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P N 6 Bt
- —the.GOODRICH “Fair:List” Propaganda
- now saves Car-Owners, yearly,
" over $25,000,000 on Tires
Py HERE are 1,923,951 Automobiles now State
, licensed, and running, in the United States.
, Of these, 1,803,951 are Pleasure Cars—i.e.,
exclusive of Trucks, etc.
More than 909, of them, or about 1,623,555, use Pneu
matic Tires.
Each car will wear out and replace, on average, about
one Set of Four Tires per year.
Therefore, the interests of each Car-Owner as well as
each Car-Manufacturer, each Car-Dealer, and Salesman, is
vitally and personally affected by the price of Tires to Con
Because,—Tires and Gasoline are the two big items of
consumption in the operation of Motor Cars.
The Owner who used his Car 1,000 Miles less per year,
than he would have done, because of “the high-price of Tires
and Gasoline,” received that much less return from his entire
investment in the Car proper.
! The potential, or prospective, Car-Owner who fails to
‘buy a Car because of “the high cost of Tires and Gasoline,”——
he who sells his Car and does not buy again because of ““the
high cost of Tires and Gasoline”-—or he who, for the same
reason, stores his Car and docs not run it during a considerable
part of the year, is a direct loss to
—lst —Automobile Manufacturers, as a class.
—2d —Automobile Dealers, as a class.
—3d —Garage Owners, as a class.
——4Lh——Lu|;rication & Gasoline Manufacturers, as a
But,—he is a greater loss to TIRE Manufacturers, and
Dealers, as a class, than to any others.
—Gasoline and Lubricants, for instance, can be sold to
the Owners of Motor Boats, Stationary, and other Motors.
But,—Automobile Tires can only be sold, in the ultimate,
to the man who OWNS a Car, and who wears out Tires through
using it.
O a 4]
VERY mile that each Automobile runs, means an
automatic Sale of Tires to replace that mileage with
new Tires.
But, all the Salesmanship, and all the Advertising,
under the Sun, could not increase, by a single Tire, the total
sales of Tires beyond the number of Cars owned by Con
sum?rs, and the number of Miles each Consumer runs his Car
The Market for Tires is therefore limited inflexibly, to
the number of Cars running, and the Mileage which each
Owner is induced to run yearly.
Therefore, we opine that to promote greater Sales, and
greater use, of Automobiles, few better incentives can be
offered than markedly-lowered cost, TO CONSUMERS, for
Tires and Gasoline.
Just as we recognize that the only legitimate expansion
open to the Tire Industry, as a whole, would be due to the Sale
of more Automobiles each year to Consumers, with a greater
average Mileage USE, per year, of each Car by each Owner.
. That is why we favor the lowest possible price for
Tires,—to Consumers, consistent with maintenance of high
quality and a fair profit to Dealer and Mfr.
Cuts Convicts Throat
Reading, Pa., July 19—Frank
Snavley was murdered inthe Berks
county prison today by Michael
Puttinger, a cellmate, who cut his
victim's throat.
Puttinger then committed suicide
by hanging himself.
The watchman distributed knives
to be used at breakfast at 6 am. A
half hour later the meal served,
both men were dead.
Fall Garden Seed
Turnips Rutabagas
Cabbage Beets
Carrots Collards
Lettuce Kale
Mustard Radish
Best Quality--Lowest Prices
Denmark Drug Co.
The w Store
Notice of Teachers’ Election
All public school teachers wishing
to take the annual examination for
either new or renewable licenses
must report atthe Third Ward
school building, Fitzgerald, Ga., at
8:30 o' clock Friday and Saturday
morning , July 30 and 3llst. inst.
By order of State Board of Educat
2t. R. J. Prentiss, Co. Supt
So this, then, is a leading
reason w}:jy WE initiated, and
propagated, that Goodrich *Fair-
List” Movement which we pub
licly announced in the press on
Jan. 31, 1915, and which caused
practically every Pneumatic Tire
Manufacturer in this Country to
Jollow our lead and bring his
prices down to a fairer level.
o o o
HIS is also the reason
why some Tire Manu
facturers, who could
not, or would not, “meet” our
BASIC prices for Pneumatic
Tires (even, thourh our “Fair-
List” Propaganda chliged them
to make. heavy reductions off
their former Lists) might errone
ously suppose that “Goodrich”
Tires have been cheapened in
Quality, as well as in price.
