The leader-enterprise. (Fitzgerald, Ga.) 1912-1915, July 23, 1915, Friday Edition, Image 3

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To the Voters, Citizens and Tax
payers of Fitzgerald: =
I am a candidate to succeed
myself as Mayor, subject to the
primary election, August the 10,
1915, and respectfully solicit your
votes and support, prongising you
a clean, economical business-like
administration of the affairs of
the City of Fitzgerald, at all
times, to the best interest of the
citizens and taxpayers.
Thanking you in advance for
your consideration in my behalf,
Yours to serve,
Drew W. Paulk,
dendho D eOD
I hereby announce myself a can
didate for Mayor, subject to the
rules of the City Primary to be held
August 10. If elected I promise to
administer the duties as your Chief
Executive in a straight, clean busi
ness-like manner. I will appreciate
the vote and support of every voter.
Most respectfully yours,
I. @ Tisdel. :
I hereby announce myself a
candidate for the office of City
Treasurer, subject to the rules of
the white primary. If elected I
assure the citizens a careful and
painstaking administration of the
office. I shall appreciate the sup
port of all yoters.
The City Executive Committee
having called a white primary to
be held on the 10th of August for
the purpose of nominating City
officers; 1 hereby announce as a
candidate, to succeed myself, to
the office of city treasurer, sub
ject to the rules and regulations
of said primary, and I earnestly
solicit, and shall greatly appreciate
the vote and support of every
itizen of Fitzgerald.
G. P. Mingledorf.
I hereby announce my candi
dacy as Alderman, subject to the
white primary on Aug. 10th, and
solicit th 2 support of the voters
ofthe City and promise if elected
to strive to do the best I can for
the interest of the city.
: Yours to serve,
J. L. Pittman.
For Alderman
To the voters of the City of Fitz
I beg to announce my candidacy
for Alderman, subject to the rules
of the primary called to be held
on August the 10th, next.
I respectfully solicit the support
of the voters of the city, and if
elected pledge my very best efforts
to serve you in an acceptable
manner. It will be my pleasure to
administer the affairs of the city
in a strictly business like manner,
and wish to thank you in advauce
for your support,
Very respectfully,
A. H. Thurmond.
To tha Voters of Fitzgerald:
I hereby announce my candi
dacy to succeed myself as Alder
man at large of the City of Fitz
gerald, subject to the Primary
election to be held August the
10, 1915, and respectfully ask
your aid and support in my be
half, and in the event of my elec
tion promise to serve you to the
very best of my ability and the
best interest of the city in any
and all matters coming before me
as a member of the city council.
Thanking you in advance for
your consideration, I am,
J. M. Lee.
I hereby announce myself a
candidate for Alderman, subject
to the rules of primary of Aug.
10, 1915. If elected I promise to
discharge the duties of the office
to the best of my ability. Will
appreciate your support.
Earl J. Brown.
Am a candidate to succeed my
self on Aldeimanic Board, Will
appreciate your endorsement at
the polls August 10th.
L, L. Griner.
I am in the race for Alderman
at large, subject to the rules of
the primary, to be held August
10th. I will appreciate the sup
port of all Vuters.
‘“Red”’ Jones.
I hereby announce myself a can
didate for Alderman, subject to the
rules of primary of August 10, 1915.
If elected I promise to discharge
the duties of the office to the best
of my ability, and earnestly solicit
your support. Dr. J. T. Cass.
I hereby announce myself a can
didate for Alderman, subject to the
rules of the Primary of August 10.
If elected I promise to discharge
the duties of the office to the best
of my ability, and earnestly solicit
your support. Burr Stokoe.
For Alderman
lam a candidate for Alderman
subject to the rules of the Primary
of Aug, 10sh. I will appreciate
the support of all the voters.
J. H. Dorminy.
I hereby announce myself a can
didate for alderman, subject to the
rules of the primary of August 10'
1915. If elected I promise to dis
charge the duties of the office to
the best of my ability, and earnestly
solicit your support.
J. H. Wideman.
For Water and Light and
» Bond Commission
I hereby announce myself a can
didate for member of the Water,
Light 2nd Bond Commission sub
ject to rules of Primary of August
10, 1915. I will appreciate your
Geo. E. Ricker.
