway
association from 133 counties traveled by designated lines of the high
way it is found that the aggregate road building fund approximates
This amount does not include bond issues and appropriations
western Florida and the eastern part of lower Georgia, where two
links of the highway system are yet to be designated by commission
ers of the respective states. Illinois, which has the shortest link of
the highway between state lines, 123 miles, to be exact, is the leading
contributor with two bond issues aggregating $3,500,000, Cook
county, IHlincis, has voted $2,000,000 and Vermillion county has issu
ed $1,500,000 in highway bonds. ’
Appropriations from bond issues and the tax levies in six of the
eight Dixie highway states so far reported are as follows: Florida
(Palm Beach county, $800,000; Dade, $200,000; Volusia, $BBO,OOO,
and St. Johns, $650,000) $2,530,000; Georgia $159,000; Tennessee,‘
$2,439,000; Kentucky (from Middlesboro to the Biue Grass region,
$910,0€0), $978,000; Indiana, $60,000; Illinois, $3,500,000.
According to figures complied by the Dixie highway association
the great north and south thoroughfare’s route bears the following
geographical relation to the eight states as far as mileage, cities and
towns and courties traversed are concerned:
State Mileage Towns Counties
SRR oo 69 28
L i 24 5
Y 49 16
R o 95 17
... ... = 92 18
... A 0 24
. e 96 13 .
o R 46 12
dotals.. ... .. 8868 aSm 4
The foregoiug table is incomplete as far as the eastern line thrdugh
lower Georgia and Florida loop are concerned, these sections not
Laviog been designated yet.
Fred A. Harnish & Son,
With skilled workmen we are prepared to serve you promptly.
All Work Fully Guaranteed.
McCarty, Johnstone Co’s.
We intend to make this Saturday THE day of the entire Sale, in the character
of the bargains we have prepared for you, therefore “WE LEAVE IT TO YOUR
Sheriff’'s Sale.
Grorcra—BeN HiLL County
Will be sold, on the first Tues
day in August next at public out
cry at the court house in said
county, within the legal hours of
sale, to the highest bidder for
cash, certain property, of which
the following is a full and ccm
plete description: City lot four
(4), in square three (3) in block
six (6), of the City of Fitzgerald,
as per the plat of said city of
record in the office of the Clerk
of the Superior Court of Irwin
county, Georgia.
Said property levied on as the
property of William Heck, to
\satisfy an execution from the N.
P. &J. P. Court 1537th dist, G.
M. of said county, in favor of
Mary A. Green against said Wil
liam Heck. Deed for purpose of
levy and sale filed and recorded,
and notice given to tenant in pos
sission. Levy made by T. H.
Hendrix, L. C. and handed to me.
This July 9, 1915.
p W. H. Fountain, Sheriff.
| Sheriff’'s Sale.
Grorcia Bex Hinn County,
Will be sold at courthouse door
said county first Tuesday in Aug
ust, Nineteen Fifteen, within
legal hours of sale, city lot
twenty eight, square three, block
eleven, in City of Fitzgerald, said
county, same levied upon as prop
erty of G. E. Davis to satisfy
execution issued twenty third
day of December nineteen four
teen from Superior Court, said
county, in favor W. R. Bowen,
administrator, estate R. V. Bow
en, against W. D. Hunter, prin
cipal, J. B. Parsons and G. E.
Davis, securities.
This ninth day of July nine
teen fifteen.
W. H. Fountain, Sheriff.
Georgia, Ben Hill County;
To All Whom It May Concern:
J. C. Glover as administrator
af the estate of C. A. Oliver,
deceased, having in proper form
applied to the court of Ordinary
of said County for leave to sell
seven shares of capital stock in
the Johnson Hardware Compa
ny, a corporation under the
laws of the State of Georgia,
said stock belonging to said Oliver
estate, this is notice that said
application will be heard at the
Ordinary’s office in Ben Hill
County, Georgia, on the first
Tuesday in August, and such
leave granted if it is shown to
be necessary for such sale, un
less sufficient cause is shown to
the contrary.
Witness my hand and official
signature, this 9th. day of July,
D. E. Griffin
~ Judge City Court of Fitzger
ald, Ben Hill County, Georgia,
acting as Ordinary in absence
{of C. M. Wise, Ordinary.
| il e
| Sheriff’s Sale.
- Will be sold on first Tuesday in
August next, to highest bidder{
for cash, within legal hours of}|
sale, before court house door, |
said county.
Seventy-seven acres more or
less, lot of land 191, in third dis
trict, more particularly describedl
as follows, starting at the north
east corner of said tract of land
near head of branch, running
said branch to a certain stob near
another branch, thence west to
a stob near another branch,
thence north to a stob corner,
thence back to starting point.
Said tract being known as Di
vision No. 4 of estate of late
Allen Gibbs, deceased.
Said land levied upon as prop
ery of J. H. Taylor, to satisfy
execution issued from City Court
of Fitzgerald, in favor of A. B.