Hence this explanation (to
the Public, to Car-Manufacturers,
Dealers, Car-Salesmen, Garages,
and Tire Dealers generally) {hat
we deem it “good business” to
sell the best Goodrich Tires (of fabric construction) we have
ever made, at the fairest price possible for such quality.
Hence, too, the following TEST offer to Consumers.
—We will cheerfully pay for any Goodrich Safety
“Non-Skid” Tire, scld since our “Fair-List” price-reduction
(announced on January 31, 1915), which when cuf open shows
any veduction in qualify, in number of layers of Canvas, in
thickness, or quality of Rubber, when ccmpared with any
other Goodrich Safety “Non-Skid” made by us, and sold at
our higher prices current &efore the Goodrich “Fair-List”
And,—this is further to cuthorize any Tire-User to
extend this Offer (at our expense) to any Tire Dealer, or Manu
facturer, -
We ask Car-Owners, and Tire Consumers, in their own
interest, to see that no “implication” of lowered quality in
Goodrich Tires goes unchallenged—just as we have protected
their interests, for our own sake, through our “Fair-List”
Propaganda. c >
: o G o ;
ECAUSE of that GOODRICH “Fair-List” Propa
ganda, every Car-Owner who now buys any make
of Tire sized 37 x 5, now saves on each set of 4
Tires, an average of about $46.27. i
—Every Car-Owner who uses 34 x 4 Tires, of any
make, now saves, through the Goodrich “Fair-List” Propaganda
an average of about $26.15 per Set of 4 Tires.
Central Methodist
Opposite Lee-Grant Hotel
G. W. Mathews, pastor.
Sunday school at 9:30 a. m.
Epworth league 7 p. m.
At 11 a. m. Rev. J. A. Smith
with a number of the children of
the Methodist Orphanage in
Macon will illustrate the workings
of that popular institution of the
church. The whole membership of
the church and other friends of
the Home are invited to attend
the exhibition.
First Methodist
Episcopal Church
Edward Arnold Wanless, Pastor
Sunday School—9:3o a. m.
Morning worship 10:45 a. m,
Junior League—3:3o p. m,
Epworth League 6:45 p. m.
Evening Worship--7:45 p. m.
Prayer meeting Wednesday
evening at 7:45,
To ull who mourn and need com
fort: To all who are weary and
need rest: To all who are friend
less and want friendship; To all
who are homeless and want shel
ltering love: To all who pray and
to all who do not, but ought; To
}all who sin and need a Saviour and
to whosoever will, this church
!opens wide the door and makes
lfree a place and in the name of
Jesus, the Lord, says, *‘Welcome.”
Made as always————
—The same reliable Constructiofl
—The same dependable; Servicc:
—Nothing whatever taken out of{i
materials or Ouglity;‘f%‘ nog.mggtel:i%
what reductions in List-Price are
ever made. —_—
Central Christian
Corner Lee and Jessamine
Sunday School 9:30 a. m.
Communion 10:45 a. m.
Preaching 11:00,
Subject: ‘‘Persecution and Pro.
gress.” This will be the fourth of
a series of sermons on the book of
Acts, taken from the fourth chap
ter, if you have missed these ser
‘mons you have missed a treat come
~ Evening Services 7:30 p. m.
- Subject: “The work of memory
after death.” Special music by the
choir and orchestra, this music is
\certainly fine come and bring one
‘with you.
Christian Science
First Reader Wm. R. Jewell.
Services: 11 a. m.
Sunday School 10:45 a. m.
Wednesday evening testimonial
meeting 7:30 p. m,
All are cordially invited to attend
these meetings.
Church cor. Main and Altamaha
To get the genuine, call for full name, LAXA.