To Inspect State Prison
Atlanta, Ga., July 12.—The
penitentiary committees of both
senate and house left today for
Milledgeville, to inspect the state
prison there and investigate con
ditions. The committee was ac
companied by several other mem
bers of the assembly who admit
ted that their visit was inspired
largely by a desire to see the
noted Leo M. Frank, now an in
mate at that institution. |
~ Itis said that an exhaustive
ireport will be made recomending
‘improvements at the state farm,
as previously urged by the prison
commission. It is shown in the
last report of that body that all
‘of the improvements now being
demanded were urged by the
lboard, and that had they been
granted last year the typhoid,
which has made its appearance
at the farm would not have had
the chance to spread.
Whenever You Need a General Tonic
Take Grove's
The Old Standard Grove’s Tasteless
chill Tonic is equally valuable as a
General Tonic because it contains the
well known tonic properties of QUININE
and IRON. It actson the Liver, Drives
lout. Malaria, Enriches the Blood and
Builds up the Whole System, 50 cents.
How to Make And Keep
The Roads Smooth
The traffic on earth and gravel
roads has a constant tendency to
develop ruts, chuck holes, and de
pressions. The chief aim and pur
pose of road maintenance is to pre
vent and remedy this destructive
action. To be successful and effi
cient, road maintenance must be
systematic and continuous. Hap
hazard work is expensive and un
If the road is very rough and
uneven or the crown very low the
road machine or grader is very
efficient for placing it in shape.
One must guard, however, against
the all too common practice of
scraping the sod and other vege
table matter and refuse from the
sides and ditches on to the road
in general, on the clay and heavy
soil roads all vegetable or spongy
material should be carefully ex
cluded. Such materials absorb
moisture readily and furnish but
little resistance against wear. The
road surface should be built up
with the best material possible
material which will pack and con
solidate under traflic and which
will be as nearly water proof as
possible and will wear uniformly.
In general the road machine or
grader should be used in the spring
of the year while the ground is
moist and in such condition that
it wlll work easily and at the same
time pack well under passing
traffic, Considerable skill and
judgement is required to use the
road grader to the best advantage,
An unskilled and careless operator
will sometimes actually leave the
road lln a worse condition than
when he began work. Do not
scrape sod and refuse into the
road. Good earth 1s far better as
it will not decay nor absorb mois
ture so readily. Do not be guilty
of the too common practice of
leaving a windrow of clouds or
loose earth along the middle of
your road to impede traffic and
absorb water at the first rain.
Leave the roads smooth over the
entire surface and traffic wiil
spread and be less likely the pro
duce ruts. Always use the grad
er in such a way as to make the
road bhetter and not worse for the
passing traffic.
When the road has been placed
in good condition as to crown and
smoothness the road drag is the
best tool for maintaining it in
that condition. Drag the road
after each rain while the surface
is still moist but not sticky. Use a
light drag and move only a vary
little earth—just sufficient to fll
the ruts and depressions and leave
a slight surplus if the crown is
low. Ride on the drag and shift
your position accordicg to] the
amount of eairth necessary to be
moved. If the rain has been of
long duration it may be advisable
to drag the road twice; first very
soon after the rain, and again
when the clay is drying out or
beginning to set.
Do not drag a dry road. Success
ful dragging is dependent on a
certain amount of water or mois
ture in the road surface. Praciical
ly all clays and most soils, if not
too sandy, will puddle if worked
when wet, and oz diying out will
set very hard. The drag in con
nection with traffic is essentially a
puddling machine, which, when
properly used, leaves the road
surface crowned and covered with
a smooth layer of puddled and
densely packed soil. This layer is
as nearly impervious to water as
it is possible to make lit. Follow
ing rains find little or no place for
lodgement, as the water quickly
runs off to the side ditches. Un
less the rain is long continued the
road surface is not softened to any
great depth. The prompt use of
the drag after each rain leaves the
surface smooth and ready to with
stand the next storm,
Therefore, to make your road
smooth, use a road machine or
grader to put itin proper shape
in the spring of the year, To keep
your road smooth, use the road
drag judiciously atter each rain.
This will keep an earth or gravel
road in the best shape in which 1t
is possible to maintain it through
out the year,
Christianity is better felt than
A large crowd was present at
Sturgeon Creek Sunday. The day
being communion day. ¥
Misses Blondine and Nellie Wil
banks of Osierfield spent Friday
with Miss Flossie Robitz<ch.
Messrs Cecil Harris, Theo
Middlebrooks and Rodolphus
Reeves joined the Frank Ball team
Thursday and played Robert’s
team at Ocilla, Scores were 3to
in Frank’s favor.