Cook, assignee, against J. H.
This July 9, 1915.
W. H. Fountain, Sheriff.
GEORGIA BEN Hirn County:
To all whom it may concern:
G. R. McDowell havirg in pro
per form applied to me for Per
‘manent Letters of Administration
on the estate of Robert W, Mec-
Dowell to be and appear at my
office within the time allowed by
law, and show cause if any they
can why permanent administration
whould not be granted to G, R.
McDowell on Robert W. McDowell
Witness my hand and official
signature, this sth day of June,
D. E. Griffin,
Judge City Court of Fitzgerald,
Bea Hill County, Georgia, act
ing Ordinary in absence of C. M.
Wise, Ordinary. B
J. T. Cass of said county, hav
ing applied to me for letters of
administration de bonis non with
will annexed on the estate of
Lulu B, Ryman, late of said coun
ty, this is to cite all and singular,
the creditors and next of kin of
said Lulu B. Ryman to be and
appear at the August term, 1915,
of the Court of Ordinary, to
show cause if any they can why
letters of administration de bonis
non with will annexed, should
not be granted toJ. T. Cass on
the estate of Lulu B. Ryman.
Witness my official signature,
9th day of July, 1915.
D. E. Griffin,
Judge City Court of Fitzger
ald, Ben Hill county, Georgia,
acting Ordinary in absence of
~ C. M. Wise, Ordinary.
| Citation
To all whom it may concern:
J. A. Stever as administrator
of the estate of Mrs. F. E. Stras
bough, deceased, having in prop
er form applied to the Court of
Ordinary of said county for leavei
to sell Lot No. 10, in Block No.
Wheat and Grist Mill
Ready for Operation
My Flour Mill and Grist Mill will be in operation
each Friday and Saturday. lam prepared to mill
your wheat and grind your corn. Perfect satisfaction
guaranteed. Your patronage solicited and appre
R e
M. DICKSON, - Osierfield, Ga.
15, in Square No. 10, in the City
of Fitzgerald, Ben Hill county,
Georgia, per the plat of said City
of Fitzgerald, said real estate be
longing to the said Mrs. F. E.
Strasbough estate, this is notice
that said application will be
heard at the Ordinary’s office in
Ben Hill county, Georgia, on the
first Tuesday in August, 1915,
and said leave granted, if it is
shown to be necessary for such
sale, unless sufficient cause is
shown to the contrary.
Witness my hand and official
signature, this 9th day of J uly,
S D. E. Griffin,
Judge City Court of Fitzger
ald, Ben Hill county, Georgia,
acting Ordinary in absence of
C. M. Wise, Ordinary.
Central Christian
Corner Lee and Jessamine
Sunday School 9:30 a. m.
Communion 10:45 a. m.
Preaching 11:00,
Evening Services 7:30 p. m,.
Subject Sunday night: £¢“The
Church and Amusemeats.”
Special music by the choir and
orchestra, come and bring one
with you.
The pastor will preach the second
of a series of sermons on the book
of Acts, which will be the second
chapter, all members are requested
to make a careful study of this
B iel
O Ge
Good for twenty-five votes when properly
filled out and sent to The Fitzgerald Leader-Enter
prise office by mail or otherwise on or before ex.
piration of date. No ballot will be altered in any
way or transferred after received by The Leader-
Enterprise. Unless coupons are trimmed care
fully around the heavy. lines they will not be
9 Free Coupons
To Every Lady Entering Our
Central Methodist
Opposite Lee-Grant Hotel
G. W. Mathews, pastor.
Prof. R, C. Mizelle will speak
at 11 a. m. representing the Kmory
University Academy of which Mr.
Mizelle is the Principal. All mem
bers of the church are especially
urged to be present. Preaching by
the pastor at 8 p. m.
Sunday school at 9:30 a. m.
Epworth league 7 p. m.
Mid-week church night, Wed
nesday 8 p. m,
All cordially invited to all ser
First Methodist
Episcopal Church:
Edward Arnold Wanless, Pastor
Sunday School—9:3o a. m.
Morning worship 10:45 a. m,
Junior League—3:3o p. m,
Epworth League 6:45 pe mi.
Evening Worship--7:45 p. m.
Prayer meeting Wednesday
evening at T7:45,
To all who mourn and need com
fort: To all who are weary and
need rest; To ail who are friend
less and want friendship; To all
who are homeless and want shel
tering love; To all who pray and
to all who do not, but ought; To
all who sin and need a Saviour and
to whosoever will, this church
opens wide the door and makes
free a place and in the name of
Jesus, the Lord, says, *“Welcome.”
Cures Old Sores, Other Remedies Won't Cure,
The worst cases, no matter of how long standing,
are cured by the wonderful, old reliable Dr,
Porter’s Antiseptic Healing Oil. It relieves
Pain and Heals at the same time, 25¢, 50¢, $l.OO