The leader-enterprise. (Fitzgerald, Ga.) 1912-1915, July 23, 1915, Friday Edition, Image 1
--- Friday Edition Official Organ Ben Hill County, s Statesboro, Ga., July 22, 1915. Mr. Isidor Gelders, : My Dear Sir: ' Your most welcome and interesting letter of the 18th is be fore me, also copy of arrangements which I certainly think is fine. I notice in your parade a place for the Ga. Cavalry. Hope you wiil do all for this branch of the service without too much trovble to secure mounts for at leat 40. . Gen. E. G, Gilmore of the Cavalry brigade at Milner, Ga,, writes me that he expects the best time that we have had at any reunion recently at Fitzgerald on the 17 and 18th of August next. Thanking you in advance for all trouble connected with the Re union I am, Respectfully Yours, S. Williams, Adjt. Gen. Cav. Brigade Ga, There is an optimistic toue in official statements from Vienna and Berlin respecting operations in the east, particulary in Russian Poland. There is little in Petrograd’s statemert to contradict Austro-Ger man claims but all of the communications say that fighting of a most desperate nature is in progress and that the Russians, though falling back, are resisting with determination. In the drive toward Warsaw the Russians have been pressed, back or the Blonie-Nadarzvn front. Berlin declares the army of Gen. Von Worysch has driven the Russians into the fortress of Ivangorod, southeast of the capital, and is now closely investing the stronghold with its twelve forts, After weeks of minor engagements, the Austro-Italian cam paign is assuming a degreee of ferocity which puts it on a plane with some of the long-drawn-out and hard fought battles in the other war centers. The Italian offensive movenient on the Isonzo front has developed into a great battle and the losses in men are indicated by the fact that both Austrians and Italians have brought up reinforcements. Rome reports the failure of the Austrian attempt to cut off the Italian left, and a ‘‘noteworthy advance,’’ by the talian forces at several points. British In Arabia London, July 22--The British have occupied Sukesh-Sheyukh, on the Euphrates riverin Arabia, according to an official report issued today and are now attaeking the Turks who have taken up a position below Nasiriyeh, Reports .of British deteats in Irak are de clared to be unfounded. CHEAP MONEY ON FARM LANDS I am lending money five years on good farm lands at six and seven per cent. Know of no other contract so fair and cheap to bor- TOWET. J. E. TURNER Office:. The Exchange National Bank. INeW and better things for Boys are always to be had at the Empire--Just now these July savings are worth while e s VR . Bo y S B]ouses c 0y S Hats e 0 y S Suits C VERY ATTRACTIVE OFFERINGS in our Boys Dept.---In addition to above there are--Boys Suits and odd Trousers at 1-4 off--Boys Oxfords at 107 off-- Boys Knit Union Suits for 25c--Boys Seperate Suits (25¢ values) for 19¢ each. Boys Bathing Suits 50 & 75¢ Bowen’s Mill, Lake Beatrice, Lucy or St. Simons--- It pays to own your own suit! “One Price To Everybody” General Phone 18-Grocery 155 State Seal SPOOHS! Have you gotten yourS? N:nrttitageygoi;retr; Z‘Z?,Zoffffie?&g:ftoi’ii. Every $2 worth of cash purchases THE LEADER ENTERPRISE Money on Farm Lands Terms: 5 to 10 years and conditions to sut borrower, Improved farm lands only. 3 CLAYTON JAY AGENT WANTED Wanted some one connected with the automobile business who is' willing to work a short while each day for about $5 a week. Send all particulars in first letter. * TENNYSON & TOLMIE, 6. State Street, Rochester, N. Y, EMPIRE MERCANTILE CO. FITZGERALD, BEN HILI COUNTY, GEORGIA, JULY 23, 1915. THE “SHORT ROUTE” Scouts Marked Roads for Folkston Meet. FROM TIMES-UNION. That the good roads meeting to take place in Folkston, Ga., next Wednesday, is to be one of importance to this city and state, was the opinion expressed yesterday by John E. Gilbert, of the Imperial Garage, and Myron L. Howard, one of the most enthusi astic good roads boosters here, on their return to the city yester day after their trip in a four-cylinder Saxon runabout to Folkston in two hours and thirty-eight minutes’ running time. Along the route where there would likely be a chance of cars going astray, the road was marked and posted and the travelers stated that everything is in readiness for the run Wednesday. It is said that a visiting party was never treated better at Folkston than was the reception accorded and the courteses extend ed the good roads advocates from Jacksomtville. W. E. Wrentch and the city and county officials and ecitizens agreed that the central route of the Dixie highway is the correct one as it will save the tourist a hundred miles or more. The as surance was given also to Messrs. Gilbert and Howard that ‘the “feeding department’’ for the affair of next Wednesday would be really worked overtime. Hilliard was not one of the slow communities to grasp the im portance of this good roads movement. While there is about a half-mile of heavy sand road there, the assurance was given that this stretch of road will be given a good sawdust coating, work on which begins today. Thus far twenfy-five cars have been signed up for the trip Wednesday. This party will leave from in front of the Imperial Garage at 8 o’clock next Wednesday morning. During the fore noon they will arrive at Folkston. “I want to tell you that they have watermelons up there as big as a 200-pound man,”’ declared John E. Gilbert, last night, “‘and the good people there told us that there will be plenty of fried chicken and other good things to satisfy the appetite of the Jacksonville tourists Wednesday.”’ :—mm_: Germans Lose Heavily In From® of Novogeorgievsk Berlin, July 22.—General Von Hindenberg’s army is now with in twelve miles of Warsaw and the Russian defenses are under continuous fire. ' - The German troops came within range of the Novogeorgievsk forts yesterday and suffered heavy losses. The Russians are fighting fiercely within the semi-circle com posed of Ossowiec, Rozan, Pultusk, Novogeorgievsk and Ivangorod fortresses, but despite their desperate efforts they are unable to stem the German advance. Dardanelles Fighting Costs Allies Many Men London July 19—The total casual ties of the allies Dardanelles expedi tionary force to date in killed, wound ed and missing has been 42,434 offi cers and men. Premier Asquith told the house of commons today. That includes both naval and military branches. Registration books for the city election close next Monday 6 P: M. If you want to participate in the election, it is necessary for your name to be on the registra fion book. Boys “Wiviear,™ Suits 98-1.98 Play Suits for the little fellows--ages 2 to 10 years- Made of best Kahki--Overalls 50c. THRICE-A-WEEK Jury Finds Polk Sane Milledgeville, July 21,—The jury in the case of C. F. Polk, charged with wife murder, return ed a verdict finding him sane, in sanity trial proceedirgs consuming the past three davs in the superior court here. Itis announced an appeal will be made to the state supreme court. Whenever You Need a General Tonic Take Grove's The Old Standard Grove’s Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable as a General Tonic because it contains the well known tonic properties of QUININE and IRON. It actson the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up the Whole System. 50 cents. Auto Club Leaders. District One. Mis. WilkigCole. .. ..........:......... |Bl 000 Miss Margaret 5pi11er............... .......... 193,950 Miss Ruth 5teven5........... ........... ...189,900 Miss Madleen Davenp0rt............... .. 174,200 District Two. biiss Lillign Luke........................... |73 500 Miss Blondine Wi11bank5................... .. 170,300 DI CRENE DOBIOR . . ....................... . [OE 2D District No. I. This includes all of the city of Fitzgerald and Fitzgerald Ru-al Routes. At least two prizes will be awarded in this district after the Grand prizes are awarded. Mrs. Willis Cole_________l94,6oo Miss Pearle Blount________92,loo Miss Madlen Davenport__l7l,2oo Miss Anna Huling__*_____9o,loo Miss Allie Maves________l2s,Boo Miss Ruby Hunter_______l24,6oo Miss Melba Dozier_______ll2,42s Miss Ruth Stephens______lB9,9oo Mre ©. & Gian. ..o 106,900 Miss Grace Dickinson___ 112,950 Miss Lucille Whitley___ 100,150 Miss Margaret Spiller____l93,9so Miss Jermina Hogan_____lso,9oo Miss Pearl George________ 96,900 Miss Willie Barentine___ 105,400 hh Beows .. .. ... oo Miss Cora Babb________. 129.700 Miss Minme Bruce___ ~120,200 2. kL o Ditheon. . 119 100 M ss Ethel Downing____ 105,600 Miss Eftie Alexander_____lo3,2oo Miss Eula Carr01_____....66,975 Walter J. Walker.____ 67,450 Mr. R. O, Miss Clara Stone_________ 50,000 District No. 11. This includes all territory out side of Fitzgerald. At least two prizes will be awarded in this dis trict after the Grand prizes are awarded, 643,000 Married Men Under Arms London, July 21--Speaking for the government in the House of Lords to-day, Lord Newton said the number of married men at present in the British army was approx imately 843,000. The aggregate cost of separation allowance paid to wives and chrildren of t hese men has been $125,000,000, Money to Loan On 5 and 10 acre tracts. No Commissions. Elkins & Koplin k. Shirts for 39 Boys %% Shirts for 39c This is by far the best made best color washing shirt we've ever seen for boys--Every one guaranteed Monday Wednesday Friday VOL. XX. NO. 87 Mystic. Miss Bertha Jones_______llo,loo Miss Maud Crawford_____lo9,3oo: Mr. Leo Bussill__________lo4,2oo Miss Annie Lau Spier_____9l,2oo Miss Bessie McCook ___._ 112,600 Miss Alice Fletcher_ _ —e--_165,600 Miss Mae Ltpo.... ... . 100,900 Miss Mazie Floyde________6l,2so Mrs. Juanita Sims___ -=--90,200 Ocilla. Miss Alynne Howell_____ 101,600 Miss Mildred Griner__ 122,400 Miss Krin Dl .. il Tao 88 Miss Gladys Vickers_____ 112,600 Miss Iris Dickson________lo9.9oo Osierfield Miss Blondine Wilbanks__l7o,3oo Douglas. Miss Lunice Lott________l6s,loo Broxton Miss Ruby Meeks________l6s,6oo Abbeville Miss Louise Oliver______ 172,200 Miss Gladys Nunnaway ___126,900 Irwinville Miss Bennie Lawrence_____99 20 Miiss Mattie Fussell______ll2,loo - Lillian Luke________l7s,9oo; Rochelle. Miss Artie Gorden________l6o,6oo Miss Lorina Wells________lsB,9oo lMiss Carrie Doster _ ____169,850 United Brethren Church 409 West Oconee street. Kev. Chas A. Ginn, Pastor. Sabbath School at 9:30 a, m. Preaching at 10:30 a. m. and :45 p. M. ' Junior Y. P. C. E. at 2:30 p. m. Sunday. Senior Y. P. C. E. 7.30 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday st 7:30 p. m, St, Matthew’s Epis copal Church, Eighth Sunday after Trinity. - Sunday School 10 8, m. Morning Prayer and sermon 11 o’clock. : ‘No service at night. Everybody welcome. J. W. Bleker, Vicar, Wm, R. BOWEN, President. J. A. MURPHY, Manager.