Mrs. H. H. Hooker spent Thurs
day very pleasantly at the home
of Mr. and Mrs, Alva Ewing.
Tc the base ball fan an error is
inhuman, a home run divine.
Mr. and Mrs, J. E. Dykes from
this place attended the barbecue
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. J.
Nipper Sunday west of town. Ice
cream, lemonade and watermeions
were served throughout the day.
Anmong the other visitors present
were: Mr. Barbee and family from
Ashburn, Mr, Baily and family
from Worth, Mr. Alfred Nipper
and daughter Miss Grace from
town, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Blan
chard from town, Mr, and Mrs.
O. S, Middlebrooks and family..
Messrs Hansel acd H. M. Dodd
from the city were in our vicinity
The boy who is mean to his
sister will not make a good man.
Mr. Audie Cone and family
spent Wednesday very pleasantly
at Spring Lake.
Mr. T. N. Middlebrooks and
wife spent the week-end near
Milan visiting relatives,
Our mail carrier Mr. George
and family are spending al5 day
vacation at Jay Bird’s Spring.
Don’t voice an opinion unless
you know and know why you know
Often the case when a fellow feels
bad amateur doctors spring up
like grass and their advice is usual
ly wrong. Consult a physician.
A family reunion was enjoyed
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G.
G, Reeves Friday. All of the
children being present. Mr. and
Mrs Edd Reeves of Roanoke, Rev.
Floyd Reeves and wife from Re
becca, Mr. Alvoid Reeves and
family of Abba. The home chil
dren being Amos, Rodolphus,
Leonard, Massey, Alma, and Mrs,
Lona Willingbam. Lemonade, ice
cream and delicious peaches were
served throughout the day. At
twelve o’clock a bounteous dinner
was spread out in the back yard
beneath large Chinaberry trees and
partaken of-by all. Immediately
after dinner the family were as
sembled on the front veranda where
photographs were made. Only two
persons being invited except the
immediate fawily.
- Wanted some one connected
with the automobile business who
is willing to work a short while
each day for about $5 a week.
Send all particulars in first letter.
62 State Street, Rochester, N. Y.
Second Voting Period
Candidates Better Hustle if They
Want the Most Votes
Third and Last Period Goes in Force
Aug. Sth, [Ten Per Cent Decrease
in Schedule Below on that Date
Second Period Schedule
BB i e e
£ R
§ W .
g oTes . o e
W esan T
The second voting period is now in force and candidates who are
really going to get anything out of the Auto Club will want to get
busy during this period of the campaign. NOW—is the time for
you to get in your best licks—while the campaign is young. START
Wheat and Grist Mill
Ready for Operation
My Flour Mill and Grist Mill will be in operation
each Friday and Saturday. lam prepared to mill
your wheat and grind your corn. Perfect satisfaction
guaranteed. Your patronage solicited and appre
ciated. ]
M. DICKSON, - Osierfield, Ga.
Special train via Ocilla Southern and Atlantic Coast
Line to Crunswick and St. Simons, August 3rd. Get your
tickets in advance. Special train leaves Fitzgerald 5:30:
Ocilla 6:00 a. m., returning arrives Ocilla 10:00, Fitzgerald
10:30 p. m. Six hours at St. Simons. Boat fare included
in the rates mentioned.
This trip planned and operated by the ladies for a first
class seashore outing. Do not miss this opportunity of
visiting St. Simons at popular prices.
Round trip rate $1.75 for adults, $l.OO for childrem.
Very Low Round Trip F
Brunswick, Jacksonville, Tampa
VA A.B. & A.
August 5, 1915
SCHEDULE Rate to Rate to:
Brunswick Tampa.
Lv. Fitzgerald 5:50 a. m $3.00 $5.00
Lv. Osierfield 6:10 a. m. $2.75 $4.75
Ar. Jacksonville 10:45 a. m.
Ar. Tampa 10:15 p. m. .
Tickets to Brunswick and Jacksonville will be good re
turning on any regular train leaving these stations up to
and including August 10th. To Tampa up to and includ
ing August 12th. Get further information from nearest
Ticket Agent of A. B. & A., or write W. W. Croxton, G. P.
A., Austell Bldg., Atlanta, Ga.
PO iil e T
A .. i
Good for twenty-five votes when properly
filled out and sent to The Fitzgerald Leader-Enter
prise office by mail or otherwise on or before ex.
piration of date. No ballot will be altered in any
way or transferred after received by The Leader-
Enterprise. Unless coupons are trimmed care
fully around the heavy lines they will not be