The leader-enterprise. (Fitzgerald, Ga.) 1912-1915, July 28, 1915, Wednesday Edition, Image 2

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Published Every
Monday, Wednesday and Friday
. The Lieader Publishing Co.
ISIDOR GELDERS .. .. ....Managing Editor.
One Dollar and Flifty Cents Per Year
Entered et the Post Oltice Fitvgerald, as Second Class Mail Matter
Under Act of Congress, March 18th, 1897
OFFICIAL ORGAN Slty ofFitsseraiaiana
Rates for Display Advertising Furnished on Application
Local Readers 10c per Line for each insertion. no ad
taken for less than 28c.
Notice to Attorneys and Administrators
Beginning November 1913 all legal notices must be paid forin
advance as the law contemplates.
Leader Publishing Company.
October 315t21913,
T ———————————————
The Kaisers’ submarines sink a vessel occasionally to let us
know that they arestill on the job.
With all the cables in possession of the Allies and no news
from the Dardanelles, things look suspiciously bad for our English
Atlanta’s model chief of police has been suspended. Th e
capital couldn’t stand too much reform with the Georgia Legisla
ture in session,
T ———————————— .
Spring has passed and the summer is almost gone but Kitch
ener’s army is still in the making. If there is no objection raised
we move to disband it.
The Meeting At Folkston
For “The Short Route”
A chain is as strong as the weakest links. We are going
down to Folkston to-day %o help forge the last link in the chain of the
“Dixie Short Route” through. As is well known to the highway boosters:
the roads into Florids, from any direction, are very primitive; sparsely
settled sections have a scant chance of getting the attention of the coun
ty authorities anywhere, and it is no better in Florida than in Georgia.
Nassau county, thestrip through which the “ Short Route” passes, is remote
from the county seat, Fernandina, and the best that those veople can do
8 to arouse public sentiment in adjoining territory to call attention of the
neds. The meeting at Folkston is for that purpose. A large delegation
of Jacksonville people will attend, and every auto from Waycross has been
commanded by the county commissioners to carry the Ware county del
egation to Folkston. The success of the meeting will in a large measure
decide the final copstruction of the “short route.” We regret that vari
ous unforeseen circumstaces have caused a change in the program of the;
Fitzgerald delegation, but the matter is of so much importance that we
shall make the trip ourself and carry the message of co-operation to the‘
convention. ‘
.- The German Resources
Make no mistakes about Germany nearing the end of her re
sources. She captured the finest steel and gun works 1n the world
from the Belgians; great coal and iron mines from Northern France
and now she has wrested the rich oil lands of Galicia from the Russi
ans. Germany has captured_enough from the eremy to carry her for
a long tiwe,
.« Accounts by correspondents from the battlefields in the Kast
show how careful and methodical the Germans are in husbanding their
resources and seeing that nothing is wasted.
Where the Russians retreated in disorder arms and equipment
were thrown aside, helterskelter, Although many of the rifles were
of antiquated and simost useless patterns the Gemans gathered them
up acd carefully piledjthem for shipment to Germany. Not a scrap
of metal, leather or anything that could be utilized was left on the
battiefield; the ortcspondent says. The field was picked,clean, every
thing carefully and methodically assorted and put in heaps for the
& aosportalion wagons, (.
It is the German naturé to waste nothing. It will be'a long time
before & nation so eareful, where every detail is looked after, is at the
end of its resources.—Tifton Gazette.
We Can Fix It
“The Bicycle Man”
213 S. Grant. Second Hand Motocycles
Auto Club Leaders.
District One.
Miss Margaret 5pi11er............... ...........2i2,310
. W ole. .. . ....ooivaaoo o 0 210000
Miss Ruth 5teven5........... ........... ...211,700
District Two.
Miss Lillian Luke........................... 211,930
Miss Blondine Wi11bank5......................210,910
Miss Louise 01iver.......................210,840
Miss Carrie D05ter............................210,620
District No. I. i
This includes all of the city of
Fitzgerald and Fitzgerald Rural
Routes. At least two prizes will
be awarded in this district after
the Grand prizes are awarded.