TIVE BROMO QUININE. Look forsignature of
E.W.GROVE. Cures a Cold in One Day. Stops
cough and headache, and works off cold. 25¢,
—Every Car-Owner who uses 30 x 314 Tires, now saves,
through the Goodrich “Fair-List” Propagande, an average of
about $14.70 per Set of 4 Tires.
Other sizes in proportion.
The 1,623,555 State-licensed Car-Owners who use
Pneumatic Tires now save about 209, of what they last year
paid for ANY make and size, whether they be Goodrich or.
competing brands,—equal to more than $25,000,000 per year.
And, don’t forget that this giant saving to Car-Owners
was never mentioned to the Public by other Tire Manufactur
ing Concerns until the Goodrich “Fair-List” Propaganda made
it imperative that they extend the Saving to Consumers on
their Tires, or lose business to the Goodrich Co. "
But, notwithstanding all this,—the fact which should
loom Zargest to TIRE-USERS is the contrast of 109, to 409,
in prices, that still exists between the low price oé’ the best
Non-Skid Tires (of fabric construction) that money can buy,
or the largest Rubber Factory in the World produce,—(to wit,
GOODRICH Non-Skid Tires) and all other “responsible”
Tires in the field. 7 - i
Compare prices and see! :
Then, if you are not already a Goodrich User, do your
self (and us), the justice to buy at least one GOODRICH
“Non-Skid” Tire.
Test that out for Quality, Mileage and Resilience against
any other Tire, at any price, which you are now using.
The result of such Test will cause you to wonder why
you ever paid more for Maximum Quality, Mileage, and
Resilience than the Basic price of Goodrich Non-Skid Tires?
THE B. F. GOODRICH CO., Akron, 0.
Christian Endeavor
Prayer Meeting
Central Christian Church
July 25 Tpm
Leader—J. M, Griner.
Subject: “Christ in Me.”
Two songs, 48 and 68. :
Prayers by officers.
Scripture reading. John 15:111
Robt, Fretwell.
Prayer, Mr, W. V. Church.
Why Is it Impossible to Be a
Branch of Christ’s Vine and Not
Bear Fruit?—Mr, M, B. Andrews.
If Christ Once Enters Oar Lives,
How May We Drive Him Out
Again?—Mr. R, L. Higgs.
Silent Prayers.
Special music.
Name Some Bible Characters in
Whom Christ Dwelt—Mr. A. L.
Name Some Characters Qutside
the Bible in Whom Christ Dwelt—
Mr. Mercer Babb.}
What Is the Effect of Christ In
dwelling Upon Our Daily Work?
—Raymond Davis,
How Can You Tell Persons in
Whom Christ Dwells?—Mr, Jack
Mannooch. ‘
The Never Failing Friend—Mr. ‘
Leslie Bryant. ,
Sentence prayers. J
Clippings and quiet hour. »
i Mizpah. oy
| T AR,
Seventh-day Adventist
! Church |
}Corner Suwanee and Grant Streets
Elder J. A. Strickland, Pastor.
Sabbath (Saturday) Sabbath
school 10:00 a. m, 11:00 ,n@‘m.
i 3p. m. young people’s meeting.
| _
" The International Bible Students,
Class meets every Sunday at 2:36'
p. m. at the Woman’s Relief Hall"
on Main street. All are cordially -
invited to meet with them. 3
Dr. C. J. Christian
General Practice
Diseases of Children a Specialty
Office at Dr. Haile’s Drug
Store. 4
fi s
Hours: 9 tolland 3to 3. Office 'Phone No. IS-l*
Dr. D.F. Thompson, Specialist,
Fitzgerald, Ga.
Chrevic Diseases and Obstetric Practice,
Officos: First Floor Residence, 328 N. Main St
Empiro Block. Thelophone No. 540.
Cures Old Sores, Other | Remedies chfi'cm.’
The worst cases, no matter of how long standing,
are cured by the wonderful, old reliable Dr.
Porter’s Antiseptic Healing Oil, It relieves
Pain and Heals at the same time, 25¢, So¢, 81.0?