The leader-enterprise. (Fitzgerald, Ga.) 1912-1915, July 30, 1915, Friday Edition, Image 1
Friday Edition} Official Organ Ben Hill County, Ben Hill National Bank ' Notice To The Public: | : g | The details of the re-organization and the re-opening of the books having taken up so much of my ‘time, this is really the first opportunity I have had to announce the return to Fitzgerald of an old time friend of the people here, Mr. T. F. Hemminger, who has aceepted the Cash tership of our Bank. He needs no introduction at my hands; suffice it to say that we the Directors of the Ben Hill National Bank feel fortunate in securing his services and co-operation in our work. - . This 1s going to be a Bank for all Ben Hill county, and we cordially invite all its citizens to come in and make this their banking home. Having been successful In our own business, we propose giving the benefit of our experience to those who are willing to confide in us by becoming customers of this Bank. The Government has turned over to us a clean re novated institution and we propose keeping it so. You can depend on this absolutely. We wont have it any other way. Faithfully yours, E. N. DAVIS, President. Fitzgerald, Ben Hill County, Georgia DIRECTORS: E.N.DAVIS, C.W.KIMBALL, J.M.MOSHER, ED HUSSEY, W. G. BROADHURST, J.F. SHEAHAN, J.C. GLOVER SHIRT SALE! . 4 Beginning Saturday July 3lst--For One Week America’s best known, best liked shirts for Men! Regular price $1.50 Manhattan Shirts this sale $1.25 Regular price $2,00 Manhattan Shirts this sale $1.65 Regular price $2.60-83.00 Manhattan Shirts, this sale $1.95 Regular price $3.50-84.00 Manhattan Shirts, this sale $2.85 ooty INE EMPIRE STORE Fitzgerald only at 5 ¥ Every $3 worth of Cash purchases at this and twenty other stores entitle you ;;o free admissi Fr ce AdmlSSlon to the Grand! ti:l‘:et to Grand. Coupgns with every cash purchase of 5c and up. i THE LEADER ENTERPRISE THRICE-A-WEEK FITZGERALD, BEN HILI COUNTY, GEORGIA, JULY 30, 1915. ATTENTION MEN! short Route Notes Did you see those four Jackson ville cars in Fitzgerald today. They are going north on the “Dixie Short Route” asa direct result of the visit of Chairman Bowen and Sec, Gelders to the Folkston meeting, The party was well pleased with the condition of the roads to Fitzgerald, despite the fact that some twenty five miles are still in the most virgin con dition. All along the route they found evidence of improvement gnd the party expressed their be lief in the future of this route be coming the popular road for In ter-State travel. The best piece of road in the State is prabably the twenty-seven miles of road on the Dixie from the Coffee county line into Way cross. A perfect road bed, perfect culverts and bridges make it possi ble to travel this stretch of the. highway without a change of gear and at top speed, 1f one is so in clined. The progressive commis sioners of Ware county Salso have an eye for the future. They ha\'ci planted Sycamore trees every iift\,'% feet on both sides of the road,l which will make this road in a fo,w2 years a thing of beauty and a iuy! forever. | The road through Pierce coun ty on the Dixie has been cut out, stumgs pulled and the Ware coun ty commissioners will let the con tract this week to bridge two lakes, ‘which will complete the highway ‘within fifteen miles of the Florida line. Charlton county puts its entire convict force on the Dixie next Monday to stay on it until the completion of the road through the county. The road will be thirty feet wide and thoroughly Money on Farm Lands Terms: 5 to 10 years and conditions to sut borrower, Improved farm lands only. CLAYTON JAY SHIRT SALE! Begins Saturday July 31st---For One Week The name tells the Story--Another Shirt free if it fades! All our other Dollar Shirts carry this same guarantee! N Remington $l.OO & $1.25 Shirts for SO oo THE EMPIRE STORE One Thousand Dollar Reward Of fered for Mr. ACK U. RASY. “Through an oversight in proof reading in this office, the item of $52,865, 176.96 was omitted from the right hand column opposite Bills Payable”. Says the Comptroller of Currency at Washington, explaining an error which the Comptrollers office recently made. The Exchange National Bank desires accuracy and would pay ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS as an appreciation for that man so accurate, who never has and never will make an error. This bank is justified in asserting its high reputation foraccuracy in handling the accounts of its large and growlng patronage. When has the surrounding public heard unfavorable criticismy— one single unfavorable criticism—of this banks methods? Our accuracy and carefulness are two things which help to establish us as a bank good and desirable far above the average. The Exchange National Bank The bank far stronger than the average. The bank with the largest doposits. ACCURACY. drained, ‘7il;h bridges over every stream. . President Bowen of tha “‘Short Route” [association came from Gainsvilg@, Ga., on the Dixie Flyer to preside over the Folkston Good Roads meeting. Fitzgerald was the only city and Ben Hill the only county repre sented at the Folkston meeting for the territory narth of Ware cour ty. W. R. Bowen and I, Gelders‘ got the entire share of that fine‘ dinner prepared by the ()haxrltonl ladies for the delegates from the upper counties. ’ Ware county’s’ Commissioners believe in straighthnes. On the 51 mlles through Ware on the “‘Dixie” there are but four curves. Though yet incomplete, the Short Route Asseciation is ready to risk inspection of the Road. The Central Route, the Snort Route, has it onall of them in points of construction and mileage, We expect to make the scenery as we go along. CHEAP MONEY ON FARM LANDS I am lending money five years on good farm lands at six and seven per cent. Know of no other contract so fair and cheap to bor- TOwer. J. E. TURNER Office: The Exchange National Bank. Monday Wednesday Friday VOL. XX. NO. 90 To Abolish City Court Bill Recommended The bill to abolish the City Court of Fitzgerald and another to establish four terms of the Ben Hill Superior Court has been recommended by the Judiciary committee of the S2nate and will be passed by that body this week. Representative Walker worked hard for the passage of this bill which will go into effect as soon as the Governor’s signa ture becomes attached to it. Three Children Killed And Parents Badly Beaten With Bammer Temple, Tex. July 29-Three chil-- dren of W. R. Grimes, a farmer near ‘here, were beaten to death with a. hammer late last night. Grimes and: his wife also were beaten into un-- consciousness, Mrs. Grimes is not ex pected to live. There is no clue 1o their assailant. Bloodhounds have been sent to the Grimes home. For Sale or Rent—A lovely 8 room dwelling, all modern conveniences, in a desirable: neighborhood, only two blocks. south of First Nationol Bank. Apply or address H. M. P.,. 321 South Grant. &8 3t.. W. T. Hammock will leave Sunday for Dublin and Wrights ville to visit relatives.