Mrs. Willis Cole_________2l2,o4o
Miss Pearle Blount________9s,2oo
Miss Madlen Davenport__2ol,3so
Miss Anna Huling_______l29,9oo
Miss Ruby Hunter_______l6o,3oo
Miss Ruth Stepllens_,____Qll,7OO
Miss Grace Dickinson____2oB,6oo
Miss Marcaret Spiller____2l2,3lo
Miss Jermina Hogan_____2o6,9lo
Miss Pearl George_______2ol,32o
Miss Willie Barentine____2oB,4lo
iin Beown . ... ... .100.100
Miss Cora Babb__________2oo,69o
Miss Minme Bruce_____. _200.100
S. I Dichson.. . . _____9ol.l9
M ss Ethel Downing______2oo,6so
Miss Effie Alexander_____l9o,2oo
Miss Eula Carrol________loo,l2o
‘Walter J, Walker_______ 196,900
e RO, Bwne,_ .. ... 176,90
1 Miss Clara Stone_________l9l,3oo
‘ District No. 11.
" This includes all territory out
Fall Garden Seed
Turnips Rutabagas
Cabbage Beets
Carrots Collards
Lettuce Kale
Mustard Radish
Best Quality--Lowest Prices
Denmark Drug Co.
720 Rexall store
s 00 5 ,g~
¥ °® Buy Your Paint At Wholesal: '‘rices
> t Direct From The Manufacturer: Cut [l
out the xil’lddlemaxi;";l ptmfit and save
JASHR money. aragon nts cover more
’*s:’"o9 BARNS %}:rfinc}a and l?sttgongerih espe
-1 3 < ally for use in the sou o weath
/ Yot ”OMES 8 ROOES er conditions will injure them.
Get Our Beautiful Color Cards and Booklet—Free
The cards show all the colors and shades, and the Booklet contains
valuable suggestions. State size of building and we will gladly
furnish you estimate of amount of nEht needed. Write today for
your color Cards and Booklet—Fß
Georgia Tech is educating young men for positions of
usefulness, responsibility, and powerin industrial andbusiness life.
Its graduates are trained to do as well as to know. Their success
is the school’s greatest asset. Thorough courses in Mechanical,
Elecirical, Civil, Textile and Chemical Engineering, Chemisiry, Architecture
and Commerce. New equipment, including a 5200,000 Power Station
and Engineering Laboratory for experimental and research work.
For catalog address *
side of Fitzgerald. At least two
prizes will be awarded in this dis
trizt after the Grand prizes are
Miss Bertha Jones_______lB9,2oo
Miss Maud Crawford_____lB6,3so
Miss Bessie McCook______l9o,2oo
Miss Alice Fletcher_______2oo,l2o
Miss Alynne Howell _____ 139,300
Miss Mildred Griner____ . .176,200
Miss Erin Dill____________QOO,SOO
Miss Gladys Vickers______l66,loo
Miss Iris Dickson________lso,3oo‘
Osierfield |
Miss Blondine Wilbanks__2lo,9lo
Miss Eunice Lott________2oo,32o
| Broxton
Miss Ruby Meeks________l9B,2oo
Miss Louise Oliver_______2o7,92o
Miss Lillian Luke________2ll,93o
Miss Artie Gorden________2ol,32o
Miss Lorina Wells________l96,32o
Miss Carrie Doster _ ____203,650
To the Voters, Citizens and Tax
payers of Fitzgerald:
I am a candidate to succeedi
myself as Mayor, subject to the|
primary election, August the 10, i
1915, and respectfully solicit your
votes and support, promising you
a clean, economical business-like
administration of the affairs of
the City of Fitzgerald, at all
times, to the best interest of the
citizens and taxpayers. |
Thanking you in advance for
your consideration in my behalf,
Yours to serve,
Drew W. Paulk.
I hereby announce myself a can
didate for Mayor. subject to the
rules of the City Primary to be held
August 10. If elected I promise to
administer the duties as your Chief
Fxecutive in a straight, clean busi
ness-like manner. 1 will appreciate
the vote and support of every voter.
Most respectfully yours,
L. O. Tisdel.
I hereby announce myself a
candidate for the office of City
Treasurer, subject to the rules of
the white primary. If elected I
assure the citizens a careful and
painstaking administration of the
office. I shall appreciate the sup
port of all voters.
The City Executive Committee
having called a white primary to
be held on the 10th of August for
the purpose of nominating City
officers; T hereby anmounce as a
candidate, to succeed myself, to
the office of city treasurer, sub
ject to the rules and regulations
of said primary, and I earnestly
solicit, and shall greatly appreciate
the vote and support of every
itizen of Fitzgerald.
G. P. Mingledorf.
I hereby announce my candi
dacy as Alderman, subject to the
white primary on Aug. 10th, and
solicit th 2 support of the voters
ofthe City and promise if elected
to strive to do the best I can for
the interest of the city.
Yours to serve,
J. L. Pittman.
For Alderman
To the voters of the City of Fitz
I beg to announce my candidacy
for Alderman, subject to the rules
of the primary called to be held
on August the 10th, next.
I respectfully solicit the support
of the voters of the city, and if
elected pledge my very best efforts
to serve you in- an acceptable
manner. It will be my pleasure to
administer the affairs of the city
in a strictly business like manner,
and wish to thank you in advauce
for your support,
Very respectfully,
A. H. Thurmond.
To the Voters of Fitzgerald:
I hereby announce my candi
dacy to succeed myself as Alder
‘man at large of the City of Fitz
gerald, subject to the Primary
election to be held August the
10, 1915, and respectfully ask
your aid and support in my be
half, and in the event of my elec
tion promise to serve you to the
very best of my ability and the
best interest of the city in any
and all matters coming before me
as a member of the city council.
Thanking you in advance for
your consideration, I am,
J. M. Lee.
I hereby announce myself a
candidate for Alderman, subject
to the rules of primary of Aug.
10, 1915. if elected I promise to
discharge the duties of the office
to the best of my ability. Will
appreciate your support.
Earl J. Brown.
Am a candidate to succeed my
self on Aldeimanic Board, Will
appreciate your endorsement at
ithe polls August 10th.
L. L. Griner.
I am in the race for Alderman
at large, subject to the rules of
the primary, to be held August
10th. I will appreciate the sup
port of all Vuters.
‘Red’’ Jones.
I hereby announce myself a can
didate for Alderman, subject to the
rules of primary of August 10, 1915.
If elected I promise to discharge
the duties of the office to the best
of my ability, and earnestly solicit
your support. Dr. J. T. Gass,
For Alderman
lam a candidate for Alderman
subject to the rules of the Primary
of Aug, 10:h. I will appreciate
the support of all the voters.
J. H. Dorminy.
For Alderman,
To the Voters of Fitzgerald: .
I hereby announce my candi
dacy for Alderman, subject to
the white primary on August
10th, If elected will do all I.
can to serve you as an officer in
administering the affairs of our
Your support will be highly
Raymond Davis.
For Water and Light and
Bond Commission
I hereby announce myself a can
didate for member of the Water,
Light 2nd Bond Commission sub
ject to rules of Primary of August
10, 1915. I will appreciate your
Geo. E. Ricker.,
Lost or Estrayed
One white cream Jersey cow,
short horns, unmarked, right leg
cut by barb wire, bad scar, Lost
July 14th. Information to _
Itp J. R. Lee, Route 2.
Wanted—An energetic ambi
tious active man to establish
permanent business. Health
and accident Insurance. Immedi
ate cash returns and future.
Address National Casualty Co.,
Detroit Mich. 2t p
Wanted some one connected
with the automobile business who
is willing to work a short while
each day for about $5 a week.
Send all particulars in first letter.
62 State Street, Rochester, N. Y
Dr. C. J. Christian
General Practice
~ Diseases of Children a Specialty
Office at Dr. Haile's Drug
Hours: 9tolland 3to 3. Office 'Phone No. 184
Dr. D. F. Thompson, Specialist,
Fitzgerald, Ga.
Chronic Diseases and Obstetric Practice,
Officos: First Floor Residence, 328 N. Main St
Empiro Block, Thelophone No. 540.
Cures Old Sores, Other Remedies Won't Cure.
The worst cases, no matter of how long standing,
are cured by the wonderful, old reliable Dr.
Porter's Antiseptic Healing Oil, It relieves
Pain and Heals at the same time, 25¢, 50¢, $l.OO